– The Latest Anti-Choice Strategy: Less Planned Parenthood Bashing, More Insurance Bans
– I don’t want legislators talking about how colored people are committing the crimes because they’re poor to overwhelm the discussion of the actual bill to make racial impact statements.
– I know that since he’s probably recruiting someone to run against the mayor, Wyble isn’t the most unbiased source for talking about his policies. But yeah, maybe don’t do a victory lap on how great policing has become.
Miletich’s Seattle Times piece about SPD’s “pat on the back was not only early but the disturbing statistics, stories and incidents suggests that O’Toole is a long way from turning things around.” Way to early. It turned my stomach to see the headline.
Senator CLINTON: (From home video) As much as I’ve been investigated and all of that, you know, why would I—I don’t even want—why would I ever want to do e-mail?
Mr. PAUL: (From home video) No, no.
Senator CLINTON: (From home video) Can you imagine?
Or, maybe just stop doing sleazy shit. Less to worry about that way.
Starting an unnecessary and immoral war in the Middle East destroying a country’s infrastructure and social systems, inflaming a region for what looks like decades…costing 5,000 killed and at least 20,000 seriously wounded American Service personnel PLUS an estimated cost of THREE TRILLIONDOLLARS to the US Economy…
…well that’s just not sleazy shit to the morally impeccable ‘Boob’ the sloppy solipsist now is it?
Of course rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears @3 still proving nothing there between the ears…
Because an Ambassador died due to insufficient protection you IDIOT! Then she writes she had nothing to do with security when her underlings specifically said under oath she was the one who approved of all security issues at SoS!
Sux to be rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears! Evah!
@ 3
Well, rather off-point, Rujax, since Clinton’s voting record as a US Senator is, um…
Oh, yes, known to the public without having to ask her aides to provide us the information.
How did Hillary vote again on Iraq, Rujax? It seemed to be an important point the last time she ran for office, although 2008 is a long time ago, and I can’t quite recall.
LMFAO Donald Trump says he’s the only one that can “save” America? He couldn’t even save his Atlantic City casino!
The puddyfuckwad AGAIN proves how stupid stupid is.
Oh there, there, ‘Boob’ the sloppiest of sloppy solipsistic must now twist himself into a pretzel to untangle those knotty knickers.
Should be fun to watch!
Say good bye to Hillary once this plays out–
If she does not produce these emails…all of them….she is done and in jail for illegally destroying public records. You see, If Hillary or anyone is doing Public Business…even on there own personal email…they still create a PUBLIC RECORD. You are about to see Trey Gowdy & Darryl Issa waterboard Hillary…or should I say, watch Hillary waterboard herself. lol
If the Hillary hears that Trey Gowdy (R-Second Stupidest Congressional District), Darrell Issa (R-Car Thief), ‘Boob’ the sloppiest of sloppy solipsists and (OH NOES!!!!)….the puddyfuckwad are all coming after her and her soooper-doooper poooper scoooper seeekkrittt emails, she’s rilllyrilllyrilllyrilllyrilllyrilllyrilllyrillly gonna start quaking in her pant suit…
….BUT WAIT!!!! There’s THIS…
Damn…another Clinton scandal bites the dust. Curses…Foiled Again!!!
The wingnut 2016 dream ticket.
“You are about to see Trey Gowdy & Darryl Issa waterboard Hillary…or should I say, watch Hillary waterboard herself. lol”
Too funny. An Issa and Gowdy fanboy Klown with personal issues, some latent, some, heh, not so much. Thinking of the latter, I take it the mere thought of Hillary being waterboarded has fanboy Klown masturbating far, far more than usual, maybe even inspiring a visit to the ol’ goat shed.
It’s Gowdy Doody time boys and girls.
Figgers rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears runs to
We love our DUMMOCRETIN crooks
We cover for our DUMMOCRETIN liars
Doing her job? http://www.breitbart.com/big-g.....stent-man/
And rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears direct from Daily Kooks you moronic twit
Sooooooooooooooo it seems Daily Kooks has a problem with it too rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears
Hey rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, even the left wrong libtards at Politico have issues with Clinton’s email system… http://www.politico.com/story/.....15686.html
It has nothing to do about what is easiest to do you moron rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears! in 2011 Obummer wrote to all departments to use federal systems. Do you need to see that memo from Obummer rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears? You can find it rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears if you can figger it out!
rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears is soooooooooooooo stooooooooooooooooopid! All of Clinton’s emails were on a private email server! That’s all rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
Sux to be as stoooooooooooooooopid as rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
She’s sending the Cassassinator after the puddyfuckwad.
The Jesus Motherfucking Christ fears the Cassassinator.
Poor, poor puddyfuckwad.
The rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears AGAIN proves how stoooooooooopid stoooooooooooopid is. http://youtu.be/AnndelQs3Us
Meanwhile… Marie Harf what a moron… http://launch.newsinc.com/shar.....d=28681917 You legally have to provide information to FOIA requests. No wonder she will not be the full SoS spokeswoman!
Marie Harf, hero to rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
Does anyone have a rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears @15 decoder ring? Did rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears address any of the facts, even from Daily Kooks?
Uhhhh NOPE your honor!
Oh geez!
Someone left the lid to the septic tank loose and Puddy crawled back out.
Bob and his sidekick the babbling jackass village idiot troll apparently missed that the Dept of Homeland Security has been fully funded in a defeat for the klownservative forces of derangement, hate and ignorance..
If always wrong wing klowns in the interminably stupid House of Reps want things to change they should take up the Immigration bill passed by the Senate many months ago..
Shitty Mark is back. Who brought you back? Got that frontal lobotomy we see! Still spewing left wrong diarrhea!
Republicans are hoping the courts will stop Obummer. They realized Obummer would veto the legislation and DUMMOCRETINS would be the blockers they are. Seems black lives only latter to DUMMOCRETINS when they are killed by cops, but not by illegal aliens… http://dailycaller.com/2015/02.....ly-matter/
And we all know where yellowishleakingbuttspigot stands on the illegal aliens being killers… MIA of course!
Facts and the puddyfuckwad are complete strangers.
Just ask him about Cass Sunstein…
That goofball klownservative black kid is playing the klownsevative victim card already…a Tom in training.
So ex-Officer Wilson was cleared by Holder’s DoJ! Now we remember they called the Ferguson Grand Jury Prosecuting Attorney, Robert McCulloch a hack, a moron, etc.
So HA DUMMOCRETINS, y’all gonna take back the horseshit you spewed here? Of course not… being a DUMMOCRETIN means that you never have to apologize.
So Eric Holder proved Al Sharpton wrong wrong wrong!
Let’s see the puddyfuckwad “fact check” Bill O’Lielley or Klownhall or Wing Nut Daily or Dead State?
Wow rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, that’s the best you got?
The puddyfuckwad better not try to ‘set Darren Wilson straight’ in some shopping mall somewhere.
He’ll get ‘Michael Brown-ed.’
It IS open season you know.
As much of an asshole as the puddyfuckwad is I’d hate to lose him to a trigger-happy racist cop.
All decent people oppose violence and believe perpetrators of violence should be punished but the babbling jackass village idiot troll somehow believes brutally deporting deporting 11 million people will end violence against african americans.
Was Darren Wilson or any other trigger-happy, choke-hold loving cop undocumented?
The greatest source of violence towards African Americans are other African Americans.. The babbling jackass knows this but babbles ceaselessly about undocumented immigrants.
Oh we also know the jackass considers undocumented workers “cheap”.. Oh so we come to the crux. The babbling jackass village idiot troll is just a garden variety knee-jerk bigot.
Remember Proverbs 26 11-12 =HA HEROES like YLB=
As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly. Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him.
So the yellowishleakingbuttspigot agrees with Puddy that blacks attack blacks… Puddy been saying that for years you idiot! So why doesn’t the yellowishleakingbuttspigot take on rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears over its moronic foolishness? That’s why Puddy calls you no balls too!
Butt, it’s the illegal aliens here that kill that if they were not here these people would still be alive. Yet these are the ones the yellowishleakingbuttspigot cheers. And the yellowishleakingbuttspigot cheers illegal aliens left and right. The yellowishleakingbuttspigot can’t even call them illegal aliens!
ROTFLRHMBBAO! Thanks for playing moron!
Hey rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, it’s open season on you. Puddy doesn’t act like Michael Brown butt we know you do! You prove it here every day rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
You ordering me around jackass? Of course you are. It’s the common fantasy of klownservatics to order around and threaten those they hate.. See Bill-O the klown for a typical example.
Don’t need to take on rujax over his brilliant and cutting commentary babbling jackass. You stupid trolls are OBSESSED with him.. Rujax lives inside your pin heads like no other hero here.
Rujax OWNS YOU babbling jackass village idiot troll!
NOPE because I don’t HATE THEM like you do babbling jackass!
@2 “Or, maybe just stop doing sleazy shit. Less to worry about that way.”
You don’t have to be sleazy to be a target of rightwing liars. If she were Mrs. Jesus Christ they would twist and spin her every word anyway.
@4 “Of course rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears @3 still proving nothing there between the ears…”
Hahahaha … of all the stupid shit you’ve ever posted … har har har har har har har … you who voted for The Stupid Chimp … whoohooo har har har har … http://tinyurl.com/lp3upnn
Speaking of which, you never hear Bush’s name mentioned at GOP events, and he makes no public appearances; our last Republican president was such a big disaster that even Republicans want nothing to do with him. The biggest rap against Jeb Bush is being related to that moron. A branch of the same tree, you know. Nothing he can do about that short of getting a legal name change.
@5 Yes, Hillary’s vote on Iraq is a strike against her in the eyes of many Democrats, but what are the odds they’ll vote for Scott Walker, Rand Paul, Chris Christie, or Jeb Bush instead? In 2016, you guys will win the same states you won in 2008 and 2012, if you suppress enough votes.
@4 “Because an Ambassador died due to insufficient protection you IDIOT!”
Even if that was her fault somehow, that’s still a pretty small number compared to how many Americans have died because of Republican stupidity, incompetence, and warmongering. Hillary isn’t necessarily my favorite politician in the whole wide world, but I’d vote for her before I’d vote for any of the lying corrupt dumbasses you idolize.
@5 “Well, rather off-point, Rujax … ”
The biggest dodge-and-weave deflector in HA history is lecturing Rujax for going “off-point”? That’s funny!
@9 “If she does not produce these emails…all of them….she is done and in jail for illegally destroying public records.”
Yawn. Nobody goes to jail for that. The Busheviks proved this beyond any reasonable doubt.
@10 I wonder how much the average voter is going to care about Hillary’s email practices when the latest GOP candidate asks him/her to sacrifice his/her son or daughter in the next Republican war.
@32 “Rujax lives inside your pin heads like no other hero here. Rujax OWNS YOU babbling jackass village idiot troll!”
This is true, for sure, but don’t forget me. Little me, the 30-inch tall rabbit, kicks their shins and leaves marks, too!
“Marriage isn’t an exclusive country club. It’s a legal contract that confers rights and legal privileges, and as long as we’re going to use marriage as the threshold for accessing those rights and legal privileges (which is a whole different discussion altogether), then everyone needs to have access to it the end. If your different-sex marriage isn’t special or ‘sacred’ or whatthefuckever just because more people are allowed to do it, then that’s not a problem with the law; that’s a problem with your marriage.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course, what turns arguments like this into a complete joke is people like this: http://handbill.us/?p=45349
Hey, lookee what Hillary just did!
“Hillary Rodham Clinton is urging the State Department to release the emails she wrote from a private email account when she was secretary of state. In a tweet late Wednesday, the likely Democratic presidential candidate wrote, “I want the public to see my email. I asked State to release them. They said they will review them for release as soon as possible.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Oh noes! the Pubbies are shot down again! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNCTJ9EBAHc
@43 guy was married five time, article accuses him of possibly becoming a bygomist. Nahhh, he’s probably actually of thinking that he’ll now be about to marry a canine next. After all his last 5 wives were all dogs too.
Joe Godfrey, executive director of the Alabama Citizens Action Program, said he was excited about the decision. “We are concerned about the family and the danger that same-sex marriage will have.”
“It will be a devastating blow to the family, which is already struggling,” Godfrey added.
Struggling? I’d venture to say it is pretty much falling apart. And un fixable, in order to fix it would require intelligence but that seems to be lacking with the traditionalists.
NOPE – sez the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot to the US law that calls them illegal aliens… 28 U.S.C. § 1251 and 28 U.S.C. § 994! This is why the yellowishleakingbuttspigot was called monomaniacal! Even when the truth is front and center the yellowishleakingbuttspigot stays monomaniacal as evah!
And the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot thinks rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears PWNS Puddy.
absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot, who went ad hominem in #7? rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears did! Thanks for playing! Here you two are again… http://i264.photobucket.com/al.....ly-men.jpg
Nuff said sucka! ROTFLRHMBBAO!
As stoooooooooooooopid as evah!
Oh noes claims the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit over Hillary’s emails. The problem is they were not automatically backed up er Federal Law senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! The problem is Hillary wasn’t following Obummer email directive of 2011. Need to see that wording senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Apparently your stooooooooooooopid cousin rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears must have found it because rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears shut up and we all know how difficult it is to shut up the diarrhea train of rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
The problem is no one knows how many emails were deleted before Hillary makes this claim senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Bill and Hillary always operate to their own rules! Her personal email server in the Chappaqua house is due to the vast right wing conspiracy eh senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
As Puddy remembers the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit was leading the attack waves over Mitt Romney’s withholding his tax records 2012. Now we see Hillary withholding government owned emails, owned by the Real Americans since our taxes pay Hillary’s salary. Mitt owned his tax returns! Didn’t Hillary work for Americans? So why the game and cover-up senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Another EPIC FAYLE from the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Senility is a very bad thing senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! You need medical assistance!
Remember senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, GW Bush was feared around the world. Obummer is laughed at around the world. Obummer called Bush…
And then you got your tiny rabbit balls all twisted when Rudy Giuliani rightly contested Obummer’s Christian bona fides, since Obummer is so quick to attack Christians on so-called actions later proven false, like those actions Virginia and Houston, yet could not call the throat slitting of 21 Christians or the kidnapping of over 250 Christians by ISIS a terror attack on Christians when ISIS said they did it against “followers of the cross”!
Another EPIC FAYL attempt by the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Sux to be you senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Goldy @GoldyHA
After watching floor debate in WA House, there are things I want to say about Republicans that I can’t say without coming off as elitist.
Guy formerly plagued by sudden financial insecurity, now paid by a billionaire to write things
said billionaire wants written, suddenly concerned about descriptors.
‘Elitist’ would be a step up.
@49 “GW Bush was feared around the world. Obummer is laughed at around the world.”
Puddy’s foreign policy expertise in a nutshell.
If I’m Country A, and terrorists from Country B operating from bases in Country Y attack Country X, and the leader of Country X reacts by invading Country Z, I think I’d be afraid of Country X, too.
@ 52
How does your ‘fleeing felon doctrine’ fit into that scenario, RR? Does it fit any better than it does in the DOJ’s version of the Ferguson events?
And if I’m a voter in Country X, I wouldn’t want any more leaders like that.
@53 WTF?
Jodi Arias Gets Life Sentence
“An Arizona jury was once again unable to reach a unanimous decision on whether Jodi Arias should be executed for the gruesome 2008 murder of her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander, a judge announced Thursday. Because a second jury was deadlocked in the penalty phase of Arias’ case, the death penalty is off the table, and the convicted killer will be sentenced to life in prison. Judge Sherry Stephens will determine April 13 whether Arias will be sentenced to life or life with the possibility of release after 25 years. Arias would get credit for the six years she has already served.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I don’t see the judge opting for a possibility of parole in this case. Are judges elected in Arizona?
“The Arizona judicial elections featured retention elections for the appellate courts, non-partisan elections for superior court judges, and partisan elections for justice court judges.
“For the first time in 36 years, a judge in Arizona lost a retention election. Additionally, seven incumbents of the justice courts were defeated in partisan elections.
“In total, 208 judicial candidates ran in the general election across the state. Sixty-six candidates ran in competitive races, and 73 candidates ran unopposed. Finally, 69 judges stood for retention.”
A retention election is one where voters don’t choose between rival candidates; instead, they have two options: Yes the judge stays, or no the judge goes. In Arizona, the retention system is used not only for appellate judges, but also for trial court judges in larger population counties. If a judge is voted out, as happened to 1 of the 69 Arizona judges standing for retention last year, in this case a Maricopa County superior court judge, the governor appoints a replacement from a list of 5 candidates submitted to him/her by a judicial selection commission.
Judge Sherry Stephens was an assistant attorney general for 21 years after graduating from law school, then worked her way up in the judicial system as first a juvenile court judge, than a family law judge, and has served on the criminal bench since June 2010. As a Maricopa County judge, she is elected under the retention system. I can’t imagine her saying to the citizens of Maricopa County, “Jody Arias, who stabbed her boyfriend 30 times with a collection of knives, then shot him in the head, will be eligible for parole in 25 years if she doesn’t kill anyone in prison.” Arias won’t undergo the needle, and wouldn’t have anyway, because executing people with Drano will be declared unconstitutional before Arizona could have got around to her, but she won’t see daylight again.
Damn Obama – When is he going to get anything right!?
Sometime you have to realize that you are just a dumb fuck, and if you voted for a dumb fuck, you then have to realize you are a dumb fuck.
@ 55
@53 WTF?
You know, that was exactly what I thought when you mentioned it in reference to a guy who was running AT the cop at the time he was shot.
@61 That’s to be expected from someone with thinking disorders.
Read the rest.
It is sickening.
@61 “A guy who was running AT the cop at the time he was shot”
Even the witnesses don’t agree on that one, and the autopsy reports and forensic evidence don’t confirm it, so what makes YOU so sure?
No One Killed In NYC Jetliner Crash
A Delta MD-88 landing at LaGuardia skidded off a runway and crashed through a fence this morning, but all 130 passengers and crew have survived, with only a few minor injuries.
@63 There’s no chance at all that Sloppy Bob will connect the dots between a predatory city government that raises municipal revenue by writing chippy tickets to extract fines from poor black residents, leaving them with court records that render them unemployable, and an unemployed black 19-year-old shoplifting $5 of cigars and then fighting with a cop who tried to ticket him for jaywalking. In Ferguson, a jaywalking citation translates to a four-figure debt obligation, thanks to the municipal court’s ingenious multiplier system. That cop is lucky he was confronted by only one angry teenager instead of an armed revolutionary mob. Was Michael Brown innocent? In literal terms, no; but neither is Darren Wilson, who was a willing participant in a racist and corrupt exploitation scheme.
@61 “A guy who was running AT the cop at the time he was shot”
Even the witnesses don’t agree on that one, and the autopsy reports and forensic evidence don’t confirm it, so what makes YOU so sure?
In which Roger Rabbit morphs into Mary Mapes.
Read the report. Not some lefty summary, but the report itself.
Start with page 8, top two paragraphs.
You can also go to the individual witness accounts. Note the accounts of Witnesses 108, 109, who gave exculpatory reports but feared that they were contrary to community opinion. Or Witness 113, who gave contraditory accounts but also feared going against community opinion.
How do I know for sure? It was Holder’s DOJ, and there is essentially nothing in the DOJ report that indicates that Wilson did anything that was not self-defense.
And there’s DEFINITELY nothing that supports any type of ‘fleeing felon doctrine’ usage.
@ 66
fighting with a cop who tried to ticket him for jaywalking.
Citation for jaywalking? Really?
Where do you come up with that, RR?
It’s not in the statement provided by Wilson. Nor the one by Witness 101, who was Brown’s buddy at the time the incident occurred. It’s not in the dispatch audio transmission.
Again, RR, where do you come up with the intent by Wilson to write a citation?
You aren’t helping yourself.
For someone who purports to have advanced degrees and professional credentials…the insufferable, inhumane prick @67&68 sounds really stupid.
That dumbass cracker and the shakedown mall cop klown shop has never had to answer real questions out loud and in public. Can’t wait.
@ 70
Of course they’re suing. They might need the money to defend Brown’s mother from the assault she committed against his grandmother.
MARCH 4–Prosecutors are now considering criminal charges against members of Michael Brown’s family in connection with a violent confrontation over the sale of merchandise commemorating the late teenager, who was shot to death last year by a police officer.
The St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney recently received the results of a months-long investigation by Ferguson Police Department detectives who probed the October 18 beating and robbery of t-shirt vendors, one of whom was hospitalized following the assault.
“A branch of the same tree, you know.” @ 36
“Again, RR, where do you come up with the intent by Wilson to write a citation?”
Wilson pulled over because the two teens were in the street. The only thing that should have ever come from this was a citation issued for jaywalking. All I can say is, thank God Doctors don’t get shot when they jaywalk around the city’s major hospitals. Shit, Med schools would need a lot more students, wouldn’t they? You know, to reload the clinical staff who are lying clinically dead on the concrete pavement of Jefferson and the other Seattle streets up on Pill Hill?
“They might need the money to defend Brown’s mother from the assault she committed against his grandmother.”
Yet more snide from a racist who once shared his vision of the future with us, his prophesy of a newer, better tomorrow in which he foresees an America where white militias roam the streets of its major cities, shooting black teenage thugs dead in the streets on sight.
Little wonder he drops snide turds tinged with racism in these threads. It’d all be very clever of him if it wasn’t for that one mistake, sharing his wetdream of armed white militias killing blacks. And to think that it was just last week that he lecturing Roger about knowing when to keep his mouth shut. Eh, I reckon Bob should know.
Of course, if the dictatorial Kenyan Jihadist tyrant imposes his will, the only way to stop the horde of black teenage thugs heading for Whidbey Island might just be to call on the white militias for a little more firepower.
“Kansas Secretary of State warns Obama might ban criminal charges for black suspects”
“The caller said the university’s decision, coupled with Obama’s orders on immigration and Attorney General Eric Holder’s decision not to charge any New Black Panthers with voter intimidation, would pave the way for black suspects to be exempt from prosecution.
The Republican Kobach agreed, saying the Obama administration had made clear that “civil rights laws were only to protect minority races.”
“He was not going to be enforcing them to the benefit of white people who were discriminated against on the basis of their race, so that’s basically what you’ve described,” Kobach said.
The caller said he did not think he was “nuts” for envisioning a future where black people could not be charged with any crimes, and again Kobach agreed.”
“New Black Panthers”
All three of them. Standing outside a polling place with sticks. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Meanwhile, right-wing, white krazy people think it’s perfectly natural to gather in large groups and wave guns at our legislators in the state capital who don’t do their bidding. It all makes sense to Bob, I’m sure, something about the coming black horde of teenage thugs.
WTF is Carson apologizing for??? I thought like the babbling jackass village idiot troll, Carson is plugged into “the Truth”.. So why apologize for “the Truth” Doc?
Oh my! In “the World” but not “of” it.. The babbling jackass village idiot troll and his beloved Carson..
“So why apologize for “the Truth” Doc?”
First he made some shit up, then he made up some more shit. That’s pretty much all the lying motherfuckers do anymore.
LMAO! This from the babbling jackass who concocted a fantasy of John Roberts having the power to tax!
I hope the bookoo bucks legal beagle spawn didn’t catch that bray from the jackass.
Zombie (u)SP walks with the dead again. Of course, a Jim Miller post could turn any blog into a zombie.
Yep sounds familiar doesn’t it? That’s how they be “in the world”.
@68 “Citation for jaywalking? Really? Where do you come up with that, RR?”
Uh, I dunno, the fact that’s what Wilson stopped Brown for? Walking in the street.
“Again, RR, where do you come up with the intent by Wilson to write a citation?”
Uh, maybe I deduced it from the fact that’s what white cops do to black people in Ferguson — write tickets so the city can get fines from them. That’s how Ferguson makes its money. Go ahead, tell me that isn’t in the DOJ report.
So, I wonder if Bob sees any cause-and-effect relationship between Michael Brown’s petty crimes and the massive criminality of Ferguson’s gangster government against its citizens? The entire town is one huge ticket trap for blacks. The walking-while-black capital of America.
@69 I used to think a person has to be pretty smart to become a lawyer or doctor, but I know better now.
@71 “A branch of the same tree, you know.” @ 36
Precious. A perfect demonstration of your total inability to distinguish between equivalencies and non-equivalencies. Do I need to explain?
Jeb Bush’s presidential ambitions are handicapped by a tainted family name. This has nothing to do with his merits as a candidate. Nor is it a guilt by association thing. It’s a brand name problem.
On the other hand, what I was referring to @36 is that Republicans are a clusterfucks across the board. You vote Republican, you get a clusterfuck. Cause and effect.
@73 “Kansas Secretary of State warns Obama might ban criminal charges for black suspects”
Ooooh! Scary black men loose in our communities! More guns! More guns! Shoot! Shoot!
@74 Well yeah, seeing black people standing outside polling places scares the shit out of white racist Republicans, who may feel compelled to defend themselves like in 1964.
“Jeb Bush’s presidential ambitions are handicapped by a tainted family name.”
I won’t be voting for Bush. I won’t vote for Hillary either.
@85 I don’t care who you vote for. That’s up to you.
In the United Arab Emirates, you can go to jail for complaining about your employer. I hope this doesn’t give Republicans ideas.
Right back at you, Rog!
Bottom line, in Ferguson, personal responsibility was for blacks, not whites.
“Even as Ferguson City officials maintain the harmful stereotype that black individuals lack personal responsibility—and continue to cite this lack of personal responsibility as the cause of the disparate impact of Ferguson’s practices—white City officials condone a striking lack of personal responsibility among themselves and their friends. Court records and emails show City officials, including the Municipal Judge, the Court Clerk, and FPD supervisors assisting friends, colleagues, acquaintances, and themselves in eliminating citations, fines, and fees. For example:
In August 2014, the Court Clerk emailed Municipal Judge Brockmeyer a copy of a Failure to Appear notice for a speeding violation issued by the City of Breckenridge, and asked: “[FPD patrol supervisor] came to me this morning, could you please take [care] of this for him in Breckenridge?” The Judge replied: “Sure.” Judge Brockmeyer also serves as Municipal Judge in Breckenridge.
In October 2013, Judge Brockmeyer sent Ferguson’s Prosecuting Attorney an email with the subject line “City of Hazelwood vs. Ronald Brockmeyer.” The Judge wrote: “Pursuant to our conversation, attached please find the red light camera ticket received by the undersigned. I would appreciate it if you would please see to it that this ticket is dismissed.” The Prosecuting Attorney, who also serves as prosecuting attorney in Hazelwood, responded: “I worked on red light matters today and dismissed the ticket that you sent over. Since I entered that into the system today, you may or may not get a second notice – you can just ignore that.”
Except for all the black people who live there, Ferguson actually sounds like Bob’s kind of place. After all, the city policy was that white men like Bob are good and deserve a break when they commit a minor offence, whereas the black horde teen thugs are bad and deserve to be shot dead in the streets, even if they’re only jaywalking.
Looks like Hillary Clinton and her SoS aides used multiple email addresses!
Interesting… Very Interesting…
Another Christian Republican stands up for what he believes is right.
Thats right TeaFascists, you keep going on going on.
I swear, is the entire conservative demographic completely insane? Or is it , that they are so malicious and atavistic that they want to be less intelligent than lemurs?
This is perfectly fine, just skip out on thier funeral.
It seems kind of a shame to stick this into a thread already two days old.
First on CNN: Feds prepare criminal corruption charges against Senator Bob Menendez
Washington (CNN)The Justice Department is preparing to bring criminal corruption charges against New Jersey Sen. Robert Menendez, alleging he used his Senate office to push the business interests of a Democratic donor and friend in exchange for gifts.
People briefed on the case say Attorney General Eric Holder has signed off on prosecutors’ request to proceed with charges, CNN has learned exclusively.
If this was something Holder couldn’t keep buried, either the charges must be based on awfully strong evidence, DOJ could be facing a mutiny of the career attorneys if they are prevented from doing their jobs, or both, I suppose.
Or maybe CNN is just wrong.
Again, a shame.
Madison — The Republican-controlled state Assembly passed Wisconsin’s so-called right-to-work bill Friday morning after a marathon debate that began Thursday and stretched overnight — a full 24 hours after the floor session started.
The measure, which bans labor contracts requiring workers to pay union fees, now heads to the desk of Gov. Scott Walker, who has said he will sign the bill by Monday.
First there was Hillary, and then this morning Menendez and now Walker.
Hey, look at the bright side. Sunday talk shows won’t just be focusing on the presumptive Democrat presidential
heirnominee.Early thought:
If somehow Menendez is forced out, does Christie appoint his replacement?
(too far)
Oh babbling Bob and his obsession with Menendez.. We thought Menendez was too cozy with a big donor way back here.
Shades of Bob McConnell.
Looks like no fucking is involved Bobby. Have a cigarette Doc!
Bob McDonnell, excuse me.
@94 Now Walker won’t have to create all those jobs he promised because workers will leave Wisconsin in droves.
@93 what do you know a Democrat administration holding a democrat accountable. Maybe there is some examples that you can provide, but has a Republican Administration ever held a Republican accountable?
Heck – Faux News can’t even hold Bill O’piddles accountable.
Do Republicans polish their bad apples?
@99 and Republicans complain all of Obama’s job creation are low wage paying jobs. Boy are they schizophrenic fuckwads. They want good jobs, and then they want low wages for the jobs that exist. The really want everyone to have a McDonald’s job.
They couldn’t be more stupid in the mind. From a fucking doctor of all people, one that thinks he is so important in the world that he is worth millions of dollars.
How does the above square with what Republicans think is Obama retribution?
Bob, you need to be more in line and in sync with the Republican and Faux News Script, regardless how fake it might be.
If this is real then that makes you a complete fucking moron! Or the people you support are complete Frauds. Take your pick.
Let’s see. People are told to be accountable for their actions. But the CDC has to be responsible for every fucking rouge hospital or doctor. Clearly the TexAss Hospital couldn’t tell their ass from the Elbowla.
But blame the CDC – and not the STATE. The STATE that always knows what is good for itself. Oppps, my mistake, they don’t necessarily know what is best for them, they just want and like the pleasure of fucking themselves not the Federal Government.
Weren’t Republicans outspoken about low interest rates? Am I mistaken? Didn’t they fear a lot>
So, Wall Street reacts negatively to a possible rate hike, due to improving economy.
Which one is it? Low interest rates good? Or low interest rates bad.
I understand the philosophy, just not the Republicans’ position.
Oh really! You need more money? And you say Global Warming exists too?
Drill Baby Drill! And all are problems will be solved!
Sounds like Republican Rule.
Really. You want everyone to feel bad about who they are, but you shouldn’t have to feel bad about who you are? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
This guy is still alive? You think he would be happy with staying home and fucking his wife. I wonder why he isn’t. She a hag? A dog maybe?
Again, not a problem, it’s would be just as easy to skip out on their funeral.
Yeah, some people get killed for Jay walking, but then we can’t even catch the murderers that Obama releases. Maybe if you weren’t stopping people for Jay walking, you might catch the murderer.
Family Values? You mean to tell me this guy wasn’t on his 5th wife?
Is that why their cookies taste so good?
NRA – Nothing Registers Anymore