Your primary ballots are dropping this week. So I guess look out for them next week. And then you will have until August 4 to get your ballot postmarked or dropped off.
I was just purusing some stuff and discovered there are people who in this country who still want communism. Google “Red Guard America” and you will see what I’m talking about. They describe themselves as “Marxist–Leninist–Maoist collectives of community organizers.” Anyone who follows and/or support those mass killers has got to be mentally unbalanced.
Joe Stalinspews:
Did you know there are still Americans who follow Adolph Hitler? No really. And some of them wear shirts and get tattoos and march. In Public. While carrying Trump banners. And screaming about Mexicans. And the colords.
And the president implies that they are fine people.
I didn’t kick that fucker’s ass all the way from Kursk to Berlin just so a bunch of hillbilly’s in America could worship him openly.
Thomas Jeffersonspews:
I see. It’s a religious issue with you, and monsters like Marx, Lenin, Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot are your patron saints. Good luck with that. Hopefully, you won’t need up in a re-education camp in the future.
On the bright side, Steve’s friends finally found a victim they could beat up one-on-one.
A man with a disability trying to get home the first weekend of protests in downtown Columbus drove through Broad and High Streets, not knowing the crowd he would encounter.
He was surrounded, and his car was destroyed.
“It scared the life out of me. I thought they were going to kill me,” said Eldon Hawkins.
Hawkins has a warm smile, a sense of humor, and cerebral palsy.
And white privilege, so let’s gang up on him and kick the shit out of him with our white privilege.
Timothy McVeighspews:
Have they blow up any federal buildings yet?
How about crowded day care facilities?
Have they blow up any health care clinics?
@4 A million bucks for that tub? That must include the party girls.
@ 10
Thanks for posting. First time I have heard about that incident.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Stalin’s granddaughter lives in Portland, but she doesn’t look like your typical commie. Old Joe probably wouldn’t even recognize her. Not a ton of family resemblance there.
Think about it. Not only are Rapepublicans a festering warm pool of deadly viral spray, but they are fundamentally very, very bad at everything they do. They couldn’t be “COVID Safe” even if they cared to.
Steer clear of them if you know what’s good for you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 Of course it is. They don’t report incidents like that in your “sources.”
Bootlicker Internet Police Review Boardspews:
The way he was waiving his favorite toy train, any reasonable person would have feared for their life while laying flat behind the cover of a line of parked vehicles more than 100 feet away.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 Not surprising. She’s a Quaker. Your tribe hates the smell of peace.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 It’s nice to know their incompetence is good for something, however unintentionally.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 How can you call that good shooting? He missed the handicapped person with the mind of a child and hit the caretaker, and then only in the leg. His supervisor should’ve taken his gun away after that.
Bootlicker Internet Police Review Boardspews:
The Bootlicker Internet Police Review Board finds that the darker target quite naturally drew away the officer’s aim.
The police union very helpfully provided the board with the impartial testimony of an expert witness in shooting optics. the theory of color and wavelength, and surprisingly also in the bio-mechanics of human eyesight. Only five credits short of his Associates degree.
It’s even worse than you thought: All that tear gas being used by police against peaceful protesters is made by slave-wage laborers in polluting factories.
From today’s Seattle Times morning brief: “A 30-year-old man went to a ‘COVID party,’ thinking the virus was a hoax. Now he’s dead, a Texas hospital says.”
This is how Trump will lose Texas. Wars are lost by attrition, too.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Does it not trouble you a little bit that the relatively widespread standard of “professionalism” and “leadership” common among law enforcement will offer advancement to the very top to people who can’t form complete sentences, or really even speak intelligibly?
Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not trying to impose a cultural litmus test on the profession or demanding that they conform to my personal idea of “refined’ behavior. But listening to that recording I’m left wondering if any adults are present. People who think that way and discuss other professionals with whom they interact in that way, even if they are within bounds ethnically, racially, or sexually, find their career advancement rather limited in most other professions.
These sound like guys who couldn’t get a promotion to district sales director of a copy machine company. And yet they command entire departments of cops who can as easily kill you as look at you. These are dumbshits. Bad enough that they are racist, sexist pigs. But can you listen to that tape and not come away baffled how these fuckers are qualified for the positions of command and authority that we give them? Why do we put our lives in the hands of people who sound like they dropped out of eighth grade and completed a GED while changing oil?
Average salary for a cop in that jurisdiction is $94k starting at $67k. The Chief is paid $174k plus an additional $25k to $35k from “extra assignments” (whatever the fuck that is). Oh, and earlier this year he was caught by a local reporter using his borough provided Ford Excusion to haul his household trash to dump it in public city garbage cans.
Who the fuck are these people to whom we entrust our lives?
Proud Boysspews:
We are so happy that you people in Seattle want to abolish the police. We can hardly wait!
@28 “Why do we put our lives in the hands of people who sound like they dropped out of eighth grade and completed a GED while changing oil?”
Exactly my point when I say we need better cops.
This guy probably will get a pension roughly 4 times mine. Goes to show how poor a measure of a person’s worth to society that money is. No doubt that not a few worse-than-useless doctors flaunt wealth, too. Meanwhile, the workers who produce all of this country’s wealth are treated like shit, and the real heroes of our society are paid shit wages. I’m simply not impressed by people who flaunt material wealth. Nine times out of ten, they’re shitty people, whose only talent is exploiting our deeply flawed wealth-distribution system.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Maybe you’ll meet some nice leftist vigilantes.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Foment Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News – Thanks Demorats For Being Arrogant & Stupid Report – Demorats Conclusively Prove Trump Is A Nazi.
Recently, the President’s reelection campaign rolled out the latest in their series of new merchandise to raise campaign cash and offer supports a way of showing their appreciation to Donald Trump in public. One of the items up for sale was a t-shirt with the (by now) familiar phrase of “America First” emblazoned across it. The logo also features a bald eagle (our national bird, in case you somehow missed school the day it was covered) gripping a circle with an American flag in it.
So what’s the first thing that comes to mind when you see such an image? If you answered “Nazis!” then you may be a good fit for a couple of left-wing, NeverTrump agitators who made precisely that claim.
First of all, the complaints were raised on social media by Bend the Arc: Jewish Action, a group of progressive Democrats purportedly representing Jewish voters, and another from the Lincoln Project, a group of NeverTrumper Republicans who are essentially indistinguishable from Democrats, at least until after this November. They both accused the Trump campaign of selling “straight up nazi propaganda shirts” or variations on that theme.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Cancel Cops & Make Pogroms Great Again Bombshell News – Demorat Kristallnacht Report – Demorats Conclusively Prove Defunding Police Is Great News For Jews.
The New York Police Department (NYPD) has launched a search for a group of men suspected of brutally beating an Orthodox Jewish man and screaming anti-Semitic insults at him in broad daylight.
The alleged attack occurred on July 11th at around 3:00 P.M. near 2525 Kings Highway and East 27th Street.
CBS New York reports: “When officers arrived, according to the NYPD, they learned the victim was walking home when three unidentified men in a car stopped beside him and started shouting anti-Semitic slurs. Police said the victim responded, before the men got out of the car, pushed him to the ground and punched him repeatedly.”
Following the alleged attack, the victim transported himself to Community Hospital and received stitches on his face. He also suffered a broken finger.
NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force is investigating the incident and said the suspects are believed to be between 18 to 20 years old. [No other description released, i.e., likely BLM Demorats]
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 Trump doesn’t exactly represent the best of America, so it’s not surprising that some people would view his campaign’s use of patriotic symbols as insulting the flag and eagles.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 “[No other description released, i.e., likely BLM Demorats]”
In the absence of any other description, they’re more likely Proud Boys, skinheads, or other far-right freakos. Everybody knows who the anti-semitic bigots are.
The Hump Virus.
What a miserable fuck of a failure, lead by the miserable fuck of supporters.
Don’t let them fool you, they drive the lead of where the Hump sows.
What HA does best is cover for bigoted liberals who post on HA, most notably Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
The guy who wants everyone to know he’s stable, great cognitive test and the other guy is senile had a conference call with donors in support of Tommy Tuberville today.
For some reason Donald repeatedly praised Alabama Head Coach Lou Saban. Tuberville was a longtime head coach at Ole Miss. NICK Saban is the coach at Alabama, a conference and traditional rival of Tuberville, where he’s coached five National Championship teams.
Lou Saban is believed to be no relation to Nick Saban though family (Elizabeth Warren on line one) have said the two may be second cousins. Lou Coached the Buffalo Bills twice, the second time during the OJ Simpson years ending in 1976.
No, he coached there in the late ’90s for about four seasons. He then coached at Auburn for ten seasons, and beat ‘bama 7 of 10 times during that stretch. In 2004 Auburn went 13-0 and he won every coaching award that season.
It is because of his Auburn coaching period that he is so popular in Alabama, Cz-252. Not his much shorter time spent at Ole Miss.
In sum, you made a meaningless mistake while criticizing Trump for a meaningless mistake, Cz-252.
Here’s AOC on Twitter today:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
US House candidate, NY-14
For Black & Brown communities, especially in the era of criminalization, the choice to sell weed of course is a risky one – not just w/ police, but with those you get tied up with.
Yet when a teenage boy believes the other option is homelessness, they may take the chance. /4
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
US House candidate, NY-14
Mind you, there are entire TV series glamorizing, humanizing, and sympathizing White Americans in this exact situation of selling drugs to live – Weeds, Breaking Bad, etc.
But fact is, Black & Brown communities have been in this predicament forever & get called “animals.” /5
What’s glamorous and sympathetic about Breaking Bad? I’ve never watched it, but
Season One – 3 deaths
Season Two – 175 deaths
Season Three – 27 deaths
Season Four – 28 deaths
Season Five – 38 deaths
At least she didn’t bring up Murphy Brown.
I’m not running on an “I’m the non-senile smart guy in the race.”
But right. Because when Steve Largent ran for Congress people should have spent all their time praising James Madden of the Raiders.
‘Charles Barkley, you want to run for office let me tell you who is behind him, Patrick Ewing was a great player, did a great job and Michael Jackson with the bulls…great coach.”
Maybe watch some Iron Bowls. Can you believe
“I love Daryl Jeter. NoMar was the best player I ever saw.”
“Hey Tommy, did you see that game where
The guy ran back the missed field goal and won it? Best game ever. Let’s talk about it over beers. Wasn’t that just the best? Let’s me you and Lou Saban talk about that one. It was really something. Lou’s a great coach.”
Remember this day next time you want to talk about Joe “Can navigate a short ramp” Biden.
@ 45
John Madden. Like the video game series. And The Replacements.
You could stop making my point for me any time now.
Commenting on something you haven’t experienced. Maybe I should weigh in on horse sex?
It’s a perfect illustration of the point. Walter White, a school teacher who works nights in a car wash to get by finds himself diagnosed with cancer and soon to die. With no other way to make money he turns to selling drugs for what he assumes will be a quick score to settle debt and leave some cash behind. things happen. He wins a turf war against an established cartel of brown people. In the final episode (spoiler) he arranges to have $970k delivered to his son after his death.
White (ironic) pulls the family out of poverty by manufacturing drugs. As a plot point it is treated as a noble final act that he was able to posthumously make some things better despite leaving a trail of wreckage for others.
Steve Madden, Legendary Raider. Jermaine Jackson, Bulls Head Coach. Lou Dobbs, Fighting Irish. Branson Missouri, Virgin CEO. Ulyssius S Grant, President not as great. Simon Cowell, Central Park concert, Me and Rudy the football sub down by the schoolyard…great song. Donatella Ninja Turtle, Melania’s favorite designer.
Missed the jokes there didn’t you?
@40. He should do all that faggy stuff too.
Fudge packing horse fucker and horse cock sucker that he is
He should move to fucking Poland.
@43 you are the mistake in life.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
See 29.
That was easy.
And you didn’t have to memorize any breakfast cereal either.
Wah. The conservative who frequently uses the term Pocahontas and worse is still faux outraged that Rabbit used a derogatory term when responding to the conservatives posts back in 2018.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Having grown up quite well off and privileged in comparison to the poor, The Q Clearance Pussy sees nothing particularly glamorous, aspirational, or sympathetic about the living circumstances of the Botwins, the Whites, or the Byrdes (Ozark).
Well kept homes in good neighborhoods, parents fixing breakfast and packing lunches, freshly laundered clothing folded and tucked into wardrobes, two or more late model cars in good condition, neighbors who smile and waive, regular doctor’s appointments, dentist appointments, smooth green lawns with sprinklers and smiling happy landscapers.
Nothing special about any of that. Nothing that might justify risking all that mayhem. Life just gives you these things.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
In the absence of any other description, they’re more likely Proud Boys, skinheads, or other far-right freakos.
Not likely in that part of NYC senile idiot wabbit!
The eagle on a globe pins have been around for ages and were designed by DC jeweler Ann Hand, but were never linked to the Nazis.
It’s only when Trump has an eagle and globe that the fake news media links it to the Nazis!
Capt. Mike Johnson of the Bothell Police Department confirmed the fatal shooting during a press conference early on Tuesday. He said the other officer has been hit and is at Harborview [Medical Center] being treated.
They caught the perp! Puddy and the Mrs. know Captain Johnson!
See post #55. Madeline Halfbright had one on and isn’t she of Jewish descent? Once again you demonstrate the ability to pile on without research. Seems this is the standard dummocretin way. Puddy identified the same trait with dot bombed Sunday!
See at @44 One with your belief system should be able to understand metaphor and allegory.
White people turning to slinging drugs for profit as a last resort…glorified on film.
Actual real live not white people doing the same….thugs and losers and evil.
Someone has never heard of the concept of going to certain neighborhoods to target an ethnic group or religion for violent fun? Lynchings in the South couldn’t have been done by whites because Negros were walking in a Negro neighborhoods when he was grabbed. Often taken from homes in the dark of night. Couldn’t have been whites. They don’t live there! Gay Bashing is impossible. No one is near a gay bar or neighborhood who isn’t gay! Logic! FACTS!
The neighborhood in question is Marine Park. See Orthodox Jewish communities, New York City. It is more or less Bensonhurst adjacent.
Maybe learn a thing or two about living in Brooklyn. It’s not all Park Slope and Williamsburg.
Someone has never heard of Yusef Hawkins.
GOP 2020spews:
“Find something new!”
“Learn to code!”
“Let then eat cake!”
Did you have “U.S. Department of Health clarifies that despite what their boss, The President, says doctors and public health experts do not lie to the public” in your “Future America” essay?
Washington NFL Owner Dan Snyder,
2013, “We will never ever change it. Redskins is not racist and I don’t care what George Preston Marshall said about White Supremacy and signing black players and a team for the South! Never ever ever going to change the sacred honorific name.”
2020, “Yeah, about that…..oops. All lives matter!”
Note that Native American groups have been asking for the change since 1968 but it took FedEx threatening the profit margin….
Listen to the dollars, not the people. Corporations are people my friends. I only answer to cash or check. Cash rules everything around me. It’s all about the Benjamins.
Now where will drunk white guys be able to do warpaint face and heap big headdress and tomahawk chop? Oh right, Kansas City (Kansas?) and Atlanta and Tallahassee and…
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
They caught the perp!
But “the perp” gets 72 hrs at home to consult with his lawyers and union reps before being questioned, right?
And the DA needs 60 to 90 days of further investigation, including expert analysis of the body cam video and crime scene forensics, also getting a warrant to go into the dead cop’s home and computers on a fishing expedition for porn and narcotics, right?
Wait, no? Why rush to judgment?
Ever since Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s ED became refractory to medications, the most fun in life he has is when he wakes up to news that another LEO has been killed in the line of duty.
Today will be a good day for Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Who knows? Maybe the second LEO will die as well. That’s what Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit refers to as a twofer.
Expect the worst, Democrats will exceed expectationsspews:
Good try. How does non-violent mandatory minimums for drug possession fit into Criminal Justice reform?
Follow me on Insta and Snap!
Mike Solanspews:
They signed up for a dangerous job. Heroes. They should be allowed to blow off steam by beating the shit out of a civilian or two, Dead if he’s black is OK. Other companies have free gym memberships and stress therapy. Why not cops?
The socialist who brought you the fire department claim another victim among dissenting patriots. See @71.
@ 67
No death in the story, Steve. Hopefully there’s video collected by someone.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
They signed up for a dangerous job.
Dirty secret: framing homes is more dangerous*.
*Full disclosure: this analysis fails to take into account the unique “dangers” associated with law enforcement work that somehow produce a remarkably disproportionate rate of spousal abuse, child abuse, alcoholism, narcotics addiction, clinical depression and suicide.
Gravis has Biden up 10 at 53% in Florida. Up 50/49 among white people. Up 17% with women.
For perspective at a similar time on the Calendar in 2016 they had the race tied. Clinton then held an edge between 1-4 points and their final poll before Election Day had Clinton +1.
The poll is a combo of robocall and online so there’s that…
But it follows a CBS traditional phone poll that found Biden up more than the MOE last week.
Puddybud, The One and Onlyspews:
Someone has never heard of the concept of going to certain neighborhoods to target an ethnic group or religion for violent fun?
That neighborhood? Proud Boys? Really? Anyone supporting the police are naturally white racists.
Beyond the stretch of the imagination!
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
But “the perp” gets 72 hrs at home to consult with his lawyers and union reps before being questioned, right?
WA State rules eh dot bombed? Who runs this state dot bombed?
dummocretins do!
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Trolls4Trump, keep on telling yourselves that waging this culture war against America has all been worth it as you watch your entire movement overtaken by delusionally paranoid cat ladies and violently racist aluminum siding salesmen.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Now do Georgia.
Let me know when you have. I’ve got a few more.
Posted by a city councilmember in Seattle, shortly before a LEO was killed in Bothell. During a traffic stop.
Councilmember Dan Strauss
Defunding the police means increasing public safety. Do we need a police officer with a gun responding to traffic stops, mental health calls, and non-criminal calls? No. Do we need a fast 911 response and the appropriate first responder equipped for success? Absolutely yes.
2:24 PM · Jul 13, 2020
Yes. That neighborhood.
Carload of guys rolled into a heavily orthodox Jewish neighborhood, you know big hats and curls, picks a random man for harassment and violence.
Where’d you get supporting the cops?
They were either militant Christians or secular Jew haters. Two Identities that actually do intersect pretty well with proud boys.
“Jews will not replace us. Jews will not replace us. Jews will not replace us.”
If they hated south Asians they would have likely been in parts of Queens. That neighborhood.
Maybe you should go to NYC as a tourist. Ride the subway. See how this perceived hell hole of a melting pot in your head both coexists and doesn’t. Really good pan African food in Queens too. Cheap. Brooklyn for some of the best Latin and Caribbean in America outside of Florida.
Get out. Live a little. Use your frequent flyer miles and car upgrades you’re so proud of.
Now, history itself is one more ephemeral thing molded to fit the needs of a predetermined narrative.
My own forays into Wrongthink have made me the subject of constant bullying by colleagues who disagree with my views. They have called me a Nazi and a racist…
What’s the difference between @ 82
“Jews will not replace us.”
and @ 83
They have called me a Nazi and a racist; I have learned to brush off comments about how I’m “writing about the Jews again.”
Not much from where I sit.
Do tell how a traffic stop and flight from. Bothel relates to a still fully funded SPD?
You just can’t help being wrong can you?
@ 85
Traffic stops are not something to be handled by civilians. Whether in Bothell – two L’s there – or in Seattle.
There won’t be traffic stops when things are turned over to civilians. And you won’t have a problem with that, Cz-252, until the DUI that wasn’t pulled over earlier because there aren’t traffic stops anymore ends up plowing into Goldy’s daughter or YLB’s son while they are crossing in a crosswalk.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Wherein felony high speed pursuit involving multiple units becomes routine stop for a traffic infraction.
If they were not wrong, they would not have to lie.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
The Q Clearance Pussy will feeeeeeel exactly the same way when Angela Davis quits her regular opinion column for Sheldon Adelson.
No. Really.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@44 If you pitch in and help her make the world better for people of color, maybe someday she won’t have to make those observations about communities of color.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@52 Actually, it was 2008 and 2009; 2018 was his post.
He linked to his post containing links to my old posts.
I doubt he was trying to deceive anyone about how long ago, and how close to 9/11, my posts were; that was just the laziest way of doing it.
Then again …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@54 If he’s gonna ASS U ME you might as well too.
You’ve never concerned yourself with factual truth accuracy, so why start now?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@55 Gateway Pundit — hahahahahaha!!!
It has been quite awhile since I have seen Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit utter a racial slur on HA.
Who says policing doesn’t work?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 “A policeman killed in Bothell, perp caught! What will the dummocretins say here?”
A real shame.
Give the dead police officer a funeral for the ages. Do everything humanly possible to support his family in every way.
Read the suspect his Miranda rights, accord him the presumption of innocence he’s entitled to under our system of law, give him a fair trial, and if he’s found guilty sentence him to life without possibility of parole. Let him live on prison loaf and chickpeas for the next 60 years. No TV or girlie magazines. No conjugal visits. If he gets Covid in the slammer, prison infirmary medical care will have to do.
On the bright side, there’s one less white supremacist child killer in the world today.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@61 Become nurses to replace the nurses who got sick and died for lack of PPE.
“A Michigan man refused service for not wearing a mask amid the coronavirus pandemic early Tuesday morning stabbed another customerbefore he was shot to death by a sheriff’s deputy, police said. …
“A 77-year-old customer asked him to cover his face, Michigan State Police said in a statement. Ruis refused to put on a mask, so the store asked him to leave. He then stabbed the customer who asked him to put on a mask, authorities said.”
At least he won’t be infecting any elderly customers in the future.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@65 This is what an angry little man throwing a tantrum after rejection by a pony looks like.
Not a pretty sight.
@ 96
At least he won’t be infecting any elderly customers in the future.
I don’t know why that’s any of your concern, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. You can’t afford to buy anything, so you’ll never been a customer.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@66 It’s not the quantity of defendants, but the quality of defendants, that matters. (See, e.g., #68.)
Neither Clinton nor Obama, nor Bush for that matter, commuted Roger Stone, who is uniquely awful in the pantheon of living political dirty tricksters, although James O’Keefe comes close.
Ah yes. Where defund is defined as eliminate.
Where a suburban PD largely tasked with traffic enforcement is under a Federal consent decree for violating civil rights.
Good boy. Have a treat.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@67 Maybe Dumbfuck would shed a tear for a black man if the black man was a cop?
Oh wait, this black man was a security guard, which is about as close as you can get to LE without being LE, and Dumbfuck didn’t shed a tear for him.
So … I guess not.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
We should treat bad people who kill good police exactly the way we treat bad police who kill good people.
@70 The fire truck should’ve slowed down. You can’t expect someone like that to look both ways before crossing a street, or to hear the siren or see the flashing lights. (sarcasm)
Judging by the latest polls, Trump can’t afford to keep losing his voters this way.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@81 The George Floyds of the world is how he and you got there.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@84 “What’s the difference”
Newsroom bigots don’t go out and beat people up or drive cars into crowds.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@86 I’m not asking for traffic stops performed by civilians. I definitely don’t want untrained civilian vigilantes assuming police functions, so we won’t get this:
Nor would I send social workers on traffic stops. I’m asking for better cops, not no cops. All I want is to stop giving badges to homicidal racists. That doesn’t seem like too much to ask for, although apparently it is for you, judging from your rant @65.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@93 12 years later, Dumbfuck’s feelings are still hurt because I used a slur to describe people who fly planes into buildings to kill Americans.
He’s probably still upset about the girl who wouldn’t look at him twice in high school, too. From there, it’s been nothing but a downward spiral into a barn stall.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@98 Just looking out for you, that’s all. Trolls are hard to replace.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@102 I disagree. We should treat bad police who kill good people exactly the way we treat bad people who kill police.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Puddy, Pussy and other Trolls4Trump contend that your demand is disrespectful to police, bootlickers, and badge bunnies everywhere.
So does every cop.
So does Every Rapepublican You Know.
Neanderthals will never solve anything.
used a slur to describe people
Yeah, unlike him….? He’s never used a slur before.
Nobody need apologize until he does….so carry on.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Traffic stops are not something to be handled by civilians.
Law enforcement at the end of a semi-automatic assault rifle is not something to be handled by near high school drop outs with less formal training than a hair stylist.
Not too very long ago, conservative education reformers convinced most states that in order to be qualified to teach sentence diagramming and multiplication of fractions public school teachers needed a Masters degree. And by the way, they didn’t seem to give a fat fuck whether that requirement drove qualified people away from the profession. Nor did they ever argue that it would merit an increase in pay. But chances are pretty good the kid signing you up for an extended protection plan on your new iPhone is better educated than the nearest cop.
@112 I’m more selective in my use of slurs. Less frequent, too. But Doctor Dumbfuck isn’t deep into quantitative analysis, as his investment results show.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Anybody recognize her accent or know what country it’s from?
@113 “Law enforcement at the end of a semi-automatic assault rifle …”
Aren’t theirs fully automatic?
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Another day, another Trump2020 campaign event at taxpayer expense, another opportunity for Sen. Susan Collins to be “very disappointed”.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
New debate condition:
For every minute of free campaign event coverage the media grant Trump2020 for fake news conferences between now and the debate, the moderators must give Biden additional minutes for answers and responses.
Or you get nothing. Offer is time limited.
They have called me a Nazi and a racist…
He left out “traitor”.
Freedom Foindationspews:
Go ahead and defund the police departments because it will help in our goal of getting unions out of government. If we can get rid of the police unions, we can get rid of the teachers’ union, too.
@121 teach your kids yourself. Take care of your kids you dead beat leeches.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Now do Georgia.
Why dot bombed. I live here in WA State, controlled by dummocretins from the dog catcher to the guvnur!
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
I don’t actually advocate reducing funding for police.
But I would advocate for about half as many police.
I think the police we have should be extremely well educated, and professionally trained, at least on a par with the education and training that a veterinarian gets before licensure. I don’t think normal routine police work should require “bravery” or “heroics”. Cape wearing, wanna-be superheros with a god-complex combined with an 8th grade education is how you get the sport-murdering goons who killed George Floyd.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Don’t worry, Puddy. I’ll put in a good word for you.
I have no worries from Trump people. I am on their good list Steve! Really!
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Maybe you should go to NYC as a tourist. Ride the subway. See how this perceived hell hole of a melting pot in your head both coexists and doesn’t. Really good pan African food in Queens too. Cheap. Brooklyn for some of the best Latin and Caribbean in America outside of Florida.
Son lives in Queens. Brother lives in Manhattan. Cousins live in Queens and Brooklyn. Niece lives in Brooklyn. Been to Hells Kitchen, Murray Hill, China Town, Tribeca [Robert the Moron DeNiro’s hangout] West Side, Harlem, Queens, Brooklyn, Upper Harlem, Bronx [Yankee Stadium many times, Flushing Queens Shea Stadium [blown up] now Citi Field, etc.
I love Juniors Cheesecake. I love Trinciti Roti Shop & Restaurant, Sati’s Roti Shop in Queens, and Gloria’s West Indian Food Nostrand Ave Brooklyn, Tandoor House Fulton Street Manhattan. and Turkish Kitchen 3rd Ave Manhattan!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@125 You don’t say! We never would’ve guessed.
It won’t do you any good. The white supremacists will come for you anyway. They don’t make fine distinctions; they can’t see past skin color. Lord knows, we’ve tried to warn you about your “friends.” Where should we send the flowers when this goes south?
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Brian Kolfage once said those very words.
As did John Bolton.
As did Jeff Sessions.
As did the Syrian Kurds.
As did the US Marines.
Repeat. This movie always ends the same way.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
What happened to the covid goon squad with daily covid counts? Oh wait, libtard lands controlled by dummocretin have spikes in covid!
Puddybud, The One and Onlyspews:
It won’t do you any good. The white supremacists will come for you anyway. They don’t make fine distinctions; they can’t see past skin color.
Not worried at all senile wabbit. Not worried at all. Libtard associations are usually wrong!
Wait two weeks, Florida is going to be next. Just like Italy, wait two weeks. Well, Hell, we’re eight weeks away from that and it hasn’t happened. Not only do we have a way lower seat rate than the Acela corridor, D.C., and everyone up there. We have a lower death rate than the Midwest… Bt eve in our region, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida has te lower death rate. And I was the number one landing spot for tens of thousands of people leaving the number one hot zone in the world coming to my state. So we’ve succeeded and I think people just don’t want to recognize it because it challenges their narrative, it challenges their assumptions. So they’ve got to try to find a Boogeyman. Maybe it is that black helicopters are circling the Department of Health. If you believe that, I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
LOL! babblin’ buttspew can’t deal! What did De Santis say May 20?
Did the De Santis drumpf kiss-ass freak do anything that Europe did? Europe has “big cities” too!
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant! Delivering Disinfectant to dot bombed crap!spews:
So you’re admitting that you abandoned US Marines to their deaths.
You really are demented dot bombed. No where did Puddy make that claim. And if you remember Obummer said this about the ISIS Califate –
“I don’t want to put the cart before the horse. We don’t have a strategy yet.”
What did Trump do? He saved Marine lives! Trump bombed the living eff out of them and DESTROYED the califate. That was about the time BeerPong could not get Mike Rogers straight in his teeny tiny brain!
Yes Puddy remembers! Don’t need no crazed databaze!
Puddybud, The One and Only, Delivering The Smackdown to the Buttspigotspews:
Oh yeah May 20th Rebekah Jones was caught lying about the website. If you remember yellowishleakingbuttspigot [butt then you’d need to visit your crazed databaze because you have no buttspigot recall] Dr. Deborah Birx was extremely complimentary of Florida’s public dashboard when DeSantis presented the reopening phases. Dr. Birx actually called it a model for other states to follow to ensure citizens could get the information they needed, when the needed it!
You yellowishleakingbuttspigot, like dot bombed, need to research and read more!
Truth and Facts, not friends to the yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
Puddybud, The One and Only, Delivering The Smackdown to the Buttspigotspews:
Europe has “big cities” too!
And some are open again to school aged children attending school again!
FAYLES AGAIN!!!! The words of the drumpfist tool De Santis from that previous link:
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has attributed the spike in cases to increased testing and outbreaks among young adults who are not social distancing.
“If you look at that 25 to 34 age group, that is now by far the leading age group for positive tests,” DeSantis said last week.
Florida doubled testing over the last month and is now administering about 50,000 tests per day.
“Look, there has been a surge in testing, but what we’ve seen in Florida is a big increase in hospitalizations. That can’t be explained by testing. And now we’re seeing a big increase in deaths, and obviously, that can’t be explained by testing,” Jha said. “The fact that it is among a slightly younger population is helpful, but we are still seeing many of them get sick and many of them die.”
Who you gonna believe troll? Drumpfist kiss-butt De Santis or your lyin’ eyes?
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
At least Jeff Sessions can look forward to a turn on DWTS.
Trolls4Trump may not be so lucky.
Puddybud, The One and Only, Delivering The Smackdown to the Buttspigotspews:
Cases are increasing in Spain and France. Next the yellowishleakingbuttspigot will tell everyone China has not much happening either! Enough of the yellowishleakingbuttspigot for one night.
Those shelves are supposed to be full of Goya goodness.
The boycott has become a buycott.
People are getting tired of her BULLSH^TTIUM. Puddy loves Goya products. Got some right now! What about you yellowishleakingbuttspigot? Do you buy his panic or you give it all to whitey?
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Remember this Trolls4Trump:
Trump never stole anyone’s dignity.
He accepted it from those who gave it willingly.
You begged for this.
You still are.
Puddybud, The One and Only, Showing Everyone How Really Stupid Dot Bombed Isspews:
Another exploding bomb!
Took billions in refi loans from Russian mobsters
Even the left leaning Snopes called that mostly false!
See ya
Puddybud, The One and Only, Showing Everyone How Really Stupid Dot Bombed Isspews:
Remember this Racists4Biden,
“CNN Publishes Old Joe Biden Letters Fighting Busing to Desegregate Schools”
Just replace the 2.pdf with 3.pdf dummocretin morons to see the 4th letter because right minded people can only post threeeeeeee links at a time!
You should read them dot bombed!
G`ood old Joe BiteME! proposed legislation to amend the Education Opportunities Act to stop public busing of students for school desegregation. BiteME! said school integration would lead to his children being raised in a “racial jungle.” What is a “racial jungle” dummocretins? Remember dummocretins, BiteME! argued that public busing was not justified where local officials were not intending to discriminate against black students. Yeah, all across the northern states eh BiteME!?
You begged for this.
You still are.
Where are the cancel culture calls to get rid of BiteME! for his old racist remarks? Gotta get rid oh him NOW!
school integration would lead to his children being raised in a “racial jungle.”
And drumpf has NEVER apologized for its lies about the central park five..
the country LOATHES the orange pos. It’s going to lose in November..
Biden will be a one-termer too. Yours truly has no problem with that. I will hold my nose when I vote AGAINST the orange disaster!
Puddybud, The One and Only, Delivering The Smackdown to the Buttspigotspews:
Once beaten it changes the subject.
NOPE you DOPE! Butt keep the buttspigot primed, yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
Puddybud, The One and Only, Delivering The Smackdown to the Buttspigotspews:
What about you yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
Do you buy his panic or you give it all to whitey? People wanna know about you yellowishleakingbuttspigot? Are you an AOC acolyte like most of us here think you are? You wallow in her SH^T wherever possible?
Did the freak @ 155 refute the FACT that Florida is a sicker place with COVID than the ENTIRE continent of Europe?
No it didn’t..
Instead it purveyed a stupid hit piece..
Instead it jockstrapped De Santis about old people at the same time Florida hospitals are filling up during this spike with people both young and old..
Instead it tried to babble about kids going back to school in Europe with no thought of how it is possible to do that safely.
It’s an idiot!
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
RNC raised and spent $38 million on canceled Charlotte last month.
Looks like they’re fixin to do it all again in J-ville next month.
Seven GOP Senators are already sending regrets. And with Florida at a steady test pos rate well over 10% only the truly suicidal will want to crowd into an indoor venue. So now the propeller heads are suggesting it could be moved outdoors. In J-ville. In August.
Where tonight as I write this, right now, it is still 80 degrees and 85% humidity. After midnight. Wheeeeeeeeeeee!
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Most? Do you have “librul” voices in that pin head?
Good night!
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Don’t forget the hair touching, Princess.
Maybe Tara has a “hotter” sister.
You better do something. Because in a few more days it’ll be another weekend in the bag after another week long news cycle of Trump shitting himself and then smearing it through your hair for media effect. It is not a popular look.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
According to President ShitMidas’ favorite pollster, 1 in 4 Rapepublicans would prefer anyone but Trump for the nominee.
So I suppose they won’t be going to J-Ville either?
The thing I like best about this image trust fund Barbie put out is having moved professionally among celebrities for more than a decade I know exactly how this went down.
She asked her personal assistant or Estate manger to get her the prop. And because she lives in the posh part of Manhattan where the only full service Grocery is Whole Foods and there are no Bodegas when the Amazon order arrived a couple days had passed after the story was current. She’s GenX so thinks she knows about internet and the joke would still be funny anyway.
And the tweens and Millennials have gone full snark photoshopping this image that a smart older person wouldn’t have put out and invited ridicule.
And there’s the white girl used google translate angle too. Stealing the old Smuckers ad copy from her childhood. Well done all around.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump today claimed that Covid-19 cases are going up because “Obama and Biden stopped their testing. They just stopped it, you probably know that, you don’t want to report it.”
I have nothing but praise for these Tulsa cops. They had all the reason they needed to kill this perp but didn’t, and after he was disarmed immediately gave him first aid. The sergeant, after being shot in the leg, continued to direct the other officers. The perp survived and got 105 years in prison.
A GOP congressman from Kansas and honorary co-chair of Trump’s reelection campaign in that state has been charged with 3 felony counts and 1 misdemeanor count of voting fraud.
At this point I would like to remind everyone that criminal defendants are entitled to a presumption of innocence until convicted in a court of law, and also have the right to remain silent, although I doubt this defendant will remain silent. (snicker)
Puddybud, The One and Only, Delivering The Smackdown to the Buttspigotspews:
Notice the yellowishleakingbuttspigot still didn’t answer about G`oya Foods.
Are you for AOC’s G`oya boycott or not? It seems to all of us you can’t answer the real questions so you go off the rails with ad hominem attacks! Just tell us if you are an AOC jockstrap with the Go`ya boycott. It’s okay to admit it. We know she is one of your heroines!
Puddy has a nephew by marriage from one of the Central American countries. He wrote on FB al`ong with many of his friends in Spanish that he jockstrapped the G`oya boycott. Puddy told him point blank to send the rejected food my way and Puddy will definitely enjoy it. Puddy will even pay the UPS [what has brown done for me] shipping charges.
The cancel culture is tooooooooooooooooooo stooooooooooooooooooopid to figure out people are now seeing how dumb it is; and how it’s one sided. Some stores have no Go`ya items left.
Your kind created that strong>yellowishleakingbuttspigot
Your kind live with that strong>yellowishleakingbuttspigot
Puddybud, The One and Only, Showing Everyone How Really Stupid Dot Bombed Isspews:
Once again dot bombed didn’t even visit the known leftists at Snopes article. If it did it would have determine what the
was about. It wasn’t about Russian financing of his projects. They called that false. It was about other parts of the rant.
Remember, the known leftists at Snopes took forever to admit Obummer’s you can keep you doctor and your health plan comments were false!
Sad and so typical.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Wow that voting fraud charge is mighty powerful there senile wabbit. One of Puddy’s older sisters is a widow. She uses her UPS address as her mailing address so no one knows where she lives. One day we sent a birthday gift that `street address, as the system said it could not deliver to a Brown Box. She had to tell us the real street address. It took away the surprise delivery!
It happens senile wabbit. Butt you need to deliver fake news when Puddy and godwinha deliver real voter fraud. The fraud evidence just isn’t falling to the side of the dummocretins. First sending all dummocretin forms to Republicans in a NJ primary. Then in Paterson County NJ four dummocretin guys were charged, caught dummocretin-red handed.
Did you read how a dead cat received a voter registration form? Seems the dumocretins in Atlanta are so desperate to get dem votes from home by mail they use any tactic available. Despite their best CNN & MSDNC teevee screaming and Commie Commander Pelosi “covid heroes” legislation efforts to keep voters away from the polls this November it is another EPIC FAYLE.
Registering Cody the dead cat. Wow.
Puddybud, The One AND Only, Demonstrating the Senile Idiot Wabbit is Very Senilespews:
Here’s one for you dummocretins. The senile idiot wabbit@27 touted a Seattle Slimes story originally posted in the NY Slimes. Oopsie! They had to add additional information purposely left out in the first rendering. FAKE NEWS strikes again!
Everything fit to make the Trump narrative as bad as possible!
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Load ’em up and deal ’em down.
But not when they are cops.
Puddybud, The One and Only, Showing Everyone How Really Stupid Dot Bombed Isspews:
“In total, 87 people were arrested,” LMPD said in their statement. “Due to their refusal to leave the property and their attempts to influence the decision of the Attorney General with their actions, each person was charged with Intimidating a Participant in a Legal Process (Class D felony), Disorderly Conduct 2nd Degree (Class B misdemeanor), and Criminal Trespass 3rd Degree. (Violation).”
“The stated goal of today’s protest at my home was to ‘escalate,'” Cameron added. “That is not acceptable and only serves to further division and tension within our community. Justice is not achieved by trespassing on private property, and it’s not achieved through escalation. It’s achieved by examining the facts in an impartial and unbiased manner. That is exactly what we are doing and will continue to do in this investigation.”
When told to leave through a lawful order and you continue to trespass trying to affect a criminal investigation to swing your way, well you get arrested.
Apparently going “Karen” when you choose is A-OK to dot bombed.
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Speaking of going “Karen” here is a Karren going Karen…
Libtard dummocretin Karens’ are the most strange things. Never a dull showing in America!
Son lives in Queens. Brother lives in Manhattan. Cousins live in Queens and Brooklyn. Niece lives in Brooklyn. Been to Hells Kitchen, Murray Hill, China Town, Tribeca [Robert the Moron DeNiro’s hangout] West Side, Harlem, Queens, Brooklyn, Upper Harlem, Bronx [Yankee Stadium many times, Flushing Queens Shea Stadium [blown up] now Citi Field, etc.
Now I’m not calling you a liar….well not this second but you are a liar…
If all that is true, how can you know so little about the city, it’s neighborhoods, the existing tension between whites and ethnicities, ethnicities and other ethnicities, recent immigrant populations and established and where one would go in Brooklyn if the goal was to find a Jew to harass?
Are you that oblivious when you travel? Are you so little read?
Donald has been on the air for almost 60 days with ads in Pennsylvania about how a Biden presidency means an end to all cops, rampant crime, ban fossil fuel, close your church….
Monmouth (A rated) has new poll.
PA – Biden 53%, Donald 40%
Say what you will about Biden as the nominee and who you might like better, everyone knows I have, but picking a guy who could deliver Pennsylvania while barely trying isn’t so bad if the goal is ‘anyone but the ignorant.’
Thinking about Piddles’s list….
So when you visited WTC or the Memorial you got off the Subway and went one block to get to Tribecca? So you’ve ‘been there?’ If one walks the Highline they would pass through Hell’s Kitchen but see very little of it. If one walks from Columbus Circle/Central Park to Time’s Square (< 1 mile) you're going to be in Hell's Kitchen. If you see a Met's game at Shea you're getting off the subway in Chinatown. If all you know of the Bronx is Yankee Stadium then you've seen a subway stop, a few crappy bars and a stadium. Good job!
None of that means you know anything about the area.
In a non-Covid parallel Universe that Dumbfuck was sure would happen, today is day three of the brokered Democratic Convention and the draft Hillary movement is really picking up steam since Joe and Bernie can’t get enough support together and Mayor Pete won’t release his delegates unless he gets to be VP.
Weird to think about.
Puddybud, The One AND Only Demonstrating BeerPong Really Is A Moronspews:
Apparently your leetle teeny mind forgot Puddy wrote about Puddy’s NYC lawyer son. Apparently your leetle teeny mind forgot Puddy wrote how my older brother isn’t too impressed with NYC mayor Warren Wilhelm, Jr anymore.
Puddy knows about the Fat Al Sharpton caused Crown Heights “affair”. Puddy knows about Louis Farrakhan inspired Black Muslims to attack Jews and Wilhelm Jr called it white supremacy attacks. This is why Puddy discounts anything you say BeerPong! Any Hasidic Jew attack is called white supremacy attack by Wilhelm Jr.
We should be clear about what this means. It means that if these assaults were being committed by white men in hoods or MAGA hats, it would not be “hard to talk about.” It would be a clear-cut case of bigotry that needs to be fought with every tool in our arsenal. Instead, journalists are wringing their hands about intersectionality, and careful not to indulge the narrative that these physical attacks are coming from blacks and Hispanics in bordering neighborhoods, even though that narrative is absolutely true.
Puddy has no issues with Proud Boys attacking your antifa kind. Antifa hide their faces and indiscrimately destroy property. Proud Boys don’t cover their faces and attack those fools. Kool by Puddy!
You see BeerPong, you have no issues with antifa killing black children in the Seattle CHOP zone. So why should Puddy care what you offer here on assesHorse about NYC neighborhoods?
Sux to be BeerPong! Maybe you can set up a meeting with Mike Rogers?
It’s the gift that keeps on optic-ing.
Donald is back in court today fighting to keep anyone from seeing his taxes.
“Look folks, my fake wealth and the amount I owe to the Russians and Saudis is just none of your damn business! Fuck off!” Donald
We’re talking about your koldge of NYC, not someone you allege lives there and has the misfortune of being related to you.
Why did you drop barrister all of a sudden and go with the more accepted ‘Lawyer?’ Can you send me a bill for the rent I owe inside your head?
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Do you know where Stuyvesant Town is BeerPong? Do you know where that borders? How about Bellevue Hospital? Ever been to Bagel Boss? Puddy drives in NYC. Puddy gave you restaurants Puddy visits when Puddy sees his and his wife’s families there. We drive except when we go to Nostrand Ave because the subway stop is just up the street. We park off of Gerard and 165th Street near a friend’s place for Yankee Stadium. We drive to Citi Park because Shea Stadium is gone, so whatever subway stop you get off you miss Shea Stadiem HAHAHAHAHAHA! Wife’s family lived near Exit 53 on LIE and we would picnic at Robert Moses Park.
If there were ways to post pictures Puddy would put forth the ones from the lowest levels of the WTC memorial. If you are so versed about the WTC what vehicles are on display without looking on Google BeerPong? What was missing from one of those vehicles as described in the tour?
Oh and BeerPong Puddy just remembered this: What was that smell in the lower levels of the tour?
Puddy will wait!
So you see BeerPong, you really are a moron!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
BTW, isn’t it Tribeca?
Tribeca Film Festival
Hmmm…? Guess so!
EPIC FAYLE by the BeerPong!
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Why did you drop barrister all of a sudden and go with the more accepted ‘Lawyer?’ Can you send me a bill for the rent I owe inside your head?
Puddy said my son loves using Barrister. Ask the crazed databaze purveyor for a databaze replay BeerPong. Puddy didn’t drop it BeerPong moron.
It seems quite the opposite BeerPong. Puddy lives rent free next to your TDS in your two celled mind. One cell has TDS and the other Puddy lives rent free. This is why you go for the attack every day! There is no alleged. Puddy told everyone where my brother lives for many years now. Puddy also told you where my son lived for years and where he lives now, and where my other relatives were and are! Ask the crazed databaze purveyor to search on Roosevelt Tram. All in the crazed databaze before this thread. Just grow a pair for once and ask the yellowishleakingbuttspigot since your two brain cells are currenly occupied!
Cool you’ve been to a tourist Bagel Shop that ships nationally.
Can you find McSorley’s without a map?
We’re you in Hell’s Kitchen when you could still smell the smoldering WTC?
Without googling what is the North side of Bryant Park?
If you went to the Prospect Greenmarket what public art are you looking at?
Why do I mutter, “Je suis ici!” A few blocks from above?
What line would you take to dip your toes in the water of a famous Ramone’s song?
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Does another know what
means? Maybe dot bombed does. He speaks gibberish here all the time!
Puddybud, the HA dummocretin disinfectant!spews:
Three posts that’s like penthouse suite rent.
Cool you’ve been to a tourist Bagel Shop that ships nationally.
Can you find McSorley’s without a map?
We’re you in Hell’s Kitchen when you could still smell the smoldering WTC?
Without googling what is the North side of Bryant Park?
If you went to the Prospect Greenmarket what public art are you looking at?
Why do I mutter, “Je suits ici!” A few blocks from above?
What line would you take to dip your toes in the water of a famous Ramone’s song?
Notice how BeerPong doesn’t answer any of Puddy’s questions. That TDS is really worrisome!
Three posts that’s like penthouse suite rent. – Three posts so you have time to think. Oh wait… you never think. You always react.
Cool you’ve been to a tourist Bagel Shop that ships nationally. – Because it’s around the corner from where big bro lives idiot!
Can you find McSorley’s without a map? – Don’t drink so don’t care! Irish Pubs more fun in Dublin though! Do you know where “Pub Street” is in Dublin and the EXACT number of Pubs there?
We’re you in Hell’s Kitchen when you could still smell the smoldering WTC? Stooooooopid question. Went to church there! If you’ve been to the WTC memorial you’d know what the smell IS down below. Apparently you are all bluster because anyone there would remember the smell!
Without googling what is the North side of Bryant Park? – Don’t care to know. Still waiting on the WTC question!
If you went to the Prospect Greenmarket what public art are you looking at? – Don’t care about that Public Art. The Museum of Natural History was kool though! As was the handmade public art at St. Kildas.
Why do I mutter, “Je suits ici!” A few blocks from above? – Muttering? As always, you demonstrate brain problems
What line would you take to dip your toes in the water of a famous Ramone’s song? Ramone’s? Puddy from Philly. TSOP baby!
Stuyvesant. Try harder.
Weird that you should bring up forcedremoval of people to build a neighborhood.
When trying to prove knowledge, try not to go with a place so referenced in popular culture that one could know a lot about it withoutactually ever having been there.
Cool you’ve been to a tourist Bagel Shop that ships nationally. – Because it’s around the corner from where big bro lives idiot!
There’s several of them. But thanks for proving my point that you don’t explore much. The hotel my best NYC client puts me up in is across the street from a Pret-a-Manger but I wouldn’t boast about going there. (“My bro lives by a great coffee spot. The Starbucks on Hudson. No not that one. Not that one either. The one by the CVS”)
McSoreleys is an Irish Pub in the same way a Shamrock Shake is Irish. It’s also just a pub oon the way Luger’s or Patsy’s Rao’s is just a restaurant. None are that great but if you know NYC you can get there without a map. Like you can tell someone who know LA by if they can find Empress Pavilion, El Coyote, the Chinese, and the Ivy without a GPS.
Only been to Dublin once. By heritage or personal interest Ireland isn’t a destination for me. I went to Portehouse for the world class oyster stout. But I’m not bragging my knowledge of Dublin. I can go on and on about Rauchbier and the city it’s associated with and where to get the original and best…not the same place. Been there a bunch. Also know a great deal about the largest city on the Senne river. I’m not expecting you to know unless you want to brag you do. I know where and what and where the Greyfriars Bobby is that’s more my people. Can get there from the train without aid. Nice dodge.
The rest is you admitting you don’t know NYC landmarks. Ooohhh you went to one of the most popular museums in the world, tourist? What’s the body of water to the east of it called, the largest in its immediate area? The Bryant Park one is pretty famous. Big Lions, haunted in a movie, famous cartography room….
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
The felony charges won’t stick.
The First Amendment specifically protects a citizen’s right to seek to influence public officials in the performance of the duties of their office. It can not be criminalized per se. The trespass can be charged. Any overt acts to resist arrest can be charged. The felony is only being charged to elevate the bail and try to use the charging of innocent people as a way to punish them for their politics. Prosecutors should not enjoy qualified immunity either.
Fortunately these people are very well organized and well disciplined. No overt acts were undertaken to resist arrest. No threats or assaults made. Every part of the trespass and subsequent arrests were recorded. And the group had arranged in advance for the resources to bail the protesters. By doing this the prosecutor has only drawn more attention to their cause, increasing the financial resources available to fund bail, and conduct more protests with more arrests. The Attorney General has been sitting on the case for two months hoping the attention would subside and he could get away with exonerating the sport-murdering cops. It isn’t going to work
Instead the AG and the County Prosecutor are drawing more attention back onto the case and the routine corrupt practices of officials within the criminal judicial system and law enforcement. And now so have you.
Well played.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Weirder is that after all that and a bag of PizzaCannibals (now with 20% more TAARAAAA®), The Q Clearance Pussy still fervently believes that he is listened to with anything other than quiet pity and mild puzzlement.
He’s quite the expert on Democrats.
If he knew what was good for him he’d have spent more time paying attention to Rapepublicans. But now it’s too late. The party is a bag of dicks and all he can do is eat.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
I think you’ve found it.
Surely this will be the thing that turns the tide for President ShitMidas.
Black Beans.
Budding historians and political scientists will study this moment for generations to come.
Back, by poplar demand, 140,000 > 15
Exploding in Texas and Florida. And Donald is trying to pick a fight with a medical expert which should go great.
We have polls:
Handling of coronavirus in US
Morning Consult/Politico (7/10-12)
Fauci: +33
Trump: -23
Economist/YouGov (7/12-14)
Fauci: +30
Trump: -16
Global Strategy Group/GBAO (7/9-13)
Fauci: +40
Trump: -30
“It truly is Fuci’s fault. If he’d have listened to me and not worn a mask. I closed the flights. Fake news won’t say how great I am. I saved millions with personal mouth to mouth. He keeps looking at testing. Testing, get the schools open I did great on the SAT. Masks are bad they trap the germs and kill the olds with the oxygen and make cognitive tests.. Go to the beach. EVERYTHING GOING GREAT! We’ve actually done TOO well with our response. Fauci needs to stop reading and saying things. Be like me. No read, no bad news! Obama didn’t test you for Covid! Put the monuments back up! Go Redskins, very fine people! I know more about virus than Fauci. I studied it hard. At Wharton. Eat Goya! When the Shawshank was redeemed!” Donald, Bastille Day Press Conference, or words to that effect.
Woooo Hoooooo, @192 how about that Stock Market!
Best economy – EVER! Forever and ever! Huugggeeee!
Hey speaking of polling….
6 new approval polls out today.
Donnie is => 50% disapprove in every single one of them.
Deep thoughts on the nomination of Joe, not my third choice, Biden.
The GOP fucked this one up big time. Once Donny had seized control they did his bidding and spent an entire term continuing to talk about Hillary. When it wasn’t Hillary it was Barack who was actually a satanist, didn’t you know. And ‘Obamton’ wrecked the country. Stole your bibles and ate the children after Ping Pong.
Then it was AOC who was the new devil. The whole squad too.And Bernie wants your guns.
And no one said shit about the last D Vice President, a clumsy speaker at times but a beloved ex-senator in a big EV state. By the time it was too late it’s “Hunter/Ukraine/China/Creepy” but none of those in the way our guy is creepy.”
The electorate appears to be thinking, “Hang on, all those other folks were the worst socialists ever and hell bent on destroying the country. And now there’s Joe and those same pundits are saying He’s the socialist Vlad the Impaler. All he did was be Vice President. So he has some experience. And the last administration is seeming far less racist and destructive of normal behavior now that we have three plus years of distance. What do we do, go with the utter failure of China/Iran pacts, dropping dead from a virus, eat your beans if they’re the right brand, 11% unemployment and Save the Confederates or take the boring old guy who over eight years didn’t totally screw things up? And he was on board with the mask thing?”
File under, “He should stand up. What has he done to help the community?”
Colin Kaepernick through his ‘Know Your Rights’ foundation donated $1.5m on top of his original pledge of $1m to black community organizations. Also $500k for organizations providing legal services to those arrested at protests nationwide over the last several months.
That’s what he’s doing for the community.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@167 To answer your question, if this guy wants to associate his company with Trump that’s his business, but I won’t do business with him, just as I don’t patronize Hobby Lobby or Chick-fil-A. I prefer businesses that don’t support toxic politics.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@169 “Wow that voting fraud charge is mighty powerful there senile wabbit.”
That depends on the verdict. Being convicted on 3 felony counts is pretty serious. But, like I said, he’s presumed innocent until convicted in a court of law. If you don’t understand how that figures into this, ask your son to explain it to you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@169 “Did you read how a dead cat received a voter registration form?”
Obviously, you don’t know much — if anything at all — about how our voting system works. A voter registration form is not a voter registration, and a voter registration is not a vote.
Here in King County, we have well over 1 million registered voters. Some of those registrations are invalid because the voters have died, moved away, or were registered in error. No election roll that large is error-free, and honest mistakes are not “fraud.”
Mailing a voter registration form to a cat isn’t exactly earth-shattering news. Cats and dogs get credit card solicitations, too. That’s just a byproduct of automated mailing lists.
A cat voting, or charging purchases to a credit card, would require human intervention and at that point you’re looking at intentional, premeditated, and in all likelihood criminal, human behavior by the cat’s owner.
When you find such a case, let us know.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@170 Since you don’t trust NYT’s reporting, here’s Fox, which reported exactly the same news:
You’re a hoot!
Neener Neenerspews:
I went shopping today and bought several Goya products as a reaction to this politically correct stupidity that is so prevalent among the SJW moonbeam class.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@171, 172 I oppose protesting at public officials’ homes. There’s a proper time and place for protesting, but like everything else, protesting has boundaries and disturbing public officials at their private residences is on the other side of that boundary. But the “Get Off My Lawn!” felony charges are absurd. Whoever dreamed that up should go work in Beijing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@173 You can’t do that at work, and I believe the rules must be the same for everyone, even though Republicans don’t believe in that.
But she’s not the only person with a problem in this scenario. Her feelings, even though she shouldn’t express them in that setting, are perfectly valid. Trump supporters have something wrong with them, and this guy is a Trump campaign worker.
” … Trump Victory Committee spokesperson Keith Schipper … said the incident was one of many cases of ‘intolerance’ leveled toward the president’s supporters. ‘All of our hopes is that there can just be more tolerance so supporters of the president don’t have to have their head on a swivel, looking over their shoulder, wondering who’s going to accost them,’ he said.”
A Trumpalo demanding “tolerance”? What bullshit! What complete utter bullshit. They’ve earned intolerance by being intolerant. Trump and his followers have made “Trump” and “MAGA” synonymous with intolerance. Until they respect others, they don’t deserve respect. But I don’t think confronting people is a good idea unless they start it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@183 I don’t know a single lawyer who’s ever described himself/herself as a “barrister.” It’s pretentious, and they’d be laughed at. I know of no lawyers who invite ridicule. However, I do know of a troll who invites ridicule every time he posts.
I’ve lived in NYC for 6 years now and barely know much about the Bronx (other than Yankee Stadium area and one trip to Hunts Point Industrial area for a concert), or Brooklyn (although I’ve been there via foot, car, and bike). I lived in Hell’s Kitchen and now more Southward.
NYC is so big, you can’t see and know NYC by being a tourist. I hardly know it after being here for 6 years. Fuck you Bobby.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@195 Actually, the “Sleepy Joe” meme could work quite well in Biden’s favor. After 4 years of Trump, voters may simply want a breather, and the image of a new president who only wakes up now and then to make helm adjustments could be very attractive to them.
Their opening will come after a year or two into Biden’s presidency, when they realize he’s something more than that, and a bit livelier than that, at which point there might be an opening for a Romney-type Republican (but not Romney), if any are left and if the GOP isn’t still too crazy to nominate one.
Rosarita Frejolesspews:
Cool. I’m wearing Nike. Starbucks still allows gay partners to be on Family insurance. Boeing Too. Y’all were super pissed Chick-Fil-A bowed to the PC police and stopped donating to hate groups. Others would call it responding to market tastes and capitalism.
Did you order anything off Amazon, that’s WaPo and Bezos. Stop it right now!
I haven’t bought Goya in a while but that’s mostly because around here their fake Mexican products are sold at a premium over S&W or store brands. Fed Meyer, Goya Black Beans $1.49 S&W $1.29. Bush’s $1.29. Kroeger $.79. I’ll pay a premium for Heinz beans in tomato sauce that are part of a proper English breakfast but Goya? Why?
Even better, buy them dry in bulk and cook them yourself. 20 pounds, $18. $38 to get the same canned by weight. Figure by the time you rinse and drain the canned beans…$45-50
for a similar volume of edible product? Why are you getting ripped off like that. For beans. Like the easiest food to cook. Can you not heat water?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@197 What this country needs is Trump suffering a more humiliating defeat than Goldwater did. The GOP, too, will be better off if he does; they just don’t know it yet.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“A 35-year-old Tacoma man was arrested Tuesday on a federal arson charge after police say he set fire to the outside of the Seattle Police Department’s East Precinct during the occupied protest known as ‘CHOP’ … Isaiah Thomas Willoughby was taken into custody without incident in Seattle.”
It’ll be interesting to find out what his affiliation is. I’m guessing not BLM. The white gal who torched SPD vehicles was from Texas via Tacoma. Anyway it’s good that these violent agitators are being caught. Their criminal actions only serve to undermine the legitimacy and message of the protests. Which, for all we know, may be their intent.
Eleven Time Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublicans, Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
So just so you won’t be under any delusions (beyond the usual ones about invisible pizza cannibals and radios in your teeth) here’s how this works out for you, President ShitMidas, and Goya.
For a week perhaps (and owing mostly to Trust Fund Barbie) people pay attention to some kind of grievance politics associated with the brand. In the process you and a few hundred AM Hate Radio listeners go out and buy some cans (that you’ll later donate to canned food drive). Meanwhile millions of people like Roger add that consumer brand to the list of those they avoid forever.
Now I’d certainly agree that the brand might do okay in the near term if enough of you idiots are so desperate for virtue signaling to your Orange Lord and Savior. But like I said, a week. A few of you might keep it up until November. But in the mean time the negative reputation will remain. Consumers will associate the brand with Trump.
This will cost them far more than you, Trump, or your idiot friends can ever make up for. Even if you really cared to. Which you don’t. So they’re fucked. And the best part is you did it to them by Streisanding the fuck out of this. Well done.
Another #owngoal
I noticed that the supermarket I shop at had the Goya beans at the very top of the shelf. I couldn’t reach it even if I wanted to buy it.
I think they might just stop stocking it here. Never mind the choice not to purchase, how about the choice not to sell it, or make the customer really reach to buy a can.
Not sure who owns the store but most, if not all, of the employees are not to The Hump’s liking.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit would like to know if RBG has any used stents that he might be able to jury-rig into urethral catheters. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit would also like RBG’s physicians to know that those blue shop towels wrapped around pipe cleaners do really well to get the petrified smegma out, and might work for her biliary stent, too.
After Biden is inaugurated I’ll begin my Clarence Thomas death watch.
Not quite sure this is #BLM-approved.
Brigid’s Bottleshop
3h · Shared with Public
New from @fremontbrewing in collab with @weatheredsoulsbrewing this version of Black is Beautiful proceeds go to NAACP legal defense fund.
It’s an imperial stout, 9.0% ABV
Roger Rabbitspews:
@214 How’s it going with the weekly shots in the ass for equine clap? That horse needle must hurt! Ouch. Sure glad I’m not you.
Puddybud, The One AND Only, Demonstrating the Senile Idiot Wabbit is Very Senilespews:
Once again the senile idiot wabbit@201 is a chronological idiot. The Fox News link is from July 11th, the same day the NY Slimes put out their article read by the senile idiot wabbit the next day or so.
The Daily Caller article references the NY Slimes July 11 article quietly modified with new and FACTUAL paragraphs July 13th.
Chronological lunacy from the senile idiot wabbit continues to this day!
But not in NY!
Bravo NY….Every where else The Hump Virus is going strong.
Do you have a reliable news source?
I rely on the senior staff writers at Daily Caller for news about the civil rights movement.
Did you give?
Did you do your duty to save Murika from Sobbing Honduran Toddlers?
Well, if you did turns out once again you let your Dear Leader down:
Look on the bright side: at least the organizer got a nice boat out of it.
Don’t forget to renew your NRA membership too!
I was just purusing some stuff and discovered there are people who in this country who still want communism. Google “Red Guard America” and you will see what I’m talking about. They describe themselves as “Marxist–Leninist–Maoist collectives of community organizers.” Anyone who follows and/or support those mass killers has got to be mentally unbalanced.
Did you know there are still Americans who follow Adolph Hitler? No really. And some of them wear shirts and get tattoos and march. In Public. While carrying Trump banners. And screaming about Mexicans. And the colords.
And the president implies that they are fine people.
I didn’t kick that fucker’s ass all the way from Kursk to Berlin just so a bunch of hillbilly’s in America could worship him openly.
I see. It’s a religious issue with you, and monsters like Marx, Lenin, Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot are your patron saints. Good luck with that. Hopefully, you won’t need up in a re-education camp in the future.
On the bright side, Steve’s friends finally found a victim they could beat up one-on-one.
Disabled man’s car damaged in Columbus protests, police trying to identify suspects
And white privilege, so let’s gang up on him and kick the shit out of him with our white privilege.
Have they blow up any federal buildings yet?
How about crowded day care facilities?
Have they blow up any health care clinics?
Asking for a friend concerned about his legacy.
Damn them!
I hope they catch the perps.
Unfortunately the authorities are still unable to identify the perpetrators responsible for this heinous attack on the disabled.
But the search goes on.
@4 A million bucks for that tub? That must include the party girls.
@ 10
Thanks for posting. First time I have heard about that incident.
@5 Stalin’s granddaughter lives in Portland, but she doesn’t look like your typical commie. Old Joe probably wouldn’t even recognize her. Not a ton of family resemblance there.
@ 13
I can smell her through the monitor. She makes Amy Goodman seem hygienic.
@8 What Doctor Dumbfuck doesn’t mention is that he was rescued from the crowd by other protesters, and protesters contributed money to repair his car.
Just as there are good and bad cops, there are good and bad protesters. You humans are a mixed lot.
But never mind all that. Doc doesn’t make distinctions. Give him one Bowe Bergdahl and all soldiers and veterans are deserters.
It isn’t deliberate. It’s merely how his brain functions. He’s a dumbfuck.
@9 You’re back??? I thought you were dead. The stake must have missed your heart. It’s easy to see how that could happen, because you didn’t have one.
TFW you can’t even do your corruption competently:
Think about it. Not only are Rapepublicans a festering warm pool of deadly viral spray, but they are fundamentally very, very bad at everything they do. They couldn’t be “COVID Safe” even if they cared to.
Steer clear of them if you know what’s good for you.
@12 Of course it is. They don’t report incidents like that in your “sources.”
The way he was waiving his favorite toy train, any reasonable person would have feared for their life while laying flat behind the cover of a line of parked vehicles more than 100 feet away.
@14 Not surprising. She’s a Quaker. Your tribe hates the smell of peace.
@17 It’s nice to know their incompetence is good for something, however unintentionally.
@19 How can you call that good shooting? He missed the handicapped person with the mind of a child and hit the caretaker, and then only in the leg. His supervisor should’ve taken his gun away after that.
The Bootlicker Internet Police Review Board finds that the darker target quite naturally drew away the officer’s aim.
The police union very helpfully provided the board with the impartial testimony of an expert witness in shooting optics. the theory of color and wavelength, and surprisingly also in the bio-mechanics of human eyesight. Only five credits short of his Associates degree.
Go away?
Why would I go away?
Who’s gonna make me?
One less bigoted police chief …
… bye.
It’s even worse than you thought: All that tear gas being used by police against peaceful protesters is made by slave-wage laborers in polluting factories.
From today’s Seattle Times morning brief: “A 30-year-old man went to a ‘COVID party,’ thinking the virus was a hoax. Now he’s dead, a Texas hospital says.”
This is how Trump will lose Texas. Wars are lost by attrition, too.
Does it not trouble you a little bit that the relatively widespread standard of “professionalism” and “leadership” common among law enforcement will offer advancement to the very top to people who can’t form complete sentences, or really even speak intelligibly?
Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not trying to impose a cultural litmus test on the profession or demanding that they conform to my personal idea of “refined’ behavior. But listening to that recording I’m left wondering if any adults are present. People who think that way and discuss other professionals with whom they interact in that way, even if they are within bounds ethnically, racially, or sexually, find their career advancement rather limited in most other professions.
These sound like guys who couldn’t get a promotion to district sales director of a copy machine company. And yet they command entire departments of cops who can as easily kill you as look at you. These are dumbshits. Bad enough that they are racist, sexist pigs. But can you listen to that tape and not come away baffled how these fuckers are qualified for the positions of command and authority that we give them? Why do we put our lives in the hands of people who sound like they dropped out of eighth grade and completed a GED while changing oil?
Average salary for a cop in that jurisdiction is $94k starting at $67k. The Chief is paid $174k plus an additional $25k to $35k from “extra assignments” (whatever the fuck that is). Oh, and earlier this year he was caught by a local reporter using his borough provided Ford Excusion to haul his household trash to dump it in public city garbage cans.
Who the fuck are these people to whom we entrust our lives?
We are so happy that you people in Seattle want to abolish the police. We can hardly wait!
Look for us soon in your neighborhood!
Dr. Dumbfuck fights like a girl. What a pussy.
@28 “Why do we put our lives in the hands of people who sound like they dropped out of eighth grade and completed a GED while changing oil?”
Exactly my point when I say we need better cops.
This guy probably will get a pension roughly 4 times mine. Goes to show how poor a measure of a person’s worth to society that money is. No doubt that not a few worse-than-useless doctors flaunt wealth, too. Meanwhile, the workers who produce all of this country’s wealth are treated like shit, and the real heroes of our society are paid shit wages. I’m simply not impressed by people who flaunt material wealth. Nine times out of ten, they’re shitty people, whose only talent is exploiting our deeply flawed wealth-distribution system.
Maybe you’ll meet some nice leftist vigilantes.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Foment Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News – Thanks Demorats For Being Arrogant & Stupid Report – Demorats Conclusively Prove Trump Is A Nazi.
Recently, the President’s reelection campaign rolled out the latest in their series of new merchandise to raise campaign cash and offer supports a way of showing their appreciation to Donald Trump in public. One of the items up for sale was a t-shirt with the (by now) familiar phrase of “America First” emblazoned across it. The logo also features a bald eagle (our national bird, in case you somehow missed school the day it was covered) gripping a circle with an American flag in it.
So what’s the first thing that comes to mind when you see such an image? If you answered “Nazis!” then you may be a good fit for a couple of left-wing, NeverTrump agitators who made precisely that claim.
First of all, the complaints were raised on social media by Bend the Arc: Jewish Action, a group of progressive Democrats purportedly representing Jewish voters, and another from the Lincoln Project, a group of NeverTrumper Republicans who are essentially indistinguishable from Democrats, at least until after this November. They both accused the Trump campaign of selling “straight up nazi propaganda shirts” or variations on that theme.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Cancel Cops & Make Pogroms Great Again Bombshell News – Demorat Kristallnacht Report – Demorats Conclusively Prove Defunding Police Is Great News For Jews.
The New York Police Department (NYPD) has launched a search for a group of men suspected of brutally beating an Orthodox Jewish man and screaming anti-Semitic insults at him in broad daylight.
The alleged attack occurred on July 11th at around 3:00 P.M. near 2525 Kings Highway and East 27th Street.
CBS New York reports: “When officers arrived, according to the NYPD, they learned the victim was walking home when three unidentified men in a car stopped beside him and started shouting anti-Semitic slurs. Police said the victim responded, before the men got out of the car, pushed him to the ground and punched him repeatedly.”
Following the alleged attack, the victim transported himself to Community Hospital and received stitches on his face. He also suffered a broken finger.
NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force is investigating the incident and said the suspects are believed to be between 18 to 20 years old. [No other description released, i.e., likely BLM Demorats]
@33 Trump doesn’t exactly represent the best of America, so it’s not surprising that some people would view his campaign’s use of patriotic symbols as insulting the flag and eagles.
@34 “[No other description released, i.e., likely BLM Demorats]”
In the absence of any other description, they’re more likely Proud Boys, skinheads, or other far-right freakos. Everybody knows who the anti-semitic bigots are.
The Hump Virus.
What a miserable fuck of a failure, lead by the miserable fuck of supporters.
Don’t let them fool you, they drive the lead of where the Hump sows.
@ 25
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, who repeatedly uses the slur “towelhead” in posts on HA, posts about a guy who referred to “that fucking guy with a turban”.
What HA does best is cover for bigoted liberals who post on HA, most notably Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
The guy who wants everyone to know he’s stable, great cognitive test and the other guy is senile had a conference call with donors in support of Tommy Tuberville today.
For some reason Donald repeatedly praised Alabama Head Coach Lou Saban. Tuberville was a longtime head coach at Ole Miss. NICK Saban is the coach at Alabama, a conference and traditional rival of Tuberville, where he’s coached five National Championship teams.
Lou Saban is believed to be no relation to Nick Saban though family (Elizabeth Warren on line one) have said the two may be second cousins. Lou Coached the Buffalo Bills twice, the second time during the OJ Simpson years ending in 1976.
Lou Saban has also been dead for 11 years.
“that fucking guy with a turban”.
Now do misogyny and rape fantasies.
Freak did some of that @14..
@38 Linking to himself to link to posts of mine over 10 years ago sure looks like someone with too much time on his hands.
Yeah, I’m a bigot — I’m bigoted against people who fly airplanes into buildings to kill Americans.
What’s your problem with that? Were they friends of yours?
Tucker Carlson is taking a trout fishing vacay. Like the novella by Richard Brautigan, it has little to do with trout fishing.
Cz-252 @ 39
No, he coached there in the late ’90s for about four seasons. He then coached at Auburn for ten seasons, and beat ‘bama 7 of 10 times during that stretch. In 2004 Auburn went 13-0 and he won every coaching award that season.
It is because of his Auburn coaching period that he is so popular in Alabama, Cz-252. Not his much shorter time spent at Ole Miss.
In sum, you made a meaningless mistake while criticizing Trump for a meaningless mistake, Cz-252.
Here’s AOC on Twitter today:
What’s glamorous and sympathetic about Breaking Bad? I’ve never watched it, but
Season One – 3 deaths
Season Two – 175 deaths
Season Three – 27 deaths
Season Four – 28 deaths
Season Five – 38 deaths
At least she didn’t bring up Murphy Brown.
I’m not running on an “I’m the non-senile smart guy in the race.”
But right. Because when Steve Largent ran for Congress people should have spent all their time praising James Madden of the Raiders.
‘Charles Barkley, you want to run for office let me tell you who is behind him, Patrick Ewing was a great player, did a great job and Michael Jackson with the bulls…great coach.”
Maybe watch some Iron Bowls. Can you believe
“I love Daryl Jeter. NoMar was the best player I ever saw.”
“Hey Tommy, did you see that game where
The guy ran back the missed field goal and won it? Best game ever. Let’s talk about it over beers. Wasn’t that just the best? Let’s me you and Lou Saban talk about that one. It was really something. Lou’s a great coach.”
Remember this day next time you want to talk about Joe “Can navigate a short ramp” Biden.
@ 45
John Madden. Like the video game series. And The Replacements.
You could stop making my point for me any time now.
Commenting on something you haven’t experienced. Maybe I should weigh in on horse sex?
It’s a perfect illustration of the point. Walter White, a school teacher who works nights in a car wash to get by finds himself diagnosed with cancer and soon to die. With no other way to make money he turns to selling drugs for what he assumes will be a quick score to settle debt and leave some cash behind. things happen. He wins a turf war against an established cartel of brown people. In the final episode (spoiler) he arranges to have $970k delivered to his son after his death.
White (ironic) pulls the family out of poverty by manufacturing drugs. As a plot point it is treated as a noble final act that he was able to posthumously make some things better despite leaving a trail of wreckage for others.
Steve Madden, Legendary Raider. Jermaine Jackson, Bulls Head Coach. Lou Dobbs, Fighting Irish. Branson Missouri, Virgin CEO. Ulyssius S Grant, President not as great. Simon Cowell, Central Park concert, Me and Rudy the football sub down by the schoolyard…great song. Donatella Ninja Turtle, Melania’s favorite designer.
Missed the jokes there didn’t you?
@40. He should do all that faggy stuff too.
Fudge packing horse fucker and horse cock sucker that he is
He should move to fucking Poland.
@43 you are the mistake in life.
See 29.
That was easy.
And you didn’t have to memorize any breakfast cereal either.
Wah. The conservative who frequently uses the term Pocahontas and worse is still faux outraged that Rabbit used a derogatory term when responding to the conservatives posts back in 2018.
Having grown up quite well off and privileged in comparison to the poor, The Q Clearance Pussy sees nothing particularly glamorous, aspirational, or sympathetic about the living circumstances of the Botwins, the Whites, or the Byrdes (Ozark).
Well kept homes in good neighborhoods, parents fixing breakfast and packing lunches, freshly laundered clothing folded and tucked into wardrobes, two or more late model cars in good condition, neighbors who smile and waive, regular doctor’s appointments, dentist appointments, smooth green lawns with sprinklers and smiling happy landscapers.
Nothing special about any of that. Nothing that might justify risking all that mayhem. Life just gives you these things.
Not likely in that part of NYC senile idiot wabbit!
A1 – Leading dummocretins were caught wearing the same style Nazi symbol many times –
Of course!
You deliver something from a fantasy teevee show to make a useless point? Really?
Well it’s not your first attempt here at doing just that!
A policeman killed in Bothell, perp caught! What will the dummocretins say here?
They caught the perp! Puddy and the Mrs. know Captain Johnson!
senile idiot wabbit@35,
See post #55. Madeline Halfbright had one on and isn’t she of Jewish descent? Once again you demonstrate the ability to pile on without research. Seems this is the standard dummocretin way. Puddy identified the same trait with dot bombed Sunday!
See at @44 One with your belief system should be able to understand metaphor and allegory.
White people turning to slinging drugs for profit as a last resort…glorified on film.
Actual real live not white people doing the same….thugs and losers and evil.
Someone has never heard of the concept of going to certain neighborhoods to target an ethnic group or religion for violent fun? Lynchings in the South couldn’t have been done by whites because Negros were walking in a Negro neighborhoods when he was grabbed. Often taken from homes in the dark of night. Couldn’t have been whites. They don’t live there! Gay Bashing is impossible. No one is near a gay bar or neighborhood who isn’t gay! Logic! FACTS!
The neighborhood in question is Marine Park. See Orthodox Jewish communities, New York City. It is more or less Bensonhurst adjacent.
Maybe learn a thing or two about living in Brooklyn. It’s not all Park Slope and Williamsburg.
Someone has never heard of Yusef Hawkins.
“Find something new!”
“Learn to code!”
“Let then eat cake!”
Did you have “U.S. Department of Health clarifies that despite what their boss, The President, says doctors and public health experts do not lie to the public” in your “Future America” essay?
Washington NFL Owner Dan Snyder,
2013, “We will never ever change it. Redskins is not racist and I don’t care what George Preston Marshall said about White Supremacy and signing black players and a team for the South! Never ever ever going to change the sacred honorific name.”
2020, “Yeah, about that…..oops. All lives matter!”
Note that Native American groups have been asking for the change since 1968 but it took FedEx threatening the profit margin….
Listen to the dollars, not the people. Corporations are people my friends. I only answer to cash or check. Cash rules everything around me. It’s all about the Benjamins.
Now where will drunk white guys be able to do warpaint face and heap big headdress and tomahawk chop? Oh right, Kansas City (Kansas?) and Atlanta and Tallahassee and…
But “the perp” gets 72 hrs at home to consult with his lawyers and union reps before being questioned, right?
And the DA needs 60 to 90 days of further investigation, including expert analysis of the body cam video and crime scene forensics, also getting a warrant to go into the dead cop’s home and computers on a fishing expedition for porn and narcotics, right?
Wait, no? Why rush to judgment?
Ever since Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s ED became refractory to medications, the most fun in life he has is when he wakes up to news that another LEO has been killed in the line of duty.
Today will be a good day for Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Who knows? Maybe the second LEO will die as well. That’s what Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit refers to as a twofer.
Expect the worst, Democrats will exceed expectations
Dumbfuck @65 has a sad.
How about a dead black man? That should lift your spirits, traitor.
Good try. How does non-violent mandatory minimums for drug possession fit into Criminal Justice reform?
Follow me on Insta and Snap!
They signed up for a dangerous job. Heroes. They should be allowed to blow off steam by beating the shit out of a civilian or two, Dead if he’s black is OK. Other companies have free gym memberships and stress therapy. Why not cops?
End the consent decree!
She got what was coming to her.
Woman who became infamous for racist rants and alleged attacks gets hit by a fire truck
He got it half right. The left doesn’t have guillotines. Better for Doctor Dumbfuck to anticipate the gallows or a firing wall.
Conservative warns of liberal ‘bloody rampage’ if Trump wins and ‘FEMA camps and guillotines’ if he loses in November
Don’t worry, Puddy. I’ll put in a good word for you.
Cop threatened to shoot protesters if they came to his door — now he’s charged with killing a fellow officer who knocked
The socialist who brought you the fire department claim another victim among dissenting patriots. See @71.
@ 67
No death in the story, Steve. Hopefully there’s video collected by someone.
Dirty secret: framing homes is more dangerous*.
*Full disclosure: this analysis fails to take into account the unique “dangers” associated with law enforcement work that somehow produce a remarkably disproportionate rate of spousal abuse, child abuse, alcoholism, narcotics addiction, clinical depression and suicide.
Gravis has Biden up 10 at 53% in Florida. Up 50/49 among white people. Up 17% with women.
For perspective at a similar time on the Calendar in 2016 they had the race tied. Clinton then held an edge between 1-4 points and their final poll before Election Day had Clinton +1.
The poll is a combo of robocall and online so there’s that…
But it follows a CBS traditional phone poll that found Biden up more than the MOE last week.
That neighborhood? Proud Boys? Really? Anyone supporting the police are naturally white racists.
Beyond the stretch of the imagination!
WA State rules eh dot bombed? Who runs this state dot bombed?
dummocretins do!
Lick a stamp.
Have an abortion!
Trolls4Trump, keep on telling yourselves that waging this culture war against America has all been worth it as you watch your entire movement overtaken by delusionally paranoid cat ladies and violently racist aluminum siding salesmen.
Now do Georgia.
Let me know when you have. I’ve got a few more.
Posted by a city councilmember in Seattle, shortly before a LEO was killed in Bothell. During a traffic stop.
Yes. That neighborhood.
Carload of guys rolled into a heavily orthodox Jewish neighborhood, you know big hats and curls, picks a random man for harassment and violence.
Where’d you get supporting the cops?
They were either militant Christians or secular Jew haters. Two Identities that actually do intersect pretty well with proud boys.
“Jews will not replace us. Jews will not replace us. Jews will not replace us.”
If they hated south Asians they would have likely been in parts of Queens. That neighborhood.
Maybe you should go to NYC as a tourist. Ride the subway. See how this perceived hell hole of a melting pot in your head both coexists and doesn’t. Really good pan African food in Queens too. Cheap. Brooklyn for some of the best Latin and Caribbean in America outside of Florida.
Get out. Live a little. Use your frequent flyer miles and car upgrades you’re so proud of.
Bari Weiss of the NYT writes a resignation letter to Steve.
What’s the difference between @ 82
and @ 83
Not much from where I sit.
Do tell how a traffic stop and flight from. Bothel relates to a still fully funded SPD?
You just can’t help being wrong can you?
@ 85
Traffic stops are not something to be handled by civilians. Whether in Bothell – two L’s there – or in Seattle.
There won’t be traffic stops when things are turned over to civilians. And you won’t have a problem with that, Cz-252, until the DUI that wasn’t pulled over earlier because there aren’t traffic stops anymore ends up plowing into Goldy’s daughter or YLB’s son while they are crossing in a crosswalk.
Wherein felony high speed pursuit involving multiple units becomes routine stop for a traffic infraction.
If they were not wrong, they would not have to lie.
The Q Clearance Pussy will feeeeeeel exactly the same way when Angela Davis quits her regular opinion column for Sheldon Adelson.
No. Really.
@44 If you pitch in and help her make the world better for people of color, maybe someday she won’t have to make those observations about communities of color.
@52 Actually, it was 2008 and 2009; 2018 was his post.
He linked to his post containing links to my old posts.
I doubt he was trying to deceive anyone about how long ago, and how close to 9/11, my posts were; that was just the laziest way of doing it.
Then again …
@54 If he’s gonna ASS U ME you might as well too.
You’ve never concerned yourself with factual truth accuracy, so why start now?
@55 Gateway Pundit — hahahahahaha!!!
It has been quite awhile since I have seen Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit utter a racial slur on HA.
Who says policing doesn’t work?
@57 “A policeman killed in Bothell, perp caught! What will the dummocretins say here?”
A real shame.
Give the dead police officer a funeral for the ages. Do everything humanly possible to support his family in every way.
Read the suspect his Miranda rights, accord him the presumption of innocence he’s entitled to under our system of law, give him a fair trial, and if he’s found guilty sentence him to life without possibility of parole. Let him live on prison loaf and chickpeas for the next 60 years. No TV or girlie magazines. No conjugal visits. If he gets Covid in the slammer, prison infirmary medical care will have to do.
On the bright side, there’s one less white supremacist child killer in the world today.
@61 Become nurses to replace the nurses who got sick and died for lack of PPE.
“A Michigan man refused service for not wearing a mask amid the coronavirus pandemic early Tuesday morning stabbed another customerbefore he was shot to death by a sheriff’s deputy, police said. …
“A 77-year-old customer asked him to cover his face, Michigan State Police said in a statement. Ruis refused to put on a mask, so the store asked him to leave. He then stabbed the customer who asked him to put on a mask, authorities said.”
At least he won’t be infecting any elderly customers in the future.
@65 This is what an angry little man throwing a tantrum after rejection by a pony looks like.
Not a pretty sight.
@ 96
I don’t know why that’s any of your concern, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. You can’t afford to buy anything, so you’ll never been a customer.
@66 It’s not the quantity of defendants, but the quality of defendants, that matters. (See, e.g., #68.)
Neither Clinton nor Obama, nor Bush for that matter, commuted Roger Stone, who is uniquely awful in the pantheon of living political dirty tricksters, although James O’Keefe comes close.
Ah yes. Where defund is defined as eliminate.
Where a suburban PD largely tasked with traffic enforcement is under a Federal consent decree for violating civil rights.
Good boy. Have a treat.
@67 Maybe Dumbfuck would shed a tear for a black man if the black man was a cop?
Oh wait, this black man was a security guard, which is about as close as you can get to LE without being LE, and Dumbfuck didn’t shed a tear for him.
So … I guess not.
We should treat bad people who kill good police exactly the way we treat bad police who kill good people.
Prove me wrong.
@70 The fire truck should’ve slowed down. You can’t expect someone like that to look both ways before crossing a street, or to hear the siren or see the flashing lights. (sarcasm)
Judging by the latest polls, Trump can’t afford to keep losing his voters this way.
@81 The George Floyds of the world is how he and you got there.
@84 “What’s the difference”
Newsroom bigots don’t go out and beat people up or drive cars into crowds.
@86 I’m not asking for traffic stops performed by civilians. I definitely don’t want untrained civilian vigilantes assuming police functions, so we won’t get this:
Nor would I send social workers on traffic stops. I’m asking for better cops, not no cops. All I want is to stop giving badges to homicidal racists. That doesn’t seem like too much to ask for, although apparently it is for you, judging from your rant @65.
@93 12 years later, Dumbfuck’s feelings are still hurt because I used a slur to describe people who fly planes into buildings to kill Americans.
He’s probably still upset about the girl who wouldn’t look at him twice in high school, too. From there, it’s been nothing but a downward spiral into a barn stall.
@98 Just looking out for you, that’s all. Trolls are hard to replace.
@102 I disagree. We should treat bad police who kill good people exactly the way we treat bad people who kill police.
Puddy, Pussy and other Trolls4Trump contend that your demand is disrespectful to police, bootlickers, and badge bunnies everywhere.
So does every cop.
So does Every Rapepublican You Know.
Neanderthals will never solve anything.
Yeah, unlike him….? He’s never used a slur before.
Nobody need apologize until he does….so carry on.
Law enforcement at the end of a semi-automatic assault rifle is not something to be handled by near high school drop outs with less formal training than a hair stylist.
Not too very long ago, conservative education reformers convinced most states that in order to be qualified to teach sentence diagramming and multiplication of fractions public school teachers needed a Masters degree. And by the way, they didn’t seem to give a fat fuck whether that requirement drove qualified people away from the profession. Nor did they ever argue that it would merit an increase in pay. But chances are pretty good the kid signing you up for an extended protection plan on your new iPhone is better educated than the nearest cop.
Can’t walk without looking at the ground, either.
@112 I’m more selective in my use of slurs. Less frequent, too. But Doctor Dumbfuck isn’t deep into quantitative analysis, as his investment results show.
Anybody recognize her accent or know what country it’s from?
@113 “Law enforcement at the end of a semi-automatic assault rifle …”
Aren’t theirs fully automatic?
Another day, another Trump2020 campaign event at taxpayer expense, another opportunity for Sen. Susan Collins to be “very disappointed”.
New debate condition:
For every minute of free campaign event coverage the media grant Trump2020 for fake news conferences between now and the debate, the moderators must give Biden additional minutes for answers and responses.
Or you get nothing. Offer is time limited.
He left out “traitor”.
Go ahead and defund the police departments because it will help in our goal of getting unions out of government. If we can get rid of the police unions, we can get rid of the teachers’ union, too.
@121 teach your kids yourself. Take care of your kids you dead beat leeches.
Why dot bombed. I live here in WA State, controlled by dummocretins from the dog catcher to the guvnur!
I don’t actually advocate reducing funding for police.
But I would advocate for about half as many police.
I think the police we have should be extremely well educated, and professionally trained, at least on a par with the education and training that a veterinarian gets before licensure. I don’t think normal routine police work should require “bravery” or “heroics”. Cape wearing, wanna-be superheros with a god-complex combined with an 8th grade education is how you get the sport-murdering goons who killed George Floyd.
I have no worries from Trump people. I am on their good list Steve! Really!
Son lives in Queens. Brother lives in Manhattan. Cousins live in Queens and Brooklyn. Niece lives in Brooklyn. Been to Hells Kitchen, Murray Hill, China Town, Tribeca [Robert the Moron DeNiro’s hangout] West Side, Harlem, Queens, Brooklyn, Upper Harlem, Bronx [Yankee Stadium many times, Flushing Queens Shea Stadium [blown up] now Citi Field, etc.
I love Juniors Cheesecake. I love Trinciti Roti Shop & Restaurant, Sati’s Roti Shop in Queens, and Gloria’s West Indian Food Nostrand Ave Brooklyn, Tandoor House Fulton Street Manhattan. and Turkish Kitchen 3rd Ave Manhattan!
@125 You don’t say! We never would’ve guessed.
It won’t do you any good. The white supremacists will come for you anyway. They don’t make fine distinctions; they can’t see past skin color. Lord knows, we’ve tried to warn you about your “friends.” Where should we send the flowers when this goes south?
Brian Kolfage once said those very words.
As did John Bolton.
As did Jeff Sessions.
As did the Syrian Kurds.
As did the US Marines.
This movie always ends the same way.
What happened to the covid goon squad with daily covid counts? Oh wait, libtard lands controlled by dummocretin have spikes in covid!
Not worried at all senile wabbit. Not worried at all. Libtard associations are usually wrong!
May 20:
Wait two weeks, Florida is going to be next. Just like Italy, wait two weeks. Well, Hell, we’re eight weeks away from that and it hasn’t happened. Not only do we have a way lower seat rate than the Acela corridor, D.C., and everyone up there. We have a lower death rate than the Midwest… Bt eve in our region, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida has te lower death rate. And I was the number one landing spot for tens of thousands of people leaving the number one hot zone in the world coming to my state. So we’ve succeeded and I think people just don’t want to recognize it because it challenges their narrative, it challenges their assumptions. So they’ve got to try to find a Boogeyman. Maybe it is that black helicopters are circling the Department of Health. If you believe that, I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
And just yesterday:
Florida records more new COVID-19 cases than all of Europe combined
Suck on that trolls.
Syrian Kurds? This article was not only well written but also spot on with all the nuances CNN and MSDNC never covered!
Just like clockwork, the head of the covid goon squad arrived right on time.
You really are so predictable and Pavlov owns your yellowishleakingbuttspigot
Notice the troll spoor @ 133 can’t handle the facts..
De Santis is a drumpfist dumbshit and has been a disaster for that state.
Poodebutt can’t deal!
So you’re admitting that you abandoned US Marines to their deaths.
County ——Cases –Deaths
Miami-Dade -69,803 -1,175
Broward —- 32,814 –464
Palm Beach –22,279 –624
Hillsborough -20,508 –189
Orange ——19,377 —85
Most cases in large cities yellowishleakingbuttspigot
Most cases in large cities
LOL! babblin’ buttspew can’t deal! What did De Santis say May 20?
Did the De Santis drumpf kiss-ass freak do anything that Europe did? Europe has “big cities” too!
You really are demented dot bombed. No where did Puddy make that claim. And if you remember Obummer said this about the ISIS Califate –
What did Trump do? He saved Marine lives! Trump bombed the living eff out of them and DESTROYED the califate. That was about the time BeerPong could not get Mike Rogers straight in his teeny tiny brain!
Yes Puddy remembers! Don’t need no crazed databaze!
Oh yeah May 20th Rebekah Jones was caught lying about the website. If you remember yellowishleakingbuttspigot [butt then you’d need to visit your crazed databaze because you have no buttspigot recall] Dr. Deborah Birx was extremely complimentary of Florida’s public dashboard when DeSantis presented the reopening phases. Dr. Birx actually called it a model for other states to follow to ensure citizens could get the information they needed, when the needed it!
You yellowishleakingbuttspigot, like dot bombed, need to research and read more!
Truth and Facts, not friends to the yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
And some are open again to school aged children attending school again!
Thanks for playing yellowishleakingbuttspigot
@139 Notice the freak purveys a hit piece but doesn’t dispute one fact that can’t be refuted..
Europe as a WHOLE new cases trend DOWN..
The STATE of Florida new cases SPIKE UP.. De Santis spewed that it had it handled.. IT LIED.
FTFY! Oh factless one, more old people live in Florida. DeSantis’ death rate for seniors is many times less Cuomo’s death rate for seniors!
Suck on that yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
Europe has “big cities” too!
And some are open again to school aged children attending school again!
Oh does the freak know why? Does the troll have any idea why Europe or Singapore or even Okinawa (before the US base debacle) would do this?
Nope. It’s a dumbshit troll!
Took billions in refi loans from Russian mobsters in exchange for doing nothing while GRU put out hits on American Hero Marines.
That’ll leave a mark.
Hopefully, when its Puddy’s turn he won’t see it coming either.
more old people live in Florida.
FAYLES AGAIN!!!! The words of the drumpfist tool De Santis from that previous link:
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has attributed the spike in cases to increased testing and outbreaks among young adults who are not social distancing.
“If you look at that 25 to 34 age group, that is now by far the leading age group for positive tests,” DeSantis said last week.
Florida doubled testing over the last month and is now administering about 50,000 tests per day.
“Look, there has been a surge in testing, but what we’ve seen in Florida is a big increase in hospitalizations. That can’t be explained by testing. And now we’re seeing a big increase in deaths, and obviously, that can’t be explained by testing,” Jha said. “The fact that it is among a slightly younger population is helpful, but we are still seeing many of them get sick and many of them die.”
Who you gonna believe troll? Drumpfist kiss-butt De Santis or your lyin’ eyes?
At least Jeff Sessions can look forward to a turn on DWTS.
Trolls4Trump may not be so lucky.
Cases are increasing in Spain and France. Next the yellowishleakingbuttspigot will tell everyone China has not much happening either! Enough of the yellowishleakingbuttspigot for one night.
In other news remember the AOC Goya boycott?
People are getting tired of her BULLSH^TTIUM. Puddy loves Goya products. Got some right now! What about you yellowishleakingbuttspigot? Do you buy his panic or you give it all to whitey?
Remember this Trolls4Trump:
Trump never stole anyone’s dignity.
He accepted it from those who gave it willingly.
You begged for this.
You still are.
Another exploding bomb!
Even the left leaning Snopes called that mostly false!
See ya
Remember this Racists4Biden,
“CNN Publishes Old Joe Biden Letters Fighting Busing to Desegregate Schools”
Just replace the 2.pdf with 3.pdf dummocretin morons to see the 4th letter because right minded people can only post threeeeeeee links at a time!
You should read them dot bombed!
G`ood old Joe BiteME! proposed legislation to amend the Education Opportunities Act to stop public busing of students for school desegregation. BiteME! said school integration would lead to his children being raised in a “racial jungle.” What is a “racial jungle” dummocretins? Remember dummocretins, BiteME! argued that public busing was not justified where local officials were not intending to discriminate against black students. Yeah, all across the northern states eh BiteME!?
You begged for this.
You still are.
Where are the cancel culture calls to get rid of BiteME! for his old racist remarks? Gotta get rid oh him NOW!
Cases are increasing in Spain and France.
Europe as a WHOLE beats Florida “led” by drumpfist lick-butt De Santis..
In other news remember
Once beaten it changes the subject. Bye..
The actual BiteME! capture
May I have a vowel Pat?!
school integration would lead to his children being raised in a “racial jungle.”
And drumpf has NEVER apologized for its lies about the central park five..
the country LOATHES the orange pos. It’s going to lose in November..
Biden will be a one-termer too. Yours truly has no problem with that. I will hold my nose when I vote AGAINST the orange disaster!
NOPE you DOPE! Butt keep the buttspigot primed,
What about you yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
Do you buy his panic or you give it all to whitey? People wanna know about you yellowishleakingbuttspigot? Are you an AOC acolyte like most of us here think you are? You wallow in her SH^T wherever possible?
Did the freak @ 155 refute the FACT that Florida is a sicker place with COVID than the ENTIRE continent of Europe?
No it didn’t..
Instead it purveyed a stupid hit piece..
Instead it jockstrapped De Santis about old people at the same time Florida hospitals are filling up during this spike with people both young and old..
Instead it tried to babble about kids going back to school in Europe with no thought of how it is possible to do that safely.
It’s an idiot!
RNC raised and spent $38 million on canceled Charlotte last month.
Looks like they’re fixin to do it all again in J-ville next month.
Seven GOP Senators are already sending regrets. And with Florida at a steady test pos rate well over 10% only the truly suicidal will want to crowd into an indoor venue. So now the propeller heads are suggesting it could be moved outdoors. In J-ville. In August.
Where tonight as I write this, right now, it is still 80 degrees and 85% humidity. After midnight. Wheeeeeeeeeeee!
Oh! Well then.
Are you an AOC acolyte like most of us here think you are?
LOL! Us? Who’s that?
You, pos rapey mcdimfuk, feral pig slop (asshole1) and…
the multitudes of voices in your pin head?
Most? Do you have “librul” voices in that pin head?
Good night!
Don’t forget the hair touching, Princess.
Maybe Tara has a “hotter” sister.
You better do something. Because in a few more days it’ll be another weekend in the bag after another week long news cycle of Trump shitting himself and then smearing it through your hair for media effect. It is not a popular look.
According to President ShitMidas’ favorite pollster, 1 in 4 Rapepublicans would prefer anyone but Trump for the nominee.
So I suppose they won’t be going to J-Ville either?
The thing I like best about this image trust fund Barbie put out is having moved professionally among celebrities for more than a decade I know exactly how this went down.
She asked her personal assistant or Estate manger to get her the prop. And because she lives in the posh part of Manhattan where the only full service Grocery is Whole Foods and there are no Bodegas when the Amazon order arrived a couple days had passed after the story was current. She’s GenX so thinks she knows about internet and the joke would still be funny anyway.
And the tweens and Millennials have gone full snark photoshopping this image that a smart older person wouldn’t have put out and invited ridicule.
And there’s the white girl used google translate angle too. Stealing the old Smuckers ad copy from her childhood. Well done all around.
Trump today claimed that Covid-19 cases are going up because “Obama and Biden stopped their testing. They just stopped it, you probably know that, you don’t want to report it.”
I have nothing but praise for these Tulsa cops. They had all the reason they needed to kill this perp but didn’t, and after he was disarmed immediately gave him first aid. The sergeant, after being shot in the leg, continued to direct the other officers. The perp survived and got 105 years in prison.
A GOP congressman from Kansas and honorary co-chair of Trump’s reelection campaign in that state has been charged with 3 felony counts and 1 misdemeanor count of voting fraud.
At this point I would like to remind everyone that criminal defendants are entitled to a presumption of innocence until convicted in a court of law, and also have the right to remain silent, although I doubt this defendant will remain silent. (snicker)
Notice the yellowishleakingbuttspigot still didn’t answer about G`oya Foods.
Are you for AOC’s G`oya boycott or not? It seems to all of us you can’t answer the real questions so you go off the rails with ad hominem attacks! Just tell us if you are an AOC jockstrap with the Go`ya boycott. It’s okay to admit it. We know she is one of your heroines!
Puddy has a nephew by marriage from one of the Central American countries. He wrote on FB al`ong with many of his friends in Spanish that he jockstrapped the G`oya boycott. Puddy told him point blank to send the rejected food my way and Puddy will definitely enjoy it. Puddy will even pay the UPS [what has brown done for me] shipping charges.
The cancel culture is tooooooooooooooooooo stooooooooooooooooooopid to figure out people are now seeing how dumb it is; and how it’s one sided. Some stores have no Go`ya items left.
Your kind created that strong>yellowishleakingbuttspigot
Your kind live with that strong>yellowishleakingbuttspigot
Once again dot bombed didn’t even visit the known leftists at Snopes article. If it did it would have determine what the
was about. It wasn’t about Russian financing of his projects. They called that false. It was about other parts of the rant.
Remember, the known leftists at Snopes took forever to admit Obummer’s you can keep you doctor and your health plan comments were false!
Sad and so typical.
Wow that voting fraud charge is mighty powerful there senile wabbit. One of Puddy’s older sisters is a widow. She uses her UPS address as her mailing address so no one knows where she lives. One day we sent a birthday gift that `street address, as the system said it could not deliver to a Brown Box. She had to tell us the real street address. It took away the surprise delivery!
It happens senile wabbit. Butt you need to deliver fake news when Puddy and godwinha deliver real voter fraud. The fraud evidence just isn’t falling to the side of the dummocretins. First sending all dummocretin forms to Republicans in a NJ primary. Then in Paterson County NJ four dummocretin guys were charged, caught dummocretin-red handed.
Did you read how a dead cat received a voter registration form? Seems the dumocretins in Atlanta are so desperate to get dem votes from home by mail they use any tactic available. Despite their best CNN & MSDNC teevee screaming and Commie Commander Pelosi “covid heroes” legislation efforts to keep voters away from the polls this November it is another EPIC FAYLE.
Registering Cody the dead cat. Wow.
Here’s one for you dummocretins. The senile idiot wabbit@27 touted a Seattle Slimes story originally posted in the NY Slimes. Oopsie! They had to add additional information purposely left out in the first rendering. FAKE NEWS strikes again!
Everything fit to make the Trump narrative as bad as possible!
Charged with felonies for staging a sit-in:
Load ’em up and deal ’em down.
But not when they are cops.
When told to leave through a lawful order and you continue to trespass trying to affect a criminal investigation to swing your way, well you get arrested.
Apparently going “Karen” when you choose is A-OK to dot bombed.
Speaking of going “Karen” here is a Karren going Karen…
Libtard dummocretin Karens’ are the most strange things. Never a dull showing in America!
Now I’m not calling you a liar….well not this second but you are a liar…
If all that is true, how can you know so little about the city, it’s neighborhoods, the existing tension between whites and ethnicities, ethnicities and other ethnicities, recent immigrant populations and established and where one would go in Brooklyn if the goal was to find a Jew to harass?
Are you that oblivious when you travel? Are you so little read?
Donald has been on the air for almost 60 days with ads in Pennsylvania about how a Biden presidency means an end to all cops, rampant crime, ban fossil fuel, close your church….
Monmouth (A rated) has new poll.
PA – Biden 53%, Donald 40%
Say what you will about Biden as the nominee and who you might like better, everyone knows I have, but picking a guy who could deliver Pennsylvania while barely trying isn’t so bad if the goal is ‘anyone but the ignorant.’
Thinking about Piddles’s list….
So when you visited WTC or the Memorial you got off the Subway and went one block to get to Tribecca? So you’ve ‘been there?’ If one walks the Highline they would pass through Hell’s Kitchen but see very little of it. If one walks from Columbus Circle/Central Park to Time’s Square (< 1 mile) you're going to be in Hell's Kitchen. If you see a Met's game at Shea you're getting off the subway in Chinatown. If all you know of the Bronx is Yankee Stadium then you've seen a subway stop, a few crappy bars and a stadium. Good job!
None of that means you know anything about the area.
In a non-Covid parallel Universe that Dumbfuck was sure would happen, today is day three of the brokered Democratic Convention and the draft Hillary movement is really picking up steam since Joe and Bernie can’t get enough support together and Mayor Pete won’t release his delegates unless he gets to be VP.
Weird to think about.
Apparently your leetle teeny mind forgot Puddy wrote about Puddy’s NYC lawyer son. Apparently your leetle teeny mind forgot Puddy wrote how my older brother isn’t too impressed with NYC mayor Warren Wilhelm, Jr anymore.
Puddy knows about the Fat Al Sharpton caused Crown Heights “affair”. Puddy knows about Louis Farrakhan inspired Black Muslims to attack Jews and Wilhelm Jr called it white supremacy attacks. This is why Puddy discounts anything you say BeerPong! Any Hasidic Jew attack is called white supremacy attack by Wilhelm Jr.
Puddy has no issues with Proud Boys attacking your antifa kind. Antifa hide their faces and indiscrimately destroy property. Proud Boys don’t cover their faces and attack those fools. Kool by Puddy!
You see BeerPong, you have no issues with antifa killing black children in the Seattle CHOP zone. So why should Puddy care what you offer here on assesHorse about NYC neighborhoods?
Sux to be BeerPong! Maybe you can set up a meeting with Mike Rogers?
It’s the gift that keeps on optic-ing.
Donald is back in court today fighting to keep anyone from seeing his taxes.
“Look folks, my fake wealth and the amount I owe to the Russians and Saudis is just none of your damn business! Fuck off!” Donald
We’re talking about your koldge of NYC, not someone you allege lives there and has the misfortune of being related to you.
Why did you drop barrister all of a sudden and go with the more accepted ‘Lawyer?’ Can you send me a bill for the rent I owe inside your head?
Do you know where Stuyvesant Town is BeerPong? Do you know where that borders? How about Bellevue Hospital? Ever been to Bagel Boss? Puddy drives in NYC. Puddy gave you restaurants Puddy visits when Puddy sees his and his wife’s families there. We drive except when we go to Nostrand Ave because the subway stop is just up the street. We park off of Gerard and 165th Street near a friend’s place for Yankee Stadium. We drive to Citi Park because Shea Stadium is gone, so whatever subway stop you get off you miss Shea Stadiem HAHAHAHAHAHA! Wife’s family lived near Exit 53 on LIE and we would picnic at Robert Moses Park.
If there were ways to post pictures Puddy would put forth the ones from the lowest levels of the WTC memorial. If you are so versed about the WTC what vehicles are on display without looking on Google BeerPong? What was missing from one of those vehicles as described in the tour?
Oh and BeerPong Puddy just remembered this: What was that smell in the lower levels of the tour?
Puddy will wait!
So you see BeerPong, you really are a moron!
BTW, isn’t it Tribeca?
Tribeca Film Festival
Hmmm…? Guess so!
EPIC FAYLE by the BeerPong!
Puddy said my son loves using Barrister. Ask the crazed databaze purveyor for a databaze replay BeerPong. Puddy didn’t drop it BeerPong moron.
It seems quite the opposite BeerPong. Puddy lives rent free next to your TDS in your two celled mind. One cell has TDS and the other Puddy lives rent free. This is why you go for the attack every day! There is no alleged. Puddy told everyone where my brother lives for many years now. Puddy also told you where my son lived for years and where he lives now, and where my other relatives were and are! Ask the crazed databaze purveyor to search on Roosevelt Tram. All in the crazed databaze before this thread. Just grow a pair for once and ask the yellowishleakingbuttspigot since your two brain cells are currenly occupied!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaa haaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa
Three posts that’s like penthouse suite rent.
Cool you’ve been to a tourist Bagel Shop that ships nationally.
Can you find McSorley’s without a map?
We’re you in Hell’s Kitchen when you could still smell the smoldering WTC?
Without googling what is the North side of Bryant Park?
If you went to the Prospect Greenmarket what public art are you looking at?
Why do I mutter, “Je suis ici!” A few blocks from above?
What line would you take to dip your toes in the water of a famous Ramone’s song?
Does another know what
means? Maybe dot bombed does. He speaks gibberish here all the time!
Notice how BeerPong doesn’t answer any of Puddy’s questions. That TDS is really worrisome!
Three posts that’s like penthouse suite rent. – Three posts so you have time to think. Oh wait… you never think. You always react.
Cool you’ve been to a tourist Bagel Shop that ships nationally. – Because it’s around the corner from where big bro lives idiot!
Can you find McSorley’s without a map? – Don’t drink so don’t care! Irish Pubs more fun in Dublin though! Do you know where “Pub Street” is in Dublin and the EXACT number of Pubs there?
We’re you in Hell’s Kitchen when you could still smell the smoldering WTC? Stooooooopid question. Went to church there! If you’ve been to the WTC memorial you’d know what the smell IS down below. Apparently you are all bluster because anyone there would remember the smell!
Without googling what is the North side of Bryant Park? – Don’t care to know. Still waiting on the WTC question!
If you went to the Prospect Greenmarket what public art are you looking at? – Don’t care about that Public Art. The Museum of Natural History was kool though! As was the handmade public art at St. Kildas.
Why do I mutter, “Je suits ici!” A few blocks from above? – Muttering? As always, you demonstrate brain problems
What line would you take to dip your toes in the water of a famous Ramone’s song? Ramone’s? Puddy from Philly. TSOP baby!
Stuyvesant. Try harder.
Weird that you should bring up forcedremoval of people to build a neighborhood.
Shawn Carter is from BedStuy. (Google that)
Mookie burned down a Pizza place.
When trying to prove knowledge, try not to go with a place so referenced in popular culture that one could know a lot about it withoutactually ever having been there.
There’s several of them. But thanks for proving my point that you don’t explore much. The hotel my best NYC client puts me up in is across the street from a Pret-a-Manger but I wouldn’t boast about going there. (“My bro lives by a great coffee spot. The Starbucks on Hudson. No not that one. Not that one either. The one by the CVS”)
McSoreleys is an Irish Pub in the same way a Shamrock Shake is Irish. It’s also just a pub oon the way Luger’s or Patsy’s Rao’s is just a restaurant. None are that great but if you know NYC you can get there without a map. Like you can tell someone who know LA by if they can find Empress Pavilion, El Coyote, the Chinese, and the Ivy without a GPS.
Only been to Dublin once. By heritage or personal interest Ireland isn’t a destination for me. I went to Portehouse for the world class oyster stout. But I’m not bragging my knowledge of Dublin. I can go on and on about Rauchbier and the city it’s associated with and where to get the original and best…not the same place. Been there a bunch. Also know a great deal about the largest city on the Senne river. I’m not expecting you to know unless you want to brag you do. I know where and what and where the Greyfriars Bobby is that’s more my people. Can get there from the train without aid. Nice dodge.
The rest is you admitting you don’t know NYC landmarks. Ooohhh you went to one of the most popular museums in the world, tourist? What’s the body of water to the east of it called, the largest in its immediate area? The Bryant Park one is pretty famous. Big Lions, haunted in a movie, famous cartography room….
The felony charges won’t stick.
The First Amendment specifically protects a citizen’s right to seek to influence public officials in the performance of the duties of their office. It can not be criminalized per se. The trespass can be charged. Any overt acts to resist arrest can be charged. The felony is only being charged to elevate the bail and try to use the charging of innocent people as a way to punish them for their politics. Prosecutors should not enjoy qualified immunity either.
Fortunately these people are very well organized and well disciplined. No overt acts were undertaken to resist arrest. No threats or assaults made. Every part of the trespass and subsequent arrests were recorded. And the group had arranged in advance for the resources to bail the protesters. By doing this the prosecutor has only drawn more attention to their cause, increasing the financial resources available to fund bail, and conduct more protests with more arrests. The Attorney General has been sitting on the case for two months hoping the attention would subside and he could get away with exonerating the sport-murdering cops. It isn’t going to work
Instead the AG and the County Prosecutor are drawing more attention back onto the case and the routine corrupt practices of officials within the criminal judicial system and law enforcement. And now so have you.
Well played.
Weirder is that after all that and a bag of PizzaCannibals (now with 20% more TAARAAAA®), The Q Clearance Pussy still fervently believes that he is listened to with anything other than quiet pity and mild puzzlement.
He’s quite the expert on Democrats.
If he knew what was good for him he’d have spent more time paying attention to Rapepublicans. But now it’s too late. The party is a bag of dicks and all he can do is eat.
I think you’ve found it.
Surely this will be the thing that turns the tide for President ShitMidas.
Black Beans.
Budding historians and political scientists will study this moment for generations to come.
Back, by poplar demand, 140,000 > 15
Exploding in Texas and Florida. And Donald is trying to pick a fight with a medical expert which should go great.
We have polls:
Handling of coronavirus in US
Morning Consult/Politico (7/10-12)
Fauci: +33
Trump: -23
Economist/YouGov (7/12-14)
Fauci: +30
Trump: -16
Global Strategy Group/GBAO (7/9-13)
Fauci: +40
Trump: -30
“It truly is Fuci’s fault. If he’d have listened to me and not worn a mask. I closed the flights. Fake news won’t say how great I am. I saved millions with personal mouth to mouth. He keeps looking at testing. Testing, get the schools open I did great on the SAT. Masks are bad they trap the germs and kill the olds with the oxygen and make cognitive tests.. Go to the beach. EVERYTHING GOING GREAT! We’ve actually done TOO well with our response. Fauci needs to stop reading and saying things. Be like me. No read, no bad news! Obama didn’t test you for Covid! Put the monuments back up! Go Redskins, very fine people! I know more about virus than Fauci. I studied it hard. At Wharton. Eat Goya! When the Shawshank was redeemed!” Donald, Bastille Day Press Conference, or words to that effect.
Woooo Hoooooo, @192 how about that Stock Market!
Best economy – EVER! Forever and ever! Huugggeeee!
Hey speaking of polling….
6 new approval polls out today.
Donnie is => 50% disapprove in every single one of them.
Deep thoughts on the nomination of Joe, not my third choice, Biden.
The GOP fucked this one up big time. Once Donny had seized control they did his bidding and spent an entire term continuing to talk about Hillary. When it wasn’t Hillary it was Barack who was actually a satanist, didn’t you know. And ‘Obamton’ wrecked the country. Stole your bibles and ate the children after Ping Pong.
Then it was AOC who was the new devil. The whole squad too.And Bernie wants your guns.
And no one said shit about the last D Vice President, a clumsy speaker at times but a beloved ex-senator in a big EV state. By the time it was too late it’s “Hunter/Ukraine/China/Creepy” but none of those in the way our guy is creepy.”
The electorate appears to be thinking, “Hang on, all those other folks were the worst socialists ever and hell bent on destroying the country. And now there’s Joe and those same pundits are saying He’s the socialist Vlad the Impaler. All he did was be Vice President. So he has some experience. And the last administration is seeming far less racist and destructive of normal behavior now that we have three plus years of distance. What do we do, go with the utter failure of China/Iran pacts, dropping dead from a virus, eat your beans if they’re the right brand, 11% unemployment and Save the Confederates or take the boring old guy who over eight years didn’t totally screw things up? And he was on board with the mask thing?”
Trump vs. Biden Quinnipiac Biden 52, Trump 37
File under, “He should stand up. What has he done to help the community?”
Colin Kaepernick through his ‘Know Your Rights’ foundation donated $1.5m on top of his original pledge of $1m to black community organizations. Also $500k for organizations providing legal services to those arrested at protests nationwide over the last several months.
That’s what he’s doing for the community.
@167 To answer your question, if this guy wants to associate his company with Trump that’s his business, but I won’t do business with him, just as I don’t patronize Hobby Lobby or Chick-fil-A. I prefer businesses that don’t support toxic politics.
@169 “Wow that voting fraud charge is mighty powerful there senile wabbit.”
That depends on the verdict. Being convicted on 3 felony counts is pretty serious. But, like I said, he’s presumed innocent until convicted in a court of law. If you don’t understand how that figures into this, ask your son to explain it to you.
@169 “Did you read how a dead cat received a voter registration form?”
Obviously, you don’t know much — if anything at all — about how our voting system works. A voter registration form is not a voter registration, and a voter registration is not a vote.
Here in King County, we have well over 1 million registered voters. Some of those registrations are invalid because the voters have died, moved away, or were registered in error. No election roll that large is error-free, and honest mistakes are not “fraud.”
Mailing a voter registration form to a cat isn’t exactly earth-shattering news. Cats and dogs get credit card solicitations, too. That’s just a byproduct of automated mailing lists.
A cat voting, or charging purchases to a credit card, would require human intervention and at that point you’re looking at intentional, premeditated, and in all likelihood criminal, human behavior by the cat’s owner.
When you find such a case, let us know.
@170 Since you don’t trust NYT’s reporting, here’s Fox, which reported exactly the same news:
Daily Caller?
You’re a hoot!
I went shopping today and bought several Goya products as a reaction to this politically correct stupidity that is so prevalent among the SJW moonbeam class.
@171, 172 I oppose protesting at public officials’ homes. There’s a proper time and place for protesting, but like everything else, protesting has boundaries and disturbing public officials at their private residences is on the other side of that boundary. But the “Get Off My Lawn!” felony charges are absurd. Whoever dreamed that up should go work in Beijing.
@173 You can’t do that at work, and I believe the rules must be the same for everyone, even though Republicans don’t believe in that.
But she’s not the only person with a problem in this scenario. Her feelings, even though she shouldn’t express them in that setting, are perfectly valid. Trump supporters have something wrong with them, and this guy is a Trump campaign worker.
” … Trump Victory Committee spokesperson Keith Schipper … said the incident was one of many cases of ‘intolerance’ leveled toward the president’s supporters. ‘All of our hopes is that there can just be more tolerance so supporters of the president don’t have to have their head on a swivel, looking over their shoulder, wondering who’s going to accost them,’ he said.”
A Trumpalo demanding “tolerance”? What bullshit! What complete utter bullshit. They’ve earned intolerance by being intolerant. Trump and his followers have made “Trump” and “MAGA” synonymous with intolerance. Until they respect others, they don’t deserve respect. But I don’t think confronting people is a good idea unless they start it.
@183 I don’t know a single lawyer who’s ever described himself/herself as a “barrister.” It’s pretentious, and they’d be laughed at. I know of no lawyers who invite ridicule. However, I do know of a troll who invites ridicule every time he posts.
I’ve lived in NYC for 6 years now and barely know much about the Bronx (other than Yankee Stadium area and one trip to Hunts Point Industrial area for a concert), or Brooklyn (although I’ve been there via foot, car, and bike). I lived in Hell’s Kitchen and now more Southward.
NYC is so big, you can’t see and know NYC by being a tourist. I hardly know it after being here for 6 years. Fuck you Bobby.
@195 Actually, the “Sleepy Joe” meme could work quite well in Biden’s favor. After 4 years of Trump, voters may simply want a breather, and the image of a new president who only wakes up now and then to make helm adjustments could be very attractive to them.
Their opening will come after a year or two into Biden’s presidency, when they realize he’s something more than that, and a bit livelier than that, at which point there might be an opening for a Romney-type Republican (but not Romney), if any are left and if the GOP isn’t still too crazy to nominate one.
Cool. I’m wearing Nike. Starbucks still allows gay partners to be on Family insurance. Boeing Too. Y’all were super pissed Chick-Fil-A bowed to the PC police and stopped donating to hate groups. Others would call it responding to market tastes and capitalism.
Did you order anything off Amazon, that’s WaPo and Bezos. Stop it right now!
I haven’t bought Goya in a while but that’s mostly because around here their fake Mexican products are sold at a premium over S&W or store brands. Fed Meyer, Goya Black Beans $1.49 S&W $1.29. Bush’s $1.29. Kroeger $.79. I’ll pay a premium for Heinz beans in tomato sauce that are part of a proper English breakfast but Goya? Why?
Even better, buy them dry in bulk and cook them yourself. 20 pounds, $18. $38 to get the same canned by weight. Figure by the time you rinse and drain the canned beans…$45-50
for a similar volume of edible product? Why are you getting ripped off like that. For beans. Like the easiest food to cook. Can you not heat water?
@197 What this country needs is Trump suffering a more humiliating defeat than Goldwater did. The GOP, too, will be better off if he does; they just don’t know it yet.
“A 35-year-old Tacoma man was arrested Tuesday on a federal arson charge after police say he set fire to the outside of the Seattle Police Department’s East Precinct during the occupied protest known as ‘CHOP’ … Isaiah Thomas Willoughby was taken into custody without incident in Seattle.”
It’ll be interesting to find out what his affiliation is. I’m guessing not BLM. The white gal who torched SPD vehicles was from Texas via Tacoma. Anyway it’s good that these violent agitators are being caught. Their criminal actions only serve to undermine the legitimacy and message of the protests. Which, for all we know, may be their intent.
So just so you won’t be under any delusions (beyond the usual ones about invisible pizza cannibals and radios in your teeth) here’s how this works out for you, President ShitMidas, and Goya.
For a week perhaps (and owing mostly to Trust Fund Barbie) people pay attention to some kind of grievance politics associated with the brand. In the process you and a few hundred AM Hate Radio listeners go out and buy some cans (that you’ll later donate to canned food drive). Meanwhile millions of people like Roger add that consumer brand to the list of those they avoid forever.
Now I’d certainly agree that the brand might do okay in the near term if enough of you idiots are so desperate for virtue signaling to your Orange Lord and Savior. But like I said, a week. A few of you might keep it up until November. But in the mean time the negative reputation will remain. Consumers will associate the brand with Trump.
This will cost them far more than you, Trump, or your idiot friends can ever make up for. Even if you really cared to. Which you don’t. So they’re fucked. And the best part is you did it to them by Streisanding the fuck out of this. Well done.
Another #owngoal
I noticed that the supermarket I shop at had the Goya beans at the very top of the shelf. I couldn’t reach it even if I wanted to buy it.
I think they might just stop stocking it here. Never mind the choice not to purchase, how about the choice not to sell it, or make the customer really reach to buy a can.
Not sure who owns the store but most, if not all, of the employees are not to The Hump’s liking.
Doctor Dumbfuck will have a sad.
US Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg leaves hospital
@ 213
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit would like to know if RBG has any used stents that he might be able to jury-rig into urethral catheters. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit would also like RBG’s physicians to know that those blue shop towels wrapped around pipe cleaners do really well to get the petrified smegma out, and might work for her biliary stent, too.
After Biden is inaugurated I’ll begin my Clarence Thomas death watch.
Not quite sure this is #BLM-approved.
It’s an imperial stout, 9.0% ABV
@214 How’s it going with the weekly shots in the ass for equine clap? That horse needle must hurt! Ouch. Sure glad I’m not you.
Once again the senile idiot wabbit@201 is a chronological idiot. The Fox News link is from July 11th, the same day the NY Slimes put out their article read by the senile idiot wabbit the next day or so.
The Daily Caller article references the NY Slimes July 11 article quietly modified with new and FACTUAL paragraphs July 13th.
Chronological lunacy from the senile idiot wabbit continues to this day!