It’s soup season. The best time of the year. I made myself a nice lentil soup yesterday. My trick is to throw a couple cinnamon sticks in with your other ingredients.
Who needs a GOP Senator from WV when you’ve got Manchin?
“Absolutely not,” said Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.).
Art Westspews:
Just run Joe Biden, and Biden will beat Trump in 2020.
Good grief, Doctor, you missed an opportunity to post a few of your pro-Putin hashtags. You need to get your act together. If Putin’s going to win again in 2020, he needs you to be at the top of your game.
@ 4
If Putin’s going to win again in 2020, he needs you to be at the top of your game.
He needs Tulsi as a third-party candidate. She’s not running for re-election to Congress.
It’s refreshingly clear that we need to be led by a different generation.
Goldy Retweeted
Marshall Steinbaum 🔥🍉
It’s refreshingly clear that our generation gets to choose between Zuckerberg, Buttigieg, and AOC. Which one do we want to be led by?
“He needs Tulsi as a third-party candidate.”
What a dumbfuck. Isn’t it obvious to you yet that Tulsi’s plan is “Trump-Gabbard 2020”? Sucks to be Mike Pence, huh?
‘I will not be seeking re-election to Congress in 2020’: Rep Tulsi Gabbard
I think he’s traumatized. Clearly his game is slipping badly. He misses Hillary more than he will ever admit. It eats him up inside. It’s eats them all up.
His opening move in this thread is based on a speculative essay based on a different speculative essay, citing a “Clinton source” appearing on the Tucker Carlson WhitePower! Hour who hasn’t worked closely with Sec. Clinton since he was demoted from her campaign (for leaking) to work for her daughter.
The first primaries are three and one half months away. She doesn’t even have a committee. Very much like Tulsi (who has a better chance of winning a delegate or two), Hillary is a right wing fetish. The idea of her Mom-dances in a pants-suit rent free in their heads every day from now until forever.
This is Every Republican You Know.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Thanks entirely to 48 state laws awarding EC electors on a “winner-take-all” basis, the race will be decided in no more than a half dozen states.
So you have to ask yourself before you are led by that ring in your nose down the “moderate” rabbit hole (apol to RR) how do these potential nominees fare in those battleground states in a head-to-head against president Russian-SlutPuppet?
Again, remember that according to “moderate” wisdom, it was a “populist backlash” that drove Slut-Puppet to victory last time. They argue that his rhetoric gave voice to “heartland” voter “anxieties” about their economic and social future. Appearing to have stalled the Obama recovery with pointless trade wars, SHITDOWNS!, and general uncertainty, it looks increasingly hard for Slut-Puppet and his GOP minions to run on economic boom times. This is why Paul Ryan bailed. He knew what the future held for him in his home state.
If “moderate wisdom” holds any truth at all, Biden might well be among the worst of the leading contenders to outperform Clinton in those battleground states in 2020. Not only is he unwilling to confront the opposition on the terms that drive social media engagement, he is equally unwilling to grapple directly with the “populist” concerns that moderates insist will deliver the votes in those key states.
The worries that keep Howard Schultz, Michael Bloomberg, and Mark Zuckerberg awake at night, and that may even populate casual party conversations around patio firepits in Santa Barbara and Old Greenwich, will not figure in the motivations of suburban voters in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. Poll after poll going back more than two decades show that the “crazy leftist” proposals of the “extreme progressives” enjoy overwhelming support among voters the second they are divorced from partisan ideological labeling.
Chances are you support them too. So it begs the question: what’s stopping you from saying so? Let go of your whiteness and be free.
@ 9
So it begs the question: what’s stopping you from saying so?
Knowledge and acknowledgement that Santa Claus is not real, for starters.
Trump's Weird Little Penisspews:
Santa Claus is not realBut Taxcut Santa Claus is!
And every day is Christmas Day!
@ 11
This would be more persuasive if the DJIA were not up 172 points on the date the federal deficit figure is released.
(Make My Retirement Even Better)
It begins.
Judge overturns guilty verdicts against Trump transition adviser on foreign-agent charges
The losses in both cases are also sour notes for special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of ties between the Trump campaign and Russia. Mueller’s office was deeply involved in probing both the Rafiekian and Craig cases, but eventually transferred the matters off to other prosecutors.
I wouldn’t be expecting that Flynn conviction any time soon, either.
The judge called “particularly telling” the government’s insistence for months that Flynn was not part of the alleged conspiracy, only to abruptly reverse course days before the trial and assert that he was.
Trump's Weird Little Pepespews:
Make My Carrier AC Job Even Better!
Y muchas gracias a todos mis amigos en los Estados Unidos por hacer me familia muy feliz en esta Navidad!
La Raza!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Carl, when you’re making soup for Doctor Dumbfuck, throw in a couple of Valium pills. Just kidding. But somebody needs to keep him from going off his prescribed meds.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I wouldn’t be expecting that Flynn conviction any time soon, either.
“I have read every word of this Statement of the Offense, or have had it read to me. Pursuant to Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11, after consulting with my attorneys, I agree and stipulate to this Statement of the Offense, and declare under penalty of perjury that it is true and correct.”
Umm… Dumbfuck? You okay?
Wow. Brain on Breitbart I guess.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Friday News Round Up
Rudy Giuliani learned what a butt-call is.
The Dow is up 170 points, but Doctor Dumbfuck’s pet stock — the one he crowed about a day or so ago — is down 4.6%.
It’s raining in Seattle, but some people might argue that’s not news.
Betsy DeVos was held in contempt of court for dunning defrauded student borrowers in violation of a court order. Is it now fair to call her a shady bill collector?
Doctor Dumbfuck is still a dumbfuck (see, e.g., @12 above), but some people might argue that’s not news, either. (Also see second item above in this comment and @5-6, 10-11, and 13 above. Also, see @16 for in-depth analysis of #13.)
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“But somebody needs to keep him from going off his prescribed meds.”
Or maybe get them to cut back on the dossage? Fuck me, but somehow in his hazy stupor the poor pathetic bastard missed Flynn’s conviction and allocution altogether. Too busy looking for the Crowdstrike!! Survur!! in his borscht I guess.
@ 16
“And if you don’t stipulate, we’re going after your kid. We’ll bankrupt him, ruin his life. Now sign here.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 What do you expect from an amateur lawyer with neither brains nor legal training?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
19, “…under penalty of perjury that it is true and correct.”
Which is an actual “totally cool” and “perfect” statement made, signed, and sworn to by the accused before a federal criminal court judge. Fun!
As opposed to a bot post on a 4chan board circulating by mimeograph among the raging Uncle Walter’s in Teh Dumbfuck’s Friday night canasta group.
This is Every Republican You Know
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
In a way he almost has a point. Although I doubt it is the one he intended.
To get an order from the judge vacating Flynn’s guilty plea requires fairly extraordinary proof. So yes, if it were possible for his television lawyer to produce compelling unrefuted evidence that the plea was obtained by overtly criminal means the judge would have to consider such a motion.
But of course, as with the fevered bleating about the impeachment hearings being entirely conducted according to rules the Republican majority laid out and approved four years ago, these things just don’t work the way the SovCit Party wants them to. Every single plea deal that ever was or ever will be involves overt, clearly stated threats of prosecution. That’s our system. And it isn’t a crime to do it. It’s all out in the open. And every bit of filing in his case demonstrates that Flynn was treated with kidd gloves. So much so that the judge more than once lost his shit at the prosecutors for going too soft. Something, something, “you’re a traitor”, etc.
I think it’s almost a little sad that Flynn is being used this way.
But I think it’s funny as fuck that armchair advocates like Teh Dumbfuck are being used this way. Just imagine the fits of righteous fury he works himself up to thinking about brave papa Flynn falling on his sword to protect his wayward son. You know. The son who was brokering an international kidnapping plot.
Uttering a phrase we’ll be hearing a lot on the coming months…
“The Department of Justice claims that existing law bars disclosure to the Congress of grand jury information,” Howell wrote. “DOJ is wrong.”
Congress gets the Mueller Grand Jury files. Here’s where a gang of GOP Reps storm SCOTUS to shout “Keep it behind CLOSED DOORS!”
Hunter? Is that you?
Bob you are a fraud. You have no convictions of fiscal conservatism, standards, morals and have no decency.
Great way to spend retirement – trolling around here. Every person should aspire to be like you? Kudos.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“You have no convictions of fiscal conservatism, standards, morals and have no decency.”
No conservative does. It is all fraud and always has been.
To wit, I give you the wave of stridently moralizing editorials spewing forth from Bret Stephens and David Brooks about how wrong it is that their president called his fellow Americans HUMAN SCUM…
…(( crickets ))
” about how wrong it is that their president called his fellow Americans HUMAN SCUM…”
It might wrong to say, but it’s at least partially true. It is a fact that all Republicans are human scum, especially Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
27, I’m not the one claiming that vulgar name-calling cheapens public discourse and drives people away from civic engagement.
But Brooks, Stephens, and dozens of other overpaid Tone Sheriffs have built decades-long careers on 300 word lectures to the great unwashed masses delivered from the front of the promenade deck saying just that. And for some strange reason they only shake the swear jar when it’s some dirty hippie failing to show proper respect.
They’ve always been faking. Always.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 Yep, looks like Trump had another rough day in the courts, and not just the grand jury records. He’s losing every case. Across the board, courts are shooting down his governance model and asserting rule of law and established precedents, both of which are incompatible with aspirations to dictatorship and dreams of absolute power.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
But.. but.. but…
…whuddubout DEFICITS???
…whuddubout GET OVER IT???
…whuddubout SQUIRREL!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 You left out giraffes. Why? Are you conspiring to cover up Elizabeth Warren’s giraffe hoarding? The most serious issue facing Americans today?
Politically Incorrectspews:
Here’s a clue: Democrats and Republicans couldn’t care less about deficits or the level of debt, even though they pretend to.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 Not true. Republicans care deeply about deficits — so much so that after cutting taxes for corporations and billionaires, they insist we must slash spending on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and food stamps to avoid drowning in the towering debt they created.
Not originally my post but here are some things people need to know about Tulsi Gabbard:
Tulsi Gabbard comes from a family of conservative activists, most famous for their opposition to Gay Marriage
Tulsi Gabbard has said her personal views on LGBT equality haven’t changed as recently as 2015:
Tulsi Gabbard was nearly a part of Trump’s administration at Steve bannon’s suggestion:
Tulsi Gabbard has also been praised multiple times by Steve Bannon, Trump’s former strategist and prolific white nationalist propagandist:
Tulsi Gabbard declined to join 169 Democrats in condemning Trump for appointing Steve Bannon to his administration:
Tulsi Gabbard isn’t anti-war. She’s a self-described hawk against terrorists. Her narrow objections center around efforts to spread democracy: “In short, when it comes to the war against terrorists, I’m a hawk,” Gabbard said. “When it comes to counterproductive wars of regime change, I’m a dove.”:
Tulsi Gabbard copies the rhetoric of Republicans: Gabbard voted against condemning Bashar al-Assad, president of Syria, and was praised by conservative media for publicly challenging President Barack Obama over his refusal to use the term “Islamic extremism” when discussing terrorism:
Tulsi Gabbard also copies the policy of Republicans, voting with them to block Syrian refugees:
Tulsi Gabbard frequently repeats Russian talking points and works to legitimize Assad:
Tulsi Gabbard was one of only 3 representatives to not condemn Assad for gassing Syrian civilians and the only Democrat:
Tulsi Gabbard has introduced legislation pushed by GOP-megadonor, Sheldon Adelson:
Tulsi was later awarded a “Champions of Freedom” medal at Adelson’s annual gala in 2016:
Senator Mazie Hirono from Hawaii did not endorse Tulsi’s 2020 bid due to concerns of Tulsi’s lack of a progressive record. Senator Hirono said she would be “looking for someone who has a long record of supporting progressive goals” when asked if she will support Gabbard in the Democratic primary.
• October 24th 2019, Tulsi went onto Hannity to rebuke the Trump impeachment hearings
• Said “it’s time to move on” from the Mueller Report immediately after Barr’s assessment.
• Said indicting Trump would lead to a Civil War (Hm what a familiar talking point)
• Said there is “no compelling cause” for impeachment and that “Congress needs to exercise oversight over the information that’s been leaked” and that, regarding impeachment, “what I think most people will see is, ‘Hey, this is another move by Democrats to get rid of Donald Trump,’ further deepening the already hyperpartisan divides that we have in this country.”
• Lawsuit against Google for the false claim of ‘only defending liberals’
• Attacked, then resigned from, the DNC (likely in preparation for a 3rd party run)
• Touted working for anti-gay group that backed conversion therapy (Via CNN, 2019)
• During the 4th democratic debate in 2019, Gabbard parroted Russian disinformation claiming the US was arming Al Queda in Syria.
• During the 4th democratic debate, she called for ending sanctions against the genocidal Bashar al-Assad. Assad is America’s enemy and Russia’s close ally
• Went on Fox’s Tucker Carlson’s show and used Project Veritas as proof
It’s no wonder the racist incel is promoting her.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
32, Here’s a clue: Democrats and RepublicansI couldn’t care less about deficits or the level of debt, even though theyI pretend to.
All that really matters is that they stop spending any money on the brown people. Amiright?
Welp, you wanted to try a “successful” bidniss man. And you got him.
Howz dat goin?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I see very little evidence that Tulsi as a candidate is acheiving any resonance with Democrats, particularly not in battleground states. Instead her role seems to be intended to legitimize Derp State conspiracist’s suspicions that any time a democratic process doesn’t perfectly align with their parochial views it can only be the result of corruption. Well, that and a latent appeal to a bunch of aging white tractor drivers who find her bi-racial exoticism “hot” in an obsf way. In that sense I suspect at this point any third party candidacy from her takes more from Republicans, at least where it counts.
As evidence I give you our very own Teh Dumbfuck.
Looks like PI is leaning too.
All good news as far as I can see. If idiots like them are separating from Trump more than a year out it tells me we can at least convince 78,000 similarly gullible idiots in PA, MI, and WI.
Remember trolls:
Unless you agree to give president Russian Slut-Puppet your full and unreserved support you are
It was time to move on after 2008. Still, she persisted.
Senate Democrats tell Hillary Clinton: Time to move on
Who needs a GOP Senator from WV when you’ve got Manchin?
“Absolutely not,” said Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.).
Just run Joe Biden, and Biden will beat Trump in 2020.
Good grief, Doctor, you missed an opportunity to post a few of your pro-Putin hashtags. You need to get your act together. If Putin’s going to win again in 2020, he needs you to be at the top of your game.
@ 4
If Putin’s going to win again in 2020, he needs you to be at the top of your game.
He needs Tulsi as a third-party candidate. She’s not running for re-election to Congress.
It’s refreshingly clear that we need to be led by a different generation.
Goldy Retweeted
Marshall Steinbaum 🔥🍉
It’s refreshingly clear that our generation gets to choose between Zuckerberg, Buttigieg, and AOC. Which one do we want to be led by?
“He needs Tulsi as a third-party candidate.”
What a dumbfuck. Isn’t it obvious to you yet that Tulsi’s plan is “Trump-Gabbard 2020”? Sucks to be Mike Pence, huh?
‘I will not be seeking re-election to Congress in 2020’: Rep Tulsi Gabbard
I think he’s traumatized. Clearly his game is slipping badly. He misses Hillary more than he will ever admit. It eats him up inside. It’s eats them all up.
His opening move in this thread is based on a speculative essay based on a different speculative essay, citing a “Clinton source” appearing on the Tucker Carlson WhitePower! Hour who hasn’t worked closely with Sec. Clinton since he was demoted from her campaign (for leaking) to work for her daughter.
The first primaries are three and one half months away. She doesn’t even have a committee. Very much like Tulsi (who has a better chance of winning a delegate or two), Hillary is a right wing fetish. The idea of her Mom-dances in a pants-suit rent free in their heads every day from now until forever.
This is Every Republican You Know.
Thanks entirely to 48 state laws awarding EC electors on a “winner-take-all” basis, the race will be decided in no more than a half dozen states.
So you have to ask yourself before you are led by that ring in your nose down the “moderate” rabbit hole (apol to RR) how do these potential nominees fare in those battleground states in a head-to-head against president Russian-SlutPuppet?
Again, remember that according to “moderate” wisdom, it was a “populist backlash” that drove Slut-Puppet to victory last time. They argue that his rhetoric gave voice to “heartland” voter “anxieties” about their economic and social future. Appearing to have stalled the Obama recovery with pointless trade wars, SHITDOWNS!, and general uncertainty, it looks increasingly hard for Slut-Puppet and his GOP minions to run on economic boom times. This is why Paul Ryan bailed. He knew what the future held for him in his home state.
If “moderate wisdom” holds any truth at all, Biden might well be among the worst of the leading contenders to outperform Clinton in those battleground states in 2020. Not only is he unwilling to confront the opposition on the terms that drive social media engagement, he is equally unwilling to grapple directly with the “populist” concerns that moderates insist will deliver the votes in those key states.
The worries that keep Howard Schultz, Michael Bloomberg, and Mark Zuckerberg awake at night, and that may even populate casual party conversations around patio firepits in Santa Barbara and Old Greenwich, will not figure in the motivations of suburban voters in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. Poll after poll going back more than two decades show that the “crazy leftist” proposals of the “extreme progressives” enjoy overwhelming support among voters the second they are divorced from partisan ideological labeling.
Chances are you support them too. So it begs the question: what’s stopping you from saying so? Let go of your whiteness and be free.
@ 9
So it begs the question: what’s stopping you from saying so?
Knowledge and acknowledgement that Santa Claus is not real, for starters.
@ 11
This would be more persuasive if the DJIA were not up 172 points on the date the federal deficit figure is released.
(Make My Retirement Even Better)
It begins.
Judge overturns guilty verdicts against Trump transition adviser on foreign-agent charges
The losses in both cases are also sour notes for special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of ties between the Trump campaign and Russia. Mueller’s office was deeply involved in probing both the Rafiekian and Craig cases, but eventually transferred the matters off to other prosecutors.
I wouldn’t be expecting that Flynn conviction any time soon, either.
The judge called “particularly telling” the government’s insistence for months that Flynn was not part of the alleged conspiracy, only to abruptly reverse course days before the trial and assert that he was.
Make My Carrier AC Job Even Better!
Y muchas gracias a todos mis amigos en los Estados Unidos por hacer me familia muy feliz en esta Navidad!
La Raza!
Hey Carl, when you’re making soup for Doctor Dumbfuck, throw in a couple of Valium pills. Just kidding. But somebody needs to keep him from going off his prescribed meds.
“I have read every word of this Statement of the Offense, or have had it read to me. Pursuant to Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11, after consulting with my attorneys, I agree and stipulate to this Statement of the Offense, and declare under penalty of perjury that it is true and correct.”
Umm… Dumbfuck? You okay?
Wow. Brain on Breitbart I guess.
Friday News Round Up
Rudy Giuliani learned what a butt-call is.
The Dow is up 170 points, but Doctor Dumbfuck’s pet stock — the one he crowed about a day or so ago — is down 4.6%.
It’s raining in Seattle, but some people might argue that’s not news.
Betsy DeVos was held in contempt of court for dunning defrauded student borrowers in violation of a court order. Is it now fair to call her a shady bill collector?
Doctor Dumbfuck is still a dumbfuck (see, e.g., @12 above), but some people might argue that’s not news, either. (Also see second item above in this comment and @5-6, 10-11, and 13 above. Also, see @16 for in-depth analysis of #13.)
“But somebody needs to keep him from going off his prescribed meds.”
Or maybe get them to cut back on the dossage? Fuck me, but somehow in his hazy stupor the poor pathetic bastard missed Flynn’s conviction and allocution altogether. Too busy looking for the Crowdstrike!! Survur!! in his borscht I guess.
@ 16
“And if you don’t stipulate, we’re going after your kid. We’ll bankrupt him, ruin his life. Now sign here.”
@16 What do you expect from an amateur lawyer with neither brains nor legal training?
“…under penalty of perjury that it is true and correct.”
Which is an actual “totally cool” and “perfect” statement made, signed, and sworn to by the accused before a federal criminal court judge. Fun!
As opposed to a bot post on a 4chan board circulating by mimeograph among the raging Uncle Walter’s in Teh Dumbfuck’s Friday night canasta group.
This is Every Republican You Know
In a way he almost has a point. Although I doubt it is the one he intended.
To get an order from the judge vacating Flynn’s guilty plea requires fairly extraordinary proof. So yes, if it were possible for his television lawyer to produce compelling unrefuted evidence that the plea was obtained by overtly criminal means the judge would have to consider such a motion.
But of course, as with the fevered bleating about the impeachment hearings being entirely conducted according to rules the Republican majority laid out and approved four years ago, these things just don’t work the way the SovCit Party wants them to. Every single plea deal that ever was or ever will be involves overt, clearly stated threats of prosecution. That’s our system. And it isn’t a crime to do it. It’s all out in the open. And every bit of filing in his case demonstrates that Flynn was treated with kidd gloves. So much so that the judge more than once lost his shit at the prosecutors for going too soft. Something, something, “you’re a traitor”, etc.
I think it’s almost a little sad that Flynn is being used this way.
But I think it’s funny as fuck that armchair advocates like Teh Dumbfuck are being used this way. Just imagine the fits of righteous fury he works himself up to thinking about brave papa Flynn falling on his sword to protect his wayward son. You know. The son who was brokering an international kidnapping plot.
Uttering a phrase we’ll be hearing a lot on the coming months…
Congress gets the Mueller Grand Jury files. Here’s where a gang of GOP Reps storm SCOTUS to shout “Keep it behind CLOSED DOORS!”
Hunter? Is that you?
Bob you are a fraud. You have no convictions of fiscal conservatism, standards, morals and have no decency.
Great way to spend retirement – trolling around here. Every person should aspire to be like you? Kudos.
“You have no convictions of fiscal conservatism, standards, morals and have no decency.”
No conservative does. It is all fraud and always has been.
To wit, I give you the wave of stridently moralizing editorials spewing forth from Bret Stephens and David Brooks about how wrong it is that their president called his fellow Americans HUMAN SCUM…
…(( crickets ))
” about how wrong it is that their president called his fellow Americans HUMAN SCUM…”
It might wrong to say, but it’s at least partially true. It is a fact that all Republicans are human scum, especially Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron.
I’m not the one claiming that vulgar name-calling cheapens public discourse and drives people away from civic engagement.
But Brooks, Stephens, and dozens of other overpaid Tone Sheriffs have built decades-long careers on 300 word lectures to the great unwashed masses delivered from the front of the promenade deck saying just that. And for some strange reason they only shake the swear jar when it’s some dirty hippie failing to show proper respect.
They’ve always been faking. Always.
@23 Yep, looks like Trump had another rough day in the courts, and not just the grand jury records. He’s losing every case. Across the board, courts are shooting down his governance model and asserting rule of law and established precedents, both of which are incompatible with aspirations to dictatorship and dreams of absolute power.
But.. but.. but…
…whuddubout DEFICITS???
…whuddubout GET OVER IT???
…whuddubout SQUIRREL!!!
@30 You left out giraffes. Why? Are you conspiring to cover up Elizabeth Warren’s giraffe hoarding? The most serious issue facing Americans today?
Here’s a clue: Democrats and Republicans couldn’t care less about deficits or the level of debt, even though they pretend to.
@32 Not true. Republicans care deeply about deficits — so much so that after cutting taxes for corporations and billionaires, they insist we must slash spending on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and food stamps to avoid drowning in the towering debt they created.
Not originally my post but here are some things people need to know about Tulsi Gabbard:
Tulsi Gabbard comes from a family of conservative activists, most famous for their opposition to Gay Marriage
Tulsi Gabbard has said her personal views on LGBT equality haven’t changed as recently as 2015:
Tulsi Gabbard was nearly a part of Trump’s administration at Steve bannon’s suggestion:
Tulsi Gabbard has also been praised multiple times by Steve Bannon, Trump’s former strategist and prolific white nationalist propagandist:
Tulsi Gabbard declined to join 169 Democrats in condemning Trump for appointing Steve Bannon to his administration:
Tulsi Gabbard isn’t anti-war. She’s a self-described hawk against terrorists. Her narrow objections center around efforts to spread democracy: “In short, when it comes to the war against terrorists, I’m a hawk,” Gabbard said. “When it comes to counterproductive wars of regime change, I’m a dove.”:
Tulsi Gabbard copies the rhetoric of Republicans: Gabbard voted against condemning Bashar al-Assad, president of Syria, and was praised by conservative media for publicly challenging President Barack Obama over his refusal to use the term “Islamic extremism” when discussing terrorism:
Tulsi Gabbard also copies the policy of Republicans, voting with them to block Syrian refugees:
Tulsi Gabbard frequently repeats Russian talking points and works to legitimize Assad:
Tulsi Gabbard was one of only 3 representatives to not condemn Assad for gassing Syrian civilians and the only Democrat:
Tulsi Gabbard has introduced legislation pushed by GOP-megadonor, Sheldon Adelson:
Tulsi was later awarded a “Champions of Freedom” medal at Adelson’s annual gala in 2016:
Senator Mazie Hirono from Hawaii did not endorse Tulsi’s 2020 bid due to concerns of Tulsi’s lack of a progressive record. Senator Hirono said she would be “looking for someone who has a long record of supporting progressive goals” when asked if she will support Gabbard in the Democratic primary.
• October 24th 2019, Tulsi went onto Hannity to rebuke the Trump impeachment hearings
• Said “it’s time to move on” from the Mueller Report immediately after Barr’s assessment.
• Said indicting Trump would lead to a Civil War (Hm what a familiar talking point)
• Said there is “no compelling cause” for impeachment and that “Congress needs to exercise oversight over the information that’s been leaked” and that, regarding impeachment, “what I think most people will see is, ‘Hey, this is another move by Democrats to get rid of Donald Trump,’ further deepening the already hyperpartisan divides that we have in this country.”
• Lawsuit against Google for the false claim of ‘only defending liberals’
• Attacked, then resigned from, the DNC (likely in preparation for a 3rd party run)
• Touted working for anti-gay group that backed conversion therapy (Via CNN, 2019)
• During the 4th democratic debate in 2019, Gabbard parroted Russian disinformation claiming the US was arming Al Queda in Syria.
• During the 4th democratic debate, she called for ending sanctions against the genocidal Bashar al-Assad. Assad is America’s enemy and Russia’s close ally
• Went on Fox’s Tucker Carlson’s show and used Project Veritas as proof
It’s no wonder the racist incel is promoting her.
Here’s a clue:
Democrats and RepublicansI couldn’t care less about deficits or the level of debt, even thoughtheyI pretend to.All that really matters is that they stop spending any money on the brown people. Amiright?
Welp, you wanted to try a “successful” bidniss man. And you got him.
Howz dat goin?
I see very little evidence that Tulsi as a candidate is acheiving any resonance with Democrats, particularly not in battleground states. Instead her role seems to be intended to legitimize Derp State conspiracist’s suspicions that any time a democratic process doesn’t perfectly align with their parochial views it can only be the result of corruption. Well, that and a latent appeal to a bunch of aging white tractor drivers who find her bi-racial exoticism “hot” in an obsf way. In that sense I suspect at this point any third party candidacy from her takes more from Republicans, at least where it counts.
As evidence I give you our very own Teh Dumbfuck.
Looks like PI is leaning too.
All good news as far as I can see. If idiots like them are separating from Trump more than a year out it tells me we can at least convince 78,000 similarly gullible idiots in PA, MI, and WI.