How is everyone holding up? I am going a bit stir crazy. I look out my window and I want to yell “6 feet” to people standing close to each other, or God forbid sharing a cigarette. I assumed that I would eventually be the person who yells at the kids from my window, but I am 20 years ahead of schedule.
Anyway, wash you hands right now.
He said the silent part out loud again about vote by mail or any ‘easy access to ballot’ measures.
Nice piece about aerosol spread of the Wuhan virus in our own back yard.
We should be wearing masks. Even those that don’t provide sufficient filtration. Anything to reduce potential inhaled viral load.
45 of 60 People Who Went to Washington Choir Practice Have Coronavirus
That’s the Daily Beast title. Takes you to the LAT piece:
Choir practice turns fatal. Airborne coronavirus strongly suspected
de Blasio and DeSantis are assholes.
Inslee isn’t.
His perpetual tongue-bath of Nick Hanauer is to compensate for Goldy’s feeling of inadequacy with respect to his dog.
Wear a fucking mask.
Now why in the world would Trump say @ 1 that, Cz-252?
Maybe it’s because people like potential Democrat VP pick Stacey Abrams is OK with blatantly illegal voting.
It’s a slippery slope from there. Right quick, very slippery.
The St. Louis Federal Reserve projects up to 47 million job losses and a 32% unemployment rate.
However, after GOPlague is over, new jobs won’t have to be found for all those people. Only the survivors.
Dumbfuck again with a very light grasp of an issue but a list of leeenks that purport to show something.
Tell me, how is a school board election unlike a statewide election?
And small government, local control or something.
@6 Better to keep 10 citizens from voting than let 1 illegal slip through.
But even better than keeping the occasional illegal from voting is keeping 5 million African-American citizens from voting.
Otherwise, no Republican might be elected ever again.
@ 9
Better to keep 10 citizens from voting than let 1 illegal slip through.
Better to keep 1,000 students from learning remotely than not have the resources to teach them and a few special needs kids during an emergency closure.
That’s our society, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. After you’re done washing your hands, go get your fucking ID card.
Stacey Abrams seems to be saying it’s better to let an occasional illegal slip through than keep even 1 citizen from voting, to which Dumbfuck takes vast umbrage stretching as far as the eye can see and beyond over the horizon, but I agree with her on that.
The notion that perfect elections are attainable is, and always has been, a myth used by Republican scum to leverage their efforts to prevent large numbers of American citizens from voting in their own country — because Republicans are, always have been, and always will be a minority party and can get elected only by thwarting the will of the majority.
I can think of only one election whose outcome was altered by illegal voting: North Carolina’s 9th in 2018. And that election was thrown out after the Republican ballot fraud was exposed. But that fraud had nothing to do with illegals voting.
My GAWAD but Q Clearance Pussy is a living, breathing human disgrace to himself, to his party, to his family, to his community, to his profession (whatever that is).
Check the numbers and timeline for Taiwan. It’s all right there. It’s all been there as far back as January. Weeks before GOP president RapeHero screamed furiously at top experts to shut the fuck up and get out of his meeting because they refused to stop begging for masks. Months before GOP president RapeHero began his now endless and perpetual St. Vitus Dance of daily press briefings downplaying the severity of the crisis, and sequentially casting blame on Obama, previous administrators, Governors and even the people of states that don’t vote for him.
Trump knew two months ago that masks and testing could save us. He was told. Repeatedly. And repeatedly he refused.
This is not something surprising that this tribalist idiot just discovered by studying a choir practice held two weeks ago. This has been known for months. Taiwan alerted the WHO as far back as December and the WHO and Bruce Aylward suppressed it. They warned US officials and Trump suppressed it.
Taiwan is the seventeenth most densely populated country on earth. Everyone uses public transportation, lives in crowded multi-story mulit-family developments, and works in crowded offices. Like all ethnic Han they have a cultural tradition of food sharing. Taiwan is one of the most visited destinations for Chinese and vice versa.
Check the numbers and the timeline. First case Jan 21. Caseload today 306. Number of deaths 5. 30,000 PCR tests. Everyone in masks everywhere. There are other examples where official public response was not being guided by idiocy. Look at the Czech Republic. Testing works. Masks work. Trump does not.
We are about to watch a Trump Body Pile grow to between 80,000 and 100,000 high in the next few weeks. As you watch that grow remember that it could have been massively reduced with timely response. And remember that Trump and Richard Burr and Susan Collins had plenty of warning. And they chose to let that body pile grow.
And Every Republican You Know voted for them. And will do it again.
@5 Excellent advice. Where do you get yours? Oh, that’s right, you’re a retired doctor. Everyone in your small town knows you are, so no one will wonder about it when you show up in the local grocery store or bowling alley wearing one, while the local hospital comes up short. They’ll assume you just came from helping out there.
Oh, look what Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit left out of the @ 7 St. Louis Fed piece:
You’re a fucking clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. An unsuccessful attorney, an unsuccessful investor, and an unsuccessful shill.
Thanks, GOP!
Thanks for not letting us have the test kits, masks, gloves, gowns and ventilators too. We all really appreciate that. Just super.
We really do owe all this to you.
All of it.
I agree with you about Inslee. He’s not evil, he’s just a little slow.
@6 “It’s a slippery slope from there. Right quick, very slippery.”
I disagree that blocking Republican vote suppression efforts will lead to a “slippery slope.”
Errors occur in virtually all elections, including municipal and local special purpose district elections with relatively few voters, because you can’t completely eliminate human error.
The fact an electronic voting machine changes votes from the Democratic candidate to the Republican candidate — such machines seem to turn up wherever electronic voting is used — doesn’t mean someone deliberately programmed the voting machine to do that (although that’s a possibility); it could be software glitch.
Washington uses paper ballots. Typically, the optical scanning machines don’t count them all — the machines will reject ballots with frayed edges (which happen through repeated handling of the ballots by election staff), coffee stains, stray marks, sloppily filled in ovals, etc. This is why there are always more total votes in recounts than initial machine counts.
In the hotly-contested 2004 Washington gubernatorial election, which ultimately was decided by a margin of 133 votes, an unknown number of ineligible felon voters cast ballots. The reason they did was because Washington’s felon voting rights restoration law was highly confusing, and in nearly all cases, these voters were told by their parole officers and/or county voting officials that they were eligible to vote.
An unscientific survey by a newspaper of 10 ineligible felon voters in that election who were willing to talk to the reporter revealed that 9 of them voted for Dino Rossi.
Election studies have shown that ineligible votes — whether inadvertent (most cases) or intentional (rare, but happens) — almost never change an election’s outcome. The reason is because such voting is, in fact, quite rare and the vast majority of election outcomes aren’t close enough for errors or fraudulent votes to change the outcome.*
(* The Wisconsin health insurance executive who voted for Scotty Walker 5 times in the same election, and for George W. Bush in at least 2 different states in the same election, went to prison for nothing. Both candidates would have won without his illegal votes. And now, as an ex-felon, he can’t vote at all– at least not legally, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t voting; Republicans are stubborn creatures.)
In short, it’s a chimera that partisan hacks like Dumbfuck milk for all it’s worth to justify large-scale voting suppression to prevent millions of legitimate voters from casting their votes.
We’re not talking about local amateur efforts here. The GOP’s vote suppression campaigns are professionally-run, well-funded, and gigantic in scope. The GOP invests tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars in these operations and devotes vast paid manpower resources to them. In fact, vote suppression could well be the largest single component of GOP campaign efforts in any given election year.
Because it’s the only way an unpopular minority party can win, and they know it. Dumbfuck knows it, too. The only way a Libertarian candidate will ever be elected president is if only he and 200 or 300 other like-minded individuals across the country are allowed to vote.
Donald tells Fox News he will rely on experts on Covid-19 “From now on.” Tacitly admitting he’s been winging it and pulling policy direct from his ass since January.
And people died. Very unpleasant.
The impeached incompetent disgraced president GOP RapeHero is now desperately resorting to accusing doctors and nurses on the front lines of stealing masks, gloves, and gowns.
While decent Real Americans all across the country are heading outside every evening at the 7pm shift change to cheer their support for these heroes, Republicans are going after them “for not saying nice things”.
Remember it.
It’s Every Republican You Know.
18 – Yes, and Donald Trump and the GOP are also responsible for the Spanish Flu, the Black Death in medieval Europe and any other catastrophies you can think of.
@18 He’s not worried. His approval ratings are up. It hasn’t occurred to him yet that the voters least likely to still be alive in November are those who listen to him.
15, couple hundred thousand, what’s the difference? Believe me folks. This will all just disappear like magic. I’m doing an excellent job and TV ratings. You’ve never seen such ratings. 100 thousand deaths isn’t so bad as long as they’re urban.
@20 I haven’t seen anyone accuse them of that. Please show your work. Include links to sources. Thanks.
And get the hell out of my lettuce patch. You’re no rabbit. You’re a troll in a Halloween costume. The fact you eat the slugs instead of the lettuce is a dead giveaway.
@10 I haven’t read up on the subject, but the argument that special needs kids are keeping other students from access to remote learning sounds like something ginned up by the rightwing bullshit factories you like to hang out in.
Logically, it doesn’t add up. Because …
1. Advocates would argue for extending remote learning access to special needs students, not taking it away from those who have it;
2. If advocates sued, they would seek relief in the form of more access for special needs students, not less access for other students;
3. Equal access for special needs students is a requirement of federal law, and if these requirements are standing in the way of other students accessing remote learning during a national emergency, then the ability to waive them — or seek authority to do so — would rest with Trump’s Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos; so the question would then be, why isn’t she doing that?
4. Rightwing propaganda site Daily Caller, in their posting describing obstacles to implementing remote learning, nowhere mentions special needs requirements; and if that were an obstacle, you’d certainly expect Daily Caller to be all over that topic.
So the logical conclusion is that you’re full of shit. But even if your allegation about special needs students had a semblance of merit, it’s a “don’t look here, look over there” argument, so you’d still be full of shit. There’s no analogy there.
@14 Speaking of material omissions, what you left out is that Democrats put the unemployment benefits into the GOP Gigantic Corporate No-Strings-Attached Corporate Bailout bill, and then 4 ideology-driven GOP senators tried to it because their quack economic dogma decrees that giving unemployment benefits to unemployed workers makes them lazy. Also, they were afraid they wouldn’t return to work until it’s safe to do so.
One month. Right now, if the US could only have that extra month. What a difference that could make. What a difference.
Feb 26 “And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.”
March 29 “And so, if we could hold that down, as we’re saying, to 100,000 – it’s a horrible number, maybe even less, but to 100,000, so we have between 100 [thousand] and 200,000 – we altogether have done a very good job.”
That time is gone. And with it will go many of our neighbors, co-workers, friends, relatives. We needed that month. And ignorant, science denying, superstitious Republican sycophants led by their fatuous RapeHero took it away from us.
@16 A troll for sure. Inslee doesn’t talk about himself in the third person. Like the 6-foot tall “rabbit” in the lettuce patch wearing a cheap costume, that’s a dead giveaway. Our trolls aren’t very guide at disguises. I can see a cop pulling one of them over, who then pulls out an I.D. with a picture of Batman clipped from a comic book. But that’s good enough for voting I.D. in Texas.
@26 Things could be worse. At least Doctor Dumbfuck is ranting on HA about illegal voting, remote learning, and wearing masks instead of making triage decisions.
And stealing masks. Don’t forget about all the mask stealing.
Word is Durham is being reassigned.
Monday News Brief
1. Former U.W. football coach Jim Lambright has died.
2. State troopers arrested a man on I-5 who was teaching his dog to drive.
3. In Lynnwood, a parking dispute led to the activation of a Second Amendment Militia, which subsequently decamped to a secure billet pending filing of homicide charges.
This isn’t business as usual for the impeached, incompetent disgraced GOP RapeHero?
Something has changed?*
He lurches out to a podium in front of a back drop of sycophants and lies to the press. That IS business as usual for these people. Nobody has gotten any help. No masks. No ventilators. Nobody has received any checks. Nothing has changed except that these imbeciles have finally revealed that they’ve been wrong all along and that much of this could have been prevented if they had only admitted it sooner. Republicans in the Senate stayed out on vacation for a week. For a week Moscow Mitch said things were not urgent enough. And today Doctors and nurses everywhere are still waiting.
For Republicans and Trump this is all business as usual. They fuckup. And everyone else pays for it.
*Okay. One thing has changed. He’s playing less golf.
Try this, fucking troll piece of shit:
Assistant coaches Schumer and Pelosi – “Coach! The wind is blowing 40 mph on the field and the rain is freezing to ice on the ball. In the first quarter you’ve just called three offensive plays in a row that resulted in interceptions for scores. Can we please go to our ground game?”
Coach GOP RapeHero – “Oh! So now you want to blame ME for the weather?”
In case the football analogy does’t work, I’m working on an arm-fishing one.
@31 “Trump now says if 100,000 Americans die from coronavirus he will have done ‘a very good job'”
All you need to know about Trump and the morons who defend him (or, worse, will still vote for him).
100k? It took 8 years of bungled military tactics in Vietnam to kill half that many Americans.
The race must go on. Otherwise, his hotels will be empty.
But at least this moron apparently knows when to STFU. Some morons catch on faster than others.
March 27, Me in an email to King County Treasury:
Is King County delaying required payment of property tax in consideration of the Covid19 crisis, especially in light of the fact that the federal government has moved it’s tax deadline for the same reason?
March 30 Customer Service, Property Tax
Good morning,
Thank you for contacting King County Treasury. State and Local authorities recognize the impact that Covid-19 is having on taxpayers. At this point, the April 30 deadline remains. If alternatives, or some other options to mitigate the impact of property taxes becomes available in the coming weeks, we will let you know via the King County Treasury website
If you don’t have a job, then you can’t lose a job.
And YOU don’t have a job.
You have no reason to delay your payments for anything.
We are making a list. Believe it.
And once all the Trump Body Piles stop growing in a couple of months, and everyone everywhere has lost a friend, neighbor, relative, or valued co-worker to this TrumpPlague, and 25% of everyone we know has lost their actual job, and nine out of ten American hands are raised against you in anger and in grief…
… you are going to wake up to find the legal and social footing you rely upon to keep you safe is a lot less certain.
Pro Tip: right now would be the best time to carefully remove that TRUMP2020 sticker from the back glass of your Rover – assuming you like the current paint finish.
@36 Timely payment of property taxes is required by law, and most public officials don’t think they can suspend laws by fiat; only Donald Trump thinks that.
Many people’s incomes are impacted by this, and some won’t be able to pay their property taxes. It’s reasonable to ask legislators to provide relief for these property owners — both business and residential. But such relief can’t be assumed or taken for granted.
When I was in law school, I read in one of my casebooks about a New York City employee during the Great Depression who continued to work but wasn’t being paid. As a result, he couldn’t pay the property taxes on his home, and the city that was defaulting on paying his wages seized his home for defaulting in paying his taxes. The courts upheld the seizure. Unfair, but nothing in the law allowed for offsetting the unpaid taxes with the unpaid wages, and the law required property taxes to be paid regardless of ability to pay, and provided for liening and seizing the property for nonpayment of taxes. It was what it was; as Mister Magoo famously said, “The law, sir, is an ass.”
You can thank billionaire Seattle real estate developer and landlord Martin Selig for the crackdown on nonpayment around here.
Selig would, at times, be over $1 million in arrears to Seattle City Light. He didn’t pay his property taxes on time, either.
It wasn’t that he didn’t have the money. What he was doing was collecting interest on money he owed to SCL and taxing authorities for as long as he could get away with it.
He was/is a classic deadbeat. Thanks to him, there are now stiff penalties and 1% monthly interest imposed on everyone who pays late, including people who — unlike him — do so through no fault of their own.
Oh, and needless to say — “Selig is a Republican and donates to political causes. … He later donated the maximum personal amount to Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign.” (Wikipedia)
If you spend any time perusing reddit you’ll be familiar with ‘Today I Learned’ and the phenomenon of people posting things that everyone should already know because they were a huge news event with wall to wall coverage like, “TIL on 9-11 all air traffic in the United States was stopped”
Donald to Fox News…
Narrator: This was covered news in the entire world two months before yesterday.
@40 “Today I learned (cough cough) that people (pant pant) can get sick [gasping for air] at coronavirus parties …”
(Sentence not finished because screen suddenly went blank.)
It’s not clear to me why CNBC shows the Dow closing 690.70 points higher directly above the headline, “Coronavirus job losses could total 47 million, unemployment rate may hit 32%, Fed estimates”
A big winner today is Johnson & Johnson, which jumped 8% after announcing it will begin human testing of its coronavirus vaccine — jointly funded by J&J and the government — in September and it could be “available for emergency use in early 2021,” which if all goes well might mean the economy has to remain shut down for only a year.
(Full Disclosure: JNJ is one of Roger Rabbit’s largest stock positions, and Roger Rabbit may profit from this investment of taxpayer dollars in developing a vaccine.)
38, 39,
Goes more or less directly to Q Clearance Patriot’s idiotic complaints about public school districts being unable to meet their legal obligations to students with disabilities during this time of pandemic GOPlague made worse by an incompetent, lying RapeHero president. You won’t exactly get those schools open sooner if deadbeat Trumpalo retirees all quit paying their property taxes. And if it weren’t for Republicans in your state legislature refusing to comply with your state constitution, they’d all be distance learning right now.
Guess what that gets you? Fewer doctors and nurses to perform intubations. Fewer bio-med engineers and technicians to design and maintain invasive ventilators.
Maybe Republicans can just hold their breath.
The dumbfucks who ingested the fish cleaner because they thought it had the same ingredients that Trump was pushing as beneficial were…
wait for it…
partisan Democrats who donated to lefty causes.
Woman Who Ingested Fish Tank Cleaner Is Prolific Donor to Democratic Causes
They were found because her name,Wanda, and her location were widely reported. Sort of an accidental doxxing.
So like The Fucking Moron II, she did exactly what Maddow & Co. told her to do. Sheep.
@ 42
It’s not clear to me why CNBC shows the Dow closing 690.70 points higher directly above the headline, “Coronavirus job losses could total 47 million, unemployment rate may hit 32%, Fed estimates”
See @ 14.
It’s because $2T is being infused into the economy specifically so that we don’t lose 47 million jobs, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You embarrass yourself.
I don’t know a single laid off worker who has been called back to work since Senate Republicans interrupted their Plague Vacation.
And Q Clearance Pussy doesn’t know a single worker period.
@ 46
And if you did? None of them would respond, as they can couch-surf on unemployment and an extra $600/week courtesy of YLB’s kids, who will foot the bill.
It’s now a vacay for all of us.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is enjoying the current situation.
For the first time he’s not the only loser at home with a family stuck with him and wishing he were elsewhere.
Take that Rabbit! See it don’t matter that after that one month of stimuli I have to default on my loans and lose the house and car.
@ 49
See it don’t matter that after that one month of stimuli I have to default on my loans and lose the house and car.
You don’t, gman.
YLB’s kids will, tho.
Did you move the horse into the house with you?
pos rapey mcdimfuk bleated:
YLB’s kids will, tho.
will what pos rapey mcdimfuk? default on debt?
my kids have have no debt to default on pos rapey mcdimfuk… no car… no student loans.. no mortgage and no credit cards..
all they have to do is shelter in place and they will survive you, that is if mary k’s check writing to ACLU and other liberal causes doesn’t kill you first.. awwwww… they won’t miss what they don’t know about.
Now mary kay on the other hand, they’ll be way grateful to her..
Florida pastor arrested for defying closure order.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: As this is only a misdemeanor, he’ll be released on recognizance or be allowed to post bail; but if he was processed at a police station, he needs to be quarantined for 14 days to make sure he didn’t pick it up there, because all sorts of shit passes through police stations.
@5 “World Health Organization officials Monday said they still recommend people not wear face masks unless they are sick with Covid-19 or caring for someone who is sick.
“‘There is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any potential benefit. In fact, there’s some evidence to suggest the opposite in the misuse of wearing a mask properly or fitting it properly,’ Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO health emergencies program, said at a media briefing in Geneva, Switzerland, on Monday.”
Like rebreathing your own germs?
In his ever increasing attempt to be more like Piddles, Dumbfuck is taking ‘Free beacon” at face value that they
A: Got the right name through doxing (A name not released by the media thus far)
B: There is only one person with that name registered to vote in Arizona (Hint, there are 17 people with my name in Washington. There are five in California with my Father’s name and he still gets press calls as to why a person with his political background donated $50K to Donald Trump. Shocker, it’s not him.)
C: Subject requested that Free Beacon keep her name secret (only “Wanda”) but was totally OK with providing details for a press outlet to go hunting for donations.
D: Free Beacon agreed not to name her.
That’s an awful lot of out of the ordinary for the totally accurate Free Beacon.
Did you hear that shooter Loughner was a satanist because he had a gargoyle ashtray on his patio? (A Free Beacon Favorite)
Yeah, it might have been a blip.
New CNN Poll, Government (Donald) handling of Covid-19 response.
48% approve, 49% Disapprove.
As the death number climbs over 3,000 before the morning do you expect that approval number to go up?
From link @44: “‘We saw Trump on TV—every channel—and all of his buddies and that this was safe,’ she said last Monday. ‘Trump kept saying it was basically pretty much a cure.'”
That’s an example of what happens to Democrats who listen to Trump. Other shit happens to Democrats who listen to Trump, too. Moral: Don’t listen to Trump. Don’t vote for him, either — leave that to irredeemably incorrigible dumbfucks.
@44 “So like The Fucking Moron II, she did exactly what Maddow & Co. told her to do.”
No, she did what Trump & Co. told her to do. Read your own fucking article and see #57 above. Maddow didn’t tell her to do this. Donating to Democratic causes didn’t sicken her or kill her husband.
@47 “It’s now a vacay for all of us.”
Not for you. You’re a doctor. You’re working on the frontlines to help alleviate an acute shortage of doctors … er … aren’t you? You are, aren’t you? Um, never mind, I should’ve known better than to ask.
It’s obvious that isn’t something you want to do, nor is it something anybody wants you doing.
@48 Even though this is a human contagion, and rabbits don’t get it, I’m not enjoying the current situation. I feel for the people who are out of work and can’t pay their bills, and for the people who are sick and dying and their frightened and grieving families.
What I do enjoy, though, is smacking you down every time you open your stupid mouth (or the keyboard equivalent). I don’t even have to work at it, because you make it so easy.
she did exactly what Maddow & Co. told her to do.
Anyone who has ever watched a handful of Maddow shows knows this is horseshit..
Maddow always says to her audience, “watch what they DO.. NOT what they say..”
@49 I didn’t even feel that one. But then, Dumbfuck has always been a soft puncher. He gives new meaning to the term “lightweight.”
@51 I can’t imagine the horse going along with that. Even Mr. Ed didn’t put up with living under the same roof as his human owner.
@55 Free Beacon is what they call alternative media. It’s a nutty rightwing website (no print edition) funded by an equally nutty billionaire vulture capitalist. Has a paid staff of 4 or something like that. Never quoted in MSM because it’s not considered a reliable source for the sorts of reasons you mentioned. Bears a strong structural resemblance to the setup Goldy works for, which Dumbfuck continually mocks. I guess for Dumbfuck it’s not the format that matters, but the content, which has to be crazy-rightwing to satisfy his criteria. For example #47 is nowhere near an independent thought; it’s word-for-word out of the GOPlague Talking Points Playbook.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Travel Bans Are Racist Bombshell News – Demorats Blaming Trump For Lack Of Ventilators Caught Lying Again, Obama/Biden-Einstein Ignored Warnings For Entire Two Terms.
Joe Biden has been struggling to get attention during the coronavirus pandemic and has made repeated claims that unlike Trump, he is competent to lead the country through such crises.
But, a new bombshell report reveals that the Obama-Biden Administration ignored at least 3 government reports in which “federal officials predicted the United States would experience a critical lack of ventilators” during a global pandemic.
“In at least 10 government reports from 2003 to 2015, federal officials predicted the United States would experience a critical lack of ventilators and other lifesaving medical supplies if it faced a viral outbreak like the one currently sweeping the country,” CNN reported on Sunday. CNN argues that this “undermines President Donald Trump’s claim last week that “nobody in their wildest dreams” could have imagined the demand for ventilators that now exists,” but fails to acknowledge Trump was correct when he said, “Many administrations preceded me — for the most part they did very little, in terms of [equipment shortage] … We’re making much of the stuff now, it’s being delivered now.”
Seven reports were issued between 2003 and 2007, while Joe Biden was a U.S. Senator, and three while he was Barack Obama’s vice president: [Details in article]
@godwinha spews: Tuesday, 3/3/20 at 1:21 pm
US deaths from coronavirus infection (so far):
73,148Tennessee deaths from last night’s tornado (so far):
2124More people have now died of COVID-19 (3,013) in America than as a result of 9/11 (2,996)
The U.S. Was Already Deep In Debt. This Year’s Deficit Will Be ‘Mind-Boggling’
>> We told you the impeached miserable failure would bankrupt the country, and he’s doing it. So much winning.
@65 Trump had 3 years to do something about it before disaster struck.
Federal judges, not surprisingly, are reining in GOP attempts to exploit the GOPlague to advance their partisan agenda of interfering with women’s constitutional rights:
“A federal judge Monday temporarily blocked Texas’ efforts to ban abortions during the coronavirus pandemic, handing Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers a victory as clinics across the U.S. filed a wave of lawsuits to stop states from trying to shutter them during the outbreak.
“A new Ohio order is also unconstitutional if it prevents abortions from being carried out, a separate judge ruled Monday. The ruling instructed clinics to determine on a case-by-case basis if an abortion can be delayed to maximize resources — such as preserving personal protective equipment — needed to fight the coronavirus. If the abortion is deemed necessary and can’t be delayed, it’s declared legally essential.”
Free Beacon is what they call alternative media.
More appropriately named, “The Washington Greedhead Freak Shreikin'”
Following each report, and many others, administration officials reached out to House and Senate committee staff to encourage funding preparations.
Three times Sen. Susan Collins gutted the funding. Every single penny.
“Preparing for a pandemic has nothing to do with protecting the economy” she said. And Donald Trump agreed with her. There’s always a tweet, remember?
It’s Republicans fault. All of it.
@70. I can only hope this will be run by Collin’s democrat opponent during the election.
@70 Maine voters didn’t need more reasons to retire that weasel to a rest home. But in this, they’ve got a big one.
Not directly. Bad optics. “Exploiting tragedy”, “now is not the time for that”, etc.
Situation for Maine looks fairly dire.
Leave to an independent, no limits “educational” PAC to keep the voters of Maine informed about who killed their maiden Aunt.
Look on the bright side. All this Wuhan Virus shit has taken those irritating political ads off of TV. We don’t have to listen to or see that political BS on the boob tube.
Also, look on the bright side because Hillary Clinton will never be president. That’s a good thing, too!
@74 “That’s a good thing, too!”
No, it’s not, considering what the alternative was. It’s not a good thing at all that he, rather than she, is in charge of our country when it’s facing this crisis.
Read this column by Leonard Pitts sometime when you’re not too busy admiring yourself. It’s about you.
Tell it to the 60,000 people her opponent is going to kill in the next seven weeks.
Speaker Pelosi understands how to read a graph, even if the GOP RaperHero doesn’t.
She’s working to time debate and voting on the next Trump Plague relief legislation to coincide with peak deaths per day. She wants the bill to focus on supporting front line health care workers, address shortages, and make substantial long term investments in health care infrastructure, the very things that will be under enormous strain when the bill comes before Senate Republicans.
Moscow Mitch, Susan Collins, Thom Tillis, and Cory Gardner are going to look so good arguing #TooManyFireEngines! at the very moment their own homes are in flames.
Nice try PJ Media.
From 2003, when alarms were raised, to 2009 who was President?
The Executive can’t unilaterally authorize spending. Power of the purse. 5th grade social studies lesson.
Save a two month period in 2009 after the GOP finally accepted they lost Minnesota and Ted Kennedy was busy dying and missing most votes that would need 60 (Moscow Mitch) to pass GOP has had outright or filibuster control in all of the years in your ‘scoop’z
“It will be down to zero. We did a great job. I don’t think you really need ventilators. We are doing a great job. I never fired the pandemic team. My ratings are great. I don’t take any responsibility. We never would have ignored a playbook on how to deal Roth this. That’s fake news. Be nice. OBAMA’S FAULT!”
At a time when even the stupidest of GOP senators — which is very stupid — apart from a few holdouts — realize that America needs to pull together, it has become convenient to use China as a temporary fill-in scapegoat until the national mood is conducive to BLAME OBAMA!! again.
“Due to panick buying Australians are only allowed to purchase 12 bottles of wine, 2 cartons of beer or 2 Liters of liquor in a single transaction. How will we survive with such restriction?”
Americans got TP.
Aussies get beer.
Just say’n
@80 Is there a 30-minute waiting period between transactions?
Blame Obama? No, blame Trump.
@82 That’s history’s task. Our task is to replace him with a grownup in November. This piece will get you started on what history’s judgment of Trump might look like:
I don’t know why but I really think the Most interesting voice missing from Covid-19 coverage is Chris Christie.
There is an article in today’s paper commenting on how this virus has sidelined the presidential campaign. People are focused on the pandemic and not who is going to be on the ballot in November.
That’s not good news for Joe Biden, as he needs to keep his name, words and image at the forefront of the news cycle to defeat Trump. This pandemic could work in Trump’s favor.
On a personal note, woke up on day 15.
14 days of not leaving the house beyond my front yard for any reason. 15 days since learning someone my wife works directly and in very close contact with and his wife tested positive. 17 days since my wife’s last contact with this coworker and another not so close coworker in the same office who also contracted the virus.
14 days and we are all symptom free.
I may go to the grocery store later. And then back home.
Anyone need anything?
@86 a pilsner please..
good to hear you and yours are staying well and safe..
@85 “This pandemic could work in Trump’s favor.”
This isn’t a rational world, it’s a world in which stupid voters do incredibly stupid things; so, yes, there’s some hope for you and your preferred candidate despite all the evidence of rank incompetence against him.
@86 Thank you for not taking any chances with your wife’s exposure. Now enjoy your first post-quarantine grocery shopping experience — I’m sure you will — but don’t forget to wipe down the packages before bringing them into the house.
Trump is not my preferred candidate and neither is Biden. I will not be voting for either in November.
@90 Then you won’t vote. You’ll cop out. Why? Is it really that hard for you to vote out of office a man who personifies dishonesty, selfishness, greed, racism, and incompetence? His replacement doesn’t have to be perfect, only better, and in that respect Biden will do; holding out for more is immature and foolish — or a specious rationalization.
There are more choices than Democrats or Republicans. Vote for whomever you choose, and I will do the same.
Any crisis can work in a politician’s favor if it is made to surround that person and they turn it to their advantage.
Trump has made a career out of doing this. From the moment he announced he would run (and really for decades before) he cultivated media attention by creating controversy, outrage, conflict, and crisis. And most of the time he was able to fabricate a narrative around whatever the crisis was that cast him in a favorable light, at least to those stupid people he targets. And he may yet be able to succeed in doing that here.
But part of what that analysis ignores is that the full magnitude of the present crisis is still weeks and months away. And placing himself, his bellicose image, and his crippled presidency at the center of the crisis is a very risky strategy insofar as nobody knows where this goes. At this point, having failed to prepare, and to enact sensible public policy early on, we can only hope that the number of dead will be in the tens of thousands rather than hundreds of thousands. And any comparison to other nations who acted early shows that most of those deaths were avoidable. They are no longer. And depending on many factors over which he has foolishly surrendered control, the death count may grow much higher.
Moreover, the economic consequences not only of the pandemic, but of his reluctance to respond may last for years and grow much worse. That too is out of his hands. Having spent the last three years defying the Congress, betraying the states, and ignoring the courts, he can no longer rely on their willingness to support his presidency in a crisis. The broad assumption that House Democrats, state Governors, and Fed Soc aligned federal courts will fall into formation and march in step with him is frankly stupid.
Speaker Pelosi appears now to be preparing to confront this impeached, incompetent, disgraced failure (and the Senate Republicans who made him) for what he is and demand that he (and they) concede to the Democrat’s agenda. Working with hard hit states and Governors, public and private healthcare officials, and major employers, House Democrats are preparing legislation that demands significant concessions on unemployment, min wages, sick leave, family and medical leave, health insurance, unpaid time off, expanded overtime requirements, workplace safety, and collective bargaining rights.
Moving forward from here, your beloved GOP RapeHero may find it very, very difficult to hold any further signing celebrations that are not also accompanied by a chorus of wailing from his own party and their corporate donors. If he wished to appear the hero he’s going to have to act it. I doubt he has it in him. And even if he does, I’m not sure it will be enough. He’s losing in Pennsylvania and Michigan and a handful of other key states precisely because of how he’s handling this crisis.
As a potential challenger, there’s not much Biden can do without appearing to be a disloyal citizen. We are all supposed to be “pulling together” right now, even if your GOP president RapeHero is spending every opportunity to ostracize state Governors, accuse doctors and nurses of stealing, and criticizing frightened voters. Biden is wise to stay out of Trump’s way. If Trump rides into November on double digit unemployment towing a pile of 100,000 dead he loses. Deservedly so.
@92 You have a right to vote for whoever you like. I respect that right, but I have no respect for how you’re choosing to exercise it, because that deserves no respect. You’re a sorry excuse of a citizen.
Here’s how you discover if it is really an EEEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE.
Has it ever at any time in the last four cycles voted for a Democrat for anything national or even statewide?
If the answer is yes, then it just might be. But otherwise it is just another shy-Trumpalo.
Remember how they all did this last time? Gore was just “terrible”. And Commander Cod Piece was “a guy you could share a beer with”. Then he launched the Forever War and stripped 17 trillion dollars of household wealth out of the economy. Suddenly one night they all crept out to the garage and quietly scraped the “W04” stickers off the truck bumper and overnight transformed into EEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE TEA PATRIOTS devoted to cutting spending (on “The Blacks”).
Everything old is new again. Including treason.
@95 Balanced budget? Haven’t heard about that since Jan. 20, 2017, except retrospectively before that date.
Keeping it in the family:
“On March 13, President Donald Trump promised Americans they would soon be able to access a new website that would ask them about their symptoms and direct them to nearby coronavirus testing sites. He said Google was helping. That wasn’t true.
“But in the following days, Oscar Health … developed a government website with the features the president had described. A team of Oscar engineers, project managers, and executives spent about five days building a stand-alone website at the government’s request ….
“Kushner’s younger brother Joshua is a co-founder and major investor in Oscar, and Jared Kushner partially owned or controlled Oscar before he joined the White House. …
Hmm-mm, PJ Media’s investigative journalists missed this one. But the Atlantic didn’t. Looks like the Atlantic is a better source than PJ Media.
About Trump’s rising approval rating …
Spoiler alert: In New York, Trump’s approval rating is up 1%; Cuomo’s is up 20 times that much. You see, it’s all relative.
File under, “Kill them all let God sort it out”
*Tampa based mega church pastor, fake theology degree mill owner, Monavie, sued and bankrupt Health juice MLM, huckster, preacher of the truth that Hollywood (eds note Jews, see blood libel) celebs literally sacrifice and drink the blood of children, Christchurch was a false flag killing claimer and originator of the theory that Covid-19 was ‘created by the Rockefeller Foundation (eds note What the What?) to shut down Christians and force them to get vaccinated (Eds note, yep he’s an AntiVaxer) and currently out on bail awaiting trial for refusing to obey stay at home orders.
Anyone know of someone on YouTube who’s recording the coronavirus press briefings and deleting all of trump?
@godwinha spews: Tuesday, 3/10/20 at 6:52 pm
After another 7 days, the frighteningly (to Democrats who are desperate for something to use against Republicans holding office) severe pandemic has now killed …
30, no wait, one week later it’s 100, no wait, one week later it’s 685, no wait, one week later it’s 3,850 people in a population of 331,000,000.Of those, about 28 would probably have died in the next 3 years, anyway, and more than a couple would have succumbed to “the flu”.
@101 Buck up, pals, and when closing with Covid-19 remember Lt. F. P. Bethune’s Special Orders issued to O/C No. 1 Section on 13 March 1918, as follows:
“(1) This position will be held, and the section will remain here until relieved.
“(2) The enemy cannot be allowed to interfere with this programme.
“(3) If the section cannot remain here alive, it will remain here dead, but in any case it will remain here.
“(4) Should any man, through shell shock or other cause, attempt to surrender, he will remain here dead.
“(5) Should all guns be blown out, the section will use Mills grenades and other novelties.
“(6) Finally, the position as stated, will be held.”
Adapt to your specific circumstances as exigencies may require. Excelsior!
You’re welcome:
Property Tax Payment Information
Changes due to COVID-19 pandemic
Individual residential and commercial taxpayers who pay property taxes themselves, rather than through their mortgage lender, can delay payment until June 1, 2020 without late charges, due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak. Banks and other financial institutions that pay property taxes on behalf of their lending customers will still need to meet the original April 30 deadline.
To help slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), King County Treasury customer service operations are being provided remotely until further notice.
Taxpayers can still receive services via
Phone: Real Property Tax (Real Estate) 206-263-2890
Phone: Mobile Homes and Commercial Property Tax 206-263-2844
Mail: King County Treasury Operations, 500 Fourth Ave., Ste. 600, Seattle, WA 98104
Payments can be made via mail or placed in the secure dropbox at the address above or paid online
It’s little ways like this, multiplied a hundred or thousand times over, that will get us through this.
And when it’s over, there’s no excuse for being caught flatfooted like this ever again. Actually, there was no excuse for being caught this time, and as has been explained in other comments above, that’s not Obama’s fault.
70 University of Texas students went on a spring break trip aaand …
By refusing to prepare and take obvious, simple, and necessary precautions Comander in Chief Bone Spurs has now cost the Pacific fleet an aircraft carrier group for the next several months at least.
Let’s just not tell North Korea.
@106 No problem. We didn’t need it anyway. North Korea and Russia are our friends now. Ohhh wait … how many aircraft carriers does it take to attack South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan?
Donald is now pivoting to scolding people who said/say the flu is the same.
There is much laughter.
768 gone just today.
So far.
@108 “768 gone just today”
On the worst day of the Vietnam War for American casualties, Jan. 31, 1968 — the Tet Offensive — 246 Americans were killed in action. This is three times that number, and worse is coming.
If the best-case projections hold up, between 100,000 and a quarter million of us won’t be here when this is over, and many people walking around healthy today will be dead a month from now.
What a horror.
Ah, but GOP president RapeHero is hard at work…
… managing perceptions and expectations.
No time for managing FEMA, marshaling our industrial capacity, protecting service members, supporting front line health workers.
He’s got to get ahead of those numbers and do it FAST .If not then drooling idiots who could never do math to save their lives just might figure out how many of those dead are directly down to his incompetence.
Congress is where Republicans send their mental defectives so they aren’t terrorizing their local communities. As one example, “Rep. Devin Nunes … [who] has repeatedly questioned experts’ guidance ….”
Roger Rabbit Suggestion: Take away his voting button and make him sit quietly and wear a dunce cap.
“The White House will not reopen the Obamacare exchanges to allow uninsured Americans to purchase health care coverage during the coronavirus pandemic, NBC News has confirmed.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Not surprising from an administration that had to be dragged kicking and screaming into admitting c-19 exists and still begrudges helping anyone not worth at least $100 million.
Watch out for cabin fever. Especially if you’re cooped up with a Forever Trumper.*
* I doubt this guy was a liberal snowflake. Doesn’t fit the profile.
“Florida governor issues stay-at-home order after weeks of resistance”
Better late than never. What an asshole.
Dumbfuck Rogues Gallery
“A woman who gave birth in a New York hospital was discharged after she started showing symptoms of coronavirus. Staff … later learned that her partner, who was present for her delivery, may have been exposed to the virus. … [the hospital] wouldn’t confirm … whether [he] had known about his possible exposure before visiting her. But another … spokesperson told [a] local paper … that he did, and that he told hospital staff he was healthy before visiting. ‘The mother became symptomatic shortly after delivering,’ [the] spokesman … told the paper. ‘That’s when the significant other admitted his potential exposure and that he was feeling symptomatic.'”
“Ten adults … were charged Tuesday after police in New Jersey shut down an engagement party that violated the state’s order against social gatherings, authorities said. … The homeowners who hosted the gathering … were charged with six counts of child endangerment for each of their children who was in attendance …. Eight other [people] at the engagement party were also charged with violating any rule or regulation adopted by the governor during a state of emergency.”
Where is everybody today? Dead? Helloooo … anybody alive out there?
@116 hey rog.. Laboring on projects.. Took a break to come here and laugh at pos rapey mcdimfuk and its silly hate.
well no posrmcd.. guess I’ll get back to it.
have a great day rog..
@117 I was just wondering if it’s time for rabbits to seize power or we should wait a little longer, that’s all.
About Trump’s rising approval ratings …
“Americans give high marks to state and local governments for their handling of the fast-moving coronavirus pandemic that has swiftly remade everyday life. But less than half approve of the job done thus far by President Donald Trump and the federal government, according to a new survey from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.”
Shorter poll findings: The public has less confidence in Trump than in their local dog pounds.
Cost of 6-day hospital stay for covid-19 survivors: $73,300 for uninsured patients, “while insured patients could expect to pay a portion of the $38,221 average cost billed to insurers.”
That might wipe the smirks off a few spring breakers’ faces.
It’s better not to live in a place run by Republican jackasses:
“When the Democrats swept into power in November in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, for the first time since the Civil War, one of the first things on their agenda was to create an agency the county has never had — a health department. With a population of more than 560,000, this densely packed collection of towns west of Philadelphia is one of the largest counties in the country without its own health department …. But before they could get it off the ground, the coronavirus swept into Delaware County …. Since then, Delaware County officials have been scrambling to protect their people from a virus that has sickened more than 300 residents and taken five lives, officials said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The problem isn’t just that the local politicians are Republican jackasses. The real problem is that, for them to get elected, the local voters have to be Republican jackasses, too. Which means that a large proportion of your neighbors are Republican jackasses. Who would want to live in a place like that? Not me!
Just how important is social distancing? It’s crucial:
“On March 23, Louisiana surpassed California in total dead from the coronavirus even though California has more than eight times as many residents. That gap continues to widen. …
“In the past week, California has seen its rate of daily increase in total deaths slow down, while the increase in daily deaths in Louisiana has accelerated.
“Experts say the difference in death tolls indicates just how crucial it has been for states to enact strict orders to limit personal contact.”
120. Then they want socialized health care.
In a surprising development, the nihilistic feral pig appointed to the US Senate to replace Johnny Isakson did tens of millions more in insider trading than originally reported, including dumps of retail stocks in favor of companies now price gouging hospitals for PPE.
These are Republicans.
If they thought it would make them a dime and they could get away with it they would gladly slit your children’s throats and drink their blood.
Heckuva Job Brownie!
No one could have imagined that he would lie like that.
She did do a year in the slammer like Marth Stewart did.
The buck doesn’t stop here:
“Vice President Mike Pence sought to cast blame on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and China Wednesday when asked why the US was so late in understanding the enormity of the coronavirus pandemic.”
Aaaand …
“Pence said Trump’s past statements that seemed to downplay the coronavirus outbreak were based in optimism and the vice president denied Trump had minimized the crisis early on, despite repeated statements casting the virus as a problem that would be easily solved.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Lie, deny, shift blame — it’s every Republican you know.
@126 Who, Kelly Loeffler? I think you have the wrong nihilistic feral pig. She has no prison record I’m aware of. The biggest risk she ever took, according to her, was … um … marrying her super-rich boss.*
* Because, she said, “if it didn’t work out, I’d get the short end of the stick” in divorce court. In other words, only the 15,000-square-foot house and a few tens of millions of dollars — presumably in cash, not depreciated stock.
Bibi being a lying asshole:
It’s only made a career out of it. Couldn’t it have been a little more artful?
Shows the deep abiding respect he has for his cabinet members.
“Hold still Benny. If you keep moving like that I’m going to get shit all over instead of directly down your throat.”
Blue and White leaders must be so proud right now.
Yes, she should do the same sentence as Martha Stewart.
@131 You don’t know much about sentencing, do you?
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. An accused has to be charged and convicted before s/he can be sentenced. A decision not to charge, or a not guilty verdict, renders sentencing considerations moot and irrelevant.
“The largest transactions — and the most politically problematic — involve $18.7 million in sales of Intercontinental Exchange stock in three separate deals dated Feb. 26 and March 11. Loeffler is a former executive with ICE, and her husband, Jeff Sprecher, is the CEO of the company, which owns the New York Stock Exchange among other financial marketplaces.
“During the same time period reflected on reports filed late Tuesday, the couple also sold shares in retail stores such as Lululemon and T.J. Maxx and invested in a company that makes COVID-19 protective garments. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution got the first look at these reports, covering mid-February through mid-March and shedding new light on Loeffler’s financial transactions during the pandemic.
“Previous reports — which have put Loeffler in the national spotlight — covered her trading during the first six weeks of 2020. Loeffler provided the numbers to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and they were more exact than what would appear on a federal campaign finance disclosure.
“The newer stock sales came as the broader markets were diving, and they are likely to fuel allegations that Georgia’s new senator used her insider knowledge about the severity of the pandemic to dump holdings while simultaneously releasing statements about the strength of the American economy and complimenting President Donald Trump on his response. The STOCK Act, a law that went into effect in 2012, makes it illegal for senators to use inside information for financial gain.” (Emphasis added.)–regional-govt–politics/loeffler-reports-more-stock-sales-denies-wrongdoing/YFPDT3pChO873nuzNKa44K/
Looks pretty damning to me. Dot 1: Dump retailer stocks. Dot 2: Buy stock of a company that makes Covid-19 protective garments. Draw line from Dot 1 to Dot 2. Looks like a very straight line. I’m not a prosecutor, and certainly not a Republican federal prosecutor, but the politics of this probably matter more than any criminality anyway.
… in the Time of Trump Plague, renders every single Republican vote an act of treason.
Barr will not outlive the statute of limitations on crimes like these. And the next administration has a solemn duty to the hundreds of thousands killed and millions sickened by Trump Plague to make sure these monsters pay for what they are doing to us.
And for their sake, none of us should ever allow anyone to forget that it was those 63 million votes for treason that stole all those American lives.
SEC rules require the murderous feral pig’s grunting mate to give 30 day advance notice for any major trades. The pig family pulled the trigger and dumped their ICE precisely 30 days after her briefing.
Those with connections never have to answer for their crimes. This lady won’t suffer any consequences, which is usual for the self-appointed elite.
@136 “
ThoseRepublicans with connections never have to answer for their crimes.”ftfy
At the Port of Los Angeles, a train engineer with “suspicions” about the real purpose of the Navy hospital ship USNS Mercy deliberately crashed his train through barriers near the docked ship to “wake people up.”
“Moreno stated that he thought that the U.S.N.S. Mercy was suspicious and did not believe ‘the ship is what they say it’s for’,” an FBI affidavit says. Reportedly muttered something about a “government takeover.”
Sounds like one of doc’s friends.