Pat Robertson fooled me once, but I…I…I can’t get foolded again. This one’s for real…
So relax…let’s not get too worked up about things like this (via Think Progress):
…when the fact is, Federal Way’s own climate expert and modern-day Nostradamus, Frosty Hardison, has foreseen that the world, as we know it, will end today. The rapture is upon us.
He made his prophecy on KIRO 710’s Dave Ross Show on January 24th, 2007.
Dave promised to have ’em back on if the world doesn’t end, which it will. Really. Frosty said so.
(Hat tip: mercifurious.)
Nope, the world didn’t end, and Frosty is still a world-class nutjob.
“Nope, the world didn’t end, and Frosty is still a world-class nutjob.”
Hey…it’s only 8:13 PM in Israel, and besides Jesus probably reset his clock to Pacific Time after hanging out in San Francisco in the early 70s…
Plenty of time.
Here’s a bombshell: I don’t believe Jesus was the literal Son of God, just an important spiritual and religous leader of his time. Christianity is a tale that grew with the telling over the past 2,000+ years.
If you follow the Golden Rule, you’ve probably got everything that’s good about religion.
My mother once told me a story once about a local DJ’s response to an earlier prediction of the end of the world. He said “In case we get a bye, see you tomorrow”. Needless to say, Jack Morton had a good sense of humor, as we did get a bye.
P.J. O’Rourke(forget how to spell his name), had another one. “The World may end, but your homework is still due tomorrow”.
Seattle’s Nostradamas.
I predict the demise of the Republican Party within 2 election cycles. I mean c’mon, how much dishonesty, and crime can people stomach.
Oops, I forgot.
Stefan is a coward!
“I predict the demise of the Republican Party within 2 election cycles. I mean c’mon, how much dishonesty, and crime can people stomach. ”
Not a bad thought, Facts Support. Now if the same thing would happen to the Democrats we’d all be better off!
We should have a multitude of poltical parties in this country. The Dems and the Reps just aren’t cutting it anymore! Why just a two-party system?
The Repubican Party isn’t going anywhere. For all the made up crap you pussies cry about, you forget Americans would rather be safe and not be forced to learn Arabic and make our women wear burkas.
Pussies on national defense won’t cut the mustard, you libs will be scratching your heads in 2008, strike that, crying like little bitches claiming the Diebold machines stole yet another election.
Doesn’t that shit get old with you libs?
losertarian at 7:
There’s two parties because you guys are just as bad as the Dems. When you figure that out, you’ll become a true conservative.
It’s never too late to make a good decision, so just switch partis now to the Republican Party.
Where’s the Rog’ the retarded rabbit today??
Probably got shot by a believer in the 2nd Amendment and is now minus one foot and his pelt!!
George @9.
Pigs will be flying into Hell with cases of ice-cold Heineken strapped to their backs before I’ll become a Republican.
And who’s the REAL loser, now George? GWB screwed up so bad that the Republicans are going to be relegated to third or fourth class status before long. The only way your people will win the White house in ’08 is if the Dems are dumb enough to nominate Hillary.
And maybe not even then.
Nice link about Frosty;unfortunately you won’t
provide one featuring a critique of Al Gore.A substantial
part of our energy needs(and a polution free}recquirements,could be provided with nuclear energy;unfortunagtely Gore cast a negative and lukewarm
attitude towards this resource.If we had developed more nuclear reactors for an energy sourceduring his time in the senate,as well as his serving as vice-president,we wouldn’t be discussing our countries problems with the over useand dependance of fossil fuels.
Also,M.I.T. professor of Atmospheric Science concurs with this approach;also cites the one sided liberal view of the global warming.I don’t think he believes that the earth is 14,000 years old either.
M.I.T. Professor of Atmospheric Science is Richard Lindzen.
Please spare us from a conspiracy thoery on where he
receives funding.
Hey, George,
How do you feel about the presidential candidates in your own party criticizing you in their little debate last night? It must seem like no one loves you anymore. Actually, no one does love you anymore. Get used to it, you little cowardly, fearmongering, brainless lapdog, you.
M.I.T. Professor of Atmospheric Science is Richard Lindzen.
Please spare us from a conspiracy thoery on where he receives funding.
Yeah, that would be wrong.
Whackjobs like Frosty Hardison aren’t the problem. We’ve always had them among us, and always will. School boards who listen to people like Frosty Hardison are the problem.
@7 “The Democrats are just as bad as the Republicans” bullcrap won’t sell to the HA crowd, Lib. Try peddling it on a Libertarian blog, you might have better luck!
The Democrats aren’t perfect, but lumping them together with Republicans is ludicrous.
@8 Instead of spending all day sitting in the can reading Soldier of Fortune magazine, why don’t you do something useful with your life … like paying a visit to an Army recruiter.
@10 FYI, animal control has a $50 bounty on my pelt … if you want to try collecting it, come to my burrow tonight … 9PM … and be sure to bring a gun, so I can claim self-defense.
Mr. Bush, my department will pay you $50.00 cash for that damned rabbit’s pelt, dead or alive!
@23 Go fuck yourself! And while you’re at it, fuck your wingnut bushbaby, too! You two were made for each other.
That bounty was posted over a year ago. It ought to be $55 by now, but they’re too cheap to pay interest. Be careful who you deal with … they’re probably welshers like Redneck.
@11 “Pigs will be flying into Hell with cases of ice-cold Heineken strapped to their backs before I’ll become a Republican.”
As you can see, Libertarians aren’t all bad. But they’re not all good, either.
The M.I.T. professor Richard Lindzen has done scientfic research in the field of global warming;science signifies that it’s peer reviewed.In addition,he does not deny that the earh is getting warmer,just the hyper over-reaction and exxageration of the facts.He doesn’t demegogue it,for political expedience;the professor just lays out the facts.Ask any mainsteam scientist if his research on the topic is scientifcally based;guaranteed they will.
@13 Now some jackass comes along blaming the U.S.’s failure to develop nuclear power on Al Gore?
How about blaming the nuclear industry, which repeatedly proved to the American public they can’t be trusted?
As for Congress, the Price-Anderson Act capping the liability of nuclear plant operators — effectively shifting the financial risks of a nuclear accident to property owners in surrounding communities — is a deal-killer. Until Price-Anderson is repealed, and Congress enacts legislation requiring nuclear operators to carry a sufficient amount of insurance to make good the losses of business and home owners, there is absolutely nothing to discuss.
A long and dismal history of unsafe practices, falsified weld inspection reports, etc., hardly inspires confidence in the nuclear industry. Before even one more nuclear plant is built, there needs to be a thorough housecleaning within the industry. All the management needs to be gone. The contractors need to be gone. The U.S. needs to rebuild its nuclear industry from scratch with new people.
Mr. Stevens,
And your graduate studies were in which scientific field? What is it about you folks who reside in Wingnut World that permits you to think you have a right to have an opinion about matters which you are completely uneducated about?
13 I’d sure rather see more use of nuclear power in reaction to the probable exponential rise in the price of petroleum than the panicky, messy adventures with coal we’ll likely get instead. On the other hand, there’s going to have to be some drastic rethinking about how it’s to be done. “First-generation” nuclear power technology consisted basically of taking the original light-water reactor design from the USS Nautilus, scaling all the dimensions up by a factor of ten, and replacing steel with concrete. Rickover himself warned that doing it that way was marginally safe at best and didn’t make economic sense, and he was right.
Secondly, and sorry to say it because I myself have something of a libertarian bent, but such an enterprise can’t be trusted to private businessmen whose primary motivation is the next quarterly report.
But until such time as the nuclear industry is required by law to be financially responsible for nuclear accidents, my opposition to nuclear power will remain implacable, and there is nothing to negotiate.
@13 Whooop-de-doo, you guys find one scientist out of thousands who questions the data so that means the rest of the scientific community — for whom Al Gore is merely spokesperson — is wrong. Bullshit. Scientists always disagree over details, but the degree of unanimity on global warming is almost unprecedented in scientific work. The debate is over. Only wilful idiots continue to deny the reality, causes, and consequences of global warming.
As a rabbit, I’m not worried though. My pal, Ma Nature, assures me all the world’s environmental problems will be solved by the extinction of one species.
@14 Prof. Lindzen is not willing to put his money where his mouth is.
“The November 10, 2004 online version of Reason magazine reported that Lindzen is ‘willing to take bets that global average temperatures in 20 years will in fact be lower than they are now.’ Climatologist James Annan, who has offered multiple bets that global temperatures will increase, contacted Lindzen to arrange a bet. Annan offered to pay 2:1 odds in Lindzen’s favor if temperatures declined, but said that Lindzen would only accept a bet if the payout was 50:1 or better in his favor and that no bet occurred. Lindzen replied to Annan ‘The quote [at Reason Online] was out of context. I think the odds are about 50-50. I said that if anyone were willing to give warming much higher odds than that, I would be tempted to take the bet.’ According to Ronald Bailey, Annan and Lindzen exchanged proposals for bets, but were unable to agree. (Annan subsequently responded to Lindzen’s response.”
@16 Hmmm … it seems Lindzen not only takes energy industry money, but also lies about it when he writes articles for Newsweek.
Another wingnut “source” is blown to smithereens.
I guess whether there’s a wingnut conspiracy theory depends on what your definition of “conspiracy” is. These guys don’t have to get together to form a conspiracy; they all think alike, and can accomplish the same thing simply by jerking their knees in unison.
@27 The guy is a reputable scientist with excellent credentials. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be teaching at M.I.T., and wouldn’t be worth $2,500 a day to the coal and oil companies who pay him to shill for them.
I should point out that taking energy industry money for parroting energy industry propaganda isn’t necessarily academically dishonest. As a scientist, Lindzen is entitled to question the scientific opinions of his peers. It’s perfectly reasonable for someone in his position to say, “let’s take a closer look at this.” The thing is, the scientific community HAS taken a closer look at the data … again and again … and now even the energy companies admit there’s a problem. At some point, after all the studies say the same thing, responsible people go, “It looks like there’s a problem. We’d better do something.”
One of the nuances of academic freedom is that once you have tenure you can be totally full of shit but you still won’t lose your job.
Of course, I’m not a scientist, and therefore I’m not in a position to say Prof. Lindzen is full of shit. I’m merely pointing out that, as a theoretical matter, the fact he’s an M.I.T. professor doesn’t preclude a possibility that he’s full of shit.
I’m more likely to think a professor is full of shit if:
1) 99% of his peers disagree with him; and
2) He’s taking money from commercial interests for saying what they want to hear.
Yet another wingnut “source” is ignominiously demolished.
@30 I believe the phenomenon you describe is governed by the “ignorance is bliss” principle.
Where did the wingnuts go? Did they get run off by a rabbit? What a bunch of chickenshits.
Now that Scooter Libby has been convicted and sentenced to prison for what amounts to treason, the winger blatherers are demanding a pardon. Vote Republican, put criminals back on the street!
Shameful Leftanista @ 15:
Thanks for proving my point needle dick; Dems are in lockstep, Republicans think for themselves. They critize Bush because he deserves the criticism he’s getting.
What this proves is that we have different thinking processes at work in our tent, and in the lib circus tent, they all think alike.
One everyone agrees only one person is thinking, and if George Soros ever has brain fart the Democrat Party will die.
Nice try, panzy.
Rog’ @ 22:
Sounds like you’re “inviting” me to your place. Better becareful of what you wish for, DICK, because your nightmare just might come true.
In fact, one of these Tuesdays, I just might show up at your DL party, unannounced of course, and we’ll see how tough you really are. You’re probably some old drunk, living off your guvmint paychecks pretending to be some high networth stock investor.
Sheez, one thing you libs are not short on is imagination, and false bravado I’ll say that much for you losers.
Hey COCKSUCKER GBS – you don’t have the balls to show up announced or otherwise. But if you’re so brave you fucking cunt, why not tell us when you’re coming? We’ll be there waiting. And bring your wife. We’ll let her see real men in action. But don’t be surprised if she decided to leave with one of us.
Fucking pantywaste chickenhawks Publicans. I’d love a chance at some of these cunts.
The amusing thing about Prof. Richard Lindzen is the way his opinions seem to be completely contradicted by his own, peer-reviewed, science. For more details, specifically relating to the recent Newsweek article, see this article.
In fact, if you really do want to be informed about global warming (as opposed to adopting the common wingnut rhetorical technique of scrounging the far corners of the internet for whatever tidbits happen to support your foregone conclusions while completely ignoring the vast majority of facts that completely undercut those same predetermined results), then you really ought to make a regular stopping place.
The only Republicans I have any empathy for at all are Republican wives. The poor lasses get stuck with the chest-pounding, sexually ambiguous, self-absorbed dullards that make up the mass of contemporary Republican maledom. A good fuck from a Republican male is a thoroughly oxymoronic concept. There really should be a rescue service for Republican wives.
Proud Libtard@52:
Sexually Ambiguous? There you Moonbat!s go again. Trying to tie us to your Viagra/Cialis/Levitra laden problems.
Waaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
I am a proud conservative black man and I have the bicho & cojones to prove it. Maybe you metrosexual fairy types are sexually ambiguous, but keep your comparisons to libtard circles puuuuuuhlease!
hey, HEY, HEY HOLD ON ONE MINUTE — some jackass has stolen my screen name again @ 48!!!
This is the REAL GBS who is a well known PROUD LIBERAL, that isn’t afraid of conservatives and had lunch with Puddybud.
Thanks for standing up for me, BRO, as you know I wouldn’t attack my “judicial mentor” Roger Rabbit like that.
RightEqualsStupid @ 50:
Thanks for having the NADS to challenge anybody, anytime, anywhere on behalf of real patriots and Liberals everywhere — you’re my new “Winter Soldier” Brother.
Fuckhead at 48, you’re an assHOLE.
More proof the NY Times is liberal.
Waaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
Puddybud @ 43:
What’s happenin’ my big black brother from another mother?
GBS@54: I knew it wasn’t you. There wasn’t enough four letter words in your commentary!
Should say Puddbud @ 55:
@ 57:
You mean like; golf, dude, what, side? Four letter words like that?
GBS: Calling Stupidman a “Winter Soldier” is a waste of pixels. That “boy” still lives at home jerking off to Paris Hilton pany shots!
OTT, I am doing fine GBS. How was the east coast job activity?
GBS: ABSOLUTELY not those words. :)
Some back and forth for now. At home for a short stint then back to the land of RED states. — BARF!
What new with you? Still pounding away at lame and futile arguements I see.
Pelletbreath@41 wrote: One of the nuances of academic freedom is that once you have tenure you can be totally full of shit but you still won’t lose your job.
And that’s the reason many fine universities have gone way libtard over the last 20 years!
So, Puddybud, the General Ricardo Sanchez, a commander on the ground in Iraq and recently retired said we’re having a leadership crisis in the White House since 9/11.
Is he a troop hater, cut-n-run type, or a man who speaks the truth from experience?
How many generals who served in Iraq have turned on their former Commander-in-Chief in a time of war?
Hint: it’s more than 10 and less than 50. And, unprecedented in American history.
GBS: I took Memorial Day weekend off from ‘WIPES to celebrate the holiday. Some arguments are worth it, some are not. I talked to PacMan today. When shall we get together again?
@ 65:
It’s gonna have to be late this month or early July. I’m just freakin’ slammed. I think I’m going to take a couple of weeks off after this launch.
I’m looking forward to some R&R.
Pelletbreath@41: It took University of Colorado a long time to throw the bum Ward Churchill out due to tenure, even after being charged with plagiarism.
GBS: Go to the Caribbean! Lots of foxy dark ladies that will make your head swell!
Pud: You know I can’t do that; I’m a happily married man of 20+ years!
Plus, you saw the ring on my finger, besides my wedding band I wear the ring of my heritage.
Erin go Bragh!
So what about Gen. Sanchez? Right or wrong?
Pelletbreath@35: Deep Libtard Eleanor Clift writes gushingly for Hilary Cliton in Newsweek.
Thanks for pointing out Eleanor Clift is a MORON and Newsweek is a ‘Bat publication!
GBS: Stop asking me questions. You know you are the only one I will answer. Send them to my personal email address from now on!
Hey, whoever this “George W. Bush, a real American
heroDILDO is, is the same mother fucker who hi-jacked my screen name.I see on previous thread this is the cock sucker who refers to Roger Rabbit at “Rog'”
You Dick.
Cluelessman masquerading as Yos Lib Bro:
Notice no one ever chose your old or new nick to mimic you on ‘WIPES?
Why was/is that?
Maybe it’s a known fact you ARE the weakest link, you ARE clueless, and you REPEAT yourself ad nauseum!
WTF are you talking about? It’s not like I’m asking you for you drivers license, SS#, DOB, etc.
I mean, if we can’t discuss pubically the lives of our soldiers being lost in a failed policy in Iraq, as the generals have been saying, then what did you “celebrate” on Memorial Day weekend?
Sure I went to the coast over weekend, but I also reflected on my fallen brothers from Panama, and our brothers & sisters in arms who are falling right now.
C’mon, man, this isn’t a partisan issue, our fellow citizens are dying, can’t you discuss it in full view?
Funny typo at 76; shit I won’t even bother to correct it, damn I’m funny even when I’m wrong. Plus I’m damn good looking, too.
Puddy @ 53
You prove my point by blowing your own horn. I suspect your (alleged) wife would be less laudatory than you about your bedroom presence. I have a question for you Puddy buddy: how’d you like those Republican presidential candidates criticizing your puppy in the White House in their little debate last night? By God, they were criticizing the president during time of war. Doesn’t that make them traitors or something?
PL @ 78:
Good point; but ironically, that makes them descent Americans. Unless, of course, it’s just “empty poltical rhetoric.”;ei=5070
Whatever happened to ‘reasoned debate’ in our country?
Why can’t you say “Scooter Libby hurt our national securtiy in a time of war by outing an undercover CIA operative?”
Or, “George W. Bush violated our civil rights by illegaling evesdropping on Americans?”
Why can’t you say “I’ll have to agree with the 17 Generals who served in Iraq under George W. Bush that Bush isn’t a good war time president?”
Why can’t you say “Jose Padilla, an American citzen, who is supposed to be ‘innocent until proven guilty’ was denied habeous corpus by being helf for more than 3 years without being charged, and when he was finally charged it had nothing to do with the original reason for being detained?”
Why can’t you say “Torture is wrong when done against American soldiers, therefore, it is wrong if we do it against our enemies.”
C’mon, be honest, this president is failing the principles of our founding fathers, traditions, laws, morality, and the sacrafices of the millions before us who gave us all that we cherish today; the Rule of Law, Freedom, Justice, Morality, even The Shinning City on the Hill.
GBS @ 79
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe “empty political rhetoric” is the heart and soul of the Republican Party.
Monica Goodling’s testimony about voter caging. List that targeted African Americans serving in Iraq. From the party that has a federal restraining order against it from 1984 barring them from such practices.
That’s REAL voter fraud, dude.
@ 82:
You need no correction: Might I add “We don’t want the evidence to be a mushroom cloud over an American city.”
Or “If Democrats get elected the terroist will hit us again.”
All right Pud; you ran out the clock. I gotta run so you avoided answering my question about Gen Sanchez.
@50 Any time, fascist fuck! And stop using GBS’ screen handle — that name is already taken. Get your own screen name.
@53 Apart from atmospheric warming is the related but separate matter of CO2 buildup in the oceans, on which Prof. Lindzen has no scientific authority to speak, as that is outside the purview of meteorological science.
@56 Don’t feel bad, you’re in good company. THIS neofucked asshole stole MY screen name.
@66 It’s absolutely unprecedented for generals — active OR retired — to criticize a sitting president. Hell, it’s even MORE unprecedented for REPUBLICANS to criticize a sitting president of their own party!! Shrimp is hitting rock bottom.
@69 He isn’t thrown out yet, although it appears that will happen. If his appeal fails and he leaves, it will be for “research misconduct,” not for being full of shit, although he is.
@73 Any Democrat is better than any Republican.
@83 Well let’s see. The Pubes systematically, deliberately, and massively violated a federal court order. So why aren’t they all in jail?
Goodling is a fifth-rate lawyer from a fifth-rate law school. Exactly the kind we want to see Chimp put in important positions … because she’s young, she’s suggestible, and above all, she’s scared and will squeal like a loose brake shoe when caught …
The world is still here. Does that mean the Rapture didn’t come today? Those 144,000 Republicans are still here? … Damn.
@53 Apart from atmospheric warming is the related but separate matter of CO2 buildup in the oceans, on which Prof. Lindzen has no scientific authority to speak, as that is outside the purview of meteorological science.
06/06/2007 at 6:36 pm
So what is the forecast for the next hurricane season? hehehehehe Ah, this will be fun. Liberal are such morons…hehehehe they actually believe their own crap. hehehehe
Monica Goodling’s testimony about voter caging. List that targeted African Americans serving in Iraq. From the party that has a federal restraining order against it from 1984 barring them from such practices.
That’s REAL voter fraud, dude.
Nah, dude. Just liberal propaganda.
When you see:
@73 Any Democrat is better than any Republican.
06/06/2007 at 6:48 pm
You know you’re among commies. hehehehe
@95, 96, 97 I see Dufus is constipated again, and when the shit finally comes out, it comes in three little round balls. You gotta stop eating golf balls for breakfast, Dufus!
Oh Dan, you dumbshit, why would the carbonate/bicarbonate equilibrium affect the hurricane forecast? Why do you folks think you can set up silly questions and then crow about your superiority when you do not get answers?
Dan Rather @ 97: “hehehehe”
Folks, I give you above the best argument these wingnut loons can come up with. Pretty weak, ya’ gotta’ admit. Ya’ gotta’ ask yourselves….why bother to argue with this kind of psychotic pathological delusion? Do you go to Medical Lake and dispute the patients there? you might as well.
Shunning on a mass scale is the only appropriate action.
Didn’t Cheney Say Iraq Was Behind 9/11? Naaaah …
Checking in on Sucky Politics today, one would find this interesting item:
“In an interview with KUOW, Gore claimed that Americans were given the impression that Saddam Hussein was ‘principally responsible’ for the 9/11 attacks, implying that the Bush administration had deliberately manufactured this false impression. But this page cites actual administration quotes refuting this allegation, e.g.Sept. 16, 2001:
“RUSSERT: Do we have any evidence linking Saddam Hussein or Iraqis to this operation? [Sept. 11 attacks]
Roger Rabbit Commentary: According to the pathetic little competing blog, if Cheney says something isn’t true THEN BY GOD IT ISN’T TRUE!!! No wonder Stefan reads HorsesAss.
I hate to get technical, but in the above quote, Cheney doesn’t actually deny “the allegation” that the Bush administration deliberately manufactured a false impression that Iraq was behind the 9/11 attacks.
The only thing Cheney actually said in the referenced quote is that “we” (i.e., the Bush administration) don’t “have any evidence linking Saddam Hussein or Iraqis to this operation.”
Sloppy, sloppy … no wonder Stefan doesn’t bother to read his own blog. I wouldn’t either, if I were him.
@100 Actually, that’s not a bad representation of what a loon sounds like.
“Democrats try to woo religious voters.”
What the……I thought democrats hated when people mixed church and state??? Suddenly they go from “The republican Party is just a white christian party” to wanting these christians’ votes? What happened to the contempt for christianity that these democrats had?? Why pander to it now???? Phoniness?
re 105: Contempt is the Republicans telling these people year after year that they take the religious right’s agenda seriously — and then shining them on.
Wha don’t you just go worry about something really serious — like burning flags and forcing people to pray in school— asswipe.
Run along now.
whoopee asked:
Actually, the phrase should read “What happened to the contempt for Christianity that Republicans tried to convince everyone that these Democrats had?”
The great “hatred of Christianity” is a Republican myth. Democrats do tend to have difficulty with religions that require their members to vote a particular party line, or that equate one party with virtue and another with evil.
Of course, there are a few on the left that have bought the Republican line that all Christians support the right wing, but a quick look at the statements and policies of the National Council of Churches shows that to be as big a lie as almost everything else coming out of the Republican spin machine.
So, “whoopee”, no, it isn’t being phony. It’s simply refusing to go along with the lies and spin of the far right.
What I’d like to know is when the Republicans are going to quit claiming to be Christian. Somehow I managed to miss those sections of the Bible that allow election fraud, starting wars through deception and deceit, killing innocents, torture, wasting and spoiling God’s creation, etc…
Exactly what book of the Bible allows all that?
What I’d like to know is when the Republicans are going to quit claiming to be Christian. Somehow I managed to miss those sections of the Bible that allow election fraud, starting wars through deception and deceit, killing innocents, torture, wasting and spoiling God’s creation, etc…
Exactly what book of the Bible allows all that?
06/06/2007 at 9:40 pm
Though shalt not lie, John. Remember.
GBS: Gen Sanchez is free to say what he pleases based on what he thinks.
I was out shopping for hardware parts. I don’t live on ‘Wipes!
Pitiful Proud Libtard.
Pitiful Pitiful. I was answering your worthless sexual rhetoric about conservatives. The next summer lunch with GBS, hopefully will include wives. GBS can ask my lovely wife directly what Puddy is packing and when he hears the truth about the package, GBS can tell all the ‘Wipers about it just like he regaled that Puddy was indeed black, tall, handsome, etc. You’ll read Puddy is well stocked by GOD!
I’ll ask you like I asked others, when has your wife ever said “Too deep dear“?
Waaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
Writing about religion, how about the mouthpiece of libtardness, the New York Times? Sure they have their Religion section in the Sunday paper. But all you hear is about the “religion of peace”. Here is more on (can you say moron) the JFK Plot.
“The FBI announced Saturday three Muslim men have been arrested for plotting to blow up fuel tanks and pipelines at John F. Kennedy International Airport.
The New York Times ran a story about the plot in Sunday’s paper. On page 30. The front page was reserved for a sympathetic story about Omar Ahmed Khadr, a suspected al Qaida terrorist being held at Guantanamo Bay.
We learned early in that story that Mr. Khadr was only 15 when he was arrested in Afghanistan in 2002; that he is “nearly blind in one eye” from the firefight in which he killed one American soldier and maimed another, and that he “doesn’t trust Americans.” Only much deeper in the story does reporter William Glaberson mention that young Mr. Khadr’s father was a senior deputy to Osama bin Laden.
Had the JFK plot succeeded, thousands of Americans could have been killed, and the economic damage would have been enormous. Reporters Cara Buckley and William Rashbaum don’t get around to mentioning this until the 28th paragraph in their story. But in the 5th paragraph, they tell us JFK “was never in imminent danger because the attack was only in a preliminary phase.”” [emphasis mine]
GBS: What say you about Brigadier General David D. Phillips, the Deputy Commanding General of CPATT, the entity responsible for the training of the new Iraqi police force:
BRIG. GEN. DAVID D. PHILLIPS: Right now you’re seeing many of the tribes, the families, and you know it looks like they’ve had their fill of al Qaeda, of the terrorism that’s going on, losing their sons and daughters and just having their livelihoods torn apart.
As you know, Al Anbar was an absolute combat zone. That was about as down and dirty as you can get. But now they’ve rallied together. They’re allowing their sons to go to the academies to train and be police officers, and they have their local groups, which are basically like community-watch groups, they’re working hand-in-hand with the Marine forces that are out there and the Army forces out there.
They’re turning in the insurgents, they’re turning in caches of weapons, and I have to tell you that commerce is working, the stores are back open, and you get small kids on the street waving as you go by in a humvee. You didn’t see that a few months back.
GBS: Where are these reports in the libtard Moonbat! led MSM? Yes, they throw up General Sanchez because the libtard MSM are not neutral, they are cheerleading for a Moonbat! in the White House!
GBS: Google the Salahadin Province and it’s improvements in life with troop the surge since March 2007.
Where are these reports in the libtard Moonbat! led MSM? You’ll only find them on blog sites!
Did you know the German Police took scent samples of the looooooooooser types protesting the G-8 Summit.
At least the Germans know socialist progressive types stink, so they take scent samples to track them in a crowd of big-time loooooooosers. Why are these protesters upset? Their East German Stasi friends, you know progressive communist types pioneered this method!
We should get a “scent” of Pelletbreath so King County Animal Control can determine if he is a “rabbit” or that horse in Enumclaw!
Looks like the libtard MSM attack machine is in full force.
Jennifer Rubin of the New York Observer; Thompson is “Like Reagan Without the New Ideas.”
Or this attack:
In Casting for President, Will Actor Rate a Callback?
New York Times
For those of you having trouble understanding the ravings of the lunatic right like Puffybutt, let me translate…
MSM or Mainstream Media means ANY media whatsoever that does not walk in lockstep with the Publican party. Any media not owned by Rupert Murdock.
Libtard means anyone who went to college, got a degree, reads and can think for themselves. Puffy and his ilk particularly dislike the fact that Libtards have parents who were NOT brother and sister.
Moonbat means anyone who doesn’t suck George Bush’s cock or subscribe to Publican attempts to destroy the US Constitution.
re 111: Do you remember the Richard Pryor routine about black guys who braq about the size of their penis? If you did, you wouldn’t do it.
You are either white or a very pathetic black man.
That “libtard” main-stream media covered this story at length back in April.
By the way, we also have that bastion of librulism, the Wall Street Journal, asking, just last week, if the surge can be salvaged.
Thanks Darryl. And WE MADE IT! (wheeew)… Should we now wait a month? (7-7-07). Satan being the “great deciever” that he is, this would be the best time to fool a bunch of fungi-mentalists.
Now I’m just counting-down the apocolypse clock for Dave’s interview with
Charles Wesley, Margaret McDonald, Joseph Smith, William Miller,Frosty Hardison(see more of these geniuses HERE)
Scientists have actually proven that Ronald Wilson Reagan (6-6-6) rising from the grave as the true antichrist(6 years later?) is 666.6% more credible than Frosty’s 14,000 yo earth poop.
HEAD’S-UP GOLDY/DARRYL/DAVE: Frosty called an audible!
PI Blog: “A Frosty reception on The Daily Show…”
“The global warming we are experiencing right now would have to be God’s wrath. These are precursors to the rapture, which should occur in five to seven years.”
~Frosty Hardison – April 2007
How did I miss this D.S. jewel?
Puddybud @ 113:
Damn it all, that story must have been put on hold to make room for the story that Fort Lewis is having so many funerals for soldiers killed in Iraq that they’re going to abandon the tradition of an honor guard funeral for their fallen brothers to a monthly “mass funeral” service.
Puddybud, the sure is NOT working, it will NOT work, the commanding generals on the ground did NOT want a surge and the only way to prove it to Bush and his supporters, like you, is to have monthly mass funeral services at Fort Lewis.
Bush is a failed war time president. Period. According to the most recent NIE report the Iraq War is creating new terrorist faster than we are killing them.
Stupidman@122: Awwww I blew the covers off of how the ‘Bats at the fishrags report the news and poor little Stuck On Stupid is upset.
Good! You are still Stuck On Stupid!
GBS: You know me better than that! Good try though!
To Cluelessman@118, the RIGHT WING BULLSHIT is the New York Times. Even when it’s in the NYT and I post their words he claims it’s RIGHT WING BULLSHIT! Wrongo little man, it’s LEFT WING BULLSHIT
That’s why he too is Stuck on Stupid and no one copies his nick on ‘Wipes!
Cluelessman@119: At least she’s not a skank intern in a blue dress. Or is that Blew Dress?
Puddy, you need to go check out the links @ 124 before you start crowing about “blowing the covers” off of anything but your nose.