It’s not medieval or early modern Europe. You can notice that the leader is sick. And that it’s still possibly deadly. Nobody wants the President to die,but jeez, he might be dying.
The people who said we need to sacrifice Grandma to keep the bars open are now saying we need to cancel the presidential election until trump feels better.
The modern day most terrifying words in the English language are: “I am from the Republicans and I am here to make sure the government hurts you.”
Trump pledges to pass ‘The biggest tax cut ever’ in early morning campaign tweetstorm from Walter Reed
“So vote for me please?” Trump probably.
Trump must be feeling better and getting bored with the 3 word tweets he’s sending
One common theory on social media was that Trump is in thrall to one of his medications, possibly the steroid dexamethasone. “Trump is now taking medication with a high rate of psychiatric side effects including mania,” suggested TalkingPointsMemo’s Josh Marshall. “See also dancing in his seat yesterday in the SUV drive around.”
Kayleigh has the Covid.
Maybe wearing a mask while you lied at a microphone in the last few weeks would have been prudent.
It makes perfect sense. That someone is currently eating bacon interferes with my practicing of Islam. That I see people driving cars and working at the 7-11 on the Sabbath interferes with my right to practice Judaism. No one is free to practice Jainism in these United States since violence against people happens daily.
Switching parties isn’t working out for Jeff Van Drew
Monmouth NJ 2
High turnout model
51-44 Kennedy
Average turnout model
50-44 Kennedy
Low turnout model
49-44 Kennedy
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Now we know why Boeing left. Keep jockstrapping Inslee and watch more companies like Boeing turn off some or all the lights!
“One thing, also, I just want to highlight this, and this is something I’m not sure if you had a chance to discuss yet,” he added. “But a couple of years ago, the World Trade Organization came in and said that the Boeing tax break that we had put in place a few years ago — it’s actually for all of aerospace, not just for Boeing in Washington — was an unfair subsidy and Airbus sued us on that.”
The Legislature got together and passed a piece of legislation that would have lowered the manufacturing rate for other companies statewide to the Boeing rate, which, Ericksen says, would have solved the problem.
“We all shook hands. The Legislature, in a bipartisan fashion, passed the legislation,” he said. “And then Jay Inslee vetoed that bill.”
So Boeing waited three years to see what Inslee would do and we saw in that earlier paragraph was to do what all libtard dummocretins do when in power… Raise or threaten to raise taxes.
That’s what dummocretin do because dummocretin are scum!
@14 the dori monson show is your source? That cheap labor conservative is as bad as doc
Thanks to the Trump tax giveaway and the Trump economy Washington probably can’t afford to give away any more tax giveaways to Manufacturing
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin scum disinfectant!spews:
Here is a Tacoma based middle school dummocretin scum teacher lying to the mother about what claimed he didn’t say until the mother replayed what he did say to the little child about Trump.
This is why Puddy says dummocretin are scum!
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin scum disinfectant!spews:
And when all the businesses leave WA they will thank you dead&deformed for that wonderful support of Inslee.
obnoxious drumpf shill kayleigh itsaninny has the “chinese virus”…
this is so fucked up… we’re having too much fun here. talk about the gang that couldn’t shoot straight.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News – Demorats Prove Again That They Try To Maximize Chinavirus Deaths. After Demorat Governors kill elderly by requiring nursing homes to admit Chinavirus-infected patients, see, e.g.,,
evidence surfaces that Demorat bureaucrats obstructed Trump order to close borders to infected migrants.
The top Centers for Disease Control and Prevention doctor who oversees these types of orders had refused to comply with a Trump administration directive saying there was no valid public health reason to issue it, according to three people with direct knowledge of the doctor’s refusal.
So Pence intervened in early March. The vice president, who had taken over the Trump administration’s response to the growing pandemic, called Dr. Robert Redfield, the CDC’s director, and told him to use the agency’s special legal authority in a pandemic anyway. Also on the phone call were Pence’s chief of staff, Marc Short, and acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf. Redfield immediately ordered his senior staff to get it done, according to a former CDC official who was not authorized to discuss internal deliberations and spoke on condition of anonymity.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 Not exactly from an unbiased source, but fwiw:
“When I was working on the task force to try to keep Boeing here, one of the constant themes that we got from the Boeing Corporation was every other state they went to, people would roll out the red carpet.”
Meaning give them more taxpayer money than Washington offered.
“The governor’s response to the move, Ericksen says, explains why companies like Boeing are leaving. When Inslee saw this news, his response was, ‘I’m going to raise their taxes.'”
What taxes? Boeing doesn’t pay taxes.
“I’m going to punish them for turning their back on Washington”
You mean claw back the billions of taxpayer dollars Washington gave Boeing to stay, if they leave?
“Ericksen explained, ‘It’s just a crazy response that typifies how so many of these companies feel when they try to create jobs in Washington.’”
Create jobs? Are you kidding? Boeing used to employ 100,000 people in Washington. What was their headcount before Covid-19? A third of that? A quarter? Boeing isn’t creating jobs, it’s shedding jobs.
You’re as stupid as your sources, Puddy. And that’s even before asking the trenchant question of whether Boeing has worn out its welcome around here.
Btw, if you want to re-elect Inslee, nominate someone like Loren Culp to run against him. In this state, Democrats don’t have to sabotage the GOP’s electoral chances, because they do it to themselves.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 The kid needs therapy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 Inslee has been governor for almost 8 years now, and strangely, Washington still has an economy.
He sure was gasping for breath when he want back to the white house and stood for the cameras.
Re: Bigotry crusader shot down in Supreme Court
Rabbit. Thanks for the support.
Pars Dominae Foetidaespews:
@23 – Sort of, in spite of Inslee.
Sure looks like it. There are drop frames there. That used to happen with analog to digital conversion or when trying to upconvert from 1080 to 4K. To the former, no one is shooting analog anymore for news or PR. Film yeah.
One thing that’s for certain, the footage of Donald immediately taking off his mask in the presence of other staff upon arrival at the White House was not staged.
He literally doesn’t care about getting anyone sick.
I’m just wondering if anyone has done back of the napkin math on the amount of revenue to the State of Washington loses if every single business were essentially allowed to operate tax free.
More or less than losing some Boeing jobs?
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
They’ve released him to die at home.
What’s wrong with that?
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Sonny boy! Inslee is Fake News compared to the current and most recent GOP Presidents, at least when it comes to stripping jobs out of the economy.
Trump drove 30 million Americans to claim unemployment.
Bush stripped $17 trillion out of household wealth.
You just have to do better than this if you are going to keep up.
Don’t disappoint us now, Shortbus!
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
What you’re really asking is what is at the heart of what Boeing and their media pimps are calling for.
They believe that any enterprise that “creates jobs” should not have to pay for the things that government provides in order to support the “creation of jobs”. Things like public schools, streets and sidewalks, a public health system to control the spread of deadly Rapepublican Plagues, sewage systems to treat the poop created by all those well fed “jobs”, police and firefighters, parks, etc. etc. But if those employers get a pass, who pays?
The employees do. The workers do. The wage slaves do.
At this point it’s helpful to refer to some of Roger Rabbit’s many musings on the ironies of living as a member of the investor class.
Giving hugely profitable businesses a waive off on taxes is just another way of transferring wealth to the investor classes at the expense of workers. These media pimps pretend to be “populists”. But they couldn’t be farther from it. They are pimping for the investor classes at the expense of workers but dressing it up in the rhetoric of “jobs”.
Fuck Boeing if they don’t want to invest in the communities they depend upon for their workforce. Seriously.
Fuck them.
They can’t get so much as a fucking zip-tie tightened without somebody somewhere somehow teaching a kid how to do it in a public school. And somebody else unplugging a toilet in a library so the kid can learn about zip-ties. And somebody else replacing the lamps in the streetlight so the kid can read the book. etc. etc. Smart, well educated, affluent, healthy, prosperous west coast states are not desperate enough to open themselves to this kind of exploitation.
Thank goodness.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 Always my pleasure.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 Washington “sort of” has an economy? Tell that to a homebuyer who can’t find anything in Seattle for less than $500,000. This state is a money printing press.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 It used to be that businesses at least provided training, health care, and retirement benefits, even if they didn’t pay taxes. Now workers have to get their own training, pay for their own health insurance, and retire on their own savings. All while working for third world wages.
I mean, these people (Doc, etc.) even resent workers earning a paltry $15 an hour with no benefits or job security.
23)I think it was Chris Vance that said they got to quit running against tbe city. The most controversial councilmember is not even a Democrat. When she ran in the 43rd District against Chopp, she said Prefers Socialist Alternative.
With the impending retirement of TriMet’s Type 1 MAX cars, the debate over disposal is beginning. I would prefer they be recycled, with a couple donated to the Oregon Electric Railway Museum, one put on display at the Oregon Rail Heritage Museum in Portland, and perhaps one retained as a wrecker.
Turns out in August, a contest was held at ORHM for creative ways to re-use them. While TriMet probably will recycle them, there were some good ideas, including the MAX Villiage for helping people on the street. Interesting to see the museum get some use, havent been down there this year, and doubt Doyle will be taking the Daylight on the Holiday Express runs this year.
Used to be they would be sold overseas, a practice the San Diego MTS revived with the first generation LRVs to serve on the San Diego Trolley.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Meanwhile in 2019 Vice and the libtard dummocretin media called the Proud Boys
The Right-Wing Latinos of Miami: Proud Boys and Refugees
Their chairman is well known in Miami and he’s not white. Meanwhile in 2020 Vice calls them
The Proud Boys are a far-right, neo-fascist, male-only organization of white supremacists
because it’s the new narrative they want to use on President Trump.
Of course the assesHorse dotards will NOT watch the 28 minute video because FACTS are NEVER comprehended in the red lens of hate. Anyone who reads the hate Trump comments on this blog immediately know who the dotards are. Enrigue Terrio is a Black Cubano, butt butt butt no he’s a white Latino like the gutter-dwelling moron PortaPotty, because “we know” Enrigue is a neo-fascist supremacist white guy!
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Not exactly from an unbiased source,
So senile idiot wabbit@21, did the veto happen or not. Puddy gave you the veto link so you can’t claim Inslee didn’t veto it. Boeing started the 787 program in 2007 and Inslee started killing it 2017 ten years later when he caved to the Airbus lawsuit by his veto. Instead of giving the same tax rate to all Wa State manufacturers he caved to Airbus!
#youbuiltthis voting dummocretin.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin SCUM disinfectant!spews:
The kid needs therapy.
You are right senile_idiot_wabbit@22, Therapy from dealing with dummocretin lying scum teachers!
dummocretin are scum!
Puddybud, The One and Only, Delivering The Smackdown to the assesHorse dotardsspews:
They believe that any enterprise that “creates jobs” should not have to pay for the things that government provides in order to support the “creation of jobs”.
More BULLSH^TTIUM from the fingers of dot bombed. Since the rest of the comment is derived from that lying sentence above everything after is even more BULLSH^TTIUM, at the phd level, piled higher and deeper. Everyone can see dot bombed didn’t read the article. Must have read The Atlantic or Vox view and regurgitated their puke again.
The Airbus lawsuit in the World Trade Organization claimed Boeing had a state derived unfair tax advantage on the 787 platform. This was their complaint and they sued in the World Trade Organization. So to get around this “unfair tax advantage” the legislature got together and hammered a bipartisan bill to LOWER all manufacturing rates for all WA state manufacturers to the same level as Boeing received from the dummocretins in Olympia. Instead, Inslee said F-that and vetoed the tax leveling legislation thereby giving Airbus their needed ammunition in the World Trade Organization. And from the link above, Airbus won!
Actions have lasting consequences. Boeing will say bye-bye in 2021 from Inslee’s 2017 actions.
So once again dotards you backed the wrong horse in Inslee. Keep it up!
Puddybud, The One AND Only Demonstrating BeerPong Really Is A Moronspews:
I’m just wondering if anyone has done back of the napkin math on the amount of revenue to the State of Washington loses if every single business were essentially allowed to operate tax free.
Another BeerPong train wreck #249,240,282,987,256,158. No company was being allowed to operate near tax free moronic twit. It was to stop the lawsuit by leveling the tax collection rate and keeping those bye-bye Boeing jobs in WA State.
You and your ilk are the reason why dummocretins in Olympia don’t have to worry about thinking before their knee-jerk reacting.
Where someone doesn’t get the basic issue of tax policy and instead chooses to focus on the minutia.
OK, Has anyone done the back of the napkin math on letting all WA manufacturers operate while paying an extra low tax rate on the effect of the state’s budget?
Kind of like how you could profile some Black people who really love a guy who got sued for racial discrimination against blacks, indirectly says blacks aren’t trustworthy (guys in yarmulkes only counting my money) and cheers on white supremacist rampages.
But to then make an argument about that they represent the demographic as a whole gets troublesome.
Pars Dominae Foetidaespews:
@36 – If it’s a money printing operation, you have no complaints. Yet you fucking constantly complain about everything.
The traitor Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron are running out of time.
@47 You’ve become quite testy. You must be looking at the latest polls.
Hard to beat the lack of leadership by Wheeler. Not that the mayors of NYC and Chicago aren’t doing their best to best him.
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler trails his challenger Sarah Iannarone by 11 points, according to a poll of likely voters conducted by DHM Research on behalf of the Portland Business Alliance.
The results were presented at a PBA meeting last week.
You can read the full Twatter post from the WA Post scumbag!
Your ilk are really sick
53. Conservatives are totally sarcasm blind apparently. Amazing how they take non conservatives totally literally when they can score points against them yet everything authoritarian or illegal that Trump says is a “joke” he didn’t really mean to say he should have three terms.
Where a former PJ Media Commentator, self described ‘Never Trumper’ *conservative supporter of Likud and Islamaphobe is a Democrat.
*yes in the Trump age she also called herself “a Pat Moynihan Democrat(ed. Dead 17 years), a Scoop Jackson Democrat(Dead 37 years), an Andrew Cuomo Democrat. I’m not a Bernie Sanders Democrat.”
playing don’t count your chickens but Joe is clearly in a better position now than Hillary was in 2016…
Sept. 29th, 2016 +3.1
Sept. 6, 2016 +3.2
High water mark Oct. 17, +7.1
Nov 7, 2016, back to +3.2
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 Must make you proud that a black guy is the leader of a band of racist thugs who go looking for peaceful protesters against cop thugs murdering black people to beat up.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@45 What state budget? There won’t be a state budget if the anti-tax freaks get their way.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@47 I don’t have complaints. I’m a millionaire. In fact, I’m so comfortable that I feel guilty about how well off I am compared to so many who are not. I suspect you’re one of the latter.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@49 He’s more likely looking at his checking and credit card balances.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@51 There’s no jealousy like female jealousy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@53 “Your ilk are really sick”
Seems to me it’s your ilk who are sick. I haven’t seen any videos of Democrats hobbling into Walter Reed recently. They wore masks, and masks work. Republican stupidity, not as much.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@56 On Sunday an NBC poll had Joe up 14 points. I thought, okay, that’s an outlier, because there’s no confirmation in other polls of such a massive move in voter sentiment. Today, a CNN poll has Joe up 16 points. Hmmm …
I’m not calling it yet, you understand, but it’s looking more and more like Trump can’t depend on fucking with the right to vote and will have to call upon fascist legislatures and judges to do his dirty work.
Puddybud, The One AND Only Demonstrating BeerPong Really Is A Moron and RedReformed Has Lost Her Mind!spews:
@40 Must make you proud that a black guy is the leader of a band of racist thugs
Only called a band of “racist” thugs because like Ben Carson the SPLC says so. And since you are soooooooooooooooo senile, senbile idiot wabbit, allow Puddy to reeducate your atrophied mind from the NY Slimes about the SPLC.
Oh and dead@deformed & BeerPong who changes his name like Jerry Nadler craps his pants in public… Rubin left her “conservative creds” years ago. Last month she even stopped being a conservative in her Twatter bio. She is a token for the WA Post and MSDNC like Steve Schmidt is a “mainstay” for MSDNC!
Puddybud, the HA senile dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
They wore masks, and masks work.
Tell that to Thom Tillis who wore a mask, social distanced and still got covid. Puddy provided the picture butt as always with senility, you forgot!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Acronym update:
GOP = Government of Pandemic
MAGA = More American Graves Ahead
Roger Rabbitspews:
@65 Park your anti-science, anti-medical-advice bullshit somewhere else. I have a specific suggestion: Where the bleach goes.
Think about what Harris will do with this optic. “Mr. Vice President, you still don’t take a pandemic that has killed over 210,000 Americans seriously.” And every single person watching the debate will see it with their own eyes.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News – Demorat-China Axis Launches Attack On Trump Hospitalization By Media Partners Global Times & CNN.
By Shan Jie Source: Global Times Published: 2020/10/6
“Trump has received first-class treatment, so he believes he will be kept fine,” Li Haidong, a professor at the Institute of International Relations of China Foreign Affairs University, told the Global Times on Tuesday. “But it shows his arrogance concerning the virus.”
“He is eager to return to the presidential election without having to undergo a strict quarantine process. He has set a very bad example for the country and the world by saying the virus is not something to be afraid of,” Li said.
Even though Trump has been infected with COVID-19, he continues to politicize the pandemic, which is a tragedy not only for himself, but also for his supporters and other people in the US.
“Trump is setting a bad example and being unsafe. The Trump administration has been very irresponsible and ignorant of the fact that many Americans are still struggling,” Tejas Santanam, a resident in Georgia, US, told the Global Times on Tuesday.
“Trump should follow scientific guidelines and stay isolated rather than being discharged and going back to the White House with no mask.”
[Compare, Demorat propaganda attacks;
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News – Cowardly Non-Demented Joe Biden-Einstein Tries To Avoid Another Non-Demented Buffoonish Loss To Trump.
Joe Biden said on Tuesday night that the second presidential debate should not be held if President Trump is still positive for coronavirus.
The Democratic presidential candidate was speaking to reporters in Maryland about the second debate, which is scheduled to be held on Oct. 15 in Miami, Florida.
“Well, I think if he still has COVID, we shouldn’t have a debate,” Biden said.
“I think we were gonna have to follow very strict guidelines. Too many people have been infected. It’s a very serious problem, so I will be guided by the guidelines.”
So he grabbed a little pussy! What’s wrong with that Bob?
Two consenting adults – Unlike the Rape Baby Pussy Grabber.
The only mask that works for the non believers is a mask over their entire head, plastic preferably.
And they need to volunteer to get COVID just to show the world how bad it is not.
Step right up!
Spreading the Love of Germs…bunch of sickos.
Any relationship?
Andy Ngô
Oct 5 Carly A. Ballard was at the violent Portland #antifa protest last night in violation of her federal
court order. She’s been arrested 3 times in recent months. Her local charges were dropped but she’s being federally prosecuted for allegedly assaulting a federal officer.
Yeah that NYT story on then AG Sessions insisting On breaking up families who were legally applying for asylum probably isn’t helpful. Particularly among suburban moms.
“We need to take away children,” Mr. Sessions told the prosecutors, according to participants’ notes. One added in shorthand: “If care about kids, don’t bring them in. Won’t give amnesty to people with kids.”
Rod J. Rosenstein, then the deputy attorney general, went even further in a second call about a week later, telling the five prosecutors that it did not matter how young the children were. He said that government lawyers should not have refused to prosecute two cases simply because the children were barely more than infants.
Top U.S. intelligence officials were so concerned heading into the 2016 election that the Russians were aware of and potentially manipulating Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s plans to smear Donald Trump as a Russian agent that they personally briefed President Barack Obama on the matter, newly declassified Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) documents show. CIA officials also requested that the FBI investigate Russian knowledge of the Clinton campaign’s collusion smear operation.
Newly declassified handwritten notes from former CIA Director John Brennan show that the U.S. intelligence community knew in 2016 that Russian intelligence was actively monitoring, and potentially injecting disinformation into, Clinton’s anti-Trump collusion narrative. The intelligence concerning Russia’s knowledge of Clinton’s campaign plans was so concerning to Brennan and other national security officials that they personally informed Obama of the matter in the Oval Office in the summer of 2016. The handwritten notes from Brennan were declassified by Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe and provided to Congress on Tuesday afternoon.
Wait wut?
You’ve got to be kidding. We heard on MSDNC and Commie News Network that Trump was a Russian stooge directly from John Brennan. What a crock!
Just another day with evidence that dummocretin are scum!
Grand Jury indicts McClosky’s
I’m just wondering when the last time the DNC featured speakers under criminal investigation and later indictment.
Puddybud, The One and Onlyspews:
Steve Steve Steve, Puddy sees you are reading DUmmies again!
Puddybud, The One and Onlyspews:
That McCloskey indictment will be blown apart in the jury case.
Puddy can’t wait.
George W Bush CIA director and former national security ministration director endorses Joe Biden.
I absolutely disagree with some of Joe Biden’s policies but that’s not important what’s important is the United States And I’m supporting Joe Biden.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@81 Proving the mens rea element might be difficult in those cases. But that’s not a problem in the minds of those who don’t believe in due process and assert someone is guilty because they say they are. You could call it the Roland Freisler burden of proof.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@82 Yeah, but we’re the kind of scum that floats to the top and soaks up sunlight. You’re the turd that sinks to the bottom and clogs the pipes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@85 And if it isn’t, there’s always the preordained pardon. But I like the idea of making them need that pardon.
A pardoned felon isn’t an innocent person; a pardoned felon is a felon with a pardon. Just ask Joe Arpaio.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
“If she becomes serious, then we can have a discussion here,” McEnany told reporters in Washington. “But when you lower your offer $2.2 trillion, and you ask for direct payments to illegal immigrants, and you ask for certain deportation forgivenesses in your offer, it’s not a serious offer. What we are talking about here is relief for the American people, for American citizens, not direct payments for illegal immigrants.”
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
I’ll “claim” you really neeeeeeeed to find better writers to plagiarize copy-pasta.
“Top U.S. intelligence officials were so concerned heading into the 2016 election that the Russians were aware of and potentially manipulating Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s plans to smear Donald Trump as a Russian agent that they personally briefed President Barack Obama on the matter…”
I dare you to diagram that.
Makes Pudiot sound virtually erudite.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
@90 So if Pelosi takes out direct payments to illegal immigrants, will Trump approve $600 unemployment checks, $400 billion of aid to state and local governments, and total spending of $2.2 trillion (minus the direct payments to illegal immigrants)?
Pelosi definitely should try to get him to sign something while he’s high on steroids.
By the way, while it’s true the House bill would let illegals get direct payments, those payments technically are a tax credit, and they have to file tax returns and pay taxes to get it.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Thirty million Americans right now are being paid by the government while idling away not working because of a deadly GOP Death Plague. 850,000 people are losing their jobs every week. And the GOP Death Plague is now burning like wildfire through the White House, the National Security Council, and half the Senate.
We’ve all seen this movie before, albeit in lesser terms. This is every fucking Rapepublican administration going back more than thirty years. They are often very, very good at running political campaigns to frighten and inflame voters. But they are terrible at running things. Consistently terrible.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
After being flown to Walter Reed aboard Marine One out of an abundance of caution, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is symptom free, feeling better than ever, and expects to fully recover in a day or two.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
They can’t figure out a way to bailout only Trumpalos.
So we all must burn in the hellfire of “Satan’s Reign” together.
The people who said we need to sacrifice Grandma to keep the bars open are now saying we need to cancel the presidential election until trump feels better.
The modern day most terrifying words in the English language are: “I am from the Republicans and I am here to make sure the government hurts you.”
Trump pledges to pass ‘The biggest tax cut ever’ in early morning campaign tweetstorm from Walter Reed
“So vote for me please?” Trump probably.
Trump must be feeling better and getting bored with the 3 word tweets he’s sending
One common theory on social media was that Trump is in thrall to one of his medications, possibly the steroid dexamethasone. “Trump is now taking medication with a high rate of psychiatric side effects including mania,” suggested TalkingPointsMemo’s Josh Marshall. “See also dancing in his seat yesterday in the SUV drive around.”
Kayleigh has the Covid.
Maybe wearing a mask while you lied at a microphone in the last few weeks would have been prudent.
Spongebob Squarepants, VOTE!
Cosmic Crisp, VOTE!
This is Us, VOTE!
Hummus Pita, VOTE!
Is this kind of bias what supreme court justices are supposed to do?
It makes perfect sense. That someone is currently eating bacon interferes with my practicing of Islam. That I see people driving cars and working at the 7-11 on the Sabbath interferes with my right to practice Judaism. No one is free to practice Jainism in these United States since violence against people happens daily.
Kayleigh McEnany’s deputies also testing positive for coronavirus
White House housekeepers test positive for COVID-19 after virus continues to spread
Switching parties isn’t working out for Jeff Van Drew
Monmouth NJ 2
High turnout model
51-44 Kennedy
Average turnout model
50-44 Kennedy
Low turnout model
49-44 Kennedy
Now we know why Boeing left. Keep jockstrapping Inslee and watch more companies like Boeing turn off some or all the lights!
So Boeing waited three years to see what Inslee would do and we saw in that earlier paragraph was to do what all libtard dummocretins do when in power… Raise or threaten to raise taxes.
That’s what dummocretin do because dummocretin are scum!
@14 the dori monson show is your source? That cheap labor conservative is as bad as doc
Thanks to the Trump tax giveaway and the Trump economy Washington probably can’t afford to give away any more tax giveaways to Manufacturing
Here is a Tacoma based middle school dummocretin scum teacher lying to the mother about what claimed he didn’t say until the mother replayed what he did say to the little child about Trump.
This is why Puddy says dummocretin are scum!
And when all the businesses leave WA they will thank you dead&deformed for that wonderful support of Inslee.
obnoxious drumpf shill kayleigh itsaninny has the “chinese virus”…
this is so fucked up… we’re having too much fun here. talk about the gang that couldn’t shoot straight.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News – Demorats Prove Again That They Try To Maximize Chinavirus Deaths. After Demorat Governors kill elderly by requiring nursing homes to admit Chinavirus-infected patients, see, e.g.,,
evidence surfaces that Demorat bureaucrats obstructed Trump order to close borders to infected migrants.
The top Centers for Disease Control and Prevention doctor who oversees these types of orders had refused to comply with a Trump administration directive saying there was no valid public health reason to issue it, according to three people with direct knowledge of the doctor’s refusal.
So Pence intervened in early March. The vice president, who had taken over the Trump administration’s response to the growing pandemic, called Dr. Robert Redfield, the CDC’s director, and told him to use the agency’s special legal authority in a pandemic anyway. Also on the phone call were Pence’s chief of staff, Marc Short, and acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf. Redfield immediately ordered his senior staff to get it done, according to a former CDC official who was not authorized to discuss internal deliberations and spoke on condition of anonymity.
@14 Not exactly from an unbiased source, but fwiw:
“When I was working on the task force to try to keep Boeing here, one of the constant themes that we got from the Boeing Corporation was every other state they went to, people would roll out the red carpet.”
Meaning give them more taxpayer money than Washington offered.
“The governor’s response to the move, Ericksen says, explains why companies like Boeing are leaving. When Inslee saw this news, his response was, ‘I’m going to raise their taxes.'”
What taxes? Boeing doesn’t pay taxes.
“I’m going to punish them for turning their back on Washington”
You mean claw back the billions of taxpayer dollars Washington gave Boeing to stay, if they leave?
“Ericksen explained, ‘It’s just a crazy response that typifies how so many of these companies feel when they try to create jobs in Washington.’”
Create jobs? Are you kidding? Boeing used to employ 100,000 people in Washington. What was their headcount before Covid-19? A third of that? A quarter? Boeing isn’t creating jobs, it’s shedding jobs.
You’re as stupid as your sources, Puddy. And that’s even before asking the trenchant question of whether Boeing has worn out its welcome around here.
Btw, if you want to re-elect Inslee, nominate someone like Loren Culp to run against him. In this state, Democrats don’t have to sabotage the GOP’s electoral chances, because they do it to themselves.
@17 The kid needs therapy.
@18 Inslee has been governor for almost 8 years now, and strangely, Washington still has an economy.
Texas cop murders black man
Kim Davis shot down in Supreme Court
Nobel medicine prize goes to hepatitis C discoverers
Don’t forget to donate to Pizza to the Polls:
And get your flu shot. Don’t be Republican. Don’t be a Typhoid Donald.
Was Trump’s Walter Reed video message edited?
“Those familiar with editing software say that it was reworked with Adobe Premiere using the “morph cut feature”, which smooths out cuts in footage, often used in “talking head” interviews to omit unwanted pauses or stutters.”
He sure was gasping for breath when he want back to the white house and stood for the cameras.
Re: Bigotry crusader shot down in Supreme Court
Rabbit. Thanks for the support.
@23 – Sort of, in spite of Inslee.
Sure looks like it. There are drop frames there. That used to happen with analog to digital conversion or when trying to upconvert from 1080 to 4K. To the former, no one is shooting analog anymore for news or PR. Film yeah.
One thing that’s for certain, the footage of Donald immediately taking off his mask in the presence of other staff upon arrival at the White House was not staged.
He literally doesn’t care about getting anyone sick.
I’m just wondering if anyone has done back of the napkin math on the amount of revenue to the State of Washington loses if every single business were essentially allowed to operate tax free.
More or less than losing some Boeing jobs?
They’ve released him to die at home.
What’s wrong with that?
Sonny boy! Inslee is Fake News compared to the current and most recent GOP Presidents, at least when it comes to stripping jobs out of the economy.
Trump drove 30 million Americans to claim unemployment.
Bush stripped $17 trillion out of household wealth.
You just have to do better than this if you are going to keep up.
Don’t disappoint us now, Shortbus!
What you’re really asking is what is at the heart of what Boeing and their media pimps are calling for.
They believe that any enterprise that “creates jobs” should not have to pay for the things that government provides in order to support the “creation of jobs”. Things like public schools, streets and sidewalks, a public health system to control the spread of deadly Rapepublican Plagues, sewage systems to treat the poop created by all those well fed “jobs”, police and firefighters, parks, etc. etc. But if those employers get a pass, who pays?
The employees do. The workers do. The wage slaves do.
At this point it’s helpful to refer to some of Roger Rabbit’s many musings on the ironies of living as a member of the investor class.
Giving hugely profitable businesses a waive off on taxes is just another way of transferring wealth to the investor classes at the expense of workers. These media pimps pretend to be “populists”. But they couldn’t be farther from it. They are pimping for the investor classes at the expense of workers but dressing it up in the rhetoric of “jobs”.
Fuck Boeing if they don’t want to invest in the communities they depend upon for their workforce. Seriously.
Fuck them.
They can’t get so much as a fucking zip-tie tightened without somebody somewhere somehow teaching a kid how to do it in a public school. And somebody else unplugging a toilet in a library so the kid can learn about zip-ties. And somebody else replacing the lamps in the streetlight so the kid can read the book. etc. etc. Smart, well educated, affluent, healthy, prosperous west coast states are not desperate enough to open themselves to this kind of exploitation.
Thank goodness.
@27 Always my pleasure.
@28 Washington “sort of” has an economy? Tell that to a homebuyer who can’t find anything in Seattle for less than $500,000. This state is a money printing press.
@34 It used to be that businesses at least provided training, health care, and retirement benefits, even if they didn’t pay taxes. Now workers have to get their own training, pay for their own health insurance, and retire on their own savings. All while working for third world wages.
I mean, these people (Doc, etc.) even resent workers earning a paltry $15 an hour with no benefits or job security.
23)I think it was Chris Vance that said they got to quit running against tbe city. The most controversial councilmember is not even a Democrat. When she ran in the 43rd District against Chopp, she said Prefers Socialist Alternative.
With the impending retirement of TriMet’s Type 1 MAX cars, the debate over disposal is beginning. I would prefer they be recycled, with a couple donated to the Oregon Electric Railway Museum, one put on display at the Oregon Rail Heritage Museum in Portland, and perhaps one retained as a wrecker.
Turns out in August, a contest was held at ORHM for creative ways to re-use them. While TriMet probably will recycle them, there were some good ideas, including the MAX Villiage for helping people on the street. Interesting to see the museum get some use, havent been down there this year, and doubt Doyle will be taking the Daylight on the Holiday Express runs this year.
Used to be they would be sold overseas, a practice the San Diego MTS revived with the first generation LRVs to serve on the San Diego Trolley.
Meanwhile in 2019 Vice and the libtard dummocretin media called the Proud Boys
Their chairman is well known in Miami and he’s not white. Meanwhile in 2020 Vice calls them
because it’s the new narrative they want to use on President Trump.
Of course the assesHorse dotards will NOT watch the 28 minute video because FACTS are NEVER comprehended in the red lens of hate. Anyone who reads the hate Trump comments on this blog immediately know who the dotards are. Enrigue Terrio is a Black Cubano, butt butt butt no he’s a white Latino like the gutter-dwelling moron PortaPotty, because “we know” Enrigue is a neo-fascist supremacist white guy!
So senile idiot wabbit@21, did the veto happen or not. Puddy gave you the veto link so you can’t claim Inslee didn’t veto it. Boeing started the 787 program in 2007 and Inslee started killing it 2017 ten years later when he caved to the Airbus lawsuit by his veto. Instead of giving the same tax rate to all Wa State manufacturers he caved to Airbus!
#youbuiltthis voting dummocretin.
You are right senile_idiot_wabbit@22, Therapy from dealing with dummocretin lying scum teachers!
dummocretin are scum!
More BULLSH^TTIUM from the fingers of dot bombed. Since the rest of the comment is derived from that lying sentence above everything after is even more BULLSH^TTIUM, at the phd level, piled higher and deeper. Everyone can see dot bombed didn’t read the article. Must have read The Atlantic or Vox view and regurgitated their puke again.
The Airbus lawsuit in the World Trade Organization claimed Boeing had a state derived unfair tax advantage on the 787 platform. This was their complaint and they sued in the World Trade Organization. So to get around this “unfair tax advantage” the legislature got together and hammered a bipartisan bill to LOWER all manufacturing rates for all WA state manufacturers to the same level as Boeing received from the dummocretins in Olympia. Instead, Inslee said F-that and vetoed the tax leveling legislation thereby giving Airbus their needed ammunition in the World Trade Organization. And from the link above, Airbus won!
Actions have lasting consequences. Boeing will say bye-bye in 2021 from Inslee’s 2017 actions.
So once again dotards you backed the wrong horse in Inslee. Keep it up!
Another BeerPong train wreck #249,240,282,987,256,158. No company was being allowed to operate near tax free moronic twit. It was to stop the lawsuit by leveling the tax collection rate and keeping those bye-bye Boeing jobs in WA State.
You and your ilk are the reason why dummocretins in Olympia don’t have to worry about thinking before their knee-jerk reacting.
Where someone doesn’t get the basic issue of tax policy and instead chooses to focus on the minutia.
OK, Has anyone done the back of the napkin math on letting all WA manufacturers operate while paying an extra low tax rate on the effect of the state’s budget?
Kind of like how you could profile some Black people who really love a guy who got sued for racial discrimination against blacks, indirectly says blacks aren’t trustworthy (guys in yarmulkes only counting my money) and cheers on white supremacist rampages.
But to then make an argument about that they represent the demographic as a whole gets troublesome.
@36 – If it’s a money printing operation, you have no complaints. Yet you fucking constantly complain about everything.
National polls are trending and Doctor Dumbfuck isn’t going to like it. From Biden +6.1 on September 29th to +9.2 today.
The traitor Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron are running out of time.
@47 You’ve become quite testy. You must be looking at the latest polls.
Hard to beat the lack of leadership by Wheeler. Not that the mayors of NYC and Chicago aren’t doing their best to best him.
I can’t see PDX getting any worse if this chick wins. And it would make Durkan look more competent by comparison.
Stormy v. Melania, Round 2
Hahaha! Although I wasn’t paid for sex and therefore technically not a “hooker” I’ll take being that over what you are any day. You sold your pussy AND your soul…and I’m legal. Keep talking about me. I like your new tits btw. Post (more) nudes? #bebest lol
What a shitshow.
All but one member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under quarantine after possible COVID exposure
dummocretin are scum!
You can read the full Twatter post from the WA Post scumbag!
Your ilk are really sick
53. Conservatives are totally sarcasm blind apparently. Amazing how they take non conservatives totally literally when they can score points against them yet everything authoritarian or illegal that Trump says is a “joke” he didn’t really mean to say he should have three terms.
Where a former PJ Media Commentator, self described ‘Never Trumper’ *conservative supporter of Likud and Islamaphobe is a Democrat.
*yes in the Trump age she also called herself “a Pat Moynihan Democrat(ed. Dead 17 years), a Scoop Jackson Democrat(Dead 37 years), an Andrew Cuomo Democrat. I’m not a Bernie Sanders Democrat.”
playing don’t count your chickens but Joe is clearly in a better position now than Hillary was in 2016…
Sept. 29th, 2016 +3.1
Sept. 6, 2016 +3.2
High water mark Oct. 17, +7.1
Nov 7, 2016, back to +3.2
@40 Must make you proud that a black guy is the leader of a band of racist thugs who go looking for peaceful protesters against cop thugs murdering black people to beat up.
@45 What state budget? There won’t be a state budget if the anti-tax freaks get their way.
@47 I don’t have complaints. I’m a millionaire. In fact, I’m so comfortable that I feel guilty about how well off I am compared to so many who are not. I suspect you’re one of the latter.
@49 He’s more likely looking at his checking and credit card balances.
@51 There’s no jealousy like female jealousy.
@53 “Your ilk are really sick”
Seems to me it’s your ilk who are sick. I haven’t seen any videos of Democrats hobbling into Walter Reed recently. They wore masks, and masks work. Republican stupidity, not as much.
@56 On Sunday an NBC poll had Joe up 14 points. I thought, okay, that’s an outlier, because there’s no confirmation in other polls of such a massive move in voter sentiment. Today, a CNN poll has Joe up 16 points. Hmmm …
I’m not calling it yet, you understand, but it’s looking more and more like Trump can’t depend on fucking with the right to vote and will have to call upon fascist legislatures and judges to do his dirty work.
Only called a band of “racist” thugs because like Ben Carson the SPLC says so. And since you are soooooooooooooooo senile, senbile idiot wabbit, allow Puddy to reeducate your atrophied mind from the NY Slimes about the SPLC.
Oh and dead@deformed & BeerPong who changes his name like Jerry Nadler craps his pants in public… Rubin left her “conservative creds” years ago. Last month she even stopped being a conservative in her Twatter bio. She is a token for the WA Post and MSDNC like Steve Schmidt is a “mainstay” for MSDNC!
Tell that to Thom Tillis who wore a mask, social distanced and still got covid. Puddy provided the picture butt as always with senility, you forgot!
Acronym update:
GOP = Government of Pandemic
MAGA = More American Graves Ahead
@65 Park your anti-science, anti-medical-advice bullshit somewhere else. I have a specific suggestion: Where the bleach goes.
Another one bites the Covid. Sad!
New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman reported Tuesday afternoon that just hours after a third White House press aide tested positive for COVID-19, a fourth press staffer did.
Nate Silver…
There was another superspreader event at the WH. No masks. No social distancing.
There was ANOTHER WH event the day after the Barrett Superspreaderpalooza…Gold Star families.
Another one.
Controversial White House advisor Stephen Miller tests positive for coronavirus
@68, 71 Falling like dominoes.
NBC reported a 23% drop in Trump’s support among over-65 voters in the last month.
At Wednesday’s VP debate, the moderator and Kamala Harris will have plexiglas barriers, but Mike Pence won’t, because he doesn’t want to.
Think about what Harris will do with this optic. “Mr. Vice President, you still don’t take a pandemic that has killed over 210,000 Americans seriously.” And every single person watching the debate will see it with their own eyes.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News – Demorat-China Axis Launches Attack On Trump Hospitalization By Media Partners Global Times & CNN.
By Shan Jie Source: Global Times Published: 2020/10/6
“Trump has received first-class treatment, so he believes he will be kept fine,” Li Haidong, a professor at the Institute of International Relations of China Foreign Affairs University, told the Global Times on Tuesday. “But it shows his arrogance concerning the virus.”
“He is eager to return to the presidential election without having to undergo a strict quarantine process. He has set a very bad example for the country and the world by saying the virus is not something to be afraid of,” Li said.
Even though Trump has been infected with COVID-19, he continues to politicize the pandemic, which is a tragedy not only for himself, but also for his supporters and other people in the US.
“Trump is setting a bad example and being unsafe. The Trump administration has been very irresponsible and ignorant of the fact that many Americans are still struggling,” Tejas Santanam, a resident in Georgia, US, told the Global Times on Tuesday.
“Trump should follow scientific guidelines and stay isolated rather than being discharged and going back to the White House with no mask.”
[Compare, Demorat propaganda attacks;
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News – Cowardly Non-Demented Joe Biden-Einstein Tries To Avoid Another Non-Demented Buffoonish Loss To Trump.
Joe Biden said on Tuesday night that the second presidential debate should not be held if President Trump is still positive for coronavirus.
The Democratic presidential candidate was speaking to reporters in Maryland about the second debate, which is scheduled to be held on Oct. 15 in Miami, Florida.
“Well, I think if he still has COVID, we shouldn’t have a debate,” Biden said.
“I think we were gonna have to follow very strict guidelines. Too many people have been infected. It’s a very serious problem, so I will be guided by the guidelines.”
So he grabbed a little pussy! What’s wrong with that Bob?
Two consenting adults – Unlike the Rape Baby Pussy Grabber.
The only mask that works for the non believers is a mask over their entire head, plastic preferably.
And they need to volunteer to get COVID just to show the world how bad it is not.
Step right up!
Spreading the Love of Germs…bunch of sickos.
Any relationship?
Yeah that NYT story on then AG Sessions insisting On breaking up families who were legally applying for asylum probably isn’t helpful. Particularly among suburban moms.
Russia Russia Russia ——— what will dot bombed now claim?
Wait wut?
You’ve got to be kidding. We heard on MSDNC and Commie News Network that Trump was a Russian stooge directly from John Brennan. What a crock!
Just another day with evidence that dummocretin are scum!
Grand Jury indicts McClosky’s
I’m just wondering when the last time the DNC featured speakers under criminal investigation and later indictment.
Steve Steve Steve, Puddy sees you are reading DUmmies again!
That McCloskey indictment will be blown apart in the jury case.
Puddy can’t wait.
George W Bush CIA director and former national security ministration director endorses Joe Biden.
@81 Proving the mens rea element might be difficult in those cases. But that’s not a problem in the minds of those who don’t believe in due process and assert someone is guilty because they say they are. You could call it the Roland Freisler burden of proof.
@82 Yeah, but we’re the kind of scum that floats to the top and soaks up sunlight. You’re the turd that sinks to the bottom and clogs the pipes.
@85 And if it isn’t, there’s always the preordained pardon. But I like the idea of making them need that pardon.
A pardoned felon isn’t an innocent person; a pardoned felon is a felon with a pardon. Just ask Joe Arpaio.
“If she becomes serious, then we can have a discussion here,” McEnany told reporters in Washington. “But when you lower your offer $2.2 trillion, and you ask for direct payments to illegal immigrants, and you ask for certain deportation forgivenesses in your offer, it’s not a serious offer. What we are talking about here is relief for the American people, for American citizens, not direct payments for illegal immigrants.”
I’ll “claim” you really neeeeeeeed to find better writers to
plagiarizecopy-pasta.“Top U.S. intelligence officials were so concerned heading into the 2016 election that the Russians were aware of and potentially manipulating Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s plans to smear Donald Trump as a Russian agent that they personally briefed President Barack Obama on the matter…”
I dare you to diagram that.
Makes Pudiot sound virtually erudite.
Grand juries are free of error.
Just ask Daniel Cameron.
Or the Pudiot.
Trump had quite a day:
My take:
@90 So if Pelosi takes out direct payments to illegal immigrants, will Trump approve $600 unemployment checks, $400 billion of aid to state and local governments, and total spending of $2.2 trillion (minus the direct payments to illegal immigrants)?
Pelosi definitely should try to get him to sign something while he’s high on steroids.
By the way, while it’s true the House bill would let illegals get direct payments, those payments technically are a tax credit, and they have to file tax returns and pay taxes to get it.
So, Pudiot, if they work and pay taxes like everybody else, why shouldn’t they get tax credits like everybody else?
That’s the other problem senile idiot wabbit. Those blue states are in their own predicament due to their choice of government.
BTW why would Pelosi ask for that?
See ya!
Add Christianity to the list of things Trump saved.
Thirty million Americans right now are being paid by the government while idling away not working because of a deadly GOP Death Plague. 850,000 people are losing their jobs every week. And the GOP Death Plague is now burning like wildfire through the White House, the National Security Council, and half the Senate.
We’ve all seen this movie before, albeit in lesser terms. This is every fucking Rapepublican administration going back more than thirty years. They are often very, very good at running political campaigns to frighten and inflame voters. But they are terrible at running things. Consistently terrible.
After being flown to Walter Reed aboard Marine One out of an abundance of caution, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is symptom free, feeling better than ever, and expects to fully recover in a day or two.
They can’t figure out a way to bailout only Trumpalos.
So we all must burn in the hellfire of “Satan’s Reign” together.