Seattle has 2 self testing COVID-19 kiosks. If you can get to Northgate or the Central District, you can get a test. If you get one, let us know how it goes.
Americans are dying at a rate of 750 bengazis per day. Ir was never about the deaths and only to make Hillary look bad.
GE has had a nice run-up in the last month. At this rate, by mid-December GE’s share value might be as great as half of what it was when Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit recommended the shares to Newt in October, 2017.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 1:
Hillary made herself look bad. All the right did was make more people aware of it.
Hillary looked so bad that America ended up with Associate Justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett.
Only a trump conservative would assume nothing should change since oct 2017 and keep flogging make GE great again.
How much of your life savings did you lose by not paying attention?
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
…made herself look bad.
This guy fucks!
Trust a Republican when it comes to making themselves look bad. They tossed JEB!, Liddle Marco, Kasich, and even Pence/Hailey aside in favor of the deranged, incontinent, impeached Danger Yam. The Cat Lady herself went from run-of-the-mill concern troll to full-on, barking-at-the-moon lunacy with invisible baby pizza cannibalism. Trust an expert.
Admiral Kimmelspews:
Pearl Harbor Day. The day the Roosevelt administration knew the Japanese were going to attack Oahu and did nothing to stop it. In fact, Rosevelt’s actions made the damage from the attack worse. He and his exonomic and communist idiots couldn’t figure out a way to end the Depression, so they thought getting involved in a war would work. They were not concerned about the death and suffering that was about to occur.
At the top of Moscow Mitch’s policy agenda in 2008 was making Obama a one-termer.. Moscow Mitch failed.
The top of the agenda of everyone who loathed the serial sex assaulter, grifter and con man who hustled its way into the White House was making the orange pos a one termer.
That impeached orange pos republican failure was just awful.. toxic.. just awful..
And look how many republicans formed a kult around that freak, the freak’s approval rating among republicans was sky high – those krazy people attracted to that sucky party have no business running a kool aid stand.
Chuck Yeager is dead. He was 97. Passed around 5 p.m. our time, according to his wife.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Should’ve let Tojo and Hitler take over the world. If it weren’t for Roosevelt, the world would be far more hospitable to dictators and totalitarians. That would make you happy.
13) Very sad, 2 years shy of tbe 75th anniversary of breaking the Sound Barrier. His nephew briefly played for the Mariners.
Admiral Kimmelspews:
No, YOU would be happy, not me!
The HFD lost three firefighters and several injured at Hickam Field on December 7th. They were the only civilians to be awarded the Purple Heart.
The fake MSM is saying I didn’t negotiate for enough doses of the vaccine. What do they know – it was a great deal I made. Tremendous deal. The fake MSM, you know CNN, they don’t factor in the amount of dead. You have to factor in the number of dead first, you don’t want to have to buy one more dose than needed.
I bought enough for 50 million good people, and that’s enough.
@20 an egregious act. But I think you have to hold the LEO’s responsible for carrying out such bullshit. Hitler’s followers and sheep are the Achilles heel to Democracy.
Those people need to be questioned and shamed as much as the Fuckwad governor.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 I’m thinking $3 million of taxpayer money should resolve all grievances: $500,000 for each family member after deducting 1/3 for the lawyers. That’s actually not all that generous in terms of the trauma inflicted; if anything, I’m being conservative. Does Florida allow punitive damages? It does? Up to 3 times comp damages? Okay, throw in another $9 million to deter such conduct in the future. And take all $12 million from the police pension fund — does that work for you?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Mary Trump reportedly said Trump didn’t create today’s Republicans, but merely showed us who they really are.
She also said, “He’s the only person I’ve ever met who can gaslight himself.” That quote is confirmed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Mayor Jenny Durkan won’t seek re-election.
Pars Dominae Foetidaespews:
@27 – Good!
How’bout that stock market…right Bob!
Where’s PI?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 Be careful what you wish for. Just sayin’.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump just got wiped out in the Supreme Court. All he’s got left now is martial law and private militias.
Pennsylvania subversives sued to overthrow our democracy and not even ACB went along with it. Lawsuit tossed 9-0.
Trump just got wiped out in the Supreme Court. All he’s got left now is martial law and private militias.
Looks like Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron don’t have enough SCOTUS justices. Sad!
@33 Republicans inciting violence, as usual. This gets sooo old. Of course, sometimes they actually do murder people. See, e.g., Kenosha, Heather Heyer, Summer Taylor, etc.
And then, of course, there’s the white supremacists and their incessant efforts to start race wars …
Good news from the Reason Foundation. Here’s a quote from David Nott, President of Reason Foundation:
“Recently the media watchdog Newsguard released its rankings of news outlets’ reliability in delivering news. Reason ranked 100 our of 100 possible points in terms of credibility and transparency, besting both Fox News and CNN.”
From the Reason Foundation’s Reason Report, Fall 2020, issue number 163.
Pars Dominae Foetidaespews:
@30 – Maybe the idiots in Seattle will elect some crazy bitch like that fucking Sawant POS. You people deserve such a pestilence.
What was that you said about Dem Presidents not appointing blacks to their cabinets?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 People tend to get what they vote for, but not always; sometimes they get stuck with what they didn’t vote for (see, e.g., the guy who lost the popular vote in 2016 by nearly 3 million votes, and just lost it again, this time by over 7 million votes).
In any case, as Clint says, “deserve’s got nothing to do with it.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Rep. Cynthia Johnson, an African American state legislator from Detroit, received racist voicemails threatening her life after challenging election fraud claims. My fellow Secretaries of States Brad Raffensberger in Georgia, Katie Hobbs in Arizona and Barbara Cegavske in Nevada have all received death threats. And Chris Krebs, former director of the federal Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, on Tuesday filed a lawsuit after a lawyer for the Trump campaign said Krebs should be ‘taken out at dawn and shot.’ (Trump’s lawyer has said he was just joking, but that’s no laughing matter in today’s political environment.)”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: All of this shit — all of it — comes from the right. Along with more than 40 car attacks against peaceful protesters. You don’t see liberals doing this stuff, or plotting civil wars, etc. Political violence is a Republican thing.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
Tell us again how much you made when you shorted GE as per RR actual suggestion in Oct 2017?
Eating a Subway sandwich outside your home while black. What was he thinking??
This one will cost taxpayers about $450,000 – $600,000, depending on the extent of damage to the home and personal belongings, but only because no one died, through no fault of the cops.
Probably at the wrong house. Or maybe the white supremacist down the block swatted them.
31)Still have the Texas case to worry about.
Works for me. And I think the cost should be itemized on the taxpayers tax bill. The icing on the cake would be to have everyone of those LEO’s pay some sort of fine too.
The Texas position is that the citizens of Texas are injured parties due to how other states hold elections. If the USSC were to grant that position validity, just think about what that means: California can sue every red state for not having or enforcing emissions standards, since global warming hurts Calfornia citizens. Massachusetts can sue Mississippi for not investing in public education, claiming that a dumb electorate damages the citizens of Massachusetts. New York can sue Texas over their lax firearms laws. And on and on and on.
And, not for nothing, California and New York have a LOT more resources to throw at these lawsuits than, say, Kansas.
The Texas suit is trying to open a Pandora’s Box that they definitely don’t want to live with, but have apparently not considered. Letting one state override the Legislature in another is just antithetical to the concept of the United States.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Dumber still.
The very thing Texas is complaining about other states having done, Texas did. Abbott, citing the pandemic emergency, extended the early voting period and the deadline for hand delivering mail-in ballots.
As you know, when “the government” moves in a lawsuit, they do so as a whole, representing “the people”. The court will not bifurcate the legal actions of one part of the government from the claims of another when they are acting in concert. Texas’ Attorney General will have to respond to the court explaining how the election results of Texas have not also violated the rights of Texans.
Who won Texas? HuhrDuhr. These are Rapepublicans.
Fear of Trump deprives them of any shred of dignity and self-respect.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
I guess one piece of “good news”, insofar as the GOP efforts to dismantle democracy are concerned, is that telltale signs of desperation are appearing that may signal the beginning of the end.
All across the US, Republicans who are fighting for an election “do-over” because they got their asses kicked are turning increasingly threatening and violent. Showing up at the homes of Republican state officials to threaten them and their families, doxing their children and protesting at their schools, bomb threats and the like tend to turn public opinion against any movement.
I’d rather see Americans turn against the GOP because they are now clearly opposed to the basic principles of democracy. But I’ll settle for Americans tuning against the GOP because they also happen to be assholes. Either way, the hope is that as public opinion steadily turns against them they’ll shut the fuck up and go away.
Americans are dying at a rate of 750 bengazis per day. Ir was never about the deaths and only to make Hillary look bad.
GE has had a nice run-up in the last month. At this rate, by mid-December GE’s share value might be as great as half of what it was when Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit recommended the shares to Newt in October, 2017.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 1:
Hillary made herself look bad. All the right did was make more people aware of it.
Hillary looked so bad that America ended up with Associate Justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett.
The Durkan Kill Zone claims the political life of its namesake.
Only a trump conservative would assume nothing should change since oct 2017 and keep flogging make GE great again.
How much of your life savings did you lose by not paying attention?
This guy fucks!
Trust a Republican when it comes to making themselves look bad. They tossed JEB!, Liddle Marco, Kasich, and even Pence/Hailey aside in favor of the deranged, incontinent, impeached Danger Yam. The Cat Lady herself went from run-of-the-mill concern troll to full-on, barking-at-the-moon lunacy with invisible baby pizza cannibalism. Trust an expert.
Pearl Harbor Day. The day the Roosevelt administration knew the Japanese were going to attack Oahu and did nothing to stop it. In fact, Rosevelt’s actions made the damage from the attack worse. He and his exonomic and communist idiots couldn’t figure out a way to end the Depression, so they thought getting involved in a war would work. They were not concerned about the death and suffering that was about to occur.
Hillary looked so bad that America
made her bad republican opponent a one termer…
Can you say… Herbert Hoover???
At the top of Moscow Mitch’s policy agenda in 2008 was making Obama a one-termer.. Moscow Mitch failed.
The top of the agenda of everyone who loathed the serial sex assaulter, grifter and con man who hustled its way into the White House was making the orange pos a one termer.
That impeached orange pos republican failure was just awful.. toxic.. just awful..
And look how many republicans formed a kult around that freak, the freak’s approval rating among republicans was sky high – those krazy people attracted to that sucky party have no business running a kool aid stand.
The Grand Ole Virus. Fuckhumpster Virus. Prudence Virus.
This is what Neanderthals do for their existence.
Republicans are worse than North Korea’s leader.
Hang the Dumbfucks!
Chuck Yeager is dead. He was 97. Passed around 5 p.m. our time, according to his wife.
@7 Should’ve let Tojo and Hitler take over the world. If it weren’t for Roosevelt, the world would be far more hospitable to dictators and totalitarians. That would make you happy.
13) Very sad, 2 years shy of tbe 75th anniversary of breaking the Sound Barrier. His nephew briefly played for the Mariners.
No, YOU would be happy, not me!
The HFD lost three firefighters and several injured at Hickam Field on December 7th. They were the only civilians to be awarded the Purple Heart.
Interesting production about Pearl Harbor from Time Ghost History.
@16 “Ignore” button pushed.
To see what one of America’s most odious GOP governors* is up to, Google “Rebekkah Jones police raid.”
* Yes, I know it’s hard to rank them, they’re so alike.
Or, go here.
@3 “Hillary made herself look bad. ”
Like you?
Absolutely no one is surprised that Peter Navarro repeatedly violated the Hatch Act. These Republicans are lawless.
“Lock him up!”
The fake MSM is saying I didn’t negotiate for enough doses of the vaccine. What do they know – it was a great deal I made. Tremendous deal. The fake MSM, you know CNN, they don’t factor in the amount of dead. You have to factor in the number of dead first, you don’t want to have to buy one more dose than needed.
I bought enough for 50 million good people, and that’s enough.
@20 an egregious act. But I think you have to hold the LEO’s responsible for carrying out such bullshit. Hitler’s followers and sheep are the Achilles heel to Democracy.
Those people need to be questioned and shamed as much as the Fuckwad governor.
@24 I’m thinking $3 million of taxpayer money should resolve all grievances: $500,000 for each family member after deducting 1/3 for the lawyers. That’s actually not all that generous in terms of the trauma inflicted; if anything, I’m being conservative. Does Florida allow punitive damages? It does? Up to 3 times comp damages? Okay, throw in another $9 million to deter such conduct in the future. And take all $12 million from the police pension fund — does that work for you?
Mary Trump reportedly said Trump didn’t create today’s Republicans, but merely showed us who they really are.
She also said, “He’s the only person I’ve ever met who can gaslight himself.” That quote is confirmed.
Mayor Jenny Durkan won’t seek re-election.
@27 – Good!
How’bout that stock market…right Bob!
Where’s PI?
@28 Be careful what you wish for. Just sayin’.
Trump just got wiped out in the Supreme Court. All he’s got left now is martial law and private militias.
Pennsylvania subversives sued to overthrow our democracy and not even ACB went along with it. Lawsuit tossed 9-0.
Looks like Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron don’t have enough SCOTUS justices. Sad!
US Supreme Court denies injunction in the Pennsylvania election results case
How about you trolls? Are you ready to die for your orange moron?
Arizona GOP Asks If Supporters Willing To Die For Trump’s Election Fraud Lies
@33 Republicans inciting violence, as usual. This gets sooo old. Of course, sometimes they actually do murder people. See, e.g., Kenosha, Heather Heyer, Summer Taylor, etc.
And then, of course, there’s the white supremacists and their incessant efforts to start race wars …
Good news from the Reason Foundation. Here’s a quote from David Nott, President of Reason Foundation:
“Recently the media watchdog Newsguard released its rankings of news outlets’ reliability in delivering news. Reason ranked 100 our of 100 possible points in terms of credibility and transparency, besting both Fox News and CNN.”
From the Reason Foundation’s Reason Report, Fall 2020, issue number 163.
@30 – Maybe the idiots in Seattle will elect some crazy bitch like that fucking Sawant POS. You people deserve such a pestilence.
Uhhhhh? babblin’ butthole??
Lloyd Austin is black..
What was that you said about Dem Presidents not appointing blacks to their cabinets?
@36 People tend to get what they vote for, but not always; sometimes they get stuck with what they didn’t vote for (see, e.g., the guy who lost the popular vote in 2016 by nearly 3 million votes, and just lost it again, this time by over 7 million votes).
In any case, as Clint says, “deserve’s got nothing to do with it.”
“Rep. Cynthia Johnson, an African American state legislator from Detroit, received racist voicemails threatening her life after challenging election fraud claims. My fellow Secretaries of States Brad Raffensberger in Georgia, Katie Hobbs in Arizona and Barbara Cegavske in Nevada have all received death threats. And Chris Krebs, former director of the federal Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, on Tuesday filed a lawsuit after a lawyer for the Trump campaign said Krebs should be ‘taken out at dawn and shot.’ (Trump’s lawyer has said he was just joking, but that’s no laughing matter in today’s political environment.)”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: All of this shit — all of it — comes from the right. Along with more than 40 car attacks against peaceful protesters. You don’t see liberals doing this stuff, or plotting civil wars, etc. Political violence is a Republican thing.
Tell us again how much you made when you shorted GE as per RR actual suggestion in Oct 2017?
Eating a Subway sandwich outside your home while black. What was he thinking??
An Ohio Sheriff’s Deputy Fatally Shot A 23-Year-Old Black Man Outside His Home
Oh, well. He won’t do that again.
This one will cost taxpayers about $450,000 – $600,000, depending on the extent of damage to the home and personal belongings, but only because no one died, through no fault of the cops.
Probably at the wrong house. Or maybe the white supremacist down the block swatted them.
31)Still have the Texas case to worry about.
Works for me. And I think the cost should be itemized on the taxpayers tax bill. The icing on the cake would be to have everyone of those LEO’s pay some sort of fine too.
The Texas position is that the citizens of Texas are injured parties due to how other states hold elections. If the USSC were to grant that position validity, just think about what that means: California can sue every red state for not having or enforcing emissions standards, since global warming hurts Calfornia citizens. Massachusetts can sue Mississippi for not investing in public education, claiming that a dumb electorate damages the citizens of Massachusetts. New York can sue Texas over their lax firearms laws. And on and on and on.
And, not for nothing, California and New York have a LOT more resources to throw at these lawsuits than, say, Kansas.
The Texas suit is trying to open a Pandora’s Box that they definitely don’t want to live with, but have apparently not considered. Letting one state override the Legislature in another is just antithetical to the concept of the United States.
Dumber still.
The very thing Texas is complaining about other states having done, Texas did. Abbott, citing the pandemic emergency, extended the early voting period and the deadline for hand delivering mail-in ballots.
As you know, when “the government” moves in a lawsuit, they do so as a whole, representing “the people”. The court will not bifurcate the legal actions of one part of the government from the claims of another when they are acting in concert. Texas’ Attorney General will have to respond to the court explaining how the election results of Texas have not also violated the rights of Texans.
Who won Texas? HuhrDuhr. These are Rapepublicans.
Fear of Trump deprives them of any shred of dignity and self-respect.
I guess one piece of “good news”, insofar as the GOP efforts to dismantle democracy are concerned, is that telltale signs of desperation are appearing that may signal the beginning of the end.
All across the US, Republicans who are fighting for an election “do-over” because they got their asses kicked are turning increasingly threatening and violent. Showing up at the homes of Republican state officials to threaten them and their families, doxing their children and protesting at their schools, bomb threats and the like tend to turn public opinion against any movement.
I’d rather see Americans turn against the GOP because they are now clearly opposed to the basic principles of democracy. But I’ll settle for Americans tuning against the GOP because they also happen to be assholes. Either way, the hope is that as public opinion steadily turns against them they’ll shut the fuck up and go away.