History will be made tonight, so talk about it….
6:02: Washington delegation has been raising hell all week
More WA delegates protest TPP and other causes on night of @HillaryClinton acceptance speech pic.twitter.com/U7Lt8dAOJH
— Jim Brunner (@Jim_Brunner) July 29, 2016
Tell me again how we need to keep violent people out of the US https://t.co/NARjdXMQI1
— Lee Rosenberg (@Lee_Rosenberg) July 29, 2016
It seems like a good idea for Ds to welcome Rs and conservatives who are willing to step up and admit the GOP nominee is a madman.
— Greg Sargent (@ThePlumLineGS) July 29, 2016
Abdul-Jabbar: “I’m Michael Jordan and I’m with Hillary…I said that of course because I know Donald Trump couldn’t tell the difference"
— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) July 29, 2016
Read about Rev. William Barber, who just finished speaking at the #DemConvention: https://t.co/cUURDlTfFu https://t.co/rRTKFd5u0d
— POLITICO (@politico) July 29, 2016
Powerful speech by Captain Khan. Most scathing indictment of Trump.
— Josh Kraushaar (@HotlineJosh) July 29, 2016
Omigod, what a devastating critique of Trump from Khizr Khan, father of fallen Muslim veteran. #DemsInPhilly
— (((Goldy))) (@GoldyHA) July 29, 2016
6:28: Man…General Allen could be a voice-over actor for any general anywhere!
Comparing the two conventions, it's clear that Democrats are now the party of patriotic America, the future America, the real America
— Markos Moulitsas (@markos) July 29, 2016
7:30: Huh…Did you notice Hillary DIDN’T lightly grope her daughter?
7:39: “He has taken ” the GOP ” a long way, from ‘Morning in America’ to ‘Midnight in America’.”
She's never going to be as soaring an orator as BHO or as intimate as BC, but she's killing it, imo
— Clara Jeffery (@ClaraJeffery) July 29, 2016
"I accept your nomination for president of the United States!” —Hillary https://t.co/3Ffpf7W4Vz
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) July 29, 2016
Clinton: "Donald Trump says he wants to make America great again – well, he could start by actually making things in America again."
— Sabrina Siddiqui (@SabrinaSiddiqui) July 29, 2016
“Imagine him in the Oval Office…a man you can bait with a tweet is not a man you can trust with nuclear weapons."
— Mike Warren (@MichaelRWarren) July 29, 2016
I see an inspiring leader. Last week, all I saw was an angry man. Can’t even remember what he was yelling about.
Roger Rabbit @ 1,
Someone was on his fiscal lawn.
“A man you can bait with a tweet isn’t a man you can trust with nuclear weapons.”
“Here’s what Donald Trump doesn’t get: America is great because America is good.”
No trolls tonight? I hope they’re listening to this. Maybe they’ll learn something.
These two conventions, parties, and candidates are like the difference between a dark blustery day and a bright sunny day.
“Father Of Muslim American War Hero To Trump: ‘You Have Sacrificed Nothing’”
A Republican piles it on.
“John Noonan, a former national security adviser to Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney, tweeted:”
“This is a powerful story and a damning indictment of Trump. Captain Khan has done a hell of a lot more for his country than Trump ever will”
Just looked at an always wrong wing website and the vitriol towards Hills is too sick.
And chuckling at how they’re talking around the Ailes disaster.
No I’m not a Hills fan but I’ll be damned if I don’t throw the lever against the racist greedhead klown on the other side.
Eviscerate the motherfucker, why don’t you?
“I haven’t just voted Republican, I worked in President Reagan’s White House,” former Reagan spokesman Doug Elmets said. “I recently led an effort to place a statue of Ronald Reagan in California’s Capitol. I’m here tonight to say: I knew Ronald Reagan. I worked for Ronald Reagan. Donald Trump, you are no Ronald Reagan.”
“the fully formed white identity”
Now that’s funny!
She exceeded my expectations in her presentation and depth, but other than the usual bump, and the hand full of people who may wake up during the debates, it won’t have any effect on the extreme right or left. Too many people are too proud to admit that everything they believe about Hillary from decades of conservative and extreme left narratives is complete bullshit. As a lot of people have said, this shouldn’t even be close. The sensationalistic narratives of a close horse race, the journalistic false equivalents, and the completely batshit crazy conversations ahead, are going to try my sanity. Here’s hoping it ends up the usual McCain\Romney\Trump landslide, and Bernie gets to be Majority Leader. Good luck to us all.
@7 Cue the close-up facial shot of Trump hollering “KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!!!!!!”
@3 – that was a fine one.
@4 – that one i can’t agree with at all. “good?” no, the u.s.a. is not “good.” it is “great” – as in large, imposing, unwieldy. but it is not “possessing or displaying moral virtue,” so therefore not good in my mind. and i’m worried that HRC will continue the not goodness rather than reversing it. . .
Looks like Democrats have become the party of God, country, mom and apple pie. A party of patriots. But I’m sure some prominent Republicans will refute me on this.
Frank Luntz, “Gen. Allen’s speech with stage full of military leaders was unprecedentedly powerful Dems have blown away Day 4 expectations.”
Steve Deace, “I cannot believe I’m watching the Democrats become the party of patriotism.”
GregGutfeld, “this is the RNC for people who remember the RNC”
Amanda Carpenter, “I am sure hearing a lot more about God and faith at the DNC than the RNC.”
Megyn Kelly, “Whereupon a woman, a mother, walked out on stage, hugged her daughter and accepted a presidential nomination.”
Erick Erickson, “For Republicans who are not social conservatives, I have to imagine last night and tonight at the DNC are having an impact on them.”
John Weaver, “I will take the America of Khizr Khan & his fallen son over Trump’s distorted & selfish version every day of the week.”
Howard Fineman, “It’s true: #Trump has turned the #Democrats into proud, sincere & convincing patriotic flag waivers! That’s what it feels like in the hall.”
“Trump Claims He’s Never Spoken to Putin. In This 2014 Video, Trump Says He Did.”
And as Trump finds that Putin is becoming a noose around his neck, what’s this that the old Reagan/Bush/McCain/Romney cabal is up to?
“Republican security experts request congressional investigation of DNC hack”
I’m with Hillary! I am a Hillary fan. She’ll out smart the thievery of any Teoublican any day!!!!!
In order for Sen. Sanders to be elected Majority Leader, he’d first have to join the majority.
He’s smart enough to know at this point that if Democrats gain the majority as an outsider he’s not in the running for the leadership, even if he were to keep the (D) after his name. But he won’t. And there’s cause to respect him for that. He might have cut a deal for himself before throwing his support. But it looks like he cut a deal for his “movement” instead and will return to the Senate next year as an “independent”.
@18 Perhaps. They should give him some plum committee assignments, at the very least. Certainly his ideas would get a better reception in a blue Senate, but looking to the mid-terms, they should really give him a leadership position, in order to keep the momentum going. I like that he is pleased enough with the platform to come around like he has this week, but he should get more for the effort (I’m expecting him to give).
2018 will see an almost total reversal from this year in terms of vulnerable Senate seats. About half of the Democratic Senate Caucus will face re-election. Depending on how you count vulnerability, and certainly depending a lot on Republican challengers, between 6 and 12 Democrats will be fighting to retain their Senate seats. And no one can say how many will be raised out of the Senate to serve in the Clinton administration or how many will quit to go into lobbying. The “momentum” going into the mids will be to hang on for dear life.
Math is a tyrant sometimes. And no amount of “nationwide revolution” nor any populist “movement” will change the numbers in the various individual states. Whatever committee assignments are available to Senator Sanders would have more to do with how valuable he is to his Senate colleagues in retaining or shoring up their numbers. Up to now he has almost no track record as a team player, whether in terms of legislation, campaigning, or fund raising. How he performs between now and November 8th will be watched very carefully.
@20 “he has almost no track record as a team player” I’ve always liked Bernie, but that’s what kept him from getting my vote. I’m hoping that will change this fall.
@ 19, 20
That’s a tough draw for Senate Dems in a mid-term election in a Crooked Hillary Clinton presidency, with Bill Clinton giving more White House press conferences than his wife.
An awful lot of ingredients for a Democrat bloodbath that year.
Unless she moves quite quickly to the center in order to be able to govern.
It’s about time for a recession. She’ll inherit it. And in a Crooked Hillary Clinton presidency, Bernie Sanders shouldn’t expect any higher regard upon his return to the Senate than McCain received when he returned to the Senate after losing to Obama in 2008.
Sanders lost. It’s over. And it’s Schumer’s turn.
Given all we’ve seen in the last twelve months from Republicans I’d say how tough the 2018 mids turn out will hinge at least as much on Republicans as the Clinton admin.
You seem to take it as a given that following his loss, Cheeto Jesus and his camp followers will all just melt away. I’m not so sure. And as the Tea Party before, I think the changes wrought on Republican politics from the “Trump revolution” will be at least somewhat indelible. I think we’ll see some good indications of how voters react to the new Trump Republican Party this fall. Smart Senate Democrats facing re-election in 2018 will be ready to spend some money in their home states on targeted exit polling this November.
The math lines up against Democrats for sure. But there are plenty of variables. And the range of variability seems to be growing. Nelson in FL will probably retire. But how much turnout transforms the Florida electorate remains to be seen. Joe Donnelly in Indiana is very tough – and will depend on the quality of his challenger. Stabenow in MI definitely vulnerable but again, Republicans statewide have hurt themselves and turnout may continue to transform the Michigan electorate. Claire McCaskill in MO is very vulnerable in a crimson red state. Tester in MT may be mortally wounded by the Trump/Clinton dynamic – he’s a goner if Clinton pushes gun safety. Heitkamp in ND same fate as Tester. Manchin in WV probably a goner regardless of what Clinton does. I don’t think Sherrod Brown is as vulnerable as some say. Ohio will remain a key to Democrats and to Clinton. So I expect to see resources remaining on the ground after November to leverage turnout into 2018. With the exception of only two or three, these vulnerable Dems could be shored up by events this fall and moves by Clinton next year (Supremes, gun safety, trade, etc). Still it’s pretty bleak. If Dems manage to take control they won’t hold in 2018.
@ 23
Tell me how many major votes Heitkamp has taken in favor of gun control.
Yeah, I couldn’t think of any, either.
Heitkamp and Manchin re-elected. I won’t be as confident about Tester but I’d say he has the incumbent’s advantage.
Overall my suspicion is that the GOP will have greater Senate control in 2019 than it does now.
I give Clinton credit for knowing the stakes and vulnerabilities. But I also give her credit for having a major politician’s ego. And she may feel pushed to achieve a legislative and historical legacy before the tides turn. She’s bound to be keenly aware of her role in history. If she wound up pushing for gun safety and putting a limited 2nd Amendment Justice on the Court that could leave certain Senate Democrats having no choice but to openly oppose her and run against her record in 2018. I can’t say if that works or not. But it looks terrible all around and leaves them weakened regardless of how they vote.
And she may feel pushed to achieve a legislative and historical legacy before the tides turn.
I’m thinking that shortly after the inauguration, The Notorious RBG will be taking a dirt nap faster than you can say Billy Dale.
Spotted on Crooked Hillary Clinton’s night stand:
John Grisham’s The Pelican Brief.
@ 23
Manchin in WV probably a goner regardless of what Clinton does.
He can always put another bullet through a legislation packet.
Oh, and in the unlikely scenario wherein he truly might be facing extinction, he could always make the GOP’s wet dream a reality and flip to the good side of the aisle. It didn’t help Specter when he did it, but Manchin’s not a sniveling asshole, either.