Christ. You can’t just. I mean. It’s bad enough what the police are doing. But random civilians driving into, and shooting into, crowds. What a shit. Just an absolute, unparalleled shit.
Carl’s OK with looting. Just not his fave bike shop, please. High-end Campy equipment isn’t easily replaceable. Not the way the Wuhan has devastated Italy.
40% approval among Registered Voters.
38% approval among Adults
Not sure storming the capital to put that Commie Ho Governor in her place worked out.
Michigan, NBC – Biden 49%, Donald 42%
PA, AZ & MI in the Blue makes 279. Keep working. 112,000 > 15.
@ 4
Not sure storming the capital to put that Commie Ho Governor in her place worked out.
You might be right there. OTOH, when a 77 year-old barber beats the governor 7-0 in a state supreme court decision, and the decision specifically references hysteria to describe her orders, one wonders whether she was OTR when she issued them.
Pars Dominae Foetidaespews:
49% and 42% – That doesn’t say much that not even quite half of voters can get behind a candidate. This is going to be a very polarizing election.
Good thing Goldy’s now paid to shill for a billionaire rather than report for a hometown progressive rag, ’cause if The Stranger hadn’t fired him he’d be waking up coughing this morning, instead of hung over.
Goldy ☂️ Retweeted
Teresa Mosqueda
Why!? Everynight, why!? @MayorJenny you just spoke about isolating any danger, but this just endangers everyone. The streets are FILLED WITH GAS. Reporters at @TheStranger insta talking about not being able to breath and their faces burning 3 floors up. Families live here! STOP!
QoS McHillbilly will assure you that they were not explosives, they were candles.
Trump is wrong to consider using military assets as a crowd control measure. The purpose of our military in to use deadly force against an enemy and to do this under the control of the federal government. That means killing people and destroying property against enemies, not citizens.
But that doesn’t mean the cops should outfit themselves in military gear and act like they are part of some larger global military force. Cops are there to do law enforcement and public safety, not bring deadly force against citizens of this country. We could do a lot to calm things down if we and the cops themselves stopped thinking of themselves as some occupying force after some huge world war.
See a disconnect between your orange moron’s approval numbers and the DJIA yet? Fucktard.
Someone doesn’t pay attention to American elections
Donald tooK 8 states with under 50% of the vote. Including MI with 47.5%. Joe sits better than the previous winner. The final margin was .23% so up seven points at 49 is a fucking huge edge.
This far out, better to be a candidate already in a winning position needing only 1% of undecideds to push to an outright majority or needing to get 7% of undecideds to pull even.
Rather be down 7 going into the 7th inning or would most teams prefer a lead or at least a closer game?
Hate hot cheerleaders much, Dumbfuck? Quite understandable. They hate you, too.
Angry at ‘hot cheerleaders,’ Virginia man blows off his hand in bomb mishap, feds say
The note expressed anger at “hot cheerleaders” and admiration for Elliot Rodgers, a self-described “incel” who killed six people and injured 14 others in Isla Vista, California, in 2014 before killing himself, the affidavit says..
Incels, shorthand for “involuntarily celibate,” hate women for rejecting them as sexual partners, according to The New York Post.
The note described an imaginary suicide bomber’s tension “as he now approached the stage of hot cheerleaders” at a shopping mall, vowing to “be heroic” and “make a statement” as Rodgers did, the affidavit says.
Someone you can relate to, Dumbfuck, a fellow traveler on the road to Hell.
Virginia man who plowed his truck into Black Lives Matter crowd is the head of the state’s Ku Klux Klan
Over the weekend, a Virginia man was arrested for driving his truck into a crowd of protesters. It has now been revealed that the accused, Harry H. Rogers, is also the head of the Virginia chapter of the Ku Klux Klan.
“Someone doesn’t pay attention to American elections.”
The past election is history. I am only commenting on what’s to come, and it looks like the electorate does not have overwhelming support for either Biden or Trump. Biden could win, but would he have overwhelming support from voters?
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Citation please.
Oh wait. It’s The Q Clearance Pussy who moments ago insisted that, based on the uncorroborated claims of an emotionally disturbed drifter on the payroll of the Mercer family, Senator Joe Biden assaulted her in broad daylight in one of the busiest hallways in the US capitol, and forced his fingers into her vagina “through her pantyhose” while coworkers only steps away saw nothing.
That’s when he also wasn’t sharing tales of Christmas Tree Cock Rings, imaginary “Whitey” tapes, forged birth certificates, invisible email servers, and baby cannibalism rituals in non-existent basements under popular pizza restaurants.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
“overwhelming support”
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
At the end of four years of abject failure and crushing humiliation, is this what it takes for you to soothe your many wounds?
You concede the defeat but look for hope that it may not be a total route?
Ronald Reagan obtained exactly seven tenths of one percent more than half of all the votes counted in 1980. And yet there you were, dancing on a busy street corner, pants around your ankles, furiously jerking it into traffic with tears of joy streaming down your face at the “overwhelming” victory of “clownsurvaturdism in America”.
You aren’t looking any more thoughtful or serious these days either. Just older, and slower, and dumber.
@ 9
Tom, dude, where were you when the military was handing out bottled water and food/medical supplies in the Caribbean after Hurricane Maria? You could have saved us a shit-ton of money had we only realized, then, that the military shouldn’t be doing shit like that.
Trump is wrong to consider using military assets as a crowd control measure. The purpose of our military in to use deadly force against an enemy and to do this under the control of the federal government. That means killing people and destroying property against enemies, not citizens.
Steve @ 10
See Q19, your link.
For Dems, the most important issue is race relations. For GOP, it’s the economy.
It’s interesting that Trump’s approval for handling race relations is no worse than it was in 2017.
The protests are gonna die back and if they don’t, see 1968. The economy is gonna continue to be a major issue, and it’s gonna continue to recover.
Cz-252 @ 11
You clearly have learned nothing from your embarrassing performance in 2016, Cz-252.
Including MI with 47.5%. Joe sits better than the previous winner. The final margin was .23% so up seven points at 49 is a fucking huge edge.
If up 7 is a “fucking huge edge”, Cz-252, how do you describe being up 11?
How about being up 11 with less than five weeks to go?
“The race is much more settled now, no matter what demographic group you’re looking at,” said Bernie Porn, the pollster for Lansing-based EPIC-MRA, which performed the survey for the Free Press, WXYZ-TV (Channel 7) and their outstate partners. “It’s hard to imagine (Clinton losing Michigan) unless Hillary has a health (or some other) issue. … I think the perceptions of Trump are pretty baked in.”
Cz-252, you have learned nothing. Instead you have fallen well into the third tier, next to the likes of YLB and The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. Well done.
@ 12
Steve, that dude has been laid more recently than you have.
Hence your anger.
Hey Steve @ 10
What are all those black poll respondents, who were massively oversampled (check the poll mechanics), gonna do when they learn that Biden meant it when he wrote that crime bill that Bill Clinton signed in 1994?
Jennifer Epstein
“Biden does not believe that police should be defunded. He hears and shares the deep grief and frustration of those calling out for change, and is driven to ensure that justice is done and that we put a stop to this terrible pain. Biden supports the urgent need for reform…”
9:15 AM · Jun 8, 2020
No presidential candidate today has been more responsible for the mass incarceration of black Americans than Joe Biden. Gonna take more than a knee to erase that truth, libbies.
Goldy doesn’t want to defund the police, either.
Any father who can imagine his daughter being raped, and screaming for help but there is no one there to respond, is going to oppose defunding the police.
Yes, by all means, libbies, whine some more about all the tear gas in Seattle last night.
That fart sure blew away.. Did o’keefe’s latest ever drop? Heh.
All y’all libbies calling for defunding the police are gonna start to understand why well-regulated militia still has a place, even in a “Living Constitution”.
The Seattle socialist wants the Seattle lesbian to resign.
The new culture wars.
@14, see @10
Still going with “All things being equal?”
No white terrorists running people over who are “very fine people?”
No tear gassing of protesters for a photo op?
No 115K dead when it was supposed to be just 15?
No unknown political outsider on the other side of the ticket?
Heading into another Hurricane season, wonder if Donald will toss more paper towels?
No record to defend?
No campaign manager sentenced to prison?
No close advisors, multiple, sent to prison?
Yep, it’s going to be JUST LIKE last time.
While looking at polls another water mark you might want to look at is where was Clinton at this point?
On the low end some polsters had her in the high 30s though still higher than Donald
On the high end, one poll in June had her at 47/37
Most had her in the low to mid 40s
Compare to this June 2016, fewer undecideds but in the three polls so far (CNN/Marist/Emmerson) all of them are Biden 50% or better.
If you factor in May polling it’s even uglier for team Donald. No one had Hillary anywhere close to 50% in May 2016. in 2020 five different pollsters have Biden >= 50%
Do you see the problem for, “all things being equal?”
Other things not equal. Hillary wasn’t a very well liked long standing Senator and VP from Pennsylvania. Hillary brought unloseable New York to the table. I’m sure there’s someone who thinks it possible Donald will hold Pennsylvania but it’s difficult to imagine how.
Puddybud, Best Thing To Happen to AssesHorse Libtardsspews:
Too all that may be concerned, except the yellowishleakingbuttspigot,
Puddy will be gone a few days. A drunk driver took the life of one of my early 20’s great nieces driving the wrong way on a one way street, so I’ll be off of assesHorse for a few days. I expect the same craziness from you defund the police libtards especially those who live in Seattle when the town becomes just like Chicago!
Till much later,
PS: Puddy expects the yellowishleakingbuttspigot to be searching the nets to determine in which city this happened because it still lives vicariously through Puddy. Search on yellowishleakingbuttspigot! We will sit next to each other in the airplane seats, but having to wear our masks for the multi-hour trip ain’t gonna be fun!
I think Durkan should resign and be replaced by Mark Sidran.
“Texas reported a record number of coronavirus hospitalizations Monday — weeks after Gov. Greg Abbott took the lead among governors in easing social distancing measures across to help bring back jobs.”
snowflake triggered @ 32.. can’t get yours truly out of its “yoctometer” “brain..” yours truly lives rent free there.
condolences for your loss..
stay safe.. keep your feckless hydroxy and z-pack handy.. HA HEROES know you’ll endure the ravages of the bubonic plague itself to return to HA..
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Antifa has failed right along with TARA! and hair sniffing and everything else. The Pussy is going back to race now, hoping that Stupid Hitler and MAGA can keep “The Blacks” down and away from the polls.
Should have thought about that before ordering US military forces to launch air strikes against our own cities. That was not well thought out.
Stupid Hitler and Tom Cotton have done more to assure Biden’s turnout advantage than anyone.
Meanwhile Jacob Wohl is still studying Photoshop tutorials in pursuit of the elusive “Biden-in-Blackface” photo.
That’s your cue, Puddy.
After Friday’s 800 point jump in the DJIA, today it’s up another 300 points. And CNN is right there to bring you up to date:
Presidents don’t cause recessions, but what they do or don’t do in response has a lot to do with how the economy recovers from one.
Those July, August, September, October, and November BLS jobs numbers are gonna be pretty important. And CNN will be right there to tell you how many were lost in April.
The entirety of the Michigan Supreme Court’s decison and order in Mich. Dep’t of Health and Human Svcs. v. Manke reads as follows:
“On order of the Court, the motions for immediate consideration are GRANTED. The application for leave to appeal the May 28, 2020 order of the Court of Appeals is considered and, pursuant to MCR 7.305(H)(1), in lieu of granting leave to appeal, we VACATE the order of the Court of Appeals and the May 29, 2020 order of the Shiawassee Circuit Court, and we REMAND this case to the Court of Appeals for plenary consideration. The motion for stay is DENIED as moot.”
A concurring opinion by one judge refers to procedural errors by the Court of Appeals and also questions the barber’s request for an injunction is now moot. What I guessed yesterday was exactly right. The “hysteria” lecture is addressed to the Court of Appeals, not the governor, and concerns legal procedure, not the shutdown order, which blows your talking point to smithereens:
“It is incumbent on the courts to ensure decisions are made according to the rule of law, not hysteria. Here, in addition to entering an order whose validity is highly suspect, the Court of Appeals majority took the extraordinary step of directing the trial court to take immediate action despite the fact that an application for leave had already been filed in our Court. Typically, the filing of an application in our Court automatically “stays proceedings on remand unless the Court of Appeals or the Supreme Court orders otherwise.” MCR 7.305(C)(7)(a). Whether it did so wittingly or unwittingly, the Court of Appeals appears to have ordered this case to proceed despite the filing of an application in our Court when the Court of Appeals gave its May 29, 2020 order immediate effect.”
Really, Doc, you should leave lawyering to lawyers. You’re no good at it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 I guess that’s one way to rationalize getting your ass kicked.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Doctor Dumbfuck loves seeing other people teargassed, because he’s a dumbfuck.
No, they did not.
Head to head polls are easy to look up.
12 of 27 polls in June 2016 polled also polled four way race. In those Stein averaged 1.9% and Johnson 4.7% Stein pulled in 1.07% on election day to Johnson’s 3.28%.
Eventually pollsters will get around to including Jo Jorgensen and Howie Hawkins. We’ll see if that makes any significant difference.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 43 says I should leave the lawyering to lawyers.
Perhaps he meant using Molotov cocktails on police vehicles.
ALAMOSA, Colo. (KRDO) — Controversy continues to rattle the small southern Colorado city of Alamosa after police say a local defense attorney, who was protesting, shot a driver in the head Thursday evening.
The Alamosa Police Department charged attorney James Marshall, 27, with attempted murder and assault after investigators said he shot Danny Pruitt, 49, of Canon City.
Friends of POS lawyers being POS themselves, they tried to lie to cover for him:
On Friday afternoon, some protestors told KRDO the driver plowed through the crowd, but Alamosa police said there is no evidence to support those claims.
“We’ve heard the same thing,” Capt. Joey Spangler said. “But again, it’s an ongoing investigation. I can say we have no evidence to show that he was driving into or through the protestors.”
I’ll gladly leave that kind of lawyering to you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Certainly you don’t mind if I arm myself in the meantime.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 “The purpose of our military in to use deadly force against an enemy …. ”
Wrong. The purpose of our military is to defeat the enemy.
“Cops are there to do law enforcement and public safety, not bring deadly force against citizens of this country.”
Cops are there to do law enforcement and public safety, and are authorized to bring deadly force against any person or persons, not limited to citizens of this country, as described in the individual police agency’s use-of-force policy.
“We could do a lot to calm things down if we and the cops themselves stopped thinking of themselves as some occupying force after some huge world war.”
It’s extremely doubtful that cops think of themselves as an occupying force. Cops are trained in crowd control, and when they’re deployed to control crowds and/or quell a riot, their objective is to retore order and prevent looting and property destruction, not occupy territory.
ftfy. You didn’t get one single part of this right.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 What I see in that, at first glance, is that approval is down 7 points and disapproval is up 6 points from May 7-10 to June 2-5.
The drop in approval from 45% to 38% strikes me as especially significant because, for the first time, we’re seeing the pressure of events cut into Trump’s core base, which seems to be around 42%, i.e. 4% or roughly 10% of his hardcore supporters now “disapprove” of his performance in office.
Of further significance is the fact that while it’s possible to be elected with 42% of the popular vote (Clinton won in 1992 with 43%, with the tailwind of a third-party candidate who pulled nearly 19% of the PV), it’s beyond plausibility that a candidate could win with only 38% of PV in a two-candidate race.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 “This far out” is the best, indeed the only, argument you can make for the possibility of your candidate winning in November.
Sucks to be you, doesn’t it?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 Another “antifa.” Call out the troops.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 “Biden could win, but would he have overwhelming support from voters?”
How about starting out with underwhelming support from voters and building public confidence with competent governing?*
Trump had the opportunity to do that and completely blew it.
I mean completely. He’s done nothing right.
* For example, JFK got less than 50% of the popular vote, and less than 1/4 of 1% more of the total vote than his opponent, yet he’s considered one of our most inspiring presidents.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 49
Here is how the poll was conducted:
The study was conducted for CNN via telephone by SSRS, an independent research company. Interviews were
conducted from June 2-5, 2020 among a sample of 1,259 respondents, including an oversample of 250 black, nonHispanic respondents. The landline total respondents were 448 and there were 811 cell phone respondents. The
margin of sampling error for total respondents is +/- 3.4 at the 95% confidence level. The design effect is 1.47.
If you want to explain why 10% of Trump’s support went away, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, it’s because the poll was conducted with 20% black respondents. The poll tells you what the MOE is (the MOE, alone, is enough to explain nearly all of a 4% decline in Trump approval, BTW) if not for the oversampling, but it doesn’t tell you what the MOE would be if the oversampling was accounted for.
Post shit polls, get embarrassed by treating them as standard polls.
Pull your head out of your ass, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. You’re starting to really stink.
I’m seeing this on Twitter so we’ll see if this pans out but Teens in and around DC are organizing a March tonight through Fortnite message boards and in-game chats.
This doesn’t appear to be dissipating. Like Non Tear Gas Pepper balls that are an eye irritant but DEFINITELY NOT TEAR GAS!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 “on the payroll of the Mercer family”
I haven’t heard that before, but if true, it explains a lot. A lot.
No, not Doctor Dumbfuck. His orange moron. True, though, that Doctor Dumbfuck also turned out to be dumber than we thought.
Why quote Democrats when there are plenty of Republicans, not to mention Generals, who are eager to tell everybody that Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron are a couple of dumbfucks?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 “No presidential candidate today has been more responsible for the mass incarceration of black Americans than Joe Biden.”
Kinda difficult for a real estate developer and TV personality to put people behind bars, wouldn’t you say? That’s an easy argument to make, since Trump is a first-time office holder and Biden has been around for 50 years. To which the answer is:
Trump would have if he could have, just as he would use troops to give BLM protesters the Kent State treatment if he could.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
“I’m sure there’s someone who thinks it possible Donald will hold Pennsylvania”
I think it’s possible. The thing is, right now at least, I don’t see the Trump2020 campaign doing the things I would expect them to do for that to happen.
2016 was a watershed of new registrations in PA, and a majority of those who cast votes for the first time went to Stupid Hitler. But that trend reversed dramatically in 2017 and 2018. PA is a bit of a smoking relic for the Republican party following the mids. They wasted a good portion of 2019 before beginning the investments they would need. But they have begun making headway in suburban Pittsburgh. Registered Ds have fallen in Allegheny County, Beaver County, and Washington County. And Republican registrations are up in all three.
Meanwhile Democrats held a substantial lead over Republicans in party switching statewide ahead of the primary this year. And they regained a lot of the ground they lost in terms of registrations leading into 2018. Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lebanon, Lancaster and York counties in southcentral PA are changing, with growth in D registrations throughout. And the five county region in the southeast surrounding Philly has been the big story. Philadelphia, Montgomery, Bucks, Chester and Delaware counties added 75,000 new Ds while shedding close to 40,000 Rs.
So there’s massive levels of voter volatility in the state, and in the most populated regions of the state. And registrations only tell a portion of the story. The shift in composition being seen in the Pittsburgh area could play a big role if Republicans build on that momentum, since demographically these are more reliable voters. But the massive swing in both registration and turnout surrounding Philadelphia built by Democrats following 2016, though it has slowed, still continues.
There as about 650,000 inactive voters in PA, with Dem inactives accounting for about two thirds of that total. So Democrats have a substantial advantage in terms of opportunity. But if history is any judge, a substantial disadvantage in terms of participation rate. Universal mail ballot could be an absolute game changer in triggering turnout among those inactive voters. But it still requires outreach.
Trump2020 is working both inactive Rs and new registrations pretty hard. And they are pushing their reliables to register for mail ballots. But they have done almost nothing to reverse the devastating trend in Philadelphia, Montgomery, Bucks, Chester and Delaware counties. And they are largely absent from the five county area of southcentral PA where there are favorable demographics and over 80,000 inactive voters.
In a state that was decided by about 44,000 votes.
TBH, I think Democrats should feel some confidence in the fact that at this stage the state and its 20 EVs is clearly in play for them, they have built an advantage in terms of turnout momentum, they have a candidate with deep roots, and expanded vote-by-mail. The numbers favor them at present. But the primary did not go well operationally. In-person locations are nearly all but gone. In Allegheny County the single drop-box location for the entire county on primary election day was surrounded by police in riot gear and attack dogs (no, really).
There is an infinite amount of work ahead before Democrats can afford to count PA as a “solid gold lock”.
But progress continues to be made.
Here’s video, with great audio commentary by the hysterical YLB (!), of the few seconds leading up to the event Carl described.
Video footage of man driving his car into #BlackLivesMatter protest in Seattle and shooting a man through the window before he flees.
#seattle #seattleprotest
8:59 PM · Jun 7, 2020
The guy he shot reached into the car and, maybe, threw a punch before the gun went off. Shades of Mike Brown.
Makes me wonder what happened up the street before the beginning of the video.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@42 “Presidents don’t cause recessions, but what they do or don’t do in response has a lot to do with how the economy recovers from one.”
Translation: Trump (and godwin) will now take credit for what the Federal Reserve and Congress did to preserve the capital of capitalists.
Another Heterose….I mean Neanderthal. Bob Stick with Horses….it might do the world a bit of good.
I think it’s possible. The thing is, right now at least, I don’t see the Trump2020 campaign doing the things I would expect them to do for that to happen.
Praytell what, exactly, are you going to do that doesn’t have the backing of 10 million recovered jobs?
Y’all are spiking the ball on the 50 yard line. The economy is coming back, and it’s either going to be enough to re-elect him or it’s not. Unless you have the October BLS statistics in hand, neither you nor anyone else has any idea of whether he’s in the game in November.
I will agree that counting him out in early June is nothing short of silly. That’s The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, YLB, and Cz-252 silly. Third-tier stuff.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@47 Don’t look here, look over there. Where’s the news article about the dumbfuck doctor who shot himself in the foot while practicing quick draw? It could’ve been worse. At least the bullet missed his balls on its way to his foot.
Presidents don’t cause recessions, but what they do or don’t do in response has a lot to do with how the economy recovers from one.
How the fuck can that be? I mean if your actions can influence the recovery, then your actions sure can cause the recession.
I predicted the recession coming a couple of years ago. But all The Hump could do was create a Virus and murder people.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@53 When you don’t like the poll results, attack the methodology. Not exactly original.
“If you want to explain why 10% of Trump’s support went away, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, it’s because the poll was conducted with 20% black respondents.”
This is fascinating. The way doc explains away a 10% erosion of core support is by adding 20% of black respondents to the sample. Now there is creative methodology.
He should work for FEMA. I wonder what resurrection miracles he could conjure for a city ravaged by a hurricane. Build more suburbs, perhaps?
Maybe she’ll lose a few lbs….but something tells me she aint marching too long, nor too far, might mess up that hairdo, if she can even muster moving an inch or two.
It’s from Barron’s, meaning Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit will get to read it on Saturday, if the libraries have reopened.
I can’t wait for gman to tell us @ 68 about Stacey Abrams marching in a #BLM event.
@70 shes a beautiful woman, Mrs Abrams.
What’s your problem with her?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 “The guy he shot reached into the car and, maybe, threw a punch before the gun went off. Shades of Mike Brown.”
It isn’t self defense when you initiate an assault and someone tries to stop you. He’s now going to have a first degree assault with a firearm charge added to the vehicular assault charges against him. Your boy is looking at double-digit years in prison.
Open Thread Mondayspews:
TIME TO CANCEL THEM: “They’re not protesting. They’re not making a statement. They’re stealing. When they burn down a building, they’re committing arson. … A handful of criminals and thugs tore up the place.” – Barack Obama, as he addressed the Baltimore riots upon the death of Freddie Gray.
“Democrats, from top to bottom, are running the cities with the worst police brutality in America right now. We voted for them.” —BLM activist Shaun King
Repukes want you to think Blue Lives Matter – yeah bullshit, so long as them Blue Lives aren’t arresting them and brutalizing them.
@ 66
@53 When you don’t like the poll results, attack the methodology. Not exactly original.
No, but sometimes the results turn out to be fucking hilarious.
I had the best time late Tuesday 11/8 and early Wednesday 11/9 that year. Nothing makes bourbon or coffee taste as good as flavoring with liberal tears.
“The S&P 500 Wipes Out Its Loss for 2020 as Stocks Rise Again”
Not exactly a rosy picture.
WASHINGTON — Business economists expect the United States to suffer its worst downturn this year in more than seven decades before growth resumes sometime next year.
Overhanging that forecast, though, is the risk that a second wave of the coronavirus could threaten the economy once again.
The NABE panel of 48 forecasters expects the 5% annual GDP drop that occurred in the January-March quarter to be followed by a record 33.5% annual plunge in the current April-June quarter. Yet the NABE panel foresees economic growth returning in the second half of the year, with strong annual expansions of 9.1% in the July-September quarter and 6.8% in the October-December quarter. Even so, those gains would fall far short of making up for the dizzying economic contraction in the first half of this year.
The panel forecast that the monthly unemployment rate will average 10.9% this year, the highest level on records dating to 1948.
Even after adjustment, the May unemployment rate was the second worst month since the Great Depression. The worst month? April.
Doctor Dumbfuck is running out of time.
@ 76
Economists expected the May jobs number to be a decline as well, Steve.
One need only to read Krugman’s initial response to know that economists generally have their heads up their asses. Even Goldy will agree with me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@61 Another “antifa.” Call out the troops! Oops. He is the “troops.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@77 Economics is an inexact science, and will always be so, because it attempts to predict human behavior, which is irrational more often than not.
I can think of a doctor who has his head up his ass more often than statistical modeling would predict.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Those July, August, September, October, and November BLS jobs numbers are gonna be pretty important.
Maybe he’s labeling the reports by the date of release? Because the November jobs report will be released the first week in December. And the October jobs report, however rosy it may be, will be at least somewhat lost in what is bound to be a fairly frantic election countdown news cycle. The September jobs report could be big, with things like schools restarting? Let’s all hope so.
Still have not yet seen any Trumpalo put these dots together in terms of improved economic recovery producing vote swing in specific states, counties. Obviously recovery will be disuniform in terms of job creation, and payroll (the figures most likely to produce shifts in voter behavior). Some regions, states, and counties will run ahead of others, as we have seen in every other recovery. For example, Nevada where new jobless claims have been falling in recent weeks, has only seen very modest declines in continuing claims, reporting a “covered” or “insured” rate of unemployment over 24%. That’s a devastating number for a state that lives on hourly wages. And it may be very slow to come back with restrictions in operations, capacity, and accommodations that may figure in to our future.
I don’t know where the big jobs recoveries will be. But I am not looking for them in tourism dependent regions. And recoveries in manufacturing and non-grocery distribution will inevitably lag behind other areas as these jobs are pulled into being by growth in consumer and business demand. So I for one don’t see how a delayed, somewhat jobless recovery produces big swings in voter sentiment and behavior in places like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Nor do I see them turning the tide in places like Arizona.
But then again, I’m not looking for that result as hard as someone like The Pussy or Stupid Hitler himself. “Good news” is always good for any incumbent. But after nearly two decades of record stock market growth combined with jobless recovery, real wage growth at zero, and massive growth in inequality, I suspect that a lot of the voters Stupid Hitler and The Pussy are depending on may not be so easily impressed.
@ 80
It’s the economy. It’s not the social issues.
#BLM helped take down The Chardonnay Lady 2.0. Don’t forget that.
Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender appeared with Alisyn Camerota on CNN this morning. Camerota asked a pretty simple question. The response was not reassuring: CAMEROTA: “What if in the middle of the night my home is broken into. Who do I call?” BENDER: “Yes, I hear that loud and clear from a lot of my neighbors. And I know — and myself, too, and I know that that comes from a place of privilege.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Why the credibility of police unions is shot to hell.
Heh. Another snowflake @ 59 hallucinating yours truly in odd places. Yours truly and the wife was at home sheltered in place, cookin’, bakin’, watchin’ the tube enjoying life.
Nope, not riskin’ covid at my age. Not a youngin’ anymore.
“hysterical” indeed.
Livin’ rent free in troll “minds” since 2004. Too damn funny
It was a down day on Wall Street, relatively speaking.
After climbing more than 800 points on Friday, today’s DJIA gain was only 461. Paul Krugman will tell you that’s a recession.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This is for you, Doc, delivered on a silver platter:
“With all the focus on a slew of new polls that show President Donald Trump falling further behind former Vice President Joe Biden, one number has largely slipped through the cracks — and it is a blaring warning signal to Republicans on the ballot this fall.
“Here it is: 51% of registered voters said they would prefer a Congress controlled by Democrats in 2021, while just 40% preferred a Republican-controlled Congress, according to a new Wall Street Journal-NBC poll released Sunday. That marks a change in Democrats’ favor from January when the party had just a 6-point edge over the GOP on what is known as the ‘generic ballot’ question.”
Before, Republicans were looking at defeat. Now, they’re staring at wipeout.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
The economy is coming back, and it’s either going to be enough to re-elect him or it’s not.
Trusting then that we will no longer have to hear from The Q Clearance Pussy delivering his weekly reports on hair sniffing, Antifa sightings, Baby Cannibals, and breathless HuhrDuhrham previews, since according to him the only thing that will determine the election outcome will be the TrumPlague recovery.
I don’t doubt that for Trumpalos this is true, at least for now. They need a reason, any reason, for the treason. Always have. And always will. So recovering about 3 million of the 40 million jobs lost so far is a reason, I guess. As long as they can hold their noses to avoid the stench of rotting corpses.
Whatever hapens trust me, if this doesn’t work out, he will recruit some other reason before November. He has no other choice.
But a Trumpalo’s choice is not America’s choice.
@ 80
The months I listed were those in which the prior-month data would be reported. I see your point.
@ 87
So recovering about 3 million of the 40 million jobs lost so far is a reason, I guess.
It’s more than a 2.5M jobs gain. It’s a nearly 11M improvement from what we were told by…
wait for it…
Nonfarm payrolls rose by 2.5 million in May and the unemployment rate fell to 13.3%.
Wall Street estimates had been for a decline of 8.3 million and a jobless level of 19.5%, which would have been the worst since the Great Depression era.
WaPo actually tweeted out early Friday morning that the unemployment rate was nearly 20%. Oops.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
It’s not the social issues.
Tell it to the Rapepublican nominee who ran on MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN and forged birth certificates.
And besides, dumbshit, if “#BLM helped take down The Chardonnay Lady 2.0” then according to you, it is the social issues.
Maybe it’s all of it, including the body pile, the rape confessions, the impeachment, the 40 million unemployed, and tear gassing children. Maybe you just can’t see it from the wrong side of Teh Orange Event Horizon.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans should be wiped out at the ballot box. This isn’t a group of people who think about or debate issues, or hold democratic values, or respect their neighbors with differing views. They’re a bunch of bigots and racists who try to influence policy by brandishing guns in public and threatening anyone who disagrees with them. It’s not surprising that the majority of Americans — largely people who have families and work at jobs — don’t trust this unruly mob and don’t want to be governed by them. They never did; Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes, and GOP legislative majorities, where they exist, are heavily gerrymandered. In Wisconsin, for example, Republicans “won” 2/3rds of the state assembly seats with far less than a majority (Dems 53%, GOP 44%) in 2018; the story is much the same elsewhere. Even where they “win” popular vote majorities, Republicans depend heavily on voter suppression, smear tactics, and disinformation to do so. Virtually everything they do is contrary to traditional American values. So it won’t be surprising if voters turn out in record numbers this fall to release their country from the grimy grip of the GOP pestilence.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
You aren’t getting it. And it’s funny that your ignorance makes you angry. You may not want to hear it, but that is a particularly “white” thing.
What you don’t understand, what you don’t know, is that the answer to the question posed – “What if in the middle of the night my home is broken into. Who do I call?” – is not the same for everyone. Never really was. Certainly isn’t today. But you didn’t know that.
For many of our fellow Americans the answer to that question is in many cases, in many cities and counties, “Certainly not the police.”. Never, ever the police. That’s would be the wrong answer. But you didn’t know that.
When almost any seemingly innocent interaction with law enforcement has a depressing tendency to produce humiliation, insult, and threat, and when a shockingly high percentage result in injury or death, you do not call the police if you can avoid it. You deal with it yourself if you can. Or you just accept whatever “it” is. And you move on. But you didn’t know that.
That’s what is meant by privilege. If you are one of the people lucky enough to not have become conditioned to think this way, you are indeed very privileged. If you have faith that if you call a police officer for assistance you will be greeted with courtesy and respect and given the assistance you seek then you are a very privileged member of American society. You’re one of “the lucky ones”.
But you didn’t know that. Now you do.
Stop blaming everyone else for your ignorance.
That’s the question “serious” drumpfers (shy and otherwise) ask.
If my house was broken into at 3 a.m., I would call Hillary Clinton, natch.
@ 92
That’s the question “serious” drumpfers (shy and otherwise) ask.
It’s the one liberals always avoid, too. It’s easy to go after a cop who was recorded on camera. But reducing violent crime in a city long under complete Democrat control? Naw, liberals can’t go there. No good can come of it.
It’s an especially stupid liberal who tries to mock Republicans for pointing out the weekly death of black youth in inner city Chicago, tho. Stupid and unserious.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@93 If your house was broken into at 3 a.m., and you confronted the burglar and he shot you, he could not claim self-defense.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@92 Ask Puddy or Doc for last weekend’s body count. Everyone in Chicago has been shot by now. Everybody knows Chicago is a city of walking dead. There is not a single live voter there. Every vote in Chicago is cast by a dead voter. Ask any Republican, they’ll tell you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
More “antifa” (with photos). Call out the vigilantes!
Gotta love the comments, especially references to “Banjo-picking rednecks,” “Pizza Gate nincompoops,” “low-information mob mentality,” and “protect[ing] their town from tourism.” Also glad to see some locals have started a GoFundMe to compensate the innocent victims of their local rightwing vigilante posse.
Roger Rabbitspews:
What will be even better is federal charges against the Forks “patriots,” and the dumbass who incited them losing his gun shop license.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
“But reducing violent crime in a city long under complete Democrat control?”
But big shocker! – It turns out Rapepublicans don’t actually know what it takes to reduce crime in a city.
Rapepublicans just aren’t cut out for this.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Let’s dissect this. They weren’t protecting their property in Forks from “antifa” several miles away out in the woods. They didn’t drop trees across a Forest Service road to prevent looting. The victims of their intimidation were a mixed-race family. My sensitive rabbit nose detects the foul stench of the KKK. In Forks, the vampire capital of North America.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender appeared with Alisyn Camerota on CNN this morning. Camerota asked a pretty simple question. The response was not reassuring: CAMEROTA: “What if in the middle of the night my home is broken into. Who do I call?” BENDER: “Yes, I hear that loud and clear from a lot of my neighbors. And I know — and myself, too, and I know that that comes from a place of privilege.”
Shaking my headspews:
Really? Who will patrol the streets? Hawk Newsome, chairman of the Black Lives Matter New York chapter, announced his organization will launch an armed branch of “peace officers.” “We pattern ourselves after the Black Panthers, after the Nation of Islam, we believe that we need an arm to defend ourselves,” Newsome explained. “We will build and train peace officers to keep the peace in our communities, to defend our communities, to keep our communities safe.”
“Imagine,” as the late Beatle John Lennon (himself a murder victim) might have said, “no policemen.” OK. Now also imagine someone tries to kill you. Or an organized mob descends on your house to burn it down, or steal all you own. Or thugs threaten to ransack your small business, rob you of years of savings and hard work, leaving you broke. Or someone sexually assaults your spouse, son, or daughter.
Who would you call? A neighborhood security captain for the Democrats? A local politician? A bureaucrat? A local crime-watch crew? A really good therapist?
The answer is no one would come to your aid in a timely manner and be prepared, trained and willing to protect you. In such an environment, crime would grow. Entire cities would become unlivable, as parts of many now are, thanks to ever-more-lax policing imposed by leftist city governments.
Yeah and you might want to examine some of the links in that article, if you are at all hones or intellectually curious
It’s a brilliant liberal who succeeds at mocking repukelicans for pointing out “unseriously” (like they gives a fuck) the weekly death of black youth in inner city Chicago, tho. Brilliantly having a good time at “serious” klownservatic expense.
Heh.. An especially “smart” klownservatic is fixated on Chicago above all else.. above Baltimore.. above Milwaukee.. above NYC..
cuz’ ???
Black guy with a prez library, maybe? Too “serious” indeed. Thanks for the laughs “serious”..
Hence your anger.
There’s a lot more to be angry about these days, than to be a dumbfuck. But being a dumbfuck isn’t out of style, or at least not until November anyways. But something tells me dumbfuck Bob will always be a dumbfuck. He’s never shown any promising potential not to be.
Those who truly want to serve and protect as opposed to busting heads and getting paid and then working security while collecting a pension after 20 years.
Like a doctor who just wants to help people instead of shaking them down for a fancy house, yacht and glitzy vacays.
@ 103
Someone? That “someone” may very well be the community peace officers who replace the police.
Now also imagine someone tries to kill you. Or an organized mob descends on your house to burn it down, or steal all you own. Or thugs threaten to ransack your small business, rob you of years of savings and hard work, leaving you broke. Or someone sexually assaults your spouse, son, or daughter.
If Goldy’s daughter is raped by the socially correct people, Whoopie will tell you it’s not “rape rape”.
“We were on our own those first few nights,” Frey said. “There were simply more people destroying property, more people setting fires, than any city government could respond to at once.”
The Star Tribune recently obtained the city’s first survey of property damage, which shows that nearly 1,000 commercial properties in Minneapolis were damaged during the riots, including 52 businesses that were completely destroyed.
Owners and insurance experts estimate the costs of the damage could exceed $500 million. That would make the Twin Cities riots the second-costliest civil disturbance in U.S. history, trailing only those in Los Angeles in 1992, which were also sparked by racial tensions with police and had $1.4 billion in damages in today’s dollars.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
if you are at all hones or intellectually curious
Qualities that might have served you well before you posted that garbage.
What do you suppose it’s like for a gay couple who come home to find their house vandalized and trashed by Trumpalos to call the local police?
Do you really suppose Myrlie Evers dialed 911?
When you see a racist murdering pig with a badge kneel on a black man’s wind pipe for more than eight minutes while he cries out in desperation for his dead mother, do you suppose he wanted to call a cop?
If our communities are entitled to be protected, then shouldn’t all communities share in that entitlement equally? Since police departments as they are presently comprised and operated have proven repeatedly and consistently that they will not protect and serve all of us equally, how then do you justify withholding that protection and those services from some of our fellow citizens? If you will not justify it, how will you remedy it?
Hard to blame her, really. She had zero support from the mayor to do anything to stop the repeated destruction caused by those fucks.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Yup, no police.
If making racist incels experience however briefly the daily reality of many poor and minority communities in the United States is required to truly reform police, then yes that must be the solution.
But that’s entirely down to their lack of imagination, willful ignorance, and selectively blindness. If people like The Q Clearance Pussy had been paying attention, the Rapepublican Party wouldn’t have spent the last fifty years running blissfully into the arms of violent racism.
Owners and insurance experts estimate the costs of the damage could exceed $500 million….Los Angeles in 1992, which were also sparked by racial tensions with police and had $1.4 billion in damages in today’s dollars..
1.4 billion in 1992 dollars is 766 million.. L.A. took the hit and moved on.
500 million in 1992 dollars is 274 million.
Minneapolis can do the same with much less racism in the police department and the society at large one would hope.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
The “law enforcement” agency that coordinated operationally with a violent, terrorist, white supremacist organization, and whose robbery investigations div conspired with an agency in an adjacent jurisdiction to frame an African American man because of his race.
She is wise and correct. Many of the worst of her department’s abuses predate her tenure. But it is impossible to see how such an organization can move forward and embrace the change they must with her at the helm.
YLB, as long as you are going to try to make the numbers say something they don’t, why don’t you try calculating the cost per capita for the Minneapolis riots? And then calculate the same for the LA riots.
’cause it’s the population that ultimately will have to support the risk taken by businesses as they decide whether to rebuild in Minneapolis, or instead to move somewhere less liberal.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Is it just me, or is The Q Clearance Pussy a tiny bit preoccupied with RAPE?
I’m having a tough time finding any posts of his that don’t mention rape. Has four years of breathless support for his orange RapeHero left him so desensitized that he can’t get worked up about anything else?
Pro Tip for any troll who is super duper worried about RAPISTS: Don’t nominate one and make him your President.
@3 Naaah, that’s just one of your girlfriends farting because she ate too much hay.
“Defund the police”? Hell, no. We need officers who are better educated, better trained (not the same thing), better vetted, and better paid to be professionals, not uniformed thugs hired to beat and threaten the riff-raff to keep them from “getting out of line”.
@ 114
But it is impossible to see how such an organization can move forward and embrace the change they must with her at the helm.
Um, OK.
Now do Wheeler. In addition to his role as mayor, he is the police commissioner.
to support the risk taken by businesses as they decide whether to rebuild in Minneapolis, or instead to move somewhere less liberal.
It’s a free country dimfuk boob.. Let them start a business and compete for the scarce dollars of fewer customers in the burbs and exurbs if that’s what they want to do.
L.A. County today has a greater population than 42 states. I suppose those risk-averse bidness people could just sell through Amazon or Ebay… That’s the ticket!
They could care less about more Rodney Kings that way, huh? Isn’t whiteorange flight grand?
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
He’ll probably lose to Iannarone now.
Does that also make you think of rape?
Lovell said he is already looking into more ways Portland officers can more positively engage with residents. He noted in the past more Portland officers were assigned to patrol specific areas of the city and said he felt it was effective in building relationships between officers and residents. Budget cuts and lower staffing levels were among the reasons the bureau decreased using that model, he said.
I think another word for budget cuts is defunding.
I’m having a tough time finding any posts of his that don’t mention rape.
Freak had a doozy of a rape fantasy here one time.. Combine that with its posting porn links..
eeewww.. Well if that how it wants to represent the klownservatic mentality… It’s just one nauseating way of making our point.
@ 121
Does that also make you think of rape?
“New hair stylist” more than anything else, to be honest.
It’s all right Carl, Bob is ok with Bigotry and Racism and murder…..a little looting will never hurt anyone.
Defund the police”? Hell, no. We need officers who are better educated, better trained (not the same thing), better vetted, and better paid to be professionals, not uniformed thugs hired to beat and threaten the riff-raff to keep them from “getting out of line”.
I think we also need officers that are role models and counselors to the youth. Make policing part of the community as educational and guidance counselors, giving kids a better environment to grow up in. Put a gym and youth center on every other or so corner – the officers time would be better spent than sitting in a car or chasing after an individual who stole a pack of gum, and they would serve the public in a much better way. Educate – not just for brain smarts but for compassion and respect and love.
It might take a bit of time as an investment but overtime you will reduce crime…..oh except for the rich millionaire wanna bes.
….But those are this is the crime nobody really cares about
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Another option is to pay them less and give them less to do.
Do we really need cops in schools checking hall passes?
Do we need cops getting drone pilot licenses to better spy on us?
How many MRAPs should an urban police department have? How often do they need to drive through eight feet of standing water?
Is it wise to have adrenalized, out-of-breath bicycle cops responding to people having a mental health crisis?
Should we really be dialing 911 every time a raccoon knocks over a garbage can?
Is having a 35 year veteran detective teaching chess in a community center the best use of her training, skills, experience, and the considerable taxpayer investment that has been made in her?
Are mounted patrols really and truly effective, or just fun?
Why do “suspicious person” reports comprise more than half of all police response? What is a “suspicious person”?
Why are uniformed police allowed to moonlight at security jobs in their city/county uniforms?
There are thousands of these kinds of questions that need answering before we decide how many police we really need, how much we should pay them, and what work we would like them to do. I’m not at all convinced that vague, generalized notions of “community policing” are in the public interest. It can mean a lot of things depending on who you ask. And when the definition is left up to cops, “community policing” can all to often become a euphemism for targeting a specific “community” for harassment.
It seems that some don’t like the Racism medicine. Well swallow it.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
“New hair stylist” more than anything else, to be honest.
Really? Even after five years of choke-fapping to the Cersei’s Walk of Atonement clip you have cued up on YouTube?
policing shouldn’t just be patrolling.
get the police involved with educating (in a uniform) in a youth center or gym with a boxing ring, a music office.
Spend the money on bettering people’s living conditions, and at that same time holding them accountable. Results won’t happen overnight but you have to change the whole way of “policing” and the environment in which people are raised and exposed to.
Respect and love and no fucking NEANDERTHALS or ignorant mother fuckers.
Oh and by the way – the storefront to the building in which I live was vandalized two Saturdays ago. It was a bit unnerving, but in retrospect it was just broken glass and lost merchandise.
Now, I’m not sure if the tenant that leased the space is responsible to fix the damage, or if I will be in part as part of my monthly common fees. Irregardless, monetarily I am sure I will be impacted by it, whether it is a lost tenant (lease was up) or in some other way.
Again, a bit unnerving….but just spilled milk compared to being murdered by a renegade (or bunch of bad apples) thug.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Trump: ‘We won’t be defunding or dismantling our police,’”
… except that’s not for him to say, it’s a city matter.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@99 “But reducing violent crime in a city long under complete Democrat control?”
The short answer to this trope is that the cops responsible for the problems that led to the protests are rightwing Trumpsters, and out of control, and the fact many of these cities are governed by Democratic politicians gives their citizens an opportunity to bring them under control and put an end to the police and their unions being a law unto themselves.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@101 When they violated the anti-miscegenation social mores of the “patriot” sect. And went camping in a bus. Family camping in a bus = “busload of antifa.” See how that works? Remember the comment about “low-information mob mentality”? The folks in Forks have their neighbors pegged. After all, they live with them every day.
Second largest civil disturbance, after the LA riots following the Rodney King beating.
Wasow finds that nonviolent civil-rights protests did not trigger a national backlash, but that violent protests and looting did. The physical damage inflicted upon poor urban neighborhoods by rioting does not have the compensating virtue of easing the way for more progressive policies; instead, it compounds the damage by promoting a regressive backlash.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@102, 103 Since when did your ilk ever depend on police for protection against crime? When you call the cops, it’s to come and get the body.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, YLB, and Cz-252 walk into a bar…
@ 134 Remember the comment about “low-information mob mentality”?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@109 Let’s analyze this using hypotheticals.
Scenario A: You have a large and expensive police force that creates a lot of problems (and legal liabilities) with overreach and outright brutality. When rioters attack your business, they don’t come. Your business is looted and burns to the ground.
Scenario B: You have no police force and lower taxes. When rioters attack your business, there’s nobody to call, and your business is looted and burns to the ground.
Looks to me like you’re marginally better off under Scenario B because of the lower taxes. What you probably want to do is use the tax savings to buy more insurance.
@ 138
Gentleman, this is the product of a career spent in the public sector.
You’re a fucking clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@115 I don’t see where the “junkie” jibe comes from. Perhaps a “street medic” was the best they could do since you, a real doctor, weren’t there helping the gassed and wounded — you were comfortably reclining in your home watching it on teevee.
Doctors who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw spitballs at “street medics.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@116 You mean somewhere they have to pay protection money to the mafia or KKK?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@118 Welcome back, Art! It’s always nice to see another friendly face around here. We lost one (SeattleJew) back in March.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@119 What if black vigilantes just mow down Portland’s skinheads? Would that work for you?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@127 One thing to keep in mind as we address police funding issues is that the people demanding the most funding for police are the people with the least need for police. They are all armed to the teeth, in some cases better armed than the police, so what do they need police for?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@135 And your ilk and your Fuhrer would have us believe “looters” and “arsonists” are the same as “protesters.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@137 It was a horse bar, and the bartender said, “Why the long face, doc? My sibling not putting out for you tonight?”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@139 What Gentleman? There’s no gentlemen here. Certainly not you.
@godwinhaspews: should have been sunsetted instead of being permitted to be taken over by a complete dumbfuck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Monday that President Donald Trump’s administration regrets nothing about police using violent force to clear peaceful anti-racism protesters outside the White House last week.”
Miss NitTwit explains,
“‘There’s no regrets on the part of this White House because, look, I’d note that many of those decisions were not made here within the White House,’ she said, pointing to Attorney General William Barr as the one who called for law enforcement to enclose on the perimeter of the protest,”
and pointing her finger over … there.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Maybe it’s time for Barr to become Trump’s latest scapegoat. In any case, he’ll find out sooner or later what his unflagging loyalty and obsequieous service to The Boss is worth.
@ 138. I am from Southern Oregon. A couple years back, those real cheap boomers defunded and deleted the county police because they didn’t want to pay the taxes. Every single plot of land is now fenced off and gated compound to keep out the meth heads and vandals or what every type of person those retirees are afraid of. The wailing and bitching about the lack of respect for the rule of law is deafening.
Demorat-China National Committee Announces New 2020 Campaign Slogan, “Make Riots Great Again.” Chairman Tom Perez-Trotsky (D-China) Explains; “Comrades, We Must Defund Police And Make Looting & Burning Fun Again!”
85 Shot – 24 Dead in Chicago’s Most Violent Weekend Following Leftist Riots — As Democrats Continue to Call to Defund the Police
The “mostly peaceful” leftist rioters in Chicago dragged police officers through the street and kicked them in the head last week.
The Sun-Times reported:
Twenty-four people were killed and at least 61 others were wounded by gun violence in Chicago’s most violent weekend of the year so far, which also saw widespread protests, riots and looting throughout the city in the wake of the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd.
More than half of the weekend’s victims were shot on Sunday as the city reeled from violent protests Saturday night that led to hundreds of arrests and the implementation of a curfew.
Chicago Police Supt. David Brown said Monday that of the total fatal shootings over the weekend, 17 homicides occurred on Sunday alone. The Cook County medical examiner’s office confirmed 15 for Sunday, with another three at unknown locations.
I hope she doesn’t do this in a court argument. Lying to the judge doesn’t help a lawyer’s case.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Antifa. No, BLM. No, a 23-year-old white guy who was fired from his security guard job at WalMart and probably wasn’t out in the streets to complain about police brutality against black people. His other affiliations TBD.
“Branden Wolfe has been charged in the arson of the 3rd Precinct in Minneapolis, according to a press release from the Department of Justice. … Wolfe was wearing body armor, duty belts, cuffs, baton, and a knife stolen from the 3rd Precinct.”
Barr contradicts Trump? What?!! He’s probably polishing his resume. And writing a book.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Hate Whites, & Race War Bombshell News – Stickyfingers Joe Biden-Einstein Boycotts Demorat Kneel-In; Biden-Einstein explained, “All those Blacks need is record players so they can learn words,”
Pelosi and fellow Democrat lawmakers, including Sens. Kamala Harris (D-CA), Cory Booker (D-NJ), and Chuck Schumer (D-NY), took a knee on Monday for eight minutes and 46 seconds … Democrats could be seen kneeling in unison, with most wearing Kente cloth — a special fabric with deep and meaningful origins rooted in West Africa — in a seeming attempt to show further solidarity with the black community. Their attempt, however, appeared to many to fall flat.
I had to say something about the American politicians shameless and ignorantly using the Kente fabric as a prop in their virtue signaling.
*I’m usually more mild mannered than this so please forgive me, I’m upset.
— Obianuju Ekeocha (@obianuju) June 8, 2020
@151 And fucked, oh so fucked, because there’s nothing he can do about it.
Shaking my headspews:
On Sunday night, AP published a story headlined, “When protesters cry ‘defund the police,’ what does it mean? The article discussed some of the political factors at work, and it quoted one anti-police group in Minneapolis talking about “strategically reallocating resources, funding, and responsibility away from police and toward community-based models of safety, support, and prevention.” CNN published an article — “There’s a growing call to defund the police. Here’s what it means” — that was even less enlightening.
Nobody seemed to discuss what seems like a very basic question of a police-free future: What would happen when a crime is committed? Say there is a murder, which happened 40 times in Minneapolis last year and 492 times in Chicago. Or say there is an armed robbery. Or an aggravated assault. What happens then? Does a social worker go to the scene? Do strategically reallocated resources solve the crime?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@154, 159 Wow! A double-header tonight! Probably because of the shortened season.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@163 “murder … happened 40 times in Minneapolis last year and 492 times in Chicago.”
That’s under the existing model, and I think they’re saying, “Let’s try something else.” Not, as I understand, no police but rather a different kind of policing.
A hardworking father killed just before 1 a.m.
A West Side high school student murdered two hours later.
A man killed amid South Side looting at a cellphone store at 12:30 p.m.
A college freshman who hoped to become a correctional officer, gunned down at 4:25 p.m. after getting into an argument in Englewood.
While Chicago was roiled by another day of protests and looting in the wake of George Floyd’s murder, 18 people were killed Sunday, May 31, making it the single most violent day in Chicago in six decades, according to the University of Chicago Crime Lab. The lab’s data doesn’t go back further than 1961.
In a city with an international reputation for crime — where 900 murders per year were common in the early 1990s — it was the most violent weekend in Chicago’s modern history, stretching police resources that were already thin because of protests and looting.
Shaking my headspews:
“Al Sharpton Says Growing Calls to ‘Defund the Police’ Is a Misleading Slogan”
MSNBC host Joe Scarbrough pointed to how a Minneapolis city councilwoman’s “nonanswer” on if “defund the police” actually means abolishing police departments “suggested that defunding the police is actually a code word for many people for reforming the police.”
“That’s what I’ve heard. I’ve heard they’re really talking about adjusting and, in many ways, recommitting the funding toward things like community policing, like mental health, intervention that does not involve policing as we know it,” Sharpton said.
Pandering original thinker, Kamala Harris, copies from his test paper:
“We need to reimagine how we’re achieving public safety in America,” Harris told The View. “To have cities where one-third of their entire budget is going to policing, but yet there is a dire need in those same cities for mental health resources, for resources going into public schools, for resources going into job training and job creation. Come on.”
“Biden does not believe that police should be defunded,” campaign Rapid Response Director Andrew Bates said. “Biden supports the urgent need for reform — including funding for public schools, summer programs, and mental health and substance abuse treatment… This also means funding community policing programs that improve relationships between officers and residents.”
AND, FINALLY, (for you soy-latte drinking rhinestone cowboys rodeo-ing on your oh-so-wild carousel horseys):
A recent YouGov poll showed that fewer than 20 percent of Americans of all parties supported any cutting of police funding—a finding consistent with decades of polling.
Yeehaw! and goodnight cowboys. Ride those used keyboards for all they’re worth
Speaking of double headers. All the conservative sports fans must be happy that the cities have a bit of turmoil but how about them Sports Areas and Stadiums…..gonna build one in your rural backyard?
Arnold Schwartzenegger - After School Advocate, Republican, Governorspews:
Yeah, defunding isn’t eliminating.
Defunding – There is literally no reason the City of Issaquah has a surplus Assault Vehicle and frequently takes officers off regular duty to train in urban conflict using it. Same with Snohomish. And Lacey. And Lakeland Hills. That’s literally what the National Guard is for…things getting beyond the scope of local policing.
There are plenty of reasons to reduce the city liability and shift it to individual officers. Full indemnity and the insurance premiums that come with it is a problem for city budgets and should be reevaluated when contracts come due. And to borrow a phrase from the GOP, “You don’t like the new Union contract, go get a different job!” If an officer knows it could very well cost him hundreds of thousands in legal fees and fines to beat the shit out of a handcuffed suspect rather than the taxpayers footing the bill… (“That guy called me a pig and tossed a plastic water bottle in my general direction. Is it worth my house to go beat his ass?”)
Fewer officers and greater psychological interviewing. When municipalities, to be tough on crime, eliminate funding from other parts of a budget to fill an arbitrary number of “Cops on the street” that doesn’t correlate to public safety. In fact the opposite (basic labor theory here). If 40 qualified applicants are competing for 20 positions the questionable adversarial attitudes towards citizens in general can be disqualifying automatically. When 60 applicants are competing for 50 positions some are going to get hired who have no business being hired because, well…the best you can get as long as you fill the spot and meet the mandate of x officers per citizens.
When you give police departments bloated budgets they sometimes decide they need predator Drones and buy them. Then they want to use the new toys. On somebody. For something.
Re-invest –
It is a very well documented that strong after school programs work. Kids aren’t home alone or hanging on the street with other kids. Don’t give them the free time to learn to crime. But as police budgets exploded, these are the kinds of programs cut. Reverse that. Cut two officers and Urban Tank upkeep and training and fully fund after school programs.
Fund Mental health services with money previously allocated to policing.
Fund addiction recovery with money previously allocated to policing.
The one thing that seems to be proven with study is reducing crime isn’t simply spending more on police. When you reduce crime by other means, police forces become less essential. Its a feedback loop.
Summary, there will always be a need for homicide investigations, major assault investigations and the like. There are other ways to deal with crime reduction that don’t involve a shit ton of officers without much to do on most days except write traffic tickets and harass people who are committing minor infractions, like oh….selling loose cigarettes. Officers who get overexcited and butt hurt when a small protest breaks out. And then start pepper spraying people for being insufficiently in awe of police sainthood.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@170 If you have 60 applicants, 50 positions, and 35 are suitable to hire, you hire 35.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“The man who was shot in the middle of a Capitol Hill protest is being called a hero for putting is life on the line to save others … Sunday evening when a gunman drove his car into in to a crowd of demonstrators.”
But to Doctor Dumbfuck, he’s a thug who brought a fist to a gunfight. (See #59 and #67.) He can’t be antifa, because they would’ve brought a chain and lock. (See #27) So what is he? Err, the son of a cop (father) and police dispatcher (mom). And Dumbfuck’s victim will shortly be an imprisoned felon, maybe even a convicted domestic terrorist. Boy, did he get this one wrong! A royal fuckup by the doctor! What a dumbfuck!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@167 Want to know how we got here? This is how:
“In March 2018, a group of black and Hispanic boys aged 8 to 14 were walking home, talking and laughing. Some of them played with sticks picked up from the ground, the CCRB report states.
While on the sidewalk, multiple police cars approached. The officers exited their cars, one with his gun drawn, and told the boys to get against the wall. They complied and were all frisked by the officers, and no weapons were found, the report states. In all, eight to 10 police cars and 10 to 16 officers responded to the scene, the report states. The lieutenant on scene decided to take the 8-year-old and 14-year-old to the station and processed them for disorderly conduct after officers reported seeing the children running with sticks, the report states. The two boys were transported there while handcuffed and in tears, the report says. … [The] 14-year-old’s mother said the children were not allowed to call home nor did she get a call from the NYPD, the report states.”
They’re black, so they gotta be dangerous, right? Aren’t sticks weapons?
“On one spring evening, an 11-year-old black boy walking to meet his mother encountered a group of adult men he recognized. As the boy greeted one of the men with a ‘quick handshake/high-five,’ plainclothes Anti-Crime officers exited their vehicle and approached the group, the report states.
The adult men dispersed. One officer approached the boy and asked for his age, and then proceeded to frisk the boy’s upper body and waist, the report states. A bystander told the officer that he shouldn’t search someone under 13, but an officer replied that drugs can be given to younger children, the report states. The officers then got back into their vehicle and drove away, the report says.”
If they’re black, they gotta be dealing drugs, right? And the kid is obviously a mule; after all, he’s black.
“In another instance, a 17-year-old boy carrying a backpack was walking with a group of male friends through a New York City Housing Authority complex, talking and listening to music, the report states. A lieutenant and an officer in a nearby marked police vehicle exited their car, and according to video footage, the officer seized the boy and another person and pushed them against a fence, the report states. In a CCRB interview, the lieutenant said he suspected the two of criminal possession of a weapon based on his prior knowledge of gang activity there, his initial observations of their age, statements they and their companions made when the officers arrived, as well as the fact that they were carrying bookbags ‘despite the fact that it was long after the end of the school day,’ according to the report.
The lieutenant and officer also observed the group pushing each other and running back and forth, and the lieutenant assessed that they were ‘acting kind of suspicious,’ the CCRB report states.”
If they have bookbags and are acting like teenagers, they gotta be gangbangers, right? What could be more suspicious? After all, gangbangers go to school, and — they’re black.
Body camera footage of a black man’s arrest in Austin, Texas, where he says “I can’t breathe” multiple times is under investigation.
“In body camera video released Monday … deputies were shown pursuing Javier Ambler, 40, just after 1 a.m. on March 28, 2019.
Ambler failed to dim his car’s headlights as he drove past a deputy, according to a sheriff’s department incident report. Ambler then tried to flee …. Ambler exited his car with his hands up …. He was unarmed and not intoxicated. Officers tried to handcuff Ambler …. Ambler is seen in distress … he is heard saying ‘I have congestive heart failure.’ Multiple times on the video, Ambler is also heard saying he can’t breathe and that he’s not resisting. Several minutes into the arrest, officers realize Ambler is unresponsive. … Shortly after, officers took off Ambler’s handcuffs and can be heard administering CPR compressions until medical units arrived on the scene. Ambler’s manner of death was ruled a homicide ….”
All these people are in the streets because they’re afraid if they encounter the police they may end up dead. They’re afraid their children will end up dead. Too many of them have. One too many. George Floyd was the straw that broke the camel’s back. To Doctor Dumbfuck, that straw was just another thug who had it coming, but what he’s forgetting is
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Just did a quick ctrl-f search on both those citations for any version of the term you quote “police-free future”.
Couldn’t find it. Did I miss something? The premise of your comment is that these two media articles presented some “question” regarding a “police-free future”. But neither that term nor anything like it appears.
So are you inviting your audience to engage in a discussion of your imaginary fears?
That’s what therapists are for.
You have to pay for that.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
62, The economy is coming back, and it’s either going to be enough to re-elect him or it’s not.
Besides distilling an election down to a single issue that the most recent evidence indicates is not very persuasive, you are also doing something you yourself frequently abhor: extrapolating a single state to a nationwide result.
Trump is in trouble in PA. Your comment seems to admit that somewhat, while arguing that by November things may be very different. This is of course true. But Trump is in trouble in more than just PA. He has lost his footing, his polling lead, and his command of the media cycle in at least a dozen states. He can’t afford to lose three. And he may very well lose twice that number unless the trend is reversed.
And it remains in doubt whether Brad Parscale’s and Bill Stepien’s message design emphasizing grievance politics and resentment is working. It has produced a flood of money. But it has not moved the polls. And the campaign organization and structure is rigid, internally contentious, and resistant to change. Whether for good or ill it has been staffed at the highest levels with members of Stupid Hitler’s family drawing large salaries (for a presidential campaign) and also acting as campaign vendors billing millions.
So it may be just as difficult for the Trump2020 campaign to make a “pivot” as it has been for Stupid Hitler himself.
A good example has been the COVID-19 pandemic. Perhaps no greater opportunity might have presented itself for the president and his campaign to shift messaging, pivot to a more positive, hopeful, and supportive image, and to appear both commanding and simultaneously paternal. But instead they used it to hold an agonizing series of daily press briefings that were nothing if not combative, unhinged, and at times frightening. And they only succeeded in making the president look petty and dismissive.
You may be absolutely right, that in this case it will be down to the pandemic recovery, because the campaign itself does not appear capable of changing course. But it’s a lot to wager on a recovery that is guaranteed to fall short of the losses and that will not benefit all states, industries, and late-deciding voters equally. Both you and Stupid Hitler are asking this recovery to do all the heavy lifting in all those.
Better call Tara.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Suing Stupid Hitler is becoming a cottage industry:
Procedurally many potential hurdles for the plaintiff have already been overcome in Carrol v. Trump and Zervos v. Trump, with Stupid Hitler’s lawyers now left to argue for immunity. An argument that hopefully become mooted in a few months.
I suppose Trumpalos will claim that Mr. Gugino is a “gold-digger”?
Does not help the optics one bit.
Not when you’ve been given a mandate by a “Tough on Crime” Mayor/Council to increase the for e to an arbitrary number so they can say on paper
You’ll hear Sheriffs, Chiefs and politicians say, “We’re going to put 30 more officers on the street with more funding.” You’ll never hear, “we’re going to create programs for at-risk high schoolers to learn to code and play sports and become chefs so they aren’t out smoking weed and shoplifting between three and whenever a parent gets home.”
You also won’t hear, “We’re going to take the extra funding and train officers in deescalation, empathy, mental health and counseling, and conflict resolution.”
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Here’s Stupid Hitler’s rage-tweet from this morning:
I think it’s defamatory. I think a credible case could be made in a New York state court that, whether intentional or not, this tweet constitutes a provably false accusation of fact against Mr. Gugino that materially defames him.
But more than that, it really shows the world what a perfectly despicable piece of shit Stupid Hitler is, and by extension his supporters. Shame on them all.
It’s Tuesday and Donald is tweeting a conspiracy theory from OANN that the senior citizen sent to the hospital by Buffalo police was ANTIFA and had been seen earlier in the day with a super secret police frequency jamming device and was
walking toward the officers to disrupt their communications.
In her last year, I stopped visiting my grandmother because she became agitated in my presence and had come to believe I was a detective checking to see if she needed to be sent to ‘the second floor’ (The hospice at her facility) though other members of my family she still recognized or would when prompted.
Grandpa Jonesspews:
@181 – It was probably your views that scared her.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
182 fears modernity, justice, equality.
Longs for the good ol’ days, when a privileged minority shared common views about human slavery, rape, bigotry, xenophobia, and weird superstitions about invisible sky buddies.
New poll in Kentucky has Moscow Mitch trailing 41-40.
Now I don’t imagine Yertle losing in KY, it is KY, in November but as a 35 year incumbent and Senate Maj. Leader, 40% five months out is definitely NOT where you want to be.
It might say something about being all in with the Order of Orange that even in KY that’s an dead albatross. How you doin’ McSally? Can I get you a Cocktail? Maybe a Collins?
“Old man left bleeding in the streets had it comin’ ” is a weird campaign slogan but you be you, Donald.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
181, 185,
Nine out of ten trolls have not seen the vile tweet and have no comment at this time.
We found the tenth at 182. Says he’s scared.
He should be.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
I got rid of my ’97 car and got the “privilege” of paying an additional $344 for a new car for the stupid light rail system. I do my best to avoid ever entering King County and Seattle, so I don’t see why I have to help pay for another government boondoggle project just because Seattle and King County might benefit from the idiotic thing. I’ll never use it and won’t live long enough to see it finished. It’s a total ripoff!
“One of the soldiers, Sgt. William Harvey Carney, carried the American flag throughout the battle, never dropping it despite being shot 7 times. Carney was the first black American to [receive] the Congressional Medal of Honor for action.”
The 54th Massachusetts Regiment of Colonel Robert Gould Shaw was memorialized in the 1989 movie “Glory.” According to Derrick Wilburn, executive director of the Rocky Mountain Black Conservatives, “They’re out there defacing the memory of the original Black Lives Matter crusaders. They gave their life’s blood for black lives.” Perhaps these “peaceful” protesters should learn some history.
Vandals in Washington, DC, weren’t any better. The U.S. ambassador to India issued an apology after “protesters” defaced the memorial to Mahatma Gandhi. Clearly, they don’t believe, as Gandhi did, in peaceful protesting.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Over the weekend Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit was desperate to make us think that the ambush killer of a Santa Cruz County deputy was done by someone other than his side.
Every time Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit goes out of his way to claim “It wasn’t us.”, it’s because he knows the opposite is true.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@191 As a sequel, Doctor Dumbfuck will post that LaVoy Finicum was a leftist antifa cop-hater. Puddy will follow up with a post assuring us that Finicum was a DUMMOCRETIN and pork sauce will tell us all about Finicum’s connections to China and the Biden campaign.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@182 She was scared by her delusions, just as those rednecks in Forks were scared by their delusions, and Republicans in general are driven to bizarre and destructive behavior and bad decision making by their delusions.
You’re welcome. Glad to be of help.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@184 “Now I don’t imagine Yertle losing in KY”
I like to imagine it, it’s a fun pastime, but unlike Republicans I don’t twist fantasy into gospel truth.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@187 Probably explains why they’re trying to paste the “antifa” label on him. There are times when you’ll do anything you can to get a little traction.
That’s a lot of money to blow on a safe GOP seat (Sabato)/Likely GOP seat (Cook), particularly as the primary hasn’t even been held yet.
In 2008, a year in which Democrats did well and Republicans did not, McConnell won by 5.8 percentage points.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@188 More popcorn, please! Watching you squirm under the boot heel of RTA taxes is the best show in town right now.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Is it fantasy? Or is it desperate hope?
Right now people like The Q Clearance Pussy need something to take hold of all the older, non-college educated whites and get them activated. And it isn’t for the lack of trying that they continue to slip through Stupid Hitler’s very tiny hands.
It’s perhaps hope disintegrating into fantasy for them that Stupid Hitler will find the point of attack he needs. He’s gotta give Crazy Uncle Liberty a reason to dance on the corner again. He’s gotta give all those pasty incels a reason to put on the old Fred Perry polo and march with Tiki Torches again. The negative partisanship model is failing him right now when he needs it most.
There’s always been plenty not to like about Stupid Hitler. But for all that, he was always skilled at giving older white people even more not to like about the other guy, whether it was Low Energy JEB! or Crooked HIllary.
Try this: go through a few of the most recent threads, and count how many times the trolls mention Biden without putting the “Sleepy” in front of it. Try “Creepy” too if you want.
Stupid Hitler has been toiling away at this for a couple of years, he’s floated a few different frames, and so far “Sleepy” is the one he uses the most. And it has no resonance with his base. It has not caught on. They are not buying into it. And so, it isn’t working for him. And trust me, that is his only skill. Stupid Hitler is the original one-trick pony. His greatest political gift has always been his ability to “see” an opponent’s vulnerability and weakness and to target it without mercy. He almost can’t help it. And he’s better at it than anyone alive right now. But something about Joe Biden seems to have escaped him so far. And he’s running out of time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@189 Meanwhile, “A judge in Richmond has issued an injunction preventing Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s administration from removing a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee for 10 days. The temporary injunction … says the state is a party to a deed … in which it accepted the statue, pedestal and ground they sit on and agreed to ‘faithfully guard’ and ‘affectionately protect’ them. It is in the public interest to await a resolution of the case on the merits prior to removal of the statue, the order says. The lawsuit was filed by … a descendant of two signatories to the deed.”
Well, okay, a TRO pending resolution of the merits makes sense, given the relative burdens on the parties. However, the merits are straightforward: “Where do you want it? The state doesn’t want it anymore, so either take it back or we’ll dispose of it.”
No law requires anyone to accept a gift, or says once you accept a gift you’re stuck with it forever. If somebody gives you a dog, and you don’t want to take care of it anymore, you have every right to return it to the original owner or, if he doesn’t want it, give it away or send it to a shelter. So it is with the Robert E. Lee statue. It’s incomprehensible that any court would conclude the state, once having accepted it, is obligated to maintain and display it in perpetuity.
Note: If any troll takes offense at an imaginary analogy between Robert E. Lee and a dog, that’s a defect of his mind, not mine, and he should seek counseling for his delusions.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Too little, too late. She had her chance and blew it.
@196 Think of it as an investment in the possibility, not altogether implausible, that McConnell may reach a point where even his own state can’t stand him anymore.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@196 Speaking of polls,
June 8, The Hill/HarrisX, 47%-37%, Biden 10%
June 8, CNN, 55%-41%, Biden 14%
Not bad for a guy who’s campaigning from his basement.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In key Senate races for which there’s recent polling data, Kelly is up double-digits in Arizona, Peters is up double-digits in Michigan, and Cunningham overtaken Tillis in North Carolina.
Everyone expects a GOP pickup in Alabama, but it looks pretty damned bleak for them everywhere else. Even some of their formerly “safe” seats may be in play.
You could say America has had enough of a toxic party that has done nothing constructive over the last 3 years.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s not revenge for decades of mistreatment of black people in all walks of life; it’s a reckoning.
Now wait for Dumbfuck to call this guy “one of yours,” Puddy to call him a DUMMOCRETIN, and pork sauce to call him a “Democrat,” because there’s absolutely no possibility that a head-up-his-ass jackass like him could be a Republican or Trumpalo. That’s not possible because Republicans and Trumpalos are smart people, not dumbfucks who get drunk, let a 12-year-old take the wheel, and egg her to do 85 mph. Er, right?
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Two Florida police officers are facing charges after video showed one of them slapping and then repeatedly punching an intoxicated man who was yelling at them”
Cop unions need, among other things, better PR. Actually, I think they need to cease to exist, but let’s take things one at a time and start with the little things: Like realizing that if you have to apologize in the face of a firestorm of criticism, it would’ve been better not to do it in the first place.
“We are here representing you regular working Americans. Who among us doesn’t fly to Mongolia to hunt a particular kind of wild sheep?”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@209 Law school professors could have a lot of fun with this case. A sampling of the problems they could lay on hapless law students:
Should a negligence claim be barred by the statute of limitations? Write a memorandum for a senior partner discussing the pros and cons that a judge might consider.
If a claim of negligent supervision can’t be proven against the archdiocese, is there any legal theory and set of facts under which the archdiocese could be held negligent per se?
What damages, if any, should a jury award if both men benefited from good upbringings in good families? And if damages are awarded, what is the harm being compensated?
If one of these men wanted to marry his putative but non-biological sister, could the state deny them a marriage license?
If the parents died intestate, should the child they raised in the belief he was theirs be entitled to inherit from them under interstate succession laws?
If a set of grandparents created a family trust for the benefit of their descendants, and the child’s putative siblings sued to have him removed as a beneficiary of the trust, what relief should they be granted, if any, upon discovery that he is not a biological descendant?
If the parents’ will by its terms divided their estate among “their natural children,” and the child’s putative siblings sued to exclude the child from the will, what relief should they be granted, if any?
If the child, during minority, received survivor benefits from the VA and/or SSA as a dependent of his putative parent, can the government recover those benefits? Should it be able to? For the purpose of this problem, assume there is no statute of limitations on recovering benefits paid in error.
Both of these children are 78 years old and were born in a Catholic hospital to Catholic parents. If one of them is Joe Biden, is he eligible to be president in the absence of a corrected birth certificate?
Reports are Stephen “White Power” Miller is drafting a speech for Donald on race to be delivered to calm the national unrest over police violence toward People of Color.
Can’t wait. It will start with caravanning hordes, move to brown kids in cages, take a detour onto intelligent but shifty Asians, maybe take a moment to praise assimilation and finish with “We don’t have to put things in garbage cans, that’s what Mexican maids are for.”
Please let this happen. Please don’t let anyone talk them out of this.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@212 Might happen. They’re stupid enough.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Profile in cowardice
Trump: “Buffalo protester shoved by Police could be an ANTIFA provocateur. 75 year old Martin Gugino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to black out the equipment. @OANN I watched, he fell harder than was pushed. Was aiming scanner. Could be a set up?”
Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS): “I haven’t read the damn thing. I don’t want to hear it.”
Will Big Labor part ways with police unions around the country?
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
So in advance of his potentially disastrous national address on race, Team Stupid Hitler is softening the BEACH WEEK!!! with outlines of their grand strategy for the comeback.
Aside from the usual tiresome frat-bro tough talk that all campaign operatives use to describe their efforts, the messaging appears to be focused on stoking base voter fears of “CRIME!”, “SNEAKY MESKINS!”, and “GYNA!”.
Since the base strategy is negative partisanship, this means that these are the themes of the campaign’s attacks on Vice President Joe Biden.
“CRIME!” will consist of attacks suggesting that if elected Biden will move to eliminate all laws, close down all the prisons, give your house keys to some meth kids in Arkansas, and name Bobby Seale his Attorney General.
“SNEAKY MESKINS” will argue that if Joe Biden becomes president your Ecuadoran house keeper who talks about you behind your back in Spanish will be moved into your master bedroom suite and you’ll be banished to the basement sofa.
And “GYNA!” will I suppose have to re-deploy the wayward adult son once again for the zillionth time while hoping nobody notices JAVANKA or Foremost Group.
They are literally pimping these stories as if these are revolutionary ideas that will transform the campaign and the candidate. And not a few media companies are giving them a favorable listen. But if you ask me, this looks more like a bunch of very overpaid operatives and surrogates elbowing their way up to the pig trough before time runs out.
For those of you still trying to claim that some poor schmuck attempting to inch a vehicle through a crowd of protesters unwilling to move and instead grabbing onto his door handles is “dragging” them, may I point out that this is the proper use of the term.
A witness told investigators she was riding with Brown and Jefferson in the vehicle when Brown and Jefferson got into a verbal argument. The witness said Jefferson, who was driving, began punching Brown in the face. The complaint states the witness said she tried to intervene but Jefferson continued punching Brown. Jefferson then demanded Brown get out of the vehicle and, when she did and started walking away, the witness said Jefferson accelerated at a high rate of speed and aimed the vehicle directly at Brown, hitting her and trapping her under the vehicle.
The complaint states Jefferson continued dragging Brown until he crashed the vehicle into the front porch of a home. At that point, he allegedly got out of the vehicle and then slapped her and said her name to get her to respond. However, she was unresponsive.
According to the complaint, Jefferson then put Brown’s body in the back seat of the vehicle and drove away from the scene, but he crashed the vehicle soon after, leaving it inoperable. The witness said Jefferson then called a friend to come pick him and the witness up. The friend first went to the scene and couldn’t find Brown’s pulse, saying her neck was broken. They then left the scene and went to the friend’s residence, where Jefferson showered, disposed of his clothes and told the witness to take the truth about Brown’s death to the grave.
Hell, if I were Walmart I’d consider leaving the whole fucking state of Illinois.
@216 The sad thing is plenty of people will believe this.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
How many Walmarts in Seattle?
Asking for a Pussy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@217 What does this have to do with anything?
Sure, I know where El Dumbfuck is going with this: We need the police. I agree. Just not the police we have.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Ooooo!!! Eeeeee!!! Lookit the scary black man!! He’s gonna come for you next, doc.
Look on the bright side.spews:
Look on the bright side: sales of firearms are going through the roof! And it’s not the guys who are buying them. Women are getting serious about having a “piece” to protect themselves. They’re buying pistols at an incredible pace.
Justifiably so. If the idiots are going to end the police forces, the smart folks are gonna have the means to repel and discourage all those “peaceful protestors” burning the place down while looting the electronic equipment stores and jewelry stores.
Oh, and Hillary Clinton will never be president! Things are looking up!
Hopefully this nut job loses his job too, like our nut job and nut job supporters.
Another Neanderthal walking around like he warrants the respect that the other Neanderthals gave him.
Who names their kid Chad?
Hopefully Chadwick will be seeing some time with Bubba.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans and Dangerous Superspreader of Trump Derangement Syndrome, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
They’re buying pistols at an incredible pace.
Or they could have just nominated JEB! in 2016 and avoided all this.
But hey, whatevs, man. You do you.
something I just notice this evening with my Firefox Browser. It has a toolbar that allows me to search for a word.
So I searched for “dumbfuck” – 36 matches on this thread!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@223 You’re right, there are smart people and idiots. Just not who you think. Guns in the hands of untrained, frightened people are not the panacea that nitwits like you think they are.
I wonder if Bubba has any issues with the Rainbow Flag?
Paramount Network has pulled the plug on Cops for good.
The ViacomCBS-owned cabler had removed the long-running show from its schedule in the wake of nationwide protests following the police-involved death of George Floyd on May 25. Now, the network says it’s dropping the show altogether.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans and Dangerous Superspreader of Trump Derrangement Syndrome, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
@ 223,
Hey, I know things look tough right now. Maybe you’re scared, worried, or feeling helpless. And I know it’s been a tough quarter for you. It’s been tough for all of us (well, almost all of us).
But you should know, right now there’s never been more reason for hope. There’s never been more reason to look forward to the future. Vice President Biden has the biggest, most durable lead of any presidential challenger ever. He’s more personally popular than Trump. The wrong-track number is at -38. And there are only 20 weekends left before Election Day.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Hate Whites & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News – Thanks Again Demorats For Being Arrogant & Stupid, Riots Are An Excellent Campaign Strategy. Kindly Give My Regards To Dingbat Durkan (D-China) & Jurkoff Jay (D-China) For Superb Leadership.
Protesters Take Over City Blocks in Seattle, Blockade Streets, Call for Armed Guards
Protesters who are part of a wave of unrest across the country in the wake of the death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police on Monday took over city blocks in Seattle, set up barricades, and some have implied on social media that they will use armed guards to secure their occupation.
Seattle @MayorJenny is allowing a dangerous situation to fester. #Antifa militants have taken over & created an “autonomous zone” in city w/their own rules. Police precinct abandoned. Antifa set up barricades to create a border. Calling for volunteers to provide armed guard.
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 9, 2020
@232 she has such a pretty hat.
I wonder if Bob has the horse wear one too.
when did that happen!?
Remember how sweet and loving Kim Jong Un is and his great letters and getting a denuclearized peninsula was easy because we’re buds now? Yeah, how’d that go?
Literally everyone told you this is what NK does. Extract concessions, get something and then…
Rather than listen to experts Donald talked to Rodman.
North Korea said on Tuesday that it plans to cut off all communications with South Korea and would treat South Korea as an “enemy,” according to North Korea’s state news service, Korea Central News Agency.
Eleven Time Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans and Dangerous Superspreader of Trump Derangement Syndrome, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
@233 They need armed guards to protect them from people like you. I mean, it’s not like they can call the police.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Hate Whites & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News – Helpful Hint For Demorat Loons – Don’t Listen To That Stupid Twat Meghan McCain.
Meghan McCain warned Democrats that a hard push to defund police departments could be handing President Donald Trump “a great campaign slogan.”
McCain addressed the issue Tuesday on ABC’s “The View,” making the argument that Democrats needed to get a better handle on the messaging before Trump could use it against them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
There’s no question that George Floyd has America’s racists on the run. Things unimaginable two weeks ago are happening — cops charged, racist statues torn down.
Carl’s OK with looting. Just not his fave bike shop, please. High-end Campy equipment isn’t easily replaceable. Not the way the Wuhan has devastated Italy.
On the even brighter side:
Dow 27,374.09 263.11 0.97%
S&P 500 3,210.37 16.44 0.51%
Nasdaq 9,841.81 27.73 0.28%
Goldy ☂️✔
On the bright side, tear gas residue must’ve crept into and permeated every nook and cranny of that East Precinct police building by now.
I’m sure it’s just the tear gas residue reaching my locale, but unless I’m mistaken the DJIA is within 10% of its all-time high.
Looting must be good for the economy. Look at all the clean-up jobs it created.
That’s a high from any non-partisan poll.
40% approval among Registered Voters.
38% approval among Adults
Not sure storming the capital to put that Commie Ho Governor in her place worked out.
Michigan, NBC – Biden 49%, Donald 42%
PA, AZ & MI in the Blue makes 279. Keep working. 112,000 > 15.
@ 4
Not sure storming the capital to put that Commie Ho Governor in her place worked out.
You might be right there. OTOH, when a 77 year-old barber beats the governor 7-0 in a state supreme court decision, and the decision specifically references hysteria to describe her orders, one wonders whether she was OTR when she issued them.
49% and 42% – That doesn’t say much that not even quite half of voters can get behind a candidate. This is going to be a very polarizing election.
Good thing Goldy’s now paid to shill for a billionaire rather than report for a hometown progressive rag, ’cause if The Stranger hadn’t fired him he’d be waking up coughing this morning, instead of hung over.
QoS McHillbilly will assure you that they were not explosives, they were candles.
Man planted homemade explosives in busy Pittsburgh plaza amid George Floyd protests: feds
Trump is wrong to consider using military assets as a crowd control measure. The purpose of our military in to use deadly force against an enemy and to do this under the control of the federal government. That means killing people and destroying property against enemies, not citizens.
But that doesn’t mean the cops should outfit themselves in military gear and act like they are part of some larger global military force. Cops are there to do law enforcement and public safety, not bring deadly force against citizens of this country. We could do a lot to calm things down if we and the cops themselves stopped thinking of themselves as some occupying force after some huge world war.
How bright is this, Dumbfuck?
Biden vs Trump 55 – 40
Trump Job Approval 40 – 57
See a disconnect between your orange moron’s approval numbers and the DJIA yet? Fucktard.
Someone doesn’t pay attention to American elections
Donald tooK 8 states with under 50% of the vote. Including MI with 47.5%. Joe sits better than the previous winner. The final margin was .23% so up seven points at 49 is a fucking huge edge.
This far out, better to be a candidate already in a winning position needing only 1% of undecideds to push to an outright majority or needing to get 7% of undecideds to pull even.
Rather be down 7 going into the 7th inning or would most teams prefer a lead or at least a closer game?
Hate hot cheerleaders much, Dumbfuck? Quite understandable. They hate you, too.
Someone you can relate to, Dumbfuck, a fellow traveler on the road to Hell.
“Someone doesn’t pay attention to American elections.”
The past election is history. I am only commenting on what’s to come, and it looks like the electorate does not have overwhelming support for either Biden or Trump. Biden could win, but would he have overwhelming support from voters?
Citation please.
Oh wait. It’s The Q Clearance Pussy who moments ago insisted that, based on the uncorroborated claims of an emotionally disturbed drifter on the payroll of the Mercer family, Senator Joe Biden assaulted her in broad daylight in one of the busiest hallways in the US capitol, and forced his fingers into her vagina “through her pantyhose” while coworkers only steps away saw nothing.
That’s when he also wasn’t sharing tales of Christmas Tree Cock Rings, imaginary “Whitey” tapes, forged birth certificates, invisible email servers, and baby cannibalism rituals in non-existent basements under popular pizza restaurants.
“overwhelming support”
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
At the end of four years of abject failure and crushing humiliation, is this what it takes for you to soothe your many wounds?
You concede the defeat but look for hope that it may not be a total route?
Ronald Reagan obtained exactly seven tenths of one percent more than half of all the votes counted in 1980. And yet there you were, dancing on a busy street corner, pants around your ankles, furiously jerking it into traffic with tears of joy streaming down your face at the “overwhelming” victory of “clownsurvaturdism in America”.
You aren’t looking any more thoughtful or serious these days either. Just older, and slower, and dumber.
@ 9
Tom, dude, where were you when the military was handing out bottled water and food/medical supplies in the Caribbean after Hurricane Maria? You could have saved us a shit-ton of money had we only realized, then, that the military shouldn’t be doing shit like that.
Steve @ 10
See Q19, your link.
For Dems, the most important issue is race relations. For GOP, it’s the economy.
It’s interesting that Trump’s approval for handling race relations is no worse than it was in 2017.
The protests are gonna die back and if they don’t, see 1968. The economy is gonna continue to be a major issue, and it’s gonna continue to recover.
Cz-252 @ 11
You clearly have learned nothing from your embarrassing performance in 2016, Cz-252.
If up 7 is a “fucking huge edge”, Cz-252, how do you describe being up 11?
How about being up 11 with less than five weeks to go?
Poll: Clinton takes 11-point lead over Trump in Michigan
Cz-252, you have learned nothing. Instead you have fallen well into the third tier, next to the likes of YLB and The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. Well done.
@ 12
Steve, that dude has been laid more recently than you have.
Hence your anger.
Hey Steve @ 10
What are all those black poll respondents, who were massively oversampled (check the poll mechanics), gonna do when they learn that Biden meant it when he wrote that crime bill that Bill Clinton signed in 1994?
No presidential candidate today has been more responsible for the mass incarceration of black Americans than Joe Biden. Gonna take more than a knee to erase that truth, libbies.
Goldy doesn’t want to defund the police, either.
Any father who can imagine his daughter being raped, and screaming for help but there is no one there to respond, is going to oppose defunding the police.
Yes, by all means, libbies, whine some more about all the tear gas in Seattle last night.
35 shot, 5 fatally, in Chicago weekend gun violence
I’m sure this will all go away if only Mayor Lightfoot would defund the Chicago PD.
Ever notice how nobody ever gets to ask Obama about all of the gun violence in the city Rahm Emanuel oversaw for eight of the last nine years?
If You’ve Got Mail was written today.
Minneapolis Rioters Burned One Of America’s Most Beloved Independent Bookstores To The Ground
“Don’t cry. Lootgirl.”
LMAO!!! the usual blather from dimfuk. somethin’s missin’ though..
fantasy buses of antifa ready for.. carnage..
That fart sure blew away.. Did o’keefe’s latest ever drop? Heh.
All y’all libbies calling for defunding the police are gonna start to understand why well-regulated militia still has a place, even in a “Living Constitution”.
Citizen patrols organize across Minneapolis as confidence in the police force plummets
Somewhere up there, Nino is smiling.
YLB @ 25
Even Antifa knows you don’t bring a chain with a lock at the end of it to a gunfight.
@27.. Guess they canceled the bus rentals then…
Not a single fart about antifa in your stream of un-consciousness this a.m. dimfuk
Not keepin’ up with the always wrong wing program.. Guess you’ll have to “wait” for what billy barr cobbles together..
#BlackLivesMatter when they’re extinguished by cops.
Otherwise, not so much.
18 murders in 24 hours: Inside Chicago’s deadliest day in 60 years
This wasn’t so bad, really. Chicago was once far worse.
The Seattle socialist wants the Seattle lesbian to resign.
The new culture wars.
@14, see @10
Still going with “All things being equal?”
No white terrorists running people over who are “very fine people?”
No tear gassing of protesters for a photo op?
No 115K dead when it was supposed to be just 15?
No unknown political outsider on the other side of the ticket?
Heading into another Hurricane season, wonder if Donald will toss more paper towels?
No record to defend?
No campaign manager sentenced to prison?
No close advisors, multiple, sent to prison?
Yep, it’s going to be JUST LIKE last time.
While looking at polls another water mark you might want to look at is where was Clinton at this point?
On the low end some polsters had her in the high 30s though still higher than Donald
On the high end, one poll in June had her at 47/37
Most had her in the low to mid 40s
Compare to this June 2016, fewer undecideds but in the three polls so far (CNN/Marist/Emmerson) all of them are Biden 50% or better.
If you factor in May polling it’s even uglier for team Donald. No one had Hillary anywhere close to 50% in May 2016. in 2020 five different pollsters have Biden >= 50%
Do you see the problem for, “all things being equal?”
Other things not equal. Hillary wasn’t a very well liked long standing Senator and VP from Pennsylvania. Hillary brought unloseable New York to the table. I’m sure there’s someone who thinks it possible Donald will hold Pennsylvania but it’s difficult to imagine how.
Too all that may be concerned, except the yellowishleakingbuttspigot,
Puddy will be gone a few days. A drunk driver took the life of one of my early 20’s great nieces driving the wrong way on a one way street, so I’ll be off of assesHorse for a few days. I expect the same craziness from you defund the police libtards especially those who live in Seattle when the town becomes just like Chicago!
Till much later,
PS: Puddy expects the yellowishleakingbuttspigot to be searching the nets to determine in which city this happened because it still lives vicariously through Puddy. Search on yellowishleakingbuttspigot! We will sit next to each other in the airplane seats, but having to wear our masks for the multi-hour trip ain’t gonna be fun!
I think Durkan should resign and be replaced by Mark Sidran.
Hey, if Ed Mole supports him, so should I.
Lead the charge @33
@ 31
Most had more than two candidates in their polls, too.
This is how you fuck up, Cz-252.
Too far, too fast.
I started selling covered calls.
@1 “Carl’s OK with looting.”
Speaking for yourself?
“Just not his fave bike shop, please.”
Sez a horse rustler.
“High-end Campy equipment isn’t easily replaceable.”
Is that why you were loitering outside the camping store in Forks?
“Not the way the Wuhan has devastated
“Texas reported a record number of coronavirus hospitalizations Monday — weeks after Gov. Greg Abbott took the lead among governors in easing social distancing measures across to help bring back jobs.”
We told you so. Don’t say we didn’t warn you. Texasses (which is the same thing as dumbasses).
@ 37
This is the type of shit you post when it’s been a half-century since you’ve been on a bicycle.
Who wants to explain it to him?
snowflake triggered @ 32.. can’t get yours truly out of its “yoctometer” “brain..” yours truly lives rent free there.
condolences for your loss..
stay safe.. keep your feckless hydroxy and z-pack handy.. HA HEROES know you’ll endure the ravages of the bubonic plague itself to return to HA..
Antifa has failed right along with TARA! and hair sniffing and everything else. The Pussy is going back to race now, hoping that Stupid Hitler and MAGA can keep “The Blacks” down and away from the polls.
Should have thought about that before ordering US military forces to launch air strikes against our own cities. That was not well thought out.
Stupid Hitler and Tom Cotton have done more to assure Biden’s turnout advantage than anyone.
Meanwhile Jacob Wohl is still studying Photoshop tutorials in pursuit of the elusive “Biden-in-Blackface” photo.
That’s your cue, Puddy.
After Friday’s 800 point jump in the DJIA, today it’s up another 300 points. And CNN is right there to bring you up to date:
It’s official: The recession began in February
By Matt Egan, CNN Business
Updated 3:05 PM EDT, Mon June 08, 2020
Presidents don’t cause recessions, but what they do or don’t do in response has a lot to do with how the economy recovers from one.
Those July, August, September, October, and November BLS jobs numbers are gonna be pretty important. And CNN will be right there to tell you how many were lost in April.
@5 Here’s a little light reading for you, Doc.
and 2020-06-05 or.pdf
The entirety of the Michigan Supreme Court’s decison and order in Mich. Dep’t of Health and Human Svcs. v. Manke reads as follows:
“On order of the Court, the motions for immediate consideration are GRANTED. The application for leave to appeal the May 28, 2020 order of the Court of Appeals is considered and, pursuant to MCR 7.305(H)(1), in lieu of granting leave to appeal, we VACATE the order of the Court of Appeals and the May 29, 2020 order of the Shiawassee Circuit Court, and we REMAND this case to the Court of Appeals for plenary consideration. The motion for stay is DENIED as moot.”
A concurring opinion by one judge refers to procedural errors by the Court of Appeals and also questions the barber’s request for an injunction is now moot. What I guessed yesterday was exactly right. The “hysteria” lecture is addressed to the Court of Appeals, not the governor, and concerns legal procedure, not the shutdown order, which blows your talking point to smithereens:
“It is incumbent on the courts to ensure decisions are made according to the rule of law, not hysteria. Here, in addition to entering an order whose validity is highly suspect, the Court of Appeals majority took the extraordinary step of directing the trial court to take immediate action despite the fact that an application for leave had already been filed in our Court. Typically, the filing of an application in our Court automatically “stays proceedings on remand unless the Court of Appeals or the Supreme Court orders otherwise.” MCR 7.305(C)(7)(a). Whether it did so wittingly or unwittingly, the Court of Appeals appears to have ordered this case to proceed despite the filing of an application in our Court when the Court of Appeals gave its May 29, 2020 order immediate effect.”
Really, Doc, you should leave lawyering to lawyers. You’re no good at it.
@6 I guess that’s one way to rationalize getting your ass kicked.
@7 Doctor Dumbfuck loves seeing other people teargassed, because he’s a dumbfuck.
No, they did not.
Head to head polls are easy to look up.
12 of 27 polls in June 2016 polled also polled four way race. In those Stein averaged 1.9% and Johnson 4.7% Stein pulled in 1.07% on election day to Johnson’s 3.28%.
Eventually pollsters will get around to including Jo Jorgensen and Howie Hawkins. We’ll see if that makes any significant difference.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 43 says I should leave the lawyering to lawyers.
Perhaps he meant using Molotov cocktails on police vehicles.
Or perhaps he meant this:
Friends of POS lawyers being POS themselves, they tried to lie to cover for him:
I’ll gladly leave that kind of lawyering to you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Certainly you don’t mind if I arm myself in the meantime.
@9 “The purpose of our military in to use deadly force against an enemy …. ”
Wrong. The purpose of our military is to defeat the enemy.
“Cops are there to do law enforcement and public safety, not bring deadly force against citizens of this country.”
Cops are there to do law enforcement and public safety, and are authorized to bring deadly force against any person or persons, not limited to citizens of this country, as described in the individual police agency’s use-of-force policy.
“We could do a lot to calm things down if we and the cops themselves stopped thinking of themselves as some occupying force after some huge world war.”
It’s extremely doubtful that cops think of themselves as an occupying force. Cops are trained in crowd control, and when they’re deployed to control crowds and/or quell a riot, their objective is to retore order and prevent looting and property destruction, not occupy territory.
ftfy. You didn’t get one single part of this right.
@10 What I see in that, at first glance, is that approval is down 7 points and disapproval is up 6 points from May 7-10 to June 2-5.
The drop in approval from 45% to 38% strikes me as especially significant because, for the first time, we’re seeing the pressure of events cut into Trump’s core base, which seems to be around 42%, i.e. 4% or roughly 10% of his hardcore supporters now “disapprove” of his performance in office.
Of further significance is the fact that while it’s possible to be elected with 42% of the popular vote (Clinton won in 1992 with 43%, with the tailwind of a third-party candidate who pulled nearly 19% of the PV), it’s beyond plausibility that a candidate could win with only 38% of PV in a two-candidate race.
@11 “This far out” is the best, indeed the only, argument you can make for the possibility of your candidate winning in November.
Sucks to be you, doesn’t it?
@13 Another “antifa.” Call out the troops.
@14 “Biden could win, but would he have overwhelming support from voters?”
How about starting out with underwhelming support from voters and building public confidence with competent governing?*
Trump had the opportunity to do that and completely blew it.
I mean completely. He’s done nothing right.
* For example, JFK got less than 50% of the popular vote, and less than 1/4 of 1% more of the total vote than his opponent, yet he’s considered one of our most inspiring presidents.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 49
Here is how the poll was conducted:
If you want to explain why 10% of Trump’s support went away, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, it’s because the poll was conducted with 20% black respondents. The poll tells you what the MOE is (the MOE, alone, is enough to explain nearly all of a 4% decline in Trump approval, BTW) if not for the oversampling, but it doesn’t tell you what the MOE would be if the oversampling was accounted for.
Post shit polls, get embarrassed by treating them as standard polls.
Pull your head out of your ass, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. You’re starting to really stink.
I’m seeing this on Twitter so we’ll see if this pans out but Teens in and around DC are organizing a March tonight through Fortnite message boards and in-game chats.
This doesn’t appear to be dissipating. Like Non Tear Gas Pepper balls that are an eye irritant but DEFINITELY NOT TEAR GAS!
@15 “on the payroll of the Mercer family”
I haven’t heard that before, but if true, it explains a lot. A lot.
No, not Doctor Dumbfuck. His orange moron. True, though, that Doctor Dumbfuck also turned out to be dumber than we thought.
Why quote Democrats when there are plenty of Republicans, not to mention Generals, who are eager to tell everybody that Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron are a couple of dumbfucks?
@21 “No presidential candidate today has been more responsible for the mass incarceration of black Americans than Joe Biden.”
Kinda difficult for a real estate developer and TV personality to put people behind bars, wouldn’t you say? That’s an easy argument to make, since Trump is a first-time office holder and Biden has been around for 50 years. To which the answer is:
Trump would have if he could have, just as he would use troops to give BLM protesters the Kent State treatment if he could.
“I’m sure there’s someone who thinks it possible Donald will hold Pennsylvania”
I think it’s possible. The thing is, right now at least, I don’t see the Trump2020 campaign doing the things I would expect them to do for that to happen.
2016 was a watershed of new registrations in PA, and a majority of those who cast votes for the first time went to Stupid Hitler. But that trend reversed dramatically in 2017 and 2018. PA is a bit of a smoking relic for the Republican party following the mids. They wasted a good portion of 2019 before beginning the investments they would need. But they have begun making headway in suburban Pittsburgh. Registered Ds have fallen in Allegheny County, Beaver County, and Washington County. And Republican registrations are up in all three.
Meanwhile Democrats held a substantial lead over Republicans in party switching statewide ahead of the primary this year. And they regained a lot of the ground they lost in terms of registrations leading into 2018. Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lebanon, Lancaster and York counties in southcentral PA are changing, with growth in D registrations throughout. And the five county region in the southeast surrounding Philly has been the big story. Philadelphia, Montgomery, Bucks, Chester and Delaware counties added 75,000 new Ds while shedding close to 40,000 Rs.
So there’s massive levels of voter volatility in the state, and in the most populated regions of the state. And registrations only tell a portion of the story. The shift in composition being seen in the Pittsburgh area could play a big role if Republicans build on that momentum, since demographically these are more reliable voters. But the massive swing in both registration and turnout surrounding Philadelphia built by Democrats following 2016, though it has slowed, still continues.
There as about 650,000 inactive voters in PA, with Dem inactives accounting for about two thirds of that total. So Democrats have a substantial advantage in terms of opportunity. But if history is any judge, a substantial disadvantage in terms of participation rate. Universal mail ballot could be an absolute game changer in triggering turnout among those inactive voters. But it still requires outreach.
Trump2020 is working both inactive Rs and new registrations pretty hard. And they are pushing their reliables to register for mail ballots. But they have done almost nothing to reverse the devastating trend in Philadelphia, Montgomery, Bucks, Chester and Delaware counties. And they are largely absent from the five county area of southcentral PA where there are favorable demographics and over 80,000 inactive voters.
In a state that was decided by about 44,000 votes.
TBH, I think Democrats should feel some confidence in the fact that at this stage the state and its 20 EVs is clearly in play for them, they have built an advantage in terms of turnout momentum, they have a candidate with deep roots, and expanded vote-by-mail. The numbers favor them at present. But the primary did not go well operationally. In-person locations are nearly all but gone. In Allegheny County the single drop-box location for the entire county on primary election day was surrounded by police in riot gear and attack dogs (no, really).
There is an infinite amount of work ahead before Democrats can afford to count PA as a “solid gold lock”.
But progress continues to be made.
Here’s video, with great audio commentary by the hysterical YLB (!), of the few seconds leading up to the event Carl described.
The guy he shot reached into the car and, maybe, threw a punch before the gun went off. Shades of Mike Brown.
Makes me wonder what happened up the street before the beginning of the video.
@42 “Presidents don’t cause recessions, but what they do or don’t do in response has a lot to do with how the economy recovers from one.”
Translation: Trump (and godwin) will now take credit for what the Federal Reserve and Congress did to preserve the capital of capitalists.
Another Heterose….I mean Neanderthal. Bob Stick with Horses….it might do the world a bit of good.
@ 58
Praytell what, exactly, are you going to do that doesn’t have the backing of 10 million recovered jobs?
Y’all are spiking the ball on the 50 yard line. The economy is coming back, and it’s either going to be enough to re-elect him or it’s not. Unless you have the October BLS statistics in hand, neither you nor anyone else has any idea of whether he’s in the game in November.
I will agree that counting him out in early June is nothing short of silly. That’s The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, YLB, and Cz-252 silly. Third-tier stuff.
@47 Don’t look here, look over there. Where’s the news article about the dumbfuck doctor who shot himself in the foot while practicing quick draw? It could’ve been worse. At least the bullet missed his balls on its way to his foot.
How the fuck can that be? I mean if your actions can influence the recovery, then your actions sure can cause the recession.
I predicted the recession coming a couple of years ago. But all The Hump could do was create a Virus and murder people.
@53 When you don’t like the poll results, attack the methodology. Not exactly original.
“If you want to explain why 10% of Trump’s support went away, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, it’s because the poll was conducted with 20% black respondents.”
This is fascinating. The way doc explains away a 10% erosion of core support is by adding 20% of black respondents to the sample. Now there is creative methodology.
He should work for FEMA. I wonder what resurrection miracles he could conjure for a city ravaged by a hurricane. Build more suburbs, perhaps?
Cropped, enlarged vid of the gunshot.
Maybe she’ll lose a few lbs….but something tells me she aint marching too long, nor too far, might mess up that hairdo, if she can even muster moving an inch or two.
It’s from Barron’s, meaning Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit will get to read it on Saturday, if the libraries have reopened.
The S&P 500 Wipes Out Its Loss for 2020 as Stocks Rise Again
I can’t wait for gman to tell us @ 68 about Stacey Abrams marching in a #BLM event.
@70 shes a beautiful woman, Mrs Abrams.
What’s your problem with her?
@59 “The guy he shot reached into the car and, maybe, threw a punch before the gun went off. Shades of Mike Brown.”
It isn’t self defense when you initiate an assault and someone tries to stop you. He’s now going to have a first degree assault with a firearm charge added to the vehicular assault charges against him. Your boy is looking at double-digit years in prison.
“They’re not protesting. They’re not making a statement. They’re stealing. When they burn down a building, they’re committing arson. … A handful of criminals and thugs tore up the place.” – Barack Obama, as he addressed the Baltimore riots upon the death of Freddie Gray.
“Democrats, from top to bottom, are running the cities with the worst police brutality in America right now. We voted for them.” —BLM activist Shaun King
Repukes want you to think Blue Lives Matter – yeah bullshit, so long as them Blue Lives aren’t arresting them and brutalizing them.
@ 66
@53 When you don’t like the poll results, attack the methodology. Not exactly original.
No, but sometimes the results turn out to be fucking hilarious.
Garbage In, Garbage Out: Are Republican “Pollsters” Gaming Poll Aggregators with Bullshit “Polls?”
by Goldy — Monday, 11/7/16, 4:37 pm
I had the best time late Tuesday 11/8 and early Wednesday 11/9 that year. Nothing makes bourbon or coffee taste as good as flavoring with liberal tears.
“The S&P 500 Wipes Out Its Loss for 2020 as Stocks Rise Again”
Not exactly a rosy picture.
Even after adjustment, the May unemployment rate was the second worst month since the Great Depression. The worst month? April.
Doctor Dumbfuck is running out of time.
@ 76
Economists expected the May jobs number to be a decline as well, Steve.
One need only to read Krugman’s initial response to know that economists generally have their heads up their asses. Even Goldy will agree with me.
@61 Another “antifa.” Call out the troops! Oops. He is the “troops.”
@77 Economics is an inexact science, and will always be so, because it attempts to predict human behavior, which is irrational more often than not.
I can think of a doctor who has his head up his ass more often than statistical modeling would predict.
Maybe he’s labeling the reports by the date of release? Because the November jobs report will be released the first week in December. And the October jobs report, however rosy it may be, will be at least somewhat lost in what is bound to be a fairly frantic election countdown news cycle. The September jobs report could be big, with things like schools restarting? Let’s all hope so.
Still have not yet seen any Trumpalo put these dots together in terms of improved economic recovery producing vote swing in specific states, counties. Obviously recovery will be disuniform in terms of job creation, and payroll (the figures most likely to produce shifts in voter behavior). Some regions, states, and counties will run ahead of others, as we have seen in every other recovery. For example, Nevada where new jobless claims have been falling in recent weeks, has only seen very modest declines in continuing claims, reporting a “covered” or “insured” rate of unemployment over 24%. That’s a devastating number for a state that lives on hourly wages. And it may be very slow to come back with restrictions in operations, capacity, and accommodations that may figure in to our future.
I don’t know where the big jobs recoveries will be. But I am not looking for them in tourism dependent regions. And recoveries in manufacturing and non-grocery distribution will inevitably lag behind other areas as these jobs are pulled into being by growth in consumer and business demand. So I for one don’t see how a delayed, somewhat jobless recovery produces big swings in voter sentiment and behavior in places like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Nor do I see them turning the tide in places like Arizona.
But then again, I’m not looking for that result as hard as someone like The Pussy or Stupid Hitler himself. “Good news” is always good for any incumbent. But after nearly two decades of record stock market growth combined with jobless recovery, real wage growth at zero, and massive growth in inequality, I suspect that a lot of the voters Stupid Hitler and The Pussy are depending on may not be so easily impressed.
@ 80
It’s the economy. It’s not the social issues.
#BLM helped take down The Chardonnay Lady 2.0. Don’t forget that.
Dear Baizuo
Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender appeared with Alisyn Camerota on CNN this morning. Camerota asked a pretty simple question. The response was not reassuring:
CAMEROTA: “What if in the middle of the night my home is broken into. Who do I call?”
BENDER: “Yes, I hear that loud and clear from a lot of my neighbors. And I know — and myself, too, and I know that that comes from a place of privilege.”
Why the credibility of police unions is shot to hell.
Heh. Another snowflake @ 59 hallucinating yours truly in odd places. Yours truly and the wife was at home sheltered in place, cookin’, bakin’, watchin’ the tube enjoying life.
Nope, not riskin’ covid at my age. Not a youngin’ anymore.
“hysterical” indeed.
Livin’ rent free in troll “minds” since 2004. Too damn funny
It was a down day on Wall Street, relatively speaking.
After climbing more than 800 points on Friday, today’s DJIA gain was only 461. Paul Krugman will tell you that’s a recession.
This is for you, Doc, delivered on a silver platter:
“With all the focus on a slew of new polls that show President Donald Trump falling further behind former Vice President Joe Biden, one number has largely slipped through the cracks — and it is a blaring warning signal to Republicans on the ballot this fall.
“Here it is: 51% of registered voters said they would prefer a Congress controlled by Democrats in 2021, while just 40% preferred a Republican-controlled Congress, according to a new Wall Street Journal-NBC poll released Sunday. That marks a change in Democrats’ favor from January when the party had just a 6-point edge over the GOP on what is known as the ‘generic ballot’ question.”
Before, Republicans were looking at defeat. Now, they’re staring at wipeout.
Trusting then that we will no longer have to hear from The Q Clearance Pussy delivering his weekly reports on hair sniffing, Antifa sightings, Baby Cannibals, and breathless HuhrDuhrham previews, since according to him the only thing that will determine the election outcome will be the TrumPlague recovery.
I don’t doubt that for Trumpalos this is true, at least for now. They need a reason, any reason, for the treason. Always have. And always will. So recovering about 3 million of the 40 million jobs lost so far is a reason, I guess. As long as they can hold their noses to avoid the stench of rotting corpses.
Whatever hapens trust me, if this doesn’t work out, he will recruit some other reason before November. He has no other choice.
But a Trumpalo’s choice is not America’s choice.
@ 80
The months I listed were those in which the prior-month data would be reported. I see your point.
@ 87
So recovering about 3 million of the 40 million jobs lost so far is a reason, I guess.
It’s more than a 2.5M jobs gain. It’s a nearly 11M improvement from what we were told by…
wait for it…
WaPo actually tweeted out early Friday morning that the unemployment rate was nearly 20%. Oops.
Tell it to the Rapepublican nominee who ran on MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN and forged birth certificates.
And besides, dumbshit, if “#BLM helped take down The Chardonnay Lady 2.0” then according to you, it is the social issues.
Maybe it’s all of it, including the body pile, the rape confessions, the impeachment, the 40 million unemployed, and tear gassing children. Maybe you just can’t see it from the wrong side of Teh Orange Event Horizon.
Republicans should be wiped out at the ballot box. This isn’t a group of people who think about or debate issues, or hold democratic values, or respect their neighbors with differing views. They’re a bunch of bigots and racists who try to influence policy by brandishing guns in public and threatening anyone who disagrees with them. It’s not surprising that the majority of Americans — largely people who have families and work at jobs — don’t trust this unruly mob and don’t want to be governed by them. They never did; Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes, and GOP legislative majorities, where they exist, are heavily gerrymandered. In Wisconsin, for example, Republicans “won” 2/3rds of the state assembly seats with far less than a majority (Dems 53%, GOP 44%) in 2018; the story is much the same elsewhere. Even where they “win” popular vote majorities, Republicans depend heavily on voter suppression, smear tactics, and disinformation to do so. Virtually everything they do is contrary to traditional American values. So it won’t be surprising if voters turn out in record numbers this fall to release their country from the grimy grip of the GOP pestilence.
You aren’t getting it. And it’s funny that your ignorance makes you angry. You may not want to hear it, but that is a particularly “white” thing.
What you don’t understand, what you don’t know, is that the answer to the question posed – “What if in the middle of the night my home is broken into. Who do I call?” – is not the same for everyone. Never really was. Certainly isn’t today. But you didn’t know that.
For many of our fellow Americans the answer to that question is in many cases, in many cities and counties, “Certainly not the police.”. Never, ever the police. That’s would be the wrong answer. But you didn’t know that.
When almost any seemingly innocent interaction with law enforcement has a depressing tendency to produce humiliation, insult, and threat, and when a shockingly high percentage result in injury or death, you do not call the police if you can avoid it. You deal with it yourself if you can. Or you just accept whatever “it” is. And you move on. But you didn’t know that.
That’s what is meant by privilege. If you are one of the people lucky enough to not have become conditioned to think this way, you are indeed very privileged. If you have faith that if you call a police officer for assistance you will be greeted with courtesy and respect and given the assistance you seek then you are a very privileged member of American society. You’re one of “the lucky ones”.
But you didn’t know that. Now you do.
Stop blaming everyone else for your ignorance.
@90 but Rog, WHATABOUT CHICAGO????
That’s the question “serious” drumpfers (shy and otherwise) ask.
If my house was broken into at 3 a.m., I would call Hillary Clinton, natch.
@ 92
It’s the one liberals always avoid, too. It’s easy to go after a cop who was recorded on camera. But reducing violent crime in a city long under complete Democrat control? Naw, liberals can’t go there. No good can come of it.
It’s an especially stupid liberal who tries to mock Republicans for pointing out the weekly death of black youth in inner city Chicago, tho. Stupid and unserious.
@93 If your house was broken into at 3 a.m., and you confronted the burglar and he shot you, he could not claim self-defense.
@92 Ask Puddy or Doc for last weekend’s body count. Everyone in Chicago has been shot by now. Everybody knows Chicago is a city of walking dead. There is not a single live voter there. Every vote in Chicago is cast by a dead voter. Ask any Republican, they’ll tell you.
More “antifa” (with photos). Call out the vigilantes!
Gotta love the comments, especially references to “Banjo-picking rednecks,” “Pizza Gate nincompoops,” “low-information mob mentality,” and “protect[ing] their town from tourism.” Also glad to see some locals have started a GoFundMe to compensate the innocent victims of their local rightwing vigilante posse.
What will be even better is federal charges against the Forks “patriots,” and the dumbass who incited them losing his gun shop license.
“But reducing violent crime in a city long under complete Democrat control?”
Rapepublicans sure as shit know what it takes to criminalize being black, Latino, gay, young, or poor. They’ve been doing it well since Nixon. Just ask his WH Counsel, Ehrlichman.
But big shocker! – It turns out Rapepublicans don’t actually know what it takes to reduce crime in a city.
Rapepublicans just aren’t cut out for this.
Let’s dissect this. They weren’t protecting their property in Forks from “antifa” several miles away out in the woods. They didn’t drop trees across a Forest Service road to prevent looting. The victims of their intimidation were a mixed-race family. My sensitive rabbit nose detects the foul stench of the KKK. In Forks, the vampire capital of North America.
When did The Partridge Family become Antifa?
Dear Baizuo
Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender appeared with Alisyn Camerota on CNN this morning. Camerota asked a pretty simple question. The response was not reassuring:
CAMEROTA: “What if in the middle of the night my home is broken into. Who do I call?”
BENDER: “Yes, I hear that loud and clear from a lot of my neighbors. And I know — and myself, too, and I know that that comes from a place of privilege.”
Really? Who will patrol the streets? Hawk Newsome, chairman of the Black Lives Matter New York chapter, announced his organization will launch an armed branch of “peace officers.” “We pattern ourselves after the Black Panthers, after the Nation of Islam, we believe that we need an arm to defend ourselves,” Newsome explained. “We will build and train peace officers to keep the peace in our communities, to defend our communities, to keep our communities safe.”
Now let’s play the imagine game.
Yeah and you might want to examine some of the links in that article, if you are at all hones or intellectually curious
It’s a brilliant liberal who succeeds at mocking repukelicans for pointing out “unseriously” (like they gives a fuck) the weekly death of black youth in inner city Chicago, tho. Brilliantly having a good time at “serious” klownservatic expense.
Heh.. An especially “smart” klownservatic is fixated on Chicago above all else.. above Baltimore.. above Milwaukee.. above NYC..
cuz’ ???
Black guy with a prez library, maybe? Too “serious” indeed. Thanks for the laughs “serious”..
There’s a lot more to be angry about these days, than to be a dumbfuck. But being a dumbfuck isn’t out of style, or at least not until November anyways. But something tells me dumbfuck Bob will always be a dumbfuck. He’s never shown any promising potential not to be.
Oh well – keep on dumbfucking dumbfuck.
Who will patrol the streets?
Those who truly want to serve and protect as opposed to busting heads and getting paid and then working security while collecting a pension after 20 years.
Like a doctor who just wants to help people instead of shaking them down for a fancy house, yacht and glitzy vacays.
@ 103
Someone? That “someone” may very well be the community peace officers who replace the police.
If Goldy’s daughter is raped by the socially correct people, Whoopie will tell you it’s not “rape rape”.
How’s this for serious?
LMAO!! The man who “understands” [vulture] kapitalism marching to protest police brutality..
His vote to impeach drumpf was indeed “serious”.
HA troll votes for him were quite “serious” and “severely” klownservatic..
But.. but.. but.. CHICAGO!!!
Yup, no police. That’s clearly the solution.
Qualities that might have served you well before you posted that garbage.
What do you suppose it’s like for a gay couple who come home to find their house vandalized and trashed by Trumpalos to call the local police?
Do you really suppose Myrlie Evers dialed 911?
When you see a racist murdering pig with a badge kneel on a black man’s wind pipe for more than eight minutes while he cries out in desperation for his dead mother, do you suppose he wanted to call a cop?
If our communities are entitled to be protected, then shouldn’t all communities share in that entitlement equally? Since police departments as they are presently comprised and operated have proven repeatedly and consistently that they will not protect and serve all of us equally, how then do you justify withholding that protection and those services from some of our fellow citizens? If you will not justify it, how will you remedy it?
Antifa drives out the PDX chief of police.
Portland police chief quits and makes black cop her replacement
Hard to blame her, really. She had zero support from the mayor to do anything to stop the repeated destruction caused by those fucks.
If making racist incels experience however briefly the daily reality of many poor and minority communities in the United States is required to truly reform police, then yes that must be the solution.
But that’s entirely down to their lack of imagination, willful ignorance, and selectively blindness. If people like The Q Clearance Pussy had been paying attention, the Rapepublican Party wouldn’t have spent the last fifty years running blissfully into the arms of violent racism.
Owners and insurance experts estimate the costs of the damage could exceed $500 million….Los Angeles in 1992, which were also sparked by racial tensions with police and had $1.4 billion in damages in today’s dollars..
1.4 billion in 1992 dollars is 766 million.. L.A. took the hit and moved on.
500 million in 1992 dollars is 274 million.
Minneapolis can do the same with much less racism in the police department and the society at large one would hope.
The “law enforcement” agency that coordinated operationally with a violent, terrorist, white supremacist organization, and whose robbery investigations div conspired with an agency in an adjacent jurisdiction to frame an African American man because of his race.
She is wise and correct. Many of the worst of her department’s abuses predate her tenure. But it is impossible to see how such an organization can move forward and embrace the change they must with her at the helm.
Out: junkie.
@ 113
YLB, as long as you are going to try to make the numbers say something they don’t, why don’t you try calculating the cost per capita for the Minneapolis riots? And then calculate the same for the LA riots.
’cause it’s the population that ultimately will have to support the risk taken by businesses as they decide whether to rebuild in Minneapolis, or instead to move somewhere less liberal.
Is it just me, or is The Q Clearance Pussy a tiny bit preoccupied with RAPE?
I’m having a tough time finding any posts of his that don’t mention rape. Has four years of breathless support for his orange RapeHero left him so desensitized that he can’t get worked up about anything else?
Pro Tip for any troll who is super duper worried about RAPISTS: Don’t nominate one and make him your President.
@3 Naaah, that’s just one of your girlfriends farting because she ate too much hay.
“Defund the police”? Hell, no. We need officers who are better educated, better trained (not the same thing), better vetted, and better paid to be professionals, not uniformed thugs hired to beat and threaten the riff-raff to keep them from “getting out of line”.
@ 114
Um, OK.
Now do Wheeler. In addition to his role as mayor, he is the police commissioner.
to support the risk taken by businesses as they decide whether to rebuild in Minneapolis, or instead to move somewhere less liberal.
It’s a free country dimfuk boob.. Let them start a business and compete for the scarce dollars of fewer customers in the burbs and exurbs if that’s what they want to do.
L.A. County today has a greater population than 42 states. I suppose those risk-averse bidness people could just sell through Amazon or Ebay… That’s the ticket!
They could care less about more Rodney Kings that way, huh? Isn’t
whiteorange flight grand?119,
He’ll probably lose to Iannarone now.
Does that also make you think of rape?
The new PDX top cop:
I think another word for budget cuts is defunding.
I’m having a tough time finding any posts of his that don’t mention rape.
Freak had a doozy of a rape fantasy here one time.. Combine that with its posting porn links..
eeewww.. Well if that how it wants to represent the klownservatic mentality… It’s just one nauseating way of making our point.
@ 121
Does that also make you think of rape?
“New hair stylist” more than anything else, to be honest.
It’s all right Carl, Bob is ok with Bigotry and Racism and murder…..a little looting will never hurt anyone.
I think we also need officers that are role models and counselors to the youth. Make policing part of the community as educational and guidance counselors, giving kids a better environment to grow up in. Put a gym and youth center on every other or so corner – the officers time would be better spent than sitting in a car or chasing after an individual who stole a pack of gum, and they would serve the public in a much better way. Educate – not just for brain smarts but for compassion and respect and love.
It might take a bit of time as an investment but overtime you will reduce crime…..oh except for the rich millionaire wanna bes.
….But those are this is the crime nobody really cares about
Another option is to pay them less and give them less to do.
Do we really need cops in schools checking hall passes?
Do we need cops getting drone pilot licenses to better spy on us?
How many MRAPs should an urban police department have? How often do they need to drive through eight feet of standing water?
Is it wise to have adrenalized, out-of-breath bicycle cops responding to people having a mental health crisis?
Should we really be dialing 911 every time a raccoon knocks over a garbage can?
Is having a 35 year veteran detective teaching chess in a community center the best use of her training, skills, experience, and the considerable taxpayer investment that has been made in her?
Are mounted patrols really and truly effective, or just fun?
Why do “suspicious person” reports comprise more than half of all police response? What is a “suspicious person”?
Why are uniformed police allowed to moonlight at security jobs in their city/county uniforms?
There are thousands of these kinds of questions that need answering before we decide how many police we really need, how much we should pay them, and what work we would like them to do. I’m not at all convinced that vague, generalized notions of “community policing” are in the public interest. It can mean a lot of things depending on who you ask. And when the definition is left up to cops, “community policing” can all to often become a euphemism for targeting a specific “community” for harassment.
It seems that some don’t like the Racism medicine. Well swallow it.
“New hair stylist” more than anything else, to be honest.
Really? Even after five years of choke-fapping to the Cersei’s Walk of Atonement clip you have cued up on YouTube?
policing shouldn’t just be patrolling.
get the police involved with educating (in a uniform) in a youth center or gym with a boxing ring, a music office.
Spend the money on bettering people’s living conditions, and at that same time holding them accountable. Results won’t happen overnight but you have to change the whole way of “policing” and the environment in which people are raised and exposed to.
Respect and love and no fucking NEANDERTHALS or ignorant mother fuckers.
Oh and by the way – the storefront to the building in which I live was vandalized two Saturdays ago. It was a bit unnerving, but in retrospect it was just broken glass and lost merchandise.
Now, I’m not sure if the tenant that leased the space is responsible to fix the damage, or if I will be in part as part of my monthly common fees. Irregardless, monetarily I am sure I will be impacted by it, whether it is a lost tenant (lease was up) or in some other way.
Again, a bit unnerving….but just spilled milk compared to being murdered by a renegade (or bunch of bad apples) thug.
“Trump: ‘We won’t be defunding or dismantling our police,’”
… except that’s not for him to say, it’s a city matter.
@99 “But reducing violent crime in a city long under complete Democrat control?”
The short answer to this trope is that the cops responsible for the problems that led to the protests are rightwing Trumpsters, and out of control, and the fact many of these cities are governed by Democratic politicians gives their citizens an opportunity to bring them under control and put an end to the police and their unions being a law unto themselves.
@101 When they violated the anti-miscegenation social mores of the “patriot” sect. And went camping in a bus. Family camping in a bus = “busload of antifa.” See how that works? Remember the comment about “low-information mob mentality”? The folks in Forks have their neighbors pegged. After all, they live with them every day.
Second largest civil disturbance, after the LA riots following the Rodney King beating.
New Study Shows Riots Make America Conservative
Better-armed, too.
@102, 103 Since when did your ilk ever depend on police for protection against crime? When you call the cops, it’s to come and get the body.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, YLB, and Cz-252 walk into a bar…
@109 Let’s analyze this using hypotheticals.
Scenario A: You have a large and expensive police force that creates a lot of problems (and legal liabilities) with overreach and outright brutality. When rioters attack your business, they don’t come. Your business is looted and burns to the ground.
Scenario B: You have no police force and lower taxes. When rioters attack your business, there’s nobody to call, and your business is looted and burns to the ground.
Looks to me like you’re marginally better off under Scenario B because of the lower taxes. What you probably want to do is use the tax savings to buy more insurance.
@ 138
Gentleman, this is the product of a career spent in the public sector.
You’re a fucking clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@115 I don’t see where the “junkie” jibe comes from. Perhaps a “street medic” was the best they could do since you, a real doctor, weren’t there helping the gassed and wounded — you were comfortably reclining in your home watching it on teevee.
Doctors who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw spitballs at “street medics.”
@116 You mean somewhere they have to pay protection money to the mafia or KKK?
@118 Welcome back, Art! It’s always nice to see another friendly face around here. We lost one (SeattleJew) back in March.
@119 What if black vigilantes just mow down Portland’s skinheads? Would that work for you?
@127 One thing to keep in mind as we address police funding issues is that the people demanding the most funding for police are the people with the least need for police. They are all armed to the teeth, in some cases better armed than the police, so what do they need police for?
@135 And your ilk and your Fuhrer would have us believe “looters” and “arsonists” are the same as “protesters.”
@137 It was a horse bar, and the bartender said, “Why the long face, doc? My sibling not putting out for you tonight?”
@139 What Gentleman? There’s no gentlemen here. Certainly not you. should have been sunsetted instead of being permitted to be taken over by a complete dumbfuck.
“White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Monday that President Donald Trump’s administration regrets nothing about police using violent force to clear peaceful anti-racism protesters outside the White House last week.”
Miss NitTwit explains,
“‘There’s no regrets on the part of this White House because, look, I’d note that many of those decisions were not made here within the White House,’ she said, pointing to Attorney General William Barr as the one who called for law enforcement to enclose on the perimeter of the protest,”
and pointing her finger over … there.
Maybe it’s time for Barr to become Trump’s latest scapegoat. In any case, he’ll find out sooner or later what his unflagging loyalty and obsequieous service to The Boss is worth.
Bob is such a jealous prick.
@ 138. I am from Southern Oregon. A couple years back, those real cheap boomers defunded and deleted the county police because they didn’t want to pay the taxes. Every single plot of land is now fenced off and gated compound to keep out the meth heads and vandals or what every type of person those retirees are afraid of. The wailing and bitching about the lack of respect for the rule of law is deafening.
Demorat-China National Committee Announces New 2020 Campaign Slogan, “Make Riots Great Again.” Chairman Tom Perez-Trotsky (D-China) Explains; “Comrades, We Must Defund Police And Make Looting & Burning Fun Again!”
85 Shot – 24 Dead in Chicago’s Most Violent Weekend Following Leftist Riots — As Democrats Continue to Call to Defund the Police
The “mostly peaceful” leftist rioters in Chicago dragged police officers through the street and kicked them in the head last week.
The Sun-Times reported:
Twenty-four people were killed and at least 61 others were wounded by gun violence in Chicago’s most violent weekend of the year so far, which also saw widespread protests, riots and looting throughout the city in the wake of the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd.
More than half of the weekend’s victims were shot on Sunday as the city reeled from violent protests Saturday night that led to hundreds of arrests and the implementation of a curfew.
Chicago Police Supt. David Brown said Monday that of the total fatal shootings over the weekend, 17 homicides occurred on Sunday alone. The Cook County medical examiner’s office confirmed 15 for Sunday, with another three at unknown locations.
RedReformed YLB, and IllHaveAPilsner walk into a bar…
order libations of choice and…
ltao at a miserable dimfuk who posts porn links and busts rape fantasies in the comment threads of HA
McNitTwit is a lawyer, so she should know how to fact-check.
I hope she doesn’t do this in a court argument. Lying to the judge doesn’t help a lawyer’s case.
Antifa. No, BLM. No, a 23-year-old white guy who was fired from his security guard job at WalMart and probably wasn’t out in the streets to complain about police brutality against black people. His other affiliations TBD.
“Branden Wolfe has been charged in the arson of the 3rd Precinct in Minneapolis, according to a press release from the Department of Justice. … Wolfe was wearing body armor, duty belts, cuffs, baton, and a knife stolen from the 3rd Precinct.”
Barr contradicts Trump? What?!! He’s probably polishing his resume. And writing a book.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Hate Whites, & Race War Bombshell News – Stickyfingers Joe Biden-Einstein Boycotts Demorat Kneel-In; Biden-Einstein explained, “All those Blacks need is record players so they can learn words,”
Pelosi and fellow Democrat lawmakers, including Sens. Kamala Harris (D-CA), Cory Booker (D-NJ), and Chuck Schumer (D-NY), took a knee on Monday for eight minutes and 46 seconds … Democrats could be seen kneeling in unison, with most wearing Kente cloth — a special fabric with deep and meaningful origins rooted in West Africa — in a seeming attempt to show further solidarity with the black community. Their attempt, however, appeared to many to fall flat.
I had to say something about the American politicians shameless and ignorantly using the Kente fabric as a prop in their virtue signaling.
*I’m usually more mild mannered than this so please forgive me, I’m upset.
— Obianuju Ekeocha (@obianuju) June 8, 2020
The Democrats have no interest in black America.
These fools think that because they put some Kente cloth on they’re going to get the black vote?
I’m waiting on Biden to put a durag on and start saying the “N” word.
— Errol Webber [] For Congress (CA-37) (@ErrolWebber) June 8, 2020
If you build it, they’ll come. And turn it into an art gallery.
@148 I guess you’re fucked, aren’t you?
@151 And fucked, oh so fucked, because there’s nothing he can do about it.
On Sunday night, AP published a story headlined, “When protesters cry ‘defund the police,’ what does it mean? The article discussed some of the political factors at work, and it quoted one anti-police group in Minneapolis talking about “strategically reallocating resources, funding, and responsibility away from police and toward community-based models of safety, support, and prevention.” CNN published an article — “There’s a growing call to defund the police. Here’s what it means” — that was even less enlightening.
Nobody seemed to discuss what seems like a very basic question of a police-free future: What would happen when a crime is committed? Say there is a murder, which happened 40 times in Minneapolis last year and 492 times in Chicago. Or say there is an armed robbery. Or an aggravated assault. What happens then? Does a social worker go to the scene? Do strategically reallocated resources solve the crime?
@154, 159 Wow! A double-header tonight! Probably because of the shortened season.
@163 “murder … happened 40 times in Minneapolis last year and 492 times in Chicago.”
That’s under the existing model, and I think they’re saying, “Let’s try something else.” Not, as I understand, no police but rather a different kind of policing.
<A HREF=""The Most Violent Day in Chicago in 60 Years – Tom Schuba, et al, Chicago Sun Times
18 murders in 24 hours
“Al Sharpton Says Growing Calls to ‘Defund the Police’ Is a Misleading Slogan”
Pandering original thinker, Kamala Harris, copies from his test paper:
“Biden does not believe that police should be defunded,” campaign Rapid Response Director Andrew Bates said. “Biden supports the urgent need for reform — including funding for public schools, summer programs, and mental health and substance abuse treatment… This also means funding community policing programs that improve relationships between officers and residents.”
AND, FINALLY, (for you soy-latte drinking rhinestone cowboys rodeo-ing on your oh-so-wild carousel horseys):
A recent YouGov poll showed that fewer than 20 percent of Americans of all parties supported any cutting of police funding—a finding consistent with decades of polling.
Yeehaw! and goodnight cowboys. Ride those used keyboards for all they’re worth
@166 Chirp, chirp, chirp, … @167 chirp, chirp, chirp, …
it loves to hear itself talk.
Speaking of double headers. All the conservative sports fans must be happy that the cities have a bit of turmoil but how about them Sports Areas and Stadiums…..gonna build one in your rural backyard?
Yeah, defunding isn’t eliminating.
Defunding – There is literally no reason the City of Issaquah has a surplus Assault Vehicle and frequently takes officers off regular duty to train in urban conflict using it. Same with Snohomish. And Lacey. And Lakeland Hills. That’s literally what the National Guard is for…things getting beyond the scope of local policing.
There are plenty of reasons to reduce the city liability and shift it to individual officers. Full indemnity and the insurance premiums that come with it is a problem for city budgets and should be reevaluated when contracts come due. And to borrow a phrase from the GOP, “You don’t like the new Union contract, go get a different job!” If an officer knows it could very well cost him hundreds of thousands in legal fees and fines to beat the shit out of a handcuffed suspect rather than the taxpayers footing the bill… (“That guy called me a pig and tossed a plastic water bottle in my general direction. Is it worth my house to go beat his ass?”)
Fewer officers and greater psychological interviewing. When municipalities, to be tough on crime, eliminate funding from other parts of a budget to fill an arbitrary number of “Cops on the street” that doesn’t correlate to public safety. In fact the opposite (basic labor theory here). If 40 qualified applicants are competing for 20 positions the questionable adversarial attitudes towards citizens in general can be disqualifying automatically. When 60 applicants are competing for 50 positions some are going to get hired who have no business being hired because, well…the best you can get as long as you fill the spot and meet the mandate of x officers per citizens.
When you give police departments bloated budgets they sometimes decide they need predator Drones and buy them. Then they want to use the new toys. On somebody. For something.
Re-invest –
It is a very well documented that strong after school programs work. Kids aren’t home alone or hanging on the street with other kids. Don’t give them the free time to learn to crime. But as police budgets exploded, these are the kinds of programs cut. Reverse that. Cut two officers and Urban Tank upkeep and training and fully fund after school programs.
Fund Mental health services with money previously allocated to policing.
Fund addiction recovery with money previously allocated to policing.
The one thing that seems to be proven with study is reducing crime isn’t simply spending more on police. When you reduce crime by other means, police forces become less essential. Its a feedback loop.
Summary, there will always be a need for homicide investigations, major assault investigations and the like. There are other ways to deal with crime reduction that don’t involve a shit ton of officers without much to do on most days except write traffic tickets and harass people who are committing minor infractions, like oh….selling loose cigarettes. Officers who get overexcited and butt hurt when a small protest breaks out. And then start pepper spraying people for being insufficiently in awe of police sainthood.
@170 If you have 60 applicants, 50 positions, and 35 are suitable to hire, you hire 35.
“The man who was shot in the middle of a Capitol Hill protest is being called a hero for putting is life on the line to save others … Sunday evening when a gunman drove his car into in to a crowd of demonstrators.”
But to Doctor Dumbfuck, he’s a thug who brought a fist to a gunfight. (See #59 and #67.) He can’t be antifa, because they would’ve brought a chain and lock. (See #27) So what is he? Err, the son of a cop (father) and police dispatcher (mom). And Dumbfuck’s victim will shortly be an imprisoned felon, maybe even a convicted domestic terrorist. Boy, did he get this one wrong! A royal fuckup by the doctor! What a dumbfuck!
@167 Want to know how we got here? This is how:
“In March 2018, a group of black and Hispanic boys aged 8 to 14 were walking home, talking and laughing. Some of them played with sticks picked up from the ground, the CCRB report states.
While on the sidewalk, multiple police cars approached. The officers exited their cars, one with his gun drawn, and told the boys to get against the wall. They complied and were all frisked by the officers, and no weapons were found, the report states. In all, eight to 10 police cars and 10 to 16 officers responded to the scene, the report states. The lieutenant on scene decided to take the 8-year-old and 14-year-old to the station and processed them for disorderly conduct after officers reported seeing the children running with sticks, the report states. The two boys were transported there while handcuffed and in tears, the report says. … [The] 14-year-old’s mother said the children were not allowed to call home nor did she get a call from the NYPD, the report states.”
They’re black, so they gotta be dangerous, right? Aren’t sticks weapons?
“On one spring evening, an 11-year-old black boy walking to meet his mother encountered a group of adult men he recognized. As the boy greeted one of the men with a ‘quick handshake/high-five,’ plainclothes Anti-Crime officers exited their vehicle and approached the group, the report states.
The adult men dispersed. One officer approached the boy and asked for his age, and then proceeded to frisk the boy’s upper body and waist, the report states. A bystander told the officer that he shouldn’t search someone under 13, but an officer replied that drugs can be given to younger children, the report states. The officers then got back into their vehicle and drove away, the report says.”
If they’re black, they gotta be dealing drugs, right? And the kid is obviously a mule; after all, he’s black.
“In another instance, a 17-year-old boy carrying a backpack was walking with a group of male friends through a New York City Housing Authority complex, talking and listening to music, the report states. A lieutenant and an officer in a nearby marked police vehicle exited their car, and according to video footage, the officer seized the boy and another person and pushed them against a fence, the report states. In a CCRB interview, the lieutenant said he suspected the two of criminal possession of a weapon based on his prior knowledge of gang activity there, his initial observations of their age, statements they and their companions made when the officers arrived, as well as the fact that they were carrying bookbags ‘despite the fact that it was long after the end of the school day,’ according to the report.
The lieutenant and officer also observed the group pushing each other and running back and forth, and the lieutenant assessed that they were ‘acting kind of suspicious,’ the CCRB report states.”
If they have bookbags and are acting like teenagers, they gotta be gangbangers, right? What could be more suspicious? After all, gangbangers go to school, and — they’re black.
Body camera footage of a black man’s arrest in Austin, Texas, where he says “I can’t breathe” multiple times is under investigation.
“In body camera video released Monday … deputies were shown pursuing Javier Ambler, 40, just after 1 a.m. on March 28, 2019.
Ambler failed to dim his car’s headlights as he drove past a deputy, according to a sheriff’s department incident report. Ambler then tried to flee …. Ambler exited his car with his hands up …. He was unarmed and not intoxicated. Officers tried to handcuff Ambler …. Ambler is seen in distress … he is heard saying ‘I have congestive heart failure.’ Multiple times on the video, Ambler is also heard saying he can’t breathe and that he’s not resisting. Several minutes into the arrest, officers realize Ambler is unresponsive. … Shortly after, officers took off Ambler’s handcuffs and can be heard administering CPR compressions until medical units arrived on the scene. Ambler’s manner of death was ruled a homicide ….”
All these people are in the streets because they’re afraid if they encounter the police they may end up dead. They’re afraid their children will end up dead. Too many of them have. One too many. George Floyd was the straw that broke the camel’s back. To Doctor Dumbfuck, that straw was just another thug who had it coming, but what he’s forgetting is
What his fellow generals think of Michael Flynn:
” … his behavior was widely viewed by his peers as completely beyond the pale.”
How they feel about Trump:
“very troubling,” “dangerous,” “sickened”
Michael Flynn will never, ever get a fourth star.
Just did a quick ctrl-f search on both those citations for any version of the term you quote “police-free future”.
Couldn’t find it. Did I miss something? The premise of your comment is that these two media articles presented some “question” regarding a “police-free future”. But neither that term nor anything like it appears.
So are you inviting your audience to engage in a discussion of your imaginary fears?
That’s what therapists are for.
You have to pay for that.
The economy is coming back, and it’s either going to be enough to re-elect him or it’s not.
Besides distilling an election down to a single issue that the most recent evidence indicates is not very persuasive, you are also doing something you yourself frequently abhor: extrapolating a single state to a nationwide result.
Trump is in trouble in PA. Your comment seems to admit that somewhat, while arguing that by November things may be very different. This is of course true. But Trump is in trouble in more than just PA. He has lost his footing, his polling lead, and his command of the media cycle in at least a dozen states. He can’t afford to lose three. And he may very well lose twice that number unless the trend is reversed.
And it remains in doubt whether Brad Parscale’s and Bill Stepien’s message design emphasizing grievance politics and resentment is working. It has produced a flood of money. But it has not moved the polls. And the campaign organization and structure is rigid, internally contentious, and resistant to change. Whether for good or ill it has been staffed at the highest levels with members of Stupid Hitler’s family drawing large salaries (for a presidential campaign) and also acting as campaign vendors billing millions.
So it may be just as difficult for the Trump2020 campaign to make a “pivot” as it has been for Stupid Hitler himself.
A good example has been the COVID-19 pandemic. Perhaps no greater opportunity might have presented itself for the president and his campaign to shift messaging, pivot to a more positive, hopeful, and supportive image, and to appear both commanding and simultaneously paternal. But instead they used it to hold an agonizing series of daily press briefings that were nothing if not combative, unhinged, and at times frightening. And they only succeeded in making the president look petty and dismissive.
You may be absolutely right, that in this case it will be down to the pandemic recovery, because the campaign itself does not appear capable of changing course. But it’s a lot to wager on a recovery that is guaranteed to fall short of the losses and that will not benefit all states, industries, and late-deciding voters equally. Both you and Stupid Hitler are asking this recovery to do all the heavy lifting in all those.
Better call Tara.
Suing Stupid Hitler is becoming a cottage industry:
Procedurally many potential hurdles for the plaintiff have already been overcome in Carrol v. Trump and Zervos v. Trump, with Stupid Hitler’s lawyers now left to argue for immunity. An argument that hopefully become mooted in a few months.
I suppose Trumpalos will claim that Mr. Gugino is a “gold-digger”?
Does not help the optics one bit.
Not when you’ve been given a mandate by a “Tough on Crime” Mayor/Council to increase the for e to an arbitrary number so they can say on paper
You’ll hear Sheriffs, Chiefs and politicians say, “We’re going to put 30 more officers on the street with more funding.” You’ll never hear, “we’re going to create programs for at-risk high schoolers to learn to code and play sports and become chefs so they aren’t out smoking weed and shoplifting between three and whenever a parent gets home.”
You also won’t hear, “We’re going to take the extra funding and train officers in deescalation, empathy, mental health and counseling, and conflict resolution.”
Here’s Stupid Hitler’s rage-tweet from this morning:
I think it’s defamatory. I think a credible case could be made in a New York state court that, whether intentional or not, this tweet constitutes a provably false accusation of fact against Mr. Gugino that materially defames him.
But more than that, it really shows the world what a perfectly despicable piece of shit Stupid Hitler is, and by extension his supporters. Shame on them all.
It’s Tuesday and Donald is tweeting a conspiracy theory from OANN that the senior citizen sent to the hospital by Buffalo police was ANTIFA and had been seen earlier in the day with a super secret police frequency jamming device and was
walking toward the officers to disrupt their communications.
In her last year, I stopped visiting my grandmother because she became agitated in my presence and had come to believe I was a detective checking to see if she needed to be sent to ‘the second floor’ (The hospice at her facility) though other members of my family she still recognized or would when prompted.
@181 – It was probably your views that scared her.
182 fears modernity, justice, equality.
Longs for the good ol’ days, when a privileged minority shared common views about human slavery, rape, bigotry, xenophobia, and weird superstitions about invisible sky buddies.
New poll in Kentucky has Moscow Mitch trailing 41-40.
Now I don’t imagine Yertle losing in KY, it is KY, in November but as a 35 year incumbent and Senate Maj. Leader, 40% five months out is definitely NOT where you want to be.
It might say something about being all in with the Order of Orange that even in KY that’s an dead albatross. How you doin’ McSally? Can I get you a Cocktail? Maybe a Collins?
“Old man left bleeding in the streets had it comin’ ” is a weird campaign slogan but you be you, Donald.
181, 185,
Nine out of ten trolls have not seen the vile tweet and have no comment at this time.
We found the tenth at 182. Says he’s scared.
He should be.
Something else vile trolls should be scared of:
Stupid Hitler’s advantage among whites has plummeted by a third in recent weeks.
Beating the shit out of sobbing Guatemalan toddlers was a bad look, but apparently one white voters could tolerate. Beating the shit out of 75-year-old Pop-Pop is a beating too far.
I got rid of my ’97 car and got the “privilege” of paying an additional $344 for a new car for the stupid light rail system. I do my best to avoid ever entering King County and Seattle, so I don’t see why I have to help pay for another government boondoggle project just because Seattle and King County might benefit from the idiotic thing. I’ll never use it and won’t live long enough to see it finished. It’s a total ripoff!
Exactly 123 years to the day that it was dedicated, the Shaw Memorial, a monument honoring the first all-volunteer black regiment of the Union Army in the Civil War, was defaced by rioters demanding justice for African-Americans.”
“One of the soldiers, Sgt. William Harvey Carney, carried the American flag throughout the battle, never dropping it despite being shot 7 times. Carney was the first black American to [receive] the Congressional Medal of Honor for action.”
The 54th Massachusetts Regiment of Colonel Robert Gould Shaw was memorialized in the 1989 movie “Glory.” According to Derrick Wilburn, executive director of the Rocky Mountain Black Conservatives, “They’re out there defacing the memory of the original Black Lives Matter crusaders. They gave their life’s blood for black lives.” Perhaps these “peaceful” protesters should learn some history.
Vandals in Washington, DC, weren’t any better. The U.S. ambassador to India issued an apology after “protesters” defaced the memorial to Mahatma Gandhi. Clearly, they don’t believe, as Gandhi did, in peaceful protesting.
What was that war about again?
Oh, that’s right. “Very fine people.”
Over the weekend Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit was desperate to make us think that the ambush killer of a Santa Cruz County deputy was done by someone other than his side.
It appears Carrillo last posted at 1:22 p.m. Saturday, minutes before his alleged attack on the deputies. That post shared an anti-fascism image.
Every time Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit goes out of his way to claim “It wasn’t us.”, it’s because he knows the opposite is true.
@191 As a sequel, Doctor Dumbfuck will post that LaVoy Finicum was a leftist antifa cop-hater. Puddy will follow up with a post assuring us that Finicum was a DUMMOCRETIN and pork sauce will tell us all about Finicum’s connections to China and the Biden campaign.
@182 She was scared by her delusions, just as those rednecks in Forks were scared by their delusions, and Republicans in general are driven to bizarre and destructive behavior and bad decision making by their delusions.
You’re welcome. Glad to be of help.
@184 “Now I don’t imagine Yertle losing in KY”
I like to imagine it, it’s a fun pastime, but unlike Republicans I don’t twist fantasy into gospel truth.
@187 Probably explains why they’re trying to paste the “antifa” label on him. There are times when you’ll do anything you can to get a little traction.
Re @ 184 and McConnell’s re-election campaign:
This is how much is recorded as having been spent on one specific Democrat candidate:
Total reported payments, 2020 cycle: $30,181,018
That’s a lot of money to blow on a safe GOP seat (Sabato)/Likely GOP seat (Cook), particularly as the primary hasn’t even been held yet.
In 2008, a year in which Democrats did well and Republicans did not, McConnell won by 5.8 percentage points.
@188 More popcorn, please! Watching you squirm under the boot heel of RTA taxes is the best show in town right now.
Is it fantasy? Or is it desperate hope?
Right now people like The Q Clearance Pussy need something to take hold of all the older, non-college educated whites and get them activated. And it isn’t for the lack of trying that they continue to slip through Stupid Hitler’s very tiny hands.
It’s perhaps hope disintegrating into fantasy for them that Stupid Hitler will find the point of attack he needs. He’s gotta give Crazy Uncle Liberty a reason to dance on the corner again. He’s gotta give all those pasty incels a reason to put on the old Fred Perry polo and march with Tiki Torches again. The negative partisanship model is failing him right now when he needs it most.
There’s always been plenty not to like about Stupid Hitler. But for all that, he was always skilled at giving older white people even more not to like about the other guy, whether it was Low Energy JEB! or Crooked HIllary.
Try this: go through a few of the most recent threads, and count how many times the trolls mention Biden without putting the “Sleepy” in front of it. Try “Creepy” too if you want.
Stupid Hitler has been toiling away at this for a couple of years, he’s floated a few different frames, and so far “Sleepy” is the one he uses the most. And it has no resonance with his base. It has not caught on. They are not buying into it. And so, it isn’t working for him. And trust me, that is his only skill. Stupid Hitler is the original one-trick pony. His greatest political gift has always been his ability to “see” an opponent’s vulnerability and weakness and to target it without mercy. He almost can’t help it. And he’s better at it than anyone alive right now. But something about Joe Biden seems to have escaped him so far. And he’s running out of time.
@189 Meanwhile, “A judge in Richmond has issued an injunction preventing Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s administration from removing a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee for 10 days. The temporary injunction … says the state is a party to a deed … in which it accepted the statue, pedestal and ground they sit on and agreed to ‘faithfully guard’ and ‘affectionately protect’ them. It is in the public interest to await a resolution of the case on the merits prior to removal of the statue, the order says. The lawsuit was filed by … a descendant of two signatories to the deed.”
Well, okay, a TRO pending resolution of the merits makes sense, given the relative burdens on the parties. However, the merits are straightforward: “Where do you want it? The state doesn’t want it anymore, so either take it back or we’ll dispose of it.”
No law requires anyone to accept a gift, or says once you accept a gift you’re stuck with it forever. If somebody gives you a dog, and you don’t want to take care of it anymore, you have every right to return it to the original owner or, if he doesn’t want it, give it away or send it to a shelter. So it is with the Robert E. Lee statue. It’s incomprehensible that any court would conclude the state, once having accepted it, is obligated to maintain and display it in perpetuity.
Note: If any troll takes offense at an imaginary analogy between Robert E. Lee and a dog, that’s a defect of his mind, not mine, and he should seek counseling for his delusions.
Too little, too late. She had her chance and blew it.
Too little, too late. The GOP blew its opportunities long ago.
You’ll recall SecDef Esper didn’t go along with Trump’s threat to use military force against protesters. So why hasn’t Trump fired him?
Not because he didn’t want to, but because he’s losing control of his administration, is why.
@196 Think of it as an investment in the possibility, not altogether implausible, that McConnell may reach a point where even his own state can’t stand him anymore.
@196 Speaking of polls,
June 8, The Hill/HarrisX, 47%-37%, Biden 10%
June 8, CNN, 55%-41%, Biden 14%
Battleground States (Most Recent):
Arizona, Biden 4%
Florida, Biden 3%
Michigan, Biden 12%
North Carolina, Biden 4%
Ohio, Biden 2%
Wisconsin, Biden 9%
Not bad for a guy who’s campaigning from his basement.
In key Senate races for which there’s recent polling data, Kelly is up double-digits in Arizona, Peters is up double-digits in Michigan, and Cunningham overtaken Tillis in North Carolina.
Everyone expects a GOP pickup in Alabama, but it looks pretty damned bleak for them everywhere else. Even some of their formerly “safe” seats may be in play.
You could say America has had enough of a toxic party that has done nothing constructive over the last 3 years.
It’s not revenge for decades of mistreatment of black people in all walks of life; it’s a reckoning.
Why we still need police. Of course, I’m 100% for better police.
Now wait for Dumbfuck to call this guy “one of yours,” Puddy to call him a DUMMOCRETIN, and pork sauce to call him a “Democrat,” because there’s absolutely no possibility that a head-up-his-ass jackass like him could be a Republican or Trumpalo. That’s not possible because Republicans and Trumpalos are smart people, not dumbfucks who get drunk, let a 12-year-old take the wheel, and egg her to do 85 mph. Er, right?
“Two Florida police officers are facing charges after video showed one of them slapping and then repeatedly punching an intoxicated man who was yelling at them”
Probably not the guy in #206.
Cop unions need, among other things, better PR. Actually, I think they need to cease to exist, but let’s take things one at a time and start with the little things: Like realizing that if you have to apologize in the face of a firestorm of criticism, it would’ve been better not to do it in the first place.
Shit happens. People fuck up. Somebody screwed up at work 78 years ago. Maybe they were distracted by a world war.
“We are here representing you regular working Americans. Who among us doesn’t fly to Mongolia to hunt a particular kind of wild sheep?”
@209 Law school professors could have a lot of fun with this case. A sampling of the problems they could lay on hapless law students:
Should a negligence claim be barred by the statute of limitations? Write a memorandum for a senior partner discussing the pros and cons that a judge might consider.
If a claim of negligent supervision can’t be proven against the archdiocese, is there any legal theory and set of facts under which the archdiocese could be held negligent per se?
What damages, if any, should a jury award if both men benefited from good upbringings in good families? And if damages are awarded, what is the harm being compensated?
If one of these men wanted to marry his putative but non-biological sister, could the state deny them a marriage license?
If the parents died intestate, should the child they raised in the belief he was theirs be entitled to inherit from them under interstate succession laws?
If a set of grandparents created a family trust for the benefit of their descendants, and the child’s putative siblings sued to have him removed as a beneficiary of the trust, what relief should they be granted, if any, upon discovery that he is not a biological descendant?
If the parents’ will by its terms divided their estate among “their natural children,” and the child’s putative siblings sued to exclude the child from the will, what relief should they be granted, if any?
If the child, during minority, received survivor benefits from the VA and/or SSA as a dependent of his putative parent, can the government recover those benefits? Should it be able to? For the purpose of this problem, assume there is no statute of limitations on recovering benefits paid in error.
Both of these children are 78 years old and were born in a Catholic hospital to Catholic parents. If one of them is Joe Biden, is he eligible to be president in the absence of a corrected birth certificate?
Reports are Stephen “White Power” Miller is drafting a speech for Donald on race to be delivered to calm the national unrest over police violence toward People of Color.
Can’t wait. It will start with caravanning hordes, move to brown kids in cages, take a detour onto intelligent but shifty Asians, maybe take a moment to praise assimilation and finish with “We don’t have to put things in garbage cans, that’s what Mexican maids are for.”
Please let this happen. Please don’t let anyone talk them out of this.
@212 Might happen. They’re stupid enough.
Profile in cowardice
Trump: “Buffalo protester shoved by Police could be an ANTIFA provocateur. 75 year old Martin Gugino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to black out the equipment. @OANN I watched, he fell harder than was pushed. Was aiming scanner. Could be a set up?”
Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS): “I haven’t read the damn thing. I don’t want to hear it.”
We need better senators.
Will Big Labor part ways with police unions around the country?
So in advance of his potentially disastrous national address on race, Team Stupid Hitler is softening the BEACH WEEK!!! with outlines of their grand strategy for the comeback.
Aside from the usual tiresome frat-bro tough talk that all campaign operatives use to describe their efforts, the messaging appears to be focused on stoking base voter fears of “CRIME!”, “SNEAKY MESKINS!”, and “GYNA!”.
Since the base strategy is negative partisanship, this means that these are the themes of the campaign’s attacks on Vice President Joe Biden.
“CRIME!” will consist of attacks suggesting that if elected Biden will move to eliminate all laws, close down all the prisons, give your house keys to some meth kids in Arkansas, and name Bobby Seale his Attorney General.
“SNEAKY MESKINS” will argue that if Joe Biden becomes president your Ecuadoran house keeper who talks about you behind your back in Spanish will be moved into your master bedroom suite and you’ll be banished to the basement sofa.
And “GYNA!” will I suppose have to re-deploy the wayward adult son once again for the zillionth time while hoping nobody notices JAVANKA or Foremost Group.
They are literally pimping these stories as if these are revolutionary ideas that will transform the campaign and the candidate. And not a few media companies are giving them a favorable listen. But if you ask me, this looks more like a bunch of very overpaid operatives and surrogates elbowing their way up to the pig trough before time runs out.
For those of you still trying to claim that some poor schmuck attempting to inch a vehicle through a crowd of protesters unwilling to move and instead grabbing onto his door handles is “dragging” them, may I point out that this is the proper use of the term.
Hell, if I were Walmart I’d consider leaving the whole fucking state of Illinois.
Mayor Lightfoot Pleads With Walmart, Other Retailers To Not Abandon Chicago
@216 The sad thing is plenty of people will believe this.
How many Walmarts in Seattle?
Asking for a Pussy.
@217 What does this have to do with anything?
Sure, I know where El Dumbfuck is going with this: We need the police. I agree. Just not the police we have.
Ooooo!!! Eeeeee!!! Lookit the scary black man!! He’s gonna come for you next, doc.
Look on the bright side: sales of firearms are going through the roof! And it’s not the guys who are buying them. Women are getting serious about having a “piece” to protect themselves. They’re buying pistols at an incredible pace.
Justifiably so. If the idiots are going to end the police forces, the smart folks are gonna have the means to repel and discourage all those “peaceful protestors” burning the place down while looting the electronic equipment stores and jewelry stores.
Oh, and Hillary Clinton will never be president! Things are looking up!
Hopefully this nut job loses his job too, like our nut job and nut job supporters.
“Brazil’s leader Jair Bolsonaro ‘loses support’ amid coronavirus death toll backlash”
Yeah, they’ll need them to keep you monsters from raping them. You’ll be grabbing them by the pussy!
Except Bob, he has a horse. And that horse ain’t got no pussy.
unfortunate that these kids didn’t have a gun.
Another Neanderthal walking around like he warrants the respect that the other Neanderthals gave him.
Who names their kid Chad?
Hopefully Chadwick will be seeing some time with Bubba.
Or they could have just nominated JEB! in 2016 and avoided all this.
But hey, whatevs, man. You do you.
something I just notice this evening with my Firefox Browser. It has a toolbar that allows me to search for a word.
So I searched for “dumbfuck” – 36 matches on this thread!
@223 You’re right, there are smart people and idiots. Just not who you think. Guns in the hands of untrained, frightened people are not the panacea that nitwits like you think they are.
I wonder if Bubba has any issues with the Rainbow Flag?
Well not exactly what we had in mind but whatevs…
Hollywood Reporter
@ 223,
Hey, I know things look tough right now. Maybe you’re scared, worried, or feeling helpless. And I know it’s been a tough quarter for you. It’s been tough for all of us (well, almost all of us).
But you should know, right now there’s never been more reason for hope. There’s never been more reason to look forward to the future. Vice President Biden has the biggest, most durable lead of any presidential challenger ever. He’s more personally popular than Trump. The wrong-track number is at -38. And there are only 20 weekends left before Election Day.
Trust me. It gets better.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Hate Whites & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News – Thanks Again Demorats For Being Arrogant & Stupid, Riots Are An Excellent Campaign Strategy. Kindly Give My Regards To Dingbat Durkan (D-China) & Jurkoff Jay (D-China) For Superb Leadership.
Protesters Take Over City Blocks in Seattle, Blockade Streets, Call for Armed Guards
Protesters who are part of a wave of unrest across the country in the wake of the death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police on Monday took over city blocks in Seattle, set up barricades, and some have implied on social media that they will use armed guards to secure their occupation.
Seattle @MayorJenny is allowing a dangerous situation to fester. #Antifa militants have taken over & created an “autonomous zone” in city w/their own rules. Police precinct abandoned. Antifa set up barricades to create a border. Calling for volunteers to provide armed guard.
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 9, 2020
@232 she has such a pretty hat.
I wonder if Bob has the horse wear one too.
when did that happen!?
Remember how sweet and loving Kim Jong Un is and his great letters and getting a denuclearized peninsula was easy because we’re buds now? Yeah, how’d that go?
Literally everyone told you this is what NK does. Extract concessions, get something and then…
Rather than listen to experts Donald talked to Rodman.
Oh, yeah. “FESTERING.”
Fun Fact: Authoritarians seeking genocide have compared the target population to “disease” and “infection” as far back as the middle ages.
An entire day’s production of sterile testing swabs must be discarded because a jackass walked onto the factory floor without PPE.
@233 They need armed guards to protect them from people like you. I mean, it’s not like they can call the police.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Hate Whites & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News – Helpful Hint For Demorat Loons – Don’t Listen To That Stupid Twat Meghan McCain.
Meghan McCain warned Democrats that a hard push to defund police departments could be handing President Donald Trump “a great campaign slogan.”
McCain addressed the issue Tuesday on ABC’s “The View,” making the argument that Democrats needed to get a better handle on the messaging before Trump could use it against them.
There’s no question that George Floyd has America’s racists on the run. Things unimaginable two weeks ago are happening — cops charged, racist statues torn down.
Bonus Post – Nancy Pelosi (D-China) Swears Allegiance To Black Lives Matter, But Some Blacks Not Satisfied.
@240 That train has left the station and your ilk will be left in the dust.
I’ll wager all the money you have she’s voting for Vice President Biden no matter what “the messaging” says.
@242 I don’t think she’s losing sleep over blacks voting for Republicans. Puddy will, but he’s an outlier. In more ways than one.
A commander-in-chief who loses the confidence of the military should step down.
Trump supporters aren’t exactly in denial. It’s more like they’re in condonation.
Unfortunate that she didn’t have a gun to protect herself from the Neanderthal.
Widespread mask-wearing could prevent COVID-19 second waves, study shows
Here in Missouri, I’ve been doing unscientific polls while shopping and 25% of people in Walmart wear masks, and 0% of the people who use the self checkout wear masks. Schnucks, the Safeway equivalent has 2/3rd mask wearers. On facebook so many missourians feel wearing a mask is right up there with taking their guns.