DJIA just jumped 200 points on the day, and if not for the 737 crash in Iran it would be up closer to 240.
Oil stocks are down. USO is down a big chunk.
Soleimani is still dead.
Not a bad start to the morning.
Who’s up for a Fall campaign in which neither candidate is willing to debate?
RICHMOND, Va. — Mike Bloomberg is starting to take heat from Democratic rivals for running an imperial campaign: Using his personal fortune to finance an infinite stream of TV ads while refusing to engage his opponents and defend his record on a live debate stage.
At Goldy’s age, head-in-the-sand is not a good look.
Verified account
I’m not watching Trump’s speech because I really couldn’t give a shit what he has to say, and I don’t have the brainspace at the moment to analyze his relentless lies for myself. So I’ll just leave that work to others.
8:38 AM – 8 Jan 2020
Imagine the visual of Hillary Clinton with her head in the sand.
“Imagine the visual of Hillary Clinton with her head in the sand.”
Far easier to imagine the visual of you trying to stick your head up Putin’s ass only to find that your orange moron beat you to it.
“DJIA just jumped 200 points on the day, and if not for the 737 crash in Iran it would be up closer to 240.”
Reality-challenged much? The markets are merely relieved that your stupid fucking raging orange man-baby didn’t start WWIII in the middle of the might.
@ 7
The markets are merely relieved…
Steve, the S&P 500 is at an all-time high today. I could just as easily surmise the markets are relieved that the odds of Trump’s re-election are increasing steadily.
S&P 500 hits all-time high after Trump’s comments on Iran attack spark ‘sigh of relief rally’
The Dow has gained more than 10,000 points since Hillary’s devastating loss to the Orange Man, Steve. Now that’s some relief for ya.
Obama, Osama.
“Iran’s parliament voted to eject all Americans and coalition forces from the country,” Biden said at a rally in New York. He made the mistake again when he said Trump threatened to get the United States into war with Iraq.
“I said not long ago that as the walls close in on this president, I worried that he was going to get us in war with Iraq,” Biden said at private fundraiser in New York City.
Hey, he’s 77. Add another year to his oatmeal dribbling before he’d be inaugurated.
“The Dow has gained more than 10,000 points since Hillary’s devastating loss to the Orange Man, Steve.”
Amusing. It’s not like a 10,000 point gain is the price point at which you’re willing to sell out to Putin and betray your country. You did that before the DOW went up a single point.
Record highs? The DJIA set records under the last two Democrat presidents. Under two of the last three Republican presidents, the DJIA crashed. Under the third, it sucked. The performance of the DJIA under your orange moron isn’t anywhere near what it was under the Kenyan, and not even remotely near what it did under Clinton.
Really, Doctor, if wish to continue to come here and show us what dumbfuck you are by crowing about how your orange moron is still in last place in a DJIA race, losing to the last two Democrat presidents, including a black Kenyan, mind you, please consider yourself to be my welcome guest.
Another thing, Doctor. When a troll can use text expansion to make 99% of their comments and I can reply to all of those comments using text expansion, that troll has become a tiresome fucking bore.
@ 10
…I can reply to all of those comments using text expansion…
I imagine you can, Steve, as every one of your sentences contain the words Putin and orange.
Boring, indeed. And there are more than five more years of it to go.
“every one of your sentences contain the words Putin and orange”
You left out traitor, Doctor.
It was a nice fireworks show. Other than shooting down a commercial airplane in their own air space, that is.
Dr. Ali Bakeer
More evidences on the Iranian play:
• Office of the #Iraq|i PM: we received verbal official message from #Iran after the mid-night that it will start the retaliation on killing #Suleimani
• #Finland acknowledges that it received notifications before the Iranian attack.
View image on TwitterView image on Twitter
2:28 AM – Jan 8, 2020
Dumbfuck “Tesla is just like Solyndra and Fiskar. Stole our tax money. TARP!”
Market valuation higher than GM and Ford combined. New all time high.
As California goes, so goes the nation.
Laura Litvan✔
Dianne Feinstein says it’s time for Speaker Nancy Pelosi to send the impeachment articles to the Senate.
“If we’re going to do it, she should send them over,” the California Democrat said. “I don’t see what good delay does.”
8:58 AM – Jan 8, 2020
Same good the impeachment did, probs.
Maybe Finland has a more effective security service than the US these days? You built that.
“Putin said it was Ukraine.”
@ 14
I like the use of quotation marks. You keep being you, I’ll keep hammering you for it, Cz-252.
Yes, TSLA hit an all-time high. You’re welcome to it. If it’s there in 2-3 more years I’ll acknowledge that as well.
Where does the energy come from to charge a Tesla vehicle battery in, say, Dallas? How about Florida?
I’ll tell you what. When Tesla matches Toyota’s market cap, you be sure and let me know.
“there are more than five more years of it to go”
Strikes me that as each day passes you’re spiking the ball further and further away from your opponents goal line. That’s the behavior of someone who knows they’re never going score.
I hope you don’t mind that I’m laughing at you.
“Where does the energy come from to charge a Tesla vehicle battery in, say, Dallas? How about Florida?”
This dumbfuckery is delicious. Better than fascist tears.
Where to start? Or rather, since you’re a dumbfuck who believes he knows more about other professions than do professionals within those fields, why even fucking bother with you?
I think I’ll go with the latter and just call you a dumbfuck.
It was just 48 hours or so ago Dumbfuck pops the cork on the the horrible for Democrats news of assassination celebration.
Donald and GOPs favorite pollster since the killing:
Total Approve, -4
Strongly Approve, -5
Mostly from natural gas. When a Dumbfuck thinks he has a point he’ll point to all the coal and oil fired plants that will come on line in the next decade.
Last night I was able to confirm that an Aussie friend is okay, although her town, except for the ocean beach side, is surrounded by flames.
The doctor knows the world is burning. He just doesn’t care and neither does his orange moron and the GOP. Deregulate, grab some cash and make a stash. The future of humanity and all other life on earth can go fuck themselves.
Just one reason why the doctor and his orange moron are so damned contemptable.
@22 In Texas, wind farms passed coal in 2017, and is now second in power generation to natural gas. Solar and biomass are also rapidly moving up. They also have significant hydro.
In Florida, coal is fast disappearing. Dropped 60% in a decade.
“It was just 48 hours or so ago Dumbfuck pops the cork”
This is so sad, all this premature ball spiking and premature cork popping. Feeling sadness for Mrs. Dumbfuck at the moment because it’s quite reasonable to assume the doctor’s issues with doing things prematurely extend into other facets of his life.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 With the amount of hot air the Federal Reserve is pumping into the financial system, stocks would go back up after a nuclear attack, if there were any trading desks left.
Everybody needs to realize this isn’t investors doing this. This is corporations buying their own stock, using liquidity just pumped out of thin air by the Fed, and going deeper in debt in the process.
I’m not buying this rally. Nobody with any brains is. Only corporations are. I’ll explain why below.
@ 19
I hope you don’t mind that I’m laughing at you.
You spent 2016 – well, until November 8 – laughing at me, Steve. Hardly an original move on your part.
I could ask how that worked out, but that would be overkill.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Buybacks are a great deal for CEOs whose compensation is tied to stock performance, and usually a lousy deal for investors. Here’s how it works:
Let’s say Corporation X has $1 million of earnings and 1 million shares of stock outstanding, so earnings per share (EPS) are $1.00. Now let’s suppose sales suck, and earnings suck too, going down to $950,000, or nominally 95 cents per share. But Corporation X borrows a shit ton of money at low or no interest and buys back 10% of its stock at high prices, so now there are only 900,000 shares outstanding, and EPS are now $1.055 per share — voila! management has boosted earnings 5.5%, triggering performance-based stock options!
This is how managements fuck their shareholders.
Another reason why CEOs and CFOs love buybacks is because if cash runs short — generally not a problem in this era of Fed helicopter money, but let’s say it happens — they can quietly stop or scale back the buybacks without anyone noticing or complaining.
Whereas if you cut the dividend to conserve cash, or because you don’t have the cash to pay it, there will be hell to pay.
Not too mysteriously, Fortune 500 companies currently spend approximately twice as much on buybacks as on dividends.
Now, ***some*** investors will tell you they prefer buybacks over dividends … because … fewer shares make each share more valuable, but unlike dividends, the increase in share value isn’t taxed (until you sell the shares).
This is all well and good in theory, until management starts diluting the supposedly-more-valuable shares by issuing more shares to themselves (the aforementioned stock options). Shareholders get absolutely nothing from buybacks until the number of shares bought back exceed the number of new shares issued as executive compensation. Until then, every cent spent on buybacks is compensation expense, not distribution to shareholders.
There are two other things wrong with buybacks. One, companies typically buy their shares back when they have money, which tends to coincide with when their shares are expensive, so they’re buying high; and, conversely, they tend to cut back on buybacks when profits fall, and the share price falls with them, so they’re not buying low. This violates the most basic rule of investing, which is to buy low and sell high. But managements don’t care about this, because their motive is to make a 5% decline in earnings look like a 5% increase in earnings per share, in order to trigger their performance-based stock compensation, so they don’t give a shit if it’s a bad deal for everybody else as long as they get theirs.
Second, as I previously mentioned, an awful lot of the buyback activity that’s propping up the stock market and is responsible for this so-called “rally” is being financed with debt, and if interest rates ever go up, there will be hell to pay on the bottom line. Who does that hurt? The shareholders.
So, bottom line, management gets the benefits and shareholders get the costs of this tsunami of buybacks. And politicians get to tout a “rising stock market.” All made possible by a compliant Fed.
It’s understandable that novice investors might not see this shell game for what it is. After all, it occurs in the murk of squid ink. But anybody who’s been in this game for, oh, six weeks or more knows what’s going on. Look at the money flows in stock funds, that tells the story: Institutional and individual investors are leaving the stock market, not buying stocks. The cash outflows from stock funds are now the heaviest they’ve been since the financial crisis.
But not to worry, Trump can tell his loyal followers the stock market is going up, and their 401(k)s* with it, and they don’t have a clue. If they could see through squid ink, they wouldn’t be Trump followers.
* I remember when people didn’t worry on a daily basis what their 401(k)s were worth, or whether they’d ever be able to retire, because workers had pensions and social security. After forty years of Republican rule, the pensions are going, and they’re now attacking social security. Memo to Trump followers: Keep voting against yourself and you’ll have to work until you’re dead. Republican electeds — the people you’ve been voting for — aren’t doing all this for your benefit.
In other news, Harvey Weinstein claims that without his knowledge someone repeatedly planted the lips of dozens of women on his erect penis.
New York Times Columnist Paul Krugman Claims Hackers Planted Child P-rn on his IP Address?
New York Time columunist Paul Krugman has posted what one can only consider a highly unusual Tweet:
“Well, I’m on the phone with my computer security service, and as I understand it someone compromised my IP address and is using it to download child pornography. I might just be a random target. But this could be an attempt to Qanon me. It’s an ugly world out there.”
The hacker who struck Anthony Weiner has struck again.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 It’s impossible not to laugh at you, when everything Trump does turns into a clusterfuck, yet you’re still here shilling for him. Even your horse laughs at you, in a deprecating way.
@29 I can see Krugman hiring MAGA Teen’s lawyers to go after you. Krugman has a better case than he does. CNN didn’t insinuate the kid downloads child porn.
Confidential to The Fucking Moron II:
Army warning Americans about fake military draft texts
The US Army is warning Americans about a flurry of “fraudulent text messages” falsely telling recipients they have been drafted into the military and will be shipped out to Iran.
The bogus texts tell hapless recipients to report to the nearest Army recruiting branch “for immediate departure to Iran,” and warn about multiple attempts to contact recipients, in one case warning “you’ll be fined and sent to jail for minimum 6 years if no reply,” CNN reported Wednesday.
CNN didn’t insinuate the kid downloads child porn.
CNN also didn’t reassert its First Amendment rights when it announced the settlement.
I read it was eight figures.
“You spent 2016 – well, until November 8 – laughing at me, Steve.”
Doctor, has it escaped your notice that I’ve been laughing at you since the day showed up here until today? I just wish I could have spent more time laughing with you instead of laughing at you.
Too bad you turned into Putin’s fascist stooge. That was a sad thing.
Now, THIS, Fucking Moron II, is not fake news. Every bit of it is real.
Far-Left Internet Thinks Mayor Pete Is a Secret Agent
“He’s one of the many intelligence community operators working in government,” Steve Poikonen, host of the YouTube vlog series Slow News Day, said confidently in an April episode titled “Pete Buttigieg: CIA Democrat?” In a 13-minute video delineating the conspiracy theory, Poikonen breaks down what he sees as Buttigieg’s Harvard-to-Oxford educational pipeline, his service as a Navy Intelligence officer in Afghanistan after a stint at McKinsey & Co., his fellowship at the Truman National Security Project, and the more than 200 national security and intelligence figures who have endorsed his candidacy, including the former head of the National Clandestine Service and the agency’s former deputy director.
These, Poikonen told The Daily Beast, all amount to evidence that he’s a perfect tool of the intelligence community.
“Put together, a picture forms of an elite-educated, multi-language-speaking employee of the CIA’s consulting firm who currently serves as an intelligence officer in the naval reserves,” Poikonen told The Daily Beast. “If you created a CIA asset in a lab, you’d wind up with Pete Buttigieg.”
Basically, if Jack Ryan went around with a cock stuffed in his mouth, he’d look like Mayor Pete.
Fucking Moron II, be careful. Be very, very careful. The last thing you want is someone from the CIA in the White House, unless it’s John Brennan, who routinely lies to Congress.
We can’t release that. I’m being audited is so 2016…
Mnuchin seeks delay of proposed disclosure of Secret Service spending on presidential travel until next year
Read that on ZeroHedge?
I read somewhere that Republicans fuck animals. Oh, wait, I read that here. In fact, I think I may have written it.
I have to say, the Republican from Federal Way who was caught by his wife fucking the family dog? That was priceless.
Oh, another one. The Republican who opened his door expecting to find two little children being delivered for him to sexually abuse and instead saw a couple of detectives standing outside. But that’s not what was priceless. What was priceless was that the Republican was wearing a fucking clown costume!
I like to think that you hang out here with us, Doctor, because there’s no fucking way you’re hanging out with those fucktards.
Dueling Tweets:
Marco Rubio
Natl Security officials gave a compelling briefing to Senators just now. They answered every important question.
Anyone who walks out & says they aren’t convinced action against #Soleimani was justified is either never going to be convinced or just oppose everything Trump does.
Ed O’Keefe CBS News
Speaking to two GOP Senators.
@SenMikeLee and @RandPaul emerge from all-senators briefing to say they now support a Democratic plan for a new War Powers Resolution. Lee called the briefing “insulting” and worst he’s had from military officials in his 9 years here
Little Marco. Knee pads?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Well, after today’s trading, the S&P is almost back to where it was before Trump tried to start a war with Iran. Mainly because it now appears to traders the expected war is a nonstarter.
Never underestimate the ability of the Fed to prop up stock prices with helicopter money.
Bernanke envisioned using helicopter money to rescue citizens from the financial crisis. Trump’s Fed dumps it on Wall Street because it doesn’t have enough money yet.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 Extremists populate both ends of the political spectrum. The difference between us and you is your side mainstreams them.
Well that went well.
The Utah lawmaker (Sen Lee) called the way this played out as “un-American” and “completely unacceptable” given that the administration suggested that Congress shouldn’t have a role in debating Iran military action. He said the administration would not commit to new AUMF (“authorization for use of military force”) or a cite a reason for coming to Congress before taking military action.
Administration representatives ended up leaving before all questions were asked and departed after the allotted time of 90 minutes, two senators said.
How dare you question Supreme Leader!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
More than ample evidence at 29, where the pathetic lying bot-farm troll amps up the Cernovich – the guy who invented invisible pizza parlor dungeons.
“who routinely lies to Congress”
I can see that really bothers you. How about when a president lies over 15,000 times to the populous? Does that bother you?
No, it doesn’t.
You’re not only lacking a compass, Doctor. Your boat has no rudder.
Apparently 1/3 of the world’s population are dumbfucks.
“Two-thirds of people around the world say Trump can’t be trusted to make right choice on foreign policy”
The administration’s classified briefing on Iran was so devoid of facts that even Republican Senators are complaining it contained nothing they “hadn’t already read in the newspapers.”
Not to mention the briefer’s attitude (see @42 above for gory details).
Who wrote the following:
“how many Jews ‘In Name Only’ lend themselves to be in the hoaks [sic] of the pure made up story…Jews were going against the G-d’s will, as it was in the times of the Old Testament.”
A: Herman Goering in 1941
B: David Duke in 1993
C: Henry Ford in 1932
D: Nelly Jordan, Elected GOP Vice Chair, Suffolk County, DE in 2019?
GOP “We’re the natural party for you Jews. We are great to Israel. Never mind the deep Anti-Semites we put in charge of some things. We like you people in Yarmulkes. You can be all our treasurers with the money talent and everything.”
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Iran’s Best Ally News – Naturally Demorats claim American-killing terrorist Gen. Salami was innocent, Trump missile strike was an assassination.
Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), the co-chair of the Progressive Caucus, proclaimed on Wednesday that “there was no raw evidence” of an “imminent threat” to warrant the elimination of Iran’s top terror chief, declaring that President Trump “recklessly assassinated” Qasem Soleimani.
Jayapal, upon emerging from a congressional classified briefing on the strike eliminating Iran’s top general, proclaimed that there was “no evidence of an imminent threat or attack” to justify the action against the terrorist mastermind, who directed terrorist proxies abroad. She claimed:
President Trump recklessly assassinated Qasem Soleimani. He had no evidence of an imminent threat or attack, and we say that coming from a classified briefing where again, there was no raw evidence presented that there was an imminent threat:
Dem. Rep. Pramila Jayapal says “Pres. Trump recklessly assassinated Qassem Soleimani,” adding “there was no raw evidence presented that there was an imminent threat” in classified congressional briefing.
— ABC News (@ABC) January 8, 2020
Say, Doctor, just a thought. If you people don’t like being called Nazis, maybe you should stop hating the Jews.
“Delaware Republican refuses to resign after claiming Trump’s impeachment was orchestrated by the Jews”
Uh-oh. Looks like roadkill @48. Oh, wait. That’s just Pork Sauce making an ass of himself. Again.
Thinking about swing states for 2020…
How is having the GOP Assessor for Maricopa County resigning after being charged with running an illegal alien baby mama ring from the Marshall Islands going to play out among the voters?
His deputy pleaded guilty to helping the baby mamas get state funded health insurance even though she, and he, knew they were not residents of the state or in any way eligible for the program.
He’s set for trial later this year, maybe just in time to be sentenced in the summer?
Weird how two GOP Senators said the same thing. One was so hopping mad about it he ran to a CNN crew, CNN! A Republican seeking CNN to call bullshit on the Orange Messiah’s rationale.
Say, Still haven’t seen any corroborating evidence that the General was responsible for 600 American Deaths but the same cast of characters keep saying it on the teevee. “We know that these trailers contain chemical weapons and mobile chemical weapons labs. Then they moved the WMD to Syria, yeah, Syria. It doesn’t really matter where Bin Laden is…watch this drive. We need to get this impeachment trial over with quick because bombing an aspirin factory. Can’t be distracted.”
You know, a Speaker of the House could subpoena a lot of people to give testimony about the evidence used to make the attack. Right up until November. Maybe the evidence will be in an email. On a server. Or a laptop.
Isn’t there a senate race there.
Astronaut, husband of a shot by deranged right winger ex Congressman, hero to nerds with great communication skills vs an appointed Trump loyalist taking a seat from a dead guy who hated Donald almost as much as his daughter does?
A border state with lots of drug dealers and rapists Latino voters?
Where a December poll had never held office astronaut up 47-44 against an incumbent GOPer in a up to now red state?
The Dumbfuck tries so hard.
I had a quick look.
Cash on hand
John James: 3.5M
Peters (D-Inc) – 8M
If James can have another five quarters like that between now and November he’ll draw even.
(looks at calendar)
And when the money starts flowing to McSally, Collins, Gardner and Tillis to try not to lose those R seats, well the money might dry up for a guy with a 2.5-1 dollar and a -6 recent polling disadvantage.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@49 C’mon, everyone knows Soros is behind it. Soros is behind everything. If a Republican gets caught selling babies, Soros put him up to it! Soros is a Jew, you know. And a Nazi, too. Trump is being persecuted by a Nazi Jew. It’s all a hoax anyway. A great big hoax, the biggest hoax in the history of the world! Soros is behind all the big hoaxes. Where there’s a hoax, there’s Soros.
Back when I was on the fringes of celebrity journalism, god I was young then, Buck Henry was the funniest guy to interview on the Red Carpet and would never make the package because the people younger than me producing the shows thought no one would know who he was.
Magnificent screenwriter.
And just like that as I’m watching Buck Henry clips (“To Die For” was it the script (adapted) or the cast that made this so good) a new poll in Arizona crosses my eyeballs. (PPP)
+4 to the heretofore unelected astronaut. 46/42
‘1000 Years of Darkness’ Will Begin If Mississippi Elects its First Black Senator According to its Governor
>> That is one reason I do not vote for republicans.
@ 57
Hey, The Fucking Moron II has heard of Mike Espy. I wonder if he’s heard anything about Mike Espy. Doubt it.
I suspect the governor’s comments have more to do with Espy’s long history of corruption than anything else. Espy was too sleazy for Bill Clinton’s comfort level.
Fucking Moron II, if Espy was a Republican he’d be too sleazy for your comfort, too.
Espy accused of taking further payments from African leader on trial for crimes against humanity
Espy was paid the full $750,000 and ended the contract only 15 days before it was set to expire — two days before the March 2011, article in The Hill.
The FARA documents show Espy’s Jackson-based agricultural consulting firm AE Agritrade received a payment of $400,000 from the Ivory Coast’s Cocoa and Coffee Board in January 2011, then another $350,000 on March 1, 2011. The Hill article, in which Espy said he had been paid only $400,000 and ended the contract, was March 12, 2011.
Gbagbo lost re-election in 2010, but refused to step down and the country fell into turmoil and violence. Gbagbo and his former youth and sports minister, Charles Ble Goude, have been on trial since 2016 in the International Criminal Court accused of carrying out widespread, systemic attacks against civilians and crimes against humanity including murder, rape and persecution. The pro-Gbagbo militia the Young Patriots allegedly targeted ethnic and religious groups.
Kamala Harris would have won a conviction against Mike Espy, and would not have thought twice about going after him.
That’s how much of a sleaze he is.
The Most Powerful Woman In America, y’all.
POLITICO Playbook: Pelosi is on the brink of sending the impeachment articles
DEMOCRATS WERE COMPLETELY UNIFIED UNTIL WEDNESDAY, when Senate Democrats crumbled in a stunning story by BURGESS EVERETT and HEATHER CAYGLE … Read the story. (BTW … Consider that Pelosi’s 232 Democrats stuck together for a few weeks, and Senate Democratic support crumbled within days.)
I’m awaiting Politico’s next piece: Pelosi: “Trump broke me.”
Why, it was only a few months ago that gman ridiculed me for suggesting that 27,000 was within striking distance.
Stock market’s surge puts Dow 29,000 in sight, as Mideast tensions fade
The Dow DJIA, +0.63% traded up 173 points, or 0.6%, at 28,919 on Thursday at its peak, with a another 1,000-point milestone coming closer into focus.
If the benchmark manages to close at that level today, it would mark the 36th trading day since its last milestone on Nov. 16, and the fastest such ascent for the Dow since January of 2018 when it took only eight trading sessions to close at 26,000.
Apple has doubled in the last year. Glad I held onto it.
Well that went well redux
42% supported killing Soleimani
54% agree Donald was reckless
61% think killing will make Americans living/serving in Middle East less safe.
55% think attack makes it more likely Iran will eventually have a nuclear weapon
63% think it increased the chance of a terrorist attack on U.S. homeland
(Quiet. We’re talking about stocks)
@ 62
It was probably an online poll that gave Cz-252 the idea that Hillary had an “absolute lock” on 252 EVs, too.
The Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted online, in English, throughout the United States. It gathered responses from 1,108 adults in the Jan. 6-7 poll and 1,005 adults in the Jan. 3-6 poll. The results have a credibility interval, a measure of precision, of about 4 percentage points.
Here’s a reference in which online poll participation by demographic was 29% black, 44% white. See Table 2 in :
So if we double the participation by a cohort that is known to vote roughly 90% Democrat and then ask a series of questions in which the answers stratify heavily according to party affiliation, Cz-252, what does that do to the results?
Why, it was only a few months ago that gman ridiculed me for suggesting that 27,000 was within striking distance.
Wrong again, I didn’t ridicule you for that. I even said eventually that it could get there and beyond.
I ridicule you for one day putting the Pom Poms and skirt on, when it was advantageous, but then being quite about the down days. Nor will you ever acknowledge real data on the economy, and not just the feverish bullshit.
More on Cz-252’s bombshell:
10% of Democrats approve, 10% of Republicans disapprove.
About nine in 10 Democrats and five in 10 independents disapprove of Trump’s actions in Iran. Among Republicans, one in 10 disapprove. One in 10 Democrats, four in 10 independents and eight in 10 Republicans approve of Trump’s handling of Iran.
Questions about a partisan topic were asked of partisan respondents. The ones who are active enough to have an online presence, ensuring even greater partisanship.
The poll results were………
wait for it……….
Bombshell disclosure, Cz-252.
Knock me over with a feather:
• Soleimani is still dead.
• 56+ Iranians killed during a stampede during his funeral procession.
• 82 Iranians killed by their own government when the Ukranian flight was shot down. In Iranian airspace. By Iran.
• Iran’s response strike was telegraphed ahead of time, ensuring its toothlessness.
• Democrats rush to outdo each other in their support of a terrorist. Liz Warren has to be asked three times on The View before she’ll acknowledge that Trump killed a global terrorist.
• Stock market up sharply.
Yeah, I can live with all of that.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
There’s the ol’ Time Musheen hard at work agin’.
When all is said and done, when he isn’t feverishly crawling the innertubes in search of Yabbuts, bot-farm is basically a One-Trick Pony.
The stock market’s tracker for WTI crude, USO, is now trading lower than before Trump took out Soleimani.
@ 53, 67
Cash on hand
John James: 3.5M
Peters (D-Inc) – 8M
Leave it to Cz-252 to fuck up the simplest of tasks.
James has not announced his COH. He raised $3.5M in Q4. Peters currently has $8M COH.
One of these is not like the other.
It’s entirely possible that things could look very bad for James when he releases COH. Until then it is important to distrust anything Cz-252 shills if it does not come with a link, and it is important to click on his link to verify that he is accurate with anything he posts. Because all too frequently he is not.
Here’s my link:
— MI-Sen: Democratic Sen. Gary Peters was outraised by Republican John James in the quarter. Peters raised more than $2.5 million to James’ $3.5 million. However, Peters announced a cash on hand total (more than $8 million), and James did not.
53, And when the money starts flowing to McSally, Collins, Gardner and Tillis to try not to lose those R seats, well the money might dry up for a guy with a 2.5-1 dollar and a -6 recent polling disadvantage.
One of the takeaways: in nearly every state, in nearly every key race, the GOP finds itself doing battle on the opponent’s chosen terrain. That does not wipe away all of the structural and institutional advantages they have accumulated over the last couple of decades. But it certainly makes 2020 a farm more challenging environment for them than it should have been.
They are relying on PubeBeard and Co’s small dollar machine to make up the difference. And the reporting history shows they can do that when the have an exploitable issue. They saw big jumps in small money in the 4th quarter because there was a TraillerBilly issue they could exploit. And they hit that mother hard as fuck.
But post-primary Dem challengers will still be exploiting that six months from now. And the GOP will only get a second bite at that apple if Pelosi sends over the articles. Which she might not. This is also part of the reason why big media companies and corp PACs keep scratching around for ways to pimp the Wine Cave campaigns. More than anything else guys like Bill Gates are guardedly concerned that someone might get elected who doesn’t owe them and their kind.
Dumbfuck doesn’t know about Open Secrets.
Rapidly approaching HA’s Third Tier @ 71
I know that Open Secrets does not support this statement you made @ 53:
If James can have another five quarters like that between now and November he’ll draw even.
First Rule Of Holes, Cz-252.
Yes holes.
Actually look at Open Secrets.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Why would he do that?
He never once bothered to review the more than two hours of video preceding the MAGATeen disgrace. Yet he was fully prepared to sign on for that full meal deal of humiliation.
Just like Every Republican You Know, bot-farm lives in the moment. He is addicted to the ten second endorphin rush of the hot-take. He’s Supa Hot Fire with a senior discount card for Cracker Barrel.
Our dumbfuck traitor’s orange moron shares our nation’s classified intelligence with Russia, but he can’t trust the Gang of Eight. Too bad they’re not Russians. They’d know what was going on.
“Mike Pence demands America – even top members of Congress – blindly trust Trump decision to assassinate Suleimani”
Live in shame, Dumbfuck, then burn in Hell. You’ve earned it, traitor.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@72 “Rapidly approaching HA’s Third Tier”
Was there the first day you showed up.
Face it, doc. You’re third tier. You get handed your ass every day. Multiple times. Thank God, though, you keep coming back for more. Since Puddy’s lynching, you’re the only stupid, brain-dead, vacuous troll we have left. Trolls are hard to come by. Word gets around about what we do to them. So please don’t leave! Stay! We need you like a soccer game needs a soccer ball! We have no one else to kick around.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 “Kamala Harris would have won a conviction against Mike Espy, and would not have thought twice about going after him. That’s how much of a sleaze he is.”
Probably wouldn’t have much trouble convicting the orange moron you shill for, either. Even a rookie prosecutor wouldn’t if his immunity from prosecution was removed. His life as an ex-dictator is going to be interesting.
Roger Rabbitspews:
So it looks like maybe Iran shot down a Ukrainian airliner that had just taken off from Tehran filled with Iranian citizens. Oops.
Expect that SAM crew to be replaced soon.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The sixth paragraph at 69 is a useful case study in perfidy.
bot-farm neeeeeeeds to count coup on Senate Democratic races because Team RapeFantasy is looking at too many vulnerable seats. And in particular it neeeeeds to count coup in states where Team RapeFantasy is facing a must-win bubble for the EVs. So it googles around until if finds some happy talk somewhere. Not at all unlike his blurbs the other day about how West Virginia is the GOP model for winning the Thousand Year RapeFantasyReich.
There is always some extant pressure to provide encouraging happy talk pleasing to both sides of any political divide. But at a time when the GOP has lashed itself to a deeply self-conscious media addict whose tenure in office has been a case-study in disaster, it is imperative. The White House has more power than any other team on the board. Always. And when the leader of that team demands good news, he will get it somewhere, somehow.
Campaigns dependent on PubeFace have their orders and know what their responsibilities are. If they want to feed at that trough they must show results. But right now it’s results that The Boss can see from his broken toilet that count the most. They all have until the end of this month to file. In the mean time they can say any goddamn thing they need to say to hold on to their ticket to the dance. The daily cycle is now awash in this kind of press-release bullshit from campaigns, agencies, and think tanks. They all need to do their part in the daily struggle to pacify the fat man-baby.
So for Trumpers captured by the sticky, smelly film of the Orange Event Horizon bubble, that kind of story is their dinner meat. It’s what they live on now. Just like Mistah Twump. When you burst the bubble even a little bit and let some of objective fact-based reality in they have to defend themselves. And that defense is now a reflex:
“Don’t trust anything you read or hear from any of those sources. Facts are not facts. There are “alternative facts”. Those other sources are technically wrong sometimes. So you must never believe a word of their facts, however carefully sourced or researched, because they once misspelled a word.”
How many times have we seen pretty much exactly this argument whenever someone does a man-on-the-street with the next yawping dunce in a MAGA hat?
“You know there is no basement under that building. So it isn’t even possible for there to be a baby cannibalism dungeon under it, right?”
“I don’t know that. That’s just what you say. I read that there was a dungeon on PJ Media or TownHall or OAN, I can’t remember which. And Hannity even talked about it. So I know it’s true. They probably filled it in to cover up the conspiracy. You people can’t be trusted. You just say that because you’re part of the conspiracy.”
So now that the CIA, the FBI, the DOJ, and the Dept. of State are all part of the DERP STATE conspiracy, why shouldn’t the FEC be in on it too?
What was it QoS McHillbilly @ 79 was saying about doing one’s part in the daily struggle to pacify the party’s leader?
Here’s local talent eating a crap sandwich under orders from Pelosi:
Rep. Adam Smith
Verified account
5h5 hours ago
I misspoke this morning, I do believe we should do everything we can to force the Senate to have a fair trial. If the Speaker believes that holding on to the articles for a longer time will help force a fair trial in the Senate, then I wholeheartedly support that decision.
Earlier today Smith commited the sin of saying it’s time to send over the impeachment articles.
I just took a sweet smelling shit, could bottle the fragrance as a great perfume. And I only had to the flush the toilet 3 times. That’s the real reason why the markets are up today.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Your answer once again lies in your own failure to fully comprehend the sweep of events before you. You’re not memorizing a list or building a mnemonic to assist you in recalling mass anatomy. There are things that defy those simplistic approaches.
James probably had a very good money 4th. Most Child Molester campaigns did. With plenty of media help, they were able to produce a flood of small dollar clicks “to defend Trump”, as well as a lot of 4th quarter PAC maxing before the limits reset on the 1st. Pelosi has a job to do too. And her first priority is to retain the majority. If retaining control over impeachment helps her do that, she will.
Impeachment was happy news for Democratic campaigns too. But it promises to be a more durable weapon that will hold its edge longer for Democratic fund raisers than it will for Child Molesters. Members in very safe seats can be forgiven if they forget that sometimes. As can their voters.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
For anyone tempted to bitch about the DOJ court filing in which they claim that the surveillance video from Epstein’s floor at NY MCC was “inadvertently” erased:
Just forget it. It’s China Town, Jake.
As frustrating as this might seem, that is totally the norm there and at a great many other large BOP facilities. It is that way because that is the way we want it. We want the prison experience to be a disorganized, bewildering, and indifferent process characterized by cruelty and stupidity because it makes us happy.
If you really want a prison system that follows procedure, gets it right, and obeys the law and the courts then you have to let go of the perverse pleasure you get from watching people suffer there.
@ 82
It’s not just about the money. When Peters won his seat in 2014, the GOP loser outspent him $12M to $10M.
There will be some very expensive Senate races this year. ME, AZ, MI. MS, maybe.
James looks a lot better than, say, Michael Steele did. I’d bet on Collins. But not on McSally.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@81 That’s as good a theory as any.
Of course, you can find an ample supply of other theories in the financial media; but in weighing these theories you should understand their objective is to attract readers, viewers and/or clicks and actually knowing anything about it is to them immaterial.
Just as Doctor Dumbfuck doesn’t need to know anything to post on HA, regardless of topic,* because posting is an object in itself.
* Although he especially excels at legal ignorance.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@84 You’re right, it’s not just about money. It’s about voters realizing the GOP is populated by lying, dishonest, corrupt politicians who cheat on their wives, molest children, and embezzle from taxpayers.
Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of people who willingly and knowingly vote for that agenda (and you’re one of ’em), but a majority of us will not and although Republican candidates typically can spend more money than Democratic candidates, no amount of money can buy trust or respect from decent voters like us.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Boeing could be forced to cut production of its bigger 787 Dreamliners to 10 per month due to a drought of orders from China, says Air Lease CEO John Plueger.
“Boeing already has said it expects to lower Dreamliner production in late 2020 to 12 aircraft per month from 14 currently, but China has not been buying from Boeing recently, and ‘it’s hard to see the rate of 12 being sustainable’ beyond 2020 without China in the marketplace, Plueger said today at a Bank of America conference.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What the hell, they’ll only lay off non-union workers in North Carolina who voted for Trump so who cares? He sure doesn’t.
Libbies blaming Trump for Iran’s downing of a commercial aircraft in its own airspace, now that there’s published video making it clear that it was a missile strike.
It’s being described as a “crossfire” event. Only one side shooting, and yet it’s “crossfire”.
Pete Buttigieg✔
Innocent civilians are now dead because they were caught in the middle of an unnecessary and unwanted military tit for tat.
James looks a lot better than, say, Michael Steele did
Bewildered was I at first. But then I got it.
Both of them are black.
Of course it only makes perfect sense to draw all kinds of similarities between a moderate political veteran party insider who ran for an open Senate seat on the Acela corridor fourteen years ago and an outside with no political or executive experience running away from his own party and its leader on the tag line that “Our country is going in the wrong direction” – under his own party’s leadership.
Brilliant stuff.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@88 “What was unnecessary was commercial air traffic in Teheran at the same time Iran was firing missiles.”
You’re forgetting this was Ukraine Airlines, you know, the same country that promised to dig up dirt on Joe Biden for Trump in exchange for the desperately needed, congressionally appropriated, taxpayer funded military aid that Trump used as extortion money. When Ukraine is involved ya gotta be realistic in your expectations.
At any rate, he doesn’t strike me as very progressive, to wit:
“An Oregon man has been charged with attempted murder and hate crimes for allegedly breaking into a motel office and attacking a 70-year-old immigrant from India who owns the business, prosecutors said Tuesday.
“James Lamb, 53, of Eugene, was charged with attempted murder, two counts of bias crime, assault, burglary, strangulation, menacing and criminal mischief ….
“‘The grand jury charged Mr. Lamb with bias crimes based on his statements regarding the victim’s country of origin being India and his expressed desire to rid America of people like her,’ the Deschutes County District Attorney’s office said ….”
Betcha pork sauce won’t mention this incident in his immigrant crime reports.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
ButtToucher Bush himself (Go Navy!) blamed Iran for the Robo Cruiser shoot down, saying it was all their fault for getting into a war with our good pal Saddam.
Ah memories.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Question #1, why did Iran leave the airport open? Question #2, what was the airline thinking?”
A crook with no crimes. But I’m sure Vlad still appreciates the herculean effort the doctor put into posting his 4,000+ pro-Putin hashtag lies.
Campaigning in Ohio, Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron sez, “A couple hundred years ago, there was no one here!”
Nobody except all those Americans who were living in Ohio back then, which became a state in 1803.
I swear to God, this guy’s almost as stupid as Doctor Dumbfuck.
How about the Russian – Iran connection and the love of Ukraine by the Russians. Let’s not forget our dear leader Putin….and his buddy The Fuck Hump.
Tangled web we weave.
Gods remember the good old days, when this used to be some of the worst things the impeached miserable failure’s administration was doing?
May 3, 2017 ·
What in the hell?
Upward Bound programs, which help to prepare low-income, underprepared students for college, are being are being rejected by the U.S. Department of Education…
,,,because they failed to use double spacing throughout its application; in others, because the margins were off or the font was wrong.
Schools and their supporters have appealed to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, but, so far, to no avail.
Um, Rudy, impeachment is in the Constitution.
“Rudy Giuliani calls for Supreme Court to rule impeachment unconstitutional in deranged column”
This circles around to why Doctor Dumbfuck babbles on about judges and justices. The doctor and the rest of the GOP dumbfucks want justices who will rule that our nation’s constitution is…unconstitutional….so they can get rid of it and replace American democracy with a totalitarian form of government so we will be ruled by a right-wing dumbfuck megalomaniacal raging orange man-baby fascist dictator.
That’s some plan you got there, Doctor.
And dumbfuck wonders why I call him a traitor.
SoS Pompeo could probably use a dictionary.
“ a series of imminent attacks being plotted. We don’t know when and where. But it was real.”
@103 Good grief.
Do we have even a single ally left? It’s like the whole world is laughing at America.
So is Doctor Dumbfuck. Him and Putin. Odd, how they’re always on the same page.
“The problem is that this president, I don’t think [he] sees them as America’s forces. He sees them as his forces. And he is going to use them for whatever he believes is best for him, not for this country.”
That is to say, zero comprehension of what the role and authority of the commander-in-chief is, or how to act like a commander-in-chief. No one who’s ever served in the military would think like this, and it’s highly insulting to our men and women in uniform. They serve the nation, not the megalomaniac in the White House. Duh, that’s why they obediently follow the orders of a despicable draft dodger.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@102 Basically he’s arguing that whether a House impeachment resolution is appealable to SCOTUS is unsettled, presumably because SCOTUS has never specifically ruled on that particular question. I guess as a lawyer he can argue that in the absence of controlling precedent. He might be onto something, too: It’s not out of the question that a partisan majority of SCOTUS might rule that lying about sex is impeachable but extorting foreign governments is not. However, I don’t think Kavanaugh would want to go there, even though he isn’t known to have extorted any foreign governments, so I’m not sure Rudy has a partisan majority in his corner for this proposition.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Friday Morning News Dump
“‘Let me be clear, I do not believe Democrats are in love with terrorists, and I apologize for what I said earlier this week,’ Republican Rep. Doug Collins of Georgia tweeted.”
” … an investigation authorized by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions … has turned up a total of zero wrongdoing of any sort by either Hillary or Bill Clinton — or anyone associated with the Clinton Foundation.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Not a good day for Republicans tearing America apart by smearing and threatening Democrats even as they struggle to cover up Trump’s own impeachable offenses.
There’s really no reason for the Republican Party to exist any more except as a warehouse for crooked politicians and racist voters whom the Democratic Party won’t touch with a 10-foot pole.
The campaign loves her “enthusiasm”.
DJIA just jumped 200 points on the day, and if not for the 737 crash in Iran it would be up closer to 240.
Oil stocks are down. USO is down a big chunk.
Soleimani is still dead.
Not a bad start to the morning.
Who’s up for a Fall campaign in which neither candidate is willing to debate?
RICHMOND, Va. — Mike Bloomberg is starting to take heat from Democratic rivals for running an imperial campaign: Using his personal fortune to finance an infinite stream of TV ads while refusing to engage his opponents and defend his record on a live debate stage.
To that he says: Too bad.
I’m tellin’ ya. If Bloomberg defeats Trump he’ll become a Republican again.
Name the US Senator from Michigan whose husband did not cheat on her with a prostitute.
John James out-raising incumbent Democrat in high-profile Senate race
That’s what I thought.
At Goldy’s age, head-in-the-sand is not a good look.
Verified account
I’m not watching Trump’s speech because I really couldn’t give a shit what he has to say, and I don’t have the brainspace at the moment to analyze his relentless lies for myself. So I’ll just leave that work to others.
8:38 AM – 8 Jan 2020
Imagine the visual of Hillary Clinton with her head in the sand.
“Imagine the visual of Hillary Clinton with her head in the sand.”
Far easier to imagine the visual of you trying to stick your head up Putin’s ass only to find that your orange moron beat you to it.
“DJIA just jumped 200 points on the day, and if not for the 737 crash in Iran it would be up closer to 240.”
Reality-challenged much? The markets are merely relieved that your stupid fucking raging orange man-baby didn’t start WWIII in the middle of the might.
@ 7
The markets are merely relieved…
Steve, the S&P 500 is at an all-time high today. I could just as easily surmise the markets are relieved that the odds of Trump’s re-election are increasing steadily.
S&P 500 hits all-time high after Trump’s comments on Iran attack spark ‘sigh of relief rally’
The Dow has gained more than 10,000 points since Hillary’s devastating loss to the Orange Man, Steve. Now that’s some relief for ya.
Obama, Osama.
“Iran’s parliament voted to eject all Americans and coalition forces from the country,” Biden said at a rally in New York. He made the mistake again when he said Trump threatened to get the United States into war with Iraq.
“I said not long ago that as the walls close in on this president, I worried that he was going to get us in war with Iraq,” Biden said at private fundraiser in New York City.
Hey, he’s 77. Add another year to his oatmeal dribbling before he’d be inaugurated.
“The Dow has gained more than 10,000 points since Hillary’s devastating loss to the Orange Man, Steve.”
Amusing. It’s not like a 10,000 point gain is the price point at which you’re willing to sell out to Putin and betray your country. You did that before the DOW went up a single point.
Record highs? The DJIA set records under the last two Democrat presidents. Under two of the last three Republican presidents, the DJIA crashed. Under the third, it sucked. The performance of the DJIA under your orange moron isn’t anywhere near what it was under the Kenyan, and not even remotely near what it did under Clinton.
Really, Doctor, if wish to continue to come here and show us what dumbfuck you are by crowing about how your orange moron is still in last place in a DJIA race, losing to the last two Democrat presidents, including a black Kenyan, mind you, please consider yourself to be my welcome guest.
Another thing, Doctor. When a troll can use text expansion to make 99% of their comments and I can reply to all of those comments using text expansion, that troll has become a tiresome fucking bore.
@ 10
…I can reply to all of those comments using text expansion…
I imagine you can, Steve, as every one of your sentences contain the words Putin and orange.
Boring, indeed. And there are more than five more years of it to go.
“every one of your sentences contain the words Putin and orange”
You left out traitor, Doctor.
It was a nice fireworks show. Other than shooting down a commercial airplane in their own air space, that is.
Michael Weiss✔
Ok, look: if Finland had this, the US did. Lack of American casualties probably owes a lot to removing personnel from harm’s way. …
Dr. Ali Bakeer
More evidences on the Iranian play:
• Office of the #Iraq|i PM: we received verbal official message from #Iran after the mid-night that it will start the retaliation on killing #Suleimani
• #Finland acknowledges that it received notifications before the Iranian attack.
View image on TwitterView image on Twitter
2:28 AM – Jan 8, 2020
Dumbfuck “Tesla is just like Solyndra and Fiskar. Stole our tax money. TARP!”
Market valuation higher than GM and Ford combined. New all time high.
As California goes, so goes the nation.
Laura Litvan✔
Dianne Feinstein says it’s time for Speaker Nancy Pelosi to send the impeachment articles to the Senate.
“If we’re going to do it, she should send them over,” the California Democrat said. “I don’t see what good delay does.”
8:58 AM – Jan 8, 2020
Same good the impeachment did, probs.
Maybe Finland has a more effective security service than the US these days? You built that.
“Putin said it was Ukraine.”
@ 14
I like the use of quotation marks. You keep being you, I’ll keep hammering you for it, Cz-252.
Yes, TSLA hit an all-time high. You’re welcome to it. If it’s there in 2-3 more years I’ll acknowledge that as well.
Where does the energy come from to charge a Tesla vehicle battery in, say, Dallas? How about Florida?
I’ll tell you what. When Tesla matches Toyota’s market cap, you be sure and let me know.
“there are more than five more years of it to go”
Strikes me that as each day passes you’re spiking the ball further and further away from your opponents goal line. That’s the behavior of someone who knows they’re never going score.
I hope you don’t mind that I’m laughing at you.
“Where does the energy come from to charge a Tesla vehicle battery in, say, Dallas? How about Florida?”
This dumbfuckery is delicious. Better than fascist tears.
Where to start? Or rather, since you’re a dumbfuck who believes he knows more about other professions than do professionals within those fields, why even fucking bother with you?
I think I’ll go with the latter and just call you a dumbfuck.
It was just 48 hours or so ago Dumbfuck pops the cork on the the horrible for Democrats news of assassination celebration.
Donald and GOPs favorite pollster since the killing:
Total Approve, -4
Strongly Approve, -5
Mostly from natural gas. When a Dumbfuck thinks he has a point he’ll point to all the coal and oil fired plants that will come on line in the next decade.
Last night I was able to confirm that an Aussie friend is okay, although her town, except for the ocean beach side, is surrounded by flames.
The doctor knows the world is burning. He just doesn’t care and neither does his orange moron and the GOP. Deregulate, grab some cash and make a stash. The future of humanity and all other life on earth can go fuck themselves.
Just one reason why the doctor and his orange moron are so damned contemptable.
@22 In Texas, wind farms passed coal in 2017, and is now second in power generation to natural gas. Solar and biomass are also rapidly moving up. They also have significant hydro.
In Florida, coal is fast disappearing. Dropped 60% in a decade.
“It was just 48 hours or so ago Dumbfuck pops the cork”
This is so sad, all this premature ball spiking and premature cork popping. Feeling sadness for Mrs. Dumbfuck at the moment because it’s quite reasonable to assume the doctor’s issues with doing things prematurely extend into other facets of his life.
@2 With the amount of hot air the Federal Reserve is pumping into the financial system, stocks would go back up after a nuclear attack, if there were any trading desks left.
Everybody needs to realize this isn’t investors doing this. This is corporations buying their own stock, using liquidity just pumped out of thin air by the Fed, and going deeper in debt in the process.
I’m not buying this rally. Nobody with any brains is. Only corporations are. I’ll explain why below.
@ 19
I hope you don’t mind that I’m laughing at you.
You spent 2016 – well, until November 8 – laughing at me, Steve. Hardly an original move on your part.
I could ask how that worked out, but that would be overkill.
Buybacks are a great deal for CEOs whose compensation is tied to stock performance, and usually a lousy deal for investors. Here’s how it works:
Let’s say Corporation X has $1 million of earnings and 1 million shares of stock outstanding, so earnings per share (EPS) are $1.00. Now let’s suppose sales suck, and earnings suck too, going down to $950,000, or nominally 95 cents per share. But Corporation X borrows a shit ton of money at low or no interest and buys back 10% of its stock at high prices, so now there are only 900,000 shares outstanding, and EPS are now $1.055 per share — voila! management has boosted earnings 5.5%, triggering performance-based stock options!
This is how managements fuck their shareholders.
Another reason why CEOs and CFOs love buybacks is because if cash runs short — generally not a problem in this era of Fed helicopter money, but let’s say it happens — they can quietly stop or scale back the buybacks without anyone noticing or complaining.
Whereas if you cut the dividend to conserve cash, or because you don’t have the cash to pay it, there will be hell to pay.
Not too mysteriously, Fortune 500 companies currently spend approximately twice as much on buybacks as on dividends.
Now, ***some*** investors will tell you they prefer buybacks over dividends … because … fewer shares make each share more valuable, but unlike dividends, the increase in share value isn’t taxed (until you sell the shares).
This is all well and good in theory, until management starts diluting the supposedly-more-valuable shares by issuing more shares to themselves (the aforementioned stock options). Shareholders get absolutely nothing from buybacks until the number of shares bought back exceed the number of new shares issued as executive compensation. Until then, every cent spent on buybacks is compensation expense, not distribution to shareholders.
There are two other things wrong with buybacks. One, companies typically buy their shares back when they have money, which tends to coincide with when their shares are expensive, so they’re buying high; and, conversely, they tend to cut back on buybacks when profits fall, and the share price falls with them, so they’re not buying low. This violates the most basic rule of investing, which is to buy low and sell high. But managements don’t care about this, because their motive is to make a 5% decline in earnings look like a 5% increase in earnings per share, in order to trigger their performance-based stock compensation, so they don’t give a shit if it’s a bad deal for everybody else as long as they get theirs.
Second, as I previously mentioned, an awful lot of the buyback activity that’s propping up the stock market and is responsible for this so-called “rally” is being financed with debt, and if interest rates ever go up, there will be hell to pay on the bottom line. Who does that hurt? The shareholders.
So, bottom line, management gets the benefits and shareholders get the costs of this tsunami of buybacks. And politicians get to tout a “rising stock market.” All made possible by a compliant Fed.
It’s understandable that novice investors might not see this shell game for what it is. After all, it occurs in the murk of squid ink. But anybody who’s been in this game for, oh, six weeks or more knows what’s going on. Look at the money flows in stock funds, that tells the story: Institutional and individual investors are leaving the stock market, not buying stocks. The cash outflows from stock funds are now the heaviest they’ve been since the financial crisis.
But not to worry, Trump can tell his loyal followers the stock market is going up, and their 401(k)s* with it, and they don’t have a clue. If they could see through squid ink, they wouldn’t be Trump followers.
* I remember when people didn’t worry on a daily basis what their 401(k)s were worth, or whether they’d ever be able to retire, because workers had pensions and social security. After forty years of Republican rule, the pensions are going, and they’re now attacking social security. Memo to Trump followers: Keep voting against yourself and you’ll have to work until you’re dead. Republican electeds — the people you’ve been voting for — aren’t doing all this for your benefit.
In other news, Harvey Weinstein claims that without his knowledge someone repeatedly planted the lips of dozens of women on his erect penis.
New York Times Columnist Paul Krugman Claims Hackers Planted Child P-rn on his IP Address?
New York Time columunist Paul Krugman has posted what one can only consider a highly unusual Tweet:
“Well, I’m on the phone with my computer security service, and as I understand it someone compromised my IP address and is using it to download child pornography. I might just be a random target. But this could be an attempt to Qanon me. It’s an ugly world out there.”
The hacker who struck Anthony Weiner has struck again.
@27 It’s impossible not to laugh at you, when everything Trump does turns into a clusterfuck, yet you’re still here shilling for him. Even your horse laughs at you, in a deprecating way.
You’re just too stupid to feel humiliated.
@29 I can see Krugman hiring MAGA Teen’s lawyers to go after you. Krugman has a better case than he does. CNN didn’t insinuate the kid downloads child porn.
Confidential to The Fucking Moron II:
Army warning Americans about fake military draft texts
The US Army is warning Americans about a flurry of “fraudulent text messages” falsely telling recipients they have been drafted into the military and will be shipped out to Iran.
The bogus texts tell hapless recipients to report to the nearest Army recruiting branch “for immediate departure to Iran,” and warn about multiple attempts to contact recipients, in one case warning “you’ll be fined and sent to jail for minimum 6 years if no reply,” CNN reported Wednesday.
No, Red, posting to FB won’t automatically get you drafted. It’s not the same as voting, either. And this
is satire, too.
@ 31
CNN didn’t insinuate the kid downloads child porn.
CNN also didn’t reassert its First Amendment rights when it announced the settlement.
I read it was eight figures.
“You spent 2016 – well, until November 8 – laughing at me, Steve.”
Doctor, has it escaped your notice that I’ve been laughing at you since the day showed up here until today? I just wish I could have spent more time laughing with you instead of laughing at you.
Too bad you turned into Putin’s fascist stooge. That was a sad thing.
Now, THIS, Fucking Moron II, is not fake news. Every bit of it is real.
Far-Left Internet Thinks Mayor Pete Is a Secret Agent
“He’s one of the many intelligence community operators working in government,” Steve Poikonen, host of the YouTube vlog series Slow News Day, said confidently in an April episode titled “Pete Buttigieg: CIA Democrat?” In a 13-minute video delineating the conspiracy theory, Poikonen breaks down what he sees as Buttigieg’s Harvard-to-Oxford educational pipeline, his service as a Navy Intelligence officer in Afghanistan after a stint at McKinsey & Co., his fellowship at the Truman National Security Project, and the more than 200 national security and intelligence figures who have endorsed his candidacy, including the former head of the National Clandestine Service and the agency’s former deputy director.
These, Poikonen told The Daily Beast, all amount to evidence that he’s a perfect tool of the intelligence community.
“Put together, a picture forms of an elite-educated, multi-language-speaking employee of the CIA’s consulting firm who currently serves as an intelligence officer in the naval reserves,” Poikonen told The Daily Beast. “If you created a CIA asset in a lab, you’d wind up with Pete Buttigieg.”
Basically, if Jack Ryan went around with a cock stuffed in his mouth, he’d look like Mayor Pete.
Fucking Moron II, be careful. Be very, very careful. The last thing you want is someone from the CIA in the White House, unless it’s John Brennan, who routinely lies to Congress.
We can’t release that. I’m being audited is so 2016…
Read that on ZeroHedge?
I read somewhere that Republicans fuck animals. Oh, wait, I read that here. In fact, I think I may have written it.
I have to say, the Republican from Federal Way who was caught by his wife fucking the family dog? That was priceless.
Oh, another one. The Republican who opened his door expecting to find two little children being delivered for him to sexually abuse and instead saw a couple of detectives standing outside. But that’s not what was priceless. What was priceless was that the Republican was wearing a fucking clown costume!
I like to think that you hang out here with us, Doctor, because there’s no fucking way you’re hanging out with those fucktards.
Dueling Tweets:
Marco Rubio
Natl Security officials gave a compelling briefing to Senators just now. They answered every important question.
Anyone who walks out & says they aren’t convinced action against #Soleimani was justified is either never going to be convinced or just oppose everything Trump does.
Ed O’Keefe CBS News
Speaking to two GOP Senators.
@SenMikeLee and @RandPaul emerge from all-senators briefing to say they now support a Democratic plan for a new War Powers Resolution. Lee called the briefing “insulting” and worst he’s had from military officials in his 9 years here
Little Marco. Knee pads?
Well, after today’s trading, the S&P is almost back to where it was before Trump tried to start a war with Iran. Mainly because it now appears to traders the expected war is a nonstarter.
Never underestimate the ability of the Fed to prop up stock prices with helicopter money.
Bernanke envisioned using helicopter money to rescue citizens from the financial crisis. Trump’s Fed dumps it on Wall Street because it doesn’t have enough money yet.
@35 Extremists populate both ends of the political spectrum. The difference between us and you is your side mainstreams them.
Well that went well.
How dare you question Supreme Leader!
More than ample evidence at 29, where the pathetic lying bot-farm troll amps up the Cernovich – the guy who invented invisible pizza parlor dungeons.
“who routinely lies to Congress”
I can see that really bothers you. How about when a president lies over 15,000 times to the populous? Does that bother you?
No, it doesn’t.
You’re not only lacking a compass, Doctor. Your boat has no rudder.
Apparently 1/3 of the world’s population are dumbfucks.
“Two-thirds of people around the world say Trump can’t be trusted to make right choice on foreign policy”
Looks like you’re not alone, doctor.
The administration’s classified briefing on Iran was so devoid of facts that even Republican Senators are complaining it contained nothing they “hadn’t already read in the newspapers.”
Not to mention the briefer’s attitude (see @42 above for gory details).
Who wrote the following:
“how many Jews ‘In Name Only’ lend themselves to be in the hoaks [sic] of the pure made up story…Jews were going against the G-d’s will, as it was in the times of the Old Testament.”
A: Herman Goering in 1941
B: David Duke in 1993
C: Henry Ford in 1932
D: Nelly Jordan, Elected GOP Vice Chair, Suffolk County, DE in 2019?
GOP “We’re the natural party for you Jews. We are great to Israel. Never mind the deep Anti-Semites we put in charge of some things. We like you people in Yarmulkes. You can be all our treasurers with the money talent and everything.”
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Iran’s Best Ally News – Naturally Demorats claim American-killing terrorist Gen. Salami was innocent, Trump missile strike was an assassination.
Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), the co-chair of the Progressive Caucus, proclaimed on Wednesday that “there was no raw evidence” of an “imminent threat” to warrant the elimination of Iran’s top terror chief, declaring that President Trump “recklessly assassinated” Qasem Soleimani.
Jayapal, upon emerging from a congressional classified briefing on the strike eliminating Iran’s top general, proclaimed that there was “no evidence of an imminent threat or attack” to justify the action against the terrorist mastermind, who directed terrorist proxies abroad. She claimed:
President Trump recklessly assassinated Qasem Soleimani. He had no evidence of an imminent threat or attack, and we say that coming from a classified briefing where again, there was no raw evidence presented that there was an imminent threat:
Dem. Rep. Pramila Jayapal says “Pres. Trump recklessly assassinated Qassem Soleimani,” adding “there was no raw evidence presented that there was an imminent threat” in classified congressional briefing.
— ABC News (@ABC) January 8, 2020
Say, Doctor, just a thought. If you people don’t like being called Nazis, maybe you should stop hating the Jews.
“Delaware Republican refuses to resign after claiming Trump’s impeachment was orchestrated by the Jews”
Uh-oh. Looks like roadkill @48. Oh, wait. That’s just Pork Sauce making an ass of himself. Again.
Thinking about swing states for 2020…
How is having the GOP Assessor for Maricopa County resigning after being charged with running an illegal alien baby mama ring from the Marshall Islands going to play out among the voters?
His deputy pleaded guilty to helping the baby mamas get state funded health insurance even though she, and he, knew they were not residents of the state or in any way eligible for the program.
He’s set for trial later this year, maybe just in time to be sentenced in the summer?
Weird how two GOP Senators said the same thing. One was so hopping mad about it he ran to a CNN crew, CNN! A Republican seeking CNN to call bullshit on the Orange Messiah’s rationale.
Say, Still haven’t seen any corroborating evidence that the General was responsible for 600 American Deaths but the same cast of characters keep saying it on the teevee. “We know that these trailers contain chemical weapons and mobile chemical weapons labs. Then they moved the WMD to Syria, yeah, Syria. It doesn’t really matter where Bin Laden is…watch this drive. We need to get this impeachment trial over with quick because bombing an aspirin factory. Can’t be distracted.”
You know, a Speaker of the House could subpoena a lot of people to give testimony about the evidence used to make the attack. Right up until November. Maybe the evidence will be in an email. On a server. Or a laptop.
Isn’t there a senate race there.
Astronaut, husband of a shot by deranged right winger ex Congressman, hero to nerds with great communication skills vs an appointed Trump loyalist taking a seat from a dead guy who hated Donald almost as much as his daughter does?
A border state with lots of
drug dealers and rapistsLatino voters?Where a December poll had never held office astronaut up 47-44 against an incumbent GOPer in a up to now red state?
The Dumbfuck tries so hard.
I had a quick look.
Cash on hand
John James: 3.5M
Peters (D-Inc) – 8M
If James can have another five quarters like that between now and November he’ll draw even.
(looks at calendar)
And when the money starts flowing to McSally, Collins, Gardner and Tillis to try not to lose those R seats, well the money might dry up for a guy with a 2.5-1 dollar and a -6 recent polling disadvantage.
@49 C’mon, everyone knows Soros is behind it. Soros is behind everything. If a Republican gets caught selling babies, Soros put him up to it! Soros is a Jew, you know. And a Nazi, too. Trump is being persecuted by a Nazi Jew. It’s all a hoax anyway. A great big hoax, the biggest hoax in the history of the world! Soros is behind all the big hoaxes. Where there’s a hoax, there’s Soros.
Back when I was on the fringes of celebrity journalism, god I was young then, Buck Henry was the funniest guy to interview on the Red Carpet and would never make the package because the people younger than me producing the shows thought no one would know who he was.
Magnificent screenwriter.
And just like that as I’m watching Buck Henry clips (“To Die For” was it the script (adapted) or the cast that made this so good) a new poll in Arizona crosses my eyeballs. (PPP)
+4 to the heretofore unelected astronaut. 46/42
‘1000 Years of Darkness’ Will Begin If Mississippi Elects its First Black Senator According to its Governor
>> That is one reason I do not vote for republicans.
@ 57
Hey, The Fucking Moron II has heard of Mike Espy. I wonder if he’s heard anything about Mike Espy. Doubt it.
I suspect the governor’s comments have more to do with Espy’s long history of corruption than anything else. Espy was too sleazy for Bill Clinton’s comfort level.
Fucking Moron II, if Espy was a Republican he’d be too sleazy for your comfort, too.
Espy accused of taking further payments from African leader on trial for crimes against humanity
Espy was paid the full $750,000 and ended the contract only 15 days before it was set to expire — two days before the March 2011, article in The Hill.
The FARA documents show Espy’s Jackson-based agricultural consulting firm AE Agritrade received a payment of $400,000 from the Ivory Coast’s Cocoa and Coffee Board in January 2011, then another $350,000 on March 1, 2011. The Hill article, in which Espy said he had been paid only $400,000 and ended the contract, was March 12, 2011.
Gbagbo lost re-election in 2010, but refused to step down and the country fell into turmoil and violence. Gbagbo and his former youth and sports minister, Charles Ble Goude, have been on trial since 2016 in the International Criminal Court accused of carrying out widespread, systemic attacks against civilians and crimes against humanity including murder, rape and persecution. The pro-Gbagbo militia the Young Patriots allegedly targeted ethnic and religious groups.
Kamala Harris would have won a conviction against Mike Espy, and would not have thought twice about going after him.
That’s how much of a sleaze he is.
The Most Powerful Woman In America, y’all.
POLITICO Playbook: Pelosi is on the brink of sending the impeachment articles
DEMOCRATS WERE COMPLETELY UNIFIED UNTIL WEDNESDAY, when Senate Democrats crumbled in a stunning story by BURGESS EVERETT and HEATHER CAYGLE … Read the story. (BTW … Consider that Pelosi’s 232 Democrats stuck together for a few weeks, and Senate Democratic support crumbled within days.)
I’m awaiting Politico’s next piece: Pelosi: “Trump broke me.”
Why, it was only a few months ago that gman ridiculed me for suggesting that 27,000 was within striking distance.
Stock market’s surge puts Dow 29,000 in sight, as Mideast tensions fade
The Dow DJIA, +0.63% traded up 173 points, or 0.6%, at 28,919 on Thursday at its peak, with a another 1,000-point milestone coming closer into focus.
If the benchmark manages to close at that level today, it would mark the 36th trading day since its last milestone on Nov. 16, and the fastest such ascent for the Dow since January of 2018 when it took only eight trading sessions to close at 26,000.
Apple has doubled in the last year. Glad I held onto it.
Well that went well redux
42% supported killing Soleimani
54% agree Donald was reckless
61% think killing will make Americans living/serving in Middle East less safe.
55% think attack makes it more likely Iran will eventually have a nuclear weapon
63% think it increased the chance of a terrorist attack on U.S. homeland
(Quiet. We’re talking about stocks)
@ 62
It was probably an online poll that gave Cz-252 the idea that Hillary had an “absolute lock” on 252 EVs, too.
The Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted online, in English, throughout the United States. It gathered responses from 1,108 adults in the Jan. 6-7 poll and 1,005 adults in the Jan. 3-6 poll. The results have a credibility interval, a measure of precision, of about 4 percentage points.
Here’s a reference in which online poll participation by demographic was 29% black, 44% white. See Table 2 in :
So if we double the participation by a cohort that is known to vote roughly 90% Democrat and then ask a series of questions in which the answers stratify heavily according to party affiliation, Cz-252, what does that do to the results?
Wrong again, I didn’t ridicule you for that. I even said eventually that it could get there and beyond.
I ridicule you for one day putting the Pom Poms and skirt on, when it was advantageous, but then being quite about the down days. Nor will you ever acknowledge real data on the economy, and not just the feverish bullshit.
More on Cz-252’s bombshell:
10% of Democrats approve, 10% of Republicans disapprove.
About nine in 10 Democrats and five in 10 independents disapprove of Trump’s actions in Iran. Among Republicans, one in 10 disapprove. One in 10 Democrats, four in 10 independents and eight in 10 Republicans approve of Trump’s handling of Iran.
Questions about a partisan topic were asked of partisan respondents. The ones who are active enough to have an online presence, ensuring even greater partisanship.
The poll results were………
wait for it……….
Bombshell disclosure, Cz-252.
Knock me over with a feather:
Let’s recap, shall we?
• Soleimani is still dead.
• 56+ Iranians killed during a stampede during his funeral procession.
• 82 Iranians killed by their own government when the Ukranian flight was shot down. In Iranian airspace. By Iran.
• Iran’s response strike was telegraphed ahead of time, ensuring its toothlessness.
• Democrats rush to outdo each other in their support of a terrorist. Liz Warren has to be asked three times on The View before she’ll acknowledge that Trump killed a global terrorist.
• Stock market up sharply.
Yeah, I can live with all of that.
There’s the ol’ Time Musheen hard at work agin’.
When all is said and done, when he isn’t feverishly crawling the innertubes in search of Yabbuts, bot-farm is basically a One-Trick Pony.
The stock market’s tracker for WTI crude, USO, is now trading lower than before Trump took out Soleimani.
@ 53, 67
Cash on hand
John James: 3.5M
Peters (D-Inc) – 8M
Leave it to Cz-252 to fuck up the simplest of tasks.
James has not announced his COH. He raised $3.5M in Q4. Peters currently has $8M COH.
One of these is not like the other.
It’s entirely possible that things could look very bad for James when he releases COH. Until then it is important to distrust anything Cz-252 shills if it does not come with a link, and it is important to click on his link to verify that he is accurate with anything he posts. Because all too frequently he is not.
Here’s my link:
— MI-Sen: Democratic Sen. Gary Peters was outraised by Republican John James in the quarter. Peters raised more than $2.5 million to James’ $3.5 million. However, Peters announced a cash on hand total (more than $8 million), and James did not.
And when the money starts flowing to McSally, Collins, Gardner and Tillis to try not to lose those R seats, well the money might dry up for a guy with a 2.5-1 dollar and a -6 recent polling disadvantage.
One of the takeaways: in nearly every state, in nearly every key race, the GOP finds itself doing battle on the opponent’s chosen terrain. That does not wipe away all of the structural and institutional advantages they have accumulated over the last couple of decades. But it certainly makes 2020 a farm more challenging environment for them than it should have been.
They are relying on PubeBeard and Co’s small dollar machine to make up the difference. And the reporting history shows they can do that when the have an exploitable issue. They saw big jumps in small money in the 4th quarter because there was a TraillerBilly issue they could exploit. And they hit that mother hard as fuck.
But post-primary Dem challengers will still be exploiting that six months from now. And the GOP will only get a second bite at that apple if Pelosi sends over the articles. Which she might not. This is also part of the reason why big media companies and corp PACs keep scratching around for ways to pimp the Wine Cave campaigns. More than anything else guys like Bill Gates are guardedly concerned that someone might get elected who doesn’t owe them and their kind.
Dumbfuck doesn’t know about Open Secrets.
Rapidly approaching HA’s Third Tier @ 71
I know that Open Secrets does not support this statement you made @ 53:
If James can have another five quarters like that between now and November he’ll draw even.
First Rule Of Holes, Cz-252.
Yes holes.
Actually look at Open Secrets.
Why would he do that?
He never once bothered to review the more than two hours of video preceding the MAGATeen disgrace. Yet he was fully prepared to sign on for that full meal deal of humiliation.
Just like Every Republican You Know, bot-farm lives in the moment. He is addicted to the ten second endorphin rush of the hot-take. He’s Supa Hot Fire with a senior discount card for Cracker Barrel.
Our dumbfuck traitor’s orange moron shares our nation’s classified intelligence with Russia, but he can’t trust the Gang of Eight. Too bad they’re not Russians. They’d know what was going on.
“Mike Pence demands America – even top members of Congress – blindly trust Trump decision to assassinate Suleimani”
Live in shame, Dumbfuck, then burn in Hell. You’ve earned it, traitor.
@72 “Rapidly approaching HA’s Third Tier”
Was there the first day you showed up.
Face it, doc. You’re third tier. You get handed your ass every day. Multiple times. Thank God, though, you keep coming back for more. Since Puddy’s lynching, you’re the only stupid, brain-dead, vacuous troll we have left. Trolls are hard to come by. Word gets around about what we do to them. So please don’t leave! Stay! We need you like a soccer game needs a soccer ball! We have no one else to kick around.
@59 “Kamala Harris would have won a conviction against Mike Espy, and would not have thought twice about going after him. That’s how much of a sleaze he is.”
Probably wouldn’t have much trouble convicting the orange moron you shill for, either. Even a rookie prosecutor wouldn’t if his immunity from prosecution was removed. His life as an ex-dictator is going to be interesting.
So it looks like maybe Iran shot down a Ukrainian airliner that had just taken off from Tehran filled with Iranian citizens. Oops.
Expect that SAM crew to be replaced soon.
The sixth paragraph at 69 is a useful case study in perfidy.
bot-farm neeeeeeeds to count coup on Senate Democratic races because Team RapeFantasy is looking at too many vulnerable seats. And in particular it neeeeeds to count coup in states where Team RapeFantasy is facing a must-win bubble for the EVs. So it googles around until if finds some happy talk somewhere. Not at all unlike his blurbs the other day about how West Virginia is the GOP model for winning the Thousand Year RapeFantasyReich.
There is always some extant pressure to provide encouraging happy talk pleasing to both sides of any political divide. But at a time when the GOP has lashed itself to a deeply self-conscious media addict whose tenure in office has been a case-study in disaster, it is imperative. The White House has more power than any other team on the board. Always. And when the leader of that team demands good news, he will get it somewhere, somehow.
Campaigns dependent on PubeFace have their orders and know what their responsibilities are. If they want to feed at that trough they must show results. But right now it’s results that The Boss can see from his broken toilet that count the most. They all have until the end of this month to file. In the mean time they can say any goddamn thing they need to say to hold on to their ticket to the dance. The daily cycle is now awash in this kind of press-release bullshit from campaigns, agencies, and think tanks. They all need to do their part in the daily struggle to pacify the fat man-baby.
So for Trumpers captured by the sticky, smelly film of the Orange Event Horizon bubble, that kind of story is their dinner meat. It’s what they live on now. Just like Mistah Twump. When you burst the bubble even a little bit and let some of objective fact-based reality in they have to defend themselves. And that defense is now a reflex:
“Don’t trust anything you read or hear from any of those sources. Facts are not facts. There are “alternative facts”. Those other sources are technically wrong sometimes. So you must never believe a word of their facts, however carefully sourced or researched, because they once misspelled a word.”
How many times have we seen pretty much exactly this argument whenever someone does a man-on-the-street with the next yawping dunce in a MAGA hat?
“You know there is no basement under that building. So it isn’t even possible for there to be a baby cannibalism dungeon under it, right?”
“I don’t know that. That’s just what you say. I read that there was a dungeon on PJ Media or TownHall or OAN, I can’t remember which. And Hannity even talked about it. So I know it’s true. They probably filled it in to cover up the conspiracy. You people can’t be trusted. You just say that because you’re part of the conspiracy.”
So now that the CIA, the FBI, the DOJ, and the Dept. of State are all part of the DERP STATE conspiracy, why shouldn’t the FEC be in on it too?
What was it QoS McHillbilly @ 79 was saying about doing one’s part in the daily struggle to pacify the party’s leader?
Here’s local talent eating a crap sandwich under orders from Pelosi:
Rep. Adam Smith
Verified account
5h5 hours ago
I misspoke this morning, I do believe we should do everything we can to force the Senate to have a fair trial. If the Speaker believes that holding on to the articles for a longer time will help force a fair trial in the Senate, then I wholeheartedly support that decision.
Earlier today Smith commited the sin of saying it’s time to send over the impeachment articles.
I just took a sweet smelling shit, could bottle the fragrance as a great perfume. And I only had to the flush the toilet 3 times. That’s the real reason why the markets are up today.
Your answer once again lies in your own failure to fully comprehend the sweep of events before you. You’re not memorizing a list or building a mnemonic to assist you in recalling mass anatomy. There are things that defy those simplistic approaches.
James probably had a very good money 4th. Most Child Molester campaigns did. With plenty of media help, they were able to produce a flood of small dollar clicks “to defend Trump”, as well as a lot of 4th quarter PAC maxing before the limits reset on the 1st. Pelosi has a job to do too. And her first priority is to retain the majority. If retaining control over impeachment helps her do that, she will.
Impeachment was happy news for Democratic campaigns too. But it promises to be a more durable weapon that will hold its edge longer for Democratic fund raisers than it will for Child Molesters. Members in very safe seats can be forgiven if they forget that sometimes. As can their voters.
For anyone tempted to bitch about the DOJ court filing in which they claim that the surveillance video from Epstein’s floor at NY MCC was “inadvertently” erased:
Just forget it. It’s China Town, Jake.
As frustrating as this might seem, that is totally the norm there and at a great many other large BOP facilities. It is that way because that is the way we want it. We want the prison experience to be a disorganized, bewildering, and indifferent process characterized by cruelty and stupidity because it makes us happy.
If you really want a prison system that follows procedure, gets it right, and obeys the law and the courts then you have to let go of the perverse pleasure you get from watching people suffer there.
@ 82
It’s not just about the money. When Peters won his seat in 2014, the GOP loser outspent him $12M to $10M.
There will be some very expensive Senate races this year. ME, AZ, MI. MS, maybe.
James looks a lot better than, say, Michael Steele did. I’d bet on Collins. But not on McSally.
@81 That’s as good a theory as any.
Of course, you can find an ample supply of other theories in the financial media; but in weighing these theories you should understand their objective is to attract readers, viewers and/or clicks and actually knowing anything about it is to them immaterial.
Just as Doctor Dumbfuck doesn’t need to know anything to post on HA, regardless of topic,* because posting is an object in itself.
* Although he especially excels at legal ignorance.
@84 You’re right, it’s not just about money. It’s about voters realizing the GOP is populated by lying, dishonest, corrupt politicians who cheat on their wives, molest children, and embezzle from taxpayers.
Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of people who willingly and knowingly vote for that agenda (and you’re one of ’em), but a majority of us will not and although Republican candidates typically can spend more money than Democratic candidates, no amount of money can buy trust or respect from decent voters like us.
“Boeing could be forced to cut production of its bigger 787 Dreamliners to 10 per month due to a drought of orders from China, says Air Lease CEO John Plueger.
“Boeing already has said it expects to lower Dreamliner production in late 2020 to 12 aircraft per month from 14 currently, but China has not been buying from Boeing recently, and ‘it’s hard to see the rate of 12 being sustainable’ beyond 2020 without China in the marketplace, Plueger said today at a Bank of America conference.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What the hell, they’ll only lay off non-union workers in North Carolina who voted for Trump so who cares? He sure doesn’t.
Libbies blaming Trump for Iran’s downing of a commercial aircraft in its own airspace, now that there’s published video making it clear that it was a missile strike.
It’s being described as a “crossfire” event. Only one side shooting, and yet it’s “crossfire”.
Pete Buttigieg✔
Innocent civilians are now dead because they were caught in the middle of an unnecessary and unwanted military tit for tat.
My thoughts are with the families and loved ones of all 176 souls lost aboard this flight. …
What was unnecessary was commercial air traffic in Teheran at the same time Iran was firing missiles. The US knew not to do something so dumbfuckish.
U.S. Issued No-Fly Order Over Iran, Iraq Hours Before Ukrainian Plane Downed
How quickly they forget. USS Vincennes.
Seattle born and raised comedian makes a funny.
I’m Andy Haynes, a person who has one less DUI than Stephanie Grisham and has given the same number of White House Press Briefings.
Looks like Kansas Republicans are growing nervous about keeping their grip on the state legislature.
Bewildered was I at first. But then I got it.
Both of them are black.
Of course it only makes perfect sense to draw all kinds of similarities between a moderate political veteran party insider who ran for an open Senate seat on the Acela corridor fourteen years ago and an outside with no political or executive experience running away from his own party and its leader on the tag line that “Our country is going in the wrong direction” – under his own party’s leadership.
Brilliant stuff.
@88 “What was unnecessary was commercial air traffic in Teheran at the same time Iran was firing missiles.”
You’re forgetting this was Ukraine Airlines, you know, the same country that promised to dig up dirt on Joe Biden for Trump in exchange for the desperately needed, congressionally appropriated, taxpayer funded military aid that Trump used as extortion money. When Ukraine is involved ya gotta be realistic in your expectations.
This guy looks like he’s from your tribe, doc:
At any rate, he doesn’t strike me as very progressive, to wit:
“An Oregon man has been charged with attempted murder and hate crimes for allegedly breaking into a motel office and attacking a 70-year-old immigrant from India who owns the business, prosecutors said Tuesday.
“James Lamb, 53, of Eugene, was charged with attempted murder, two counts of bias crime, assault, burglary, strangulation, menacing and criminal mischief ….
“‘The grand jury charged Mr. Lamb with bias crimes based on his statements regarding the victim’s country of origin being India and his expressed desire to rid America of people like her,’ the Deschutes County District Attorney’s office said ….”
Betcha pork sauce won’t mention this incident in his immigrant crime reports.
ButtToucher Bush himself (Go Navy!) blamed Iran for the Robo Cruiser shoot down, saying it was all their fault for getting into a war with our good pal Saddam.
Ah memories.
“Question #1, why did Iran leave the airport open? Question #2, what was the airline thinking?”
@95 He’s got half a point; Iran isn’t exactly innocent in this business. See #96 for details.
Still no crime. SAD!
“Trump’s DOJ quietly ends two-year fishing expedition on the Clintons — and admits it found nothing”
A crook with no crimes. But I’m sure Vlad still appreciates the herculean effort the doctor put into posting his 4,000+ pro-Putin hashtag lies.
Campaigning in Ohio, Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron sez, “A couple hundred years ago, there was no one here!”
Nobody except all those Americans who were living in Ohio back then, which became a state in 1803.
I swear to God, this guy’s almost as stupid as Doctor Dumbfuck.
How about the Russian – Iran connection and the love of Ukraine by the Russians. Let’s not forget our dear leader Putin….and his buddy The Fuck Hump.
Tangled web we weave.
Gods remember the good old days, when this used to be some of the worst things the impeached miserable failure’s administration was doing?
Um, Rudy, impeachment is in the Constitution.
“Rudy Giuliani calls for Supreme Court to rule impeachment unconstitutional in deranged column”
This circles around to why Doctor Dumbfuck babbles on about judges and justices. The doctor and the rest of the GOP dumbfucks want justices who will rule that our nation’s constitution is…unconstitutional….so they can get rid of it and replace American democracy with a totalitarian form of government so we will be ruled by a right-wing dumbfuck megalomaniacal raging orange man-baby fascist dictator.
That’s some plan you got there, Doctor.
And dumbfuck wonders why I call him a traitor.
SoS Pompeo could probably use a dictionary.
“ a series of imminent attacks being plotted. We don’t know when and where. But it was real.”
@103 Good grief.
Do we have even a single ally left? It’s like the whole world is laughing at America.
So is Doctor Dumbfuck. Him and Putin. Odd, how they’re always on the same page.
I hadn’t seen this one before. Pretty funny.
“Holy shit. This idiot is saluting my general!”
There are lots of reasons why you don’t elect a cowardly draft dodger as president. This article helps explain one of them:
“I mean, if you are ever in war like I was, like you just get so used to chaos and ambiguity.”
Here’s another:
“The problem is that this president, I don’t think [he] sees them as America’s forces. He sees them as his forces. And he is going to use them for whatever he believes is best for him, not for this country.”
That is to say, zero comprehension of what the role and authority of the commander-in-chief is, or how to act like a commander-in-chief. No one who’s ever served in the military would think like this, and it’s highly insulting to our men and women in uniform. They serve the nation, not the megalomaniac in the White House. Duh, that’s why they obediently follow the orders of a despicable draft dodger.
@102 Basically he’s arguing that whether a House impeachment resolution is appealable to SCOTUS is unsettled, presumably because SCOTUS has never specifically ruled on that particular question. I guess as a lawyer he can argue that in the absence of controlling precedent. He might be onto something, too: It’s not out of the question that a partisan majority of SCOTUS might rule that lying about sex is impeachable but extorting foreign governments is not. However, I don’t think Kavanaugh would want to go there, even though he isn’t known to have extorted any foreign governments, so I’m not sure Rudy has a partisan majority in his corner for this proposition.
Friday Morning News Dump
“‘Let me be clear, I do not believe Democrats are in love with terrorists, and I apologize for what I said earlier this week,’ Republican Rep. Doug Collins of Georgia tweeted.”
” … an investigation authorized by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions … has turned up a total of zero wrongdoing of any sort by either Hillary or Bill Clinton — or anyone associated with the Clinton Foundation.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Not a good day for Republicans tearing America apart by smearing and threatening Democrats even as they struggle to cover up Trump’s own impeachable offenses.
There’s really no reason for the Republican Party to exist any more except as a warehouse for crooked politicians and racist voters whom the Democratic Party won’t touch with a 10-foot pole.