We’re less than a month away from the new legislature meeting. It’s going to be less liberal than we thought on election night, but still pretty solid Democratic majorities.
So, what should we push for?
I think it’s going to be COVID-19 related. We are going to have to figure out how to make sure that there isn’t an eviction crisis once the moratorium is lifted. That probably means at a minimum making sure that unemployment stays funded no matter what the Federal government does.
It would also be nice if we could figure out ways to not blow up the budget. Generally, the more progressive the taxation, the better. I can understand if legislators don’t want a fight over the income tax to delay getting the money. But I hope funding wouldn’t just be more sales or sin taxes.
And please wash your hands right now.
Push for sanctioning and removing every single Republican.
Embargo every single one of their bills in committee.
Limit their floor testimony and eliminate their committee testimony.
Reduce their staff and office expense.
Take away their parking spaces.
Make them eat shit and walk, subpoena them to the floor, then hunt them down and arrest them.
Are these things extreme?
Ask this instead: what is the downside?
Do Democrats lose any votes? Are Republicans going to “strike back” in any way they aren’t already determined to employ?
This is who they are. A manifest danger to democracy at every level. They are preparing to head to state capitols intent upon spreading a deadly virus. They are going to try to tie up state assemblies with procedural complications and insane legislation to cripple health authorities for no reason other than to signal party allegiance. They are dangerously insane to the point that they are a clear threat to themselves. Democrats have a duty to see that they are not a threat to the rest of us.
With a won-loss record of 1 – 58, the GOP is having a worse season than the New York Jets, although their success rate just might be a tad bit better than Q’s.
Play it again SAM:Trump looses in Wisconsin in court MONDAY
By which time, in addition to Georgia Trump will have flipped Iowa, and perhaps even Ohio and Texas. Because he doesn’t care about winning nearly as much as he cares about “loyalty”.
@ 3:
It’ll be moot because that fatass chronic shitburger-eater will be dead by then. Fat Donny is morbidly obese, has obvious frontal temporal dementia and has been literally shitting his pants for several years from the cocaine and methamphetamine he’s been using. He’s a seriously unhealthy individual who will probably go out like Elvis did; Trying to shit through chronic hemorrhoids on his gold-plated toilet and be dead for two hours before anyone notices.
Maybe they’ll nominate his rotting corpse.
They did that for Reagan.
Donald the Duck Fuck was a fake President. The 2016 election was rife with fraud. Republicans stuffed ballots like it they stuff their faces with junk food.
I am sure Bob voted for the horse too.
Fat Donny really isn’t anything as dignified as a “conman.” What it really is, is that he really is one of them. That’s why they worship him. They identify with his outlook on the world. He is a proudly and profoundly stupid asshole and so they are, too. It is what they’ve aspired to be and worked to achieve for their entire lives.
In my experience, we haven’t been telling these people enough, that they really are just terribly stupid. We (collectively, as a society) have been somehow freely inviting them on teevee and “social media” to ask them what they “think.” All that ends up being demonstrated is that they really don’t, very much, if at all.
I have sincerely believed for about thirty years now, that this doesn’t go to people’s desire for understanding or allowing everyone to express themselves and be heard. It seems to be more about feeding that same mindset of the people who slow down on the freeway to snap pictures of fatal car wrecks with their phones, or who keep their kids up late at night to watch the latest slasher flick, and then spend the next three months jumping out of closets at them with a chainsaw or a butcher knife.
But then instead of telling them their “ideas” are idiotic, we thank them for their time and throw to a commercial. Preferably one that ties in with the subject that had just been discussed.
We’ve been giving them the impression that every opinion is equally valid, for reasons I’m still not clear on. For socially interactive platforms like Twitter and FB, the reasons are obvious: money. Cash talks loudly enough to make everyone deaf to the problems. Keeping those fat asses in the pews and dropping grandma’s last dollar in the plate is all that matters. But the reality is that NOT all opinions are valid. There are in fact, people who believe that slavery should still be an institution in this country. But it has been outlawed, at least in theory. The corporate prison system is the exemption to that, and boy howdy is that lucrative as hell. But the opinion that it should be overtly legal to hold captives in forced labor is in fact, wrong.
So why should we offer any credence to the likes of Ann Coulter, Todd Starnes or Alex Jones? They’re lunatics, liars and assholes. They revel in that. Their opinions cannot be rationalized by anyone except themselves and each other. All they are is parroting that old general line of hate and the implication that they are somehow morally and ethically superior by the mere associations with their ancestry or religion. Their opinions are borne out of purse selfishness, greed, and their anger at how limited their influence really is, for the simple reason that their opinions are really just cheap and easy to come by. You can find them on the barstools of every cheap dive shit tavern and bar in the country. Especially in the rust belt/flyover States where education is considered to be the same thing as Communist indoctrination.
Trump has been dis-Barred
New “Method Acting” AG is has been announced will be “… a thin, viscous, pale pink film we have isolated and scrapped from the rim of the president’s favorite toilet.“
Joe Biden.
@1 “Push for sanctioning and removing every single Republican.”
I say make ’em take loyalty oaths. There’s precedent for that. In the ’50s, Republicans demanded loyalty oaths to weed out communist revolutionaries. With the Soviet Union gone, and nobody likes China, the next round of loyalty oaths should weed out fascist revolutionaries and secessionists.
Maybe loyalty oaths should be required of voters, too. Here in Washington, nearly 39% voted for a seditionist candidate for president and over 43% voted for a secessionist candidate for governor. Our state has more nests of traitors than murder hornet hives.
WSJ doubles down on dissing Jill Biden for being a smart woman.
SJ’s blog now has over 300,000 hits on a silly satire article alleging Michelle Obama was born as Michael Robinson. Obviously her smarts are more tolerable to the knuckledraggers if they’re in a male body.
To put that in another perspective, for every knuckledragged who has visited SJ’s blog to skip past the disclaimers for affirmation that Michelle Obama was born male (and therefore must have undergone sex-change surgery), an American has died from Covid-19. That’s an unimaginable number of deaths. All at Trump’s doorstep.
In other news, Trump’s ICE chief was sacked today, too.
I suppose now that the Trump AG who couldn’t find the massive piles of voting fraud sitting right in front of him, the acting guy will be expected to come up with evidence of that fraud in time for the reading of objections to electoral votes in Congress.
After Congress accepts the authentic electoral votes submitted by the states in their Certificates of Ascertainment (as distinguished from the rump “electors” being recruited by the GOP), all Trump will have left is the Proud Boys, and they shouldn’t be much trouble for the authentic military (as opposed to private militias and gangs of armed thugs after the fashion of Kyle Rittenhouse) to handle. In retrospect, the Weimar Germans should have shot Hitler after his failed putsch. Hopefully our authorities will learn from that and know what to do with this batch of revolutionaries. They already have appropriate facilities for housing them (Gitmo, ADX, Terre Haute, Leavenworth, etc.).
Chad Wolfe caught with his pants around his ankles and Putin’s kolbasa in his hand.
Like pretty much every other Republican you know.
Straight males for the most (99.0 percent) part. Neanderthals, you guys are your own demise not climate change. You guys haven’t realized that just putting your penis into a vagina and squirting a little juice is going to keep you from going extinct. And that gay people can be better mentors and role models, and parents then some of you knuckleheads (male and female). The horse even knows it.
Proud Boys? More like Klown Boys.
Et tu, Vladimir?
Putin Congratulates Biden On Winning U.S. Election
The unkindest cut of them all.
Jim Wright
“In the coming weeks, you should expect a sudden surge in contrite Republicans (who totally “never liked Trump anyway”), and are now ready to denounce his policies (which they totally never agreed with) and his behavior (which they were always totally appalled by) and who just want to help heal the nation.”
Investment markets continue to soar on the coverage of Vice President Joe Biden’s historic victory.
So weird.
GOP FailPresident is busy Hoovering up all the small donor $$ from Georgia to be spent on his “election fight”.
Despite having the courage to beat up tiny Guatemalan Toddlers and bravely reach out to racists and Nazis, GOP FailPresident was deposed by an overwhelming national majority on every conceivable metric. States flipped. Entire regions turned against them. American suburbs soundly rejected the GOP for the first time since WWII. GOP lost ground with every category of voter except “incel”.
And yet, quite obviously from the very top of the leadership pile to the very lowest bunk in the dirtiest trailer park, this shift caught Rapepublicans completely by surprise. Even now, despite the certified vote of the electoral college and the inevitable departure of the incontinent fat orange slob from DC, they still can’t believe it. Almost no Rapepublican anywhere believes that they lost last month. The truth just can not penetrate to them.
The Orange Event Horizon was and is real.
The proof is all around us.
And Every Rapepublican You Know has lazily given in to the pull of hate and passed beyond the terminal boundary. They are stuck over there now, surrounded by that disgusting putrid film of orange tainted jizz, oily cheeseburger wrappers, Astroglide, dried Diet Coke, spend condoms, and stained non-disclosure agreements.
They are not coming back.
Et tu, Mitch?
“As of this morning our country has officially a president-elect and a vice-president elect,” McConnell said while speaking from the Senate floor. “The Electoral College has spoken. So today I want to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden.”
Heh. The Deep State is everywhere.
‘He is Deep State!’ Trump supporters seethe after Mitch McConnell congratulates Joe Biden
@21 That’s like a rapist asking to date your daughter when he gets out of the pen.
Congratulations to Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron. Their Covid-19 incompetency and negligence did what a $15/Hr minimum wage couldn’t – permanently close Seattle’s restaurants.
These Seattle bars, restaurants closed permanently due to COVID-19
No, it was my policies that killed the restaurants.
@26 It’s final. The banana fuhrer officially lost. The crowds have thinned, the signs are being stuffed into dumpsters, the fair weather protesters are drifting away. All that’s left now in the plaza are a few diehards. And even they realize what comes next: Fumigation.
Now do Sweden… on a ventilator.
Pussy Boys.
Nothing proud about low self esteem.
Not everyone got the memo.
“Not my President and never will be,” she wrote, referring to Biden. “The American people aren’t fools. We know you cheated to win and we’ll never accept these results. Fair elections we can accept but cheating to win; never. It’s not over yet. So thankful President Trump has a backbone and refuses to concede. President Trump should declare martial law as recommended by General Flynn.”
@29 Better to kill people than restaurants, eh? Except, how can restaurants survive, if their customers are dead?
In case nobody’s noticed, our trolls are dumber than a sack of nails. Inslee didn’t cause the Trump virus, or did he make it 50 times worse than it had to be. I know who did, even if the stupid troll doesn’t.
Stupid much?
@36 A lot, I’d say.
Well, there’s not much to talk about this morning, other than Biden’s victory is now signed, sealed, official, and irreversible; even Vlad and Moscow Mitch admit it, and the only known holdout is Kayleigh McNinny. And even Bob’s horses are laughing at her.
That’s one helluva tax hike you are proposing.
Using Sweden’s initial 24% death rate back in March from the “Bring It ON!” approach to achieving “early herd immunity” how many Washingtonians should give their lives to keep McCormick and Schmick’s open? If ten percent of Washingtonians are infected, and 24% die on invasive ventilators, will the 175,000 initial deaths be random, or targeted among the poor and middle classes? Should the dead be volunteers or do we impose a draft?
Would children be included among those tapped for the “Death Tax for Pull Tabs”? What would the cutoff age be? Would you include infants? What about “unborn Americans”?
Will Washington State Republicans be running on this theme in 2022? If Inslee is tapped to head to the Biden/Harris administration will your gubernatorial candidate be running on the “Death Tax for Pull Tabs” platform?
@28 Beth’s Cafe is promising to return, so it’s not like there won’t be anyplace to stuff your gut after the Trump Pestilence blows over.
From link @26: “Yes, Democrats are the opponents. However, the far more urgent MAGA ENEMY is Mitch McConnell.”
Popcorn time!
Yes, McConnell just got re-elected to another 6-year term, but there’s another, immediate, way they can get back at him, and that’s by encouraging all their friends in Georgia to BOYCOTT next month’s election to deprive him of his majority and relegate him and all the other Senate RINOs to back-bench status. That’ll fix ’em good!!
P.S., I wonder how many of these desperadoes are about to hit the streets because McConnell, Mnuchin & Co. are holding up relief aid while their unemployment runs out and eviction moratoriums expire?
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, Expert.
@42 I’ve heard the HA comments section is the only place you offer advice, medical or otherwise, these days.
Of course, offering and taking are two different things.
The Q Clearance Cat Lady*: self-humiliation expert since 2016.
*Also Every Rapepublican You Know.
I s’pose you guys have heard Smartmatic is fixing to sue Fox, Newsmax, OAN, Maria Bartiromo, Lou Dobbs, Jeanine Pirro, Jesse Watters, Sidney Powell, and Rudes for defamation. They all have deep pockets, which may soon be a bit shallower.
“Better to be safe than sorry.
“Make sure you have PLENTY of water, food, flashlights & batteries, candles, radio, 2nd Amendment supplies, & a plan to meet with leaders of your communities.
“Remember we only have 1 President at a time. Our leader is @realDonaldTrump, not Biden. pic.twitter.com/Z8cuPw1Md6
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 14, 2020”
P.S., It is also recommended that preppers stay in their bunkers, rather than patrol the streets, as Mr. Wood’s availability to defend pimply teen MAGA warriors may be limited going forward.
“Advice”? Is that what he calls that convoluted, stream-of-consciousness, Huhr-Duhr, idiot Jabberwocky?
There was a time, and not all that long ago either, before The Q Clearance Cat Lady was sucked beyond Teh Orange Event Horizon, when she was occasionally capable of thought provoking commentary. Let’s face it, Hillary Clinton was a terrible nominee who ran a disastrous campaign that weakened the party and wasted huge sums of donor financing on yelling at the wrong voters. And “in the before times” The Cat Lady even used to push for moderation among Republicans and “conservatives”.
But that was all before Trump, the C’Ville GOP DeathCar, the political catastrophe of the Associate Justice GangBang confirmation battle, “The Perfect Phone Call”, and the last eighteen months of TAAAAARAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!
Now The Cat Lady is reduced to the role of the fat girl who takes herself to prom. Her sporadic and often anonymized rantings seem to be empty of content beyond sloganeering about her own body secretions and the usual Trump-cult rapture.
I like this one (same link as above):
“okay so food, water, flashlights and batteries, ammo, candles, radio, better add tanks of gas to horde. and i think i’ll get started on building a mote too 🤔 pic.twitter.com/pASooQbRI3
— Megan (@megatron3120) December 14, 2020”
You know what a “mote” is, right? Of course you do. This is a “mote”:
Every prepper compound needs one! (Along with portcullis, guard towers, and trebuchet for periodically evacuating the septic tank without leaving the compound.)
Trump now wants to jail Ga.’s gov and SoS, both Repubs.
It’s so fun to watch GOPer cannibals eat each other! If you want to know how the GOP came to be such an extremist party, this is how. If you don’t want to get eaten, you have to become an eater.
Are the leftist women planning on wearing pussy hats at Biden’s inauguration? After all, Biden has been a bit touchy-feely with the girls and women he encounters.
50 Fuck off troll. Go spread your propaganda on /conservative where the rubes will eat that shit up.
You have no validity since you never said peep one about the rapey behavior of the impeached chaos yam.
50. The women in those pink pussy hats got Bidin and Harris elected. They are a better judge of character than you were with trump.
Think about your sins and reform yourself.
@ 45
I s’pose you guys have heard Smartmatic is fixing to sue…
Based on your long history of dumbfuckery, I don’t s’pose y’all have heard of discovery, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
I so enjoy calling attention to your hypocrisy.
@33 man, she’s uglier than a horse. I can understand now why Bob is attracted to a horse.
Tom is having a sad. Oh so sad for him. Boo hoo hoo.
I don’t know about you and or others. And I am close to an early retirement, so I don’t have much if anything to lose, but I plan on letting my employer know that they have a lot to lose by not speaking out against this shit.
Don’t get me wrong – the company I work for should be applauded for their efforts and the things they do and how they are addressing racial injustice and equality, but when you (they) claim that their employees are family and they care about the safety and well being of each individual, and that the employees that are what makes them the company that they are, then they need to go a bit further out on a limb and start a massing a coalition with other industry leaders to start taking a bigger role and speaking out for all the injustice and crap that the Repukes are tossing out and not addressing because they have no fucking spine.
Again, don’t get me wrong, the company I work for does a very good job with treating their employees well and walking the walk when it comes to their talk of caring….but they need to go the extra step. Their success and lively hood depends on it. Capitalism depends on it. They can’t hide behind the scenes no longer. Their success isn’t going to be dependent on Wall Street. Their success is dependent on whether this Country is unified. If they don’t see that then they only have themselves to blame in the end.
Funny – is hypocrisy a new word for you? What next – Deficit? What next – Bailouts? Wasteful spending? Swamp? Corruption?
Oh Tom, go stick a fork in your ass – you’ve been dead for a while now. Go fuck yourself asshole mother fucker. Go put a dress on.
As an expression of gratitude for the support black voters provided to Biden during the primaries, Biden has nominated Mayor Pete to be Secretary of Transportation.
At some point black voters will realize they are being used by the Democrat party. This nomination may help that along.
They are creating small particles of dust in the name of freedom.
Following on the Mayor Pete news, here are some deep thoughts @ 58 from Gclown, another white homosexual known to mistreat black men:
Gclown’s first waking thought each day is the male anus. His last thought before beginning slumber at night is the male anus. Most of his day is spent worshiping the male anus.
Unless it’s the penis penetrating the male anus, of course.
It’s comments like this when wingnut projection becomes very interesting. And like some of you, I’m sure, I can’t help but wonder if the horse knows about this.
For eighteen months straight you humiliated yourself with TAAAARAAAAA!!!!!!
It didn’t work.
It failed.
You failed.
You failed because you lied, she lied, and none of it ever happened. Like “election fraud” is exists only in your delusions, in your sweaty, crowded, smelly trailers, and in the parking lot of a landscape contractor.
It cost you Minnesota, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, the White House, Congress, and your last faint shred of human dignity.
Please, continue.
That you, George Wallace?
That performance fell so flat The Cat Lady was left with nothing to do for an encore but publicly choke-fap to the usual fantasies about buttholes and other people having sexual intercourse.
This routine became boring sometime during the Stormy Daniels debacle. Trolls4Trump need some new material.
Perhaps they’re a bit distracted by white racist Republicans like you who cheer their deaths and clamor for more.
And on Bob’s mind is horse anus.
I mean who was the first person to bring up anus in the context of the anatomy but the guy with anus on his mind?
It’s hard to hear the moaning of George Wallace’s ghost over the din of present day GOP voices calling Rev. Raphael Warnock a “fucking commie” and demanding his lynching.
On Jan 6 Pence has to tally the results, then join the Deep State and declare Biden the winner. Imagine how well that will go over with the raging orange man-baby and his treasonous, terrorist base.
Godwin what race baiting bullshit are you shovelling? I can see why you would try to forget about Kamala Harris.
She is a powerful black woman and you’re a racist incel. You don’t change.
@60 Frankly, I think what that particular tweeter had in mind was an excavation around his prepper bunker wider and deeper than the length of the scaling ladders he believes we have.
I don’t have a scaling ladder, because there’s nothing in his bunker I want, him least of all.
Good morning, the President of the United States is retweeting calls for him to put members of his own party in jail for not overturning an election that he lost.
No wonder Godwin is trying to spread race war fantasies
You know a good troll is when you semi praise a candidate in the primaries and then that guy goes on to get a cabinet member position and you then have to talk shit. Because you got nothing else in life and you even lost your Pom Poms and have to keep the skirt under the mattress, so the horse doesn’t find it.
Along with the rest of the GOP, the Q Clearance Cat Lady has now gone full Boogaloo.
Remember when the fucking traitors acted all “butt-hurt” because somebody called them “deplorable”?
no other reason to post this other than to only rub it in……..
what’s Klubfoot gonna get Bob? She gonna tell us about her big floppy and saggy tits?
Maybe godwins afraid there will gay infrastructure?
Biden chooses Granholm from Michigan to be Department of Energy head. Ooooouch! I bet Inslee’s pissed!
@74 – It was Hillary who rolled out the “deplorable” moniker, and it helped bring Trump to office. Now she’s just another piece of shit loser.
@76 yeah no tunnels!
@76 and I bet he’s waiting on the edge of his seat for some gay scandal to break, like a threesome in a hot tub with Pete and Chasten.
@78 came off as a whiny ass comment that Max would make. Max didn’t seem to me to be light in the loafers, if you know what I mean…..but with a name like Pars D whatever, you got to be light.
Trust an expert!
Cornered, caught, impeached, humiliated, debased, deplorable and now defeated again, and again, and again, and again….
America’s conservatives can’t even win a motion hearing in front of their own hand-picked judges.
When the entire universe is against you…
… maybe it’s you.
In Texas the recent former head of the state GOP who now fronts for a prominent conservative radical Q anon conspiracy grift-mill paid a fired Houston police officer $266,000 to run an air conditioner repair person off the road and hold him at gunpoint, claiming his repair truck was “filled with fraudulent ballots”…
… and perhaps some recently harvested adrenochrome.
I’m telling you people, conservatives have lost the plot. They are clearly a very real, and very present danger, not only to democracy itself but to all of our lives and safety. The only responsible reaction at this point is to shut their entire operation down. Seriously. Strip them all of any authority, freeze their bank accounts, and lock them out. Conservatives are just no longer safe to be allowed to roam free in a civil society. They are dangerous lunatics overwhelmed by a cult of personality that deprives them of the capacity for reason. They hear voices telling them to kill the rest of us. Voices like Alex Jones.
Why do you feel that denigrating a black woman with the term Kamel-toe is acceptable? Please explain.
“‘Should President Trump run in 2024?’ a fundraising email from the campaign sent to supporters Tuesday evening asked.”
In the final analysis, it’s all about the grift, i.e. parting fools (aka Trump supporters) from their money.
Okay by me.
@74 They think it’s a compliment and they’re trying to live up to it.
@78 “Now she’s just another piece of shit loser.”
Oooo … ouch … that must’ve really hurt … somebody or other …
@83 “Conservatives are just no longer safe to be allowed to roam free in a civil society.”
They never were, the klaxons are just louder now.
@83 Good God … the truck driver should sue the shit out of that moneybags guy …
@83 You should read what else that “former head of the state GOP” has been up to.
Oh, and he’s an M.D., too. Seems to run in the family …
New FOX poll shows 2 in 10 Trump voters are now no longer interested in voting in future elections.
Er… um… Surprise?
Live by the flatulent, incontinent, impotent grifter.
Doe by the flatulent, incontinent, impotent grifter.
Doe? They’re going after innocent female deer now?
Heard in the woods: “And we thought they were only attracted to horses.”
Wrong home. I estimate this one will cost taxpayers roughly $600,000.