Wow, I spent two full weeks drunk and stoned in Australia once and I’m positive I made considerably less of an ass of myself than the president did in about one day.
Broadway Joespews:
Well, at least didn’t say, “Game over, man!”
Somebody tell Goldy to draft a new initiative, declaring the Shrub a horse’s ass!
Robert Parry: “Just as Sylvester and Tweety Bird achieved lasting Hollywood fame from their comical cartoon chases, the less amusing duo of George W. Bush and Osama bin Laden continue to benefit each other by reviving their long-distance rivalry, one posturing against the other in a way that helps them both.”
It took a while, but she did the right thing in the end. Think Sound Politics will cover it?
The names and occupations of people who unsuccessfully asked Gov. Chris Gregoire to appoint them to the state “Sunshine Committee.”
Gregoire initially withheld the information, but released it to The Associated Press this week.
Can there possibly be anyone left on the planet who believes that crap about how Bush gave up drugs and booze? Hell, he’s lied about everything else.
You’ve got a point there.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Redneck! And all the rest of you “global-warming-is-bunk” deniers! I’ve got NEWS for you:
“Scorching Summer Sets Records in U.S.
“By Doyle Rice,USA Today
“(Sept. 7) – If you thought it was unusually hot this summer, you were right: Nationally, the summer of 2007 was the sixth-warmest since records began in 1885, based on preliminary data from the National Climatic Data Center. …
“Specifically, it was the warmest summer ever recorded in Utah and Nevada. And cities such as Washington, D.C. (Dulles Airport), Raleigh, Key West, Boise, Las Vegas, Reno and Salt Lake City, all endured their hottest June-August period on record. Only two of the lower 48 states -– Texas and Oklahoma –- were cooler-than-average. And August 2007 … was the second-warmest August nationally on record since 1885 ….”
Oh! Remember Mark the Retardo asking how many HURRICANES we’ve had this year? So far — not counting the TYPHOONS that have slammed Asia — a pair of Category 5s, TWO hurricanes in ONE DAY, and now ANOTHER tropical storm is forming:
“CHARLESTON, S.C. (Sept. 8) – Subtropical Storm Gabrielle moved toward the East Coast, where a tropical storm warning was in effect for North Carolina’s shoreline early Saturday.”
The good news is that when you’re drying out from the hurricane of the day, you can boil water for coffee simply by setting the pot on the sidewalk.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A Republican congressman says cutting interest rates on student loans is BAD for students because the rate cut is a “trap” that might “ensnare” students in lower rates!
“California Rep. Buck McKeon, the leading Republican on the House education committee, criticized the rate cut. He said students will go back to paying the higher rate in four years or taxpayers will have to foot the bill for the cut to continue. ‘What once was a [Democratic] campaign promise has become a trap that will ensnare either students or taxpayers,’ McKeon said.”
The good news is both houses of Congress passed the bill by veto-proof majorities. Yep, you guessed it, every single representative and senator who voted AGAINST interest rate relief for students is a REPUBLICAN.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Move Along, There’s Nothing To See Here
No doubt Stefan will parse this info looking for some dark conspiracy. The first (and only) thing I see is that 5 of these 7 individuals are lawyers. Seems obvious Gregoire didn’t want the Sunshine Committee totally dominated by lawyers.
Yep, you guessed it, every single representative and senator who voted AGAINST interest rate relief for students is a REPUBLICAN.
Roger, Nov 2008 can’t get here soon enough. When oh when are we going to be rid of this corrupt, greedhead party?
Lee says
Wow, I spent two full weeks drunk and stoned in Australia…
Yes, many of your fellow dems are with you. Would you help us on our “get out and vote” campaign? Thanks for sharing.
Seattle Public schoolsspews:
YLB says:
Yep, you guessed it, every single representative and senator who voted AGAINST interest rate relief for students is a REPUBLICAN.
We have always been for interest relief. As you can tell by our falling enrollment that we are on the forefront of this endeavor. With your help we can keep interest rates low for all students for years to come.
Jane Balogh's dogspews:
Oh! Remember Mark the Retardo asking how many HURRICANES we’ve had this year? So far — not counting the TYPHOONS that have slammed Asia — a pair of Category 5s, TWO hurricanes in ONE DAY, and now ANOTHER tropical storm is forming:
Well what took them so long? I am still waiting for the six huricanes you dumbasses predicted were going to hit last season. roof roof.
Almost forgot. Unlike Senator Craig you might get lucky and one of the the mutts at the fire hydrant might mount you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 There’s much more going on here than how much interest students pay on their college loans. Republicans have always opposed programs that help kids from less affluent programs attend college. Why? Because:
They don’t believe in equal opportunity
They don’t want a level playing field
Above all, they don’t want poor (but smart) kids competing against THEIR KIDS. They’re trying to preserve a class-based system of wealth and privilege that’s based on who your parents are, not on how hard you work. They don’t want a competitive society because that would force to work hard to stay in the game. Republicans hate competition because the LAST thing they want is to have to WORK! The whole point of being a Republican is to live off other people’s work so they don’t have to work!
Student financial aid programs is one of 3 things that transformed me, virtually overnight from a Goldwater Republican to a progressive Democrat.
Growing up in a community where everyone was Republican, including my teachers, naturally I fell under the spell of conservative dogma. I was too young and inexperienced to know better.
But I wasn’t one of those kids with a daddy writing college tuition checks. If I wanted a college education, I would have to get it the hard way. The hardest way imaginable — by working shitty minimum wage jobs, because that’s the only work available in college towns where there’s 100 times as many jobseekers as jobs. Even worse, I lived and went to school in the South, where they treat people like serfs to begin with.
As hard as I worked — and I worked VERY hard at VERY hard jobs — I couldn’t support myself let alone pay college expenses on what the minimum wage was in those days. I got a few scholarships, which helped, but that wasn’t enough either. I needed student loans — loans I could afford to pay back someday. In short, I couldn’t afford to pay crippling interest.
It didn’t take me very long to figure out who supported decent wages and working conditions, and student aid programs — and who kept people down, closed doors, and treated working stiffs live dirt. It took me less than 24 hours to become a Democrat.
So … that’s 2 of the 3 reasons I changed parties — student aid and looking after workers. The third reason was the Vietnam War was going on at the time, and it was clear which party regarded poor kids like me as mere cannon fodder. Yes, it’s true I ended up in the Army and served a combat tour in Vietnam — but I wasn’t drafted. I enlisted on my own terms. No Republican asshole sitting on a draft board scooped me up and sent me to war so his kid wouldn’t have to go; I went because they were drafting fathers and by volunteering to go, I made it possible for some dad to stay home and raise his kids. I chose to do that; I wasn’t made to do it by some goddamned Republican, and that was (and is) very important to me.
But it was Republicans’ hatred of the poor, including poor students, that started me on the path to being a Democrat. I didn’t like being hated simply for what I was. Fer chrissakes, I hadn’t done anything to them! Living and working in the South, I understood how African-Americans felt. They hadn’t done anything either, except be born a different race, and they were hated for that. Well, sir, those goddamned Republicans hated rabbits, too! They didn’t even think a rabbit should be in college, much less get financial aid! Some even said the only thing rabbits are good for is hunting us! Well, you can imagine how that made ME feel.
It made me feel I needed new friends. The old crowd wasn’t working out. And that’s exactly what I found in the Democratic Party — friends! Democrats welcomed me with open arms. They didn’t care if I was furry, had long ears, and weighed only 6.25 lbs! Their philosophy was appealing, too. They didn’t believe in Republicans getting paid for my work; they believed I should get paid for my work! I liked that idea. They figured an ambitious rabbit trying to improve himself is just as deserving as some goddamned Republican whose only self-improvement in his whole life consisted of going to a lawyer’s office after grandpa died to claim his trust fund! Their ideas resonated. Democrats were on my side, and Republicans were against me because I wasn’t born rich and privileged like them.
And that, dear friends, is how I became a Democrat.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“kids from less affluent families”
Jane Balogh's dogspews:
It didn’t take me very long to figure out who supported decent wages and working conditions, and student aid programs — and who kept people down, closed doors, and treated working stiffs live dirt. It took me less than 24 hours to become a Democrat.
Yeah, and you filled your destiny by becoming a blood sucking leech on the public dole. Touching rabbit, touching.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 “Wow, I spent two full weeks drunk and stoned in Australia…”
Yes, it’s true that back in my youthful college days, some of my Democrat friends drank and even smoked pot! And got stoned! Thanks to their unions, they all smoke $5 cigars now. Democrats know how to live. Republicans are stuffed shirts whose idea of fun is working 80 hours a week for a law firm and think enjoying sex is a mortal sin. What a fucking bunch of wet blankets. If you gave a toke to a Republican, he wouldn’t know what to do with it! Their whole problem is they haven’t gotten mellow ever since their mothers threw them out a window.
@14 Yes, many of your fellow dems are with you. Would you help us on our “get out and vote” campaign? Thanks for sharing.
This may come as a severe shock to you, but a majority of my friends who are heavy drug users are Republicans.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 “Yeah, and you filled your destiny by becoming a blood sucking leech on the public dole. Touching rabbit, touching.”
It’s no mystery why criminals like you loathe public servants. How many times had you been picked up and tossed in the pound before your election fraud bust?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 Whatsamatter, dog, did you have a bad experience with an animal control officer? Did the kennel guards haze you? Or are you just bitter because Rossi lost despite getting illegal canine votes?
Jane Balogh's dogspews:
@21 “Yeah, and you filled your destiny by becoming a blood sucking leech on the public dole. Touching rabbit, touching.”
It’s no mystery why criminals like you loathe public servants. How many times had you been picked up and tossed in the pound before your election fraud bust?
Yeah, I told the KCRE what I did and they did nothing. The only reason they went after me is because I was exposing their corruption. It hard being a lying, vote stealing democrat these days. heehhe…. I mean roof.
jesus h christspews:
re 21: You judgmental prick. That’s my job!
re 28: If it’s election fraud you are looking for, look no further than the Republicans in Snohomish county who hacked voting machines and stole thousands of votes.
That lawsuit isn’t settled yet. Everything a Republican says is a lie.
How many noted that in his recent speech videotape , the well known conservative commentator and self-made man Steve Forbes Osama bin Ladin advocated a flat tax?
I am impressed by how people of faithRepublicans agree that we can run a government on no taxes pure faith.
I would guess that Osama bin ladin, Steve Forbes, and GW Bush all had a hard time growing up in poor.
families.Mr. bin Laden actually went one step further, he proposed NO taxes. Instead he proposed that all public services could be supported by looting and pillagea 2.5% charitable contribution to faith based charitiesthe statepoor.
I was struck by the similarity of the OBL editorial videotape to comments i heard recently by Tim Eynman about the immorality of paying taxes.
We are so lucky to have the commitment of such people of faith to all or our needs to live better, more Christian Judeo Christian Islamic satisfying lives.
Hey guys and gals. I have been telling folks how we boosted 130,000 for Darcy in 4 days! How abut folks matching my donation and getting us that lase $270 to get over the top?
I will offer to vote as folks here tell me* on two of the positions I do not understand on the next ballot (e.g. County Commissioner for Spotted Dogs or Justice of the Municipal Parking Court) if we break the top by Monday.
*minimum of five votes and I need to agree on the position.
Jane Balogh's dogspews:
Butt sniffing mutt @ 28
The only reason they went after me is because I was exposing their corruption.
Bullshit, mutt! You and your lawbreaking “master” got caught. You haven’t proved jackshit.
Of course we got caught. We didn’t get prosecuted until we went to the press. The only reason they pressed charges is because I went to the press. I supppose they are so used to letting dead democrats register that I wouldn’t make any waves.
Bin Laden talked about the virtues of low taxes as well. Who does that sound like? Do you think Bin Laden’s position on gay marriage is closer to mine or Bush’s? What about Bin Laden’s position on torture as a means of gathering information – closer to my viewpoint or Bush’s? Want to keep going, doofus?
@39 Did you Moonbat!s view what Mos Def had to say on Bill Mahar?
It was an interesting show. Mos Def had some good thoughts and some very crazy thoughts.
What does Darcy Moonbat! think about Mos Def and his “theories”?
Why don’t you ask her?
Does Darcy Moonbat! think Goerge Washington was a terrorist like Mos Def does?
Man, you’re an unbelieveable retard. He didn’t say that George Washington was a terrorist. He was saying that the British monarchs would have naturally considered him – and the rest of our founding fathers – terrorists.
@40 But all you Moonbat!s focus on is Senator Craig. Typical! Typical!
You’re comparing a Senator who is elected by an entire state, to some guy no one’s ever heard of who worked for the ACLU? Are you completely and utterly brain dead?
Well I dunno baut George, but Sam Adams .. now that was a terrorist. Shut the governor of Mass into a building and burned the effin thing down!
Actually, by the standards of what was to come the Revolutionary Army was pretty tame. There was some REAL teror in the French-Indian war though … against the colonials by the same folks who turned their revolution on to a terror, the French.
41: Why don’t you ask her?
I just did. Anything on Wipes is read by her!
41: You’re comparing a Senator who is elected by an entire state, to some guy no one’s ever heard of who worked for the ACLU?
Absolutely. Child porn is a much higher crime unless yous a Moonbat! Maybe that’s why you see no probblem. You like child porn Lee?
41: Mos Def said: “George Washington and all them dudes was terrorists as far as the Queen was concerned.” Then he said terrorists have legitimate grievances against us? He also called the Catholic Church terrorists. And you Lee swallowed it up. Probably cheered him on from your responses here.
Don’t you read metween the lines Lee? Those “grievances” include you, you momma and poppa, your siblings (hopefully they aren’t as whack as you), and your children, nieces and nephews. From Bin Laden’s tape you’ll only survive if you accept Islam and Sha’ria law, since Donk hate the military. Well good luck Lee.
@44 Absolutely. Child porn is a much higher crime unless yous a Moonbat! Maybe that’s why you see no probblem. You like child porn Lee?
It still doesn’t matter, jackass. Comparing what an unelected person does with what an elected person does is idiocy.
@45 Mos Def said: “George Washington and all them dudes was terrorists as far as the Queen was concerned.”
Right, meaning that they weren’t really terrorists, except for how they were viewed by the British monarchy. Wow, you were too stupid to follow a political statement by a rapper who believes that 9/11 was an inside job. How pathetic is that?
Then he said terrorists have legitimate grievances against us?
People in the Middle East most certainly have legitimate grievances against us. And that fact helps the terrorists.
He also called the Catholic Church terrorists.
I’m a Jew, you retard. Did it ever occur to you that a Jew might look at the history of the Holocaust and also come to that conclusion.
And you Lee swallowed it up. Probably cheered him on from your responses here.
I found his responses interesting. He’s considerably smarter than you, but he still believes in some ridiculous stuff.
Don’t you read metween the lines Lee?
Those “grievances” include you, you momma and poppa, your siblings (hopefully they aren’t as whack as you), and your children, nieces and nephews.
They do? How so?
From Bin Laden’s tape you’ll only survive if you accept Islam and Sha’ria law, since Donk hate the military. Well good luck Lee.
Actually, we’ll only survive if we don’t keep giving Bin Laden more and more power to sustain a war with the west. Since the Democrats are the only ones who seem to grasp this, they’re our best hope right now of keeping ourselves from the threat of radical Islam.
Someone needs to tell Puddy that England was ruled by a guy named, ironically, George, during the revolution. The Queen, at that time, was just his wofe .. an ornament so to speak.
SeattleJew: Really…? Wow I didn’t realize it was King George. Hmmm… Ya gots me there.
BTW, just to help you I have summarized the current issues facing any Reprican who still believes in Bush. Click here to take a look. What do you think about his being buddy buddy with the highwayman? Isn;t this a long traditon for Repubs?
Wow, I spent two full weeks drunk and stoned in Australia once and I’m positive I made considerably less of an ass of myself than the president did in about one day.
Well, at least didn’t say, “Game over, man!”
Somebody tell Goldy to draft a new initiative, declaring the Shrub a horse’s ass!
Got this gem from ‘Buzzflash’….
Robert Parry: “Just as Sylvester and Tweety Bird achieved lasting Hollywood fame from their comical cartoon chases, the less amusing duo of George W. Bush and Osama bin Laden continue to benefit each other by reviving their long-distance rivalry, one posturing against the other in a way that helps them both.”
It took a while, but she did the right thing in the end. Think Sound Politics will cover it?
The names and occupations of people who unsuccessfully asked Gov. Chris Gregoire to appoint them to the state “Sunshine Committee.”
Gregoire initially withheld the information, but released it to The Associated Press this week.
Can there possibly be anyone left on the planet who believes that crap about how Bush gave up drugs and booze? Hell, he’s lied about everything else.
You’ve got a point there.
Hey Redneck! And all the rest of you “global-warming-is-bunk” deniers! I’ve got NEWS for you:
“Scorching Summer Sets Records in U.S.
“By Doyle Rice,USA Today
“(Sept. 7) – If you thought it was unusually hot this summer, you were right: Nationally, the summer of 2007 was the sixth-warmest since records began in 1885, based on preliminary data from the National Climatic Data Center. …
“Specifically, it was the warmest summer ever recorded in Utah and Nevada. And cities such as Washington, D.C. (Dulles Airport), Raleigh, Key West, Boise, Las Vegas, Reno and Salt Lake City, all endured their hottest June-August period on record. Only two of the lower 48 states -– Texas and Oklahoma –- were cooler-than-average. And August 2007 … was the second-warmest August nationally on record since 1885 ….”
Oh! Remember Mark the Retardo asking how many HURRICANES we’ve had this year? So far — not counting the TYPHOONS that have slammed Asia — a pair of Category 5s, TWO hurricanes in ONE DAY, and now ANOTHER tropical storm is forming:
“CHARLESTON, S.C. (Sept. 8) – Subtropical Storm Gabrielle moved toward the East Coast, where a tropical storm warning was in effect for North Carolina’s shoreline early Saturday.”
The good news is that when you’re drying out from the hurricane of the day, you can boil water for coffee simply by setting the pot on the sidewalk.
A Republican congressman says cutting interest rates on student loans is BAD for students because the rate cut is a “trap” that might “ensnare” students in lower rates!
“California Rep. Buck McKeon, the leading Republican on the House education committee, criticized the rate cut. He said students will go back to paying the higher rate in four years or taxpayers will have to foot the bill for the cut to continue. ‘What once was a [Democratic] campaign promise has become a trap that will ensnare either students or taxpayers,’ McKeon said.”
The good news is both houses of Congress passed the bill by veto-proof majorities. Yep, you guessed it, every single representative and senator who voted AGAINST interest rate relief for students is a REPUBLICAN.
@6 Move Along, There’s Nothing To See Here
No doubt Stefan will parse this info looking for some dark conspiracy. The first (and only) thing I see is that 5 of these 7 individuals are lawyers. Seems obvious Gregoire didn’t want the Sunshine Committee totally dominated by lawyers.
The Australian Under-Assistant West Coast Guy should have answered, “Fuck an A!!!”
Yep, you guessed it, every single representative and senator who voted AGAINST interest rate relief for students is a REPUBLICAN.
Roger, Nov 2008 can’t get here soon enough. When oh when are we going to be rid of this corrupt, greedhead party?
Lee says
Wow, I spent two full weeks drunk and stoned in Australia…
Yes, many of your fellow dems are with you. Would you help us on our “get out and vote” campaign? Thanks for sharing.
YLB says:
Yep, you guessed it, every single representative and senator who voted AGAINST interest rate relief for students is a REPUBLICAN.
We have always been for interest relief. As you can tell by our falling enrollment that we are on the forefront of this endeavor. With your help we can keep interest rates low for all students for years to come.
Oh! Remember Mark the Retardo asking how many HURRICANES we’ve had this year? So far — not counting the TYPHOONS that have slammed Asia — a pair of Category 5s, TWO hurricanes in ONE DAY, and now ANOTHER tropical storm is forming:
Well what took them so long? I am still waiting for the six huricanes you dumbasses predicted were going to hit last season. roof roof.
Lawbreaker Jane’s mutt @ 16
You made your dumbass digs at 14,15 and 16. You may now return to sniffing Republican dog butts at the nearest fire hydrant.
Mutt @ 16
Almost forgot. Unlike Senator Craig you might get lucky and one of the the mutts at the fire hydrant might mount you.
@13 There’s much more going on here than how much interest students pay on their college loans. Republicans have always opposed programs that help kids from less affluent programs attend college. Why? Because:
They don’t believe in equal opportunity
They don’t want a level playing field
Above all, they don’t want poor (but smart) kids competing against THEIR KIDS. They’re trying to preserve a class-based system of wealth and privilege that’s based on who your parents are, not on how hard you work. They don’t want a competitive society because that would force to work hard to stay in the game. Republicans hate competition because the LAST thing they want is to have to WORK! The whole point of being a Republican is to live off other people’s work so they don’t have to work!
Student financial aid programs is one of 3 things that transformed me, virtually overnight from a Goldwater Republican to a progressive Democrat.
Growing up in a community where everyone was Republican, including my teachers, naturally I fell under the spell of conservative dogma. I was too young and inexperienced to know better.
But I wasn’t one of those kids with a daddy writing college tuition checks. If I wanted a college education, I would have to get it the hard way. The hardest way imaginable — by working shitty minimum wage jobs, because that’s the only work available in college towns where there’s 100 times as many jobseekers as jobs. Even worse, I lived and went to school in the South, where they treat people like serfs to begin with.
As hard as I worked — and I worked VERY hard at VERY hard jobs — I couldn’t support myself let alone pay college expenses on what the minimum wage was in those days. I got a few scholarships, which helped, but that wasn’t enough either. I needed student loans — loans I could afford to pay back someday. In short, I couldn’t afford to pay crippling interest.
It didn’t take me very long to figure out who supported decent wages and working conditions, and student aid programs — and who kept people down, closed doors, and treated working stiffs live dirt. It took me less than 24 hours to become a Democrat.
So … that’s 2 of the 3 reasons I changed parties — student aid and looking after workers. The third reason was the Vietnam War was going on at the time, and it was clear which party regarded poor kids like me as mere cannon fodder. Yes, it’s true I ended up in the Army and served a combat tour in Vietnam — but I wasn’t drafted. I enlisted on my own terms. No Republican asshole sitting on a draft board scooped me up and sent me to war so his kid wouldn’t have to go; I went because they were drafting fathers and by volunteering to go, I made it possible for some dad to stay home and raise his kids. I chose to do that; I wasn’t made to do it by some goddamned Republican, and that was (and is) very important to me.
But it was Republicans’ hatred of the poor, including poor students, that started me on the path to being a Democrat. I didn’t like being hated simply for what I was. Fer chrissakes, I hadn’t done anything to them! Living and working in the South, I understood how African-Americans felt. They hadn’t done anything either, except be born a different race, and they were hated for that. Well, sir, those goddamned Republicans hated rabbits, too! They didn’t even think a rabbit should be in college, much less get financial aid! Some even said the only thing rabbits are good for is hunting us! Well, you can imagine how that made ME feel.
It made me feel I needed new friends. The old crowd wasn’t working out. And that’s exactly what I found in the Democratic Party — friends! Democrats welcomed me with open arms. They didn’t care if I was furry, had long ears, and weighed only 6.25 lbs! Their philosophy was appealing, too. They didn’t believe in Republicans getting paid for my work; they believed I should get paid for my work! I liked that idea. They figured an ambitious rabbit trying to improve himself is just as deserving as some goddamned Republican whose only self-improvement in his whole life consisted of going to a lawyer’s office after grandpa died to claim his trust fund! Their ideas resonated. Democrats were on my side, and Republicans were against me because I wasn’t born rich and privileged like them.
And that, dear friends, is how I became a Democrat.
“kids from less affluent families”
It didn’t take me very long to figure out who supported decent wages and working conditions, and student aid programs — and who kept people down, closed doors, and treated working stiffs live dirt. It took me less than 24 hours to become a Democrat.
Yeah, and you filled your destiny by becoming a blood sucking leech on the public dole. Touching rabbit, touching.
@14 “Wow, I spent two full weeks drunk and stoned in Australia…”
Yes, it’s true that back in my youthful college days, some of my Democrat friends drank and even smoked pot! And got stoned! Thanks to their unions, they all smoke $5 cigars now. Democrats know how to live. Republicans are stuffed shirts whose idea of fun is working 80 hours a week for a law firm and think enjoying sex is a mortal sin. What a fucking bunch of wet blankets. If you gave a toke to a Republican, he wouldn’t know what to do with it! Their whole problem is they haven’t gotten mellow ever since their mothers threw them out a window.
@16 Hate to break this to you, pooch, but there were 36 named tropical storms last year (11 Atlantic, 25 Pacific).
Wingnuts never let facts interfere with ideology.
Yes, many of your fellow dems are with you. Would you help us on our “get out and vote” campaign? Thanks for sharing.
This may come as a severe shock to you, but a majority of my friends who are heavy drug users are Republicans.
@21 “Yeah, and you filled your destiny by becoming a blood sucking leech on the public dole. Touching rabbit, touching.”
It’s no mystery why criminals like you loathe public servants. How many times had you been picked up and tossed in the pound before your election fraud bust?
@26 Whatsamatter, dog, did you have a bad experience with an animal control officer? Did the kennel guards haze you? Or are you just bitter because Rossi lost despite getting illegal canine votes?
@21 “Yeah, and you filled your destiny by becoming a blood sucking leech on the public dole. Touching rabbit, touching.”
It’s no mystery why criminals like you loathe public servants. How many times had you been picked up and tossed in the pound before your election fraud bust?
Yeah, I told the KCRE what I did and they did nothing. The only reason they went after me is because I was exposing their corruption. It hard being a lying, vote stealing democrat these days. heehhe…. I mean roof.
re 21: You judgmental prick. That’s my job!
re 28: If it’s election fraud you are looking for, look no further than the Republicans in Snohomish county who hacked voting machines and stole thousands of votes.
That lawsuit isn’t settled yet. Everything a Republican says is a lie.
Butt sniffing mutt @ 28
The only reason they went after me is because I was exposing their corruption.
Bullshit, mutt! You and your lawbreaking “master” got caught. You haven’t proved jackshit.
By the way, over at the fire hydrant you should find your old buddy DOOFUS. The word on the street is that he’s an easy Republican mount.
And mutt, as Roger hinted, a Republican Judge widened Gregoire’s lead because of illegal votes FOR ROSSI.
@28 “The only reason they went after me is because I was exposing their corruption.”
What we have here is a kettle calling itself black.
How many noted that in his recent
speechvideotape , the well known conservative commentator and self-made manSteve ForbesOsama bin Ladin advocated a flat tax?I am impressed by how
people of faithRepublicans agree that we can run a government onno taxespure faith.Mr. bin Laden actually went one step further, he proposed NO taxes. Instead he proposed that all public services could be supported byI would guess that Osama bin ladin, Steve Forbes, and GW Bush all had a hard time growing up in poor.
looting and pillagea 2.5% charitable contribution tofaith based charitiesthestatepoor.I was struck by the similarity of the OBL
editorialvideotape to comments i heard recently by Tim Eynman about the immorality of paying taxes.We are so lucky to have the commitment of such people of faith to all or our needs to live better, more
Christian Judeo Christian Islamicsatisfying lives.Feed the thermometer!
Hey guys and gals. I have been telling folks how we boosted 130,000 for Darcy in 4 days! How abut folks matching my donation and getting us that lase $270 to get over the top?
I will offer to vote as folks here tell me* on two of the positions I do not understand on the next ballot (e.g. County Commissioner for Spotted Dogs or Justice of the Municipal Parking Court) if we break the top by Monday.
*minimum of five votes and I need to agree on the position.
Butt sniffing mutt @ 28
The only reason they went after me is because I was exposing their corruption.
Bullshit, mutt! You and your lawbreaking “master” got caught. You haven’t proved jackshit.
Of course we got caught. We didn’t get prosecuted until we went to the press. The only reason they pressed charges is because I went to the press. I supppose they are so used to letting dead democrats register that I wouldn’t make any waves.
Here is a real funny! Watch carefully
NASA is releasing their Global Warming Codes:
Did you Moonbat!s view what Mos Def had to say on Bill Mahar?
What does Darcy Moonbat! think about Mos Def and his “theories”?
Does Darcy Moonbat! think Goerge Washington was a terrorist like Mos Def does?
Looks like an ACLU person finally gets his due:
But all you Moonbat!s focus on is Senator Craig. Typical! Typical!
Bin Laden talked about the virtues of low taxes as well. Who does that sound like? Do you think Bin Laden’s position on gay marriage is closer to mine or Bush’s? What about Bin Laden’s position on torture as a means of gathering information – closer to my viewpoint or Bush’s? Want to keep going, doofus?
Did you Moonbat!s view what Mos Def had to say on Bill Mahar?
It was an interesting show. Mos Def had some good thoughts and some very crazy thoughts.
What does Darcy Moonbat! think about Mos Def and his “theories”?
Why don’t you ask her?
Does Darcy Moonbat! think Goerge Washington was a terrorist like Mos Def does?
Man, you’re an unbelieveable retard. He didn’t say that George Washington was a terrorist. He was saying that the British monarchs would have naturally considered him – and the rest of our founding fathers – terrorists.
But all you Moonbat!s focus on is Senator Craig. Typical! Typical!
You’re comparing a Senator who is elected by an entire state, to some guy no one’s ever heard of who worked for the ACLU? Are you completely and utterly brain dead?
Well I dunno baut George, but Sam Adams .. now that was a terrorist. Shut the governor of Mass into a building and burned the effin thing down!
Actually, by the standards of what was to come the Revolutionary Army was pretty tame. There was some REAL teror in the French-Indian war though … against the colonials by the same folks who turned their revolution on to a terror, the French.
41: Why don’t you ask her?
I just did. Anything on Wipes is read by her!
41: You’re comparing a Senator who is elected by an entire state, to some guy no one’s ever heard of who worked for the ACLU?
Absolutely. Child porn is a much higher crime unless yous a Moonbat! Maybe that’s why you see no probblem. You like child porn Lee?
41: Mos Def said: “George Washington and all them dudes was terrorists as far as the Queen was concerned.” Then he said terrorists have legitimate grievances against us? He also called the Catholic Church terrorists. And you Lee swallowed it up. Probably cheered him on from your responses here.
Don’t you read metween the lines Lee? Those “grievances” include you, you momma and poppa, your siblings (hopefully they aren’t as whack as you), and your children, nieces and nephews. From Bin Laden’s tape you’ll only survive if you accept Islam and Sha’ria law, since Donk hate the military. Well good luck Lee.
Did MosDef really say Washington was thought a terrorist by the Queen? What Queen?
As for the Church, they certianly have engaged in terrorism ..many times.
I just did. Anything on Wipes is read by her!
She doesn’t read the comments.
Absolutely. Child porn is a much higher crime unless yous a Moonbat! Maybe that’s why you see no probblem. You like child porn Lee?
It still doesn’t matter, jackass. Comparing what an unelected person does with what an elected person does is idiocy.
Mos Def said: “George Washington and all them dudes was terrorists as far as the Queen was concerned.”
Right, meaning that they weren’t really terrorists, except for how they were viewed by the British monarchy. Wow, you were too stupid to follow a political statement by a rapper who believes that 9/11 was an inside job. How pathetic is that?
Then he said terrorists have legitimate grievances against us?
People in the Middle East most certainly have legitimate grievances against us. And that fact helps the terrorists.
He also called the Catholic Church terrorists.
I’m a Jew, you retard. Did it ever occur to you that a Jew might look at the history of the Holocaust and also come to that conclusion.
And you Lee swallowed it up. Probably cheered him on from your responses here.
I found his responses interesting. He’s considerably smarter than you, but he still believes in some ridiculous stuff.
Don’t you read metween the lines Lee?
Those “grievances” include you, you momma and poppa, your siblings (hopefully they aren’t as whack as you), and your children, nieces and nephews.
They do? How so?
From Bin Laden’s tape you’ll only survive if you accept Islam and Sha’ria law, since Donk hate the military. Well good luck Lee.
Actually, we’ll only survive if we don’t keep giving Bin Laden more and more power to sustain a war with the west. Since the Democrats are the only ones who seem to grasp this, they’re our best hope right now of keeping ourselves from the threat of radical Islam.
lee ..
Someone needs to tell Puddy that England was ruled by a guy named, ironically, George, during the revolution. The Queen, at that time, was just his wofe .. an ornament so to speak.
SeattleJew: Really…? Wow I didn’t realize it was King George. Hmmm… Ya gots me there.
Really…? Wow I didn’t realize it was King George. Hmmm… Ya gots me there.
Sorry, we’d convinced ourselves that it was impossible to underestimate you.
Gold star for Puddy! You’ve demonstrated that you know as much as a 2nd grader!
@49 Puddy
Glad to help.
BTW, just to help you I have summarized the current issues facing any Reprican who still believes in Bush. Click here to take a look. What do you think about his being buddy buddy with the highwayman? Isn;t this a long traditon for Repubs?
9/10/2007 4:33:23 PM
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