How is the social distancing going? I didn’t leave my apartment over the weekend except to do laundry. There aren’t many machines, and they’re all packed into a row with the laundry on one side and the dryer on the other. So there’s usually a bit of jostling. But it was all very polite and one person at a time keeping our distance. I don’t like it, but I guess it’s the next few months at least.
Only 29,000 to go before the DJIA under Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron will finally match its performance under the black Muslim usurper from Kenya.
Over the weekend he tweeted that it was a “national priority”.
“McConnell pushing coronavirus vote to later in week over GOP opposition to House bill: report”
Doctor Dumbfuck’s Orange moron declares tomorrow to be our “National Day of Science”.
Heh. Kidding.
Curfews are coming, where not already here.
That will mean our trolls have to be home by 6 p.m.
Donald opens press conference praising Fed for shooting their entire was at propping up investors.
Because priorities.
Where are the tests?
Epstein didn’t kill himself.
@5 Not its entire wad. The Fed can still print endless amounts of money to buy bottles of hand sanitizer for $70 each from this guy.
A Trump voter without a doubt, so Trump may order Powell to help him out. Wait … whoops!!! “Tennessee price gouging laws make it unlawful for individuals to charge unreasonable prices for essential goods.” So what’s a cornered black marketer to do?
“After facing backlash online, Colvin says he’s making plans to donate the rest of the sanitizer. ‘With business, there are wins and losses, and this is a situation where cutting my losses is the right thing to do.'”
So, all’s well that end’s well — a greedy profiteer takes a financial loss to stay out of jail, and the hand sanitizer he hoarded gets donated. But where, he didn’t say.
I wouldn’t call what he did “business,” though. It was stealing. He’s getting off easy; in war zones, people like him are stood against a wall and shot.
Except for 1 post over two hours ago, no sign of Doctor Dumbfuck this morning; he’s probably arranging the sale of livestock to meet margin calls. He’ll have to get by with hand jobs from now on. As for me, I’ll be buying stocks, just not yet. The country isn’t locked down yet. It soon will be, and investors won’t like that.
On repukelican watch.. on repukelican watch..
dimfuk’s havin a fine day, amirite?
@8 This country must go on lockdown, and will soon. The economy is now facing supply shocks and demand shocks simultaneously. Republicans won’t get this right. Fed rate cuts and payroll tax relief won’t be enough. Too indirect and scattershot; and, in large part, wrongly targeted. The situation calls for direct assistance — grants, not loans — to those directly affected by covid-19: Workers who lost wages or were laid off, business owners without revenue, people who can’t pay rent, ill people without sick leave or medical insurance. GOP Senators are holding up the House bill that provides some of these things — not good. This is not the time to shit on their constituents.
“GOP Sen. Mitt Romney proposed sending every American adult $1,000 to ease the financial pain of the coronavirus pandemic that has tanked global markets and threatened to grind U.S. economic activity to a halt,” CNBC says.
That’s nice, but I don’t need it, and $1,000 isn’t enough for those who do — e.g., unemployed restaurant workers who can’t pay rent, uninsured people who are getting sick, etc. Instead of giving everyone a small amount of spending money, which spreads the money too thin, government resources should be concentrated and directed to where it’s needed, in sufficient amounts. Romney is clueless. The situation doesn’t call for stimulating consumer spending; it calls for helping people who are cut off from their livelihoods, businesses being forced to close their doors, the uninsured with medical bills, and supporting hospitals, clinics, and care providers to ramp up capacity to deal with an influx of sick patients.
Supply shocks are relatively moderate.
We need to think clearly about this. Suppliers have run out of medical supplies and sanitizers because those things are being used at fifty times normal rates.
We are not eating or shitting more than we normally do. For now, the reason grocer shelves are empty is because panicked US consumers who watch too many episodes of “Preppers” have chosen to front load the demand and provide free warehousing services. Because FREEEDUMB. Meanwhile fast food stores, restaurants, bars, lounges, hotels, airlines, resorts, golf and country clubs, health clubs, convention and visitor centers, cruise operators, and wedding planners are canceling orders. And the globe remains awash in oil and energy supplies right now and that isn’t likely to change.
We may experience some difficulty obtaining European imports. And some of those import and trade restrictions may eventually impact critical supply chains. But right now in the near term what is happening is a demand collapse. Other than groceries everything is dead and will remain that way for up to two months.
A supply side driven recession calls for different remedies than a demand driven recession. Right now the trolls and imbeciles are trying to exploit this crisis in order to drive a bunch of supply side remedies essentially as yet another windfall for the very wealthy and a few connected industries.
Meanwhile, because of collapsing demand, lifelong proudly conservative small business owners and small employers are openly talking about calling for a general rent strike unless Congress steps in to stabilize payrolls, loan payments, and rental payments. This is Bizarro World shit. TeaBaggers extolling Marxism.
Mittens calling for free gubmit money for The Blacks, dirty hippies, lazy Meskins, and hairy lezbos.
Like I said, Bizarro World shit.
Still not gonna be surprised when Moscow Mitch kills all of it.
The GOP is just too far gone to be able to respond to any of this. And too many of their supporters don’t work.
Repukelicans flirting with “free stuff”… Heh. We saw it before in 2008 but…
what teahadi or maga pinhead remembers that?
what a bunch of cucks..
@11 “For now, the reason grocer shelves are empty is because panicked US consumers who watch too many episodes of ‘Preppers’ have chosen to front load the demand and provide free warehousing services.”
Ordinary people you wouldn’t consider “preppers” are stocking up because the flow of supplies to grocery shelves may be interrupted or reduced if production workers, warehouse workers, delivery drivers, etc., get sick in mass numbers. As you know, it takes a human chain to keep shelves stocked, and this virus doesn’t bypass or spare anyone. Those working in the grocery supply chain probably are more exposed than many, so it’s not unreasonable to expect restocking bottlenecks resulting from worker shortages all the way up and down the chain. Housewives are asking themselves, “will I run out of bar soap and be unable to get more? Does my family have enough canned foods to last for a month if deliveries are interrupted or there’s a run on the shelves?” They’re already seeing shortages of some products, and it’s natural for people to think more products they consider essential may become unavailable. Of course, this hoarding feeds on itself by creating or adding to the shortages that prompts it. But it’s average people, not just preppers, who are rushing to stock up on food and essential household supplies. That’s really what’s going on. Hand sanitizer and face masks disappeared overnight; now other products in demand are following, and this becomes a feedback loop for more products.
The return of dimfuk should coincide with the imminent completion of the Durham Report…
or maybe not..
@12 “Mittens calling for free gubmit money for The Blacks, dirty hippies, lazy Meskins, and hairy lezbos.”
That will get amended in the Senate deliberations.
@15 Can’t think of a better time for Republicans to be themselves. Voters have short memories, but not this short.
There will be disruptions in supply. They are already happening. Believe me. But they will not compare to the disruptions in demand and the potential resulting death spiral collapse of finance and employment. I’m now talking to people seeking advice about what their options are if they simply decline to pay their business lease or loan payments for a month or two. I’m talking to bankers who confidentially admit they are already fielding these calls from commercial customers and trying to decide what course of action they will pursue. Bankers get these kinds of calls all the time. But not all at once from every single customer. It’s not just loss of fast food payroll.
Even if a third of all Americans ultimately become sickened, the majority of those of working age and working in key supply industries will recover. Part of the purpose of all this social distancing, and isolation is to slow the rate of spread so that disruptions to key industries can be managed. So at any one point in time, even if fully a third of all employees eventually become sick, only ten percent or so are missing work. Slows things down. Doesn’t bring them to a halt. And we will certainly notice that some elements of the system are more fragile than others. So bot-farm pussy may have to drive a long distance and take a ferry if he needs some kind of special MAGA sauce for his FREEEDUMB Fries.
We need a demand stimulus package that includes some way of filling in enough of the missing consumption for the next eight weeks that we don’t have massive defaults on everything. We do not need bail outs for the oil and gas industry, the hospitality industry, the travel industry, or Trump’s well connected pals. Those executives and investors don’t need any help buying groceries. And they’ll have plenty to do for once planning how to restaff and recover once this is over. Remember the last time we bailed them out they spent it all on bonus compensation and used the crisis to justify massive cuts to rank and file compensation, outsourcing and off-shoring.
Dow just fell another 600 points after Orange Moron said the “worst” of the outbreak “could last until August” and the U.S. “may” be heading into a recession. (Ya think??)
Looks like a month’s supply of TP, soap, and canned food may not be enough.
Other than a small amount of spoilage, hoarding of toilet paper, Twinkies, and Tombstone pizza does not contribute to shortages beyond the near term. People don’t eat substantially more because they have hoarded. In general, hoarding of food merely shifts the storage burden for a period of time. Demand spikes as storage shifts toward the consumer. But hoarded food gets consumed. Then demand dips below normal as consumer gradually draw down their over-supply. It’s nowhere near the optimal efficiency. But it does not produce food emergencies either.
Remember, for every empty store shelf you see being relentlessly photographed from every conceivable angle there is a warehouse overflowing with canceled orders from everywhere else that is now closing or closed.
A small percentage of consumers are hoarding food right now because they don’t know what the fuck else to do. They feel a compelling need to do something. They don’t like what state and local authorities are telling them to do. And they don’t believe what the GOP RapeHero is telling them to do.
Boeing, one of Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s core holdings, is down 38 bucks per share. Shares are down 200 bucks each since mid-February.
Good thing for Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit that he has only been able to afford to buy three Boeing shares.
I don’t know about the rest of y’all, but I’m gonna miss Goldy’s frequent “Damn you, $15 minimum wage!” pronouncements.
Bet that Invictus dude will miss them even more.
@10. I expect romney wants to give $1,000 to everyone because he doesn’t want to be seen choosing winners and losers.
Nothing would piss off his base more than seeing someone that wasn’t them, getting something.
They have been trained to see anyone who is not them as takers.
If they didn’t get the sweet sweet cash too, they wouldn’t see themselves as better off, but as losers.
They wouldn’t be “special” and “privileged”.
Someone should tell Goldy that the IRS has strict rules covering categorization as independent contractors, and one of them is that you not be required to lick the boots of the guy paying you.
Did something change?
Last I heard GOP Senate was unwilling to commit to a vote at any time. And the earliest they would allow the package brought up for consideration and possible debate was the end of this week. But no commitment even to do that.
Fake moderates like Collins and Romney are going to toss out crap like that as smoke screen for their own cowardice. If they believed any of their own shit and had any character they’d cross the fucking aisle and vote with the minority to overrule the chair and try to save the nation from collapse.
Read the bill. That’s in there.
The airline industry is asking for a $50 billion bailout.
No word on whether Trump plans to apply for a bailout of his private 757 when he’s not using it anymore.
@ 26
He’s still a bootlicker. Thronesniffer, when he’s permitted.
@21 Good thing for me I sold half of my Boeing shares last year for $380 and the rest of them this winter for $310. A very good thing. I may consider buying them back, and yours too, when they’re going for fifty cents.
At the presser today where a Moron reiterates the CDCs recommendation to not be in groups any larger than 10…
While the moron was speaking….
15 others stood shoulder to shoulder around a moron.
@28 I’m sure you breathed a huge sigh of relief when you found out you were going to be a radiologist, not a proctologist.
@ 29
I have never held Boeing outside a mutual fund. Too much of what I have is dependent on western WA as it is. I don’t need to go full Enron and overweight myself with BA, SBUX, AMZN, MSFT and the like. Broke down and bought some MSFT a decade ago.
I’ll take a little less gain for a little more diversification. Except right now I wish I hadn’t diversified where I did.
If you read the 737 MAX tea leaves, it’s the first smart investment of your adult life, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
10 of the 10 worst days ever.
How’s the economic argument for re-election coming along?
BA dropped $40 today and closed at $129. Single digits isn’t far away. Nobody’s saying it out loud yet, but I’ll bet they’re thinking it: will the company survive?
Sometimes the stock of the company you work for isn’t the best stock to have in your 401(k) account. Especially if you’re losing wrenches inside the fuel tanks and the engineering department is debugging new software with passengers aboard.
Dumbfuck is even dumber than I thought if he believes a non-employee like me would hold onto the stock of a company producing one clusterfuck after another. I feel sorry for the Boeing workers who still haven’t divested their employer’s stock from their retirement accounts. They should’ve been the first to realize what was going on, and see what was coming.
It looked to me that it started plummeting as soon as he appeared on screen at the mic stand. Sad!
After the worst DJIA day ever, the doctor only has 29,812 to go in order for his orange moron to match the usurping jungle bunny communist from Kenya. Good news though, there’s strong technical support to be found at 17,840 which you can see on the charts back in 2015 and 2016. You know, back when the black male usurper from Kenya was doing his usurping thing in the WH. If that’s the bottom, it’d leave the doctor only 32,160 to go!
@35 Don’t worry, it’ll turn around on Nov. 9, 2020. Still that’s a long time away, and if the market keeps sinking at today’s rate, stocks will be free by the end of this week.
Dow dives 3000 points in worst day since 1987. Second time it’s done that under Drumpf’s watch. The Stable Genius keeps setting records.
He gets a 10. Perfect score! Best ever!
“Trump Gives Himself a 10 Out of 10 for Handling Coronavirus Outbreak”
Act of WAR!
WUHAN China Virus is a bio-weapon developed at Xi’s orders and grown out to lethality and weaponized within his own borders using his own population as a Petri dish. He unleashed it on the US as payback for President Trump’s defeat of China in the Trump Trade War Victories.
Elections must be suspended and martial law imposed immediately until the attack has been neutralized. All the lazy shits in their 20s and 30s must be mobilized in a draft and sent to fight the Yellow Peril.
Monmouth and Marist have new Arizona polls:
Both have Mark Kelley, Astronaut, spouse of mass shooting victim member of Congress, leading Donald stan supporter of “Hey Ukraine, you’ll get the aid when I see an investigation” McSally.
Both have Biden slightly ahead of Donald which is not where an incumbent wants to be against the likely primary winner well before it’s decided.
Marist also has both Biden and Sanders winning the general in….Ohio.
All these polls were completed before states started shutting down restaurants because of a prank call, the worst day in DJIA history and Donald telling state Governors to get your own damn medical supplies because this is all a hoax and we’ll be at zero cases in no time.
Bye Felicia!
After Twitter responded to user reports of no longer sherrif clark’s accusations that Covid-19 is a Soros funded bioweapon and actions to stop the spread are just a Soros led plot to end capitalism Twitter deleted the posts.
And Clark says he’s taking his ball and going home. Snowflake.
@39 Typical Chinese junk. 97% of the enemy survive. If DARPA designed it and Lockheed made it there would be no survivors. Thank God it’s not one of ours that we sold to the mujahideen.
Precious! hahaha
To borrow from Baroness Emmuska Orczy’s The Scarlet Pimpernel…
“They seek him here, they seek him there
Those dumfucks seek him everywhere”
I wonder if typical GOP voters will react to daily lying about failing pandemic response in the the same way as daily lying about inauguration crowds, penis size, comb over, hooker payoffs, tax evasion, and Nobel Peace Prizes.
I guess we’re gonna find out.
For parents now home schooling here’s a quick lesson you can use on malleable language.
“We’re on our way, we’ll be there soon.”
“Don’t snack, we’re having dinner soon.”
“Soon we’ll be down to zero.”
in or after a time ranging from
15-45 minutes
1-3 hours
up to six months.
“Very good sweetie now spell Hoax.”
I’m gonna go out in a limb and predict the Weekly and March new unemployment filings are going to be high.
@47 I’ll go even farther on a limb and predict Doctor Dumbfuck will be back here bitching about the $15 minimum wage again. But I wouldn’t go so far as to predict he’ll blame all this on the $15 minimum wage. Close, though.
While discussing with governors “what health experts say is a serious need for more respirators and ventilators to deal with the influx of coronavirus patients,” Trump showed presidential leadership by telling them, “try getting it yourselves.”
@47 Moody Analytics projects a million jobs lost this week alone, and says half of U.S. jobs are risk. At the depths of the Great Depression, unemployment peaked at about 25%.
Was Trump tested? If he was, is the WH telling the truth about the results? They keep changing their story.
I have a medical question for Bob, but not sure I can trust the answer to be fully correct.
Say a person tested positive for affluenza (I think Affluenza A?)., could it possibly have COVID-19; or in other words if a person had COVID-19 and Doctor gave that person standard glue test, would tests results be positive?
@51 there’s not one bit of truth coming from that fat fuck’s mouth or that family or the White House.
@godwinha spews: Tuesday, 3/3/20 at 1:21 pm
US deaths from coronavirus infection (so far):
787Tennessee deaths from last night’s tornado (so far):
2124161 Cases which had an outcome: <======
74 (46%) Recovered / Discharged
87 (54%) Deaths
3rd 7% circuit breaker triggered in 10 days as the S&P 500 crashes on opening
Dow falls 2,200 points, trading halted, as rate cut fails to calm markets
Coronavirus Could Bankrupt Most Airlines by End of May, Consultant Warns
U.S. poll shows growing worries about coronavirus; drop in confidence in government
Surgeon General Urges Providers to 'Consider Stopping Elective Surgeries.' Hospitals Push Back. If they don't they could go bankrupt.
"Many companies will require bailouts. These companies should be bailed out with cash from the government but only in exchange for new stock issued by the companies. Once the recession has passed and the companies bounce back, the public gets the benefit of their investment."
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Open Borders For Epidemics Bombshell News – Demorats Exploit Epidemic For Political Gain, You Will Pay For It In November, Thanks Again For Being Arrogant & Stupid.
A public health crisis is no time for partisanship. Sadly, for the left, they saw the coronavirus pandemic was just another opportunity for them to take down Trump. From the Russian collusion hoax to the bogus impeachment, they’ve tried relentlessly to find something to not just damage him, but to end his presidency.
The left’s politicization of the coronavirus pandemic has taken many forms, and I’ve compiled the most significant examples below.
10. Wishing infection on Trump supporters 9. Prioritizing political correctness over the public health
8. Rampant lying about Trump’s response 7. Absurdly high mortality rate guesstimates 6. The New York Times says the virus should be renamed “Trumpvirus” 5. Using the coronavirus pandemic to push their agenda 4. Biden Plagiarizing Trump’s plan 3. Pelosi’s puts Hyde Amendment loophole in coronavirus bill 2. Raising money off of the outbreak 1. Falsely claiming Trump called the coronavirus ‘a hoax’ [Details in article]
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Open Borders For Epidemics Bombshell News – At Least Something Good May Come From This, Trump Martial Law, Demorats To Gulags, Election Canceled.
(USA Features) HBO “Real Time” host Bill Maher said during his weekly program Friday night that he believes President Donald Trump will “declare martial law” over an outbreak of coronavirus.
“Now since Trump, I think, is not going to leave anyway, might as well run Bernie. He’s not. And by the way, when the virus gets bad, he’s going to declare martial law. Watch that,” Maher said, repeating an earlier claim that if Trump loses in November he would refuse to leave office.
“That could happen. That could totally happen,” he continued.
PJ media. Whoo. Funny.
But things are going to change now.
Susan Collins has concerns about WH response to pandemic.
@56 “Democrats to Gulags”
Yeah, Ann Coulter never wrote about sending liberals to “concentration camps,” and nobody on your side ever said “lock her up” or anything like that, nor did the mobs, excuse me, crowds attending his rallies chant “lock her up” along with him. No idea where Maher got these ideas from. Must’ve pulled them out of thin air.
Democrats didn’t say “lock them up.” It was actually a Republican who got the convictions against a long list of Trump associates, campaign operatives, and their/his Russian friends.
Never let a catastrophe go to waste!
“Lying about Trump response.”
Not a single example. Shouldn’t have been hard.
There must be some weekly backpages local you can find somewhere that is lying about Trump’s response.
Or really, is it that Trump himself is lying so much and so frequently that there is no point?
Don’t forget to lick the stripper pole, PorkSauce!
Feral pig
slopshit called itself “Big A1” in an earlier thread..I recall an idiot always wrong wing troll called “Big Al” who used to pollute the seattle usenet threads with racist garbage about “loot rail”, “ps8 scum” and “dfns”…
What a POS..
@59. Yeah I remember that Gulf Oil Spill catastrophe that Republicans didn’t let go to waste. Such a disaster it was. Incredible disaster it was.
Next best thing to that was being photographed with a tan suit or with the feet up on the desk….just imagine if the feet were up on the desk while wearing the tan suit….ohhhh my godddddd!
Well, I suppose that’s one interpretation. Here’s another:
Robert Mueller’s Biggest ‘Bombshell’ Indictment Just Got Dismissed With Prejudice
Tens of millions of dollars and a country paralyzed for years to have their only case against the Russians dismissed with prejudice. Meanwhile, there was never much of any evidence that Concord did the things they were accused of. Mueller had essentially repackaged some old information the FBI had already dealt with to bring about the indictment and it came nowhere near holding up in actual court.
A Russian company had its US-based attorney fight back, and it turned out that the indictments were based on nothing. The link I posted includes a lot of screen-shot information from the filings. Click on one of them and you get this:
Another great exchange, as described by the Defense.
Rhee: We have 2tb of social media data.
Defense: What language is it in?
Rhee: Russian.
Defense: Have you translated it?
Rhee: No.
Defense: Then how do you know what’s in it?
Rhee: [silence]
DOJ was a clown show. Now it’s a bit less of a clown show. Kinda like the place Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit used to work, just before and then following his retirement.
We’re like, one tweet away from a demand that landlords who are already expected to forgive rent payments must now also provide free laundry.
Amy Goodman will be first to demand it. Never mind the fact that she smells that bad all the time, and it saves her money because she doesn’t have to pay for security. Or Massengill products.
Today’s word spam:
Part of speech: noun
Origin: Middle English, 15th century
A small bunch of flowers, typically one that is sweet-scented.
A gift of a small bouquet of flowers.
Examples of Nosegay in a sentence
“Her daughter picked a nosegay that was mostly weeds, but she still loved it.”
“Each of the bridesmaids received a small nosegay wrapped in lace.”
@ 63
As you can imagine, is all over this.
DOJ drops charges against ‘Russian trolls’ after they dared demand evidence in US court
They still insisted that Russia had “meddled” in the election, but there too the case proved a problem. Concord successfully petitioned Judge Dabney L. Friedrich in May last year to rebuke the prosecutors for presenting their allegations as facts.
This is not to say that the DOJ is ready to disavow ‘Russiagate’ as a debunked conspiracy theory, however. Though the Concord case was dropped, the charges against the Internet Research Agency and the 13 Russian individuals were not. Given that none of them have a presence in the US, and have not dignified the indictment with a response, it is unclear how – if at all – the DOJ intends to proceed with the case.
Keeping it on the books may keep the flames of ‘Russiagate’ alive, though, which is very convenient for the media and others heavily invested in the narrative of Moscow somehow menacing US elections, despite not a shred of actual evidence being presented to back it up.
Indeed. Because without it, Steve would have to admit that she lost because she was just fucking awful.
Yeah. Allegation presented as fact. See what I did there?
Imagine the government sends you a nice, fat check, like the $1,000/mo that
Andrew YangMitt Romney proposes.Now imagine you have no fucking place to cash it.
Someone is living in a world where ATMs don’t exist.
Wait til he hears the Buck Rogers technology called a smart phone App.
It’s only Tuesday and he won the week.
You’re not going to convince these liberal progressive trolls to agree with you, and they are not going to get you to agree with them.
Both groups are wasting their time.
@63. The racist incel crows that Sheriff Rosco P Coltrane dismisses charges against Boss Hogg
@64. The racist incel is pissed that worker somewhere might get something nice that he didn’t get, and makes himself feel better by insulting women.
@65. The racist incel wastes electrons.
@66. The racist incel crows that Sheriff Rosco P Coltrane dismisses charges against Boss Hogg again
@67. The racist incel is pissed that people are thinking about ways that could help workers.
@63 Well at least the GOP, after spending tens of millions of taxpayer dollars investigating Hillary Clinton, had the decency not to file any charges against her in the first place, since she did nothing wrong, and wouldn’t have needed a team of lawyers to prove it.
@63 As for Barr dropping the case against the Russians who interfered in our 2016 election to help his boss get elected, and who are now actively interfering in our 2020 election to help his boss get reelected, I suppose there may be some who might surmise that a fix is in.
Hey Dumbfuck, I think you should short Boeing stock. It’s mighty expensive at $115, which is $115 more than it’ll be worth if the company files Chapter 11 and needs a government bailout to stay in business. Or doesn’t stay in business.
@64 So don’t be a Seattle landlord. Nobody makes you do that.
@67 As I recall, there was no “/mo” after “$1,000” in Romney’s proposal.
@68 I agree with doc on this one. ATMs and smartphone apps won’t work if the banking system seizes. The Fed has been intervening in the repo market since last October, so this isn’t new. Some elements of “QE4” obviously go beyond that, but part of this is the Fed ramping up its ongoing repo intervention because of increased stress on the interbank overnight lending system. Their objective is to prevent a credit freeze. This is apart from banks’ and other lenders’ ability to process surging mortgage refinance applications. A lot of people still don’t fully appreciate the great extent to which our “modern” economy depends on keeping the credit pipelines open. The entire financial system has a heart attack if you don’t, including the part you access via your smartphone.
@69 This being a liberal blog, he and you are trolls by definition.
@69 “Both groups are wasting their time.”
This is entertainment. If it’s a waste of time, then so are bowling alleys, movie theaters, Broadway shows, listening to music, fucking, and Republican wars.*
* Republican wars never accomplish any worthwhile policy objective, so they have to be considered entertainment, as there’s no other category they fit into.**
** However, I don’t dispute that Republican wars are a waste of time, not to mention a waste of treasure and lives. That’s so obvious it’s beyond argument. Of course, they’re entertaining only from a comfortable armchair; even Republicans know better to fight in their wars. They dispatch working class kids and minorities to handle the chores that aren’t much fun, e.g. coming home in a flag-draped box.
@66 “As you can imagine, is all over this.”
In which a pro-Putin troll who has unapologetically posted thousands upon thousands of pro-Putin lies about a Democratic Party presidential candidate while never once saying a harsh word about Putin or Russia pathetically tries to convince HA readers that he should be off the hook for his fucking treason.
Yet another fail, you goddamned fucking traitor.
@79 I endorse this message, except for the “fucking” part, as there’s no evidence the traitor is getting laid by anybody other than a horse.
Here’s some disturbing news: Colleges closing their classrooms and going online (or not at all) may cost veterans their educational benefits and even require them to repay those benefits.
@ 67, 68
Someone is living in a world where ATMs don’t exist.
Well, Cz-252, let’s talk about those ATMs.
So your ATMs would work for the red-state crowd and still leave the blue-staters without a means of stuffing G-strings or tipping without the employer taking a cut.
There was a reason both parties wouldn’t let the banking system fail, Cz-252.
@ 79
Everyone else around here says bad things about Trump, and pretty much nothing else. What’s the point of me even being here if all I do is the same thing, Steve? HA’s enough of a fucking echo chamber as it is.
I’d wager that if all I did was parrot what everyone else has to say, the number of spews in an average day around here would fall by a third.
Without me here, Steve, you’d be chatting with YLB. ‘nuf said.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has been using a home-made enema system for the last decade.
Stop hoarding toilet paper and make your own bidet starting at $20
Another blue-ribbon day in the market for Boeing, I see. DJIA is up 800+, Boeing is down more than five bucks.
@83 No reason why you can’t if you’re so inclined. There’s no quota on this blog on saying bad things about Trump. That’s not being rationed. So it’s reasonable to conclude you’re not inclined to.
@84 Your medical school training obviously didn’t include a class on where and how rabbits shit. (Hint: Have you looked in your garden recently?)
@85 You should short it anyway. This isn’t the bottom for BA. They’re begging for more government money, this time from D.C. not Olympia, because Washington taxpayers alone can’t afford how much it will take to keep that company afloat.
(Full Disclosure: Roger Rabbit doesn’t own Boeing stock anymore, and won’t benefit from a government bailout. He got out at $380 a share.)
“Trump dismissed coronavirus pandemic worry in January — now claims he long warned about it”
Never let an opportunity to lie go to waste.
“Everyone else around here says bad things about Trump, and pretty much nothing else. What’s the point of me even being here”
And to set yourself apart from patriotic Americans you decided it was best to post thousands of treasonous pro-Putin lies. Well it worked, Doctor. I now see you as being a dumbfuck traitor who thinks that coming here and celebrating Russians getting off the hook for fucking with our elections on your behalf is going to somehow change that view of you rather than solidify it.
Trump blaming JarJar now for giving him bad advice about CPACvirus last week.
More thoughts and prayers.
4 Reasons Why Republicans Don’t Wash Their Hands
[ ] 1. They think Covid-19 is a Democratic hoax
[ ] 2. They don’t trust the news media
[ ] 3. Trump hasn’t told them to
[ ] 4. They’re hoarding water
[ ] All of the above
I thought some asswipe troll said that tax scam and repatriated corporate profits would “benefit all levels”…
Heh. That asswipe’s nestegg is worth a lot less now.. The country as a whole seems a lot worse off. ho hum.. life under the klownservatic repukelicans..
Did some asswipe troll pooh-pooh this pandemic by comparing the early death toll to that of a tornado?
Musta swallowed the swill of the world’s worst economist, Larry Kudlow.. “Locked down”… lmao..
Heh. They grow ’em stoopid on the troll farm..
Huh.. A 1 to 1.2 trillion dollar stimulus.. Remember when the always wrong wing jerks called that a “porkulus”???
Oh but a black guy with a “D” next to his name did that.. and it was less money even but.. inflation… whatevs..
Well look who kept using a shovel.
Who worries about independent ATMs? If you do have a bank account most people choose a bank with a convenient location near their home. Some choose one near work so that’s a little more difficult. Even more choose one that has both. That location will have an ATM.
And unless the WiFi fails and the Cuban invasion shuts down the interwebs…. Cell phone banking app. Take picture of check. Press button. It’s straight up wizardry!
Based on your comment about physical location of independent ATMs you aren’t making a RR argument about the entire banking system failing. But you do like to make arguments about the poors having phones and they should tighten their belts a little more.
You’re becoming more like Piddles. Kablamo.
@94 Calling Kudlow an “economist” is a low blow even for a widely derided profession. Kudlow majored in history and tennis, dropped out of grad school. He has no credentials at all to be called an “economist,” and even less credibility on that or any other subject, but especially on that subject.
Say, anybody know which nation is our greatest geopolitical foe?
’cause someone told me Russia was so 80s.
Two Headlines
“Dow jumps 800 points as White House seeks $1 trillion in fiscal stimulus amid coronavirus outbreak”
“Republicans, White House Gut Paid Sick Leave In Coronavirus Bill”
At least Republicans are consistent in their policies: Help business, fuck workers.
If y’all had elected Romney in ’12, there would never have been a President Trump. Jus’ sayin’.
@98 “someone told me Russia was so 80s”
That would be Trump, the guy you voted for and shill for. Clearly, Russia is now officially our ally, and NATO is our enemy. Trump said so. And you’ve never contradicted him.
@ 95
YLB, it’s your kids who will pay for ARRA.
Love the sidewalks they paid to put in front of my rental houses, thanks.
It’s interesting that libbies whine about those $1,000 checks possibly not going out before the end of April but have no problem with small employers @ 99 being forced to pay unemployment benefits to staffers while waiting substantially longer than that to collect reimbursement benefits from the government.
Small employers very frequently aren’t doing much better than employees.
Here’s how Trump wants to spend the $1 trillion he’s about to add to the deficit and public debt:
$500 billion to $550 billion in direct payments or tax cuts
$200 billion to $300 billion in small business assistance
$50 billion to $100 billion in airline and industry relief
As for that half-a-trillion of “direct payments or tax cuts,”
” … Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told reporters … corporations will be able to defer tax payments of up to $10 million while individuals could defer up to $1 million in payments to the Internal Revenue Service. Mnuchin also said President Donald Trump authorized the deferral of $300 billion in IRS payments.”
Doesn’t seem like a whole lot of that will go to workers who lost jobs because of Covid-19. Does look a whole lot like Trump’s “middle class” (haha) tax cut. You know the drill — corporations and wealthy individuals get 90% of the benefits, you get the tax bill.
For Trumpublicans, it’s just business as usual. As some wag posted here a little while ago, never let a good crisis go to waste.
@102 “in front of my rental houses”
Doesn’t surprise me that you’re a slumlord. Not a bit. You can’t evict your ex-restaurant worker tenants, you know. Just making sure you’re aware of that. I’ll bet you raised their rents the day the $15 minimum wage went into effect.
@103 I’d like to get mine in time to send it in with my 4868 so I don’t have to use my own money for that.
@103 It’s news to me that “small employers are forced to pay unemployment benefits to staffers while waiting collect reimbursement from the government.”
Dumbfuck can’t keep his taxes and payroll expenses straight. He’s probably talking about a proposal, not yet enacted and unlikely to be (Democrats have already negotiated away big chunks of it), requiring employers to give paid sick leave to employees with Covid-19 or family members with Covid-19, for which they’ll be reimbursed by the government.
Unemployment benefits are paid by the state. The money comes from a payroll tax. When workers are laid off, their employers pay less, not more, of that payroll tax because these folks aren’t on the payroll anymore. Businesses get partially reimbursed for these taxes in the form of a deduction from gross income, i.e. these tax payments aren’t counted as taxable income. (They are, however, taxed by the state’s B&O tax, which taxes gross revenue; Roger Rabbit opposes the B&O tax, thinks it should be repealed, and replaced with a state income tax.)
“A Kentucky novel coronavirus patient checked himself out of the hospital against medical advice. So to prevent him from spreading the virus, officials are surrounding his house to keep him there. The 53-year-old man in Nelson County refused to quarantine himself after testing positive for Covid-19, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear said. Nelson County officials ‘forced an isolation’ on the man, one of the first 20 confirmed Covid-19 cases in the state. ‘It’s a step I hoped that I’d never have to take,’ Beshear said in a conference on Saturday. ‘But I can’t allow one person who we know has this virus to refuse to protect their neighbors.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Betcha the fucker voted for Trump. McConnell, too. Beshear, a Democrat, probably has some intel on this, and that’s why he’s doing it, it’s politically motivated. Gotta be. Everything Democrats do is intended to harass conservatives. Even Covid-19 is a Democratic plot to harass conservatives exercising their freedom to not wash their hands after using restaurant restrooms. Confining this guy to his house is unconstitutional. The gold fringe of the American flag says so. But it’s lucky for the guy’s neighbors and community that Matt Bevins isn’t Kentucky’s governor anymore.
YLB, it’s your kids who will pay for ARRA.
shrug.. a big portion of that was tax cuts and tax cuts can only be a good thing amirite? they raise gov revenues.. Art Laughingstock said so.. Look what he did for KansASS…
And the drumpf “porkulus” too.. Damn… They’re talking 1 grand a crack to a lot of households – $250 billion for April and another 250 billion if needed after that..
DAMN! Free stuff for main street! Talk about sealing the deal for November. What a bunch o’ dirty hippies those drumpfies.
You’ll find some way to blame that all on Hillary.. It’s what idiots do..
The wife and I know what we’re doing with our 1 grand check..
Not a dime for consumer goods.. Not a dime for cheap stocks.. We’re averaging into this market already, thank you very much.
After graduating with his B.S. , the youngest will need to go back to the JC to take prereqs for professional school. A brief respite before hopping on the student loan treadmill. His choice.
Thanks for small favors COVID-19.
The Dow briefly touched 19,882 today. It closed at 19,827 on the day that Trump was inaugurated.
@111 I’m still beating that n*gg*r!
Just in case you were wondering, repeatedly pointing out how badly Trump/Republicans shit the bed on this thing does not exactly reflect well on you.
BREAKING DUMBFUCK NEWS: Everything everywhere is turning to shit. And you voted for it every single chance you got.
Despite how obvious it is at this point, I’m afraid you are probably still better off when you simply stick to lots and lots of lying and “Boat Full ‘O Dildos” media cites. As it comes naturally to you, it’s at least easier for you. And you probably need to save your energy. In your case, that persistent dry cough and fever have a no better than 85% chance of resolving before you collapse on the bathroom floor with the golden retriever licking your vacant staring face.
GOP Rep Duncan Hunter sentenced today to 11 months federal confinement for stealing from his campaign to pay for hookers, zipper masks, ball-gags, and poppers.
This honestly is not a good time to be placed into a BOP facility and he should be worried about getting the CPACvirus – especially as a lifelong smoker with compromised lungs.
Thoughts and prayers as always.
GOP Rep Duncan Hunter sentenced today to 11 months federal confinement for stealing
One of the first congress critter drumpfies, amirite?
Everything that touches drumpf dies.. Pence should have been dead by now but it’s merely a zombie – straight out of the Walking Dead.
It’s been days since anyone has seen Senior Advisor to the RapeHero, Doctor Professor Vanky*. She was always his favorite.
Thoughts and prayers.
* Actually lots of elite celebs are using this CPACvirus crisis as an opportunity to disappear for a few weeks for some “touch ups”. Daddy will just have to gut it out with plenty of orange foundation and “micro-line filler”.
@godwinha spews: Tuesday, 3/10/20 at 6:52 pm
After another 7 days, the frighteningly (to Democrats who are desperate for something to use against Republicans holding office) severe pandemic has now killed
30100 people in a population of 331,000,000.Of those, about 28 would probably have died in the next 3 years, anyway, and more than a couple would have succumbed to “the flu”.
@114 Yeah, I’ll pray for him, when I can find the time.
@117 Yeah, VAR down only 26%, no big deal. Was overvalued anyway.
“Boeing revealed Monday that it is in talks with the Trump administration for potential aid”
See? What did I tell you? But there’s this little catch:
“The White House will now have to negotiate a package with Congress. The measure will need to balance aiding individuals and workers in need, as well as industries it has already said it wants to support. … Democrats, though, have made clear that any support to industries must come with significant aid to workers. There has already been dispute in Congress about paid time off in a second coronavirus relief bill, which has yet to pass the Senate.”
The same article also says, “Millionaires are unlikely to be among those who receive relief in the form of direct payments.” Technically, this would disqualify me, but I don’t know how they’ll figure out who’s a millionaire and who isn’t. In any case, Trump shouldn’t have any trouble qualifying, because his debts exceed his assets. Putin can tell you. He brings it up all the time during his policy discussions with Trump.
“The White House announced Tuesday that it is pitching a $1 trillion economic package to combat the coronavirus outbreak, $250 billion of which would be used for direct payments to Americans.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: One-fourth of it. A thousand bucks per nose. Here in Seattle, that’s two weeks of rent.
“People who owe money to the IRS can defer up to $1 million, and $10 million for businesses.”
Ordinary working folks don’t owe $1 million to the IRS. Small businesses don’t owe $10 million to the IRS.
“Mnuchin also indicated that the federal government intends to keep the stock markets opened, but he added that shorter hours might be necessary. ‘We believe in keeping the markets open. Americans should have access to their money,’ he said.”
Didn’t know they were thinking about closing them. Republicans must think that closing markets makes people feel their money is safe. Just like they think keeping spring break beaches open combats the spread of coronavirus:
I have to admit, when Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit dies of coronavirus infection, his last desperate, ineffective drawn breath and frantic facial expression lost on the family members who merely wish he had died soon enough for them to liquidate his previously pitiful brokerage account before it dived to its now downright embarrassing value, that Varian will be less valuable because his ED-inducing prostatic carcinoma won’t need to be treated.
Varian’s loss, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s family’s bigger loss.
Tip like you sat down to eat, bitches.
Look at it this way, gman: If you placed a condom dispenser next to where you Ben Dover-in-place, there’s a chance that one or more of the strangers you meet may use it before they stick it in.
NYC mayor warns of possible shelter-in-place order as U.S. death toll hits 100
Think of all those stupid Bernie-supporting liberals who will risk coronavirus infection today because Bernie was too selfish to drop out Sunday night or Monday.
Bernie killed it today. now has a new meaning.
@122 “Varian will be less valuable”
Think they’ll feel sorry for you? Think again. They know all about you. They laugh every time I mention your name.
(Raucous rabbit laughter in background)
@123 You never tipped anyway, so it doesn’t change anything for you, except now you don’t have to drag your fat ass off your car seat to get your food.
@ 126
I don’t doubt they laugh, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
But not for the reason you think.
Biden wins Florida (polls showed he would), and Illinois (polls showed he would), no results from Arizona yet (but polls show he has a big lead there); does anyone still doubt where this is going?
Biden leads Trump in Ohio (average spread +6), Pennsylvania (+3.8), North Carolina (+3.4), Michigan (+4.8), Arizona (+3.8), Virginia (+6.3), and Nevada (+4), among others.
his ED-inducing prostatic carcinoma won’t need to be treated.
A true top of the shitpile klownservatic like you dimfuk doesn’t dose with ED meds anymore, amirite?
You got the affirm clinic now.. for both ed and pd.
Do they do anything for the bald spot? Heh. maybe you’ve had or you’ve got a rotten tooth problem.. Do they do dental implants as a side biz?
Two weeks ago:
“President Donald Trump accused Democrats of ‘politicizing’ the deadly coronavirus during a campaign rally [in South Carolina] on Friday, claiming that the outbreak is ‘their new hoax’ as he continued to downplay the risk in the U.S.”
“Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin warned Republican senators Tuesday that the coronavirus pandemic could drive up US unemployment to 20%, a Republican Senate source told CNN. …
Mnuchin also said he is concerned the economic ramifications of the coronavirus pandemic could be worse than the 2008 financial crisis ….
Mnuchin’s comments … come amid a rising sense of urgency at the White House and on Capitol Hill to confront the increasingly serious threat of the coronavirus pandemic — on both the public health and economic fronts.”
I presume the Treasury Secretary had clearance to say those things. Otherwise, he won’t be Treasury Secretary tomorrow.
Wall Street must have been listening because Dow futures are now down 643 points.
Wherein Rand Paul delays Senate passage of coronavirus emergency legislation.
Thanks to the RapeHero incompetence abetted by Senate RapePublican’s blind obedience to tribal shibboleths, the GOP may lose N.C., GA, and even FL.
But at least bot-farm pussy will always have Varian… and Rand Paul. Beautiful, beautiful Aqua Buddha.
Oh and did you see this photo taken today of a crowded Florida beach after the REPUBLICAN governor refuses to close the beaches?
Question: How many ventilators from the strategic stockpile should Florida get?
He’s not wrong.
@ 136
Oh and did you see this photo taken today of a crowded Florida beach after the REPUBLICAN governor refuses to close the beaches?
Oh, and did you see the photos of the Ivy League college students gathering to party in large groups after classes were cancelled and they were asked to return home so that large groups could be avoided?
While Some Cornellians Self-Quarantine, Others Pack Parties in Response to Campus Shutdown
Question: How much effort to save the life of one of these dumbfuck liberals should be made if they come down with it?
Tulsi Gabbard running ahead of #WallStreetPete in Illinois.
Really not a surprise. Illinois is just across the border from Indiana, and #WallStreetPete is better known to them. Fraud is fraud, even if it’s gay.
AOC takes down an incumbent.
@137 What you have here is two yahoos who deserve each other. But we don’t deserve ours. You and your ilk did that to us.
@138 “Question: How much effort to save the life of one of these dumbfuck liberals should be made if they come down with it?”
Answer: 14 days.
You figure out what the right question is.
@139 What we have here is a candidate who dropped out running neck-and-neck with THE ACTIVE CANDIDATE YOU LIKE.
Apparently you didn’t donate enough to her campaign.
Ann Althouse lays it down.
@140 Not sure what the message in there is, or if there is one. Wikipedia says,
“Lipinski has a reputation as one of the most conservative Democrats in the House. He did not endorse President Barack Obama for reelection in 2012, opposes legalized abortion and stem cell research, was the only House Democrat from Illinois to vote against the Affordable Care Act, supported reauthorizing the Patriot Act in 2006, and supported the Defense of Marriage and First Amendment Defense Acts. In January 2020, Lipinski, Democratic Representative Collin Peterson, 166 Republican representatives and 39 Republican senators submitted an amicus curiae brief calling on the Supreme Court to reconsider and potentially overturn Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, two cases that upheld abortion rights,”
so at first glance it appears his district’s Democratic primary voters want their candidate to be a Democrat.
Biden handily won Arizona, sweeping today’s 3 big primaries: Florida, Illinois, and Arizona. Sanders should pack it in and endorse Biden.
Shorter Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 145:
Now there are no conservative Democrats.
Most EU nations suddenly realize that open borders might not be such a fuckin’ good idea.
Hungary had a head start when it decided that letting Italians in wasn’t very smart.
The Wuhan virus doesn’t discriminate.
Creepy Joe Biden won 65% of the FL Puerto Rican vote and didn’t even have to pardon anyone to do it.
I started feeling nauseous about the 2016 presidential race in May of that year.
OK, if Sanders drops out and primaries are cancelled in some states, how does that differ from the GOP cancelling primaries in some states?
Is it less important that Biden face opposition than it is that Trump face opposition?
Oh. BTW Trump now has enough GOP delegates to be nominated. Today was the earliest primary calendar day on which that would be possible.
Twenty year old vegans who never smoked, and hit the gym twice a day. It isn’t a question of saving their lives.
It’s a question of why was the sleeve damp on your drive thru latte this morning?
Thoughts and prayers. Motherfucker.
YMMV, but
Anyone looking for a reason to invest might consider reading the FedEx CEO’s and EVP’s comments:
@ 152
It’s a question of why was the sleeve damp on your drive thru latte this morning?
Thoughts and prayers. Motherfucker.
I grind my own, each morning. Started adding cream six months ago, ’cause I’m gonna die anyway.
Those 20 year-old vegans will have mild cases due to their underlying health. They’ll shed just as much, likely while at the Kombucha bar with the clove cigarette chain-smoking dudes with bodies like Zach Galifianakis. It’s the latter dumbfuck liberal to which I @ 138 referred.
Started adding cream six months ago, ’cause I’m gonna die anyway.
oooh reality bites.. a better world in the offing.. something the many of us could use.
@147 Same number as before. If you get my drift.
All: Should I spell it out for the dumbfuck?
@148 “The Wuhan virus doesn’t discriminate.”
Too bad. That means it can’t be a Republican or evangelical. But it can still attend CPAC meetings as a guest.
Guys in Italy that figured out how to 3D print the valve part for ventilators that was in short supply, now being threatened with an infringement suit by the valve maker. Not coincidentally the valve in question sells for $11,000 per.
More heartwarming: Softbank, who wound up with rights to the Theranos IP has hired the monkey-selfie lawyer to patent troll the living shit out of everyone trying to rapidly prototype CPACvirus test kits. So that’s nice.
@150 “I started feeling nauseous about the 2016 presidential race in May of that year.”
Probably was a Russian virus. The Chinese one gives you a fever but doesn’t make you throw up.
@155 You’re referring to this world, of course. He isn’t going to a better one.
@158 Patents are creatures of government. Created by government, granted by government, enforced by government. Don’t tell me government can’t say, “Fuck your patent, we need this. You’ll get reasonable compensation. We’ll decide what’s reasonable.” That’s certainly true of drugs under Section 1498. Don’t know if there’s a comparable provision applicable to medical devices or test kits, but if not, Congress could enact one, or maybe a presidential directive issued under his emergency powers would be sufficient.
American Cruise Ship companies register the ships to other countries to avoid US taxes and regulations.
Do you think that is worthy of bailout money?
I’m assuming that the substance of the defense response would consist of a precisely worded FUCK YOU.
But sadly I can also see what I won’t call the “merits” of these filings but perhaps charitably the “financial rationale”. Some companies are going to get a huge financial windfall from CPACvirus. Governments are ready to start writing open checks for some of these supplies and equipment yesterday. And this will be with us for probably a couple of years before a vaccine is available. And that vaccine may be a profit center as well.
Patent trolls know that for many of these companies settling these claims early can have huge financial advantages. So even though it looks monstrous, filing early puts these assholes at the front of the line.
Wealthy old Boomers like cruises. Many of them cheated on taxes for decades. How else are they going to spend all that money?
Closed the border to Canada to all but essential travel.
Elizabeth Warren just laid out 8 conditions that companies should accept for government bailout money during the coronavirus crisis
If I can’t get her as president, I’d love her to lead the senate. These are brilliant.
The Fucking Moron II @ 166
Companies that have met the $15 minimum wage requirement and can’t pay out dividends or buy back their own stock from shareholders desperate to sell are gonna do what, The Fucking Moron II?
They’re gonna acquire. Warren’s unintended consequence will be fewer companies and they’ll be flush with cash because she won’t let them share it with their owners, the shareholders.
So big fish will eat little fish. Or, if somehow you plug that gap, you’ll have huge companies, like Berkshire Hathaway and Apple, sitting on massive piles of money awaiting the expiration of the schoolmarm regulations preventing them from spending. And when that expiration date passes, they’ll prey on the little guys like wolves on lost sheep.
The Fucking Moron II, do you ever stop to think, or are you just a YLB with a Y chromosome?
Shorter bot-farm pussy:
Companies “sitting on massive piles of money” are entitled to a taxpayer funded bailout.
Good thing bot-farm pussy was born with a ring in his nose. Otherwise it would be much more difficult for spokesmodels from the Masters of the Universe to lead him around.
Most realistic scenario avoids the debate.
Delay significant action until old people are downing in their own fluids in the hospital parking lots. Then while people are distracted, isolated, panicked, and grieving enough to go along with it, move a “bailout” package that essentially provides a corporate bonus to a handful of targeted industries squired through the House with strategic injections of dark money.
Top candidates: Boeing, Airlines, Banks and finance.
Everyone else is encouraged to grow vegetables and use the down time to learn new skills!
@ 168
Er, do you remember TARP?
JP Morgan wasn’t in trouble. Dimon was forced to take the money, anyway. BofA wasn’t in bad shape until it was forced to complete its acquisition of Merrill Lynch.
Shorter bot-farm pussy: Apple and Berkshire are crucial financial institutions supplying liquidity to markets and thus subject to all the same regulatory and reporting requirements as Morgan and BofA.
Now do Silverado.