I suppose you could call it a Draft “Gore” movement…
(This and some sixty other media clips from the past week in politics are posted at Hominid Views.)
by Darryl — ,
I suppose you could call it a Draft “Gore” movement…
(This and some sixty other media clips from the past week in politics are posted at Hominid Views.)
I’m impress Darryl you pick a women. That means you will be voting for Hillary in 08? Yes you paid off the judge to bless us with the Queen here in Washington? Yep it is real hard to find real man today when all you got left is girly boys that breed with Bitches to produce furture leaders.
You gotta love that Mike Huckabee…”Warm tub of water with some razor blades in hand…” The guy’s got a sense of humor and a great message; right on the issues, but hampered by a last name that gives some pause.
When Republicans act like Republicans, stay true to their values, and respect the intelligence of the voters by not wide-stancing or going the RINO route, they win elections all over the country.
Interesting that Democratic countrol of Congress came about because a goodly number of Democratic candidates ran as DINO’s (in this state, that’s an interesting juxtaposition). Conservative positions on the budget, gun control, and, in some cases, pro-life. While frustrated about Iraq – who isn’t – they more closely resemble Repulicans than they do the MoveOn.org and HA crowd.
Party label ain’t the be-all and end-all it’s cracked up to be.
The Piper
Klake, don’t drink and post.
No, CrackPiper you are all that is “cracked up”.
Tree Frog Farmer you claim to be a girly boy like most Frenchmen? Maybe you should take up bird hunting with Dick. Maybe you should watch that program on how to shoot ducks with women?
(FAIRFAX, VA) — To see how NRA is creating opportunities for women to hunt, tune into The Lodge, which airs on The Sportsman Channel. The Sportsman Channel film crew took part in a Women On Target pheasant hunt earlier this month in South Dakota, hosted by Granite Springs Lodge.
Denise Conni, Hunt Coordinator for NRA’s Women On Target program, said, “Granite Springs put on an exceptional hunt, with hard-flying birds, classic dog work and friendly, experienced guides. All the women had a great time hunting-some for the first time. Join us for the challenge of upland bird hunting in the heart of pheasant country.”
The show will air Monday at 6:00 p.m., Tuesday at 2 p.m., and Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. EST.
If you don’t subscribe to the Sportsman Channel, log onto their Website and watch online at http://www.thesportsmanchannel.com.
The proper care in taking care of Democrats and out of control Rabbits.
Folks buy your hat and spread the word about the Truth. You can also win the war on terror by buying Rogers new bumper sticker, “Free Iraq for Terrorism”.
The Central Intelligence Agency — the CIA — is known as one of the world’s most secretive and effective government agencies.
The Agency’s motto is “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”
You can stand with the men and women of the Central Intelligence Agency — an important force in the war against terror — by proudly wearing the CIA cap.
@1 So now you sore losers’ mantra is that Rossi lost because your hand-picked Republican judge in your hand-picked Republican county took bribes from Democrats?
Fourth down, four seconds to go in the four quarter, the score is 49-0, and it’s “hail Mary” time for the Wingnuts …
… and klake’s final pass knocked the mascot out cold.
The mascot, of course, being that stupid, drooling, voting-felon dog …
At least our voting rights are a bit safer because Stefan isn’t a pollworker anymore.
GOP: Katherine Harris crazy!
On Crackpiper’s Bulloney:
Gun Control: everyone here is strong on 2nd ammendment. Quoting the inimitable Roger Rabbit: Liberals must arm!!!
Budget: Didn’t we have a surplus under Clinton? You could have hope for the future back then.
Iraq: it’s a failure – tie it off. Stop treating the Iraqis like children and let them guide their own destiny.
Pro-life: no problem. If you don’t like abortions, don’t have ’em. The procedure should be safe, legal and rare as possible.
@2 “While frustrated about Iraq – who isn’t”
Is this supposed to be a reason to vote for the party that fucked things up in Iraq?
Iraq is a made-in-GOP (a) bloodbath, (b) torture factory, (c) foreign policy disaster, and (d) financial fiasco. It never would have happened if Republicans weren’t stupid, immoral, greedy, bloodthirsty, ignorant, and did I already say stupid, neo-colonialists/neo-fascists/neo-numbnuts. The only thing frustrating about it is that you fascist war criminals ever got into a position to do this.
And the solution is — vote Republican? You are truly out of your fucking mind!
@2 Do you really think there would be fewer abortions if they were against the law? We’ve already been down that road. But maybe you’re too young to remember.
I’m soliciting opinions on Klake and Piper: which is the more severely brain-damaged?
I’m thinking it must be Klake, since most of what falls out of Piper can be attributed to his congenital phoniness.
Any other thoughts?
I will take the liberty of open threadedness an point us in the direction of Lynnwood and Hutch Hutcherson’s pro-fascist “prayer conference”:
The Everett HeraldNet reports the following:
Also, our good friends at Daily Kos report:
Dunno why the Lynnwood officials kept out the KKK but allowed the Watchmen on the Walls. Am I witnessing a disconnect here?
Yippie! Gobs of new housing in down town Tacoma right on the existing light and heavy rail transit lines!
Do you remember our once-upon-a-time discussions of the old mattress factory building near Freighthouse Square? Landmark Tacoma 1, LLC, is moving ahead. They have proposed a mixed-use development at 725 East 25th St, with approximately 350 condominium units. The units would range from 500 sq. foot studios, to 1,500 sq. foot 2 bedrooms with 2 bathrooms. All units would have garage parking beneath the structure. The price range is $150,000 to $300,000. It’s heading before the City Council for its multi-family tax exemption in a few weeks.
Here’s a scary, horrid photo of Katherine Harris.
Piper Scott avers: “When Republicans act like Republicans, stay true to their values, and respect the intelligence of the voters by not wide-stancing or going the RINO route, they win elections all over the country.”
……like Katherine Harris.
Baseless smears. One of the main reason I hate Republiconvicts.
If you can’t attack someone on their record Tucker, you have to make stuff up right? Fake issues? Phony news?
I watched the Clintons get slimed over, and over, and over with the right wing hate machine, and got sick of it, even as a Republican. I knew Bill could not be as bad as the media was trying to paint him. I knew there was no proof to all the baseless accusations (murder, rape, etc.) but they kept coming.
God I hate Republiconvicts.
Now when it comes to Bush’s crimes, the proof is OVERWHELMING. And to think, the people attacking President Clinton on a daily basis are defending the likes of our current president. Rule of law my ass.
I love flyiers in the mail; got one from NARAL on who to vote for Redmond City Council. Wow! they made my day because they wanted me to vote fot Richard Cole for city council. What a lucky day for Michallea Schuelke that is where my vote lands on that subject. Now I did have any pro-choice values until NARAL jump into the local election. Hot dog I’m now not pro-choice any more but did aquire some new values.
Hey Rabbit how is those food stamps working out? Now days your food source is being used to run my SUV on when I drive all over the country.
@15- Without a doubt, it is poor, silly klake. Marginally literate at best, cutting and pasting fragments from elsewhere. Intellect at the level of a young child.
As if a decerebrated veggie like Klake owned a car, much less SUV. Somebody please tell him he’s humiliating himself by coming here and pretending to be a competent human being.
chadt @ 15: It’s hard to tell. Piper seems more competent, but he works for a whole week on each post, while klake only works on each post for a few hours.
how to shoot ducks with women?
How does that work, most people use a gun
What happened to your “I’m outta here!” promise of a couple weeks ago? Is this typical of you to welch on a promise, renege on your word, and generally give the lie to your pronouncements?
Why am I not surprised?
Guys who post on blogs using a middle initial…what’s with that? Do you wear three piece underwear, too?
If I worked an entire week on each post, that would mean I started preparing them sometime around the first Reagan administration. Nope.
This is fertile ground, easily plowed and ripe for the planting of my seditious ideas. So many lunatics, so little time…
The Piper
God is getting pretty unhappy with you, so I wouldn’t be sending him such complaining entreaties if I were you. He just might have a bolt of lightening with your name on it ready to go!
Still…Have you thought about signing up with the LaRouchies? You sound like them more and more, and I’ll bet there’s a post office somewhere uncovered by them and outside of which you could hang out distributing their “literature.”
Just a vocational tip for you.
The Piper