Did any of you realize the King Conservation District was having an election at all? Or that you could vote via the Internet including on your phone? It seems like the District elections come up just enough that I can never remember the process Just put it on the ballot and send it to people’s homes like a normal election. But seriously, do any of you know who to vote for?
Under pressure, The Chardonnay Lady says she likes Bernie after all.
In reversal, Clinton says she’d back Sanders if he’s nominee
The former secretary of state had earlier refused to say whether she would endorse Sanders in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter published Tuesday, instead telling the outlet: “I’m not going to go there yet.” She had also offered a broad condemnation of the progressive candidate’s style of politics.
“I thought everyone wanted my authentic, unvarnished views!” Clinton tweeted Tuesday night.
So unlikable. So corrupt. So yesterday.
(CNN)Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders has improved his standing in the national Democratic race for president, joining former Vice President Joe Biden in a two-person top tier above the rest of the field, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS.
The poll marks the first time Biden has not held a solo lead in CNN’s national polling on the race.
Overall, 27% of registered voters who are Democrats or Democratic-leaning independents back Sanders, while 24% favor Biden.
When Warren drops out, Hillary’s path is cleared. She’ll take down Bernie, again requiring the DNC’s help. It would be silly to think that The Clinton Machine does not have the dirt on Hunter Biden. It would be silly to think that Hillary’s State Department does not have the dirt on Joe Biden and his family’s ill-gotten gains from Ukraine and Central America.
Will Steve repeat his 2016 mistake?
One too many lies, Fauxchahontas.
The reason you were called a liar on national TV is that you are, in truth, a liar.
As a contingency against a break in the ranks among its members allowing for actual eyewitness testimony to be heard in the Senate impeachment show trial, the Republican Party is arranging for a “special” set of rules to apply to any of the “really good” witnesses to the Republican Drug Deal, like John Bolton.
The “special” rules would allow the Defendant to request any eyewitness be examined in a secret, private, closed door, “classified”, session where nobody could see or hear it and it would be a crime punishable by many years in prison to ever repeat what was said.
“national security”Republican Party security. Susan Collins has already given the thumbs up!Davos, live on camera…
Donald is comfortable with the status of the impeachment trial because the White House is withholding evidence. “Honestly, we have all the material. They don’t have the material.”
Susan Collins finds this admission ‘troubling’ and is open to doing whatever Mitch tells her and remains open to gathering witness testimony after acquittal.
So how’s the treason going, dumbfuck? Put an end to American democracy yet?
In a proposed amendment to the proposed Republican Impeachment Show Trial rules offered from the floor, Sen. Susan Collins, along with co-sponsor Sen. Martha McSally have offered a compromise to the rules, wherein any eyewitness that the Defense so designates would be required to quietly whisper their testimony into a custom Birkin bag provided by the Seante, each bag to subsequently be delivered to the sponsoring Senator’s offices for careful debriefing.
In a prepared statement demonstrating her independence and keen interest in the rule of law, Senator Susan Collins bravely bucked her party leadership this morning announcing that, “regardless of the acquittal, I intend to get to the bottom of things for the people of Maine. We’re going to hold some hearings as soon as the schedule permits. Probably some time after November. Unlike the rushed process in the House, we’ll call whatever witnesses we need. The President assures me we’ll have his full cooperation”.
Tulsi Gabbard is suing The Chardonnay Lady.
On October 17, 2019, she publicly stated in an interview that “somebody who is currently in the Democratic primary … [is a] favorite of the Russians… Yeah, she’s a Russian asset.” The press extensively republished and disseminated these statements, which were interpreted widely as Clinton asserting that Gabbard is a Russian asset.
No foreign asset more valuable than The Chardonnay Lady.
“The reason you were called a liar on national TV is that you are, in truth, a liar.”
Let us know when she gets to 15,000 lies, dumbfuck. But first, let us know when she’s getting close to 4,000 lies having been told. You see, for us to take notice, she first has to crack 4,000. Because right now, she doesn’t even have a snowball’s chance in hell of catching up with the 4,000+ treasonous pro-Putin hashtag lies you’ve posted on this very fucking blog, you stupid POS traitor.
How’s it feel to be woken up in the morning with a bitch slap, dumbfuck? Get used to it, traitor.
“No foreign asset more valuable than The Chardonnay Lady.”
What, even more valuable a foreign asset than Putin is to you treasonous fucks? I’m impressed. Because that’s a very valuable asset you traitors have, one that just might let you dumbfuck fascists get away with bringing an end to American democracy.
Heh. Bitch slap!
Go fuck yourself, traitor.
What Grandpa Joe is saddest about is that the wrong son died.
An emotional Joe Biden broke down in tears in an interview on Wednesday when asked about how his late son guides him on the campaign trail.
“Beau should be the one running for president, not me,” Biden said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”
Beau was the attorney general of Delaware when he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. He died in 2015 at the age of 46.
speaking of lying, we are already going for new standards in the Republican Senate Drug Deal Impeachment trial.
Normally, if a lawyer were to make any obviously false statement during opening they would be interrupted by the judge, ordered to approach, and given a verbal reprimand accompanied by a threat. The threat might include a rule 11 violation, contempt, or worse, depending on the jurisdiction and the nature of the lie. A witness might lie, but having been sworn, any lie they tell form the stand would subject them to a felony charge. And of course, if the lie were obvious enough the opposing counsel, as well as the judge herself, would be prepared to expose it.
Now don’t be shocked. And I know you may find this incredible. But the rules Senate Republicans assembled for their Drug Deal Impeachment trial have absolutely no penalty or even any prohibition against lying under oath in the proceedings. The dozen or so lies that Cipilone told during his opening yesterday are okay! He can’t even be called out on any of them. That’s in the rules! As for any procedure empowering the trial judge to intervene, there are none! CJ Roberts has no authority to intervene to prevent obvious lies being entered into the record under oath (assuming he even cared to).
That fact about green lighting lies is an overwhelming distinction from anything we would normally recognize as a civil or criminal proceeding in the US. For that reason, it is more than fair to say calling this a trial is a joke. At this point it’s pretty clear the Defense trail managers are going to use these “rules” to try to bury the record of Republican criminality under a mountain of lies. They’ll be ably assisted by a selected number of Republican Senators during written questioning and debate. And the media will dutifully play its part as well, pretending to be “neutral” in the “controversy” over any of the stated lies.
Best way to look at this process is it’s a lie-stravagaza set up to provide loyal Trumpers with “reasons” and to provide swing voters with “doubts”. I don’t think it’s such a bad thing that most of it will be taking place over night.
since it’s in the mood to dance mirthfully on graves and mock grieving parents, perhaps bot-farm will chime in on Terry Jones?
First part of the Gabbard filing against The Chardonnay Lady:
Plaintiffs Tulsi Gabbard and Tulsi Now, Inc. (collectively, “Tulsi”) bring this lawsuit
against Defendant Hillary Rodham Clinton (“Clinton”) for defamation. Tulsi Gabbard is running
for President of the United States, a position Clinton has long coveted, but has not been able to
If Devin Not-a-Cow, Alex Jones, Vic Mignona can do it, why not Tulsi?
Puts her in fine company. And puts here there under representation of a legal partnership seemingly in the midst of a partnership collapse being driven by debt.
If the venture proves profitable, it will not be as a result of any awards. There is literally nothing about the statement “she’s a Russian asset” that can be regarded as a defamatory statement of fact under our system. Moreover, and perhaps most importantly, in order to have standing the plaintiff must be able to show that they are the specific, intentional target of the alleged defamatory statement of fact. It might have helped Pierce Bainbridge if Sec. Clinton had actually used Rep. Gabbard’s name in the alleged defamatory statement of fact. But since, instead the Rep. merely assumed she was the target and then herself set out to publicize the alleged defamatory statement of fact, she is thus herself the party she should be suing.
I’m not really sure if there’s some “drug deal” way of monetizing something as fucked up as that, other than milking stupid cash cows like bot-farm. But if there is, I’m happy to leave it to Rep. Gabbard and her representatives at Pierce Bainbridge, who after all are on “the cutting edge” of developing new areas of litigation practice, blah, blah, blah, – now with 20% more SLAPP!
For context here’s the relevant passage from the transcript of the Plouffe podcast:
I think they’ve got their eye on somebody who is currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be the third party candidate. She’s the favorite of the Russians. They have a bunch of sites and bots and other ways of supporting her so far, and that’s assuming Jill Stein will give it up. Which she might not, ’cause she’s also a Russian asset.”
She doesn’t even make the specific alleged defamatory statement of fact about the plaintiff. She targets Stein by name. But otherwise and throughout she leaves the identity of the candidate being “groomed” to make a third party run unnamed.
This is pretty obviously a filing that can’t proceed. And it probably is not intended to. It’s a way to help create a mythology of grievance in support of Gabbard running as a third party candidate. Which is pretty much exactly what Russia would like to see. And pretty much exactly what Sec. Clinton said, without specifically naming Gabbard.
Looks like Tulsi’s guilty after all. Way to go Dumbfuck! One thing your track record proves is your talent for backing treason!
Hey Republicans!
Your party issued World Economic Forum press credentials to a Hate Radio host who just referred to the Republican Drug Deal Impeachment as a “Jew Coup”.
Very Cool! And very On-Brand!
@ 17
Agreed it will go nowhere.
With everyone piling onto Hillary as they did after the shiv she stuck into Bernie in the interview published yesterday, it’s not necessary.
Bernie’s in pretty good shape at least until South Carolina, it seems.
QoS McHillbilly @ 4, 7, 8 desires all testimony to be public.
Even this testimony?
The whistleblower’s candor is also being called into question. It turns out that the CIA operative failed to report his contacts with Schiff’s office to the intelligence community’s inspector general who fielded his whistleblower complaint. He withheld the information both in interviews with the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, and in writing, according to impeachment committee investigators. The whistleblower form he filled out required him to disclose whether he had “contacted other entities” — including “members of Congress.” But he left that section blank on the disclosure form he signed.
The investigators say that details about how the whistleblower consulted with Schiff’s staff and perhaps misled Atkinson about those interactions are contained in the transcript of a closed-door briefing Atkinson gave to the House Intelligence Committee last October. However, Schiff has sealed the transcript from public view. It is the only impeachment witness transcript out of 18 that he has not released.
Schiff has classified the document “Secret,” preventing Republicans who attended the Atkinson briefing from quoting from it. Even impeachment investigators cannot view it outside a highly secured room, known as a “SCIF,” in the basement of the Capitol. Members must first get permission from Schiff, and they are forbidden from bringing phones into the SCIF or from taking notes from the document.
After all, if Eric Ciaramella turns out to be a fucking liar, and he’s the Ground Zero source for all things Ukraine against Trump, where are we, really?
Remember the Soleimani thing?
Oil prices just closed at a 7-week low. Must be fears over war with Iran, amirite?
@21 Laughing in the faces of the 11 American service members wounded in the Iranian missile attack on a U.S. base in Iraq …
Yeah, rub it in good, doc — while you can. What makes you think Iran is finished with this?
Boeing shares in freefall since just before Thanksgiving.
Borrowing to make the dividend. Mid-2020 now being assumed for the 737 Max although the new CEO wants us to believe springtime’s within the realm of possibility.
Article today about GE shares being affected by Boeing’s woes. GE has problems enough, what with the recommendation Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit made to own the shares.
@20 “After all, if Eric Ciaramella turns out to be a fucking liar …”
@ 22
What makes you think Iran is finished with this?
Um, oil prices closing at a 7-week low. @ 21
You should work on your reading comprehension, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
I guess I would say that even it Eric Ciaramella turns out to be a fucking liar, the horse is already out of the barn, because it’s obvious Trump and those surrounding him are even bigger fucking liars.
And, of course, it doesn’t even matter whether Eric Ciaramella is a fucking liar if it turns out the whistleblower is someone else.
And even if Eric Ciaramella is the whistleblower, it still doesn’t matter, because everything the whistleblower’s letter said has been corroborated by other credible witnesses and evidence.
Sorry, dumbfuck, but your drug dealer is fucking guilty. The cops caught him redhanded. Now he’s trying to bribe the jury in the spirit of Al Capone. But … there’s still the voters …
Elizabeth Warren would be proud.
Billy Corben✔
#BREAKING: @MiamiPD Capt. @OrtizFOP tells city commission “I am a black male” after he was caught lying about his race on 2014 lieutenant’s exam and 2017 captain’s application — his original MPD application says he’s white Hispanic #BecauseMiami
3:30 PM – Jan 17, 2020
There’s video embedded in the tweet. Worth it.
Just throwing this out there.
In Pennsylvania, the GOP has lost 31,224 voters (about one-tenth of 1 percent) since 2016. Still, that’s a far lower rate of attrition than Democrats, who have lost 103,862 registered voters (a 2.5 percent drop) over that same span.
From June of last year. This might be relevant if, say, Pennsylvania’s close again this year.
Nah. Trump’s gonna get smoked. That’s all I hear from y’all.
“intelligence community’s inspector general who fielded his whistleblower complaint. He withheld the information both in interviews with the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, and in writing, according to impeachment committee investigators.”
Oh yes. Absolutely. By all means put that into the public record. Please, please, please, baby please. Have Pam Bondy go all in on that.
Since opening that line of inquiry would allow House managers to investigate why the WB withheld that information form Atkinson in later interviews.
You don’t know the answer to that question do you?
You don’t even know the correct sequence of events, do you?
Bot-farm do NOT swim beyond that rope.
So much work, such a big post, for such a terrible result.
How do we know that bot-farm is a loyal Republican Trumper and “diehard Trump supporter” (other than him admitting it)?
Yes, that is correct. We know it because this is another
Relax. As always, bot-farm is vewy, vewy bad a law stuff.
The WB did nothing wrong. After initially following legal procedure and filing his formal notification to Atkinson reporting his allegation of wrong doing and declaring himself under the protection of the statute, the first thing Atkinson did was notify the WH counsel’s office in violation of the statute.
Within 24 hrs WB having learned that Atkinson was violating the statute and informing president RapeFantasy of the allegation in direct contravention of the statute, and thus having a very credible fear of retaliation, WB made arrangements to share the report with the chair of HPSCI in order to protect himself. He was doing the right thing all the way. And loyal Trumpers being loyal Trumpers, they were conspiring to break the law and silence him by destroying evidence and retaliating against him.
Bot farm would make a very shitty trial attorney.
It’s not surprising how Trump’s impeachment is unfolding. Republicans aren’t defenders of democracy; in fact, they’re afraid of it. They’ve always been the smaller of the two major parties, and always will be, so they’re frightened by majority rule. To them, that’s like letting the workers have a say in running a business. This is why they try so hard to prevent American citizens from voting in their own country a precious right that generations of Americans fought and died for. Being familiar with how private businesses are structured — the owner or CEO has near-absolute power to tell everyone else what to do — they’re far more comfortable with autocratic rule. Part of this mindset is that they conceive of America as a business enterprise for their benefit. This is one of the reasons they like Trump so much: They want a dictator if he’s their dictator carrying out their self-enrichment agenda. This is why Republicans and Trump are of one mind. To us it’s scary because they want to take away our freedom.
@ 32
…he’s their dictator…
A dictator who won 74 more electoral votes than The Chardonnay Lady.
Hell, he’d be a dictator to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit if he managed a Reaganesque tally of 49 states next time around.
Democracy is dead, and all that stuff, except for the 2018 midterm results.
@31 Shitty attorneys don’t matter in rigged trials run by corrupt judges. McConnell, a lawyer, understands this better than anyone.
But a Troll continues to make it so today. Anyone surprised?
“@31 Shitty attorneys don’t matter in rigged trials run by corrupt judges.”
In this one they certainly might matter a lot. It’s not a trial, it’s a show. But it’s an improv show where Senate Republicans are forced to sit silently and pray with all their might that nobody from the audience shouts out “MUSTACHE!” or “DRUG DEAL!” or “WHISTLEBLOWER!”.
And we must all pray that White House managers and Yertle are as dumb as bot-farm. I’m giving it even odds.
I believe the Bishop is an African American. If you think the timing of this is a coincidence with a gay man running as a candidate for President. And if you think The Hump’s outreach towards African Americans is solely to get reelected then I would say you are sadly mistaken.
African Americans like this bishop should be ashamed to think of themselves as oppressed people. Slavery – that was the past. Pick yourselves up.
You just might want to try and un-ring that bell.
You just betrayed 44 million of your fellow Americans because of the words of one asshole who at most speaks for a few hundred thousand.
Which I should add is almost certainly what Pence was hoping you would do. Are you really sure you want to be Mike Pence’s hand puppet?
Good look GOP.
21 GOP Senators we’re out of the chamber for extended periods of time during Schiff’s presentation.
Reported that Lindsey Graham was out for an extended period.
It’s one thing to not care and another to show your constituents that you’re not even pretending to care.
Well I certainly feel betrayed myself, by 44 million. Do onto others as done to you. If my betrayal forces the hand then at least I can live with being the betrayer. One man’s words, with a few hundred thousand followers is what Hitler counted on. You shouldn’t be attacking me, you should be attacking those that are at wrong here. Your words to me of support or compassion aren’t enough, you (or others) need to voice their displeasure and call a spade a spade.
Solid sourcing.
On the one side you’ve got video of Donald and underlings admitting to the crime.
On the other you have a previously unknown website citing an anonymous source who alleges overhearing a conversation that took place nearly three years ago.
“Well I certainly feel betrayed myself, by 44 million.”
Again, how you get from one asshole representing at most a few hundred thousand Pentacostalists concentrated in the Southeast to 44 million of your fellow citizens in every state and territory probably says more about you then about them.
I’d respectfully suggest that you refrain from doubling down on that rounding error, no matter how much you’ve had to drink tonight.
I’m not attacking you. But I’m certainly considering it. You are smearing people I love over hate speech they have absolutely nothing to do with. No more at least than any of us do. Which is to say that all of us deserve to be respected for who we are, not who we resemble, or our private personal behavior.
Weird that Ds lost the bulk of that (Almost 100k, verifiable if you’re not too lazy to look at PA SOS website) between 2016 to 2018.
And Dems won the 2018 Gubernatorial race by roughly 850k while Donald got by with 50K.
The D governor candidate got nearly identical the number of votes Hillary received (something something mid term turnout is always low) while the R Candidate lost more than 900k voters.
Did GOP just not care in 2018 allowing DEMs to beat them JUST on turnout or were neighborhood of a million voters (50k margin 2016) sick of Donald?
PA lost 8500 manufacturing jobs (steel tariffs) from 8-18 to 8-19. Lose another 1200 between 2019 and 2020 and PA manufacturing job growth under the greatest president ever, give me another four, will be zero. (Source: Morning Call, Paper of record for Lehigh Valley)
Will voters remember the 1200 who still have the jobs they found in 16/17 or the 8500 who Found and lost them since?
@43 I wish I had more time to carry on and reply furthermore, but I think you are being a little apologetic for them and sweeping them under the rug. Are you gaslighting?
It would be like me asking how one cave event attended by a few rich is going to influence that person. Please dude – with all due respect.
Zippo, by the way, to drink.
You really should try to confront those that need to be confronted, not me.
I mean you speak everyday how it just took a bunch of people to not care about a rapist that they would ignore “grab them by the pussy” and vote for that individual, and here you are trying to rationalize one man’s rhetoric as noting to worry about.
Dude your educated very well, but your missing quite a bit too.
Did I say 44 million….I meant like 200 million.
Don’t know about the other states mentioned, but PA was mostly purge. And pretty massively offset by a huge over performance on new registrations ahead of 2018 that was obviously reflected in the turnout.
With respect to 2018, past performance is not a safe indicator.
But also pro tip: a newly registered voter is not mathematically offset by a purged voter. Once you understand how somebody gets purged.
For you to ignore that there is quite a bit of bigotry towards gay Americans by the African American community, as well as Hasidic Jews, or evangelicals isn’t my problem. For you to isolate African Americans from these other groups – you would have to explain that to me a bit better. There’s no smear there, it is reality that you are not willing to accept.
Figures. I know you are not considering to oppose what those individuals say. Go ahead and sweep it under the rug.
I guess we know who you are now.
“For you to isolate African Americans from these other groups”
Isn’t that what you were doing when you said:
African Americans like this bishop should be ashamed to think of themselves as oppressed people
I’m not about to demean myself by struggling to explain to you the inherent evil in assigning the bigotry of one individual, or even a group of like-minded individuals, to every one of your neighbors, coworkers, and fellow citizens who resemble them.
This is clear enough for you to be able to grasp how wrong you were. If that’s not in your character, so be it. And if you wish to live by that creed so be it as well.
@48 I guess we know who you are too now.
But, I have to give Bob credit, he’s always known.
Yes….African Americans, like the Bishop….meaning whom think like he does. Get it.
So, if you are African American, whom doesn’t think like he does, then I wasn’t include you (or that individual) because I was never including you. Maybe I should know, but honestly, I can’t recall your race. Or if you are gay. But I would have to guess now, that you are African American and not gay, or one of The Gays.
Another thing that bot-farm doesn’t want to look at is the 2019 results.
Dems swept historical strongholds like Chester County, despite Republicans holding an edge in registration. So either turnout, or significant numbers of registered Republicans are voting for Democrats, or both. Probably both.
As I said before, we should expect a weekly blurb like this from now until November. as part of the Parscale “Get Happy/Win Victory” plan. And who the fuck knows? Maybe after hacking through all the distortion and misinformation there’s some good information there. All I do know is that methodologies that over rely on analyzing the past will not assist either of the parties going into this general election. In the battleground states it will be pure retail politics where the campaigns will have to build their margins one voter at a time right up until election day.
In order for that to happen for Democrats it means that regardless whoever anyone may have their heart set on, every single one of us will have to go all in for whoever the fuck the nominee is 100%.
Just ignore me then….I’m one person with no followers, just like you can ignore the Bishop and hundred of thousands of followers, one of which is the VP of the United States of America. Just ignore me.
Ignore, Ignore, Ignore. Gaslight, gaslight, gaslight.
Oh really. I see.
So my bad. You only meant “African Americans, like the Bishop….meaning whom think like he does.”
Not all of them. Only the ones “whom think like he does”.
Which according to you is all 44 million, right?
Isn’t that what you said at 41? You remember. The part I already previously quoted back to you? You couldn’t have forgotten so soon. It’s the part you doubled down on. Remember?
“Well I certainly feel betrayed myself, by 44 million.”
Now I’m attacking you.
You are preaching to the choir…maybe you should take that to a sermon near you and teach others. Seriously dude, not trying to be funny or disrespectful.
That is my point – you look at this as me attacking a group of people for no reason, but you should open your eyes a bit more and preach that message to not me but to others.
Exactly. That’s exactly what I meant. You took it the wrong way. You, of all people, should now the mistakes in my spelling and grammar, and take that into consideration on how you read it.
This is what I wrote.
Sorry if I forgot the use of comma, when I use too many, but African Americans like this bishop is what I said, meaning like him and his thinking.
You misinterpreted it to meaning every African American…not my problem.
you are the one that brought 44 million people into it. I assume you are speaking of Republicans but I could be wrong. Are you speaking of 44 million African Americans?
And I would like to correct myself, I am offended by 200 million people. Those that stand idly by, letting the Religious Freedom argument hold water, when it is blatant bigotry.
you have yet to denounce anything regarding the bigotry that exists toward gay people, you just want me to push it aside like its something not really happening or a big deal. You sit here and just defend against, and assume and blame me to be a racist.
I agree with you buddy. My apologies if you misunderstood me or I wasn’t clear enough. Honestly, I wasn’t including every African American.
Aggeed, it is wrong. But it wasn’t what was meant or intended, and you took it the wrong way.
But….yes, I do believe that there is a greater percentage of African Americans as a ratio, that are more inclined to be uncomfortable with gay individuals. As I do feel the same with Hasidic Jews. Again, sorry.
So it was an identity thief at 41 going after 44 million African Americans. Not your words. Got it.
Now adjust for income and education.
Go on. I can wait. It’s the least I can do. African Americans have been waiting for people to put down flawed ideas of white supremacy like that one for 400 years.
I know Wiki isn’t the source of all sources. But it pretty much sums up where I was coming from, with the Pastor and religion.
And honestly, when you said 44 million, I thought you were speaking of the 62 million who voted for the fucking Hump, not the African American population.
Sorry, my apologies, as I wasn’t clear enough.
With that said, one day, I would hope you preach what you preaching to me about being respectful towards others, to everyone who deserves to hear it.
And how about we all start by stopping to call Bob a dumbfuck??
@58 see @60
Not my problem, you took it that I understood what you meant by 44 million people. I don’t have to try to convince you of anything, but you have to tell me how you think that I knew exactly whom you were speaking about when you said 44 million Americans.
Maybe you should have said 44 million African Americans and I would have responded with that in mind. I thought you meant the 62 mil Hump voters, thinking that whom you were referring to and I just used 44 million people.
But what I find interesting, is you really don’t give a shit if I am offended by 200 million people, all you care is to label me a racist.
Again, I am offended by 200 million Americans. I love the above Obamas, and I know exactly what Michelle meant when she said what ever she said that pissed everyone off. I knew what she meant and I felt what she meant.
So you focus in on your racism accusations and ignore the fact that you are not addressing bigotry as a whole. Go for it dude.
Pete 2020 campaign – A pro-Bernie dark money group is pouring $500,000+ into running negative attack ads against Pete in Iowa and New Hampshire.
Bernie being a little zealous and dirty.
You’re are now rising fast on r/BoomersBeingFools
“A black teenager in Texas said he had been suspended and told he can’t walk in his high school graduation ceremony unless he cuts his dreadlocks to meet the school district’s dress code. …
“DeAndre Arnold, whose father is from Trinidad, said he’s worn dreadlocks for years like a lot of men in his family and always followed the school’s dress code by tying them up. …
“His mother, Sandy Arnold, said after Christmas break, three months before graduation, the Barbers Hill Independent School District changed its dress code as it refers to hair. …
“Sandy Arnold said that, as a result of the rule change, her son is not allowed in school and can’t attend graduation until he complies with the dress code. …”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Every time I see another story like this one, I think school administrators must like being sued, and love national publicity painting them as racist bullies who pick on black kids who haven’t done anything wrong because they enjoy it …
I’ll bet he’s a Republican donor, too …
@61 You’re kidding, right? I certainly won’t stop calling him a dumbfuck while he’s calling me a dumbfuck.
@47, 48 Please knock it off and remember the big picture. American democracy is on life support because of fascist traitors. So please fight fascist traitors, not each other. Kick our dumbfuck fascist in the balls, and then keep on kicking until the dumbfuck fascist troll traitor stops twitching.
Once they’re all dead and gone, their bodies burning in a rubbish pile, then feel free, as in American freedom, to fight with each other to your little heart’s content. But right now, we have a civil war to fight and we cannot let them win.
Nobody here has adequately addressed bigotry. That will be the downfall of democracy.
Sit idly by.
Bob, stop calling Roger and others Dumbfuck.
Our Revolution. Dark money raised by Sanders. Big, big money. But no cave: it was held in the closet.
’”21 Empty Seats’: More Than One-Third of GOP Senators Reportedly Left Room During Schiff’s Speech”
I thought the senators were required to sit there.
Rules only apply to Democrats?
This Detroit Bank doesn’t see color…
Sauntore Thomas Settled a racial discrimination lawsuit With his employer. When he received the settlement and went to the bank they refused to deposit or cash the check, opened a fraud investigation and at least three bank employees questing Mr. Thomas. Not even a hold on funds until processing, just ‘Nope.’
And another discrimination suit is underway.
Immigrant Kids Were Restrained to Chairs With Bags Over Their Heads at a Juvenile Hall in Virginia
The purpose of their detention, a group of district attorneys argues, should be “protect them from harm, not to punish them.”
@ 72
I thought the senators were required to sit there.
Rules only apply to Democrats?
You’re a fucking clown, Fucking Moron II.
Paul Kane
Verified account
“Goodnight,” @SenFeinstein said to me and @jenhab as she exited the Senate at 8:45 pm.
She left under the carriage entrance into an awaiting car.
There was almost an hour left on Wednesday night’s impeachment trial.
7:08 PM – 22 Jan 2020 from Washington, DC
It’s a show. It’s all a show. For shitheads like you who have zero common sense and fail to realize that any count of the number of GOP senators that doesn’t also include a count of Dem senators is being issued for the consumption of the lowest-information readers.
gman wouldn’t have merely clapped. He would have dropped to his knees and made an enthusiastic grab for Mayor Pete’s zipper.
Alec Sears
Jan 21
I put the Buttigieg “Come On” and the Jeb “Please Clap” side by side and it’s kind of mesmerizing
Mayor Pete is the Jeb Bush of the Dem 2020 primary. Watch the video in the Twitter link – 14 seconds out of your life.
Bad news for The Fucking Moron II @ 72:
DiFi was the first one to bail.
Jake Turx✔
SCOOP: Here are the winners from today’s impeachment trial:
Left the earliest: Feinstein
Stood the most: Bennet
Most talkative pair: Tillis & Young
Ate most candy: Merkley
Smiled the most: Van Hollen
Frowned the most: Sanders
BONUS: Most empty seats at the same time: 33
7:00 PM – Jan 22, 2020
Other than that, Fucking Moron II, this proceeding is a very solemn event and all senators should give it their utmost attention while Adam Schiff speaks for two straight hours about shit that has nothing to do with the articles of impeachment.
Joke du jour. Other than the daily presence of Fucking Moron II, I mean.
Liz Charboneau
24h24 hours ago
Bernie: I’m scared of getting this heart transplant.
Tom Steyer: It’s ok, I’ll be here after your surgery.
*Bernie wakes after surgery and sees a nurse*
Bernie: Where is Tom Steyer? He said he’d be here.
Nurse: Who do you think gave you the heart?
Bernie: Yeah, good. Ok.
No drone required.
Masked gunmen reportedly kill local commander of paramilitary security force in southwestern Iran
The case is under investigation and a motive was not immediately clear, but Basij units had been involved in violent clashes with demonstrators in the area in November in which many protesters were injured and killed. Amnesty International has reported that more than 300 people were killed in the unrest across the country, though Iran has not announced a death toll.
Mojaddami’s killing is seen another blow to the Revolutionary Guard, following the death of top general Qassem Soleimani earlier this month in a U.S. drone strike in Iraq. Mojaddami was described by IRNA as an associated of Soleimani, who was the head of the Quds forces, the foreign wing of the Guard.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 22 asked me why I thought Iran was done squabbling with the US over Soleimani’s killing. In addition to the response @ 25 I gave, I would point out that Iran probably has some serious internal issues it will need to deal with right now. Can’t have too many balls in the air at one time, can we?
Meanwhile, WTI per-barrel price is down another 2% today.
Oh. And Trump’s still president. For nearly five more years.
WTI per-barrel price on the day it was announced that Soleimani was killed: $63.05.
WTI per-barrel price today: $55.49.
By killing the Quds leader, Trump lowered oil prices by more than 10%. Same rationale as claiming Trump will cause $5/gallon gas by starting a war with Iran, amirite?
Wouldja like to see me do oil company stock prices now, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?
I suppose Fucking Moron II @ 72 is fine with a filled seat, even if it’s filled by someone who is not conscious.
Within the first hour, Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia could be seen at his desk in the back row, leaning on his right arm with a hand covering his eyes. He stayed that way for around 20 minutes, then shifted to rest his chin in the same hand, eyes closed, for about five more minutes. Despite the late-night votes, Warner’s day had started as scheduled at a 10 a.m. Senate Intelligence Committee hearing.
Well, Joe Biden’s two brothers and The Son Who Was Supposed To Be The One Who Got Cancer did seem to do pretty darned well while Grandpa Joe was VP, didn’t they?
Rudy Giuliani✔
Everything I tried to tell the press last March is now coming out, and more. I will now start to reveal the evidence directly to you, the People. The Biden Family Enterprise made millions by selling public office. Then when Joe was Obama’s Point Man, they ALL made millions.
5:38 AM – Jan 23, 2020
Always follow the money.
@76 hahah….I guess we are very similar….not unlike what you would do with Sarah Palin, and others.
How about that Stock Market!
Bob – I didn’t read it too carefully, but they don’t speak of any limitations with horses, so you are good to go.
Someone should send the Hump an invitation to Wuhan, China.
@70 It bothers him more than me. Everything does. Being right is much easier than being wrong.
It seems three Fed rate cuts weren’t enough; the MAGA economy needs more tax cuts, too. But not to worry: “Mnuchin maintained that the tax cuts would pay for themselves ….”
Mark the Redneck would be proud of Little Munchkin. MTR, too, believed that tax cuts “pay for themselves” and reduce deficits. Even David Stockman, the author of this idea, called it “voodoo economics.” Looks like the witch doctors are still around.
The trick to cutting taxes without running up monster deficits, of course, is to offset the tax cuts with spending cuts. To wit, slash entitlements: Food stamps, Medicaid, anything that helps poor people.
The Senate is no problem. GOP senators hate entitlements and poor people, too. And for now, they call the Senate shots. But I wonder how they plan to get that through a Democratic-controlled House? Surely they don’t believe President Impeached will lead them to stunning House victories this fall?
Oh, why not. They’re delusional about everything else. When they lie to us, they’re lying to themselves, too. And probably don’t even realize they’re liars. They seem to believe their own bullshit.
@84 I recommend Bob sell before his species goes extinct. His stocks won’t be worth much to him after he’s dead.
@80 Cherry-pick much? Check this 5-year chart of oil prices:
Still wanna argue oil prices have fallen?
I remember when oil companies were struggling to make it on $40 oil. Maybe you can’t remember that. Maybe you’re getting old and your memory is shot to hell … along with all your other functions.
@77 “while Adam Schiff speaks for two straight hours about shit that has nothing to do with the articles of impeachment”
We already know you flunked junior high school civics, although apparently you somehow managed to dissect the frog in biology class.
No need to brag about it. Doctors don’t have to know anything about government. They’d vote Republican anyway. Just don’t elect them to anything.
@75 “It’s a show. It’s all a show. For shitheads like you who … fail to realize that any count of the number of GOP senators …”
who take their constitutional duties seriously is approaching zero, if not already there.
The Framers created this elaborate system of government with its coequal branches, and checks and balances, to keep us free. This is our right to choose our own government they’re fucking with. We won’t forget it.
Crooked banker fined $17.5 million and banned for life.
“Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg hit back at Steven Mnuchin on Thursday, after the Treasury Secretary suggested she needed to study economics at college before lecturing the U.S. on fossil fuel investments.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Little Munchkin needs to take a science course or two before he lectures Giant Greta that profits are more important than planetary survival.
yeah baby! I’m trending now!
Someone’s taking Rudy’s little podcast seriously?
The Rudy who had plane tickets to Vienna to meet with Russians when they were arrested for campaign fraud?
Parnas’ benefactor?
Poor man’s Larry Klayman?
That Rudy?
Everything is bigger in Texas!
“Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Thursday came up with a bizarre explanation for why President Donald Trump shouldn’t be removed from office: He didn’t think he was doing anything wrong.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Graham, a lawyer, began his career as an Air Force JAG officer — first as a military defense attorney (~2 years), then as a military prosecutor (~4 years). After leaving the service he practice law privately before becoming a full-time politician.
I wonder if he ever tried this excuse out on a court as a defense lawyer? Or accepted it as a prosecutor? I think the odds of that are flat zero. Not approximately zero, or close to zero, but zero. In other words, he knows better. He knows this is bullshit. It’s not a legal defense; it’s a political defense. A partisan, desperate, excuse-making, bullshit political defense conjured by a sycophant who has nothing else because his client has guilt smeared all over his ugly face.
You know, the guy who said, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and they would vote for me anyway.” According to Graham, that wouldn’t be a crime, because Trump doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with it.
Graham is a fucking joke. He’s even a bigger fucking joke than Doctor Dumbfuck, and that’s hard to do, so that’s really saying something about the man. Which, make no mistake, is not meant to be flattering.*
* You don’t have to explain this to any normal person, but I feel it necessary to explain it to Republicans, because they don’t get even simple things. And even when you spell it out to them, they still don’t get it, Graham being a case in point.
Trump “sounded a defiant note, telling reporters in Switzerland the Democrats did not have enough evidence to find him guilty and remove him from office.”
This is like Ted Bundy saying, “You can’t convict me of murder because you don’t know where I hid the bodies!”
I don’t care very much about neo-Nazi fratricide; to me, it’s barely a crime. Let ’em kill each other. That spares decent folk a lot of trouble.
Republicans argue, “Let the voters decide!” Sure looks like we will if they don’t:
Biden 53%, Trump 44%
Bloomberg 52%, Trump 43%
Sanders 52%, Trump 45%
Warren 50%, Trump 45%
Buttigieg 49%, Trump 45%
Klobuchar 48%, Trump 45%
Democratic race, same poll:
Biden 30%
Sanders 23%
Warren 14%
Bloomberg 9%
Buttigieg 6%
Klobuchar 5%
Bill Kristol, who isn’t exactly a flaming liberal, is running this ad:
In the MSNBC interview he smiles and says, “With President Pence, you’d get the same judges, the same policies.”
Yeah, we would, but that misses the point doesn’t it? He also could’ve mentioned that President Pence would be a lot harder to beat than President Pussygrabber Putinbot. He doesn’t have Trump’s baggage. Which makes you wonder why Republicans are circling the wagons around Trump. Are they suicidal? Is an intervention urgently needed to save the GOP? Do we even want to save the GOP?
Another conservative ad.
Yeah, yeah, I know who’s behind it.
George Conway among others. But he’s not a liberal, you know? None of these people are. They’re what Republicans were before Trump corrupted the party. I’m not saying I’d vote for them, but at least they’re not Hitler admirers or aspiring monarchists.
Ahh, the good old days.
That MAGA economy? Wages are up for the bottom 10%, but only because of states raising their minimum wage.
Middle class wages “are actually down over the last three years.”
Sooo … “vote for me”??? Eh. Voters know when they’re being BS’d.
@ 101
National poll of adults.
All but one of the national polls of adults done the week before the election in 2016 made it clear Hillary would prevail.
It’s not a national election. It’s 50 different elections, one in each state.
Here’s Darryl, two days after the 2016 election:
If my Twitter feed is any indication, the media seems hell-bent on the meme that “the polling was terrible” or “this is the end of polling.” But, as I show below, it wasn’t completely terrible for the national polling.
Yesterday, I heard a story on KUOW (I don’t remember the show, but perhaps All Things Considered or Here & Now) about the national polls. The story had things exactly wrong. They interviewed the director of the LA Times/USC poll (you know, the one that consistently had Trump leading Clinton), introducing it as “the one that got it right.” In fact, the LA Times/USC poll was the one that got it wrong.
Remember, national polls only tell us about the popular vote. And, as of this morning, Clinton leads in the popular vote.
Fucking Moron II, do not buy into Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s bullshit.
They (Republican) all are – every single one of them. Disgusting, pathetic mother fuckers.
I knew 3 years ago that that’s what it would come down to… not so much the pig that The Hump is but the clowns in that party that are all one big fucking jokes. Classless scum. Every single one of them that dissed Obama – I saw no good in them. Forget about The Hump being elected.
@107 Some are worse than others.
@107 “Forget about The Hump being elected.”
Well I guess he was, in a manner of speaking, even though the other candidate got nearly 3 million more votes. To do it, though, he needed help from Putin, racists, a huge voter suppression campaign, an antiquated and undemocratic electoral system created to preserve slavery, and 63 million voters as stupid as Doctor Dumbfuck.
Not sure what is going on in NYC right now, but there are several buildings on fire…
Not sure if anything suspicious or just a perfect storm of fires.
One big fire in Chinatown (relatively) and one in the West Village, and one in Greenwich Village.
Now a Post Office in Chelsea has smoke in the Building.
@ 90
Still wanna argue oil prices have fallen?
I remember when oil companies were struggling to make it on $40 oil.
Yes, I still wanna have that argument.
Oil companies have adapted to lower prices. They have had to adapt. They have cut Capex and they are now profitable at significantly lower barrel sale prices.
Fracking ensures a healthy supply of oil even if there are Middle East interruptions, so oil spiking above $80 and even to the $100 range is unlikely to occur unless there is a major, major geopolitical disturbance.
Fracking wasn’t part of the equation a decade ago. Neither were all-electric cars, at least not really. We illuminate with LEDs, now. The US has cut its energy usage. Go USA.
Oil prices will remain well below historic levels. Things change – GE isn’t a worthwhile stock to own anymore, for instance.
The US continues to produce more oil. This lessens reliance on oil from troubled areas of the world and mitigates price spikes when flareups occur.
Crude Oil Supply. EIA estimates that annual average U.S. crude oil production reached a new record of 12.2 million b/d in 2019, up 1.3 million b/d from 2018. EIA forecasts U.S. crude oil production to average 13.3 million b/d in 2020 and 13.7 million b/d in 2021. More production from the Lower 48 states’ onshore regions, especially the Permian region, drives the forecast increase.
I remember when you used to be more useful around here, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Things change.
Brexit, bitches.
Queen gives approval to Brexit as bill officially becomes law
Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2020/01/23/queen-gives-approval-brexit-bill-officially-becomes-law-12111066/?ito=cbshare
Couldn’t have done it without anti-Semite Corbyn.
Preznit Emoluments is at it again:
“The president’s Miami golf resort that puts money into his pocket more than doubled its room rates just before the White House announced his Thursday visit ― possibly increasing taxpayer costs for staff who must travel there in advance.”
But Doctor Dumbfuck has no problem with this. No problem at all. That’s because he’s a dumbfuck.
@112 Your argument is as irrelevant as the Republican witness list. You said oil prices have fallen. They haven’t. They’ve gone up.