I don’t understand how a campaign can be so flush with cash, and mess up the basic requirements (item 2). Seriously, the Orion campaign should be able to get its ducks in a row.
A ‘sternly worded letter’ only gets you so far these days.
This was the first of several warnings that the Obama administration would send to Moscow.
Especially if you keep sending it over and over without actually doing anything.
Blowing Willie Brown got Kamala further than blowing Bill got Monica, but the ride’s ending.
Kamala Harris to slash staff, restructure campaign as she hemorrhages cash
The moves come as Harris is hemorrhaging cash and in danger of lacking the resources to mount a competitive bid against better-funded rivals in Iowa. The overhaul will touch nearly every facet of Harris’ operation, with layoffs or re-deployments coming at headquarters, as well as in New Hampshire, Nevada and her home state of California, a Super Tuesday prize that her advisers once viewed as a big asset.
Let this be a lesson to you, YLB. At some point a girl’s gotta get off her knees and do some real work.
@4 Blaming somebody other than yourself for your treason again? Figures.
Hey everybody! Guess what! It’s not only my fault that Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron sold out to Russia, it’s Obama’s fault, too!
While I’m glad to share the burden of causing Dumbfuck’s treason with somebody, it also means Barack and I must both think on our sins. SAD!
Curious. How far did blowing a horse get you, Doctor?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Decoded: i”My profound regret at trading away my credibility as a patriotic American citizen in exchange for racist Pepe memes leaves me filled with rage toward those who failed to prevent it.”
I wonder if Trump’s plan to get Russia off the hook worked out better than Team Obama refusing to do anything about it, Steve.
Do something about it?
Why on earth would Democrats want to do that?
Three years later and your movement has collapsed, you are permanently banished from 80% of the economically productive regions of the country, you’ve surrendered the House, your NRA funders have imploded, you have postponed your largest fundraisers indefinitely, your primaries consistently produce syphilitic felons as nominees, your state orgs resemble SovCit militias, your beloved Cheeto Jezus is going to be impeached for treason, and all across America despite 24/7 Wall Street concern trolling an overwhelming majority of voters are calmly and eagerly debating single payer and a 70% tax bracket.
You got a red hat. We got the next four decades.
Sorry ’bout the toddler beatings. But there’s no fucking way Democrats could have made this much progress in three years without your help.
Thanks, I guess?
I sincerely hope my comments didn’t make you cry, Doctor. For a moment there I forgot you fucks are dainty little snowflakes who cry like babies as you’re melting.
“Trump judicial nominee breaks into tears in hearing over scathing finding that he’s ‘arrogant, lazy’ and ‘an ideologue’”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Let’s make a lot of them lose. I want to see them all cry!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 “I say it’s because the two of you are fucking traitors.”
I thought it was because they’re fucking each other. Usually the simplest explanation is the best one.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 “We got the next four decades.”
I hate to disagree, but that’s probably too optimistic. Memories are short. Only 8 years after Shrub, we got Trump. Sure, the Repukes will take a drubbing in 2020. But there’ll be another GOP president and Congress, and another, and another. You stupid humans never learn anything for very long. Nothing sticks.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 It’s bullshit, and the best way to deal with bullshit is by having nothing to do with it. The employers who use this technology will get the employees they deserve. Meanwhile, you don’t see me putting up with workplace crap, do you? I’m a capitalist now. I don’t work. I don’t commute. I don’t have a boss. Fuck all that, I just cash dividend checks. Want my opinion? Okay, here goes. Nobody should work. Period. Everyone should be a capitalist. Job applicants are treated like crap, the above being merely one example, and it gets even worse if you’re hired. So fuck work! Capitalists get all the glory, respect, and above all, money. There’s absolutely no reason to be a worker if you can be a capitalist, and this is still a free country, so anyone can choose to be a capitalist. I did and I’ve never looked back. Best decision and lifestyle change I ever made.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
That shit is coming to every workplace in real time already. It’s happening. I don’t care who you are or what you do, within ten years an algorithm will be your supervisor. Imagine your worst Bill Lumberg hell only without the pleasant smell of cologne and coffee. But also without the annoying smirk, and the sense of entitlement.
These systems monitor, report, prompt, and reward based on productivity metrics measured in six minute increments (makes the math work out better). AI can monitor eye engagement, movement, and response time. There’s one system I’ve seen that uses existing security cameras already present in retail and hospitality locations to measure and determine if employees are engaging customers, smiling, making eye contact, making required suggestions, or offering up-selling and attachment sales, as well as a host of other behavioral requirements. Reports can generate to managers on any time frame. And once a report is generated in the system the manager is compelled to act upon it within a pre-determined time frame.
Many of these kinds of systems are easily deployed into office environments and many are already there. Most companies are using the tech slowly and cautiously at first. But it is well understood that these systems are here to stay. Even well known systems like SalesForce are being upgraded with real time monitoring and reporting tech.
Part of the reason employers are turning to these systems has to do with shortages of the kind of people the systems you describe are passing through inbound. There just may not be enough super engaged, hyper enthusiastic applicants exhibiting the required minimum scores of “facial action units” to meet recruiting goals. Employers are having to face the grim prospect that they may actually have to train and manage these behaviors into the workforce that is available. So automated monitoring and reporting systems combined with automated coaching, prompting, and rewards have been developed.
Because of course they did.
Morgan Griffith
Verified account
2h2 hours ago
I am in the Rules Committee room where Democrats are marking up their impeachment resolution.
@RepDLesko offered an amendment requiring any evidence which is exculpatory regarding the President to be given to the Judiciary Committee.
Democrats rejected it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Where did the AI job interview post go?
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Brilliant Hoaxes News – Fartblower Hoax Imploding
CIA “Whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella Worked with DNC Operative Alexandra Chalupa in Creation of Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax
As we reported in December 2018, Ukrainian official Andrii Telizhenko was approached by DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa in early 2016. Chalupa wanted dirt on candidate Trump and his campaign manager Paul Manafort. The Ukrainian embassy in Washington DC worked CLOSELY with the DNC operative Chalupa.
Chalupa told Andrii she wanted Russian “dirt” on the Trump campaign.
The Gateway Pundit spoke with Telizhenko on the DNC Russia-gate Scandal –
Alexandra Chalupa was apparently hired by the DNC going as far back as 2013.
According to Politico, Chalupa claimed that in October of 2015 she began investigating Trump’s ties to Russia. And now we know that the CIA “whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella worked with Chalupa in the creation of the Trump-Russia hoax.
Ciaramella worked closely with corrupt DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa back in 2015.
Via Paul Sperry at Real Clear Investigations:
“And Ciaramella worked with a Democratic National Committee operative who dug up dirt on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, inviting her into the White House for meetings, former White House colleagues said. The operative, Alexandra Chalupa, a Ukrainian-American who supported Hillary Clinton, led an effort to link the Republican campaign to the Russian government. “He knows her. He had her in the White House,” said one former co-worker, who requested anonymity to discuss the sensitive matter.” https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/10/huge-cia-whistleblower-eric-cairamella-worked-with-dnc-operative-alexandra-chalupa-in-creation-of-trump-russia-collusion-hoax/
First time I have seen the suspected whistle-blower named.
But the name of a government official fitting that description — Eric Ciaramella — has been raised privately in impeachment depositions, according to officials with direct knowledge of the proceedings, as well as in at least one open hearing held by a House committee not involved in the impeachment inquiry. Fearing their anonymous witness could be exposed, Democrats this week blocked Republicans from asking more questions about him and intend to redact his name from all deposition transcripts.
@15 Democrats refusing to let Republicans write the impeachment proceeding rules? I’m shocked!
What’s in the Lesko amendment, doc? Usually, the devil is in the details, and that’s where you might find some perfectly good and valid reason for the rejection.
Such as a poison pill provision or sabotage effort, but beyond that I won’t speculate, other than to observe that so far Republicans have shown no interest in supporting an impartial inquiry aimed at exposing the truth and have everything they can do to attack, obstruct, and derail the process.
In that context, I wouldn’t trust anything Republicans propose in regard to the impeachment proceedings; I’d assume right out of the gate that everything they propose is aimed in some way at obstructing and undermining the process. And I’d almost certainly be right.
However, if you have a link to the actual amendment, I’ll take a look at it and evaluate it. I’m guessing, though, that you probably haven’t seen it or read it either. Blowing smoke is what you do here, when you’re not blowing or fucking horses or getting butt-fucked by a horse.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 Gateway Pundit beat me to it. I was about to name you, but I had to take a shit, so Gateway Pundit got there first.
Of course anything from Gateway Pundit or our friend pork sauce is worth less than used toilet paper. But, whatever, doc.
What is plausible, though, is that Republican sleuths and leakers are working overtime to get the whistleblower, whoever it is, killed.
“Democrats rejected it.”
Makes sense. There is no exculpatory evidence. If there were even a shred, you’d here talking about that instead of saying dumbfuck shit like you did @15.
That ammendment was for dumbfucks like you, Doctor. It gives you a straw to grasp. Sadly, it’s an alternate reality straw and it will not save you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Fwiw, the “source” for the whistleblower’s identity is “Paul Sperry, a partisan pro-Trump figure … whom critics accuse of trading in disinformation and conspiracy theories.”
So, if you wanna swallow that whole, doc, I can hook you up with someone looking to unload some Rembrandts and Monets. He doesn’t have paperwork on them, though. You’ll have to take his word for their authenticity. And you’ll have to wait until he’s paroled.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 You’re right. If there was exculpatory evidence, we’d hear it from Trump’s mouth. The fact everything that spills out of his mouth incriminates him indicates there isn’t any.
I see that Doctor Dumbfuck and Pork Sauce are finally on the same page. SAD!
Goes to show how much crossing the Orange Event Horizon has fucked with the doctor’s head.
drumpf will not win the State of Washington… no more than the freak did in 2016. Every HA HERO will do everything possible to keep that from happening..
We will all act accordingly.
Heh.. Will marykay follow suit? Hope so.. Write a check marykay! HA HEROES are rooting for your support of the liberal cause.
Roger Rabbitspews:
At the same time they’re whining about the fairness of the impeachment proceeding rules, notice how much due process Republicans and their shills (and Doctor Dumbfuck, see #27 below) are giving this Ciaramella guy, whoever he is, before painting a target on his back.
@ 22
I see his attorneys did not deny that he’s the one.
Asked whether their client was Ciaramella, 33, attorneys Mark Zaid and Andrew Bakaj told the Washington Examiner in a statement: “We neither confirm nor deny the identity of the Intelligence Community Whistleblower.”
Keep rockin’,
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 Just like you’ve never denied fucking, or being ass-fucked by, horses. Why shouldn’t we draw the same conclusion from your silence as you’re drawing from their silence?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Doctor Dumbass is having another one of his Bowe Bergdahl moments.
Tulsi Gabbard now outpolling Kamala Harris in NH.
David Chalian
Verified account
Oct 29
New CNN/UNH poll numbers from the Granite State (margin of error +\- 4.1%)
Harris blames the disparity on Hawaii’s proximity to the Granite State relative to California’s. Oh, wait…
Gabbard bests Harris nationally, as well.
Zach Montellaro
Verified account
Follow Follow @ZachMontellaro
New Suffolk/USA Today NATIONAL poll (counts for both the November and December debates)
Biden 26%
Warren 17%
Sanders 13%
Buttigieg 10%
Gabbard 4%
Yang 3%
Harris 3%
Everyone else at or below 2 percent
11:23 AM – 30 Oct 2019
Harris blames her waning fortunes on America’s unreadiness to envision as president a black woman who launched her political career by sucking black cock.
@29 Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron sees the goverment whisleblower as being equivalent to a mob squealer. He wants him dead. No surpise he would see it that way as he’s the head of a criminal organization.
Doctor Dumbfuck, on the other hand, and as usual, is just being a dumbfuck.
Looks like Doctor Dumbfuck has found himself another person of color to hate on. How many is that now?
Yet Bergdahl had the temerity to survive captivity for 5 years, much of which he was chained in a cage and even attempted to escape one or more times.
But noooo.. “ofmaryk” still bleats the “traitor” line.. zzzZZZzzzzz….
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Teh Dumbfuck finally found the Olympic Park Bomber.
L. Lin Wood is on speed dial.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
It’s a flailing effort to end-around the Judicial Commt rules. It has zero effect.
The Dem leadership are going to let him present a defense. But only if he produces all of the requested documents and witnesses. After enduring ten months of arrogant stonewalling, Nadler gets his revenge. This is why you never let the client decide the strategy. Dick Trump in a box.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
president Russian SlutPuppet’s early rageTweet:
As soon as you release it from the code word vault server.
Yeah. About those “witnesses” you wanted to call…
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Yeah. About that “transcript”…
“I don’t have any doubts about that (quid pro quo) because you can read them in the transcript of the phone call that the White House released,”
-John “Espionage Cop” Yoo
Of course, it is quite safe to assume that the guy who argues it is not a crime for a President to order a toddler’s testicles be crushed, will also be totes cool with extortion.
Look on the bright side.spews:
This impeachment thing could help weaken the executive branch of government. Anytime any part of government loses power is good. And Hillary Clinton will never be president!
Things are looking up!
Roger Rabbitspews:
“During a face-to-face meeting last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had some blunt advice for President Donald Trump: Stop attacking Senate Republicans. His presidency could depend on it, McConnell conveyed to Trump, according to a person familiar with the meeting.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No, Mitch, no, no! Let Trump be Trump!! His big mouth is the best thing Democrats have going for them. (Which is why McConnell spoke to him about it.) Anyway, good luck with trying to give Trump advice — you know how that usually works out.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 “This impeachment thing could help weaken the executive branch of government.”
If you mean in the same sense that the Red Army’s presence in Berlin undermined Hitler’s executive authority, yeah, I’d have to agree.
In all other respects, though, I don’t see how you weaken our constitutional system of government by removing an unqualified president who disrespects judges, stonewalls Congress, and routinely flouts the constitutional and other legal restraints on his wielding of executive power.
And, anyway, in order to strengthen the Constitution, it’s high time Congress made an example of a president who deserves to be removed by actually removing one. This can only strengthen our constitutional system by sending an unambiguous message to all future presidents that the constitutional guardrails are real.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Americans live under a social contract whereby we’ve agreed to settle our disputes without violence in courts and at ballot boxes, to live under the rule of law, and choose leaders and set policies by the principle of majority rule.
Of course, there have always been some exceptions to this, i.e. some people who chose to live outside the social contract and repudiated the rule of law, e.g. Bonnie and Clyde, Al Capone, and other criminals and gangsters; Confederates, the Bundys, and other insurrectionists; sovereign citizens; abortion clinic bombers, assassins, and domestic terrorists, etc. But our government has always succeeded in keeping them from taking over our society.
Trump supporters love Trump precisely because he breaks rules and smashes norms. His Bonnie and Clyde style appeals to them. But above all they love him because he threatens violence against journalists, opponents, whistleblowers, and others who challenge him. Basically, he’s tearing up the social contract, and they’ve resigned from it.
This makes Trumpers social outcasts, and we should treat them like any other group of outlaws. If we are firm and resolute, good and decency will prevail again, and Trump and his followers will end up as dust in the wastebasket of history like all the rest of America’s rebels and outlaws. America is strong. America will survive.
Roger Rabbitspews:
All but two Democrats voted for the impeachment resolution. Every Republican voted against it.
No difficulty here in figuring out who wants to overthrow the Constitution and destroy America. It’s as clear as when the southern states seceded because they didn’t like the 1860 election results.
The “civil war” Republicans have been talking about is here. But this one will be fought with ballots, not bullets. See you at the polling stations next November. Republicans, bring your life preservers!
I still have enough faith in this country and its people to believe you’re gonna need them.
“The “civil war” Republicans have been talking about is here. But this one will be fought with ballots, not bullets.”
Louie has his own thoughts on that.
“Gohmert invokes ‘guns’ and ‘civil war’ on House floor after Democrats vote to move forward with impeachment”
Some folks are pointing out over on the Twitter the case of UCLA Gymnast Katelyn Ohashi.
You’ve probably seen her perfect 10 score floor routine. If not, use the google….worth it.
That was viewed on UCLAs YouTube channel over 66M times. You can’t watch it now without seeing a 15 second add first. That kind of response according to people who know would have paid anywhere from $75-200K depending on geographic location of viewers and other metrics.
Had the actual Athlete (the performer) posted that to her own YouTube channel with “Hey Friends I scored a 10!!!!!!) she would have lost her NCAA status and her scholarship.
There is no professional league for her to earn after graduation. Any other UCLA student on any scholarship other than Athletic can profit from whatever they post online if they wish.
But we’re led to believe that an athlete gives away all earnings potential while enrolled to keep the ‘purity’ of amateurism intact.
It’s bullcrap and pretty much the NCAA knows it and lawsuits in progress are why they’re finally backing down.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
45, “Gohmert invokes ‘guns’ and ‘civil war’ on House floor
Of course they did.
It’s all they got and they know it. They all saw the 2012 results, they read the report, they understand the implications, and they went ahead and lost their shit anyway.
Sure, a bot-farm staffed with borscht-fueled Moldovan Script Kiddies may have driven them to it. But they were already heading in that direction since about 1964. Putin just gave them a useful, final nudge.
Now the GOP is officially and permanently The Angry Old White People’s Party that Steve Bannon dreamed of. And as such they are permanently consigned to the minority whenever there is reason enough for POCs and young people to turn out. For the sake of Associate Justice GangBang McBeerBong they permanently simplified the Democrats strategy to GOTV at a point in time when GOTV has never been more efficient or more precise.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
While I agree it’s a damn shame that she couldn’t have personally monetized the entertainment content that she created, I’m still cool with the basic “amateur” concept that the NCAA claims to be trying to protect. The fact is her example is more a reminder of how incredibly backward and ossified the media programs of the member schools are. As it stands, legally that is their content. And they are essentially still playing with it on YouTube for nickles and dimes. That the PAC12 does not have it’s own, proprietary content streaming service at this point is a disgrace. These are old white men sitting in board rooms arguing about television. What. The. Fuck. Is. That.
But all the ineptitude of the conference and association kingpins does not excuse the fact that Ohashi is barred for most of the year from earning min wage as a trainer at her local Planet Fitness. And if she did spend her “summer” season doing so, she and her employer would be barred from using her name, image, or any aspect of her NCAA affiliation in connection with that employment. Which has a lot more to do with the vast majority of NCAA scholarship athletes than image licensing deals.
No other group of students however you recognize them is beset by such draconian restrictions. A great many student athletes are outstanding scholars who qualify for and earn awards of merit for their academic achievements. They have to send them back. Even unrestricted grants awarded to students for outstanding academic achievement or contribution to scholarship by academic institutions cannot be accepted. For fucksake, the rules even dictate how many plates of pasta they can be fed.
And whereas any other student in any other area of study or scholarship is perfectly free to employ their scholarly talents outside the classroom to earn money tutoring, TAing, etc. for entertainment, clothes, or a little fun, student athletes may not.
Ever wonder where the “athleisure” design movement came from? From NCAA student athletes. The athletic department licensing agreements the schools sign with major shoe/clothing brands means the student athletes can get most sweats, workout gear, socks, base layer, etc. for free. With absolutely no other money allowed, that’s what they all end up wearing pretty much all the time. Run-DMC weren’t cutting edge. They were millionaire entertainers just copying the NCAA student athletes they knew.
I’ve become so disgusted by the system I won’t watch any Div 1 anymore. It’s immoral.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@45 Gohmert is a piece of shit, but that’s not against the law in this country. And while he’s reverting to “coup” and “civil war” rhetoric, I don’t think “invoking” is the right way to describe his comments. He specifically said he doesn’t want to see a “civil war,” and his suggestion there might be one is, at least prima facie, observational rather than advocacy. So, he’s off the hook on that one, at least in my view. This doesn’t mean his comments are okay; it only means they’re not sanctionable. He’s still a piece shit and full of shit. That will never change. He’s always been that. It’s who he is.
Gohmert is a lawyer, and if he actually advocates violence in response to a constitutionally-sanctioned congressional procedure, then I think his bar association should discipline him. Lawyers in every state are officers of the court and take an oath binding them to the rule of law. Urging a violent response to an application of the rule of law is as fundamental a violation of a lawyer’s ethical obligations to society as it’s possible to commit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@47 Expanding further on my remarks in #49, it’s worth noting that the people stockpiling guns, threatening “civil war” — and committing acts of domestic terrorist — are almost exclusively rightwingers. The people threatening to trash the social contract and engaging in violent political rhetoric are all on their side. You don’t see liberals doing that. It’s crystal clear who the rogue elements in our society are.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Today’s vote was only about procedures. Republicans still have an opportunity to redeem themselves. The real votes about whether it’s okay to misuse congressionally appropriated military aid to coerce a foreign government into fabricating dirt against a domestic political opponent will come later. Of course, I don’t believe for a moment that a meaningful number of Republicans, if any at all, will put country above country. We’ve been calling them “traitors” for a while now, and I believe that when the consequential votes are taken they will provide irrefutable proof that’s what they are.
Raging Pencils ·
This just happened: House GOP: “The impeachment investigation process is a sham, there are no open hearings!” House Dems: “Fine, we’ll hold a vote to have open hearings.” House GOP: “We vote no.” House Dems: “Too bad. We just voted to open them. Now go make some nice sound-bites for Fox News. The adults have work to do.”
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
49, 50,
I’m sure there’s bound to be some celebutard jackass on the far left somewhere (Michael Moore) who at one time or another has called for political violence in response to some legislative act.
But this is really different. This is becoming mainstream rhetoric for the GOP. It’s being done deliberately and for a purpose. They know they are outside the law on this. They can see just as easily as everyone else what their president was up to. And they absolutely recognize it as impeachable conduct. So they don’t even want to talk about it
What better way to move the conversation away from the disgracefully unlawful conduct of their president and most of his senior advisers and cabinet members than to raise alarms about “cival” war and gun-humpers wilding in the streets.
I don’t give a fuck. Nobody should. Our Constitution should never be held hostage to the blood lust of ignorant beer-drunk traitors. I don’t care who they are. And I don’t care about their fucking threats. We will deal with them if and when that becomes necessary. And no lawmaker who swore an oath to protect the Constitution should see it any differently. Whoever they are, they are threatening terrorism. We don’t negotiate with terrorists.
And that’s what these Republican shit stains like Gohmert are asking for. They want to raise the temperature on domestic terrorism in order to obtain concessions from the majority. Knowing damn well that their president is guilty as hell, they want to win a softer, more lenient investigation so they don’t look so bad when they vote to acquit. And they want to leverage domestic terrorism threats to obtain that. It is a despicable and disgraceful calculating conduct that creates the atmosphere of risk in order to benefit from it.
This is Every Republican You Know.
And they are all shit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Old-school Republican and elder statesman Slade Gorton, 91, said last week: “I reached the conclusion that there are a dozen actions on this president’s part that warrant a vote of impeachment in the House,” in a Seattle Times interview.
Back in the day, I wasn’t a Gorton fan, but this is a Republican, former U.S. Senator, former Washington State Attorney General, and lawyer talking. If he says Trump is shitshow, that carries weight.
“Whether or not they (the impeachment charges) warrant conviction in the Senate is a … more subjective question, because you have to ask that question: How important is it? Is it enough to overturn the verdict of the voters in 2016?” he added.
I actually agree with him on this. That is the question. (For the record, when Clinton was impeached, Gorton voted to acquit on the perjury article and convict on the obstruction article. I might have come out differently; I posted on HA at the time, and subsequently, that if I’d been a sitting U.S. Senator at the time, I would have voted for removal; and looking back on it, I think I would’ve voted to convict on both articles. But that’s me; I’m a lawyer, committed to rule of law, so I think perjury is a big deal, no matter what the context, even when it involves lying under oath about a private consensual sexual affair that arguably is nobody else’s business.)
Gorton didn’t answer the question in his interview, so we don’t know where he stands on it. He said he didn’t want to “offer advice” to the GOP officeholders who will have to vote on Trump’s impeachment and removal. That’s fair; that’s their decision to make, and everyone should reserve final judgment until all the evidence is heard and Trump has a full opportunity to defend himself. Gorton did see he “sees a path” to removal.
If the evidence shows that Trump conducted an outside-of-channels shakedown of a foreign government to interfere in our election process by fabricating corruption evidence against his election opponent, and tried to cover it up, then I think it’s damned important and not only warrants but demands removal, because this is as fundamental and destructive an abuse of power as you can get.
Removing an elected president by the constitutional impeachment process is not a “coup,” nor does it overturn the election that put him in office. Rather, it is discipline for misdeeds committed in office. It’s clear the framers of the Constitution didn’t intend for elections to be a carte blanche for abuses of power, corruption, or other bad behavior. Under our system you can be fired from public employment for cause, regardless of whether you were elected, appointed, or hired. Even tenured civil servants and judges with lifetime appointments are subject to that principle. About a dozen federal judges have been impeached and removed; one of them is currently a serving congressman (Alcee Hastings, D-FL). Presidents, too, can be fired for cause.
I don’t like many of Trump’s policies, but I would adamantly oppose impeaching and removing him over political disagreements. I would still oppose removing him for conduct that doesn’t rise to the level of overruling the judgment of the voters. That’s a subjective determination that individuals will make differently. But I think this accusation does rise to that level because it involves behavior that seeks to corrupt the election process itself. A candidate who “wins” by cheating hasn’t been truly “elected” and isn’t legitimate at all. In such a case, you’re not overturning an election; you’re protecting the election process. This is such a case.
The only question, therefore, should be whether the evidence sustains the accusation. If it does, Trump should be removed. If he isn’t due to partisan loyalties, then Republicans in effect are saying the Constitution is no longer in effect, the rule of law no longer applies, and our country henceforth will be ruled by the law of the jungle.
That’s not a place anyone, including them, should want to go. They may think now they’re the biggest and meanest cats in the jungle, but in the jungle things are circular, and everything that eats eventually gets eaten.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@53 “We will deal with them if and when that becomes necessary.”
Proportional response.
Comet Pizza: a police matter. The Bundys: FBI and state troopers, reinforced by the National Guard if necessary. A general armed uprising by an entire political party or its “cival war” faction? Lincoln’s response provides a template.
The answer is whatever’s necessary to preserve democracy and prevent imposition of dictatorship by violence and force. Use F-16s and tanks if necessary; slaughter as many of them as you must, taking no joy in it, but enforcing the Constitution and laws as circumstances require.
If those lusting for “cival war” decide to face a modern military with AR-15s, it’s their funeral. We didn’t invite them to do it; we’re trying to talk them out of it. Their suicides won’t be our fault.
Politically Incorrect - just another "stupid" millionaiurespews:
+24.04% for the period January 1, 2018 through October 31, 2019.
1. Mom was not involved.
2. No moonlighting was required.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The answer is whatever’s necessary to preserve democracy
Preserving our democracy is no longer an objective of The Republican Party.
They know perfectly well how their rhetoric stirs nihilism and violence among their idiot-base, and what potential that has for imperiling our democracy. And they do it anyway.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Part of the Keystone 1 Pipeline in North Dakota was shut down after a leak of about 9,120 barrels of oil — 383,040 gallons — was discovered, TC Energy company said in a statement.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well, that didn’t take long. And the Native Americans were right all along.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@58 “Preserving our democracy is no longer an objective of The Republican Party.”
Did I say it was? By definition, a Republican is someone who opposes democracy. Notice they don’t call themselves “Democrats.” An insurrectionist, on the other hand, is someone who goes beyond mere opposition and tries to impose his will on the majority by violence.
That’s distinct from your ordinary, run-of-the-mill Republican; it’s not against the law to have a big mouth, but it is against the law to shoot people because they disagree with your political opinions.
I’m not proposing using F-16s and tanks against Republicans; far from it. They’re entitled to their opinions, however wrong they may be. But if they lose the 2020 election, their lawful options are (a) abide by the results, or (b) move to another country, because they can’t have this one.
Only if their dissatisfaction with the election results escalates to armed uprising am I suggesting using force to maintain law and order, and then only to the degree necessary to protect innocent lives and sustain the political and legal rights of the majority.
And, of course, if they win the 2020 election our side will peacefully abide by the results just as we did after the 2016 election.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Brilliant Hoaxes News – Thanks arrogant & stupid Demorats for your perfect choice of a Fartblower.
CIA snitch Eric Ciaramella filed a whistleblower complaint on August 12 over President Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Zelensky where the two discussed ferreting out corruption. This included talk on the Biden crime family.
** Ciaramella coordinated and took guidance from Adam Schiff’s staff and Schiff lied about it.
** Schiff’s staff recommended attorneys for the so called “whistleblower.”
** Ciaramella was kicked out of the White House for leaking negative stories about Donald Trump in 2017.
** Trump-hater Ciaramella was behind the fake story that Putin told Trump to fire Comey — a COMPLETE FAKE NEWS STORY from 2017!
** Ciaramella’s attorneys worked for James Clapper, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, and donated to Joe Biden.
** The attorneys for Ciaramella is a member of the #Resistance.
** Ciaramella worked with Joe Biden in the executive branch when he was Vice President.
** Ciaramella traveled with Joe Biden to the Ukraine.
** Ciaramella worked with DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa in the creation of the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.
** A former associate of James Clapper, Charles McCullough, assisted Ciaramella with his complaint against Trump.
** And Adam Schiff’s aides, Abigail Grace and Sean Misko worked with Ciaramella in the White House.
Abigail Grace, who worked at the NSC until 2018, was hired by Schiff in February.
Sean Misko, an NSC aide until 2017, joined Schiff’s committee staff in August, the same month the whistleblower submitted his complaint.
And Schiff kept this a secret from Republicans while he was working with Eric Ciaramella before he filed his complaint in August. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/10/must-read-the-complete-list-of-dnc-whistleblower-eric-ciaramellas-conflicts-of-interests-will-shock-you/
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Recently in NC, where because of the Republucan gerrymander being ruled illegal, they know their time in the majority is coming to an end, following a budget veto Republicans seeking an override sat on the vote for over two months, scheduling it on no fewer than eleven occaisions only to cancel at the last second when “too many” of their opponents were present to take part. Finally they waited until late on a Friday work session with no votes on the schedule to suddenly pull it up for a vote.
Republicans no longer believe in our lawful democratic processes, our courts, our laws, or even the rule of the majority. And now they are threatening violence.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Now even Pork Sauce found the Olympic Park Bomber. Still hasn’t found his own ass though.
Heinz 57spews:
– 61, ** continued…
** Previously arrested for impersonating a Proud Boy,
** Was seen earlier the same day carrying a highly edited “transcript” written on a Quarter Pounder wrapper,
** FBI profiler team narrowed suspicion to him, JarJar and The Mooch,
** Gave a local television interview soon after the “perfect call” in which he expressed his desire to follow Sean Spicer on DWTS,
** Left a negative review of Mar A Lago on TripAdvisor,
** Consistently makes the “WhitePower” OK sign with the wrong hand,
** Was one of three senior NSC staffers suspected of having planted an “upper decker” in The First Lady’s bathroom aboard Airforce One,
** Caught on closed circuit having a second scoup
Roger Rabbitspews:
Some presidents, especially those who come to the presidency unexpectedly, grandly rise to the occasion. Harry Truman comes to mind. This president lowers every occasion to his level. The contrast between him and the best of his predecessors couldn’t be starker.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@62 “And now they are threatening violence.”
I guess they figure they gotta use those expensive AR-15s for something. They’re useless for hunting. And what else they gonna do with the 10,000 rounds of .223 ammo bought in bulk from Cabelas and stashed in the basement on the shelf under the MREs? Funny thing is, they’re more likely to turn on each other than us. There’s no fight like a family fight.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@64 Funny that nobody outside the conspiracy media is picking up the Ciaramella meme. But I’d get a bodyguard anyway, if I were him. There surely are more Comet Pizza fanatics out there.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Before he died Richard Jewell collected millions.
Limited purpose public figure: a person who voluntarily and prominently participates in a public controversy for the purpose of influencing its outcome.
Don’t know who that dude is. But if he is not a whistleblower, and if he is a senior career CIA agent assigned to the NSC, those people are going owe him a lot more money than ruining a part time security guard was worth.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@68 Don’t overlook that “those people” include our friend pork sauce.
Roger Rabbitspews:
As far as I know Trump, not known for according due process to accuseds, hasn’t threatened to have Ciamarella shot as a spy. His silence seems like a pretty strong exoneration, especially given that Trump isn’t the least bit fussy about lumping the innocent in with the guilty.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s ironic that a judgmental man who could care less about due process for others and demands investigations of people he doesn’t like complains that he’s being treated unfairly and denied due process because someone is investigating behavior that he himself admitted to.
It’s not at all surprising, however, that HA’s ethically and rationally challenged trolls are blind to the irony and hypocrisy of this. These are abstract concepts. You can’t expect people with the IQ of a tree stump to grasp them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
No dumbfuck yet. The horse is getting to sleep in today.
It used to be a basic requirement to campaign in Wisconsin.
Yet another road traveled by Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron which leads to, of course, Russia.
“Vindman exposes Trump’s plan to get Russia off the hook for election interference”
For the past three years every comment posted Doctor Dumbfuck and every action taken by his orange moron have all been in service to Putin.
Why is that, Doctor? I say it’s because the two of you are fucking traitors.
If not for the good people at Burisma…
If not for the good people at @SeaTimesOpinion, where else would the disappointing sons of former mayors find a voice?
where else would the disappointing son of a former VP find $50,000 a month?
I wonder if Trump’s plan to get Russia off the hook @ 2 worked out better than Team Obama refusing to do anything about it, Steve.
‘Stand Down’: How The Obama Team Blew The Response To Russian Meddling
A ‘sternly worded letter’ only gets you so far these days.
This was the first of several warnings that the Obama administration would send to Moscow.
Especially if you keep sending it over and over without actually doing anything.
Blowing Willie Brown got Kamala further than blowing Bill got Monica, but the ride’s ending.
Kamala Harris to slash staff, restructure campaign as she hemorrhages cash
The moves come as Harris is hemorrhaging cash and in danger of lacking the resources to mount a competitive bid against better-funded rivals in Iowa. The overhaul will touch nearly every facet of Harris’ operation, with layoffs or re-deployments coming at headquarters, as well as in New Hampshire, Nevada and her home state of California, a Super Tuesday prize that her advisers once viewed as a big asset.
Let this be a lesson to you, YLB. At some point a girl’s gotta get off her knees and do some real work.
@4 Blaming somebody other than yourself for your treason again? Figures.
Hey everybody! Guess what! It’s not only my fault that Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron sold out to Russia, it’s Obama’s fault, too!
While I’m glad to share the burden of causing Dumbfuck’s treason with somebody, it also means Barack and I must both think on our sins. SAD!
Curious. How far did blowing a horse get you, Doctor?
Decoded: i”My profound regret at trading away my credibility as a patriotic American citizen in exchange for racist Pepe memes leaves me filled with rage toward those who failed to prevent it.”
Do something about it?
Why on earth would Democrats want to do that?
Three years later and your movement has collapsed, you are permanently banished from 80% of the economically productive regions of the country, you’ve surrendered the House, your NRA funders have imploded, you have postponed your largest fundraisers indefinitely, your primaries consistently produce syphilitic felons as nominees, your state orgs resemble SovCit militias, your beloved Cheeto Jezus is going to be impeached for treason, and all across America despite 24/7 Wall Street concern trolling an overwhelming majority of voters are calmly and eagerly debating single payer and a 70% tax bracket.
You got a red hat. We got the next four decades.
Sorry ’bout the toddler beatings. But there’s no fucking way Democrats could have made this much progress in three years without your help.
Thanks, I guess?
I sincerely hope my comments didn’t make you cry, Doctor. For a moment there I forgot you fucks are dainty little snowflakes who cry like babies as you’re melting.
“Trump judicial nominee breaks into tears in hearing over scathing finding that he’s ‘arrogant, lazy’ and ‘an ideologue’”
They don’t even have to lose to cry. Criticizing them is enough to make them cry.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Let’s make a lot of them lose. I want to see them all cry!
@2 “I say it’s because the two of you are fucking traitors.”
I thought it was because they’re fucking each other. Usually the simplest explanation is the best one.
@8 “We got the next four decades.”
I hate to disagree, but that’s probably too optimistic. Memories are short. Only 8 years after Shrub, we got Trump. Sure, the Repukes will take a drubbing in 2020. But there’ll be another GOP president and Congress, and another, and another. You stupid humans never learn anything for very long. Nothing sticks.
@11 It’s bullshit, and the best way to deal with bullshit is by having nothing to do with it. The employers who use this technology will get the employees they deserve. Meanwhile, you don’t see me putting up with workplace crap, do you? I’m a capitalist now. I don’t work. I don’t commute. I don’t have a boss. Fuck all that, I just cash dividend checks. Want my opinion? Okay, here goes. Nobody should work. Period. Everyone should be a capitalist. Job applicants are treated like crap, the above being merely one example, and it gets even worse if you’re hired. So fuck work! Capitalists get all the glory, respect, and above all, money. There’s absolutely no reason to be a worker if you can be a capitalist, and this is still a free country, so anyone can choose to be a capitalist. I did and I’ve never looked back. Best decision and lifestyle change I ever made.
That shit is coming to every workplace in real time already. It’s happening. I don’t care who you are or what you do, within ten years an algorithm will be your supervisor. Imagine your worst Bill Lumberg hell only without the pleasant smell of cologne and coffee. But also without the annoying smirk, and the sense of entitlement.
These systems monitor, report, prompt, and reward based on productivity metrics measured in six minute increments (makes the math work out better). AI can monitor eye engagement, movement, and response time. There’s one system I’ve seen that uses existing security cameras already present in retail and hospitality locations to measure and determine if employees are engaging customers, smiling, making eye contact, making required suggestions, or offering up-selling and attachment sales, as well as a host of other behavioral requirements. Reports can generate to managers on any time frame. And once a report is generated in the system the manager is compelled to act upon it within a pre-determined time frame.
Many of these kinds of systems are easily deployed into office environments and many are already there. Most companies are using the tech slowly and cautiously at first. But it is well understood that these systems are here to stay. Even well known systems like SalesForce are being upgraded with real time monitoring and reporting tech.
Part of the reason employers are turning to these systems has to do with shortages of the kind of people the systems you describe are passing through inbound. There just may not be enough super engaged, hyper enthusiastic applicants exhibiting the required minimum scores of “facial action units” to meet recruiting goals. Employers are having to face the grim prospect that they may actually have to train and manage these behaviors into the workforce that is available. So automated monitoring and reporting systems combined with automated coaching, prompting, and rewards have been developed.
Because of course they did.
Morgan Griffith
Verified account
2h2 hours ago
I am in the Rules Committee room where Democrats are marking up their impeachment resolution.
@RepDLesko offered an amendment requiring any evidence which is exculpatory regarding the President to be given to the Judiciary Committee.
Democrats rejected it.
Where did the AI job interview post go?
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Brilliant Hoaxes News – Fartblower Hoax Imploding
CIA “Whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella Worked with DNC Operative Alexandra Chalupa in Creation of Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax
As we reported in December 2018, Ukrainian official Andrii Telizhenko was approached by DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa in early 2016. Chalupa wanted dirt on candidate Trump and his campaign manager Paul Manafort. The Ukrainian embassy in Washington DC worked CLOSELY with the DNC operative Chalupa.
Chalupa told Andrii she wanted Russian “dirt” on the Trump campaign.
The Gateway Pundit spoke with Telizhenko on the DNC Russia-gate Scandal –
Alexandra Chalupa was apparently hired by the DNC going as far back as 2013.
According to Politico, Chalupa claimed that in October of 2015 she began investigating Trump’s ties to Russia. And now we know that the CIA “whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella worked with Chalupa in the creation of the Trump-Russia hoax.
Ciaramella worked closely with corrupt DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa back in 2015.
Via Paul Sperry at Real Clear Investigations:
“And Ciaramella worked with a Democratic National Committee operative who dug up dirt on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, inviting her into the White House for meetings, former White House colleagues said. The operative, Alexandra Chalupa, a Ukrainian-American who supported Hillary Clinton, led an effort to link the Republican campaign to the Russian government. “He knows her. He had her in the White House,” said one former co-worker, who requested anonymity to discuss the sensitive matter.”
First time I have seen the suspected whistle-blower named.
But the name of a government official fitting that description — Eric Ciaramella — has been raised privately in impeachment depositions, according to officials with direct knowledge of the proceedings, as well as in at least one open hearing held by a House committee not involved in the impeachment inquiry. Fearing their anonymous witness could be exposed, Democrats this week blocked Republicans from asking more questions about him and intend to redact his name from all deposition transcripts.
@15 Democrats refusing to let Republicans write the impeachment proceeding rules? I’m shocked!
What’s in the Lesko amendment, doc? Usually, the devil is in the details, and that’s where you might find some perfectly good and valid reason for the rejection.
Such as a poison pill provision or sabotage effort, but beyond that I won’t speculate, other than to observe that so far Republicans have shown no interest in supporting an impartial inquiry aimed at exposing the truth and have everything they can do to attack, obstruct, and derail the process.
In that context, I wouldn’t trust anything Republicans propose in regard to the impeachment proceedings; I’d assume right out of the gate that everything they propose is aimed in some way at obstructing and undermining the process. And I’d almost certainly be right.
However, if you have a link to the actual amendment, I’ll take a look at it and evaluate it. I’m guessing, though, that you probably haven’t seen it or read it either. Blowing smoke is what you do here, when you’re not blowing or fucking horses or getting butt-fucked by a horse.
@18 Gateway Pundit beat me to it. I was about to name you, but I had to take a shit, so Gateway Pundit got there first.
Of course anything from Gateway Pundit or our friend pork sauce is worth less than used toilet paper. But, whatever, doc.
What is plausible, though, is that Republican sleuths and leakers are working overtime to get the whistleblower, whoever it is, killed.
“Democrats rejected it.”
Makes sense. There is no exculpatory evidence. If there were even a shred, you’d here talking about that instead of saying dumbfuck shit like you did @15.
That ammendment was for dumbfucks like you, Doctor. It gives you a straw to grasp. Sadly, it’s an alternate reality straw and it will not save you.
Fwiw, the “source” for the whistleblower’s identity is “Paul Sperry, a partisan pro-Trump figure … whom critics accuse of trading in disinformation and conspiracy theories.”
So, if you wanna swallow that whole, doc, I can hook you up with someone looking to unload some Rembrandts and Monets. He doesn’t have paperwork on them, though. You’ll have to take his word for their authenticity. And you’ll have to wait until he’s paroled.
@21 You’re right. If there was exculpatory evidence, we’d hear it from Trump’s mouth. The fact everything that spills out of his mouth incriminates him indicates there isn’t any.
I see that Doctor Dumbfuck and Pork Sauce are finally on the same page. SAD!
Goes to show how much crossing the Orange Event Horizon has fucked with the doctor’s head.
drumpf will not win the State of Washington… no more than the freak did in 2016. Every HA HERO will do everything possible to keep that from happening..
We will all act accordingly.
Heh.. Will marykay follow suit? Hope so.. Write a check marykay! HA HEROES are rooting for your support of the liberal cause.
At the same time they’re whining about the fairness of the impeachment proceeding rules, notice how much due process Republicans and their shills (and Doctor Dumbfuck, see #27 below) are giving this Ciaramella guy, whoever he is, before painting a target on his back.
@ 22
I see his attorneys did not deny that he’s the one.
Asked whether their client was Ciaramella, 33, attorneys Mark Zaid and Andrew Bakaj told the Washington Examiner in a statement: “We neither confirm nor deny the identity of the Intelligence Community Whistleblower.”
Keep rockin’,
@27 Just like you’ve never denied fucking, or being ass-fucked by, horses. Why shouldn’t we draw the same conclusion from your silence as you’re drawing from their silence?
Doctor Dumbass is having another one of his Bowe Bergdahl moments.
Tulsi Gabbard now outpolling Kamala Harris in NH.
David Chalian
Verified account
Oct 29
New CNN/UNH poll numbers from the Granite State (margin of error +\- 4.1%)
Sanders 21%
Warren 18%
Biden 15%
Buttigieg 10%
Gabbard 5%
Klobuchar 5%
Yang 5%
Harris 3%
Steyer 3%
Booker 2%
O’Rourke 2%
Sestak 1%
Harris blames the disparity on Hawaii’s proximity to the Granite State relative to California’s. Oh, wait…
Gabbard bests Harris nationally, as well.
Zach Montellaro
Verified account
Follow Follow @ZachMontellaro
New Suffolk/USA Today NATIONAL poll (counts for both the November and December debates)
Biden 26%
Warren 17%
Sanders 13%
Buttigieg 10%
Gabbard 4%
Yang 3%
Harris 3%
Everyone else at or below 2 percent
11:23 AM – 30 Oct 2019
Harris blames her waning fortunes on America’s unreadiness to envision as president a black woman who launched her political career by sucking black cock.
@29 Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron sees the goverment whisleblower as being equivalent to a mob squealer. He wants him dead. No surpise he would see it that way as he’s the head of a criminal organization.
Doctor Dumbfuck, on the other hand, and as usual, is just being a dumbfuck.
Looks like Doctor Dumbfuck has found himself another person of color to hate on. How many is that now?
Buttigieg 10%
Gabbard 5%
The gay too-centrist mayor bests putin’s favorite congress critter.. yawn…
Someone had to take over for “dirty Rohrabacher”…
Bush’s military let in a Coast Guard reject who washed out due to mental problems.
Desperate for bodies they also recruited neo-nazis, gang members and criminals..
Read all about it:
Yet Bergdahl had the temerity to survive captivity for 5 years, much of which he was chained in a cage and even attempted to escape one or more times.
But noooo.. “ofmaryk” still bleats the “traitor” line.. zzzZZZzzzzz….
Teh Dumbfuck finally found the Olympic Park Bomber.
L. Lin Wood is on speed dial.
It’s a flailing effort to end-around the Judicial Commt rules. It has zero effect.
The Dem leadership are going to let him present a defense. But only if he produces all of the requested documents and witnesses. After enduring ten months of arrogant stonewalling, Nadler gets his revenge. This is why you never let the client decide the strategy.
DickTrump in a box.president Russian SlutPuppet’s early rageTweet:
As soon as you release it from the code word vault server.
Yeah. About those “witnesses” you wanted to call…
Yeah. About that “transcript”…
-John “Espionage Cop” Yoo
Of course, it is quite safe to assume that the guy who argues it is not a crime for a President to order a toddler’s testicles be crushed, will also be totes cool with extortion.
This impeachment thing could help weaken the executive branch of government. Anytime any part of government loses power is good. And Hillary Clinton will never be president!
Things are looking up!
“During a face-to-face meeting last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had some blunt advice for President Donald Trump: Stop attacking Senate Republicans. His presidency could depend on it, McConnell conveyed to Trump, according to a person familiar with the meeting.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No, Mitch, no, no! Let Trump be Trump!! His big mouth is the best thing Democrats have going for them. (Which is why McConnell spoke to him about it.) Anyway, good luck with trying to give Trump advice — you know how that usually works out.
@40 “This impeachment thing could help weaken the executive branch of government.”
If you mean in the same sense that the Red Army’s presence in Berlin undermined Hitler’s executive authority, yeah, I’d have to agree.
In all other respects, though, I don’t see how you weaken our constitutional system of government by removing an unqualified president who disrespects judges, stonewalls Congress, and routinely flouts the constitutional and other legal restraints on his wielding of executive power.
And, anyway, in order to strengthen the Constitution, it’s high time Congress made an example of a president who deserves to be removed by actually removing one. This can only strengthen our constitutional system by sending an unambiguous message to all future presidents that the constitutional guardrails are real.
Americans live under a social contract whereby we’ve agreed to settle our disputes without violence in courts and at ballot boxes, to live under the rule of law, and choose leaders and set policies by the principle of majority rule.
Of course, there have always been some exceptions to this, i.e. some people who chose to live outside the social contract and repudiated the rule of law, e.g. Bonnie and Clyde, Al Capone, and other criminals and gangsters; Confederates, the Bundys, and other insurrectionists; sovereign citizens; abortion clinic bombers, assassins, and domestic terrorists, etc. But our government has always succeeded in keeping them from taking over our society.
Trump supporters love Trump precisely because he breaks rules and smashes norms. His Bonnie and Clyde style appeals to them. But above all they love him because he threatens violence against journalists, opponents, whistleblowers, and others who challenge him. Basically, he’s tearing up the social contract, and they’ve resigned from it.
This makes Trumpers social outcasts, and we should treat them like any other group of outlaws. If we are firm and resolute, good and decency will prevail again, and Trump and his followers will end up as dust in the wastebasket of history like all the rest of America’s rebels and outlaws. America is strong. America will survive.
All but two Democrats voted for the impeachment resolution. Every Republican voted against it.
No difficulty here in figuring out who wants to overthrow the Constitution and destroy America. It’s as clear as when the southern states seceded because they didn’t like the 1860 election results.
The “civil war” Republicans have been talking about is here. But this one will be fought with ballots, not bullets. See you at the polling stations next November. Republicans, bring your life preservers!
I still have enough faith in this country and its people to believe you’re gonna need them.
“The “civil war” Republicans have been talking about is here. But this one will be fought with ballots, not bullets.”
Louie has his own thoughts on that.
“Gohmert invokes ‘guns’ and ‘civil war’ on House floor after Democrats vote to move forward with impeachment”
Shifting back to NCAA athletes getting paid…
Some folks are pointing out over on the Twitter the case of UCLA Gymnast Katelyn Ohashi.
You’ve probably seen her perfect 10 score floor routine. If not, use the google….worth it.
That was viewed on UCLAs YouTube channel over 66M times. You can’t watch it now without seeing a 15 second add first. That kind of response according to people who know would have paid anywhere from $75-200K depending on geographic location of viewers and other metrics.
Had the actual Athlete (the performer) posted that to her own YouTube channel with “Hey Friends I scored a 10!!!!!!) she would have lost her NCAA status and her scholarship.
There is no professional league for her to earn after graduation. Any other UCLA student on any scholarship other than Athletic can profit from whatever they post online if they wish.
But we’re led to believe that an athlete gives away all earnings potential while enrolled to keep the ‘purity’ of amateurism intact.
It’s bullcrap and pretty much the NCAA knows it and lawsuits in progress are why they’re finally backing down.
“Gohmert invokes ‘guns’ and ‘civil war’ on House floor
Of course they did.
It’s all they got and they know it. They all saw the 2012 results, they read the report, they understand the implications, and they went ahead and lost their shit anyway.
Sure, a bot-farm staffed with borscht-fueled Moldovan Script Kiddies may have driven them to it. But they were already heading in that direction since about 1964. Putin just gave them a useful, final nudge.
Now the GOP is officially and permanently The Angry Old White People’s Party that Steve Bannon dreamed of. And as such they are permanently consigned to the minority whenever there is reason enough for POCs and young people to turn out. For the sake of Associate Justice GangBang McBeerBong they permanently simplified the Democrats strategy to GOTV at a point in time when GOTV has never been more efficient or more precise.
While I agree it’s a damn shame that she couldn’t have personally monetized the entertainment content that she created, I’m still cool with the basic “amateur” concept that the NCAA claims to be trying to protect. The fact is her example is more a reminder of how incredibly backward and ossified the media programs of the member schools are. As it stands, legally that is their content. And they are essentially still playing with it on YouTube for nickles and dimes. That the PAC12 does not have it’s own, proprietary content streaming service at this point is a disgrace. These are old white men sitting in board rooms arguing about television. What. The. Fuck. Is. That.
But all the ineptitude of the conference and association kingpins does not excuse the fact that Ohashi is barred for most of the year from earning min wage as a trainer at her local Planet Fitness. And if she did spend her “summer” season doing so, she and her employer would be barred from using her name, image, or any aspect of her NCAA affiliation in connection with that employment. Which has a lot more to do with the vast majority of NCAA scholarship athletes than image licensing deals.
There is a soaring level of general public ignorance surrounding the rules binding NCAA student athletes. Here kids, have at it:
No other group of students however you recognize them is beset by such draconian restrictions. A great many student athletes are outstanding scholars who qualify for and earn awards of merit for their academic achievements. They have to send them back. Even unrestricted grants awarded to students for outstanding academic achievement or contribution to scholarship by academic institutions cannot be accepted. For fucksake, the rules even dictate how many plates of pasta they can be fed.
And whereas any other student in any other area of study or scholarship is perfectly free to employ their scholarly talents outside the classroom to earn money tutoring, TAing, etc. for entertainment, clothes, or a little fun, student athletes may not.
Ever wonder where the “athleisure” design movement came from? From NCAA student athletes. The athletic department licensing agreements the schools sign with major shoe/clothing brands means the student athletes can get most sweats, workout gear, socks, base layer, etc. for free. With absolutely no other money allowed, that’s what they all end up wearing pretty much all the time. Run-DMC weren’t cutting edge. They were millionaire entertainers just copying the NCAA student athletes they knew.
I’ve become so disgusted by the system I won’t watch any Div 1 anymore. It’s immoral.
@45 Gohmert is a piece of shit, but that’s not against the law in this country. And while he’s reverting to “coup” and “civil war” rhetoric, I don’t think “invoking” is the right way to describe his comments. He specifically said he doesn’t want to see a “civil war,” and his suggestion there might be one is, at least prima facie, observational rather than advocacy. So, he’s off the hook on that one, at least in my view. This doesn’t mean his comments are okay; it only means they’re not sanctionable. He’s still a piece shit and full of shit. That will never change. He’s always been that. It’s who he is.
Gohmert is a lawyer, and if he actually advocates violence in response to a constitutionally-sanctioned congressional procedure, then I think his bar association should discipline him. Lawyers in every state are officers of the court and take an oath binding them to the rule of law. Urging a violent response to an application of the rule of law is as fundamental a violation of a lawyer’s ethical obligations to society as it’s possible to commit.
@47 Expanding further on my remarks in #49, it’s worth noting that the people stockpiling guns, threatening “civil war” — and committing acts of domestic terrorist — are almost exclusively rightwingers. The people threatening to trash the social contract and engaging in violent political rhetoric are all on their side. You don’t see liberals doing that. It’s crystal clear who the rogue elements in our society are.
Today’s vote was only about procedures. Republicans still have an opportunity to redeem themselves. The real votes about whether it’s okay to misuse congressionally appropriated military aid to coerce a foreign government into fabricating dirt against a domestic political opponent will come later. Of course, I don’t believe for a moment that a meaningful number of Republicans, if any at all, will put country above country. We’ve been calling them “traitors” for a while now, and I believe that when the consequential votes are taken they will provide irrefutable proof that’s what they are.
Raging Pencils ·
This just happened:
House GOP: “The impeachment investigation process is a sham, there are no open hearings!”
House Dems: “Fine, we’ll hold a vote to have open hearings.”
House GOP: “We vote no.”
House Dems: “Too bad. We just voted to open them. Now go make some nice sound-bites for Fox News. The adults have work to do.”
49, 50,
I’m sure there’s bound to be some celebutard jackass on the far left somewhere (Michael Moore) who at one time or another has called for political violence in response to some legislative act.
But this is really different. This is becoming mainstream rhetoric for the GOP. It’s being done deliberately and for a purpose. They know they are outside the law on this. They can see just as easily as everyone else what their president was up to. And they absolutely recognize it as impeachable conduct. So they don’t even want to talk about it
What better way to move the conversation away from the disgracefully unlawful conduct of their president and most of his senior advisers and cabinet members than to raise alarms about “cival” war and gun-humpers wilding in the streets.
I don’t give a fuck. Nobody should. Our Constitution should never be held hostage to the blood lust of ignorant beer-drunk traitors. I don’t care who they are. And I don’t care about their fucking threats. We will deal with them if and when that becomes necessary. And no lawmaker who swore an oath to protect the Constitution should see it any differently. Whoever they are, they are threatening terrorism. We don’t negotiate with terrorists.
And that’s what these Republican shit stains like Gohmert are asking for. They want to raise the temperature on domestic terrorism in order to obtain concessions from the majority. Knowing damn well that their president is guilty as hell, they want to win a softer, more lenient investigation so they don’t look so bad when they vote to acquit. And they want to leverage domestic terrorism threats to obtain that. It is a despicable and disgraceful calculating conduct that creates the atmosphere of risk in order to benefit from it.
This is Every Republican You Know.
And they are all shit.
Old-school Republican and elder statesman Slade Gorton, 91, said last week: “I reached the conclusion that there are a dozen actions on this president’s part that warrant a vote of impeachment in the House,” in a Seattle Times interview.
Back in the day, I wasn’t a Gorton fan, but this is a Republican, former U.S. Senator, former Washington State Attorney General, and lawyer talking. If he says Trump is shitshow, that carries weight.
“Whether or not they (the impeachment charges) warrant conviction in the Senate is a … more subjective question, because you have to ask that question: How important is it? Is it enough to overturn the verdict of the voters in 2016?” he added.
I actually agree with him on this. That is the question. (For the record, when Clinton was impeached, Gorton voted to acquit on the perjury article and convict on the obstruction article. I might have come out differently; I posted on HA at the time, and subsequently, that if I’d been a sitting U.S. Senator at the time, I would have voted for removal; and looking back on it, I think I would’ve voted to convict on both articles. But that’s me; I’m a lawyer, committed to rule of law, so I think perjury is a big deal, no matter what the context, even when it involves lying under oath about a private consensual sexual affair that arguably is nobody else’s business.)
Gorton didn’t answer the question in his interview, so we don’t know where he stands on it. He said he didn’t want to “offer advice” to the GOP officeholders who will have to vote on Trump’s impeachment and removal. That’s fair; that’s their decision to make, and everyone should reserve final judgment until all the evidence is heard and Trump has a full opportunity to defend himself. Gorton did see he “sees a path” to removal.
If the evidence shows that Trump conducted an outside-of-channels shakedown of a foreign government to interfere in our election process by fabricating corruption evidence against his election opponent, and tried to cover it up, then I think it’s damned important and not only warrants but demands removal, because this is as fundamental and destructive an abuse of power as you can get.
Removing an elected president by the constitutional impeachment process is not a “coup,” nor does it overturn the election that put him in office. Rather, it is discipline for misdeeds committed in office. It’s clear the framers of the Constitution didn’t intend for elections to be a carte blanche for abuses of power, corruption, or other bad behavior. Under our system you can be fired from public employment for cause, regardless of whether you were elected, appointed, or hired. Even tenured civil servants and judges with lifetime appointments are subject to that principle. About a dozen federal judges have been impeached and removed; one of them is currently a serving congressman (Alcee Hastings, D-FL). Presidents, too, can be fired for cause.
I don’t like many of Trump’s policies, but I would adamantly oppose impeaching and removing him over political disagreements. I would still oppose removing him for conduct that doesn’t rise to the level of overruling the judgment of the voters. That’s a subjective determination that individuals will make differently. But I think this accusation does rise to that level because it involves behavior that seeks to corrupt the election process itself. A candidate who “wins” by cheating hasn’t been truly “elected” and isn’t legitimate at all. In such a case, you’re not overturning an election; you’re protecting the election process. This is such a case.
The only question, therefore, should be whether the evidence sustains the accusation. If it does, Trump should be removed. If he isn’t due to partisan loyalties, then Republicans in effect are saying the Constitution is no longer in effect, the rule of law no longer applies, and our country henceforth will be ruled by the law of the jungle.
That’s not a place anyone, including them, should want to go. They may think now they’re the biggest and meanest cats in the jungle, but in the jungle things are circular, and everything that eats eventually gets eaten.
@53 “We will deal with them if and when that becomes necessary.”
Proportional response.
Comet Pizza: a police matter. The Bundys: FBI and state troopers, reinforced by the National Guard if necessary. A general armed uprising by an entire political party or its “cival war” faction? Lincoln’s response provides a template.
The answer is whatever’s necessary to preserve democracy and prevent imposition of dictatorship by violence and force. Use F-16s and tanks if necessary; slaughter as many of them as you must, taking no joy in it, but enforcing the Constitution and laws as circumstances require.
If those lusting for “cival war” decide to face a modern military with AR-15s, it’s their funeral. We didn’t invite them to do it; we’re trying to talk them out of it. Their suicides won’t be our fault.
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+24.04% for the period January 1, 2018 through October 31, 2019.
1. Mom was not involved.
2. No moonlighting was required.
The answer is whatever’s necessary to preserve democracy
Preserving our democracy is no longer an objective of The Republican Party.
They know perfectly well how their rhetoric stirs nihilism and violence among their idiot-base, and what potential that has for imperiling our democracy. And they do it anyway.
“Part of the Keystone 1 Pipeline in North Dakota was shut down after a leak of about 9,120 barrels of oil — 383,040 gallons — was discovered, TC Energy company said in a statement.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well, that didn’t take long. And the Native Americans were right all along.
@58 “Preserving our democracy is no longer an objective of The Republican Party.”
Did I say it was? By definition, a Republican is someone who opposes democracy. Notice they don’t call themselves “Democrats.” An insurrectionist, on the other hand, is someone who goes beyond mere opposition and tries to impose his will on the majority by violence.
That’s distinct from your ordinary, run-of-the-mill Republican; it’s not against the law to have a big mouth, but it is against the law to shoot people because they disagree with your political opinions.
I’m not proposing using F-16s and tanks against Republicans; far from it. They’re entitled to their opinions, however wrong they may be. But if they lose the 2020 election, their lawful options are (a) abide by the results, or (b) move to another country, because they can’t have this one.
Only if their dissatisfaction with the election results escalates to armed uprising am I suggesting using force to maintain law and order, and then only to the degree necessary to protect innocent lives and sustain the political and legal rights of the majority.
And, of course, if they win the 2020 election our side will peacefully abide by the results just as we did after the 2016 election.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Brilliant Hoaxes News – Thanks arrogant & stupid Demorats for your perfect choice of a Fartblower.
CIA snitch Eric Ciaramella filed a whistleblower complaint on August 12 over President Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Zelensky where the two discussed ferreting out corruption. This included talk on the Biden crime family.
** Ciaramella coordinated and took guidance from Adam Schiff’s staff and Schiff lied about it.
** Schiff’s staff recommended attorneys for the so called “whistleblower.”
** Ciaramella was kicked out of the White House for leaking negative stories about Donald Trump in 2017.
** Trump-hater Ciaramella was behind the fake story that Putin told Trump to fire Comey — a COMPLETE FAKE NEWS STORY from 2017!
** Ciaramella’s attorneys worked for James Clapper, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, and donated to Joe Biden.
** The attorneys for Ciaramella is a member of the #Resistance.
** Ciaramella worked with Joe Biden in the executive branch when he was Vice President.
** Ciaramella traveled with Joe Biden to the Ukraine.
** Ciaramella worked with DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa in the creation of the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.
** A former associate of James Clapper, Charles McCullough, assisted Ciaramella with his complaint against Trump.
** And Adam Schiff’s aides, Abigail Grace and Sean Misko worked with Ciaramella in the White House.
Abigail Grace, who worked at the NSC until 2018, was hired by Schiff in February.
Sean Misko, an NSC aide until 2017, joined Schiff’s committee staff in August, the same month the whistleblower submitted his complaint.
And Schiff kept this a secret from Republicans while he was working with Eric Ciaramella before he filed his complaint in August.
Recently in NC, where because of the Republucan gerrymander being ruled illegal, they know their time in the majority is coming to an end, following a budget veto Republicans seeking an override sat on the vote for over two months, scheduling it on no fewer than eleven occaisions only to cancel at the last second when “too many” of their opponents were present to take part. Finally they waited until late on a Friday work session with no votes on the schedule to suddenly pull it up for a vote.
Republicans no longer believe in our lawful democratic processes, our courts, our laws, or even the rule of the majority. And now they are threatening violence.
Now even Pork Sauce found the Olympic Park Bomber. Still hasn’t found his own ass though.
– 61, ** continued…
** Previously arrested for impersonating a Proud Boy,
** Was seen earlier the same day carrying a highly edited “transcript” written on a Quarter Pounder wrapper,
** FBI profiler team narrowed suspicion to him, JarJar and The Mooch,
** Gave a local television interview soon after the “perfect call” in which he expressed his desire to follow Sean Spicer on DWTS,
** Left a negative review of Mar A Lago on TripAdvisor,
** Consistently makes the “WhitePower” OK sign with the wrong hand,
** Was one of three senior NSC staffers suspected of having planted an “upper decker” in The First Lady’s bathroom aboard Airforce One,
** Caught on closed circuit having a second scoup
Some presidents, especially those who come to the presidency unexpectedly, grandly rise to the occasion. Harry Truman comes to mind. This president lowers every occasion to his level. The contrast between him and the best of his predecessors couldn’t be starker.
@62 “And now they are threatening violence.”
I guess they figure they gotta use those expensive AR-15s for something. They’re useless for hunting. And what else they gonna do with the 10,000 rounds of .223 ammo bought in bulk from Cabelas and stashed in the basement on the shelf under the MREs? Funny thing is, they’re more likely to turn on each other than us. There’s no fight like a family fight.
@64 Funny that nobody outside the conspiracy media is picking up the Ciaramella meme. But I’d get a bodyguard anyway, if I were him. There surely are more Comet Pizza fanatics out there.
Before he died Richard Jewell collected millions.
Limited purpose public figure: a person who voluntarily and prominently participates in a public controversy for the purpose of influencing its outcome.
Don’t know who that dude is. But if he is not a whistleblower, and if he is a senior career CIA agent assigned to the NSC, those people are going owe him a lot more money than ruining a part time security guard was worth.
@68 Don’t overlook that “those people” include our friend pork sauce.
As far as I know Trump, not known for according due process to accuseds, hasn’t threatened to have Ciamarella shot as a spy. His silence seems like a pretty strong exoneration, especially given that Trump isn’t the least bit fussy about lumping the innocent in with the guilty.
It’s ironic that a judgmental man who could care less about due process for others and demands investigations of people he doesn’t like complains that he’s being treated unfairly and denied due process because someone is investigating behavior that he himself admitted to.
It’s not at all surprising, however, that HA’s ethically and rationally challenged trolls are blind to the irony and hypocrisy of this. These are abstract concepts. You can’t expect people with the IQ of a tree stump to grasp them.
No dumbfuck yet. The horse is getting to sleep in today.