I’ve recently become enthralled with Frank Blethen’s Twitter feed recently. It’s so ridiculous that if it didn’t have a check mark next to it, I would assume it was a parody account. The man is a newspaper publisher. And while I have a lot of problems with it, the paper is fine for news (when it’s not making up sources).
But holy shit. It looks like he just got a new phone and couldn’t figure out typing on it so he just said, “Siri, tweet something incoherent about a recent Seattle Times article, but make sure the capitalization and spaces are off.” Look, anyone who reads this blog knows I’m a typo generating machine. If the powers that be in this state didn’t insist that we let him set the agenda, maybe I could just ignore it.
Meet Rachel Maddow’s newest panelist.
The Secret Service will permanently remove a top special agent from her position after an investigation into her Facebook comments that she would rather not defend President Trump or take “a bullet” for him, but some agents are concerned she will simply be transferred to another government job.
In addition to other anti-Trump posts, on Inauguration Day, she updated her profile picture to an artist’s rendering of Princess Leia with the words, “A woman’s place is in the resistance.”
I agree that the Times is a horror show. I keep wondering what kind of leverage readers have over the Times? Just complaining doesn’t do much. Should we picket them, burn it publicly, or what? Start a readers union? Boycott the few companies that still advertise in them? Or maybe just unsub and give what we pay for a ST subscription to Crosscut? And if we could exert leverage, what would we ask them to do?
One thing that appals me every time I open the paper is that while they devote roughly 6,000 pages a year to sports coverage, they have never published one in depth article about health care issues. They do publish an occasional article on the politics of health care, but nothing comparing different plans, showing what kinds of health care are important to different demographics, how lack of health care endangers all of us, not just the people who don’t get it, or how many years of life people who are deprived of health care lose.
Now that I get Doonesbury in my RSS feed, I continue my Seattle Times sub to get Jerry Large, Westneat, and maybe some restaurant reviews. But I’m ready to quit. A lie filled Republican puff piece masquerading as an op ed piece by Jay Ambrose, a dismal flack with no credentials is close to the last straw for me.
So, yes, the ST is excrement, but let’s stop complaining and do something about it.
Yes….thats the ticket- silence anything you dont agree with, its the progressive way.
Or….you could start your own paper.
Fuck, if you dont like it, just dont read it.
Why do people on the left always feel that they have to silence soneone or shut down something(in this case a news paper) because they dont believe in the same things
The progressive left is showing itself to be the real fascists in America…..especially in this town.
Opting to organize subscribers, withhold subscription renewals, or boycott advertisers… this is fascism?
Fuckin’ hillbillies. Poor, aggrieved, uneducated, opiate addicted, forgotten, underprivileged, racist and now… triggered?
I guess I didn’t realize they made “victimhood” in “plus” sizes.
The only uneducated hillbilly here is you…. and your mom.
Dont like the times? Then dont read it.
Trying to shut it down via intimidation because you dont like the opinions it has is fascist…..
What else would you call it?
I get it though, you progressives are only comfy in an echo chamber….and seattle is a prime example of that….there are plenty of recent examples to prove that point.
Hey, remember when the Times had heard about John Edwards fucking around on his wife but told its bloggers to leave the story alone?
Oh, shit. My bad. That was the Los Angeles Times.
Well, remember when in 2008, Obama published an op-ed about Iraq in the Times and McCain’s response was rejected for publication by the same paper?
Fuck. Wrong again, it turns out. That was the New York Times.
@3 Fuck, if you dont like it, just dont read it.
Dropped my Times subscription years ago.
Wasn’t worth the money then and certainly not now.
I dont blame you….I did the same thing.
@5 I get it though, you progressives are only comfy in an echo chamber….and seattle is a prime example of that….there are plenty of recent examples to prove that point.
Care to elucidate?
It could be their penchant for lying. See Issaquah family farm sold to avoid “death tax.”
For background, a piece of property that hadn’t been farmed in almost a decade and was about to lose “farm” tax breaks because they sold no crops or livestock that the family admits the kids didn’t want to farm got sold to a developer for a shit ton of money. That transaction, unless they engaged in a like-property exchange would have triggered a tax bill LARGER than a potential “death tax” and family farms are exempt from estate taxes anyway. An idiot could have researched that.
But the patriarch of the family told a reporter that despite that the farm would never have been subject to an inheritance tax he was forced to sell because of “The Death Tax.”
When all the actual laws about the estate tax were pointed out to the Times, “We stand by our story.”
In other words, “The sooty man smelling of gasoline was arrested at the scene carrying multiple incendiary devices but he told our reporter, “I have no idea how the building burned down.” We stand by our story that a witness says the cause of the fire is unknown.
It’s not a matter of “silencing opinion we don’t agree with” it’s a matter of The Times regularly inventing stories to fit their opinion.
I see your solution is, “Don’t read it!” But somehow it’s “silencing” them if you drop your subscription and “Don’t read it.”
Talking of echo chambers….how about that Obama wiretap thingy.
DRUMPH using FOX NOISE as a trusted information source?
That sure worked well.
More Trump.
‘We couldn’t be more excited!’ Eric and Lara Trump reveal they are expecting their first child together – a baby boy due in September – making President Trump a grandfather for the ninth time
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/fem.....z4btwkTvm2
If anyone is starting a baby pool on HA, I got dibs on Labor Day.
@12 After Trump’s disastrous day today, you might have more luck trying to start an impeachment pool. I’d say by Labor Day.
@11: It swindled our troll. He repeated it this weekend as if it were actually a fact.
Admittedly, swindling him is a really, really, really low bar, but it did work.
(We should start a pool on which allegation made by Trump he would not believe. My money would be on the null set.)
The very first story on Whitewater appeared in The New York Times:
[NYT reporter] Gerth focused on the state regulator in charge of S&Ls, Beverly Bassett Schaffer. “After federal regulators found that Mr. McDougal’s savings institution, Madison Guaranty, was insolvent, meaning it faced possible closure by the state, Mr. Clinton appointed a new state securities commissioner,” Gerth reported. “Under state law, the securities commissioner was supposed to close any insolvent institution.” The innuendo is that Clinton’s appointee ignored the law to help the crony of her boss.
That central allegation was never validated, not by any of the tens of millions of federal taxpayer dollars spent on investigating Whitewater, and certainly not by The New York Times. No one named Clinton was ever indicted, let alone convicted, of anything relating to Whitewater – or on any other charge, for that matter.
Given the huge amount of time, energy, and effort spent on Whitewater — every last bit of which might have been better spent on pretty much anything else — one wonders why American right-wingers don’t cite The New York Times’ coverage of Whitewater as a prime exhibit for why we should not trust The Liberal Media.
Maybe our trolls here could tell us?
“Given the huge amount of time, energy, and effort spent on Whitewater”
Given the huge amount of time, energy, and effort the doctor spent on posting thousands of hashtags on this blog about how Hillary is a crook, one would think he could name a single crime. But he can’t.
Thats not what i said….gi ahead and drop the subscription, i did.
But picketing advertisers? Lol
LMFAO @ a readers union
For christs sake……
But what if he really wants it to be true?
What if he REALLY wants it to be true?
What if he REALLY, REALLY reeeeeeeaaly wants it to be true?
Why doesn’t any of that count?!?
“What if he REALLY, REALLY reeeeeeeaaly wants it to be true?”
Given the thousands of hashtags the doctor has left here, I conclude that he either REALLY, REALLY, reeeeeeeaaly wants it to be true, or he REALLY, REALLY, reeeeeeeaaly wants me to LOL at him every day.
@3 What’s with the plural characterizations? You’re reacting to the views of one poster. He doesn’t speak for all of us.
I’d call citizens opting to organize subscribers, withhold subscription renewals, or boycott advertisers an exercise of constitutionally protected freedoms. And the people who try to limit constitutionally protected freedoms are the ones we call fascists.
Honestly, victim doesn’t look good on you hillbillies. You really don’t know how to wear it very well. And no serious person really believes all the bullshit about “downtrodden”, “aggrieved” “Trump Trailer Trash” taking their revenge. Trump’s narrow electoral college victory is nothing more than garden variety racism and xenophobia pitted against one of the worst Democratic campaigns since George McGovern.
@6 It’s not like the newspapers you despise so much have never covered for numerous GOP president’s lies, failures, and criminality. See, e.g., the negligence preceding 9/11/01, and also see Saddam’s WMDs. The media went along with that bullshit for a long time. And right now they’re giving the benefit of doubt to a traitor who doesn’t deserve to have anything he says believed by anyone.
@7 That’s how I handle ST’s shortcomings.
@12 Why is this newsworthy?
“I’ve been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI as part of our counterintelligence mission is investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. That includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.“
– James Comey, a guy who’d actually know this shit and have the legal authority to talk about it in public
“Duhr, smoke but fire, fire it up, smoke ’em if you got ’em, the fire next time, duhr, where’s my check please? I’ve got a towncar waiting.”
– Mike Morell, a retired guy Doctor Dumbfuck listens to with great interest
@15 The $70 million Whitewater investigation, paid for by taxpayers, and spearheaded by a man whose chief claim to fame is that he went on to become Chancellor of Rape University, was brought to you by the party that likes to pontificate about “waste, fraud, and abuse.” Somehow they can always find loose taxpayer money for shit like this, while telling us America can’t afford “Meals On Wheels.”
Hypocrisy is every Republican’s middle name.
@ 14
He repeated it this weekend as if it were actually a fact.
Actually, tensor, I described it as an allegation. In full, I wrote:
@ 1
I think the allegation, accurately stated, is that our allies were dragged into wiretapping. As in they did it at Team Obama request last year. Past tense, not now.
I modified the statement only by highlighting the key word in bold, tensor.
One would think, tensor, that if I were as easily swindled as you suggest, that you would not need to misrepresent what I said in order to prove it.
@16 It apparently isn’t taking long to establish Drumpf as a crook, though.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: His son-in-law’s family has already pocketed $400 million and there’s much, much more to come. The Drumpfs do Robert Mugabe proud.
With all you faux-superiority, you been playing the biggest victim of all.
@22 “one of the worst Democratic campaigns since George McGovern”
And even given that, he still lost the popular vote by 2.8 million.
@28 One would think that if you’re not swindled as easily as tensor suggests, you wouldn’t ride the coattails of such a baseless allegation in the first place.
In fact, calling it a “baseless allegation” is too charitable, both to Trump and you. Most people know a bullshit fabrication when they see it.
I wish I could cut-and-paste the salient points in this piece but it’s all salient.
Obamacare rates in Arizona doubled. In a year. And we knew about it when everyone thought #CrookedHillary was gonna win. We knew about it before #CrookedHillary decided to go mandate by visiting Arizona with nary a week to go before the election.
Higher premiums trigger decline in Arizona insurance signups
The title doesn’t do justice to what happened:
The average premium in Arizona before subsidies is $611 a month, up from $324 per month last year.
Last year, 52,797 Arizonans who bought and paid for plans earned too much to get a tax subsidy. That number fell to 40,537 at the end of open enrollment on Jan. 31, and is likely to fall more because some people who chose plans won’t actually pay for them.
Now, that was an extreme example, but in the rest of the country Obamacare didn’t exactly bend the cost curve downward:
Nationally, premiums also rose, although not as dramatically. The average cost is up by 25 percent across the 39 states that use the federal exchange to facilitate health insurance sales.
howz dis sound:
“I think the allegation, accurately stated, is that Puddy is a space alien time traveler who fucks goats. As in he fucked goats at the request of the alien voices in his head last year. Past tense, not now.”
“I think the allegation, accurately stated, is that Doctor Dumbfuck was driven into retirement by his addiction to prescription opiates. As in he lost his mal prac coverage when he was caught trading blow jobs for Dilaudid. Past tense, not now.”
Works for me.
Also shorter Comey:
“Trump is a liar and probably crazy”
Lifelong smokers in their fifties and sixties whose idea of “active senior lifestyle” is sitting on golf carts and motorcycles.
I think the allegation, accurately stated, is that our allies were dragged into wiretapping. As in they did it at Team Obama request last year. Past tense, not now.
And yet, you somehow never quite got around to noting that even your beloved
Ministry of TruthFox News was already saying there was no evidence to support this allegation.If you repeat a baseless allegation after it’s already been shown to be without merit, you should expect to be described as a gullible rumor-monger. Try not to get too butthurt about a title you went out of your way to earn.
If the Democrats run Elizabeth Warren in 2020, Trump will get re-elected. If the Democrats run a moderate, Tump will lose.
@5 what do you call being against allowing to people of the same sex marry. Fuck the Seattle Times and your hypocrisy.
“One would think, tensor, that if I were as easily swindled as you suggest, that you would not need to misrepresent what I said in order to prove it.”
One would think, Boob, that if you could actually ever be right in life, regarding my life, you wouldn’t need to misrepresent my life, it shows that you are desperately losing an argument. Your bad examples seem to have rubbed off on Steve and Maxipad.
So boycotting a newspaper is fascism, and this? Well, this is just plain freedom.
So boycotting a newspaper is fascism, and this? Well, this is just plain freedom.
That one is Puffy. How’s that for on demand? IE!!!!
Or could they have been Martians?
Or could they have been Martians?
Ummm….so? Neither was your gal Hillary, until it became convenient…..same for Obama.
Your point?
Pisser, your ability to read or understand the English language is somewhat lacking…..management is not in your future.
@ 34
howz dis sound:
Sounds like it is going to be a very long four years for you.
More Facscism!!
Page 5 | Online from March 13, 2017, http://www.enr.com/publications/11/editions/856
@48 you made it by not answering the question and responding the way you did.
I wonder if Max and Steve will be attending, and if they’ll be bringing their blueprints. All that bad ammonia smell.
JackASS @34,
Interesting imagination.
Seems you have AssFacia. A gruesome hideous condition in which yo face looks exactly like yo ASS because yo head is so far up yo rectum! A sure sign of this infection would be strange denials and poor witless comebacks.
Hey hanging human teabag licker,
Notice how shitstain steve has no comment when you double post?
Why? Its a shitstain under extreme pressure!
@ 50
In four months The Trumppp will be sitting in his Mar-A-Lago estate in Florida, consulting with a huge team of lawyers (on credit) about how he can fight extradition to New York.
He won’t even be President by that point. He’s done. He’s so done he’s fucking burnt toast. His entire team is a giant overcooked goose. Every single one of them is a goddamn felon.
I know. Maybe because Sarah Palin is my mother. I can dream that one day some moron party will nominate me to be VP or heck even Prezindent.
Then: ” … at an August campaign event, Trump said: ‘I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf.'”
Now: “Trump has played golf at least 10 times since becoming president in late January, despite the fact that he teed off several times at his immediate predecessor Obama for indulging that very same hobby while in office.”
And, of course, these junkets are at taxpayer expense.
Hypocrisy is every Republican’s middle name.
@50 75 years ago, you could’ve said the same thing about the forthcoming 1941-1945. Longevity does not equal quality.
Nobody uses ammonia to print pdf’s moron. Ever heard of a plotter?
You are akin to a first year apprentice telling a general foreman that he is stupid.
Dont you have something to go schedule? Lolz
@53 I notice you don’t deny being a space alien or goatfucker.
@55 The question is, how do you play golf in an 8-foot by 10-foot concrete cell?
It all may not unfold as quickly as that. The stakes of such an investigation cannot be higher. FBI and Justice lawyers certainly recognize that careers may be made or destroyed by how this unfolds. They will neither hurry nor speak recklessly if at all. And as the investigators continue to identify and secure any evidence the media leaks will dry up. But the fact that the media and the public are left to speculate should not be taken as evidence of little or no wrongdoing. Often its just the opposite.
@12 Why is this newsworthy?
Amazing, isn’t it? His abject, sniveling worship of his bully-boy hero is so mindlessly reflexive, he eagerly tries to build a cult of personality around his Dear Great Maximum Leader, whose tacky and trashy ways render him risibly unfit for such veneration.
Next up, we’ll be reading about how inspiringly low his Maximum Leader’s golf scores must be.
Multiple FBI and Justice sources are now confirming a parallel investigation into possible coordination between hillbilly media outlets like Breitbart and an FSB engineered bot campaign to drive social media traffic to fake news stories at moments in the campaign when Trump’s numbers were flagging.
About 70,000 gullible dupes made the difference. And honestly, the only thing that might make this “illegal” is the involvement of the FSB. Had it been run out of a private marketing company in Orange County there would probably be nothing illegal about it. This is the future of political campaigns. The battle over the witless preferences of brain dead trailer trash will be fought in cyberspace by 20-somethings badly in need of a shower.
Russia also used “trolls,” hundreds of computer operatives who pretended to be Trump supporters and posted stories or comments on the internet complimentary to Trump or disparaging to Clinton. Sources close to the inquiry said those operatives likely worked from a facility in St. Petersburg, Russia, dedicated to that tactic.
Врач немой ебать?
@65, 66:
Life imitates art:
They have dozens of social-media accounts called “sock puppets” — fake users with online lives that they manage, such as “IraqBob,” “Navy Wife,” and “Delta Force Groupie.” It’s a fascinating scene, especially in this era of distrust of major news outlets, social-media outrage, and #FakeNews.
The Peter twist makes reality more outrageous than our most paranoid fiction. Barely.
“If the Democrats run Elizabeth Warren in 2020, Trump will get re-elected. If the Democrats run a moderate, Tump will lose.”
Fuck off, hillbilly. We’ve retired from saving you from yourselves. You built this shitshow. You get to live with it.
After all, it was during the halcyon days of Moderate Dem supremacy when you beer-drunk shit bags turned the keys to the Party of Lincoln over to Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich. And then launched your two decade “Contract with Aging White America” of government shutdowns, lockstep opposition and sabotage, using Congress to conduct openly partisan witch-hunts to cripple a Democratic president, mainstreaming the language and tactics of Hate Radio crackpots and openly seditious conspiracy theories.
“Lock her up”, indeed.
We’re done with you people.
I can’t remember where I read it, but one tech jorno who studied the phenom last year observed a consistent tendency among the FSB born bot-accounts to feature female avatars using the publicity photos of porn starlets photoshopping in a red MAGA hat.
Many of those accounts persist to this day. Sometimes to comical effect.
Fits the Trump voter profile to a tee.
Hey Dumbfuck, looks like there’s consequences to repeating baseless rumors:
WASHINGTON (AP) — The top two lawmakers on the House intelligence committee said Sunday that documents the Justice Department and FBI delivered late last week offered no evidence that the Obama administration had wiretapped Trump Tower, but the panel’s ranking Democrat says the material offers circumstantial evidence that American citizens colluded with Russians in Moscow’s efforts to interfere in the presidential election.
Whoops! Looks like repeating baseless accusations against Obama gave justification to investigations into illegal acts which may have benefited Trump.
Nice attempt at an own-goal. Please keep trying.
…American citizens…
It’s rather important to recognize why the investigators, the committee members, and the media are left using this specific turn of phrase. They are being as precise as possible without violating the law. The identities of “American citizens” whose activities are discovered incidental to any FISA surveillance may not be revealed. Depending on how much supporting evidence is discovered otherwise, we may never learn their identities.
But we can make a few very good guesses.
And so Trump is Treason.