I don’t know about the rest of you, but since the city cleared out Cal Anderson Park, it seems like there are more tents popping up in the rest of Seattle’s urban core. Not getting people the help they need — starting, but very much not ending with housing — is just shuffling them around. Shame on us, in the shadow of Amazon and other large companies, we can’t find the resources to help.
You could always take a few homeless people into your home for a couple of years or so. You know, just until they get on their feet.
@1 Why should he? It’s a societal responsibility, not his personal responsibility. Of course, you can always do nothing, too, and just step over them when trying to use the public sidewalks he paid with his taxes.
Where the rubes’ money is going:
“More than a month since losing [badly] to Gov. Jay Inslee, Republican Loren Culp has continued to raise money with unsubstantiated claims of vote fraud … which he has used to raise at least $55,000 since Election Day ….
“Culp disclosed in a Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) filing recently he’d paid himself more than $33,000 for lost wages and an additional $15,000 for mileage reimbursement ….”
Luckily for Culp, there’s a sucker born every minute.
“Is the apology going to reverse the false belief of tens of millions of people who believe in these lies?” he asked. “Then I could be satisfied.”
And with each passing day “tens of millions of people” becomes hundreds of millions, and the damage piles up higher and higher. FOX has barely begun to try to cure the lies. But they at least stand a credible chance. OAN and Newsmax are crippled in the sense that, while they may have a unique capacity to promulgate and disseminate defamatory lies about innocent parties among a widespread network of drooling, hate-filled, meatbags, they have very little power to “unring” the bell, once they pull the rope.
And the larger problem for all three networks is that once such defamatory lies are set in motion they take on a life of their own in a Trumpalo meatbag ecosystem designed by Newt Gingrich to be self-sustaining and inflict maximum damage. In the past, more careful practitioners of the art have traditionally left it to the anonymous social media cripples and incel bloggers to embellish the phony “concerns”, nurturing and raising them up to full blown libels.
But in this unique moment, with Trump’s power over the faithful at its apex, and in the wake of a humiliating defeat, powerful loyalists felt the tug of duty. And their loyalty and partisanship overcame any wise instinct for self-preservation. Out of some misguided sense of duty to Trump they owned the libels and slanders at birth. They authored them and saw to it that they were published. They built the monster and set it loose into the village.
And now, one way or another, they will have to pay to unmake their monster. If they can. But in the Abortion Pimp/Dildo Navy age of instantaneous internet cancellation, that may be impossible.
It may just cost them everything.
We live in the best of times.
Meanwhile, in the real world, we see what really happened in the Trump/Russia timeline is EXACTLY what Puddy gave you all last year.
Butt morons like the dot bombidiot with the very long name header tried to claim Puddy was wrong Well now we see Puddy had correct information from John Solomon and Sean Hannity.
Nobody needs to “claim” anything about “conservatives”.
Every single day, every “conservative” you know sets in motion another performative exercise in proving their own wrongness.
Poor things. Bless their hearts.
This will make our trolls so…sad!
Bill Barr Says No Special Counsel For Hunter Biden
Barr is right. There’s nothing there.
“I have not seen a reason to appoint a special counsel and I have no plan to do so before I leave”
But Trump and his evil, money-grubbing spawn?
More troll sadness, again courtesy of Bill Barr,
Contradicting Trump, William Barr fingers Russia in hack
Russia, Russia, Russia!!!
Will today be the day Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron share a few harsh words about Putin with us??
Heh, just kidding. Of course not.
I’m starting to believe our trolls are having a very sad day.
Statue of Confederate general Lee removed from US Capitol
I’m sure that martial law and the end of American democracy would cheer them up, though.
“If I was a CIA officer trying to understand what was going on in a third-world country and I saw this pattern of behavior, I would say the strongman’s trying to take over the government and defy an election.”
I like that Biden is holding off on signaling his AG pick.
Drawing out the excruciating discomfort of Trumpalos is a manifestly good thing for America.
Biden’s a good American.
If he were an even better American, he’d come out right now with a Dem/Republican Lite pick, like Doug Jones. Then after the GA special pull the nomination, and replace it with Warren. Then follow up by naming McCabe to be FBI director. Then name six special prosecutors, one for each Trump.
Then just sit back and watch the thrashing and sobbing.
L. Lin Wood has now signed on, identifying himself as counsel representing Sidney Powell in response to the demand letter from Smartmatic. “Ms. Powell retracts nothing. File your lawsuit”.
Way to narrow your client’s options early in the process.
We found some more “Antifa” today.
I think I see PDF lurking near the back of the violent mob, furtively shouting and ducking.
Here’s “Antifa” beating up press photographers
That one PB TrailerBilly, having gone viral in videos attacking press, beating up photographers, and vandalizing the Oregon State capital building is now under arrest facing a couple of felony charges.
Fitting end to what might be as good a day as any Trumpalo can hope for from here on out. Mugging right into the camera in broad daylight, making credible violent threats, assaulting people, and smashing the shit out of what looks like a pretty expensive set of doors. Season it well with plenty of violent, threatening social media posts, and put a cherry on top by resisting arrest. Throw in one or two priors for DV and armed assault and you’ve got yourself an eight year bit. Smart. “Patriotic”.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
This is all there is for them now.
Go ahead – defund the police.
Might do if they continue to stand aside and decline to arrest Incel Trailer Boyz committing felonies on streaming media, and offering murder tips to vigilantes.
Guys like you will have to let go of your dream of being paid to beat up hippies and just settle for delivering for DoorDash.
Sorry ’bout that. Chin up!
@7 It’s hard to get the extra mile from somebody you’ve just fired.
@10 “Statue of Confederate general Lee removed from US Capitol”
It’s far worse than that; he’s being replaced by a …
(1) female
(2) African-American
(3) protester
(4) civil rights hero
Could anything be more degrading to the memory of Bobby Lee? Suck goose eggs, Confederate statue lovers! You’re fucked 4 ways to Sunday.
@12 Memo to Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, et al.: Conspiracy theories are not evidence.
P.S., they’re lawyers, so I thought they knew that. Guess not.
I’ve run out of explanations for these people.
I’d assumed that Powell was gunning for a hit podcast and a reliable list of dupes to milk. But even Joe Rogan would be intimidated by this kind of litigation. If they have FOX lawyers pissing themselves you know it’s serious. They can attach future earnings and bleed these idiots, their LLCs, their fund raising foundations, and their media production companies for eternity. And none of them are youngsters. Get sucked into a suit like these, with these stakes, and nobody will invest a fucking penny in them ever again.
Now reading that a Delaware judge has issued a show cause to Wood to demonstrate why he should not have his pro hoc admission to the jurisdiction revoked. He faces identical orders in two other jurisdictions including Wisconsin in the Rittenhouse prosecution. This is both career and financial suicide.
Drugs. Nothing else makes any sense.
@21 “Drugs. Nothing else makes any sense.”
I assume, then, you’ve ruled out frontal lobotomy?
I know how to make Republicans throw away their twenty-dollar bills.
IndePussies are the inbred siblings of a Repuke.
By the way my spell check now spells Repuke for me after just typing Re….! Well done technology!
They could have done it before November 3, too.
No matter. At least it will fall to YLB’s kids to foot the bill for it. Pity neither they nor their parents can see beyond those six crisp Benjamins.
@ 23
I know how to make Republicans throw away their twenty-dollar bills.
Not suprising at all that you do. After all, you threw away your family’s financial future, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
And yet it’s OK for Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit to post spews in Dumbfuck.
2 Muslim men accuse Alaska Airlines of violating civil rights for texting in Arabic
Yabbut AT&T pays out that fat, juicy dividend.
AT&T reportedly struggling to sell DirecTV at anything but a huge loss
It’s the only think the investment dumbfucks of the world are able to see.
Isn’t that right. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@25, 26, 27, 28
Nothing about GE?
Americans are only getting $600 so where is the rest of the money going? Meanwhile another $40 million was set aside for the Kennedy Center. Why?
$135 million to Burma
$85.5 million to Cambodia
$1.4 billion for “Asia Reassurance Initiative Act”
$130 million to Nepal
$700 million to Sudan
$250 million in Palestinian aid
$25 million for “gender programs” in Pakistan.
Seems Pelosi/AOC decided to send money overseas vs $1200 per person Trump asked for a clean $1200 bill back in early October. Pelosi said NO! dummocretins are scum!
What do Raphael Warnock and Donald Trump have in common?
They’re both tax cheats.
Warnock’s former group, under fraud investigation, was previously hit with unemployment tax liens
Steve @ 29
GE doesn’t pay a fat, juicy dividend.
It slashed its dividend by 95% within months after Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit defended GE’s value by citing its dividend.
Thank you for providing me an opportunity to bring that up again, Steve. And Happy Holidays to you and to the members of your Senate minority.
Now do Ilhan Omar and her husband.
Business meals will be fully tax-deductible. Meaning YLB’s kids now get to cover twice as much of the Metropolitan Grill outings my wife and I partake in, during which we talk for a few minutes about the LLC in which we each participate.
YLB’s kids get 600 bucks now. My wife and I get an additional tax deduction netting us $50-100 after tax each and every time we go out to dinner. Probably forever.
Don’t ask me why. Ask Nancy Pelosi. She and her husband get an even bigger tax break for having dinner than we do.
Delmonico steak and QuilCeda Creek Cabernet Sauvignon. What better way to spend emergency pandemic money?
I see the losers are still lying in the mud sobbing uncontrollably about a “bad call”.
More please.
The line outside The Cracker Barrel will wrap around the trailer park.
Now that AG Barr is time limited and has his foot out the door, restrictions on the investigation into Rudy’s financial interactions and representation of adversarial foreign state actors, dictators, and espionage agencies are loosening. Preparations are now in place for subpoenas to his banking and accounting records. Such as they are. And some applications are now moving forward for FISA authorization to obtain his wireless coms.
It’s not a good time for Rudy to find himself getting into a public turf battle with Sidney Powell, Trump’s latest new Work Wife.
Meaning YLB’s kids now get to cover twice as much of the Metropolitan Grill
Artery clogging are we? At a Seattle restaurant? Nothing but boiled suet at the safe space in widbee..
While you’re at it.. Drop in to a show at “NEMOs”.. Hopefully one of those c-list acts that entertained at drumpf’s inaugural will be headlining.. And the drumpfies there will NOT wear masks.
Inching ever so closer to drawing straws with Mary Kay…
Speaking of @ 35 losers:
This loser Democrat isn’t challenging in court. No, after losing the first count and losing the recount, she wants the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives to step in and give her what the voters wouldn’t.
Democrats like this chick and YLB keep asking for shit they don’t deserve, and they want it given to them.
Black Lives Matter only once every four years.
keep asking for shit they don’t deserve
Like the federal reserve goosing stock prices for the dimfuks of the world..
By adding GE, YLB’s kids and a premature ball-spike, that’s pretty much your entire tired act in five comments.
Perdue vs. Ossoff WXIA-TV/SurveyUSA Perdue 46, Ossoff 51
Loeffler vs. Warnock WXIA-TV/SurveyUSA Loeffler 45, Warnock 52
The only things I can think of from your limited repertoire that’s missing is a dead black man, Hillary, and trying to start a conversation with Gman about anuses.
“When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump’s lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.”
That little bitch Rober Reich said that. I save to,that dickwad elitist cocksucker – go,ahead and try it, shortie! You’ll get your fucking ass kicked.
a) ran some of the shittiest Democratic political campaigns since… Robby Mook;
b) are essentially unknown to anyone outside their districts and exert literally zero influence over other party members;
c) lost by six (6) out of about 400,000 votes cast, or about 0,0015%, which is a little bit closer than SEVEN FUCKING MILLION.
Seven million more American voters preferred the Democratic candidate in an election where more American voters turned out as a percentage of the eligible population in over a century, – a stunning referendum on sweeping, and at times tragic GOP failure.
Today more than a month later, still two out every ten voters who supported Donald J. Trump for re-election now either express regret for that choice or say they are so discouraged they are unlikely to vote in the next election. Violent Teapublicans, Proud Boy incels, and Praying Patriot Pizza Drivers are rioting with police, vandalizing African American churches, and stabbing each other. GOP partisans desperate to prolong their fifteen minutes are consigning themselves to perpetual poverty and legal peril. And Trolls4Trump on HA appear nearly every day to complain about vote counting or pencil stealing.
It really is even more delightful than I ever imagined.
Go ahead. Cry more.
But.. but.. but..
Rachel Maddow cried!
What does a museum have to do with this Covid 19 relief bill?
Honestly, these people get into the House and Senate and think they can fund their pet projects with no one noticing. Well, this situation is absolutely wasteful and a ridiculous example of politicians being greedly little bitches!
Yes. It’s such a shame Ted Cruz blocked consideration of the perfectly clean House bill back in May simply to punish “The Democrat States”. Way back before…
… Sturgis.
Now cry more, please.
@25 “At least it will fall to YLB’s kids to foot the bill for it.”
In other words, you’re even ticked off by the measly $600 that congressional Republicans agreed to dole out to starving, homeless Americans dispossessed by the TrumPlague.
Typical Republican-pretending-not-to-be-one.
@27 In other words, some paranoid rightwing asshole inconvienced a whole planeload of passengers by assuming all Muslims are terrorists:
“A statement from Alaska Airlines reads: ‘We’re sorry that two of our guests had such a distressing experience last February, when they were removed from their flight after a fellow passenger became concerned about the text messages his seatmate was sharing. Alaska Airlines strictly prohibits unlawful discrimination, and we take such complaints very seriously. Our greatest responsibility is to ensure that our flight operations are safe, and that was our goal on February 17th, as it is every day. We have launched an internal investigation of the incident to determine whether there were any missteps on our part, and are in contact with CAIR and the two guests.’”
He’s gonna do Sikhs next. He should be banned from flying and ride hailing before he does.
@29 He’s taking a vacation from GE and picking on AT&T now. Meanwhile, I’m buying ARK ETFs. Guaranteed no dividend cuts.
@30 “Americans are only getting $600 so where is the rest of the money going?”
To distribute Covid vaccines, among other things, but sounds like you’d rather have the cash …
@31 Of course it makes no difference to you that one may have been inadvertent while the other clearly was calculated and intentional, and the one was for $7800 while the other was millions, because you’re a dumbfuck with no critical thinking skills.
Also, it seems to me the treasurer, not the chair, should be blamed for overlooking the unemployment insurance tax payments. That’s not the sort of work chairs usually do.
But that, too, would fly over the head of a dumbfuck who can’t think.
@34 “What better way to spend emergency pandemic money?”
I’ve been spending mine on food items that I drop off at a local church food bank.
@39 Yes, I saw that earlier:
Acting exactly like a Houseful of Republican whiners. Shameful. The only good thing to say about it is that only one of ours is doing it.
Plus, she has a better case.
@41 Kinda what I was thinking, too, but at least I’m getting in on that gravy train. They don’t have a way to block “socialists” from investing in capitalism.
@42 Plus huge, massive turnout; but nobody knows what that means, right?
“More than 1.4 million people have already voted …. Black voter turnout so far appears to be higher than it was at this point in the general election. …”
@43 That’s nothing, wait until you see the grand juries …
@46 This isn’t a covid relief bill, it’s a government spending bill that includes museums and covid relief.
If you read a news story once in a while, you’d know something, and might post fewer ignorant remarks.
But I get that people like you and Mike Lee prefer to shitcan Women’s and Latinos’ history, which is partly why I don’t vote for your ilk.
Barr is a traitor. Hang him!
Thanks for the tip. I’ll have to do the same. But probably not. I’m not a hypocrtical asshole like you and don’t get free shit.
All our covid relief money has gone and will go to the youngest’s professional school prep expenses.
If moscow mitch said and voted that we could have it then surely we “deserve” it.
And drumpf? Who the F cares what that orange freak does and says? Even if it doesn’t sign the bill, the congress will override it.
I believe congress will not allow this and override this bill