AG Barr committed perjury during his confirmation testimony before the Senate.
On June 8th, the same day Barr sent an unsolicited 19 page memo about the Special Counsel investigation to DAG Rod Rosenstein and Steven Engel, the AUSA overseeing OLC, he was invited to a private, off-premise lunch meeting with Engel and a carefully selected handfull of other senior DOJ officials to discuss the memo. The four hour meeting, which was previously kept secret, was held on June 27th.
In sworn written statements responding to written questions from the Senate committee members, Barr stated that he discussed his memo with Rosenstein and Engel, but with no other officials in government.
200,000 jobs are awesome nowadays, but back when Blakie was Squatting the Whitey House it sucked.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“If an uncle takes his niece or nephew to a playground, and they go on the merry-go-round and have some ice cream, and then do their thing, that’s just part of the experience,”
@3. “She said Stringer told the group that “‘Mexicans’ and poor students should not be educated past the eighth grade, as this was a waste of education funding.” Stringer also reportedly said Mexicans and “special ed” students will never contribute to their communities or the economy.”
What a vile piece of work. Republican values.
If I’m wrong, please show me policy that republicans promote that does the opposite.
– Republican president wants $20 million in cuts to programs for blind and deaf students
– TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — Republican legislators in Kansas helped advance Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly’s plan to boost funding for public schools Thursday before sending her an income tax relief bill that could make it harder for the state to sustain the new spending.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Policy? Fuck, The Republican Party did every thing they could to protect the sick, racist, child rapist for years. That IS their policy. They kept right at it right on into the most recent session. They were covering up and obstructing for an admitted active child rapist at precisely the same time they were producing tweet-memes attacking Joe Biden.
Very fine people.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This Trump nominee is so rancid even Trump gave up on him.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Not only is Trump a terrible person, but he magnifies his shortcomings by putting other terrible people in positions of authority.
call back…
“Put it on the credit card and make the Democrats fix it. VOTE GOP!”
Second term of the last guy…
2 of four years better than ANY of Donald’s to date.
Donald has one of three better than any of the last guy’s final four.
Now do deficit as % of GDP (The rallying cry of Lou Dobbs!) from the final four of the last guy to the first three of the current.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Bikini graph.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Just another old racist who does not understand how the twitter works. And another cautionary tale, warning the child molesters to swallow their portion of the orange throat yogurt – or else.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 What do you expect? They truly are the party of child molesters now. They make the HA troll farm look good. They only molest farm animals.
Roger Rabbitspews:
New Mexico has joined the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. However the EC got into the Constitution it’s time for it to go. Only 81 more EVs and it’s outta here.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Airbnb told CNN: ‘The safety and privacy of our community … is our priority. Airbnb policies strictly prohibit hidden cameras in listings and we take reports of any violations extremely seriously.'”
Of course not. Can’t have a thorough investigation of the woman to be crowned president.
Former FBI official James Rybicki was among those who testified in closed-door sessions last summer before the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees. Although the transcript has not yet been publicly released, investigative reporter Sara Carter was allowed to review it. Rybicki served as fired FBI Director James Comey’s Chief of Staff throughout their investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.
Rybicki revealed that the DOJ “did not want” the FBI to gain access to the laptops of Hillary Clinton’s lawyers, Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson, due to a prior agreement. The DOJ allowed the FBI only “extremely limited” access.
Trump sucks up to the Saudi dictator so much the murderer now thinks he can get away with arresting U.S. citizens. He’s probably right. Trump is too busy keeping non-citizens out of the U.S. to bother with U.S. citizens detained in Saudi jails.
It took 9 years, but Detroit has settled with the family of a 7-year-old black girl killed by a police bullet to the head in her own home. The city will pay $8.25 million. The cop got off.
@15 ” … the DOJ ‘did not want’ the FBI to gain access to the laptops of Hillary Clinton’s lawyers, Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson, due to a prior agreement. The DOJ allowed the FBI only ‘extremely limited’ access.”
Ever heard of attorney-client privilege?
P.S., I find it cute that RedState describes Clinton’s lawyers as “confidants.” That might work with their readers, but it won’t get them around the privilege in any court.
Hush, Attorney Client privilege is only extended to the president’s not actual lawyer but just some guy he sometimes used, barely heard of actually. Some guy named Cohen.
Even when the lawyer is a criminal a legally obtained warrant is actually unconstitutional. I remember someone saying that. On the tweeter. He was very convincing. Got angry on the teevees about it too. Made me think he had done nothing wrong.
Who would ever collude with a porn star to pay hush money before an election? Why that kind of thing would be a campaign finance violation? And no one knows the law better than some guy from Manhattan. There are Harvard law professors who don’t love the beautiful, beautiful law the way a real estate swindler knows campaign finance law.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Economists are poking holes in the March jobs report”
” … A better-than-expected headline figure is masking a number of weaknesses — including sharp losses in manufacturing and retail, wage growth that’s cooling, and an overall trend in job creation that’s weaker than it was last year.
” … there’s been little relief for a beleaguered manufacturing sector, which shed 6,000 jobs in March after adding 20,000 jobs during the comparable period last year. Retail hemorrhaged more than 11,000 positions during the month, a … continuation of a worrisome trend for the battered sector.
“… the household survey measure of employment contracted, while average hourly earnings barely rose …. Calling the data ‘disappointing,’ Ashworth added that ‘the gradual slowdown in trend employment growth is another sign that the economy is weakening.’
“Martha Gimbel … noted that ‘for the first time in two and a half years, the share of the unemployed who are long-term unemployed was higher than it was at this time last year.’ She added that ‘in addition, the share of workers who are stuck in part-time employment but who would prefer full-time work ticked up after finally hitting its low from the previous recovery last month.'”
The story also suggests the jobs number got a boost from increased government hiring.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That pfffft! sound is hot air escaping from Doctor Dumbfuck’s balloon.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Don’t tell Teh Dumbfuck, but Oregon is set to go too.
Passed out of senate rules Wed. Going to the floor with a promise from the Senate Prez by the end of the month. House votes are already whipped. Public testimony coming in ten to one in favor.
An interesting aspect of the movement is that opposition to NPV in the state legislatures comes from precisely the same dark money groups who oppose ballot access and demand all kinds of barriers to voting. Good example recently in Tennessee where a DMV branch manager refused to process ID applications from 18 low income and disabled seniors (you need picture ID to vote in Tenn). No reason given. Turns out she was active in one of the dark money ballot access opposition groups. Tenn DMV being sued by local ACLU now. Just one of literally thousands of such examples nationwide. Very under reported. Very wide spread and pernicious.
One of the strategies being explored is to sue the individual employees for fees (see Kim Davis – $222,000).
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
… investigative reporter Sara Carter was allowed to review it.
Absolute bullshit. The transcripts don’t leave the committee offices. They can’t even be printed out without the permission of the chair. She took dictation from a GOP staffer.
Gonna wanna put a pin in this for later when the shit stain child molesters start squawking about Mueller report “leaks”.
These are GOP committee staffers, butt hurt now that they have been moved into the shitty committee offices with smelly carpet, no lunch room, no views, no shower, or private conference rooms. They are being prodded into releasing committee classified hearing materials by the GOP members perpetually in need of things to distract their beer-drunk, half-wit voter base like Teh Dumbfuck.
@5 now do GDP.
And the point is back then there were complaints that it sucked, sucked, sucked. And we were told it sucked, sucked, sucked AND how much better that it should be and how much better that they could do. That is the point – how they lied about how much better it could be and how much better they can do. They lied to you twice and you were dumb enough to believe or go along with thier lie. Hence you are a dumbfuck.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
WaPo this week profiled the demise of the World Net Daily scam factory and the hundreds of investors, contractors, and employees it bilked out of their life savings.
WaPo’s analysis suggests that FOXNews stole WND’s mojo, claiming that these days there’s no visible light between the raving crazies of the far right and the mainstream Republican Party. But I would disagree. As I see it WND was just not nimble enough to adapt and thereby lost its position on the vanguard of BENGHAAAZIIIII!!!!/BIRFERTROOF!!! GOP psuedo-ideology.
Fine, respectable “journalists” are bound to miss the story here, because they continue to pretend that things as mainstream and dominant as Facebook and Twitter are “unserious” fringe media, to say nothing of 8chan or StormFront. But I’m afraid the truth is that’s where the belly fire of the GOP has gone.
Amuse yourself a bit and google: “occupy the getty”.
Yup. That is a Republican thing that is real to them.
There you have it kids. Just some of the literally hundreds of thousands of discrete, sticky jizz-smeared orange bubble worlds that now make up the cutting edge of “conservative” ideology. These are their “laboratories of democracy”, where the GOP base becomes activated. WND failed because they stopped advancing the crazy, which is absolutely required once you start down this road.
Because it’s all they got now. To make the great leap forward into Trumpism they had to abandon everything else. They no longer have actual principles, policy or ideology to offer to their voters. No “better future” described in terms of meaningful outcomes. No reason for government at all, other than to inflict cruelty and “payback” on whoever they decide is next to be blamed.
And the crazy lies must always get crazier. That requirement is simply baked into the cake. You will never, every discover the STAND DOWN smoking gun, if you know from the outset that it does not exist. Vince Foster’s murder will never, ever be solved if you know from the outset that he committed suicide. But you can’t leave your Perry Mason audience hanging. And crazy abhors a vacuum. It must be filled. It will be filled… with more, and crazier lies and foil-hat conspiracy theories. The pressure of cognitive dissonance demands it.
The GOP is now committed to this. Which means that the weird, irrational, violent, unstable elements of crazy that they merely play with today will, in the very near future, become the foundational bedrock of the party. It is baked in.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 Actually, I don’t think Doctor Dumbuck “is dumb enough to believe” their lies. I’m pretty sure he knows they’re lying. He goes along with it for the same reason he trolls on HA — because something he’s not quite right in the head. He’s one of those people who goes around with a “kick me” sign taped to his back.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 I remember when “conservative” referred to small government, low taxes, and free markets; and the NRA was an organization that taught gun safety. Seems like a long time ago.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Do you ever wonder if all of that was always just recruitment for a multi-level marketing scam and cretinous fuckheads like Rick Wilson simply tapped out at whatever “pin level” Trump represents?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 It catches a lot of 18-year-olds.
Roger Rabbitspews:
GOP president tells migrants America is “full” and can’t take them.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What they really mean is America has plenty of room for white people, but no room for brown people.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Customs and Border Protection on Thursday ended its controversial $297 million hiring contract with Accenture …. As of December … the company had only completed processing 58 applicants and only 22 had made it onto the [CBP] payroll ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You don’t hear much from Republicans anymore about “waste, fraud, and abuse” in government, but according to my calculations, by privatizing CPB’s hiring they spent $13.5 million of taxpayer money for every new hire. I would guess the GOP probably got a campaign donation from the contractor, though, so it’s worth it from their point of view.
Railfan will be excited about this, I am sure.
I don’t think I would ever move to Florida, but this would be one appealing aspect of moving there for me.
The media should be ashamed of what they sensationalize and what they ignore.
Thomas Jeffersonspews:
@28 – The Republicans couldn’t care less about shrinking government. After all, shrinking government means less power for government officials (them) and less people employed by government. Republicans love power and privilege above all. All that “smaller government” talk is just that, talk!
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & Pussywhipped Punks News–Demorat beauty queen (pic: & Nazi-hunter finds Nazi Jew but isn’t appreciated by Nazi employer, gets fired without evidence.
A Palo Alto accountant lost her job after berating a man in public and online for wearing a “Make America Great Again” cap at a Palo Alto Starbucks. She called the guy a Nazi…he’s Jewish.
Rebeca Parker Mankey tried to shame the man in Starbucks and then followed him into the parking lot to harass him. She even called on Starbucks employees and customers to follow the man and help her harass him.
It didn’t end there. The woman continued to harass the man online. She posted the man’s personal information on social media and asked people to shame him. Her Facebook account has since been deactivated. She also posted on Twitter:
“I am going to publicly shame him in town and try to get him fired and kicked out of every club he is in. I am going to go to his house march up and down carrying a sign that says he hates black people. I am going to organize protests where he works to make him feel as unsafe as he made every brown person he met today.”
Undocumented Demorat Of The Week Award Final Results– Jorge Alberto Rios-Doblado (D-Honduras) Wins Undocumented Triple Crown (kidnap & rape & murder).
As previously reported;
ICE-ERO said that it has placed a detainer on Rios following his arrest on Sunday on charges the 33-year-old kidnapped, raped and murdered Carolina Cano, 45, of Gautier Avenue in Jersey City, on March 24. The nanny’s body was found in the lake near the Casino in the Park building that day.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
R U skeeed, bro?
Bob and the rest of the conservatives here have to be White Supremacists, otherwise you think that they would once in a blue moon denounce it. They act like members of ISIS.
All that terrorism talk is bullshit too. Is there anything they don’t bullshit about? Anything?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
You left off the most important part: “… in a cavern complex under The Getty Center.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Uh no, he wasn’t. He lost the popular vote by a wide margin. He was chosen by an arbitrary electoral system that most historians believe was created at least partly to preserve slavery.*
* Full disclosure: At least one historian thinks it was for some other reason.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Let’s peel back some more layers of this onion. Sen. Kennedy claims Rep. Neal’s request for Trump’s tax returns is “dishonest,” “in bad faith,” and “to screw with the president.”
Never mind that EVERY other presidential candidate in recent memory has disclosed his/her tax returns. It’s become so routine it’s expected and taken for granted.
Trump is a known liar. He has a history of tax evasion and shady business dealings. In particular, Democrats want to see if he has business dealings with Russia — for very obvious and legitimate reasons. Not requesting his tax returns in these circumstances would be congressional malpractice.
This is actually a little strange coming from Kennedy, who has been one of the more independent GOP senators since being elected in 2017. He has opposed some Trump judicial nominees and voted with Democrats on net neutrality. A former Democrat, he seems to be a Republican largely because of his opposition to abortion. I can’t say where his Trump-love comes from. It won’t get him anything. Maybe they have a thing going in the cloakroom.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 You know that, and I know that, and we also know they spend just as much as Democrats, and borrow more, merely for different stuff. Such as lining the pockets of their donors and friends.
Republican corruption is inevitable, because they’re not interested in governing, they’re only in it for personal profit.
Maybe because he’s white and a citizen? Or maybe he can’t keep up with them, because for every illegal who commits a crime, there are 62 of these guys.*
* Number based on fact illegals are 3.2% of U.S. population and have half the crime rate of citizens.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 She’s hard of hearing. She thought Trump said beat up people with red hats. It’s the other way around.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Attorney General William Barr is concerned by reports of low morale among LGBTQ Justice Department employees and has directed the FBI to investigate allegations of discrimination …”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Who the fuck could have predicted this?
Roger Rabbitspews:
What Trump said: “We’ve had some very bad court decisions. The Flores decision is a disaster, I have to tell you. Judge Flores, whoever you may be, that decision is a disaster for our country.”
What it is: “The 1997 Flores settlement requires the government to release children from immigration detention without unnecessary delay to their parents, other adult relatives or licensed programs …. It also requires immigration officials to give detained minors … food, drinking water, medical assistance in emergencies, toilets, sinks, temperature control, supervision and … separation from unrelated adults ….”
“A West Virginia mother who told police that she used a gun to thwart the abduction of her child by an Egyptian man has been charged with filing a false report. …
“Mohamed Fathy Hussein Zayan had been arrested and charged with attempted abduction of a person, but all charges against him have been dropped ….
“Adams’ story fell apart after detectives confronted her over inconsistencies on Tuesday. … Video surveillance near the store’s entrance shows Zayan and Adams calmly walking out nearly 35 seconds apart and going in opposite directions ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The worst part of her story was the part about her packing a gun at the mall. That part was true.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The most foundational Congressional authority for subpoenaing the tax returns of any Executive branch employee, but particularly the President, and particularly this President can be found in the U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 8).
No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.
It’s pretty air tight. “Without the consent of Congress” is a very widely applied phrase in the Constitution and its legal meaning is well understood and well established. The law is clear. They get to see the President’s finances. Right or wrong, this was a big fucking concern of the Framers. It’s a concern amply documented in mountains of contemporaneous correspondence by the delegates. In this case the “original intent” is absolutely unambiguous. Their single biggest reservation about creating an Executive branch was that it might fall under the financial influence of foreign powers.
AG Barr committed perjury during his confirmation testimony before the Senate.
On June 8th, the same day Barr sent an unsolicited 19 page memo about the Special Counsel investigation to DAG Rod Rosenstein and Steven Engel, the AUSA overseeing OLC, he was invited to a private, off-premise lunch meeting with Engel and a carefully selected handfull of other senior DOJ officials to discuss the memo. The four hour meeting, which was previously kept secret, was held on June 27th.
In sworn written statements responding to written questions from the Senate committee members, Barr stated that he discussed his memo with Rosenstein and Engel, but with no other officials in government.
200,000 jobs are awesome nowadays, but back when Blakie was Squatting the Whitey House it sucked.
This really is “the status quo” for Republicans now. It’s also “their thing”. But being white makes it all okay.
Hush. Greatest President ever. MAGA
average monthly job gains U.S.
2012 +181K
2013 +192K
2014 +251K
2015 +227K
2016 +193K
2017 +179K
2018 +223K
2019 +180K
@ 4
2009, 2010, 2011…
@3. “She said Stringer told the group that “‘Mexicans’ and poor students should not be educated past the eighth grade, as this was a waste of education funding.” Stringer also reportedly said Mexicans and “special ed” students will never contribute to their communities or the economy.”
What a vile piece of work. Republican values.
If I’m wrong, please show me policy that republicans promote that does the opposite.
– Republican president wants $20 million in cuts to programs for blind and deaf students
– TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — Republican legislators in Kansas helped advance Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly’s plan to boost funding for public schools Thursday before sending her an income tax relief bill that could make it harder for the state to sustain the new spending.
Policy? Fuck, The Republican Party did every thing they could to protect the sick, racist, child rapist for years. That IS their policy. They kept right at it right on into the most recent session. They were covering up and obstructing for an admitted active child rapist at precisely the same time they were producing tweet-memes attacking Joe Biden.
Very fine people.
This Trump nominee is so rancid even Trump gave up on him.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Not only is Trump a terrible person, but he magnifies his shortcomings by putting other terrible people in positions of authority.
call back…
“Put it on the credit card and make the Democrats fix it. VOTE GOP!”
Second term of the last guy…
2 of four years better than ANY of Donald’s to date.
Donald has one of three better than any of the last guy’s final four.
Now do deficit as % of GDP (The rallying cry of Lou Dobbs!) from the final four of the last guy to the first three of the current.
@5 Bikini graph.
Just another old racist who does not understand how the twitter works. And another cautionary tale, warning the child molesters to swallow their portion of the orange throat yogurt – or else.
@7 What do you expect? They truly are the party of child molesters now. They make the HA troll farm look good. They only molest farm animals.
New Mexico has joined the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. However the EC got into the Constitution it’s time for it to go. Only 81 more EVs and it’s outta here.
“Airbnb told CNN: ‘The safety and privacy of our community … is our priority. Airbnb policies strictly prohibit hidden cameras in listings and we take reports of any violations extremely seriously.'”
Of course not. Can’t have a thorough investigation of the woman to be crowned president.
Former FBI official James Rybicki was among those who testified in closed-door sessions last summer before the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees. Although the transcript has not yet been publicly released, investigative reporter Sara Carter was allowed to review it. Rybicki served as fired FBI Director James Comey’s Chief of Staff throughout their investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.
Rybicki revealed that the DOJ “did not want” the FBI to gain access to the laptops of Hillary Clinton’s lawyers, Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson, due to a prior agreement. The DOJ allowed the FBI only “extremely limited” access.
Trump sucks up to the Saudi dictator so much the murderer now thinks he can get away with arresting U.S. citizens. He’s probably right. Trump is too busy keeping non-citizens out of the U.S. to bother with U.S. citizens detained in Saudi jails.
It took 9 years, but Detroit has settled with the family of a 7-year-old black girl killed by a police bullet to the head in her own home. The city will pay $8.25 million. The cop got off.
@15 ” … the DOJ ‘did not want’ the FBI to gain access to the laptops of Hillary Clinton’s lawyers, Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson, due to a prior agreement. The DOJ allowed the FBI only ‘extremely limited’ access.”
Ever heard of attorney-client privilege?
P.S., I find it cute that RedState describes Clinton’s lawyers as “confidants.” That might work with their readers, but it won’t get them around the privilege in any court.
Hush, Attorney Client privilege is only extended to the president’s not actual lawyer but just some guy he sometimes used, barely heard of actually. Some guy named Cohen.
Even when the lawyer is a criminal a legally obtained warrant is actually unconstitutional. I remember someone saying that. On the tweeter. He was very convincing. Got angry on the teevees about it too. Made me think he had done nothing wrong.
Who would ever collude with a porn star to pay hush money before an election? Why that kind of thing would be a campaign finance violation? And no one knows the law better than some guy from Manhattan. There are Harvard law professors who don’t love the beautiful, beautiful law the way a real estate swindler knows campaign finance law.
“Economists are poking holes in the March jobs report”
” … A better-than-expected headline figure is masking a number of weaknesses — including sharp losses in manufacturing and retail, wage growth that’s cooling, and an overall trend in job creation that’s weaker than it was last year.
” … there’s been little relief for a beleaguered manufacturing sector, which shed 6,000 jobs in March after adding 20,000 jobs during the comparable period last year. Retail hemorrhaged more than 11,000 positions during the month, a … continuation of a worrisome trend for the battered sector.
“… the household survey measure of employment contracted, while average hourly earnings barely rose …. Calling the data ‘disappointing,’ Ashworth added that ‘the gradual slowdown in trend employment growth is another sign that the economy is weakening.’
“Martha Gimbel … noted that ‘for the first time in two and a half years, the share of the unemployed who are long-term unemployed was higher than it was at this time last year.’ She added that ‘in addition, the share of workers who are stuck in part-time employment but who would prefer full-time work ticked up after finally hitting its low from the previous recovery last month.'”
The story also suggests the jobs number got a boost from increased government hiring.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That pfffft! sound is hot air escaping from Doctor Dumbfuck’s balloon.
Don’t tell Teh Dumbfuck, but Oregon is set to go too.
Passed out of senate rules Wed. Going to the floor with a promise from the Senate Prez by the end of the month. House votes are already whipped. Public testimony coming in ten to one in favor.
An interesting aspect of the movement is that opposition to NPV in the state legislatures comes from precisely the same dark money groups who oppose ballot access and demand all kinds of barriers to voting. Good example recently in Tennessee where a DMV branch manager refused to process ID applications from 18 low income and disabled seniors (you need picture ID to vote in Tenn). No reason given. Turns out she was active in one of the dark money ballot access opposition groups. Tenn DMV being sued by local ACLU now. Just one of literally thousands of such examples nationwide. Very under reported. Very wide spread and pernicious.
One of the strategies being explored is to sue the individual employees for fees (see Kim Davis – $222,000).
Absolute bullshit. The transcripts don’t leave the committee offices. They can’t even be printed out without the permission of the chair. She took dictation from a GOP staffer.
Gonna wanna put a pin in this for later when the shit stain child molesters start squawking about Mueller report “leaks”.
These are GOP committee staffers, butt hurt now that they have been moved into the shitty committee offices with smelly carpet, no lunch room, no views, no shower, or private conference rooms. They are being prodded into releasing committee classified hearing materials by the GOP members perpetually in need of things to distract their beer-drunk, half-wit voter base like Teh Dumbfuck.
@5 now do GDP.
And the point is back then there were complaints that it sucked, sucked, sucked. And we were told it sucked, sucked, sucked AND how much better that it should be and how much better that they could do. That is the point – how they lied about how much better it could be and how much better they can do. They lied to you twice and you were dumb enough to believe or go along with thier lie. Hence you are a dumbfuck.
WaPo this week profiled the demise of the World Net Daily scam factory and the hundreds of investors, contractors, and employees it bilked out of their life savings.
WaPo’s analysis suggests that FOXNews stole WND’s mojo, claiming that these days there’s no visible light between the raving crazies of the far right and the mainstream Republican Party. But I would disagree. As I see it WND was just not nimble enough to adapt and thereby lost its position on the vanguard of BENGHAAAZIIIII!!!!/BIRFERTROOF!!! GOP psuedo-ideology.
Fine, respectable “journalists” are bound to miss the story here, because they continue to pretend that things as mainstream and dominant as Facebook and Twitter are “unserious” fringe media, to say nothing of 8chan or StormFront. But I’m afraid the truth is that’s where the belly fire of the GOP has gone.
Amuse yourself a bit and google: “occupy the getty”.
Yup. That is a Republican thing that is real to them.
There you have it kids. Just some of the literally hundreds of thousands of discrete, sticky jizz-smeared orange bubble worlds that now make up the cutting edge of “conservative” ideology. These are their “laboratories of democracy”, where the GOP base becomes activated. WND failed because they stopped advancing the crazy, which is absolutely required once you start down this road.
Because it’s all they got now. To make the great leap forward into Trumpism they had to abandon everything else. They no longer have actual principles, policy or ideology to offer to their voters. No “better future” described in terms of meaningful outcomes. No reason for government at all, other than to inflict cruelty and “payback” on whoever they decide is next to be blamed.
And the crazy lies must always get crazier. That requirement is simply baked into the cake. You will never, every discover the STAND DOWN smoking gun, if you know from the outset that it does not exist. Vince Foster’s murder will never, ever be solved if you know from the outset that he committed suicide. But you can’t leave your Perry Mason audience hanging. And crazy abhors a vacuum. It must be filled. It will be filled… with more, and crazier lies and foil-hat conspiracy theories. The pressure of cognitive dissonance demands it.
The GOP is now committed to this. Which means that the weird, irrational, violent, unstable elements of crazy that they merely play with today will, in the very near future, become the foundational bedrock of the party. It is baked in.
@23 Actually, I don’t think Doctor Dumbuck “is dumb enough to believe” their lies. I’m pretty sure he knows they’re lying. He goes along with it for the same reason he trolls on HA — because something he’s not quite right in the head. He’s one of those people who goes around with a “kick me” sign taped to his back.
@24 I remember when “conservative” referred to small government, low taxes, and free markets; and the NRA was an organization that taught gun safety. Seems like a long time ago.
Do you ever wonder if all of that was always just recruitment for a multi-level marketing scam and cretinous fuckheads like Rick Wilson simply tapped out at whatever “pin level” Trump represents?
@27 It catches a lot of 18-year-olds.
GOP president tells migrants America is “full” and can’t take them.
GOP senator tells (white) American moms and dads to “have more babies.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What they really mean is America has plenty of room for white people, but no room for brown people.
“Customs and Border Protection on Thursday ended its controversial $297 million hiring contract with Accenture …. As of December … the company had only completed processing 58 applicants and only 22 had made it onto the [CBP] payroll ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You don’t hear much from Republicans anymore about “waste, fraud, and abuse” in government, but according to my calculations, by privatizing CPB’s hiring they spent $13.5 million of taxpayer money for every new hire. I would guess the GOP probably got a campaign donation from the contractor, though, so it’s worth it from their point of view.
Railfan will be excited about this, I am sure.
I don’t think I would ever move to Florida, but this would be one appealing aspect of moving there for me.
Yeeha! Round ’em cowboy!
I find it amazing that conservatives went above and beyond to cry about Jussie, but something like this doesn’t bother them.
They want a fight – let’s give it to them!
The media should be ashamed of what they sensationalize and what they ignore.
@28 – The Republicans couldn’t care less about shrinking government. After all, shrinking government means less power for government officials (them) and less people employed by government. Republicans love power and privilege above all. All that “smaller government” talk is just that, talk!
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & Pussywhipped Punks News–Demorat beauty queen (pic: & Nazi-hunter finds Nazi Jew but isn’t appreciated by Nazi employer, gets fired without evidence.
A Palo Alto accountant lost her job after berating a man in public and online for wearing a “Make America Great Again” cap at a Palo Alto Starbucks. She called the guy a Nazi…he’s Jewish.
Rebeca Parker Mankey tried to shame the man in Starbucks and then followed him into the parking lot to harass him. She even called on Starbucks employees and customers to follow the man and help her harass him.
It didn’t end there. The woman continued to harass the man online. She posted the man’s personal information on social media and asked people to shame him. Her Facebook account has since been deactivated. She also posted on Twitter:
“I am going to publicly shame him in town and try to get him fired and kicked out of every club he is in. I am going to go to his house march up and down carrying a sign that says he hates black people. I am going to organize protests where he works to make him feel as unsafe as he made every brown person he met today.”
Undocumented Demorat Of The Week Award Final Results– Jorge Alberto Rios-Doblado (D-Honduras) Wins Undocumented Triple Crown (kidnap & rape & murder).
As previously reported;
ICE-ERO said that it has placed a detainer on Rios following his arrest on Sunday on charges the 33-year-old kidnapped, raped and murdered Carolina Cano, 45, of Gautier Avenue in Jersey City, on March 24. The nanny’s body was found in the lake near the Casino in the Park building that day.
R U skeeed, bro?
Bob and the rest of the conservatives here have to be White Supremacists, otherwise you think that they would once in a blue moon denounce it. They act like members of ISIS.
All that terrorism talk is bullshit too. Is there anything they don’t bullshit about? Anything?
You left off the most important part:
“… in a cavern complex under The Getty Center.”
It’s all yours. Own it.
“Trump was chosen by the American people.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Uh no, he wasn’t. He lost the popular vote by a wide margin. He was chosen by an arbitrary electoral system that most historians believe was created at least partly to preserve slavery.*
* Full disclosure: At least one historian thinks it was for some other reason.
Let’s peel back some more layers of this onion. Sen. Kennedy claims Rep. Neal’s request for Trump’s tax returns is “dishonest,” “in bad faith,” and “to screw with the president.”
Never mind that EVERY other presidential candidate in recent memory has disclosed his/her tax returns. It’s become so routine it’s expected and taken for granted.
Trump is a known liar. He has a history of tax evasion and shady business dealings. In particular, Democrats want to see if he has business dealings with Russia — for very obvious and legitimate reasons. Not requesting his tax returns in these circumstances would be congressional malpractice.
This is actually a little strange coming from Kennedy, who has been one of the more independent GOP senators since being elected in 2017. He has opposed some Trump judicial nominees and voted with Democrats on net neutrality. A former Democrat, he seems to be a Republican largely because of his opposition to abortion. I can’t say where his Trump-love comes from. It won’t get him anything. Maybe they have a thing going in the cloakroom.
@34 You know that, and I know that, and we also know they spend just as much as Democrats, and borrow more, merely for different stuff. Such as lining the pockets of their donors and friends.
Republican corruption is inevitable, because they’re not interested in governing, they’re only in it for personal profit.
Wonder why pork sauce didn’t post about this guy?
Maybe because he’s white and a citizen? Or maybe he can’t keep up with them, because for every illegal who commits a crime, there are 62 of these guys.*
* Number based on fact illegals are 3.2% of U.S. population and have half the crime rate of citizens.
@35 She’s hard of hearing. She thought Trump said beat up people with red hats. It’s the other way around.
“Attorney General William Barr is concerned by reports of low morale among LGBTQ Justice Department employees and has directed the FBI to investigate allegations of discrimination …”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Who the fuck could have predicted this?
What Trump said: “We’ve had some very bad court decisions. The Flores decision is a disaster, I have to tell you. Judge Flores, whoever you may be, that decision is a disaster for our country.”
What it is: “The 1997 Flores settlement requires the government to release children from immigration detention without unnecessary delay to their parents, other adult relatives or licensed programs …. It also requires immigration officials to give detained minors … food, drinking water, medical assistance in emergencies, toilets, sinks, temperature control, supervision and … separation from unrelated adults ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If you’re against providing those things to detained immigrant children, you’re a Republican.
Young children sexually assaulted by a pervert? Must be a Republican.
“Former Texas GOP official arrested for ‘aggravated sexual assault of a child’: report”
“A West Virginia mother who told police that she used a gun to thwart the abduction of her child by an Egyptian man has been charged with filing a false report. …
“Mohamed Fathy Hussein Zayan had been arrested and charged with attempted abduction of a person, but all charges against him have been dropped ….
“Adams’ story fell apart after detectives confronted her over inconsistencies on Tuesday. … Video surveillance near the store’s entrance shows Zayan and Adams calmly walking out nearly 35 seconds apart and going in opposite directions ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The worst part of her story was the part about her packing a gun at the mall. That part was true.
The most foundational Congressional authority for subpoenaing the tax returns of any Executive branch employee, but particularly the President, and particularly this President can be found in the U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 8).
No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.
It’s pretty air tight. “Without the consent of Congress” is a very widely applied phrase in the Constitution and its legal meaning is well understood and well established. The law is clear. They get to see the President’s finances. Right or wrong, this was a big fucking concern of the Framers. It’s a concern amply documented in mountains of contemporaneous correspondence by the delegates. In this case the “original intent” is absolutely unambiguous. Their single biggest reservation about creating an Executive branch was that it might fall under the financial influence of foreign powers.
Smart guys. Imagine that.