Yesterday was a pretty good election nationally. Virginia and Kentucky had great wins for the Democrats. Statewide, oof. You hate to see the initiatives go the way they have.
And Seattle City Council is a mixed bag. With Mike O’Brien’s retirement and Kshama Sawant maybe losing, the left wing of the Council won’t be as liberal. But the median vote may be farther left. Hopefully we can get a head tax and figure out ways to minimize the impact of cuts that are probably coming to transit. I hope that some of the organizing that went into those races can be transferred to organizing to push those policies.
Gay Democrat major donors not helping the party much these days.
LGBT leader paid sex abuse victim not to testify, Oregon authorities say
Bean is a co-founder of the Human Rights Campaign and of the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund. He has been a major fundraiser for Democratic Party candidates, including President Barack Obama’s campaign, the Oregonian reported.
Kiah Lawson, now 30, was Bean’s boyfriend at the time of the alleged crime, when both men were in Eugene, Ore. for an Oregon Ducks game. In September 2019 Lawson was found guilty on identical sex abuse charges and sentenced to two years in prison.
Bean’s lawyer, Derek Ashton, was also arrested on a felony computer crime for the alleged payoff and posted bail Oct. 30. The Oregon State Bar opened an ethics investigation against him in September.
At least Bean hasn’t killed anyone. Yet. So he’s not as poisonous as this gay Democrat donor.
Democratic donor Ed Buck indicted for allegedly providing lethal doses of meth
Reminder: Before Amazon became involved, Sawant still had only 37% support in her primary race.
@1 Dumbfuck’s election analysis in a nutshell: Gay bashing.
@2 Before Trump came along the GOP could still win elections outside the Very Old Confederacy portion of the Old Confederacy.
@ 3
Ed Mole.
If Sawant is taken down, I’d argue that Goldy lost even more influence.
Goldy Retweeted
Paul Constant
Their consultants will try as hard as they can, but there’s no way to frame last night’s Council results as positive for the Chamber. They lost a ton of influence.
Here in Seattle, the much-ballyhooed “change election” turned out to be a “pffft!” election. Sawant? Voter antipathy to her personal traits, kind of like how most Americans feel about Trump. Maybe a little rejection of her ideology, too; it looks to me like, overall, Seattle voters don’t want to run business out of town, but don’t want business interests to run the town, either. Like they did in the old days before the tech boom came along and the Emerald City filled up with millennial strivers living in apartments and living on takeout chow in cardboard containers.
Overall I’d say Doctor Dumbfuck didn’t have a real good night last night; and the public testimony hasn’t even started yet. I suspect he didn’t have an especially good morning in the barn, either. (See #1 above for clues.)
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 7 compared Sawant to Trump.
I thought it was only in dumps like Venezuela where socialists became billionaires.
@6 Why the “if”? Sawant lost. But hey, in case you didn’t notice, Goldy still has a job and HA is still here. So are we, the HA contingent of loyal patriotic liberal Americans, and we’re going to continue mocking your miserable little life, although in this connection it should be noted that we’re not responsible for your misery, which is entirely self-inflicted. Nobody forced you to be what you are. You volunteered for that. You also volunteer for the richly-deserved abuse we heap on you, because you’re here of your own free will, nobody’s making you stay, and you’re free to leave at any time. I hope you don’t. We have trouble keeping trolls, even stupid ones, on board here. Most leave 2 or 3 weeks when they figure out this blog isn’t another iteration of Free or a subsidiary of Stefan’s shitty little defunct blog. They aren’t used to being bullied by Liberals With Spines (TM).
Since were speaking @ 8 of not having a real good night last night:
With the defeat of 88, YLB’s kids will now have to rely on the intelligence they inherited to get ahead in life.
The question is how did that crazy bitch Sawant get anywhere near government in the first place! What were you people thinking when you elected her?
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has multiple club memberships:
Liberals with ED
Liberals with Incontinence
Liberals who voted against ST-3 and for I-976
@9 Boy, you really ARE struggling with your one-liners this morning. Having a tough day, I see. However, while Sawant isn’t remotely close to being a billionaire, it’s plausible that her net worth might be greater than Trump’s. After all, his claims to be worth $10 billion have never been verified. And people who don’t pay their bills and file for bankruptcy multiple times typically aren’t billionaires. The term commonly applied to such people is “broke.”
@ 12
What were you people thinking when you elected her?
In Goldy’s case, he was probably thinking that an elected Sawant was the best way to ensure that the Hanauer dough kept rolling his way.
@11 Another marble that doesn’t roll even on a polished floor. Something’s wrong with your marbles, Doc. Maybe you should take a break and pop a couple more uppers before you try to float any more 1-liners.
@12 I think she probably was a default option at the time. You know, like Trump. As Doc has pointed out, people like her and Trump get into office because their opponents are awful.
@13 Well, maybe the first two, but at least I don’t have a bent dick or equine syphilis from trying to ass-fuck horses. And for the record while it’s true I voted against ST-3, it’s not true I voted for I-976 or any other Eyman initiative. Anyway, I wouldn’t gain anything by voting for it,* because as a disabled veteran I’ll continue getting free vehicle tags regardless of whether it passes or not. I have a handicapped parking sticker, too. And the respect of my fellow patriotic Americans for having served, a respect that the draft dodger squatting in the White House will never enjoy. What I don’t have is a disease horses pass to humans or a contaminated brain.
* Kinda like owning your return-free fav stock.
Comparing Trump with Sawant as politicians makes good sense. Don’t know much about her, but what I’ve seen makes her appear to be a bit of a demagogue just like the Russian SlutPuppet.
That may work for Trump. His raw talent for it combined with his recognition of how much Congressional authority has been ceded to the Executive over the past three or four decades puts him in an advantageous position to cow rivals and allies alike.
But in a legislative body, particularly a municipal legislative body, a practitioner of demagoguery and the politics of resentment quickly finds herself isolated. And the atmosphere that creates tends to spread over time and result in legislative paralysis. As evidence I give you all the sweeping legislative accomplishments of the Trumpublicans following the Ryan billionaire tax cut.
One way of measuring the outcome of yesterday’s election is to consider the consequences. Let’s look at the head tax prospects.
Goldy wants a head tax:
Since Amazon cares so much about Seattle, surely it wouldn’t mind paying ahead tax to backfill the transportation funding gutted by the passage of I-976. Let’s get on that, @SeattleCouncil!
So does Carl:
Carl Ballard
Are there enough votes for a head tax?
9:56 PM – 5 Nov 2019
Now, assuming the unwashed Sawant chick goes down for good, would the HA libbies think that the reconstituted Seattle City Council is more likely, or less likely, to resurrect a push for a head tax?
As the answers to this and similar questions are clarified in coming months, so will be the effect that the Chamber and Amazon have had upon the City Council races just completed.
I can wait.
Trump has come.
It’s okay. You can go ahead and use the “N” word now.
But you might just want to hurry. I don’t know for how much longer.
@15 Could be, but I can’t speak for him. You’d have to ask him. However, I think we can say with high confidence that you totally depended on healthy people getting sick to keep the Medicare dough rolling your way. In other words, you were fed by other people’s misery. Kinda like a plumber who makes $250 an hour by cleaning out backed-up sewers.
Carl’s attention span is short, and he whined about Okanagan County’s ballot drop time:
Goldy Retweeted
Carl Ballard
Okanogan County can’t get their first ballot drop by 11:30, but they want to tell the Sound Transit area how to do transportation (presumably).
Maybe there’s a reason for this.
King County had 23.53% turnout, and about 130000 of its 442930+/- ballots remain to be counted. So 29.4% of King County’s work is not yet done.
Okanogan County had significantly greater turnout at 28.87%, yet only about 1,000 of its 7884 ballots remain to be counted, so there is only 12.7% of Okanogan County’s work not yet completed.
Seems as if Okanogan County was doing something other than trying to find Sawant a face-saving spin with its time.
If you ever wanted a handy, concrete, real life example to demonstrate just how incredibly fucking stupid watching FOX News makes Republicans you can always turn to this:
“Next thing they said was that, in the previous administration, they spent a lot of time in the White House doing nonstop PC [political correctness] meetings. They would have a meeting every week, and at the conclusion of the meeting there was always the suggestion, ‘Let’s meet again in two weeks.’ Nothing was ever resolved. Nothing was ever good enough,”
PC refers to “Principals Committee” not political correctness. The Principals Committee is made of of senior intelligence officials from various departments and agencies responsible for preparing reports, briefings, and advice for the President.
This right here is Every Republican You Know.
@ 21
Ah. I see you take issue with my use of the term. Had I not referred to Amy Goodman in a similar manner numerous times on this blog, you would even have a point.
Thank God you can smell Amy Goodman two blocks before she enters the room.
“@53 Sawant is trailing 45.6% to 54%. It’s over.”
You may recall that she was down over 11 points on election night in 2015. As the late ballots got counted that margin chipped away steadily.
Long shot but it’s not over at this point. If she’s still significantly behind this afternoon as the dropped in ballot boxes on election day get counted then it’s probably over but a good percentage of what was counted last night would be early voters. Ones who might have voted before the Amazon cash dump.
Ones who were so fired up to get the shoshulism out they mailed it the day after it arrived at their house. People who might tear her very image from their sight.
(eds note, this is not an endorsement of Sawant)
@19 Trump takes his cues from Hitler’s formula, which was successful to a point for a while. The latter kept party officials in line by having those who strayed shot. Trump wants to do that, too, but for now he has to settle for exiling them back to civilian employment as lobbyists, motivational speakers, or bagmen.
@20 That train left the station a while back, doc. But I’m not surprised to see you chasing after cabooses. You’ve done that your entire life.
Too damn many police. Just too damn many.
More police make us less safe. It’s a fact.
@ 24
You read Fox News so I don’t have to, QoS McHillbilly.
However, had I read it I would have realized that an incorrect assumption about an acronym’s meaning does not distract from the point that rather than authority delegated so that something could get done, the previous administration centralized it and got nothing done, which was the basis for the complaint.
Back to Orange Man Bad. Carry on.
@24 The implication underlying this, needless to say, is that Trump holds no Principals meetings. And what flows from that, of course, is that he doesn’t know a damn thing about what’s actually going on in the world. But it’s absolutely no surprise that Fox’s audience of ignorant beerbillies and rednecks is all-in for Trump’s adoption of ignorance as his primary governing principle. I just wonder how they roped in a doctor, that’s all. Doctors are supposed to be better educated and know better.
So I guess we know who Teh Dumbfuck has been turning to for reassurances in these dark times for the GOP:
“Imagine how bad she smells, man? I’m told her and Obama, just stink, stink, stink, stink. You can’t wash that evil off, man. Told there’s a rotten smell around Hillary. I’m not kidding, people say, they say — folks, I’ve been told this by high up folks. They say listen, Obama and Hillary both smell like sulfur. I never said this because the media will go crazy with it, but I’ve talked to people that are in protective details, they’re scared of her. And they say listen, she’s a frickin’ demon and she stinks and so does Obama. I go, like what? Sulfur. They smell like Hell.”
This right here is Every Republican You Know.
@25 Here we have Doc being a connoisseur of body odor. But it has to be expected of someone who spends half his life in a barn.
@29 When cops are arresting and shooting each other you certainly can argue the cop-to-population ratio has reached a saturation point.
@ 32
From your link:
ALEX JONES (HOST): I’m never a lesser of two evils person, but with Hillary, there’s not even the same universe. She is an abject, psychopathic, demon from Hell that as soon as she gets into power is going to try to destroy the planet.
Replace the word Hillary with Trump, and no HA libbie will think twice about context or content. He, or she if it’s YLB, will merely nod, silently and knowingly, and move on to the next sentence.
This is what we – we all – have become.
Orange Man “delegates”…
… to Rudy, and Lev, and Igor…
…and the Kurds are handed over to Iran.
Finally! Things are GITTIN’ DUN!
@30 Most thinking people would realize that “an incorrect assumption about an acronym’s meaning” calls into question all of that source’s other conclusions, too.
@30 Most thinking people would realize that “an incorrect assumption about an acronym’s meaning” calls into question all of that source’s other conclusions, too.
Couple years back Dooooooooocey had a scoop about how awful Public Enemy was saying the Twin Tower plane attack was “A joke in his town.”
Don’t know what loon website he got that from.
So get up get, get get down
911 is a joke in yo town
Get up, get, get, get down
911 wears the late crown
The problem is the PE song was released in 1990 and if you’ve ever even listened to even the first 30 seconds of it the narrator is describing how calling the police in a black neighborhood is useless because they take hours and hours to show up.
So you can’t expect them to see PC and even think Personal Computer let alone Principles Committee
@35 “ALEX JONES (HOST): I’m never a lesser of two evils person”
That’s true (and is one of the few true things he’s ever said). In almost every context, Alex Jones is the most evil person in every setting in which he appears.
@ 37
Most thinking people would realize that “an incorrect assumption about an acronym’s meaning” calls into question all of that source’s other conclusions, too.
Fleeing Felon.
@41 Google “fleeing suspect shot in back” and see what you get, then do some more Googling to find out how many of those cops went to prison.
AOL News headline: “Graham on ‘B.S.’ impeachment inquiry: Testimony won’t change his mind, because he won’t read it”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m sure Graham, a lawyer, knows that if he was trying a case in the civil courts and a prospective juror said that, he wouldn’t have to use up one of his peremptory challenges; the judge would toss that juror for cause.
Nothing marks him as a quisling, and shitty lawyer, more plainly than blatantly prejudging the case before hearing any evidence — and announcing he won’t even listen to or consider the evidence.
However the dust settles on all this, I don’t think history is going to judge Lindsey Graham very kindly.
@ 42
@41 Google “fleeing suspect shot in back” and see what you get.
Now, misapply the term to a thug shot several times in the front of his body while bullrushing a cop,
What Citizens Don’t Understand About Police Use Of Force
recall @ 37 your comment about incorrect use of an acronym calling into question all conclusions from that source, and realize that it applies perfectly to you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Someday there’ll be another Trump, because you can’t fix stupid.
Of course, we already knew that. For a long time now, we’ve been trying to fix Doctor Dumbfuck, but he’s still as stupid as ever.
Perhaps like the Senior Republican Senator from South Carolina, and probably the vast majority of your like-minded fellow Trump voters, you’ve decided not to read any of the deposition transcripts and concluded without evidence that “it’s all bullshit”.
But in fact the people who are right now in the process of impeaching your president are not doing it because he’s an uncouth, unaccomplished, fat, braggart who rubs most people the wrong way and only evinces any capacity for treating others with grace if and only if he believes he can get something out of them. But rather, because since even before he was elected he’s been trying to sell out his own country, whether for personal gain or for the benefit of his financial backers. That is bad. And there is evidence aplenty.
So I always caution my fellow “Leftists” to ignore the stupid rage tweets calculated to “trigger”. To ignore the night rally speeches designed to stir the beer drunk crowd. And instead to focus on the things Republicans do that really matter: beating up sobbing toddlers, building baby-rape-camps, driving DEATHCARS into peaceful crowds, giving away trillions of dollars of future generations earnings to current day billionaires, abusing our strategic global security partners, and of course, and as always, telling lots and lots and lots of tasteless racist and sexist jokes around the company water cooler.
I know when you read these things if FEELS to you like someone is accusing you of smelling like the devil, etc. But in fact, it isn’t at all the same thing. You’ve grown so accustomed to never ever being called out for your disgraceful and morally wrong behavior that when you finally see it you don’t recognize it. You eagerly elevated a bankrupted reality television personality to the top of your political party knowing that it would probably result in some ruination. But you accepted and even welcomed that, merely for the sake of the collateral damage.
Well, here it is. You are bad people. Demonstrably, objectively bad. And saying so doesn’t have to depend upon lurid fantasies about baby cannibalism rings operating out of invisible dungeons under pizza stores or Pentecostal rolling and yawping about flies and sulfur.
You people do bad things. Beating up sobbing toddlers is a really bad thing. Turning a fundamentally cruel and irreparably broken immigration system into a political cudgel and then laughing about the carnage is a bad thing. Conspiring with foreign adversaries to tamper with our elections is a bad thing. Rigging county and state election processes to deny people the vote based on their race or ethnicity is a very bad thing. Telling two responsible adults who love each other that they cannot marry because their personal life creeps you out is a bad thing. Writing laws to forcibly shove medical probes into women’s vaginas against their will is a bad thing. Doing too many beer bongs and going “family style” on a fifteen-year-old girl is a bad thing.
That’s you now. Face it. We are not all of us bent on the ruination of democracy and modern tolerant society simply because WHITE! That’s you. Only you. Sure, you will always be able to find exceptional examples of groups and individuals from the left behaving cruelly. But what you won’t be able to find are credible examples of the Democratic Party incorporating such cruelty into our ideology. But sadly, and I really do mean this, cruelty is now the only ideology the Republican Party has left. For the sake of clinging to razor thin demographic advantages you’ve abandoned everything else.
It’s you now. It really is Every Single Republican You Know.
You still do have a choice, even if it is not the choice you wanted. Whatever choice you make, own it.
@44 “@41 Google “fleeing suspect shot in back” and see what you get. Now, misapply the term to a thug shot several times in the front of his body while bullrushing a cop”
So your answer is to change the topic and the parameters of the discussion. Of course it is. That’s your standard operating procedure here. And all the proof anyone needs that you don’t have real answers to anything. However, we acknowledge your special talent for rolling in the hay with the barn’s regular residents.
Also, and not for nuthin’,
in a generalized, global sense, things are not going well for you when you find yourself turning to Alex Jones for moral support like you do there.
I couldn’t name any of them, but I don’t doubt there must be some left wing equivalents out there to Alex Jones (albeit with nowhere near the audience numbers). But whoever the fuck they are, you won’t see me leaning on them to make a point.
Largely thanks to you and your president, I don’t have to.
@46 “You are bad people.”
They have a right to be bad people, lousy citizens, and incompetent voters. The Constitution and our societal commitment to personal freedom gives them that right. But having the right to be bad, stupid, and incompetent doesn’t make those traits respectable or make them admirable.
These bad people, sorry excuses for citizens, and malfeasing voters fully deserve all the scorn and ostracism we heap on them. Every human collective in history, since the dawn of time, has recognized the absolute necessity of driving destructive misfits out of the village before they burn down the entire village.
afro dating website asheville dating scene
@ 48
I couldn’t name any of them, but I don’t doubt there must be some left wing equivalents out there to Alex Jones (albeit with nowhere near the audience numbers). But whoever the fuck they are, you won’t see me leaning on them to make a point.
Dude, look in a fucking mirror. You are one of them.
Your hyperbole is every bit as bad as that of Alex Jones. Your approach is perhaps a bit more cerebral than his is, but your audience is every bit as indoctrinated and bullible as his is.
Your audience is smaller, pathetically so. But all you lack is the microphone.
When a Kentucky Governor says ‘voting irregularities’ it’s code for “we made it really hard for them so how did all the Negroes still cast a vote? Must be illegal”
I do what I can so others don’t have to.
And I still get to sleep at night knowing with utter confidence that I was never, even for a moment, tempted to smile at images of a border guard beating up an hysterically frightened and sobbing four-year-old girl, or images of bound and hooded detainees wired to car batteries, or images of shoes embedded into a car radiator..
#youbuiltthat You did. You really did.
@ 53
I hadn’t seen that article before. Thanks for posting it.
KY law allows for a challenge followed by a panel hand picked by the GOPer legislature deciding to hold a new election.
And they just might do it.
I kinda hope they do. Under those circumstances Bevin might still lose, because Trump would almost certainly involve himself even more. And the response by voters in KY who by all accounts are really fed up with Bevin could deliver an even bigger margin for Beshear. But the lasting effect would be more widespread rejection of the GOP. I’m all for that.
You’re welcome. It’s very effective journalism. Maybe too effective.
Somebody better get Mattis on the phone so the GOP can steer that JEDI contract to Microsoft.
Look Ma! No sulfur fumes!
Much media attn will focus on KY, especially with Bevin and the GOP threatening to void the result.
But don’t miss the GOP wipeout in suburban PA.
Very solid signal in a must win.
Still, the hard work is just beginning.
@ 57
Bevin requested a recanvass. Standard stuff.
Where’s your evidence of a threat to void?
Oh Lindsay…..:.
@51 “Dude, look in a fucking mirror. You are one of them.”
To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, Elijah is no Alex Jones. Your floating that comparison speaks for itself and requires no comment. That spaghetti bowl didn’t just bounce off the wall, it flew back and hit you in the face.
You’re just not having a good day at all today, dumbfuck. Even by your usual low standards.
@59 With results that close, it they’d be committing election malpractice if they didn’t. But a recanvass is not a recount.
“Where’s your evidence of a threat to void?”
Right here: “Later that night, Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes told CNN her office had called the race for Beshear, as they do not believe the difference in the vote can be made up by Bevin. As if matters couldn’t get more complicated, Republican Senate President Robert Stivers then told reporters that a joint session of the Kentucky General Assembly may eventually decide the winner, citing a provision in the state constitution that hasn’t been used in 120 years.”
This article, by the way, provides a decent overview of Kentucky recount law. Summarizing, Kentucky doesn’t do recounts for governor races and certain other offices in the familiar sense. A candidate can get a recount but has to go through judicial avenues by petitioning a judge, who oversees the recount, or filing an election contest lawsuit. The state constitution makes the legislature the final arbiter of election contests, just as the U.S. House of Representatives is the final arbiter of presidential elections, but whether a partisan majority can arbitrarily change apparent election results is debatable. It’s an interesting question for academics to chew on, given that the founders of our republic didn’t trust the electorate to choose presidents or senators and entrusted those responsibilities to legislators or other proxies, in an apparent belief that — foreshadowing Marx — the “masses are asses.” On that latter point, the founders may have anticipated Trump voters over 200 years ago.
Goldy begat HA begat Fuck Seattle:
Any analysis that doesn’t recognize I-976 as another “Fuck Seattle” vote is malpractice. Voters throughout much of the rest of the state are happy to sacrifice their own roads and transit, as long as it screws Seattle. That’s how Eyman sells these things, and that’s how they win.
As someone else might say, Goldy, #youbuiltthat.
The statutes in KY and the off record comments of GOP leg members feeling butt hurtz over their humiliating loss.
“…but whether a partisan majority can arbitrarily change apparent election results is debatable.”
I read it as granting the leg authority to vacate the result and hold a new contest. Apparently hasn’t been done in over 100 years. Great to see the GOP majority believes they can appoint the winner. In the case of a guy like Bevin, that should go over really well. More please.
Speaking of Alex Jones, he’d better gun-up and resume lifting so’s he can beat down the prison walls. Because it looks like he may be spending some time behind ’em right quick.
Today, in the wake of Judge Berman Jackson making specific orders to protect the identity of jurors in the Roger Stone criminal trial, Jones went ahead and named a person during his broadcast he says is a seated juror in the Stone trial. And he went on to call this person a “minion of the left” and put up a picture he purports to be this person on his website.
This works out one of four ways:
1) Jones is full of shit (always) and he has named a real person who has nothing to do with the trial. This person may be in his employ or have an agreement with Jones such that they agree to the charade. Coward that he is, and well practiced con artists, this is the most likely.
2) Jones is full of shit (always) and he has named a real person who has nothing to do with the trial. This person is unwitting to this deception and will sue. If he is wise (he is not) Jones will have chosen an unsympathetic victim for this charade.
3) Jones is full of shit (pattern detected) and he has put forth a fake name and identity. Hard to pull off in this day and age. And Jones is too lazy anyway.
4) Jones has deliberately doxed a juror under a protective order of a sitting federal judge and will find himself jailed in contempt for the duration of the trial.
This right here is Every Republican You Know.
Someone get the way back musheeen and see KY state and Federal elected equating impeachment with trying to undo an election.
No, they have no shame but want to drive 80-90% of independents and maybe 10-20% of registered Republicans to the Democrats or a third party for a generation? Void an election without clear evidence of fraud just, “Well we the GOP majority feel you picked the wrong guy! And we are taking it out of your hands. You are too immature to vote.”
That should go well for you. That would have a ripple effect outside the state too.
Ads in every state, “The Republican Party is so extreme and corrupt they not only call real evidence “Bullshit” but they won’t accept a vote of the people.” There will be no rebuttal because, well “Kentucky Republicans aren’t really Republicans” won’t fly. Just ask Moscow Mitch what the strategy is for losing 6-8 Senate seats in 2020.
Come on Kentucky. Void the election. It would be awesome! I double dog dare you.
Turnaround of the week:
The corp media (talkin’ ’bout NYT), who spent the end of last week and the weekend White-splaining to all the hippies how Democrats were going to guarantee moar Twump with their crazy, stupid, unworkable socialized medicine. But who woke up this morning with ten thousand words poised in the hopper about how the Dems keep Blue Waving because of a focus on healthcare. Whatevs.
Don’t worry. They’ll flip back to the old script the minute the current “analysis” grows stale, and at least in time for the next David Brooks/Bret Stephens primal whine for “civility”.
@ 66
Come on King County. Void the initiative. “It would be awesome! I double dog dare you.”
King County will prepare lawsuit to block ‘devastating’ I-976
Seattleites can use all that dough they saved on car tabs to pay for Highway 99 tunnel tolls.
City braces for drivers leaving tolled SR-99 tunnel starting Nov. 9
Not that familiar with the new Eyman measure.
But having just read the title, would it not suffer from precisely the same legal flaw that some of his other ballot measures have fallen to? Namely, that of violating a state constitutional prohibition against combining unrelated changes to law in the same ballot measure?
A more cynical person might begin to suspect that this was being done deliberately.
Nyaaaah. No way.
With a healthy dose of ‘Impeachment just isn’t popular! It will cost them!”
See Bevins, “evil Nancy and Chuck trying to undo an election…The squad!…Soros!” and visits by an Orange wraith to Kentucky.
In other news, we’re having a pretty good year in the market.
What’s a Maga Bro gonna do
You know Judge Mallrat Moore can’t win back the Senate seat and there’s lots of tape of Dear Leader trashing Jeff Sessions.
Going to be a brutal primary for the GOP.
@ 73
Going to be a brutal primary for the GOP.
And then Doug Jones will have to run in an election in which Trump will also be on the ballot, and his clock will be cleaned.
Oooooh. Brutal primary. I bet Dianne Feinstein was scared during California’s primary season, too.
Jeff Sessions just announced he’s going to run for his old Senate position again. He’ll probably win, but he really just should go home to Northern Alabama, sit on the porch and watch the seasons change while drinking copious quantities of Old Grandad.
So we’re going to trade Jones for Collins, Tillis, McSally and Gardiner?
@62 If eastern Washington doesn’t want our road money, generated by the taxes they just repealed, then let ’em ride mules.
@64 “Great to see the GOP majority believes they can appoint the winner.”
Also blows apart their best (and most likely to succeed) impeachment defense of President Yes-He’s-A-Crook, i.e., “the election is less than a year away, so let the people decide.” That argument won’t hold water if they’re unwilling to let the people decide a state-level election.
@68 Given Eyman’s proven inability to write initiatives that don’t violate the state constitution, King County’s action seems justified, or at least appears to enjoy reasonable odds of success.
But I really don’t care if Eyman’s initiative survives a court test and road construction, maintenance, and repair in eastern Washington comes to a grinding halt. Let ’em take their agricultural products to market in oxcarts if they want to.
@72 In other words you’ve gotten back most of what you lost last year.
@74 “Doug Jones will have to run in an election in which Trump will also be on the ballot”
Do you really think, for some reason, he isn’t looking forward to that? But yeah, on the other hand, if he draws Sessions as an opponent, I can see where he might feel concerned about facing someone who had the decency to get fired by Trump.
Promises a long and excruciatingly obsequious series of public appearances where the candidate debases himself before the man who fired him via tweet.
We now live every day in a bad reality tv hell written by used car salesmen in plaid sport coats.
I-976 by county isn’t going the way y’all wanted.
King County voted No but so far only by 47k votes or so.
Snohomish County voted Yes by about 18.5k votes.
Pierce County voted Yes and heavily so, by about 43k.
So the Sound Transit counties are a collective Yes by around 10k votes or so.
OK, I have a question. For anyone other than Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, because I’d prefer an accurate response.
Last night’s data
indicated that there were around 130,000 ballots left to be counted in King County.
Today the estimate is 277,000 remaining.
What gives?
@83 There’s something new about voters here voting to approve something and then voting against the taxes to pay for it?
Remember the election in which voters voted FOR smaller class sizes and AGAINST a tax to fund smaller class sizes in the SAME ELECTION?
@84 It’s called “mail delivery.”
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Brilliant Hoaxes Fartblower Blowback Preview – Get Ready Loons, Your Clown Show Public Hearings Will Implode Like Your Russia Hoax;
Recall, newly released travel documents revealed that Adam Schiff’s staffer took a Burisma Group-funded trip to Ukraine 12 days after the ‘whistleblower’ filed a complaint against Trump and met with US Ambassador Bill Taylor.
Bill Taylor crumbled under Congressman Lee Zeldin’s questioning and admitted his source for information about Trump dealings with Ukraine related to the Biden crime family and Burisma was the New York Times.
Zeldin asked, “What was [Trump’s] goal of requesting investigations into 2016 election and Burisma?”
“As I understand it from one of the — maybe the article in the New York Times about Mr. Giuliani’s interest in Burisma, in that article, he describes, and I think he quotes Giuliani at some length, that article indicates that Giuliani was interested in getting some information on Vice President Biden that would be useful to Mr. Giuliani’s client…” Bill Taylor replied.
When Congressman Zeldin pushed Taylor, he admitted his ONLY source for this info is the fake news New York Times.
Zeldin asked, “So do you have any other source that the President’s goal in making this request was anything other that The New York Times?”
“I have not talked to the President. I have no other information from what the President was thinking,” Bill Taylor replied.
@88 Republicans should hire you to defend Trump in the forthcoming impeachment trial. That would make the Democrats’ job easier.
What RR sed.
Pretty normal in my experience. Even in a “received by” system there are going to be reporting units in any large statewide canvas where early count errors show up. Far more concerning when the total vote reported by a given unit is reduced. Harder to explain. But Ron DeSantis seems to understand that one better than most. Ask him.
The ILWU were assholes in Olympia a few years ago.
They were assholes in Portland, too. Might have been a fatal mistake.
Jury Rules Against ILWU in Portland Container Terminal Case
In a judgement entered in part on Monday, the jury ruled that alleged unlawful labor practices by the International Longshore Workers’ Union and its Local 8 were a substantial factor in causing $94 million in damage to Portland’s container terminal operator, ICTSI, which pulled out of its contract with the port in 2017.
The National Labor Relations Board previously determined that the ILWU had organized slowdowns at ICTSI’s Portland terminal in order to force the Port of Portland to give longshoremen the work of plugging and unplugging reefers – a task normally assigned to the Port’s union electricians, IBEW Local 48.
The jury assigned 55 percent of the fault for damages to ILWU and 45 percent to the union’s Local 8.
ILWU contests the jury’s finding, and it intends to request a new trial or to ask the judge to lower the amount of the award. “Entry of judgment on the verdict will impose a heavy financial burden with serious collateral consequences, including bankruptcy,” ILWU’s counsel wrote, asking the court for a delay.
May they all be replaced by computers.
@90 “The ILWU were assholes in Olympia a few years ago.”
That’s nothing. You should’ve seen what the BIAW were for years and years.
@90 Large jury verdicts routinely get reduced by judges. The woman severely scalded by McDonald’s superheated coffee who was awarded $2.86 million by a jury actually got less than $600,000 before deduction of attorney fees.
Well, Trump does like some of our military personnel — those who commit war crimes.
Speaking of military personnel, Sen. Joni Ernst may get a formidable opponent next: A retired admiral who thinks Democrats aren’t doing enough about climate change.
Yeah that was a question too stupid to ask in a mail in ballot county.
We gathered drop boxes and delivered by USPS on day one. Then anyone who postmarked that same or possibly the day before arrived.
Trying to play the ‘found ballot’ myth again?
That’s what Bob says to the horse at morning prayers
I’ve done very, very well this year, rodent. I was a bit down for the fourth quarter of 2018, but I made all of that back and one hell of a lot more in 2019.
I think the real point of that kind of old white guy crankery is to just try and get one or two more assholes willing to support going back to “the good old days” when only people who could slip out of the office a couple of hours early with a bag of clubs over their shoulder were permitted to vote.
Since you had to bring it up…
…that CIA guy whose name you were throwing around trying to smear? When asked by the GOP staff lawyer, Amb. Taylor replied that he’d never even heard the guy’s name before.
Sounds reasonable. Since he left NSC to return to CIA long before 2018, when Trump’s Ukranium One drug deal was going down. Ooops.
I can recommend an attorney. That CIA guy whose name you’ve been throwing around already has one. A very, very good one. But there’s still a few left. Barely. Just don’t wait too long. At the rate things are going, they just might run out.
@97 How much are you up since January 1, 2018?
@98 It’s not even that. He’s trolling us. His comments are nothing more than old-fashioned chain-pulling and we shouldn’t be giving him the time of day.
@99 You can’t get through to these morons. Lawyers love them as long as they have good insurance policies.
Fox management has more brains than they do. And legal counsel. Mentioning that person’s name on the air just became a firing offense at that network.
That’s how you know the idiots got the wrong guy.
It aint defamation if it’s true.
Only took ’em a week to figure it out. But in that week the collective dumbfuckery racked up millions in damages.
Apparently Trumpists have been gunning for this guy from early in 2017 when Priebus could not get control over all the various insider factions vying for access and dominance in all the chaos. Somebody started fingering him way back then, either as a way to climb a rung or deflect attention. He must have left a few butt hurtz among the snowflakes when he left the White House.
He may have been involved in reporting the clandestine midnight meeting between Nunes and Cohen-Watnick in the White House SCIF to prepare Nunes’ disinformation press conference in March of 2017. It’s widely reported that it was a Nunes staffer who was shopping his name to the Trumper media.
@ 103
What’s the evidence that Ciaramela is not the whistleblower? Taylor doesn’t know who he is?
Taylor wasn’t in the room for the phone call, either.
-Fox News lawyers have ordered the talent to stop speaking his name. Fact is, there are few legal protections for IC whistle blowers. And probably no legal recourse available to an IC whistle blower if they were retaliated against by publishing their name. Otoh, publishing the name of a private individual and falsely identifying them as a whistle blower could easily be regarded as defamation. Plenty of lucrative legal remedy available in that case.
-He wasn’t working at NSC or the White House when your Ukrainian drug deal was being put together.
You tools have once again been duped in service to someone’s personal grudge. Probably Derek Harvey.
I’d add that if Trump’s Failson hopes to win daddy’s approval by figuring out the whistle blower identity through process of elimination it could come at a very steep price.
@104 “What’s the evidence that Ciaramela is not the whistleblower?”
The same as the evidence that you’re not. See #101 for further details. Really, doc, you’re worse than transparent. Your trolling is stupidly lame.
P.S., I assume the name misspelling is intentionally calculated to reduce your legal exposure. No, I guess I shouldn’t assume that, because that ascribes an intelligence to you which you clearly lack. It’s probably just a mispelling resulting from an intelligence attribute in the other direction.
@105 “publishing the name of a private individual and falsely identifying them as a whistle blower could easily be regarded as defamation”
No need to go defamation. Invasion of privacy suffices.
Has anyone else noticed that Doctor Dumbfuck seems to be getting dumber than he already was? Maybe he should schedule a checkup with a geriatric specialist for an evaluation of how far the intracranial rot has advanced and its rate of spread. His dumbfuckery appears to be metastasizing.
Having read all 324 pages of Amb. Taylor’s dep, I am not aware of any testimony he gave regarding the contents of the July 25 phone call between the two Presidents to work out details of the drug deal, other than to report the content of conversations he had with individuals who were present. I trust you’ll cite the relevant passage for me. A page number will suffice.
At least we live in a country where yelling the “n” word and shouting “white power!” still gets a high school football coach fired. Yes, even in North Carolina.
The House will have the impeachment process over by Christmas, then the Senate will have a trial. The chief judge at the Supreme Court will officiate at a trial in the Senate, Trump will be “magically” be found innocent by the Republican-dominated Senate.
I’m not absolutely convinced that the House will move quickly. There are a lot of complicating factors and certainly a big part of the decision making calculus will depend on what evidence they already have.
But it’s worth keeping in mind that a huge number of relevant witnesses and documents under subpoena are still being withheld. The House leadership made a smart move to shake some of that loose by tying the GOP’s ability to call witnesses under the hearing rules to cooperation with the subpoenas. Too early to tell if that will have a useful effect. But it is very clear that House Republicans want very much to put on their own show defending their Ukranian drug dealer. And it’s clear that the White House wants that show as well.
But if that leverage is not successful in prying loose some cooperation, the time clock may be. After Jan of next year a new form of legal peril begins to set in for many of these witnesses and agency authorities. Starting in Feb of 2020, the five year statute of limitations on the Contempt of Congress statute places a House resolution for contempt beyond a second Russian SlutPuppet term. That means that no matter what happens in 2020, an AG other than Barr would be empowered to take up those charges. That legal peril encompasses a lot of administration big wigs. And knowing that Senate Republicans are going to vote to acquit no matter what, that gives the House committees a strong incentive to consider slowing things down if they don’t get the cooperation they feel they need.
In the end, owing to the certainty that Senate Republicans will ignore all the evidence no matter what, it’s a political calculation focusing on extracting the maximum penalty for the collective abuse of office. If Republican office holders are determined to flout the rule of law, the American people will want it to be costly to them.
@113 Both sides will be carefully watching how public opinion shifts, and how much, as evidence is presented to the public.
The impeachment train is unstoppable, and everyone assumes it’ll hit a wall in the Senate, but the least that Democrats get out of this is forcing Trump to run for re-election on an “I’m not a crook” platform where only his diehard supporters — the kind of people who willingly and knowingly vote for a crook — believe him.
Not just evidence will be presented.
For example, I give you Teh Dumbfuck at 104, who aside from trying to add to the whistle blower identity smoke screen, goes on to now imply that Amb. Taylor is part of the DERP STATE trying to bring down his beloved Russian SlutPuppet.
Taylor spoke extensively about his dealings in representing the U.S. to the newly elected Ukrainian government. And in particular his testimony gave precise and very relevant insight into the existence of a completely separate private channel of diplomacy being conducted by the Russian SlutPuppet’s private attorneys, his criminal bagmen, senior members of the White House staff, and other credentialed diplomats, trying to arrange the SlutPuppet’s drug deal score. In doing so he testified extensively about the contents of telephone and in-person conversations he had with many of the principals involved. Of course he would not be in the room during the call. He was the former U.S. Ambassador to the Ukraine serving as interim Chargés d’affaires . He would be in Ukraine. Where the diplomatic mission is located. Geezus. But would he know the names of NSC and other White House advisers assigned to the Ukraine mission? Of course. Aside from the Sec. of State and his senior assistants, they’d be his principal contacts for daily communication.
I know he’s a Dumbfuck. But even Teh Dumbfuck is not that big of a Dumbfuck. He’s just responding like the meat puppet that he is to whatever bullshit he’s absorbing from the Trumper media to which he is clearly addicted. And in that he is not alone.
Similarly Teh Dumbfuck is inartfully trying to stoke the rapidly dying embers of the Failson’s flacid attempts to dox the whistle blower. Of course the guy he targets was not in the room. He hadn’t been in the White house in months, having returned to his original assignment as a Ukraine expert analyst at the CIA. The point is Amb. Taylor, having come back to government service in June of this year as the senior diplomat assigned to Ukraine, and having spent all of his time in that role helping prepare for a meeting between the newly elected Ukraine government and the Drug Dealer in Chief, he never once crossed paths with the person the Failson wants to dox.
This is stupid bullshit. But it’s the kind of stupid bullshit that, however much it may humiliate and discredit those who traffic in it, is likely to work among the hapless beer drunk mouth breathers who no prop up the dying corpse of the GOP, and give most of the Senate Republicans the cover they need.
The identity of the whistle blower is as irrelevant to the Ukrainian Drug Deal as would be the identity of a 911 caller reporting a bank robbery in progress, when the cops arrive and catch the crooks red handed in mid-confession, surrounded by eye witnesses. It’s not just a question of how much evidence the House collects. It’s also a question of how they present it.
Trump, the astute businessman who always wins lawsuits, just lost a multimillion-dollar lawsuit — one with “corruption” written all over it, and in which his children are implicated, too.
Oh, this is better than good, it’s great! Did you know Matt Bevin had a 5-point lead in Kentucky last week before Trump put on a rally for him and sold “Read the transcript” t-shirts?
How do you lose five fucking points in one fucking week?
By having Trump campaign for you, that’s how.
In a profoundly red state yet.
Rudy Giuliani, an attorney in private practice in New York.
@ 117
How do you lose five fucking points in one fucking week?
Monmouth 11/3 – 11/6 748 LV 3.6 50 44 4 1 Clinton +6
@ 119
Yeah, I know. She ended up 3 points up, so only lost 3 in one week.
Still, had she not lost those 3 she would have won the EC.
And in Wisconsin she dropped more than 5 fucking points in one fucking week.
WI 10 3 3173 52.9 47.1 99.1 0.9
She was up 5.8 in WI in Darryl’s last analysis.
Just think: I’ve got 12 more months to dredge this up.
@ 119, 120
Yeah, I know.
The HA analysis excludes third-party candidates.
Still, she greatly underperformed expectations, and her numbers slid in the last week.
#CrookedHillary was truly awful. I’m getting four years of mirth out of it. Oh, and a really nice nest egg, too.
Goldy Retweeted
Chris Hayes✔
Who will speak for the billionaires?
Well, Bloomberg just filed to run in Alabama. So that’s Steyer and Bloomberg running now. Oh, and Trump.
Steyer’s got his minions offering $$ for endorsements. ’cause that’s how liberals roll.
I hope three billionaires is enough to speak for their compatriots.
Now Giuliani, Limbaugh, and FOX News all urging Moscow Mitch to dismiss the impeachment from the Chair and simply refuse to hold a trial of any kind.
I suppose this had to become the next logical step. And it’s one House Democrats need to be prepared for. It’s now looking more and more like the GOP is afraid to hold a trial because they know they are guilty af, that everyone will see it, and that regardless of the vote they can’t win this game except by refusing to play.
This is Every Republican You Know
Here we have the president’s private attorney admitting that, having had the powers of the office assigned to him, he was using those powers exclusively for the president’s personal gain and enrichment.
Sure, I know it’s Rudes. So, whatevs. But it is also very noteworthy, because certainly an element of the GOP defense is going to be that the drug deal that he was seeking was in furtherance of U.S. national interests. This is an entirely unbidden and absolutely classic statement against self-interest from the motherfucker’s own private attorney.
The are just going to keep right on admitting the crimes until every single person in the Republican Party agrees to go along with the criminal conspiracy.
This is Every Republican You Know.
@ 123
Now Giuliani, Limbaugh, and FOX News …
Jeebus, how many twits on the left are extolling the next Democrat prez to pack SCOTUS?
Lemme know when you catch a couple of GOP US senators on hot mic telling Cocaine Mitch to dismiss the case without a trial, QoS McHillbilly.
@119 et seq.: Here’s Doctor Dumbfuck preparing to refight the 2016 election with the 2016 candidates in 2020. His horse is laughing at him.
@ 126
Here’s Doctor Dumbfuck preparing to refight the 2016 election with the 2016 candidates in 2020.
Not as bad as running the unsuccessful 2008 candidate in 2016, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Just ask Steve, although he’ll blame Putin for the decision.
@123 But even Doctor Dumbfuck has enough sense to lump everything Giuliani, Limbaugh, and Fox say in with liberal court-packing schemes.
@127 The funny thing is, as awful as our 2016 candidate was, your 2016 candidate needed Russia’s help to beat her and even then lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million. That says something about your candidate, doesn’t it? About you, too.
She might pull this off. 180k ballots left to count.
Kshama Sawant
14,630 48.56%
Egan Orion
15,369 51.02%
When you find yourself arguing seriously that your president’s long time private attorney and legal advisor, hand picked to carry forward his “diplomatic mission” to Ukraine, is a “twit” then it just might be time to consider a change in course.
It really only sweetens the deal that you loop in Laura Ingraham, Hugh Hewitt, and their bosses.
@127 “Not as bad as running the unsuccessful 2008 candidate in 2016, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
That’s a matter of opinion, and even your horse knows what your opinions are worth. He’s laughing at you.
“Just ask Steve, although he’ll blame Putin for the decision.”
And if you really press Steve, he’ll blame gravity for apples falling off trees, too.
@130 Interesting. Pour corporate dark money into city council races and you get Sawant again. Looks like the natives are restive.
I see Lewis has passed Pugel, too.
Between that and riding the horse makes for a great retirement. Fun times.
Maybe the wife would like to do more than watch you ride a horse.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Brilliant Hoaxes Fartblower Blowback Update – Ingenious Demorat Fartblower Hoax Triggers Senate Investigation Of Biden/Obama Corruption
Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Ron Johnson (R-WI) sent Secretary of State Mike Pompeo a letter Thursday asking for documents related to Burisma Holdings, Hunter Biden and other firms owned/tied to Biden.
“In April 2014, Vice President Biden reportedly became the “public face of the administration’s handling of Ukraine.” Around the same time, the Vice President’s son, Hunter Biden, and his business associate, Devon Archer both began serving on the board of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company,” the letter stated, adding that Hunter was being paid as much as $30,000 per month (it was actually more).
Grassley and Johnson also stated that Joe Biden bragged about threatening to withhold a billion in aid from Ukraine if they didn’t fire Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor investigating Burisma.
On page 4 of the letter, the Senators asked for a specific list of documents related to Burisma, Rosemnot Seneca, Blue Star Strategies, Hunter Biden, Devon Archer, Christopher Heinz and Karen Tramontano.
Please don’t post while you’re intoxicated
@135 “In testimony released Thursday by House Democrats, a high-ranking State Department official said he understood President Trump’s bottom-line demand of Ukraine was for a statement that included three key words: ‘investigations, Biden and Clinton.'”
Profoundly impeachable, because it strikes at the heart of our democracy. It doesn’t merely justify, but screams for, removal from office before he does even more damage to our political system and society.
Trump is a liar and a cheat, whose whole life has been built on bad behavior, and trying to win the 2020 election by cheating is completely in character for him, but an intolerable violation of the political rights of those who don’t want him to lead our country, who happen to constitute a majority of the American people.
His electoral cheating is made worse by the fact he’s a credulous fool who’s talked himself into pursuing baseless and debunked conspiracy theories about the rivals he’s targeting.
But even more dangerous than that is the fact this man has no moral, ethical, or conscience restraints, does not recognize constitutional or legal restraints, is contemptuous of the rule of law, and if this man with a gangster mentality isn’t stopped now his sociopathic behavior will surely escalate.
The world waited too long to stop Hitler, until the price became unbearable — but nevertheless had to be borne — and we must not make that mistake again.
I don’t often reply to you, because you have nothing to say, and it’s clear you’re about as open-minded as a cinder block. There is no such thing as dialogue with people like you.
But I can’t help thinking that if you and others like you succeed in tearing our country apart by supporting and enabling this dangerous and delusional demagogue, where will you go and how will you live when our society blows up? The poverty-stricken and violence-wracked Central American banana republics provide a template for the kind of future you’re on a path to creating for yourself and those you care about.
As Doctor Dumbfuck would say, think on your sins. Of course, you won’t, I’m just whistling in the wind and you’ll continue being the mechanically deaf and blind fool you demonstrate yourself to be every time you post another one of your idiotic screeds, because like him you are what you are, and lack any capacity to change yourself.
@135 Question: Are you a computer bot? Just wondering.
Michael Bloomberg is considering a White House run as a Democrat. I understand his calculation that there must be quite a few Democrats out there yearning for a moderate candidate more dynamic than Biden and without his baggage, but I can’t see an appreciable slice of the Democratic base rallying around a late-entering billionaire whose candidacy appears designed to protect Wall Street from Elizabeth Warren. Howard Schultz provides a template. I don’t imagine Bloomberg will do much better.
Awkward for your side, eh?
More than awkward. Crippling.
Jordan is tapped to be the lead Trump defender in the House impeachment hearings.
It’s like if Epstein hired R. Kelly to defend him.
Good time to remember, they did all this shit to themselves.
“#CrookedHillary was truly awful.”
Seeing as how you have proven yourself utterly incapable of naming a single crime or explaining in any way, shape or form why Clinton is so awful, I’ll help you out, my dumbfuck bitch.
You hate Clinton because she’s a loyal, patriotic American and you’re a fucking traitor. It’s a s simple as that.
“I’m getting four years of mirth out of it.”
All you’ve done for four years is dig a fucking hole and I’m going bury you in it.
“Just ask Steve, although he’ll blame Putin for the decision.”
Keep digging that hole, traitor. I’ll let you know when it’s deep enough.
nerve dating big sean dating 2017
Just ask your own Matt Shea how “mirthful” it is to wake up on a terrorism watchlist.
Maybe this vast conservative exercise in self immolation all started out for the lulz. But what they all refused to believe is what every goth middle schooler eventually figures out. That indulging in nihilism, even if only for the sake of triggering mom and dad, only hurts themselves.
“Mr. Sessions had been chewing on the idea of returning to the Senate for several months, making clear to allies and advisers that he was pained at the possibility that his final act in public life could be his contentious 21-month tenure at the Justice Department.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yes, well, he should be glad his “gold watch” from Trump merely was obscurity, instead of the orange jumpsuit most of Trump’s henchmen and underlings are getting. Working for Trump isn’t exactly a resume builder, as lots of other “apprentices” have found out. However, if you’re young, female, and attractive, it might get you groped.
I see Trump was just dinged with a “cease and desist” letter from the whistleblower’s lawyers. I wonder when pork sauce will get his?
Trump’s lawyers argue he’s above the law and can’t be investigated much less prosecuted. Short answer: Presidents are our employees, and like other employees, can be fired for on-the-job misconduct. This doesn’t just apply to dishwashers and cubicle slaves; so can CEOs, as we’ve seen time and again, and any other employee you can name. Republicans certainly thought that way about Bill Clinton. The only thing that’s changed is now their ox is being gored — which is not surprising at all because nowadays it’s all but impossible to find any GOP public official who isn’t guilty of egregious conduct. As Elijah says, that’s who they are now.
@ 140
In the ’80s I umpired City league softball games. $8.50 per game was good dough in my college years.
Does that mean I can claim to be a professional umpire?
I get why an NCAA wrestling referee needs a shower after a meet. But the team doctor? That alone is suspicious af. And Jordan said nothing, did nothing. Just went along with all of it. Shame on him. Shame on all of them.
@148 Can Trump claim to be a professional politician? Do we want amateurs running our country? Think on your sins, doctor.
Professional umpire, amateur soldier: If Mr. Drake buys his AR-15 and starts his “cival war,” he’ll probably be one of the first casualties. Amateurs don’t last very long on battlefields.