I listened to the gubernatorial debate while doing dishes. Now, a day late, here’s my impressions.
Jay Inslee was a bit off his game on a few issues. Western State Hospital desertification in particular. But he was pretty good overall.
Culp was something else. From flirting with conspiracy theories about the wildfires to saying he would have sent the National Guard with guns to the East Precinct protest, Culp was scary. Please don’t vote for him.
And please do wash your hands right now.
Barr indicates Dunham report wont be ready prior to election?
Are they trying to play the card after the election, as a reason to discredit a Biden/Harris victory? Sew doubt about whether the votes should matter?
This is the guy that would have definitely led Democrats to a victory. He knows how to punch. Muhammad Ali of Politics. Smartest dude going.
Again, I wonder if Bob pays any hush money to the horse.
Too fucked up for words. In fact, nearly as fucked up in the head as Doctor Dumbfuck.
This Michigan GOP sheriff shared a stage with arrested militants — now he’s defending their right to ‘arrest’ the Democratic governor
“Please don’t vote for him.”
What? You don’t want Pink Panther to be governor?
@ 2
He knows how to punch.
Bet he doesn’t.
Something a fascist incel loser like the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck can only dream about. Sad!
@3 Interestingly, the governor is empowered by statute to remove elected sheriffs from office, but only for specified causes and a big mouth isn’t one of them.
However, this guy’s refusal to enforce her lawful orders might fall under “official misconduct.”
@6 He’s not an incel. He has a horse.
Poor thing.
@9 Sympathy isn’t what’s needed. Call the SPCA hotline. They can help.
Whitey Ford, 91, is dead. Other MLB legends who passed this year: Al Kaline, Tom Seaver, Lou Brock, Bob Gibson.
@ 6
There are reasons to retire early besides wealth, Steve.
Now if you’ll excuse me…
If Biden wins in November, he should resist the idea of packing the Supreme Court. That action will not be helpful.
” … [T]he GOP is watching Democrats … turn states previously seen as safe for Republicans into heavily contested battlegrounds. … [T]he solidly Republican states of Alaska, Kansas and South Carolina are now places for Democrats to pad their majority …. A top GOP operative … said large donations from major Republican donors were keeping races competitive.”
Wait, what? Alaska and Kansas are in play? And note “large donations” from “major donors” are keeping besieged GOP senators afloat. Might as well put “Senator” in front of those billionaires’ names, because if these GOP senators survive, they’ll be employees, if they aren’t already.
@12 There sure are. Especially when you have no choice. Now, I’m not saying that was your reason. I’m only sayin’ …
“Now if you’ll excuse me…”
@12 yeah, the horse regrets the time of day too
@13 That action will be very helpful to ensure future presidential elections are decided by 130-150 million people instead of 6 people.
You see, Tom, when an unpopular radical minority faction seeks to seize power by gaming the system, instead of winning power at the ballot box, you must expect the majority to take whatever actions are necessary to preserve their right of self-government.
Republicans went too far in letting the president of their party engage in loose talk of being president-for-life, defying election results, usurping Congress, and putting himself above the law or simply brushing the law aside.
You should be able to see why, under the circumstances, the majority feels it necessary to defend themselves. Merrick Garland deserves a seat on the Supreme Court, and if Republicans won’t let him have one, Democrats will create one for him.
Wonder if Brett Beir and the chick got reprimanded for being such losers. They looked like their pet goats got eaten by a coyote.
@ 17
Seven justices. Bush v. Gore was a 7-2 decision by the US Supreme Court.
As Scalia said, “not even close”.
@ 17
You see, Tom…
The unemployment rate when Obama left office…..4.7%. What is it today, now that all the coal jobs have come back?
Never let a Repuke spin something with lies and bullshit….but that would be like never letting them open their fucking garbage mouths.
I thought Bob had a horse to go fuck or blow?
Bob – What you doing back so soon? Was it just a diaper change that you needed? 9:29 you wanted to be excused…and at 10:00 am you are back?
@19 Let’s say Biden wins Pennsylvania by 13%, his Quinnipiac poll lead there a couple days ago. Now let’s say the gerrymandered Pennsylvania legislature rejects the popular vote and sends a Trump slate of electors to the House of Representatives, which rejects that slate of electors, and the Supreme Court reinstates it by a 5-4 vote breaking along partisan lines, with the single conservative justice with a conscience and a concern for the integrity of the court voting against this baldfaced usurpation of the people’s right to self-government. To defend that, you’ll fall back on Bush v. Gore?
Different facts, different results, doc. This isn’t Florida 2000. This isn’t hanging chads, or an election decided by 200 votes. This is an unpopular radical minority faction that’s about to get its ass handed to it by the voters attempting to replace the republic with what amounts to a dictatorship that can’t be voted out of office. I doubt Bush v. Gore will work very well for defending that. The facts are different.
So we’re now in a place where, because Trump’s acting agency head appointments were illegal, all their decisions, policies, and orders were also illegal and courts are going to rescind everything Trump put in place.
Wherein Donnie Jr. calls Biden a “coward” and gets this in return:
Biden has a son who risked his life in service to the United States of America. Donald Trump has a son who … is you. ‘Nuff said.
— Cathy Q. Public (Not *that* Q) (@Lyricathy) October 9, 2020
If Trump becomes king, and this is the crown prince who succeeds him, it won’t be the first monarchy that came to a quick end because the monarch’s offspring was an idiot.
Awwww. Trump didn’t win the Nobel Peace Prize. The World Food Programme did. It helped over 100 million people last year. Trump only helped himself.
@23 A horse on Whidbey island whinnied in fear as the dumbfuck wrote that.
The orange moron is even more stupid than Doctor Dumbfuck. That isn’t easy. Sad!
Trump rages at Barr after Limbaugh blindsides him with news that review of Russia probe isn’t coming before Nov 3
Republicans are also known to fuck dogs. Remember that guy in Federal Way whose wife caught him fucking their dog on the balcony? But he’d have to be as stupid as Doctor Dumbfuck for him to try to fuck a pit bull. Just sayin’.
Grant County sheriff: Man killed in his home by his dog
Another terrorist is off the streets. Yay for law enforcement!
Too bad he didn’t resist arrest.
“The FBI determined Perry’s suspected adherence to the Boogaloo movement based on information listed on his Facebook page, as well as from a sticker on his vehicle, an FBI agent wrote in a search warrant affidavit.”
Hey! Look at me! I’m a terrorist! I’m a felon in possession of firearms! (yard sign on lawn says “terrorist” with arrow pointing at house; pickup and car in driveway have TERROR1 and TERROR2 vanity plates)
“There have been at least 20 bills to increase, or decrease, the size of supreme courts in 11 states over the past decade, according to a new study by Duke University law professor Marin K. Levy. The vast majority of them have been by Republicans, and attempts have been on the rise compared to decades past.
“Legislatures in Arizona, Georgia, Florida, Iowa, South Carolina and Louisiana have all tried to add justices, while Montana, Oklahoma, Washington, Alabama and Pennsylvania have tried to remove some. Republicans drove the changes in all those states over the past decade, aside from Democratic pushes in Louisiana and Alabama.
“Two of those attempts, in Arizona and Georgia, were successful. In both cases, the GOP controlled the legislature and the GOP governor had significant power to appoint the judges he wanted to the court.”
NYT follow up.
Donald made a boatload of money in 2016 from odd sources that ran through a shell company.
He could make this all go away. He’s got the documents, allegedly. They prove he didn’t evade taxes. He told you. Good enough, right?
Anyone else get the impression that the moderator of Debate # 2 had an Anthony Weiner-style Twitter moment?
@ 24
If Darryl’s analysis is anywhere close to predictive, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, Pennsylvania is irrelevant.
And Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, anything you have to say about anything is irrelevant.
You’re a fucking clown.
I just realized that the misogynists and the anti-autism forces of the Nobel Committee have, once again, disrespected Greta Thunberg by giving the Peace Prize to, um, an entity that deserves it.
Donald is too sick and scared to debate.
Remember when it was Joe Biden who was going to pull out and was too feeble to handle it.
They didn’t give it to Jessie Hagopian either but he’s also been invited to speak at more National conferences and sold more books in the last two years that you have.
Really must bother you that a teenage girl is admired by so many.
Reaction from the Biden campaign:
It’s the Friday news dump.
Have a look see at polling on support for mask mandates…
Bob, are you listening? You treasonous bastard!
He was a true jerk when I lived in seattle, I see he has not changed. Reads like they were looking for reason to can him, and he gave it to them.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News –
Non-Demented Nancy Pelosi-Jinping Challenges Non-Demented Joe Biden-Einstein For Title Of Most Non-Demented Demorat.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News –
Non-Demented Joe Biden-Einstein Calls For Jihad Against Trump.
The former Obama Vice President called for Muslim voters to wage Jihad while attacking the police.
On July 21, 2020, Democrat Joe Biden met with a group of Muslims on a Zoom call. The call was with Emgage which is a front for CAIR and others. It is an Islamic organization which wants to generate one million votes for Biden for President.
It appears that Biden made it up from his basement and did the call from his backyard. During the call, Biden quoted the Prophet Mohammad and said this:
The prophet Mohammad, said, whoever among you sees evil, let him change it with his hand. If he is unable to do so, then with his tongue. If he is unable to do so, then with his heart.
This a call for Jihad in the Muslim faith.
W/video; https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/10/exclusive-update-video-joe-biden-calling-muslim-jihad-created-translated-promoted-endorsed-us-government/
Also just had a look at the show archive and it appears his weekly Friday half hour with Pete Carroll didn’t happen.
KIRO won’t fire him but his next contract isn’t gonna be great.
Cal Cunningham is the man y’all libbies needed Brett Kavanaugh to be.
Asked four times whether there are more affairs not yet known, Cunningham declined to say yes or no
Cunningham would struggle through a dozen lifetimes to even come close to the guy you voted to make president.
Call back as soon as you have him on tape bragging to complete strangers about beating up women and grabbing their genitals.
Then fax us the dozens of NDAs and canceled hush-money checks.
Asking for The First Lady… on tape.
46: Dude, give it up. These people are irredeemable.
What the heck are guys with PTSD doing on a police force? We need better cops!
@35 We’re not in the business of letting fascism take root in any state, whether we need that state’s electoral votes or not. And no, that’s not what a “republic” is. It’s tyrannical.
@36 Your intrepid reporter is on it.
@38 “Really must bother you that a teenage girl is admired by so many.”
It’s not only stuck in his craw, it’s eating his guts.
@43, @44 Amateur doctoring jobs
Panicky GOP strategists think Trump is “toast” and want the party to shift resources toward salvaging what they can in Congress.
They’ve probably have seen too many of the videos posted on
…want the party…
Trump is the party.
And the way the finances are structured, everything goes through Parscale, and now Stepien. That’s why all the spending was immediately reduced right after the audit was ordered and Parscale was fired. Parscale was over spending in order to cover for how much he was stealing. This is how the party built itself this year, with Trump in control of all the spending. But then Brad got caught and now both he and his boss have gone insane.
The “strategists” are mostly just upset that there isn’t enough money to go around. Too much was wasted on canceled events, big ad buys in places where Rapepublicans don’t vote, and giant salaries for Trump’s family and for Parscale. But they had their chance. We offered them Pence/Haley. They turned it down and went with this mess, convinced that they would all become “incredibly rich” just like Trump.
In a way they weren’t wrong.
Also, not for nothing, we should all stop pimping groups like RVAT and Lincoln, etc.
I give some credit to Lincloln Project for eventually putting some responsibility and effort into recognizing that it’s the party itself, its voters, its members in the House and Senate, who are to blame for Trump. Republicans going after Trump only moves you on to the next Trump waiting in line.
I need to see them going after fake “bi-partisan” “moderates” like Mitt Romney and Susan Collins and the hooting baboon mob of unhinged racist assholes they cater to in their primaries. Without that they are still the enemy trying to kill and feed off American democracy.
TFW the badge-bunnies of Daily Caller and Live PD are directly confronted with the violent truth about American police they’ve known about all along: