Elizabeth Warren was in town yesterday. It was a packed and quite the barn burner. I especially liked the section where she talked about how the government works fine for the people at the top, but that it could work for the rest of us. Very different from the GOP message that government is inherently a mess. Also, I was one of the last people to take a picture with her, and it was several hours after she spoke.
Dropping nukes on hurricanes is a crazy idea. Buuuttttt …
” … Trump would be far from the only person to ever suggest it. Dennis Feltgen, public affairs officer for the National Hurricane Center, says he gets between three and four dozen emails every hurricane season from concerned citizens suggesting climatological nuclear warfare.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There’s gotta be something circulating among wingnuts. This stuff doesn’t come out of nowhere. Someone starts it, then it takes off, and pretty soon every wingnut on the planet believes it’s gospel truth. Trump is plugged into these networks, so then it becomes a policy idea ….
If the Democrats run Warren against Trump, he will be re-elected.
Hey guys, I know this will come as a shock, but Donald doesn’t think climate change is real.
Macron really got under Donald’s thin skin, eh?
“You invited Hos to your birthday party and I hate Hos. You don’t even like Hos. Well I’m inviting Vlad to MINE! You can either come or we’re not friends anymore!”
And the thing is, based on Donald’s well documented ignorance he doesn’t actually know why it isn’t the G8 anymore.
“U.S. President Donald Trump skipped a discussion on climate with other world leaders at the Group of Seven summit in France, leaving an empty chair as global power brokers debated how to help the fire-ravaged Amazon and reduce carbon emissions.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And now this idiot is entertaining the often-debunked idea of exploding nuclear bombs in hurricanes to alter their path. Somebody needs to take the matches away before he burns the whole goddam planet down.
@2 If the Democrats run Warren against Trump, she will be elected. Supporting Trump is how you idiots will get President Warren.
P.S., It doesn’t surprise me a whit to see a rightwing troll calling himself “Karl Marx.” Republicans are socialists to the core. When they’re not panhandling for taxpayer money, they’re stealing it.
“I tell you folks. The failing crooked media won’t tell you this. And believe me, I’ve seen it and it works. If we get enough of you to go to New Orleans and stand on shore and blow like it’s the biggest, most luxurious, the bestest birthday cake in the world….Speaking of luxurious, I have a hotel in Florida…Anyway if you all blow at the same time, the hurricane turns south toward a shithole country.”
Having lunch on Wall Street. I could swear I just saw Bob – some guy wearing a cheerleading skirt, holding Pom Poms, just ran down the street yelling, “Hillary, Hillary”.
Hey Karl?
Who do you like in the GOP Primary?
The old white guy who posts racist shit on Twitter on the regular or the OLDER white guy who posts racist shit on Twitter on the regular.
“If the Democrats run Warren against Trump, he will be re-elected.”
He said the same thing about Barack Obama back in August of 2007. I remember. I was there. So were you.
Republiclowns have been saying this kind of shit about anyone who isn’t a straight, white, dude-bro since the Carter administration. It’s a go-to move intended somehow to encourage Democratic Primary voters to try to think like a Republiclown when considering a nominee.
Think like a WhitePower!, NUKETHEHURICAINES!, Send Them Back! WALL! SHITDOWN! Republiclown?
Now does that really sound like a good idea?
The very last people on earth any Democrat should take advice from would be anyone from the rapidly diminishing, Qanon crazed Master Race
Lazing around the house in your underwear while black. What he thinking?? He could have been shot!
“Black man held at gunpoint in his own home after cops mistake him for burglar”
Here’s another Republiclown offering expert advise on how to pick and choose people:
This was in Marysville, Michigan. In a county where president NUKETHEHURRICANES! received twice as many votes as Clinton. But also in a state where had only another ten thousand voters turned out in Wayne, some poor bastard from Homeland Security would not be faced with the daily prospect of trying to explain to an imbecile why detonating thermonuclear weapons into the atmosphere of a tropical storm is stupid.
The path to fixing the Republiclown mistake does not go through places like Marysville, Michigan. But places like Marysville have a role to play. Because even in their own state most healthy, affluent, progressive, well educated voters in places like Wayne, Oakland, Washtenaw, Ingam, and Genesee counties have absolutely no idea what the HuhrDuhrMurikins in their own state are capable of. Protecting those voters from the distasteful and unpleasant sight of all the Tiki Torches and Confederate flags is not helping things.
Seeing as how one will die in prison and the other one won’t, I’d say it’s pretty much a done deal.
“Trump is ‘terrified’ history will remember Obama as a better president: Washington Post columnist”
“Is it my imagination, or is President Trump’s chronic and debilitating case of Obama envy getting worse?”
Kind of like Doctor Dumbfuck and his YLB envy.
No shit?
“Putin is really happy”
I suppose that, with a stooge in the WH and another stooge in HA’s comment threads, Putin has all the reason in the world to be happy. Loyal, patriotic Americans? Not so much.
@10 “Master Race”
That link should have come with a warning. I’m actually having trouble unseeing it.
Who are they? Two backwoods, in-bred hillbillies in cheap tuxes?
What was it you were you saying about AOC and gingiva, Doctor?
@14 what do you expect from two terrorists?
@13 The Hump hasn’t gotten over the embarrassment he got at the Correspondence Dinner, when Obama embarrassed him to the highest degree. That’s the only reason why he ran to be President.
@10 “It’s a go-to move intended somehow to encourage Democratic Primary voters to try to think like a Republiclown when considering a nominee.”
Nah, I think he’s just coming up for air. Like carp and goldfish do.
Wanna know the really weird thing?
Every time I do a tineye search on that image for some reason it always goes back to this:
@11 “after cops mistake him for burglar”
It’s an easy mistake for white cops to make who believe all black men are either out on the street dealing drugs or strung out on drugs in a homeless tent camp or appliance carton in an alley, because it would never occur to them the black guy might have a home much less be at home.
Traitor v. Cow
“Lawyer for Devin Nunes argues parody cow making fun of him on Twitter is as dangerous as a gun”
A cow’s tweets are as dangerous as a gun. Orange moron tweets? Eh, move along. Fake news.
Joe “I’ll just say it: Sandy Hook Parents: Your 15 minutes is up. ” Walsh seems surprised that media companies don’t let candidates have shows. It would, by default, be a political ad.
And therefore a donation.