KOMO is garbage. They should be ashamed of themselves. Just completely irresponsible. Honestly, if it wasn’t obviously orders from the top, I would expect someone to be fired. And imagine having no comment? An apology and a correction at a minimum are in order. And fast. They maligned Mr. Champagne. They misinformed their viewers. And they did it on the public airwaves. Shame shame shame.
“That part. Where he redeemed the Shawshank. It truly was a Shawshank redemption.”
EDM – Regarding the comment from previous thread on the NCAA.
I didn’t know that that was the case of what you stated, nor do I know all the rules put upon the “athletes” beyond what you mention – they do seem quite asinine. But I wonder if there is any merit to what I feel could be extensive fraudulent activity if there weren’t such rules. In addition, the “athletes”, or the better ones, could put themselves in a position where they are using the NCAA as a vehicle to not only get to the Pros but also to enrich themselves at what seems to be their proprietary establishment. But I could see where the rules don’t have to be so stringent.
The argument that I have is of paying them directly. How would they determine who gets how much and to who? Is it a fair system to all? How about the gay players that seem to have a problem getting to the Pros because of their orientation? Do they stay in the closet in order to get the full potential pay that they would deserve?
I put the word athlete in quotations, because they should be students, first and foremost. The school is for education not for churning out Professional Athletes. The last time I read a curriculum in a particular school it didn’t say NFL 1.0 or NBA 1.0 or Beginners for MLS.
These schools receive public funding. Why should part of my taxpaying money go to pay “athletes”. I agree they are being abused by the NCAA, but they put themselves there as a choice. Maybe they choose to be a Doctor (just not a Dumbfuck one). Or a lawyer. Something that is the purpose of the school.
I think if they divorce the NCAA from the public funding then I have no problem with this. But something tells me they would rig the system to still get the benefits of the taxpayers money and still pay the “athletes”.
I don’t have any kids but pay taxes (which I don’t complain that often about – I am a liberal), but I don’t want my taxes going to pay an individuals directly just to give them an opportunity to make millions and for later them to complain about it. I’m going off on a tangent a bit.
But I have this argument with a friend of mine all the time. He claims to be an independent and cries about socialism all the time. He hates The Hump, but he also derided AOC every minute he gets. But this is pure socialism to pay the “athletes” in my eyes.
He would be against making McDonalds to pay a higher wage at the notion that McDonalds makes millions off of their workers. Sure they get paid, but are they fairly being paid a fair share compared to the profits, such as the profits of the NCAA.
Ok – pay these kids – but pay then $10 or $100 and no more. Then I’d like my friend to use as an argument but the NCAA makes millions. He wouldn’t accept that argument to the workers of McDonalds.
Divorce the NCAA from schools. Divorce paid sports at any level from schools that are there to teach.
Create an establishment that is affiliated with a school but no funding from the school, if they want to pay the kids. Create this second market for the kids to use as their avenue to get to the Pros and if they also then want to teach them Math 2.0 it is a bonus to the kid. Orrrrrrr, is in not fair now that kid becomes a dumbfuck because he gets no education.
I use to like Senator Murphy from CT. I’d love to see him run as a President, but he supports this shit!
As much as I think these kids are being taken advantage of, I also think they are using the school as an avenue to make millions.
I thought they do this for the fun of it. I thought it was intended to build character and comraderies, teamwork.
And not to mention – the fans are as much to blame to keep the demand such that the NCAA can take advantage of the kids.
How about this – raise the price of the ticket by 20% and put that money into a fund solely to pay to the players….I bet we have some fans that wouldn’t support paying more for a ticket. And if they did do that, then they need to audit the price of the ticket to make sure that the price of the ticket is not being manipulated to later take into account of public funds.
Maybe I have this all wrong I understanding and that they pay that these kids were to get comes from non public funding directly or indirectly.
I should have mentioned about that my friend mentioned above supports paying these kids.
I asked him how much and how is it established. I didn’t get an answer yet although I suggested ideas. Also, I am further investigating the numbers of athletes that would want or need to get paid an how much salary that is.
Student athlete regulations for Div 1 are more than 450 pages.
Your city’s criminal code is probably shorter.
Written by lawyers, for lawyers, it takes lawyers to comprehend it.
In most cases your tax dollars do not go to fund these entertainment events. Your purchase of tickets, cable rights, merchandise, events, clothing, footwear, etc. is what pays for it. Got a logo in your closet? You paid. Voluntarily. Don’t like it? Stop wearing logos.
But at least admit that part of the reason so many people young and old wear those stripes and swooshes is because of the deep and abiding admiration they hold for these student athletes whose enormous hard work, discipline, and sacrifice drives the whole enterprise. For which they receive almost nothing. Not when compared to the salaries for the logo executives, the soft drink executives, the network stars and executives, the NCAA executives, the coaches and the ADs. It really is a sick disgrace.
You say they should be students first. Are there student actors? Student musicians? Student painters? Student dancers? They get to seamlessly combine their artistic talent with their academics, obtain scholarship support based on that talent, while still retaining the freedom to earn money for that talent while they study. These sports are a multi-billion dollar a year entertainment industry being controlled as a private trust for old white men with the support of state legislatures. The sums of money are staggering. Frankly, I can tell you the level of financial disregard on the part of the people in charge amazes me. At the level of the teams, conferences, and the NCAA they leave so much money on the table it boggles the mind. But their disregard makes a lot of advertising, media, and consumer products executives very, very wealthy.
I’m saying the NCAA is fucking cancer. There should be no NCAA. Let the various colleges and universities, their boards, and their funders decide. I’d argue that public universities should simply license their brand to the teams, and free the teams to operate as stand alone entertainment production businesses to hire and fire athletes as they see fit. If groups of universities choose to form a cooperative agreement to collectively license then they should be subject to normal anti-trust and labor laws. As should the teams. But that’s just my opinion. If people insist on retaining the model of NCAA regulated student athletes then they have to grapple with the perverted sickness of this system that churns most of these kids up in three years and spits them out with nothing to show for it but a lifetime of chronic pain and an early death.
In other words, fake journalism from a rightwing propaganda station out to discredit the liberal city council — the sort of thing Sinclair is infamous for. Welcome to Seattle, Sinclair. You’re off to the races.
Innocent while black! In Florida! What were they thinking? They could have been executed!
There was no evidence against them. They had an alibi. Eyewitnesses placed them away from the scene. Someone else confessed. Yet they were convicted in a 2-day trial charade in which their court-appointed attorneys put on no defense, and spent over 42 years in prison.
The question now is, how many millions of dollars do Florida’s taxpayers owe them? Personally, I think they should spend their remaining days very rich.
If you don’t “do” Spanish, why are you in a Mexican restaurant?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: A Trump supporter for sure.
Joke of the Day
A fat white guy wearing a MAGA hat walked into a Mexican restaurant and, thinking he was being clever, ordered the taco special in Spanish. The cashier replied, “I’m sorry, I don’t understand Spanish. Speak English!”
Sorry, MAGAs, your bump stocks are now illegal and you are now criminals.
AG Barr says he will release the Mueller report by mid-April, if not sooner.
Good. I am tired of all the secrecy in government. Hopefully, the whole report will be released without any editing or redactions.
Goldy misinforms on a daily basis. He is now paid to do so.
Keep that in mind.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit still nowhere close to being a millionaire.
VAR up nicely today, I see.
A suburban militia Brain Kennedy (clearly illegal) who previously had a protection order from his estranged wife used an AR-15 to murder her in a Philadelphia area WaWa.
(Eds.Note, there is no chain convenience store meal better than a WaWa hogie.)
As an over decade dweller in the greater Los Angeles area you have to be pretty fucking stupid or more racist than Duke to not know the days of the week, months, count to 20, “¿Como Estas?” “¿Bien y tu?” “Dos tacos pescados por favor.” etc.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & Hate Christians News–Christian Prayer Bad, Muslim Prayer Good!
Pennsylvania’s Islamic Totalitarianism: State Dems Call Christian Prayer “Bigoted” – Applaud Qur’an Reading At State House Session.
Pennsylvania state Democrats branded as “offensive” a Republican’s decision Monday to open a voting session with a prayer and a thank-you to President Trump for supporting Israel, with some Dems claiming to be “horrified” by the remarks and accusing the female lawmaker of Islamophobia.
State Rep. Jason Dawkins, another Muslim lawmaker, opened the session Tuesday by reading from the Quran, prompting applause in the chamber.
Somehow I find myself unable to take your post seriously in the absence of thirteen “JESUS” and six “FATHER GOD”.
Weeping great tears might also help.
Fix that.
Hey Thomas, you Dumbfuck, if you think that the Hump and his fat fuck AG is releasing it unredacted, you are not only a dumbfuck, but do us all a favor and get back in your box and shut the fuck up.
The good gentleman racist in the Mexican restaurant is clearly an atheist because he didn’t think, maybe…just maybe…a Mexican restaurant might have a fish special on Fridays. Lent is a tip off too.
Context clues. If the person who will be sworn in immediately after you leave the dais is Muslim standing at the dais for a good two minutes weeping and saying, “Only Jesus is the true god. There will be no false gods and those who do not follow JEEEEEESUS!, Almighty lord Jesus. Only you are true Jesus….The heathen that comes before you is not worthy because Jesus!” Yeah pretty fucking offensive.
Undocumented Demorat of The Week Award Final Results–First Place, Undocumented Executioner Ramon Hector Martine Ontiveros
CANADIAN COUNTY, Oklahoma – New details have been released involving a fatal shooting that happened Thursday, March 21, near Hinton.
Canadian County deputies said around 8 p.m., Paige Gomer was killed by Ramon Hector Martine Ontiveros during an ambush shooting off Highway 37.
Sheriff Chris West said that Ontiveros was in the U.S. illegally.
“While we obtained an arrest warrant for a murder charge against Ontiveros, we are still actively involved in this investigation where an American citizen died at the hands of an illegal alien in Canadian County,” said Chris West, Canadian County Sheriff.
On the night of the shooting, other witnesses, who were in the same vehicle as Gomer, said Ontiveros was waiting for them on the road. They told deputies that Ontiveros opened fire and struck the back windshield of their vehicle with an AR-15.
Second Place, Undocumented Pediatrician Simon Rochel-Cervantes.
SEDGWICK COUNTY — A man convicted in the rape of a child under the age 14 is back in a Kansas jail facing immigration charges.
According to the Kansas Department of Corrections Simon Rochel-Cervantes, 46, a citizen of Mexico, spent seven years in the Ellsworth Correctional Facility for rape and aggravated intimidation of a witness.
Rochel-Cervantes is charged with unlawfully re-entering the United States after being deported.
Sounds like maybe we ought to build a wall.
Like this one?
“In most cases your tax dollars do not go to fund these entertainment events”
In most cases? And taxpayers are paying for the coaches salaries and a lot of other stuff, like the facilities.
Why or how am I supposed to believe that players salaries aren’t coming from taxpayers?
I don’t disagree with anything you say about the NCAA, I’m not defending them or sticking up for them. Divorce the NCAA from the education system all together. Let them be a place that produces athletes all on their own.
Colleges are there to teach. To pay the students opens the doors for all types of fraudulent activity.
Doing some quick research on the internet the NCAA did 1 billion in Revenue. There are also 450,000 NCAA student athletes. That’s $2,000 in revenue per student athlete.
Say you just take maybe 100 students from 300 colleges, that’s 30,000 student athletes or $33,333 per athlete.
Who or how do they determine who gets paid? And how much?
Speaking of party of death…(The Hill)
See @13
GOP, “we’d rather women die than lift a finger to help them.”
“Grab em by the pussy.”
“Donald 2020! A woman’s place is on her knees”
“Grab em by the pussy.”
Or by the Pubes.
Pornstar Republican Party of Perverts and Family of Pedophiles
I’m sorry but at least as far as the bowl subdivision of NCAA Div 1 is concerned what you are saying isn’t entirely true.
Are taxpayers paying for gymnastics coaches at NAIA schools in small towns? Sure. $24k or so plus a few summer camps and a second job and it’s quite the rock star life. Are they building multi purpose 4000 seat arenas in little flyover towns?
Sure. What the fuck is new? Crazy thing is, when those things are done right (small) they pay for themselves. Taxpayers in a few states have been roped into building BCS stadiums in a few recent cases. And I’d agree it’s wrong, especially considering what they are paying their coaches and ADs. But either way it has nothing to do with paying athletes. They still get fucked no matter who pays for what.
The $1 billion the NCAA reports is the tip of an enormous ice berg. And as I’ve said, they really dont care about revenues the way they might if they had to pay their performers. The upper limits of coach and AD salary are as much a function of public opinion as market dynamic. Most schools don’t even bother to adequately stock their concessions or protect their logo wear. Go try selling some counterfeit Jets gear on ebay and see what happens. NCAA gives so much away because they can. It’s like the Apple Corps of sports entertainment.
KOMO is Sinclair. Of course they’re garbage. Sinclair and garbage are one and the same.
DeVos, the billionaire bitch with the perpetually patronizing smile, should be held in contempt.
@12 Could be worse. At least you didn’t accuse me of being a hermaphrodite. You’re the only doctor I know who fucks himself on a regular basis. Happens every time the horse has a period. All your children look like unicorns.
A Fenton, Mo native born Militia finally got to live out the keeping the homestead safe fantasy and fired shots at a would be burglar.
The shots struck a neighbor in her own house narrowly missing her 1 Year-Old son.
Despite the militia’s claim that she heard the prowler prying open a window, police on the scene found no evidence of attempted entry.
@16 “The favored religion on the Left is one that has moved some of its adherents to wage war against the West for 1,400 years ….” (From link @15)
Given that Christians started it with the Crusades, some of it looks like self-defense to me.
@19 More proof we need to ban AR-15s.
Another Republican, another jerk.
What you should know about this Republican jerk:
1. High school education
2. Inherited a business
3. From Oklahoma
4. Promised to serve only 3 terms; now serving 4th term.
@25 What about someone like Geno Auriemma, and Jim Calhoun. Present Coach and past Coach at UConn. Didn’t the taxpayers of CT pay for their salaries?
Didn’t the taxpayers of CT pay for The Rentschler Statdium for the UConn footbal team.
They are part of the NCAA program. It is the players of the UConn Huskies that the NCAA would be paying for – correct?
So, as a taxpayer I am paying for this, indirectly or directly.
Explain who would pay the players? The NCAA? If the NCAA has to pay the players. Is the NCAA getting any public funding? Is the State of CT (Taxpayers) paying at all for the players costs to the College? Tuition? Residency? Or is everyone of these kids on scholarships paid by the NCAA…..Are you telling me not one kid who would be paid by the NCAA isn’t getting some type of public funding? All 420,000 NCAA student athletes are either paying all their own costs or the NCAA is paying for them?
I am not questioning as a statement – I am questioning as questions? I find it hard that some kid who may get paid by the NCAA didn’t get some type of public money. I don’t like the idea of both things mixing together.
Also, you may not have the answers and so you are not answering, but what would be the acceptable pay or salary and how would it be fairly determined? Does everyone get paid? If not, will teammates resent one another or envy the other, will this create friction and less team unification.
It’s easy to say – pay them, they deserve it, but who is they and what do they get. Will they all be fairly treated, and will my tax dollars be given to one of these paid players?
+31.75% for the period January 1, 2018 through March 29, 2019.
1. My mom has been dead for nearly 30 years.
2. I never stole from her purse.
3. I never lived in her basement and left her home when I turned 18.
My personal wealth represents nearly 50 years of investing with discipline, diversity and delayed gratification as my philosophy.
I defended an arsonist once, but thank God I never had a client like this:
“Jones: I talk four hours a day, and I can’t remember what I talked about sometimes a week ago. Sandy Hook has been, in the aggregate, less than one-tenth of 1 percent of what I cover. And I understand that you’ve been living this and poring over it constantly. I have done almost no preparation for this. It’s very ― it gives me a headache, and I just ― you’re just showing me a bunch of edited tapes.
“Bankston: What question are you answering?
“Jones: You’re asking me about a bunch of edited ― how does someone answer …
“Bankston: Mr. Jones, what question were you answering?
“Jones: If you put a bunch of pages in a blender with writing on it and blended it all up and you asked me what’s in the blender, I can’t answer you a question with a bunch of blended words.”
Yeah. Frog in a blender.
By the way I’m 54 and never wore any team logo gear of any team in my entire life.
Neanderthals do.
@34 You relate your investing results to your mom being dead, not stealing from her purse, and leaving home at 18? I honestly don’t see a connection between that and your stock market results.
I do see, however, that your returns are stuck in a narrow band, not going up or down, which is consistent with what I see elsewhere in the market. It’s been in a holding pattern this month. I think investors are taking a wait-and-see approach to the economy, which by all accounts is slowing, and some folks think we’re in for a recession this year now that the yield curve has inverted.
36, Goodfor you, I guess.
But as I said plenty of people wear Nike, Adidas, and Reebok branded gear to the gym, the park, the golf course, the beach, and everywhere else. Part of the reason they pay that premium for that brand logo is to be associated with the athletes the brands own like plantation slaves.
If you buy plain athletic gear without “Nike” or “Addidas” written all over it you’ll pay a better price. Remember – good enough and plenty of it is what you need.
Also, stay away from crowds.
@37 – The statements were made in response to some comments made by “…affluent, elite, healthy, and highly educated coastal progressive” dickheads in a previous thread.
The coaches and athletic staff are indeed paid state employees. I don’t really have a problem with that since athletics drives donations, alumni events (donations) and the revenue sports provide scholarships (never full ride but something) for non-revenue sports.
My issue with the NCAA has a lot to do with the O’Bannon case. The coaches and staff can make any kind of endorsement deal they like. A bunch of the shoe money goes directly to the coaches (Right Rick Patino?) and the athletes become walking billboards. Until O’Bannon, a college could sell jerseys or any number of items with the players name or likeness but not compensate the athlete at all. Meanwhile the athletes can’t make any kind of endorsement deal. They can’t even hold an off campus job for the most part. Too many opportunities for booster shenanigans with a no attend job.
Add to it the TV contract money going to the schools the revenue sports are making boatloads of money from uncompensated labor. Unless you think $10k tuition and 12K room and board at UW is a fair wage to pay an athlete who not only has to go to school but has a full-time job on top of it. That’s about $23k spent on a UW full-ride player (most are partial scholarship) to work 60-70 hours a week between classes, mandatory team meetings, practices, mandatory weight training sessions, mandatory travel, mandatory academic tutoring sessions….
It’s as close to indentured servitude that is still legal in the U.S.
Economist Andy Schwartz has done a lot of writing about this if you want to do a deep dive.
The only money my worthless son @40 has ever had he stole out of my purse.
No proof that this is why Mrs. Incorrect @42 is always missing $10 from her purse.
“Arizona Republican busted for paying $10 to underaged boys ‘at least 10 times’ for sex”
So I’ve been rough-drafting my 2018 tax return, and it turns out that last year, Trump’s tax cuts saved me less than $12 a week, and this year my quarterly tax payments to the IRS will be exactly the same as they were before the tax cuts, i.e., my net tax reduction is zero.
@41 they have a choice – go to school for an education, the intended purpose of a college, or be taken advantage of while trying to use the college as a vehicle to get the pros.
Is playing basketball at the high school level a job? What makes playing a sport in college any different with respect to being a job or not a job?
Ok, let’s for the sake of agreement say you are right and what EDM say is right. College girls hockey is not a money making sport, is that a job for those woman? It seems what it boils down to is Men’s Basketball and Mens Football because of the money. Should the Men’s curling team get paid? Is that sport a job? Just a less demanding job?
Who determines who gets paid and how much? Does the kid who sits on the bench doing the same job as the starter? Does he put in the same time of practice and being at games?
Sorry I don’t see this as a job, if you don’t like your job, then get a new job instead of trying to use the system to get to the pros to make millions. Do it some other way or be a garbage man which is a real job for 50 years.
@39 “Remember – good enough and plenty of it is what you need.”
In other words, REI.
The kid in little league – I guess he’s got a job too. Aren’t there labor laws that protect him from having to work so hard? ESPN made money off of the little league World Series or do they show that every year out of the goodness of their heart?
@43 He’s not only a pervert, he’s a cheapskate.
Using the bathroom while black! What was he thinking! He could have been killed!
NCAA sports is a for-profit endeavor while HS sports is not. Granted the TV money is starting to creep into HS game of the week and state tournaments.
But as we speak, the NCAA is making $1B in profit off the basketball tournament. Without the players, who are getting a bad deal, that isn’t possible. But the players are the only people at the table of the event who get zero no matter how far their team goes. All the coaches have a bonus for every round they reach. Meanwhile the athletes are missing weeks of classes and often exams in order to make the NCAA organization, their coach, their University a lot of money. And they get nothing.
Take the Zion Williamson shoe incident. Duke wears Nike. He’s playing for Duke so he must wear Nike. He has zero alternative except, don’t play, put your pro career in jeopardy if no one sees you play. The shoe failed on National TV fortunately he wasn’t injured but what if he was? What if he blew out a knee and never recovered? NBA said he couldn’t play so he went to college. College said, “You must wear this shoe.” Instead of the #1 pick in the draft and a bright financially secure future, you get nothing and didn’t have any input on the events leading to an early end. The best you can hope for is a lawsuit on potential future earnings and the player would be fighting that against a multi-billion dollar institution and a multi-billion dollar company. Good luck with that.
And yes, all college athletes should probably get something including the ones on the curling team who probably aren’t on scholarship. I mean the kids weren’t getting scholarships to be on the Stanford Sailing team they were just using it as a backdoor in.
Clearly you want to argue with somebody else about something else.
I made myself clear enough. End the NCAA. Then paying college athletes becomes moot because the athlete rules are gone and they will be free to earn money as the market sees fit. I sincerely doubt women’s hockey players will be able to sign lucrative endorsement deals, land tv spots, or get paid to wear Nike. But at least they can get paid to teach other men and women to skate, or lift, or train, or play hockey. And they wouldn’t be stopped from waiting tables or driving for Uber. NCAA forbids all of that.
Your bigger rant about how college sports is funded is a non-sequitur. You don’t think there should be college sports. I get it. I don’t really care to be honest. I don’t have much interest either way. Other than alpine skiing, I watch exactly two sports events each year. And I do that for family.
I’m saying, given the larger context and the staggering sums of money changing hands, the NCAA rules that forbid these kids from having any money are sick.
You ask should the plantation slaves be paid.
My answer is burn the motherfucker down.
For the period that you are an NCAA Athlete you must be unemployed.
There’s a reason why elite players of lesser college sports tend to be, not always but tend to be, people who come from privileged backgrounds. If you need to work 30hrs/week to afford meals and books on top of your student loans and housing allowance you likely don’t have a lot of time to put in on the field hockey or cross country running.
I find the Little League World Series broadcasts gross. I was OK showing the two semi finals and the finals but the camera in the face of a crying child who just lost and the post game interviews with 12 year olds is not OK and I don’t watch anymore. That’s really the only vote I have.
Chip off the old block or Stupid is as Stupid does or I have never had to learn anything…
Don Jr retweeting pappy’s complaint about Fake News and the Pulitzer Prize…
“He’s right you know unless they give a Pulitzer for fiction.”
Deep deep sigh.
Winners include some people most Americans have at least heard of…
Margaret Mitchell
John Steinbeck*
James Michener
Ernest Hemingway
William Faulkner
Harper Lee*
Alex Haley
Alice walker*
Phillip Roth
Barbara Kingsolver
Toni Morrison
And on and on.
*won for required reading for American High School curriculums in almost all 50 states.