Andy Pettitte: “If what I did was an error in judgment on my part, I apologize.” If lying repeatedly about using performance-enhancing drugs until confronted by irrefutable proof in an official congressional document was a miscall, I am sorry. If continuing to lie — because, hey, other than that one little incident they got bupkus on me — is wrong, then go out and prove it buster. I’m a big league baseball player, not some athletic version of freakin George Washington. I can tell all the lies I want.
Roger Clemens: I am not a juicer. I am a victim of juicing culture. If juicing had not been so easy to do, if juicing were not such a snap to cover up, and if it hadn’t help me extend my career beyond believable limits and pull in the big bucks while non-juicing chumps labored in the minor leagues, I would never have juiced. Not that I’m saying I did juice, mind you, and you can print that last part. Like you did whenever I told you about my superhuman workout regimen and dedication to keeping my incredible body in shape, you bunch of drooling bozos. I can’t help it if you never consulted a single medical expert or physical therapist about the likelihood I was actually telling the truth instead of taking steroids. It’s not my fault you never once even suspected I was on the needle. I mean, give me a break. I can’t help it if I was born white the same as all of you.
Vancouver pig farmer: If skinning my victims alive somehow caused them pain or embarrassment, I deeply apologize. I only did it to get my jollies so I could continue to be a productive upstanding member of Canadian society. I had a farm to run, after all, and if grinding human flesh in with pig meat and selling it to supermarkets was an error in judgment, I am truly sorry. Although I did not believe it to be against the law, since these were despicable whore scum whose mere breathing presence was a blight on Christian beliefs, I felt bad about doing it and stopped right after the last one I killed. Now will you please absolve me of any illegal behavior and let me go scot free like you do all those big-name sports figures?
Paul: You should have included the October 2006 URL where Andy Pettitte said he never used performance-enhancing drugs in a public setting. Not many people know this. I would suggest you rewrite paragraph one with the update.
Now if you placed Rafael Palmiero there I would let you slide because he was BUSTED by his own actions and everyone knows this.
Good News for SLU and the SLUT
Bruce Chapman will announce this PM that the Discovery Institute has raised 359.761.23 to build a branch of ths Creation museum in SLU!!!
The Seattle CM will be bui8lt on the corner where Daniel’s is now.
see oster at
Oh the inanity — You were better as a lame tech apologist than you are as a comedian, Paul. You and Mark Anderson should do stand up together, you know, like Mutt and Jeff.
In another thread Daddy Love threw this shit to see if it would stick on the fan: “you know that if you were rich you wouln’t give a shit about the poor or working people,”
Ummm… Daddy Love, Daddy Love, Daddy Love. You haven’t been paying attention to the thread entries. PacMan and I spoke at length on how we, two black men of limited means find it upon ourselves to give generously and also pay our own freight to help the poor and downtrodden in their backyard. Now if I was rich, my religion tells me I am held to an even a higher standard. Luke 12:48 second part – “From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more.”
Funny, all I see HorsesASSHoles do is sit on their fat asses and complain!
So as a follow-up Daddy Love: I placed the top 12 richest Americans. The only lefty one I know who has big time charitable genes is Bill Gates. What about your other rich pals?
I know Mike Dell who is conservative gives to charities behind the scenes like the Koch brothers. Ted Turner does give a little each year with strings attached. I know Mamma Walton’s estate gives the big $$$$ in April 2008. All public record.
Did you know The Cheneys gave in 2006 $104,425 to charities for a total of $7,800,019 to date? Of course not. This wasn’t covered in Media Morons or Daily Kurse!
How much did Al Gore give in 1997 – $357?
Well in 1998 the Gores upped it to $15,000+. GWBush gave $334,000+. All public records Daddy Love.
A clear admission:
There are programs for people like you.
Have a nice life, if you can.
ATJ: I love it when you post that link. Please post it again. Post PacMan’s link too while you are at it. Oh… wait a minute… he discusses why I needed to come back.
That link proves you AKA Killatroll are a one trick pony; cut and paste. Why do you continually come to a precision strafing and bombing run with empty weaponry?
err ahhh …
where in the political spectrum do you put:
Steve Blamer
Warren Buffet
ohh … did you mean Islamofascist conservative’ Prince Alawheed?
BTW ATJ I have a great life thank you very much. When you attack me you miss the big picture so bring it on.
God blesses me each and every day. So, how is your pathetic existence today?
SeattleJew: Reread the first sentence of post #5.
BTW SJ: Warren Buffet is much mo richer than Steve Ballmer.
SJ: Ballmer is not in the top 12 but he’s more conservative than liberal as he played both sides.
Buffet is a Hilary jock strap and proud of it.
So Did Roger Clemens juice or not?
@4 “two black men of limited means”
Whose fault is that? You wouldn’t be poor if you worked less and owned more! And what does being black have to do with it? Segregation ended 50 years ago, stop living in the past and move on. Get with the program! You’re poor because you’re not an Owner. Now — what are you going to do about that?
Re #7,
You didn’t click on the link, did you? You’re so easy to manipulate. :-)
Have a nice life, if you can.
Killatroll@15: Why click the link? I don’t need to so how can you manipulate.
Try again moby troll.
Pelletizer (TM) @14: this means we are not rich. That’s all. Of course you try to make more of it than there is. Who’s living in the past but you.
YOU are like John Kerry. You too fought in Vietnam. Any questions?
“If I was addicted I’d blog during working hours” – Lambchop 11/27/07 (who then posted during working hours the next day)
Wow, you’re dumb. Have a nice life, if you can.
Stuck on stupid, you’re dismissed, with prejudice.
#17 Puddybud says:
I have two questions…
When john kerry testified about his fellow soldiers cutting off ears, raping, torturing, etc., do you think john kerry was talking about roger rabbit?
Do you think the guilt the rabbit carries is because of atrocities he committed in vietnam?