Man. Conspiracy theories are really fucking the country up. Of course there are a lot of crimes and cover ups. But there’s so much happening out in the open. Obviously Epstein got a light sentence and he shouldn’t have been able to kill himself. The administration of justice is tilted to the rich and powerful is the conspiracy. But it’s a system, not a cabal, doing it.
Conspiracy theories are really fucking the country up.
Steve is unable to construct a sentence without the words traitor, Orange, and Putin.
Hey, speaking of justice tilted toward the rich, Epstein died envious of Marc Rich.
Get it?
It was closed to Goldy due to his poor journalism. I mean, you can only get so much mileage out of outing a FEMA director.
Crosscut Union Retweeted
Tim A. Gruver
Jul 16
Journalism is a door that’s now closed to me thanks to employers who didn’t believe in living wages.
I stand with @Crosscut_Union and the fearless journalists of @Crosscut and @KCTS9, among others, who believe their work should carry the worth it deserves.
It’s her own fault, really. If she wanted a protected career she should have become a Democrat governor.
Sarah Silverman: I was fired from film after blackface photo resurfaced
I can’t help but recall two since-disgraced Democrats, Silverman and Franken, standing together at the DNC podium and shouting down Berniebros.
Think on your sins, Steve.
With Epstein dead, the lawyers will be going after his estate with civil suits because going after the money is what they do.
Spoken like a three time loser in family court.
“Steve is unable to construct a sentence without the words traitor, Orange, and Putin.”
I concede your point. I reckon an orange moron-loving white nationalist traitor who posted the same pro-Putin hashtag over 4,000 times, a few thousand “Think on your sins”, and a couple thousand “Hillary was awful” knows a thing or two about repetitive fucking commenting.
I love how you whine like you’re my little bitch when I give you a dose of your own fucking medicine. Can you understand that it was your own behavior which informed me that you wouldn’t like it very much?
I wonder if Doctor Dumbfuck shorted the stock he’s always bragging about. It’s now more than 22% off its 52-week high and is rapidly sinking toward its 52-week low.
Roger Rabbit is going to be a buyer in this falling market, but not of Varian Medical Systems. There’s tastier fish out there than the minnow Dumbfuck has been wiping his butt with.
Yeah, Rah Rah. Sis Koom Bah! 27,000….27,000…27,000. Yeah, Rah, Rah.
@7 he’s a one trick pony that fucks a horse….not much to expect. He can’t figure out when to keep the cheerleading skirt in the drawer.
Is today the Grand anniversary?
Yes, you HA DUMMOCRETIN scum, today is indeed the one year anniversary of the loon getting himself lynched. SAD!
But Carl, the whole point of being rich is to be exempt from the rules that apply to everyone else. Why stoop to all the dirty, rotten, immoral tricks it takes to become a billionaire if you still have to live like the hoi polloi? The very purpose of having money is to be welcome in tax havens and places you can’t be extradited from.
@12 Actually, I didn’t think about him this morning. I can’t say I actually miss the loon. It’s like when the neighbor’s dog that always kept you awake all night by howling at the moon gets run over by a car. You feel bad for the dog, but you can’t help enjoying the peace and quiet, and life feels normal again.
It’s too bad the loon went batshit insane. He wasn’t always that way. He was always wrong about everything, of course, but he wasn’t crazy. Hanging out Mr. Klynical’s goat barn probably wasn’t a good idea. He went into the barn as Puddy. When he came out he was the loon. SAD!
The loon was always prone to join cults. Here he talks about his first cult leader, Jesse Jackson.
“I was a liberal. I campaigned for Jesse Jackson in 1984 & 1988. I really thought a black man’s voice could change the liberals. Boy was I wrong. When I saw how they kicked him to the curb and the scandals of Operation Push, the wife and I started scratching our heads.”
So here’s a moment of silence for my dear old friend, the loon.
That should do.
Always crazy. Always.
Just like Teh Dumbfuck has always been a bigot.
I think you confuse presentation with substance. Just because that sad freak wasn’t actively proclaiming florid delusions about baby cannibals twelve years ago doesn’t mean he wasn’t experiencing them. He just did a better job of fighting through the loonacy to put on his “sane face”. Picture Patrick Bateman trying to stuff a stray cat into an ATM.
There is enormous cognitive dissonance built into conservatism. And as time passes it only gets worse. The smarter and saner a conservative is (or the more they think about it) the more likely they are to give it up. But if they are any combination of dumb, crazy, and conscientious they will all snap and give in eventually.
What can you do Steve – you can lead a horse to water but you can’t keep Bob from fucking it either.
Little did Puffy know about the Soul of the Hump and Tepukes. Bad judge of character.
Hey PI. Just saying hello. I’m On my way to the bank.
@16 A moment is plenty. It’s more than enough.
@19 There are winners and losers. When you win, some poor sap has to come out on the losing end. Might as well be him.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Everything Is Racist News – Desperate To Deny Nomination To Person of Color, DNC Presents Zen Master Merit Badge To Arch-Segregationist Crazy Joe Bidet For Sagacious ‘We Believe In Truth Over Facts.’
Biden adopted freshman New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s philosophy on disregarding facts in the name of feelings on Aug. 8 at the opening day of the Iowa State Fair.
“We choose unity over division. We choose science over fiction. We choose truth over facts,” Biden told the receptive crowd at the Des Moines Register Political Soapbox.
“There are winners and losers.”
Speaking of losers, I see one of them showed up @22.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Everything Is Racist News – Crazy Joe Bidet, A Woman’s Best Friend, Loses Patience With Feminist Dingbats, “If These Sluts Don’t Want Their Hair Smelled They Should Get Back In The Kitchen And Stop Flirting With Me.”
Joe Biden hasn’t changed.
After several women said earlier this year that Biden had touched them in ways that made them uncomfortable, the former vice president and 2020 Democratic candidate promised to be “much more mindful” of people’s personal space.
But recent incidents tell a different story.
Last month, he called a 10-year-old girl “good-looking” at a campaign event. Then, this week, he told the brothers of a 13-year-old Iowa girl to “keep the guys away from your sister.” And in an exchange that went viral on Twitter, he wagged his finger at an activist, K.C. Cayo, who asked him about abortion rights.
Told Biden we need someone stronger on reproductive justice, and after his reversal on the Hyde Amendment, we asked him to protect assault survivors. He said “nobody has spoken about it, done more, or changed more than I have”. I told him we deserve better.
— K.C. (@thelocalmaniac8) June 11, 2019
Ultimately, Biden may not feel he needs to change his behavior very much. He’s long cast himself as an old-school candidate who can bring Democrats back to an earlier era — “the stand-in for a generation of Americans disoriented by changing mores,” as BuzzFeed’s Ben Smith put it.
@24 I’ve never seen you post anything about Trump’s multiple adulteries and sexual harassments. Your partisan bias is obvious.
It’s good to see that you are back to normal, i.e., making frivolous comments.
When have I ever claimed to be unbiased?