Hey, you know what would be great? If there wasn’t so damn much smoke everywhere. And maybe if we we don’t break records in October. Give us a good, hard rainy day. Just a day to get this shit done with. I know, in February, I’ll be done with it, but the fires need putting out. No smoking, Seattle. I don’t want to wear a mask just to go on a walk.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible. The bivalent booster is great, and you protect yourself and your community by getting it.
We’d be better off if Trump had been re-elected.
I don’t want to wear a mask just to go on a walk.
What a coincidence! First Vegetable Joe Biden doesn’t want to wear one even to fake an emergency.
We would not be better off if the Fat Fuck were President
I did NOT shoot a dog!
I just POSE with guns. Like all the time. I would never.
We were just kidding. All those conscription notices are nyet. At least here in Moscow. You peasants out there in the great not Moscow are going to do it for us.
“In a world where conservative opinions are considered to be controversial we have to make sure we have the right to freely express ourselves.”
Sir, conservative opinions are often wrong but uncontroversial.
Hitler was misunderstood. (2018)
The officer did NOT have his knee on George Floyd (2022)
Jewish people OWN the black voice (2022)
Jews got rich creating divorce for Catholics (2022)
I’m going to Death Con 3 on the Jews (2022)
The Jews control the media and the blocked me (2021, 2022)
These are pretty controversial.
Kay, so you hear me loud and clear this time.
The whole story is fake. The woman I said I never even heard of IS actually one of my baby momas. The money I said I never ever ever sent, well that is my check. It’s a real check. My badge is real. I signed the check. It was for mom stuff for the kid. Yeah I know the kid was born two years after I wrote the check. It was for the first kid, that I knew nothing about the abortion. I was paying for diapers for the kid I swore didn’t exist because it didn’t exist. Life begins at conception but THIS kid….we have plenty of trees.
But you have to trust me, folks. It was NOT to pay for an abortion. It’s a mere coincidence that it closely matches a medical bill in amount. It’s all a lie and I will sue the Daily Beast.
C’mon, I’m a busy man. I haven’t sued the Daily Beast YET because I’m too busy.
CT Senate within the MOE.
Blumenthal is overdue paying for his stolen honor.
Yeah, I know the poll is shit. So is Blumenthal.
NYT/Siena poll has First Vegetable Joe Biden approval in the 30s.
I charged a broke down plumber with a bad back struggling to pay his taxes five times the going rates at my hotels to house my own protective officers while they were protecting me. In the four agonizing years of my incompetent failed presidency it earned me millions.
So what.
Joe Biden is “giving away free stuff to lazy Blacks” is the real scandal.
Fuck all of you.
I won.
@ 10
I charged
a broke down plumber with a bad back struggling to pay his taxesYLB’s forever-fucked kids five times the going rates at my hotels to house my own protective officers while they were protecting me.Hey, YLB cheered the nomination of Hillary. She (YLB or Hillary, take your pick) is the one who caused it.
Iowa Senate inside the MOE
I know it’s NOT a garbage poll but not getting excited about a thing that is so not likely to happen but could.
Grassley is 89 so by previous assertions it stands to reason that Iowa voters might not still be comfortable with a guy who on the actuarial table stands a 14% chance of dying before his next birthday, has been a Senator since before the PC was a thing, still thinks a CD-Rom is pretty cool, and has been in some public office since the Cuban Revolution and the average wage was about half the total cost of buying a house.
Whatever happened to, “My dog ate my homework.”?
Law School Shredding Of Notes To Be Shared With Jury In Law Prof’s Discrimination Lawsuit
And a practicing Christian.
Alternative intro to @ 13:
When is discrimination against a black woman not just acceptable, but actually encouraged?
This is how you get a wave against your party, Democrats:
Even YLB’s fucked kids think Momma YLB is batshit crazy to stake her party’s chances on the legalization of baby-killing.
Still, one of YLB’s kids will have to be murdered or left brain-dead before she gets it.
Did somebody say @ 8 Connecticut?
@ 12
…not getting excited about a thing that is so not likely to happen but could.
Wise. I mean, look what happened to QoS McHillbilly when he claimed not that long ago that the Democrats would hold the House.
Even YLB’s fucked kids know the abortion issue goes away the minute they pull on a raincoat.
Of course, they’ll still be left with the consequences of Momma YLB’s idiotic, unserious choices for a generation.
YLB wants to know what an independent woman is. YLB’s had her mouth locked around Obama’s cock for so many years she’s lost track of the world around her.
32 points in one month.
As a Republican woman I oppose abortion in all cases except to save the life of a white person.
As a Republican man I oppose abortion in all cases except to save the bank account of a white person… or me.
It was for “baby stuff”.
I also built a car than can fly.
As a Republican hoping to shove Kevin McCarthy aside I oppose Medicare and Social Security in all cases.
@ 21
I also built a car than can fly.
Andrew Gillum:
Stacey Abrams:
Jay Powell: “Hey, America, inflation is about to get a whole lot worse. The October and November forecasts are downright scary, and that’s without factoring in what OPEC+ decided.”
NPR just announced that the October 25 Senate debate Pennsylvania will be between Mehmet Oz and Gisele Fetterman.
As weak a woman as is YLB.
Exclusive: Gisele Fetterman calls for NBC to apologise following ‘shocking’ interview with husband John Fetterman
This is how you kill a party once the olds are dead.
37% of that age group have a favorable opinion of Donald J Trump
Abortion is the 3rd most important issue to them to them
47 D, 39 R if the election were held today
Things that are very very important to the Republicans that don’t even factor in for the demographic:
Election Integrity
Better to ask yourself how the fuck did Rick Scott incinerate $200 million in under six months to lose seats?
Paying for polls that measure vapor is how.
When you already know that response rates in general among all voters are below 5%, what do you think happens to response rates among “18 to 29 year olds”?
These guys have no fucking clue.
The weird-beard minority of “ironic dude-bros” struggling for clout with “edge” and “shitlording” are gone as soon as the fat, goofy, spray-tanned, reality television “King” has left the building. Fat Midget polls worse than Hillary with them.
Worst part is, they don’t “randomly” respond to phone polls. Or any polls. This is not the generation that sits passively and watches whatever comes on tv next. They expect to interact and influence.
They lie.
That’s what social media identities are. Carefully constructed lies. These kids have been at it so long they don’t even see it that way. Pollsters trying to measure them are fucked. And so is anyone who relies on such polling.
Degen is now taking cuts at pure garbage. That’s how badly he needs a hit. Here comes Gaylord Perry to the mound to close the inning with Dr.Oz and Football Bully stranded in scoring position.
Another day more free rent living in a kreepshit’s empty skull..
missing from today’s free rent: its kneepads for con-klown deathsatanist…
heh. back to having a life…
@4 The most fascinating part of this story is that the Boeberts keep goats.
Naturally, I assume that’s because her husband finds her unattractive.
@11 Is that an admission you don’t pay taxes? Looks like it.
@17 A violent attack on the U.S. Capitol by an armed mob attempting to obstruct a presidential election wasn’t likely to happen, either.
Neither is 80-degree temperatures in Seattle in mid-October, a scoreless 18-inning postseason ballgame, or a once-in-a-century gamma ray burst from a massive star collapsing into a black hole.
As these events show, the only thing we can say with absolute confidence is that Boebert’s goat is smarter than you are. More fuckable, too. Just ask her husband. And your horse.
@ 30
Naturally, I assume that’s because her husband finds her unattractive.
Naturally, you would, as that’s the reason Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit spends so much on BBC encounters.
Well, that and your permanent ED.
VA-7’s representative for the time being, Abigail Spanberger, just backed out of her scheduled debate, which was to be held later this week. It was to be co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters.
Apparently it has to do with some state legislation that would have opened parents who do not support their child’s gender selection up to prosecution and incarceration.
Some liberals in Virginia did not receive the message sent by the voters in last Fall’s election.
YLB, why are you and so many other liberal women such chickenshits?
LMAO!! Thirteen rent free occupancies in lord kreepshit’s empty head.
pedophilia (fucked kids), the same ole low rent misogyny..
where’s the love affair and kneepads for kon-klown “serious maga boots” deathsatanist?
Heh.. “serious” kneepads for kon-klown “serious maga boots” deathsatanist..
awwww… lord kreepshit has fallen in love…
Here I am living rent free in all your heads. Get a job losers.
The minute I said ‘I never said that’ or ‘That’s a lie” tonight one of you posted the video of me saying it.
Imagine hiring a debate moderator who hosts a conservative talk radio show host who denies the 2020 election AND has hosted my opponent on the show for unpaid campaign commercials or endorsements many times.
Sounds tired legit.
Utah is well within the MOE with incumbent Republican Mike Lee generating only 41%.
32iAlso,,a warmer Bering has led to Snow Crab season being closed. Will be noticed by most in April when Deadline Catch usually airs. May not be a season in the other crab fisheries in the show as well.
Deadliest Catch is still a thing? A show? That airs?
What a country
41)Won’t be with both Snow and Red King fisheries canceled. Reality coming to reality tv. Alaska Fish and Game had to take action, unlike oil, the fishery is supposed to be managed sustainably, per Alaska Constitution.
@34 Voters don’t get to choose people’s gender. That upstages God and biology.
@37 Yet another illiterate Republican who can’t spell his own name.
P.S., J.D. Vance is getting big support from Peter Thiel. What does that tell you about J.D. Vance?
“Tulsi Gabbard, the 2020 Democratic presidential candidate who announced last week she was leaving her party, will campaign alongside Arizona Republican gubernatorial nominee Kari Lake and Arizona Republican Senate nominee Blake Masters on Tuesday.”
This isn’t news. We’ve known for a long time who and what Tulsi Gabbard is. These aren’t ordinary Republicans she’s campaigning for; they’re among the most toxic Republicans out there. Which tells you everything you need to know about Tulsi.
Ding Dong
‘Big Mac?’
“I have a ‘greatest Jew in the history of Jesus’ commemorative coin”
(Runs to door)
“You’ve been served Mr. Trump.”
Ding Dong
“Kimberley…see what it is”
“Your father wanted you to have this”
“I think it’s respect”
(Knocks girlfriend down running to door)
“You’ve been served Mr. Trump”
And a Lesbian to boot!
Buy American!
Only lawyer available that will take rubber checks.
Unfortunately, reality and sanity will never be coming to a Repuke.
Deathsantis does look a little bit like a horse. I don’t think it’s the tail that attracts Bob to horses, must be the boots and shoes.
49)Could start with Discovery, as one impact of climate change is now hitting one of their longest running reality shows. As for the boats, it’s not just the boats in tge show that will be effected. There are many boats whose owners didn’t have a big enough quota to be viable , that lease their quotas to bigger boats. Doesn’t mean the small quota boats stay tied up in Ballard, in May, they usually fit out and ship out for Salmon Season. Bristol Bay is an interesting anomaly, the numbers are up, sort of, despite waters warming. Although, the fish are smaller.
@51 everything is safe on Shitbey Island though!
The day is a bummer. It’s a skirt day but the skirts got to stay in the closet again.
@51 I wonder if 5G or Chemtrails or HARP have anything to do with it?
Horses are expensive, her husband was smarter than Bob. 10 goats or one horse, got to go with the goats, like Goldilocks, to find the right fit.
Q-poll has Zeldin within 4 points of Hochul in NY state. MOE is 2.4. 1600+ LV surveyed, so a decent poll.
Hochul favorability underwater.
I guess RCP calling this a toss-up election isn’t that far-fetched after all.
“And to prove my badge is real here’s the guy who looks like he should have retired a decade ago and was last seen chasing down a full box of Krispy Kremes with a Diet Coke”
“That’s right his badge is as real as mine”
“So that means I’m a full fledged sheriff and I’m going to go arrest the Constitutional right of me being a real policeman so here’s a warrant I wrote up for the news people. Can we go get them?”
“Uh, no. What are talking about. The badge is real in the sense that it’s an actual badge. Did you think I actually hired you? Really?”
@ 45
We’ve known for a long time who and what Tulsi Gabbard is.
You must be referring to her objection to the way the DNC treated Bernie Sanders in 2016. That was right around the time that Goldy implored his Twitter friends to stop attacking #CrookedHillary’s credibility because she was the DNC’s nominee.
Actually, I’ve known for a long time what Goldy is, but that 5/27/16 tweet was the first time he proved it.
Raphael Warnock promotes homelessness.
Commercial RE is a good investment. And hey, who wants shitty tenants? Unpaid rent is unpaid rent, even if it’s only $28.55 short.
Warnock said they weren’t evicted during the pandemic. August 2020 is pretty pandemicky if you ask me. That was one of the months that ‘froggy had a good excuse for not having a job.
CNN trying to be neutral, for the first time since before GWB43 was president.
John Fetterman said he’s ‘always supported’ fracking – he previously said ‘I don’t’ and ‘never have’
Well, he’s a fuckin’ liar when he’s not a turnip. His campaign promises that he is quickly returning to being the liar he’a always been.
The best thing about a GOP takeover of the Senate is that VP Momala will finally have time to visit the southern border, when she’s no longer needed in DC to break ties.
@ 57
“That’s right his badge is as real as mine”
When the marshals evicted the tenants from that slum apartment building that Raphael Warnock owns through his church, they flashed badges that look just like the one that Walker flashed during the debate.
Nevada’s largest teachers union won’t be endorsing in the governor race this year.
Think about that. Vanity Fair did.
Best not to piss off the new governor.
There’s nothing preventing him from doing it now, or at any time since the Dobbs decision was handed down.
Biden to ask Congress to codify Roe v. Wade abortion rights protections if Democrats keep control
If he really wanted to attract votes he’d ask Congress to spend less on stupid shit like solar.
One month ago the 538 Senate forecast gave the Democrats a 71% chance of holding the Senate.
It’s down to 63% now.
Fewer than three weeks ago the 538 House forecast gave the Democrats a 32% chance of holding the House.
It’s down to 27% now.
Those were real badges they used to film and arrest black folks for voting after one of my state agencies told them they could vote.
Papers please.
@ 67
…she could not work without power or internet service.
Left out of the story is that the power interruption sidelined her Tesla, so she can’t get to work, which is why she is taking PTO.
@ 67a
The guys that are assigned to our neighborhood are just sitting there…
In which a Democrat discovers the down side of contractually guaranteed lunch hours taken by union members.
What else ya got?
What Ron @ 67 is really upset about;
Let’s hope the next president will not have celebrated his or her 60th birthday by the time he or she takes office in January of 2025. It’s time to put out to pasture the Cold War generation.
Not Guilty.
Ohhh, but Chemtrails!
@58 Did you even read my post? Obviously not.
Durham now 0-2 with juries.
Absolutely fucking priceless! I thought Durham was going to get to the bottom of it all and make the Conservative Universe all perfect and throw people in jail.
Oh wait, that was Mueller who did his job and got to the bottom of things.
Dr. Dumbfuck has a HUUUGGGGEEEE sad today.
Meanwhile, U.K.’s Liz Truss is a shooting star instead of a rising star, dragged down by her foolish attachment to Reaganomics (aka “voodoo economics”). Last I heard Labour had a 36-point edge in polls. It seems “tax cuts for the rich” doesn’t play well with England’s working stiffs, who are worrying how they’re going to heat their homes this winter. Elon Musk’s solution is to give Putin what he wants. He soon may have Tulsi hitting on him; birds of a feather …
Geezus that was quick.
Degen’s entire argument for Trump’s “victimhood” at the hands of an oppressive bureaucratic state fizzles out in what is literally the worst most discrediting record of any federal prosecutor ever. Complete and total failure for the entire enterprise. Durham will be gone right after the midterms dragging a useless gaggle of Trumpy US Attorneys with him. Then he’ll be investigated himself.
How very sad for Degen and his fellow MAGAts. Nothing left to redeem their terrible mistake. Leaving only bitterness and resentment in its wake.