Is anyone excited about the Seattle City Council elections? I am not excited about the current crop of candidates. I will be voting for one, and using my Democracy Vouchers on 1 to 4 of them. So, who should I be excited about?
Wisconsin just used its Democracy Vouchers to replace a liberal on its supreme court with a conservative.
2020 may not go the way y’all want it to go, libbies.
Not Bill. Not Hillary. They’re zillionaires.
Who says sexual predation doesn’t pay?
I see that today’s market activity further increases the wealth gap between Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit and me.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit recommended GE at $23.81 per share in October of 2017.
Stupidity should be painful, and Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s ibuprofen stopped working years ago.
New report examines Federal Spending on Charter Schools.
Finds that $1B has been granted to schools that have never opened or failed and closed within 2 years.
Donald and Betsy want to funnel more money to charter schools.
Hey, when you’re looking for waste and fraud to balance a budget….
Thomas Jeffersonspews:
Don’t be so sure. The Democrats can come back and make big wins in 2020. Trump is vulnerable to losing, and the Senate may change hands in 2020, also. The House will probably stay under the control of the Democrats, too.
If Trump and the Republicans want to get anything done of their agenda, they’d better get busy.
Cz-252 is at it again. No citation. Just a blind parroting @ 4 of something he read, intended to sway low-information voters like YLB.
The report Cz-252 cites is from a pro-public school shill entity. Big surprise. In response to the WaPo piece a letter to the editor was written, and in part said:
Giving an F to a biased report on charter schools
The report cited in the March 26 news article “Federal government wasted up to $1 billion on charter schools, report says” came from a partisan source. The Network for Public Education’s mission is to prevent charter schools from providing options to kids who need them.
There is no data or analysis to support the report’s $1 billion figure. And the database that the report alleges to rely on from the Education Department does not account for charter school consolidations or conversions to different charter-management processes.
Now, the author of this letter is, herself, a shill for charter schools. At least I’m honest enough to tell you that her partisanship is an obvious bias.
I wonder if Cz-252 had any idea of the bias of the authors of the study he referred to but did not cite.
We heard very little from Cz-252 about monetary waste by the federal government before Trump became president.
United States Consumer Price Index (CPI)
While if you look at the CPI on Max, it’s a straight line angled up.
And yet Inflation is flat. How can the cost of everything be getting more expensive without inflation?
To counter a piece about Chart School Waste, Gudwad references pro-charter school shill Amy Wilkins, a senior vice president of advocacy at the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools.
These two comments destroy her post.
“Wow you call NPE partisan and say that our mission is to prevent kids from getting into charter schools which is completely false and then attack our research as not being credible. But the vice president of advocacy at the National Alliance for Public Charter School should be taken at her word without a single bit of proof to her assertion that a missing billion dollars is probably related to consolidation. Got it. ”
“When charter schools have to accept all comers – including kids with behavioral issues, kids from poor families, kids with no one at home who speaks English or can help them with their homework, kids in the foster care system, kids who have been abused and traumatized, etc. – and provide all of them with bus service and all needed costs covered, then they should be able to get public money..”
Dumbass @ 7
How can the cost of everything be getting more expensive without inflation?
Dumbass, there IS inflation. You said it yourself.
It’s flat, but it’s there.
Inflation is what makes everything more expensive.
Dumbass. Red, this is what happens when you do stupid shit like ask Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit for investment advice.
Effeminate pussy of a man lashes out in frustration and anger, comes off as being an effeminate dumbfuck pussy.
No, not our Doctor Dumbfuck, although he certainly knows what that feels like better than most.
@7. wage growth is flat, but inflation is always increasing, workers are taking home less and less in buying power.
Anyone see a problem with that?
The party that bills itself as, “The party of fiscal sanity” and paints the other party as “Tax and spend deficit explosion” has to answer for their rhetoric.
Not the othe way around.
“Put it on the credit card and let the Democrats have to fix it later! Vote GOP!”
Likewise there haven’t been any posts from Dumbfuck since January 2017 about record deficits in the federal budget.
Dumbass @ 11
@7. wage growth is flat, but inflation is always increasing
Click on your two links @ 7.
The ‘last’ inflation is 1.5%. The ‘last’ wage growth is 4.2%.
At last check wages are growing 2.7% above the rate of inflation.
Dumbass, listen less to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit and read more carefully before posting. You embarrass yourself.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Once again, Trump claims Democrats are stealing elections without a shred of proof.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans tried to steal a North Carolina election, so you can’t say it never happens.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 “Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit recommended GE at $23.81 per share in October of 2017.”
This lie has been debunked, what, a hundred times now? It doesn’t improve with age, nor does endlessly repeating it make it true. You don’t improve with age, either, but you’ve evidently learned something about squid ink from the late, unlamented, Puddy. You’re the idiot who ignored my suggestion to short GE at $23.81. I’d squirt and run for cover, too, if I were as stupid as you are.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
For going on two decades now every time study of the performance of charter schools has indicated that they are at best no better than public schools, while having far less oversight, accountability, and access.
This is the point where defenders of charter schools will offer multiple examples of under performing charter schools being taken over by public administrators, and either improved or closed down….
… crickets.
Trump is a fake wealthy scam hustler who really could care less about schools. It’s just something to talk about to distract from his multiple failures as Preznit. DeVoss is a real wealthy scam hustler dilettante who got so bored with counting her yachts that she decided to fuck around with public education as a hobby. She didn’t even know that Mulvaney had put the cuts into Special Olympics before she went up to testify. Because she didn’t even read the budget and her staff didn’t think to pull that top line out for her.
Because this really is “the status quo” for Republicans now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 I don’t believe in giving public money to private entities that have no accountability to taxpayers for how it’s spent, what is taught, or whether children learn. No elected school board, no money. It’s that simple.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
charter schools are the dream that was born with mandatory desegregation. A way to reclaim the privilege of a two-tiered public education system. Always has been, always will be. It’s only natural that a billionaire plutocrat scam hustler like DeVoss would come to champion them.
The situation has only become more desperate as “those people” have increasingly gained access to the economic means to move into formerly “exclusive” communities and attend their schools and white flight has become a flight to private academies. That gives rise to increasing competition among affluent and aspiring which in turns produces tuition spiral and selection spiral. That competition produces some emotionally depleted losers and near losers who are ripe for political exploitation by hustlers like DeVoss and Preznit FingerFuck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 “When charter schools have to accept all comers – including kids with behavioral issues, kids from poor families, kids with no one at home who speaks English or can help them with their homework, kids in the foster care system, kids who have been abused and traumatized, etc. – and provide all of them with bus service and all needed costs covered, then they should be able to get public money..”
It’s been known for years that charter schools do no better than public schools with the same students, and when they do better, it’s because they cherry-pick the best students from the public schools, leaving the latter with the hardest-to-teach students.
the real cherry on top is that straight up exclusive, fully private schools don’t do better, once you adjust for selection biases.
End of the day, academics are not the reason people seek out either exclusive private schools, or exclusive charter schools. It’s the “exclusive” that they seek. They have their reasons, not all born of strict racism either. Many people harbor weird fears that their children will come under “bad influences” when exposed to too many kids from unfamiliar cultures, religions, ethnicities, family styles, or socio-economic backgrounds. Others believe that their children’s “opportunities” in life will somehow be enhanced if their schooling is concentrated within a community of closely matched, similar people.
The really mind boggling thing is to consider how much these affluent parents could do for their kids academically if they supported public schools, sent their kids to quality public schools and then used the money saved to broadly enhance the public offerings exclusively for their kids. But they don’t do that. Because it isn’t about academics.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 “You embarrass yourself.”
Sez the dumbfuck who doesn’t even have a functioning embarrassment meter.
End of the day, academics are not the reason people seek out either exclusive private schools, or exclusive charter schools. It’s the “exclusive” that they seek.
See Nick Hanauer and his thoughts on “status”. Hanauer ought to know. He makes rapey tehdumbfuck look too trashy.
No gubmint regulations needed. A concealed piece is all anybody needs.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
When pointed out, the cuts were reversed.
Good point. It would have meant a 4.5% cut to the SO line item in the NY budget. On total SO revenues of about $8.5 million each year. So about a half a percent cut to SO overall. Of some interest is the total state budget. About $150 billion. Making that cut 0.0000033% of the state budget.
It is an obviously pretty vast overall budget proposal being weighed and managed each year in Albany. Probably millions of line items. The cut to SO, small though it may have been, was clearly an oversight. Probably one that might have been caught at some point, with or without Mick Mulvaney’s help.
But the beautiful part of this in my opinion is that now, not just in New York state, but in every single budget for every single state, county, municipality, water district, and Rotary club in Murica, haint nobody gonna cut no Special Olympics. Not this year. Not for years to come. Fuck yeah.
Betsy DeVoss looks like the wealthy detached piece of shit plutocrat she is. And SO gets a ton of budget attention they almost never do.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“A group of Republican state representatives in Georgia on Tuesday introduced legislation that would establish a ‘journalism ethics board’ that would enforce ‘canons of ethics’ for journalists and news organizations in the state, drawing concerns from First Amendment advocates.
“State Rep. Andy Welch (R), the lawmaker spearheading the HB734 bill, recently complained about an interview with a reporter that he felt was unfair, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
“The bill would set up a board, consisting of current journalists and a journalism professor, who would develop and enforce ‘canons of ethics for journalism which shall comport with industry standards regarding factual and ethical reporting.’ The board would evaluate media-related complaints from Georgia residents and penalize journalists by stripping their accreditation or putting them on probation.
“Under the bill, any person interviewed by the media would have the right to request audio, video and/or photos of their interviews for free and could sue reporters and news organizations if they fail to provide them.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Where to begin? For starters, this bill would put Fox News, Breitbart, and a host of other rightwing sites out of business. Unless, of course, the board is stacked with “journalists” from those organizations, which undoubtedly is an aim of the drafters of this unconstitutional legislation. Why is it unconstitutional? First Amendment. Due process. Confiscating private property without compensation. Cruelty to animals. Well, okay, I threw in that last one to give these guys a chance to win on at least one issue when they get to court.
Rep. Welch is a lawyer. How the fuck does a lawyer think he can do this? Don’t they teach basic constitutional law at Vermont Law School? Assuming he learned nothing about First Amendment press freedom at Presbyterian College, in high school, or in junior high civics class.
You can’t regulate the press, dumbass. But nowadays, Republican legislators will vote for anything, Republican governors will sign anything, and maybe they’re hoping if Trump gets enough unqualified judges on the federal bench, the courts will replace all of our secular laws with Old Testament law.*
* They’re not real big on New Testament teachings. They’d much rather starve the poor than give them a loaf or teach them to fish.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 It was an uphill battle, but the Democrats in the NY legislature managed to restore $150,000 of the $200,000 budget request despite Republican opposition to any state funding for Special Olympics.
Why do Republicans pick on handicapped people? For the same reason Hitler did — they’re useless mouths to feed. If you’re not putting money in their pockets, they want you dead.
And that’s fine with Doctor Dumbfuck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 At first I thought that big hole is what’s left of a Texan good ol’ boy experimenting with homemade fireworks.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 The thing to remember here is that Democrats were able to put only $150k of the $200k request back in the budget. Somebody didn’t want that spending. And it wasn’t the Democrats.
gudwad, I now see the charts I was looking at were not the same setup. Comparing apples to toasters. It does look like wages are rising at approx 3-4% over the last couple of years, while inflation is rising at 2-3%. So in theory, wages are out pacing inflation.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Mrs. Rabbit just asked me why Doctor Dumbfuck is posting so much on HA today. I told her it’s the horse’s day off.
Undocumented Demorat Of The Week Award, Innovator Edition–Undocumented Gynecologist Daudah Mayanja Invents Mobile Exam Table, Begins Field Tests; Then Patent Denied And Testing Terminated Without Evidence By Trump Stormtroops.
BOSTON —An Uber driver has been arrested following a state police investigation into a reported rape in Boston early Saturday morning.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement has placed a detainer on 37-year-old Daudah Mayanja, of Waltham, who is a Ugandan citizen.
State police said they received a report at approximately 1:15 a.m. that a woman had been sexually assaulted by an Uber driver on Storrow Drive near the Hatch Memorial Shell.
A preliminary investigation led to the arrest of the driver on two counts of rape.
Mayanja, who spoke with WCVB in a phone interview while still in police custody, said he is innocent.
“That information that aired outside is wrong and false,” Mayanja said. “She jumped from the back seat to the driver’s seat. When I pulled over, she jumped out from the car, (and) I left the scene. I called my bosses because, after, I noticed that she left her bag inside my car. I called the Uber offices to tell them about the situation.”
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
…a reported rape in Boston early Saturday morning.
Two words, Pork Sauce.
You know, maybe you should close the border. Close all the borders. Perhaps a few ICE spouses might get some overdue attention once their pool of sexual assault victims is dried up.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & Pussywhipped Punks News– Joe “Bloodhound” Biden Apologizes For Hair Smelling, Offers Explanation; “I’m very sorry about being born a white male but it’s not my fault. And I only smelled her by accident, somebody stole my fish & chips and I was following the scent trail when I accidentally bumped into her.”
“Hearing Biden’s potential candidacy for president discussed without much talk about his troubling past as it relates to women became too much to keep bottled up any longer,” Flores wrote, adding that Biden’s behavior toward her and other women “shows a lack of empathy for the women and young girls whose space he is invading, and ignores the power imbalance that exists between Biden and the women he chooses to get cozy with.”
“Crossing that line is not grandfatherly,” said Lappos. “It’s sexism or misogyny.”
Daudah Mayanja, of Waltham, who is a Ugandan citizen
How’s that fucking wall gonna keep a Ugandan out hog slop?
Oh a ban on people from s-hole countries! Excuse me..
racist freak..
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
You’ll never be able to get it. You’re stuck over there behind that disgusting smelly film of dried jizz, and diet coke littered with spent condoms, Big Mac wrappers, and porn pubic hairs that is Teh Orange Event Horizon.
But here’s the thing, Pork Sauce:
Being a pushy, overly assertive, “caring” guy who lacks appropriate body boundaries and demeans lower status women and men with too much physical contact is not even remotely the same thing as “grab ’em by the pussy” or feeling up pre-teens behind the Dairy Queen.
It’s the difference between having a boss who loses his temper over low revenues, yells and throws shit, and having a boss who loses his temper over low revenues, yells and then offers to let it go if you suck his cock.
Unrelated hint: you’re the one who sucks his cock.
Hog slop appreciates this kind of power in a leader.
(rolls eyes)
Politically Incorrect - just another "stupid" millionairespews:
+32.93% for the period January 1, 2018 through April 3, 2019.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40, 41 – He and his tribe don’t give an owl hoot about that shit. It’s perfectly okay when one of them does it and more. They’re just trolling for talking points. After Roy Moore no one will ever again take them seriously when they prattle about sexual misconduct.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans tried to defund Special Olympics and food stamps, so ya gotta expect them to attack kids’ school lunches, too.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I remember when Nixon tried to redefine ketchup as a “vegetable” for school lunches because cheapskate Republicans didn’t want to pay for peas and carrots.
PI's poor motherspews:
My worthless “millionaire” son stole money out of my purse again this morning!
@ 46
Reagan, not Nixon.
Back then ketchup was floated as a vegetable. Now a soy protein produced by yeast is floated as a burger.
Time marches on, and Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit grows every more irrelevant.
Somehow this seems not much worse than having a rapist as First Gentleman, particularly as Goldy was fine with it for eight years in the ’90s.
There are two Americas. In one America, Joe Biden is finally paying a price for his decades of creepy behavior with women. And in the other America, the President of the United States is a rapist.
And don’t forget, long before “her emails”, Hillary adopted an alien space baby.
“Investigate Trump’s wiretapping claim — AND HILLARY CLINTON’S ALIEN BABY!”
If he’s otherwise a good cop, I say give him a chance. Let him show the townspeople, including its black residents, that he learned from it. Remember Christ’s story of the prodigal son. To err is human; to forgive is Christian and liberal.
@48 Correction accepted. The problem is Republican presidents are like boxcars on a passing train. Sorting them is hard because they’re all the same. Except Trump is overtly racist; the others were sly about it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@49 When President Pornhub grabs a pussy, there’s one victim. When he appointed a rapist to the Supreme Court, everybody became a victim.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
…not much worse…
How sad. Not barely half way there, and he admits his chosen path is “worse”.
With half Congress gone, a half dozen states, California in permanent hippie quarantine and no improvement on the horizon, “worse” inevitably becomes…
Roger Rabbitspews:
For some strange reason, Trump thinks Hillary’s emails are a bigger problem than a Chinese spy infiltrating Mar-o-Lago.
I guess that’s because the Chinese spy isn’t running against him. All she wanted was information that would enable China to win the war they’re planning against us.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’m inclined to think what he meant was he doesn’t want to get rid of all immigration judges, just the ones who don’t rule the way he likes. I’ve never yet seen a Republican politician fixing to violate someone’s rights who didn’t want a puppet judge to paper it over. Reminds me a little of Roland Freisler.
The first cracks appear in Barr’s whitewash of Mueller’s report:
“Investigators for special counsel Robert Mueller have told associates that Attorney General William Barr inadequately characterized the findings of their inquiry, which they say could be worse for President Donald Trump than Barr suggested, The New York Times reported Wednesday.”
Of course, everyone knows Barr is a Trump ally who was hired to exonerate Trump regardless of actual guilt or innocence.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
As far as Trump/ Russia is concerned it was always going to be a political showdown, and it was always going to be “worse”.
This we know and they do not even bother to dispute:
The RNC and Trump campaign received classified briefings in Aug 2016 about the threat of Russian election tampering;
Officials of the party and the campaign already had, and would continue to have meetings with Russian agents in which the election tampering effort was discussed;
They not only failed to report the meetings, they lied about their existence and purpose repeatedly for months after;
Trump took part in that briefing, was informed about those meetings with Russian spies, and participated in concealing the existence and purpose of those meetings thereafter.
And that is just the Trump/Russia exposure.
It’s been a bad couple weeks for high profile celebrity arrests…
The timing of the case always stunk to high heavens. Houston police revealed they didn’t start investigating the case until September 2017, seven months after the alleged incident. Earlier that same month, Bennett had gone public with claims of police brutality in Las Vegas.
I’m not saying that one had anything to do with the other, or that cops and prosecutors can be petty tyrants who would in a heartbeat try to make life miserable for someone as payback for speaking up about police brutality. I’m certainly not saying that Bennett’s lifelong outspokenness against racial injustice and judicial discrimination, nor his role as one of the most visible NFL players in the then-controversial protests during the National Anthem, would make cops so steaming mad that they’d gin up some bullshit charges against him. I’m definitely not saying that the timing of the indictment—days before the release of his book, Things That Make White People Uncomfortable—was similarly timed for reasons beyond the normal operation of the judicial system. I would never say that.
I’m just saying it was maybe a little strange that the police didn’t bother talking to Bennett the night of the alleged crime, when he was actually there, in Houston, in the building. And that it’s slightly odd that while there was surveillance video showing Bennett walking toward the field, there was apparently no video of the incident itself, which again, happened at the Super Bowl. And that the police chief is a real piece of work.
The 2nd Amendment is super duper important. We love the constitution.
There is literally one industry or profession specifically named in the Constitution.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Georgia House Republicans file bill to create state Journalism Ethics Board
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Another new talking point among the GOP:
The exact same flag wrapped, “constitutionalists” of Teahadism who brayed into the stratosphere about That Kenyan Moooslim Usurper are demanding that Their Beloved Orange Russian Puppet start defying federal court orders “in order to teach America about constitutional law”.
The GOP has become like The Onion.
Only not at all funny.
Roger Rabbitspews:
No, you don’t get to spray swastikas on buildings just because you like Hitler and Trump.
@61 I hope he does. House Democrats wouldn’t need a Mueller investigation to conclude that’s an impeachable offense. In fact, they wouldn’t need to bother impeaching him. A contempt order would be enough to dress him in a striped suit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Talking shit isn’t a crime. Lying to FBI agents about possessing a gun is.
Don’t let the steel bars hit your ass on the way in.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“A Connecticut man who survived the Las Vegas mass shooting — and saw his father-in-law gunned down in front of him — was pushed out of his job after an owner of the company told him to ‘suck it up’ and ‘get it over it,’ he claims in a lawsuit.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I dunno. You can’t sue employers for being jerks unless they violate anti-discrimination laws. Beyond reasonable accommodation, they don’t owe you continued employment if you are no longer able to serve the needs of the business. That’s what unemployment and disability insurance are for. I don’t think this lawsuit is going anywhere.
The best thing, of course, is to not need a job. Instead of working for a business, you should own shares of businesses, preferably ones paying dividends. Being a worker sucks even in the best of times. Being a capitalist is the only way to fly.
I’m an owner, not a worker. I don’t have to deal with jerk bosses. I don’t have to try to function. I don’t have to get out of bed. I don’t even have to sign the dividend checks. I have automatic deposit. Why anyone still works is beyond me. Nobody ever became a millionaire by working for wages. The whole point of being a millionaire is to not work at all. That’s me, and I’ll never go back.
I’m just guessing here, but AG Barr may have been lying about the whole thing. (Who developed the talking points. Why did they keep saying for three days things they knew it weren’t true. They lied to the American people. And they kept on lying.)
Drip, drip, drip into 2020…
NBC, Mueller report includes “Detailed accounts of Trump campaign contacts with Russia.”
CBS, Attorney’s on Mueller’s team disagree with AG Barr summary of report.
CNN, Meuller team investigators express frustration over Barr’s letter.
WaPo, Limited information Barr has shared about Russia investigation frustrated some on Meuler’s team.
Some Mueller investigators say their report is worse for Trump than Barr says.
ABC – House Democrats authorize subpoenas for Mueller Report
As Trump attacked Mueller, he offered mea culpa to Rosentein, source says.
Fox News:”It’s not Timmothy!”
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I don’t quite get this guy’s beef. Maybe it’s bad journalism. Wouldn’t surprise me. But I don’t hear him alleging that his employer refused to accommodate his PTSD.
Some of the comments alleged to have been made by his employer are unkind and insensitive. But under his legal circumstances, those would only be considered evidence of intent underlying specific employer actions, which actions are missing from his complaint so far.
As you point out, employers are obligated to offer reasonable accommodation. But having made that accommodation they still get to evaluate employee performance using objective standards. It sounds like he blew up and threw a tantrum when he missed his numbers and they didn’t give him a bonus anyway. And then he abandoned his job. Doing those two things really took the burden off the employer in his case. Epic rage-quitting makes for cool movies scenes and cocktail party stories. But it makes a really shitty lawsuit.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Worrying is that Barr is positioned to obstruct on behalf of the GOP by overruling any USAO decis to seek indictment.
This is probably a big part of why the GOP spent so much of the last two years proclaiming that the DOJ was filled with DERP STATE TRAITORS. Covers them when people get quit-fired and then tell the truth. The Mueller guys talking are the ones safely out of the department. Expect more to follow them.
Mueller did what he could to protect the investigation with Rosenstein looking over his shoulder. The people in EDVA, DC, and SDNY can see what’s going on and some may take steps to preserve the record.
But ultimately the only way this gets fixed is with a Democratic White House and a Democratic Senate. And that requires registering millions of new voters in Georgia, Tennesee, Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Missouri, North Carolina, and Arizona. I’ll be in Tennesee and Texas this year.
Oh, look. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has been chronically wrong about something else.
The Electoral College Was Not a Pro-Slavery Ploy
When it first took shape at the convention, the Electoral College would not have significantly helped the slaveowning states. Under the initial apportionment of the House approved by the framers, the slaveholding states would have held 39 out of 92 electoral votes, or about 42 percent. Based on the 1790 census, about 41 percent of the nation’s total white population lived in those same states, a minuscule difference. Moreover, the convention did not arrive at the formula of combining each state’s House and Senate numbers until very late in its proceedings, and there is no evidence to suggest that slavery had anything to do with it.
Author isn’t some right-wing shill, either. Sean Wilentz is a professor of history at Princeton and the author, most recently, of “No Property in Man: Slavery and Antislavery at the Nation’s Founding.”
Politically Incorrect - just another "stupid" millionairespews:
+32.91% for the period January 1, 2018 through April 4, 2019.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Isn’t it Teh Dumbfuck who so often rails about people reading their own cites?
My god. They really are like an unironic, totally not funny version of The Onion.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@70 Yeah? Well, if I’m wrong, then I’m in good company, because the very first sentence of the professor’s NYT article says,
“I used to favor amending the Electoral College, in part because I believed the framers put it into the Constitution to protect slavery. ”
And if he thought that, why couldn’t I? At least I know the difference between a rabbit and a horse when I’m getting laid.
Undocumented Demorat Of The Week Award Contender News–Undocumented executioner/gynecologist Jorge Alberto Rios-Doblado tenaciously pursues his career despite misplacing his documents multiple times.
The man charged with raping and strangling a jogger in Jersey City’s Lincoln Park had already been deported twice, Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials said.
ICE-ERO said that it has placed a detainer on Rios following his arrest on Sunday on charges the 33-year-old kidnapped, raped and murdered Carolina Cano, 45, of Gautier Avenue in Jersey City, on March 24. The nanny’s body was found in the lake near the Casino in the Park building that day.
Jorge Rios, who was identified by ICE officials as Jorge Alberto Rios-Doblado, is from Honduras and “has been removed from the country on two prior occasions, in 2003 and 2004,” according to ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operation (ICE-ERO) in Newark. ICE officials also said Rios initially entered the country illegally.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The professor continues:
“By the time the delegates at the Constitutional Convention in 1787 debated how the president ought to be chosen, they had already approved the three-fifths clause — the notorious provision that counted slaves as three-fifths of a person to inflate the slave states’ apportionment in the new House of Representatives. The Electoral College, as approved by the convention in its final form, in effect enshrined the three-fifths clause in the selection of the president. …
“The framers’ own damning words seem to cinch the case that the Electoral College was a pro-slavery ploy. Above all, the Virginia slaveholder James Madison — the most influential delegate at the convention — insisted that while direct popular election of the president was the ‘fittest’ system, it would hurt the South, whose population included nonvoting slaves. The slaveholding states, he said, ‘could have no influence in the election on the score of the Negroes.’ Instead, the framers, led by Madison, concocted the Electoral College to give extra power to the slaveholders. If you stop at this point in the record, as I once did, there would be no two ways about it.”
At this point, any reasonable jury would find that more likely than not the Framers were sucking up to the slave states to get them to buy in. The judge probably would toss a verdict the other way as not supported by the evidence. Hell, this even meets the reasonable doubt standard, or whatever standard Barr used to conclude that talking to the Russians about accepting help from the Russians to influence the outcome of the election isn’t sufficient evidence of collusion.
So how, exactly, did the professor exonerate slavery from blame for the Electoral College? He then talks about how the delegates distrusted direct popular election (remember, only landowning males could vote, so this is their own crowd they’re dissing), the slave-state delegates voted against the Electoral College, those states didn’t get an advantage, etc. etc.
Well, that’s his interpretation of the evidence. Just like Barr’s letter is his interpretation of Mueller’s report. This isn’t the Framers talking, it’s the professor talking. He’s entitled to his opinion. But it’s just that, an opinion based on the same evidence — no new evidence here — from which everybody else concluded the slave states were 100 percent focused on preserving slavery and this is one of the ways they did it. At the very least, whatever the motivation for the Electoral College was, you can be damned sure the slave states wouldn’t have gone along with anything that didn’t preserve slavery.
So, the professor has his opinion, and other people have theirs. And any way you look at it, it’s less than the knockout punch Doctor Dumbfuck was hoping for.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@70 “Author isn’t some right-wing shill, either.”
That, by itself, should disqualify him where you’re concerned. You’re getting weak in your old age.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The guy is an historical expert on slavery. Not an historical expert on the constitutional convention per se.
And he specifically stipulates that the adoption of the EC favored the slave states. As for how much, he selects as an example an early formula that did not include the count for members of the Senate. And finally he points out that the popular sentiments among slave state delegates was opposed to the EC. But he neglects to include that they opposed electing the President by any method. They wanted him hand picked by… you guessed it… The Senate.
But he’s got a book to flog. Teh Dumbfuck wont read that either.
Like I said before, not just weak sauce. Weak sauce with orange pubes in it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@75 While we’re on the subject of sex crimes committed by illegals, here’s a classic case of a misleading Fox headline.
The front-page header: “Illegal immigrant accused of more than 100 child sex crimes is caught: report”
The story headline: “Illegal immigrant arrested, accused of more than 100 child sex crimes: reports”
“The story: KLFY reported that Miguel Martinez, 44, was arrested on 100 counts of possession of pornography involving juveniles under the age of 13, one count of production under 13, and one count of sexual battery of a juvenile under 13.”
But I think, near as I can figure out, what we have is a pervert hitting on one kid, a hundred dirty pictures, and Fox turning that into a hundred child rapes by an illegal, with emphasis on “illegal.”
I wouldn’t be surprised if this lowlife commits voting fraud, too. If he does, he probably votes for his fellow rapers, figuring he’s more likely to get off, or at least get lighter punishment, if a child raper is sitting on the Supreme Court.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
If only they cared as much about Roy Moore’s many, many victims.
Or Donald Trump’s.
Or Duncan Hunter’s.
Or Dennis Hastert’s.
Or Henry Hyde’s.
Or Larry Craig’s.
Or David Vitter’s.
Or Mark Foley’s.
Or Scott DesJarlais’.
Or John Ensign’s.
Or Ed Schrock’s.
Or Don Sherwood’s.
Or Stephen Latourette’s.
Or Danny Burton’s.
Or Rob Porter’s.
Or David Sorensen’s.
Or Clarence Thomas’.
Or Herman Cain’s.
Or Newt Gingrich’s.
Or Eric Greitens’.
Or Trent Franks’.
Or Blake Farenthold’s.
Or Pat Meehan’s.
Or George HW Bush’s.
Or Jeff Hoover’s.
Or Jeff Kruse’s.
Or Jack Latvala’s.
Or Wes Goodman’s.
Or Tony Cornish’s.
Or Chris Myers’.
Or John Boehner’s.
Or Phillip Hinkle’s.
Or Chris Lee’s.
Or Mark Sanford’s.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I would guess this dude is on the hook for more than stealing the pig. Because the pig was a pet, he’s probably going to pay emotional distress damages, too.
Tucker tyrna lose that last advertiser…
“How DID we wind up with a country in which feminists do science?”
‘Well Tuckie Dearest. When a Mommy and a Daddy really really love each other they have too much love for just two people so they take some of that love and make a baby boy. Sometimes it doesn’t work and they’re stuck with a baby girl. They love the girl very much and so they fill their heads with ideas like Santa Clause and equal pay and that girls can do maths and computers and sciences and architecture just as good as a boy. And then the girls start to believe it and those misguided parents never tell them it was all a lie. These girls grow up to think that they are just as good as men even though they aren’t as smart. It’s just nature and genetics. All they need is to meet the right boy, fall in love, and then realize that being a mommy themselves is the only proper thing for a girl to grow up to be. And then they put aside that feminism. Unless they choose to be a lesbian and they never find that man. Then they stay feminists.’
Roger Rabbitspews:
If you think your work is bad, check out these jobs.
AG Barr committed perjury during his confirmation testimony before the Senate.
On June 8th, the same day Barr sent an unsolicited 19 page memo about the Special Counsel investigation to DAG Rod Rosenstein and Steven Engel, the AUSA overseeing OLC, he was invited to a private, off-premise lunch meeting with Engel and a carefully selected handfull of other senior DOJ officials to discuss the memo. The four hour meeting, which was previously kept secret, was held on June 27th.
In sworn written statements responding to written questions from the Senate committee members, Barr stated that he discussed his memo with Rosenstein and Engel, but with no other officials in government.
Wisconsin just used its Democracy Vouchers to replace a liberal on its supreme court with a conservative.
2020 may not go the way y’all want it to go, libbies.
Not Bill. Not Hillary. They’re zillionaires.
Who says sexual predation doesn’t pay?
I see that today’s market activity further increases the wealth gap between Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit and me.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit recommended GE at $23.81 per share in October of 2017.
Stupidity should be painful, and Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s ibuprofen stopped working years ago.
New report examines Federal Spending on Charter Schools.
Finds that $1B has been granted to schools that have never opened or failed and closed within 2 years.
Donald and Betsy want to funnel more money to charter schools.
Hey, when you’re looking for waste and fraud to balance a budget….
Don’t be so sure. The Democrats can come back and make big wins in 2020. Trump is vulnerable to losing, and the Senate may change hands in 2020, also. The House will probably stay under the control of the Democrats, too.
If Trump and the Republicans want to get anything done of their agenda, they’d better get busy.
Cz-252 is at it again. No citation. Just a blind parroting @ 4 of something he read, intended to sway low-information voters like YLB.
The report Cz-252 cites is from a pro-public school shill entity. Big surprise. In response to the WaPo piece a letter to the editor was written, and in part said:
Giving an F to a biased report on charter schools
The report cited in the March 26 news article “Federal government wasted up to $1 billion on charter schools, report says” came from a partisan source. The Network for Public Education’s mission is to prevent charter schools from providing options to kids who need them.
There is no data or analysis to support the report’s $1 billion figure. And the database that the report alleges to rely on from the Education Department does not account for charter school consolidations or conversions to different charter-management processes.
Now, the author of this letter is, herself, a shill for charter schools. At least I’m honest enough to tell you that her partisanship is an obvious bias.
I wonder if Cz-252 had any idea of the bias of the authors of the study he referred to but did not cite.
We heard very little from Cz-252 about monetary waste by the federal government before Trump became president.
United States Wages and Salaries Growth
The rate of growth has slowed over the last 12 months.
If you look at the Max graph, it’s flat and trending down.
United States Consumer Price Index (CPI)
While if you look at the CPI on Max, it’s a straight line angled up.
And yet Inflation is flat. How can the cost of everything be getting more expensive without inflation?
To counter a piece about Chart School Waste, Gudwad references pro-charter school shill Amy Wilkins, a senior vice president of advocacy at the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools.
These two comments destroy her post.
“Wow you call NPE partisan and say that our mission is to prevent kids from getting into charter schools which is completely false and then attack our research as not being credible. But the vice president of advocacy at the National Alliance for Public Charter School should be taken at her word without a single bit of proof to her assertion that a missing billion dollars is probably related to consolidation. Got it. ”
“When charter schools have to accept all comers – including kids with behavioral issues, kids from poor families, kids with no one at home who speaks English or can help them with their homework, kids in the foster care system, kids who have been abused and traumatized, etc. – and provide all of them with bus service and all needed costs covered, then they should be able to get public money..”
Dumbass @ 7
How can the cost of everything be getting more expensive without inflation?
Dumbass, there IS inflation. You said it yourself.
It’s flat, but it’s there.
Inflation is what makes everything more expensive.
Dumbass. Red, this is what happens when you do stupid shit like ask Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit for investment advice.
Effeminate pussy of a man lashes out in frustration and anger, comes off as being an effeminate dumbfuck pussy.
No, not our Doctor Dumbfuck, although he certainly knows what that feels like better than most.
@7. wage growth is flat, but inflation is always increasing, workers are taking home less and less in buying power.
Anyone see a problem with that?
The party that bills itself as, “The party of fiscal sanity” and paints the other party as “Tax and spend deficit explosion” has to answer for their rhetoric.
Not the othe way around.
“Put it on the credit card and let the Democrats have to fix it later! Vote GOP!”
Likewise there haven’t been any posts from Dumbfuck since January 2017 about record deficits in the federal budget.
Dumbass @ 11
@7. wage growth is flat, but inflation is always increasing
Click on your two links @ 7.
The ‘last’ inflation is 1.5%. The ‘last’ wage growth is 4.2%.
At last check wages are growing 2.7% above the rate of inflation.
Dumbass, listen less to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit and read more carefully before posting. You embarrass yourself.
Once again, Trump claims Democrats are stealing elections without a shred of proof.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans tried to steal a North Carolina election, so you can’t say it never happens.
@3 “Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit recommended GE at $23.81 per share in October of 2017.”
This lie has been debunked, what, a hundred times now? It doesn’t improve with age, nor does endlessly repeating it make it true. You don’t improve with age, either, but you’ve evidently learned something about squid ink from the late, unlamented, Puddy. You’re the idiot who ignored my suggestion to short GE at $23.81. I’d squirt and run for cover, too, if I were as stupid as you are.
For going on two decades now every time study of the performance of charter schools has indicated that they are at best no better than public schools, while having far less oversight, accountability, and access.
This is the point where defenders of charter schools will offer multiple examples of under performing charter schools being taken over by public administrators, and either improved or closed down….
… crickets.
Trump is a fake wealthy scam hustler who really could care less about schools. It’s just something to talk about to distract from his multiple failures as Preznit. DeVoss is a real wealthy scam hustler dilettante who got so bored with counting her yachts that she decided to fuck around with public education as a hobby. She didn’t even know that Mulvaney had put the cuts into Special Olympics before she went up to testify. Because she didn’t even read the budget and her staff didn’t think to pull that top line out for her.
Because this really is “the status quo” for Republicans now.
@6 I don’t believe in giving public money to private entities that have no accountability to taxpayers for how it’s spent, what is taught, or whether children learn. No elected school board, no money. It’s that simple.
charter schools are the dream that was born with mandatory desegregation. A way to reclaim the privilege of a two-tiered public education system. Always has been, always will be. It’s only natural that a billionaire plutocrat scam hustler like DeVoss would come to champion them.
The situation has only become more desperate as “those people” have increasingly gained access to the economic means to move into formerly “exclusive” communities and attend their schools and white flight has become a flight to private academies. That gives rise to increasing competition among affluent and aspiring which in turns produces tuition spiral and selection spiral. That competition produces some emotionally depleted losers and near losers who are ripe for political exploitation by hustlers like DeVoss and Preznit FingerFuck.
@8 “When charter schools have to accept all comers – including kids with behavioral issues, kids from poor families, kids with no one at home who speaks English or can help them with their homework, kids in the foster care system, kids who have been abused and traumatized, etc. – and provide all of them with bus service and all needed costs covered, then they should be able to get public money..”
It’s been known for years that charter schools do no better than public schools with the same students, and when they do better, it’s because they cherry-pick the best students from the public schools, leaving the latter with the hardest-to-teach students.
New York state cut its Special Olympics budget.
Oops. When pointed out, the cuts were reversed.
See what Trump made them do?
@9 ” … there IS inflation. … It’s flat, but it’s there.”
And you’re calling other people dumbasses?
@13 How long did you stare at a calendar to find the one day when wages rose 4.2%?
the real cherry on top is that straight up exclusive, fully private schools don’t do better, once you adjust for selection biases.
End of the day, academics are not the reason people seek out either exclusive private schools, or exclusive charter schools. It’s the “exclusive” that they seek. They have their reasons, not all born of strict racism either. Many people harbor weird fears that their children will come under “bad influences” when exposed to too many kids from unfamiliar cultures, religions, ethnicities, family styles, or socio-economic backgrounds. Others believe that their children’s “opportunities” in life will somehow be enhanced if their schooling is concentrated within a community of closely matched, similar people.
The really mind boggling thing is to consider how much these affluent parents could do for their kids academically if they supported public schools, sent their kids to quality public schools and then used the money saved to broadly enhance the public offerings exclusively for their kids. But they don’t do that. Because it isn’t about academics.
@13 “You embarrass yourself.”
Sez the dumbfuck who doesn’t even have a functioning embarrassment meter.
Rapey dumbfuck @8 is too damn funny..
rapey in chief drumpf vs anyone who rises to the top.. Nov 2018 is comfort enough. A big McSame thumbs down to rapey in chief.
All the info a sane voter needs.
See Nick Hanauer and his thoughts on “status”. Hanauer ought to know. He makes rapey tehdumbfuck look too trashy.
Freedumb! in TexASS…
No gubmint regulations needed. A concealed piece is all anybody needs.
Good point. It would have meant a 4.5% cut to the SO line item in the NY budget. On total SO revenues of about $8.5 million each year. So about a half a percent cut to SO overall. Of some interest is the total state budget. About $150 billion. Making that cut 0.0000033% of the state budget.
It is an obviously pretty vast overall budget proposal being weighed and managed each year in Albany. Probably millions of line items. The cut to SO, small though it may have been, was clearly an oversight. Probably one that might have been caught at some point, with or without Mick Mulvaney’s help.
But the beautiful part of this in my opinion is that now, not just in New York state, but in every single budget for every single state, county, municipality, water district, and Rotary club in Murica, haint nobody gonna cut no Special Olympics. Not this year. Not for years to come. Fuck yeah.
Betsy DeVoss looks like the wealthy detached piece of shit plutocrat she is. And SO gets a ton of budget attention they almost never do.
“A group of Republican state representatives in Georgia on Tuesday introduced legislation that would establish a ‘journalism ethics board’ that would enforce ‘canons of ethics’ for journalists and news organizations in the state, drawing concerns from First Amendment advocates.
“State Rep. Andy Welch (R), the lawmaker spearheading the HB734 bill, recently complained about an interview with a reporter that he felt was unfair, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
“The bill would set up a board, consisting of current journalists and a journalism professor, who would develop and enforce ‘canons of ethics for journalism which shall comport with industry standards regarding factual and ethical reporting.’ The board would evaluate media-related complaints from Georgia residents and penalize journalists by stripping their accreditation or putting them on probation.
“Under the bill, any person interviewed by the media would have the right to request audio, video and/or photos of their interviews for free and could sue reporters and news organizations if they fail to provide them.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Where to begin? For starters, this bill would put Fox News, Breitbart, and a host of other rightwing sites out of business. Unless, of course, the board is stacked with “journalists” from those organizations, which undoubtedly is an aim of the drafters of this unconstitutional legislation. Why is it unconstitutional? First Amendment. Due process. Confiscating private property without compensation. Cruelty to animals. Well, okay, I threw in that last one to give these guys a chance to win on at least one issue when they get to court.
Rep. Welch is a lawyer. How the fuck does a lawyer think he can do this? Don’t they teach basic constitutional law at Vermont Law School? Assuming he learned nothing about First Amendment press freedom at Presbyterian College, in high school, or in junior high civics class.
You can’t regulate the press, dumbass. But nowadays, Republican legislators will vote for anything, Republican governors will sign anything, and maybe they’re hoping if Trump gets enough unqualified judges on the federal bench, the courts will replace all of our secular laws with Old Testament law.*
* They’re not real big on New Testament teachings. They’d much rather starve the poor than give them a loaf or teach them to fish.
@20 It was an uphill battle, but the Democrats in the NY legislature managed to restore $150,000 of the $200,000 budget request despite Republican opposition to any state funding for Special Olympics.
Why do Republicans pick on handicapped people? For the same reason Hitler did — they’re useless mouths to feed. If you’re not putting money in their pockets, they want you dead.
And that’s fine with Doctor Dumbfuck.
@27 At first I thought that big hole is what’s left of a Texan good ol’ boy experimenting with homemade fireworks.
@28 The thing to remember here is that Democrats were able to put only $150k of the $200k request back in the budget. Somebody didn’t want that spending. And it wasn’t the Democrats.
gudwad, I now see the charts I was looking at were not the same setup. Comparing apples to toasters. It does look like wages are rising at approx 3-4% over the last couple of years, while inflation is rising at 2-3%. So in theory, wages are out pacing inflation.
Mrs. Rabbit just asked me why Doctor Dumbfuck is posting so much on HA today. I told her it’s the horse’s day off.
Undocumented Demorat Of The Week Award, Innovator Edition–Undocumented Gynecologist Daudah Mayanja Invents Mobile Exam Table, Begins Field Tests; Then Patent Denied And Testing Terminated Without Evidence By Trump Stormtroops.
BOSTON —An Uber driver has been arrested following a state police investigation into a reported rape in Boston early Saturday morning.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement has placed a detainer on 37-year-old Daudah Mayanja, of Waltham, who is a Ugandan citizen.
State police said they received a report at approximately 1:15 a.m. that a woman had been sexually assaulted by an Uber driver on Storrow Drive near the Hatch Memorial Shell.
A preliminary investigation led to the arrest of the driver on two counts of rape.
Mayanja, who spoke with WCVB in a phone interview while still in police custody, said he is innocent.
“That information that aired outside is wrong and false,” Mayanja said. “She jumped from the back seat to the driver’s seat. When I pulled over, she jumped out from the car, (and) I left the scene. I called my bosses because, after, I noticed that she left her bag inside my car. I called the Uber offices to tell them about the situation.”
Two words, Pork Sauce.
You know, maybe you should close the border. Close all the borders. Perhaps a few ICE spouses might get some overdue attention once their pool of sexual assault victims is dried up.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & Pussywhipped Punks News– Joe “Bloodhound” Biden Apologizes For Hair Smelling, Offers Explanation; “I’m very sorry about being born a white male but it’s not my fault. And I only smelled her by accident, somebody stole my fish & chips and I was following the scent trail when I accidentally bumped into her.”
“Hearing Biden’s potential candidacy for president discussed without much talk about his troubling past as it relates to women became too much to keep bottled up any longer,” Flores wrote, adding that Biden’s behavior toward her and other women “shows a lack of empathy for the women and young girls whose space he is invading, and ignores the power imbalance that exists between Biden and the women he chooses to get cozy with.”
“Crossing that line is not grandfatherly,” said Lappos. “It’s sexism or misogyny.”
Any day now – 50,000
How’s that fucking wall gonna keep a Ugandan out hog slop?
Oh a ban on people from s-hole countries! Excuse me..
racist freak..
You’ll never be able to get it. You’re stuck over there behind that disgusting smelly film of dried jizz, and diet coke littered with spent condoms, Big Mac wrappers, and porn pubic hairs that is Teh Orange Event Horizon.
But here’s the thing, Pork Sauce:
Being a pushy, overly assertive, “caring” guy who lacks appropriate body boundaries and demeans lower status women and men with too much physical contact is not even remotely the same thing as “grab ’em by the pussy” or feeling up pre-teens behind the Dairy Queen.
It’s the difference between having a boss who loses his temper over low revenues, yells and throws shit, and having a boss who loses his temper over low revenues, yells and then offers to let it go if you suck his cock.
Unrelated hint: you’re the one who sucks his cock.
Sounds like the orange moron you voted for hog slop..
Hey hog slop, didn’t you say we should have chosen Biden over Hillary? Of course you did – you flippin’ dumbass.
Preznit PornLube doesn’t ignore the power imbalance.
By his own admission, he makes good use of it whenever he gets the chance.
Because when you’re a star, they let you do it.
You can do anything.
Hog slop appreciates this kind of power in a leader.
(rolls eyes)
+32.93% for the period January 1, 2018 through April 3, 2019.
@40, 41 – He and his tribe don’t give an owl hoot about that shit. It’s perfectly okay when one of them does it and more. They’re just trolling for talking points. After Roy Moore no one will ever again take them seriously when they prattle about sexual misconduct.
Republicans tried to defund Special Olympics and food stamps, so ya gotta expect them to attack kids’ school lunches, too.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I remember when Nixon tried to redefine ketchup as a “vegetable” for school lunches because cheapskate Republicans didn’t want to pay for peas and carrots.
My worthless “millionaire” son stole money out of my purse again this morning!
@ 46
Reagan, not Nixon.
Back then ketchup was floated as a vegetable. Now a soy protein produced by yeast is floated as a burger.
Time marches on, and Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit grows every more irrelevant.
Somehow this seems not much worse than having a rapist as First Gentleman, particularly as Goldy was fine with it for eight years in the ’90s.
There are two Americas. In one America, Joe Biden is finally paying a price for his decades of creepy behavior with women. And in the other America, the President of the United States is a rapist.
And don’t forget, long before “her emails”, Hillary adopted an alien space baby.
“Investigate Trump’s wiretapping claim — AND HILLARY CLINTON’S ALIEN BABY!”
If he’s otherwise a good cop, I say give him a chance. Let him show the townspeople, including its black residents, that he learned from it. Remember Christ’s story of the prodigal son. To err is human; to forgive is Christian and liberal.
@48 Correction accepted. The problem is Republican presidents are like boxcars on a passing train. Sorting them is hard because they’re all the same. Except Trump is overtly racist; the others were sly about it.
@49 When President Pornhub grabs a pussy, there’s one victim. When he appointed a rapist to the Supreme Court, everybody became a victim.
How sad. Not barely half way there, and he admits his chosen path is “worse”.
With half Congress gone, a half dozen states, California in permanent hippie quarantine and no improvement on the horizon, “worse” inevitably becomes…
For some strange reason, Trump thinks Hillary’s emails are a bigger problem than a Chinese spy infiltrating Mar-o-Lago.
I guess that’s because the Chinese spy isn’t running against him. All she wanted was information that would enable China to win the war they’re planning against us.
I’m inclined to think what he meant was he doesn’t want to get rid of all immigration judges, just the ones who don’t rule the way he likes. I’ve never yet seen a Republican politician fixing to violate someone’s rights who didn’t want a puppet judge to paper it over. Reminds me a little of Roland Freisler.
The first cracks appear in Barr’s whitewash of Mueller’s report:
“Investigators for special counsel Robert Mueller have told associates that Attorney General William Barr inadequately characterized the findings of their inquiry, which they say could be worse for President Donald Trump than Barr suggested, The New York Times reported Wednesday.”
Of course, everyone knows Barr is a Trump ally who was hired to exonerate Trump regardless of actual guilt or innocence.
As far as Trump/ Russia is concerned it was always going to be a political showdown, and it was always going to be “worse”.
This we know and they do not even bother to dispute:
The RNC and Trump campaign received classified briefings in Aug 2016 about the threat of Russian election tampering;
Officials of the party and the campaign already had, and would continue to have meetings with Russian agents in which the election tampering effort was discussed;
They not only failed to report the meetings, they lied about their existence and purpose repeatedly for months after;
Trump took part in that briefing, was informed about those meetings with Russian spies, and participated in concealing the existence and purpose of those meetings thereafter.
And that is just the Trump/Russia exposure.
It’s been a bad couple weeks for high profile celebrity arrests…
Prosecutors Drop Extremely Bullshit-Smelling Charge Against Michael Bennett
The 2nd Amendment is super duper important. We love the constitution.
There is literally one industry or profession specifically named in the Constitution.
Georgia House Republicans file bill to create state Journalism Ethics Board
Another new talking point among the GOP:
The exact same flag wrapped, “constitutionalists” of Teahadism who brayed into the stratosphere about That Kenyan Moooslim Usurper are demanding that Their Beloved Orange Russian Puppet start defying federal court orders “in order to teach America about constitutional law”.
The GOP has become like The Onion.
Only not at all funny.
No, you don’t get to spray swastikas on buildings just because you like Hitler and Trump.
@60 I’m on the case. See …
@61 I hope he does. House Democrats wouldn’t need a Mueller investigation to conclude that’s an impeachable offense. In fact, they wouldn’t need to bother impeaching him. A contempt order would be enough to dress him in a striped suit.
Talking shit isn’t a crime. Lying to FBI agents about possessing a gun is.
Don’t let the steel bars hit your ass on the way in.
“A Connecticut man who survived the Las Vegas mass shooting — and saw his father-in-law gunned down in front of him — was pushed out of his job after an owner of the company told him to ‘suck it up’ and ‘get it over it,’ he claims in a lawsuit.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I dunno. You can’t sue employers for being jerks unless they violate anti-discrimination laws. Beyond reasonable accommodation, they don’t owe you continued employment if you are no longer able to serve the needs of the business. That’s what unemployment and disability insurance are for. I don’t think this lawsuit is going anywhere.
The best thing, of course, is to not need a job. Instead of working for a business, you should own shares of businesses, preferably ones paying dividends. Being a worker sucks even in the best of times. Being a capitalist is the only way to fly.
I’m an owner, not a worker. I don’t have to deal with jerk bosses. I don’t have to try to function. I don’t have to get out of bed. I don’t even have to sign the dividend checks. I have automatic deposit. Why anyone still works is beyond me. Nobody ever became a millionaire by working for wages. The whole point of being a millionaire is to not work at all. That’s me, and I’ll never go back.
I’m just guessing here, but AG Barr may have been lying about the whole thing. (Who developed the talking points. Why did they keep saying for three days things they knew it weren’t true. They lied to the American people. And they kept on lying.)
Drip, drip, drip into 2020…
NBC, Mueller report includes “Detailed accounts of Trump campaign contacts with Russia.”
CBS, Attorney’s on Mueller’s team disagree with AG Barr summary of report.
CNN, Meuller team investigators express frustration over Barr’s letter.
WaPo, Limited information Barr has shared about Russia investigation frustrated some on Meuler’s team.
Some Mueller investigators say their report is worse for Trump than Barr says.
ABC – House Democrats authorize subpoenas for Mueller Report
As Trump attacked Mueller, he offered mea culpa to Rosentein, source says.
Fox News:”It’s not Timmothy!”
I don’t quite get this guy’s beef. Maybe it’s bad journalism. Wouldn’t surprise me. But I don’t hear him alleging that his employer refused to accommodate his PTSD.
Some of the comments alleged to have been made by his employer are unkind and insensitive. But under his legal circumstances, those would only be considered evidence of intent underlying specific employer actions, which actions are missing from his complaint so far.
As you point out, employers are obligated to offer reasonable accommodation. But having made that accommodation they still get to evaluate employee performance using objective standards. It sounds like he blew up and threw a tantrum when he missed his numbers and they didn’t give him a bonus anyway. And then he abandoned his job. Doing those two things really took the burden off the employer in his case. Epic rage-quitting makes for cool movies scenes and cocktail party stories. But it makes a really shitty lawsuit.
Worrying is that Barr is positioned to obstruct on behalf of the GOP by overruling any USAO decis to seek indictment.
This is probably a big part of why the GOP spent so much of the last two years proclaiming that the DOJ was filled with DERP STATE TRAITORS. Covers them when people get quit-fired and then tell the truth. The Mueller guys talking are the ones safely out of the department. Expect more to follow them.
Mueller did what he could to protect the investigation with Rosenstein looking over his shoulder. The people in EDVA, DC, and SDNY can see what’s going on and some may take steps to preserve the record.
But ultimately the only way this gets fixed is with a Democratic White House and a Democratic Senate. And that requires registering millions of new voters in Georgia, Tennesee, Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Missouri, North Carolina, and Arizona. I’ll be in Tennesee and Texas this year.
Oh, look. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has been chronically wrong about something else.
The Electoral College Was Not a Pro-Slavery Ploy
When it first took shape at the convention, the Electoral College would not have significantly helped the slaveowning states. Under the initial apportionment of the House approved by the framers, the slaveholding states would have held 39 out of 92 electoral votes, or about 42 percent. Based on the 1790 census, about 41 percent of the nation’s total white population lived in those same states, a minuscule difference. Moreover, the convention did not arrive at the formula of combining each state’s House and Senate numbers until very late in its proceedings, and there is no evidence to suggest that slavery had anything to do with it.
Author isn’t some right-wing shill, either. Sean Wilentz is a professor of history at Princeton and the author, most recently, of “No Property in Man: Slavery and Antislavery at the Nation’s Founding.”
+32.91% for the period January 1, 2018 through April 4, 2019.
Isn’t it Teh Dumbfuck who so often rails about people reading their own cites?
My god. They really are like an unironic, totally not funny version of The Onion.
@70 Yeah? Well, if I’m wrong, then I’m in good company, because the very first sentence of the professor’s NYT article says,
“I used to favor amending the Electoral College, in part because I believed the framers put it into the Constitution to protect slavery. ”
And if he thought that, why couldn’t I? At least I know the difference between a rabbit and a horse when I’m getting laid.
Undocumented Demorat Of The Week Award Contender News–Undocumented executioner/gynecologist Jorge Alberto Rios-Doblado tenaciously pursues his career despite misplacing his documents multiple times.
The man charged with raping and strangling a jogger in Jersey City’s Lincoln Park had already been deported twice, Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials said.
ICE-ERO said that it has placed a detainer on Rios following his arrest on Sunday on charges the 33-year-old kidnapped, raped and murdered Carolina Cano, 45, of Gautier Avenue in Jersey City, on March 24. The nanny’s body was found in the lake near the Casino in the Park building that day.
Jorge Rios, who was identified by ICE officials as Jorge Alberto Rios-Doblado, is from Honduras and “has been removed from the country on two prior occasions, in 2003 and 2004,” according to ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operation (ICE-ERO) in Newark. ICE officials also said Rios initially entered the country illegally.
The professor continues:
“By the time the delegates at the Constitutional Convention in 1787 debated how the president ought to be chosen, they had already approved the three-fifths clause — the notorious provision that counted slaves as three-fifths of a person to inflate the slave states’ apportionment in the new House of Representatives. The Electoral College, as approved by the convention in its final form, in effect enshrined the three-fifths clause in the selection of the president. …
“The framers’ own damning words seem to cinch the case that the Electoral College was a pro-slavery ploy. Above all, the Virginia slaveholder James Madison — the most influential delegate at the convention — insisted that while direct popular election of the president was the ‘fittest’ system, it would hurt the South, whose population included nonvoting slaves. The slaveholding states, he said, ‘could have no influence in the election on the score of the Negroes.’ Instead, the framers, led by Madison, concocted the Electoral College to give extra power to the slaveholders. If you stop at this point in the record, as I once did, there would be no two ways about it.”
At this point, any reasonable jury would find that more likely than not the Framers were sucking up to the slave states to get them to buy in. The judge probably would toss a verdict the other way as not supported by the evidence. Hell, this even meets the reasonable doubt standard, or whatever standard Barr used to conclude that talking to the Russians about accepting help from the Russians to influence the outcome of the election isn’t sufficient evidence of collusion.
So how, exactly, did the professor exonerate slavery from blame for the Electoral College? He then talks about how the delegates distrusted direct popular election (remember, only landowning males could vote, so this is their own crowd they’re dissing), the slave-state delegates voted against the Electoral College, those states didn’t get an advantage, etc. etc.
Well, that’s his interpretation of the evidence. Just like Barr’s letter is his interpretation of Mueller’s report. This isn’t the Framers talking, it’s the professor talking. He’s entitled to his opinion. But it’s just that, an opinion based on the same evidence — no new evidence here — from which everybody else concluded the slave states were 100 percent focused on preserving slavery and this is one of the ways they did it. At the very least, whatever the motivation for the Electoral College was, you can be damned sure the slave states wouldn’t have gone along with anything that didn’t preserve slavery.
So, the professor has his opinion, and other people have theirs. And any way you look at it, it’s less than the knockout punch Doctor Dumbfuck was hoping for.
@70 “Author isn’t some right-wing shill, either.”
That, by itself, should disqualify him where you’re concerned. You’re getting weak in your old age.
The guy is an historical expert on slavery. Not an historical expert on the constitutional convention per se.
And he specifically stipulates that the adoption of the EC favored the slave states. As for how much, he selects as an example an early formula that did not include the count for members of the Senate. And finally he points out that the popular sentiments among slave state delegates was opposed to the EC. But he neglects to include that they opposed electing the President by any method. They wanted him hand picked by… you guessed it… The Senate.
But he’s got a book to flog. Teh Dumbfuck wont read that either.
Like I said before, not just weak sauce. Weak sauce with orange pubes in it.
@75 While we’re on the subject of sex crimes committed by illegals, here’s a classic case of a misleading Fox headline.
The front-page header: “Illegal immigrant accused of more than 100 child sex crimes is caught: report”
The story headline: “Illegal immigrant arrested, accused of more than 100 child sex crimes: reports”
“The story: KLFY reported that Miguel Martinez, 44, was arrested on 100 counts of possession of pornography involving juveniles under the age of 13, one count of production under 13, and one count of sexual battery of a juvenile under 13.”
Not sure what the charge of “production under 13” is. All I could find on it was a 1956 Supreme Court case about growing tobacco in relating to minimum wage laws. See
But I think, near as I can figure out, what we have is a pervert hitting on one kid, a hundred dirty pictures, and Fox turning that into a hundred child rapes by an illegal, with emphasis on “illegal.”
I wouldn’t be surprised if this lowlife commits voting fraud, too. If he does, he probably votes for his fellow rapers, figuring he’s more likely to get off, or at least get lighter punishment, if a child raper is sitting on the Supreme Court.
If only they cared as much about Roy Moore’s many, many victims.
Or Donald Trump’s.
Or Duncan Hunter’s.
Or Dennis Hastert’s.
Or Henry Hyde’s.
Or Larry Craig’s.
Or David Vitter’s.
Or Mark Foley’s.
Or Scott DesJarlais’.
Or John Ensign’s.
Or Ed Schrock’s.
Or Don Sherwood’s.
Or Stephen Latourette’s.
Or Danny Burton’s.
Or Rob Porter’s.
Or David Sorensen’s.
Or Clarence Thomas’.
Or Herman Cain’s.
Or Newt Gingrich’s.
Or Eric Greitens’.
Or Trent Franks’.
Or Blake Farenthold’s.
Or Pat Meehan’s.
Or George HW Bush’s.
Or Jeff Hoover’s.
Or Jeff Kruse’s.
Or Jack Latvala’s.
Or Wes Goodman’s.
Or Tony Cornish’s.
Or Chris Myers’.
Or John Boehner’s.
Or Phillip Hinkle’s.
Or Chris Lee’s.
Or Mark Sanford’s.
All pro-life btw.
@79 They’re not brown enough.
One person’s princess is another person’s bacon.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I would guess this dude is on the hook for more than stealing the pig. Because the pig was a pet, he’s probably going to pay emotional distress damages, too.
Tucker tyrna lose that last advertiser…
‘Well Tuckie Dearest. When a Mommy and a Daddy really really love each other they have too much love for just two people so they take some of that love and make a baby boy. Sometimes it doesn’t work and they’re stuck with a baby girl. They love the girl very much and so they fill their heads with ideas like Santa Clause and equal pay and that girls can do maths and computers and sciences and architecture just as good as a boy. And then the girls start to believe it and those misguided parents never tell them it was all a lie. These girls grow up to think that they are just as good as men even though they aren’t as smart. It’s just nature and genetics. All they need is to meet the right boy, fall in love, and then realize that being a mommy themselves is the only proper thing for a girl to grow up to be. And then they put aside that feminism. Unless they choose to be a lesbian and they never find that man. Then they stay feminists.’
If you think your work is bad, check out these jobs.
AG Barr committed perjury during his confirmation testimony before the Senate.
On June 8th, the same day Barr sent an unsolicited 19 page memo about the Special Counsel investigation to DAG Rod Rosenstein and Steven Engel, the AUSA overseeing OLC, he was invited to a private, off-premise lunch meeting with Engel and a carefully selected handfull of other senior DOJ officials to discuss the memo. The four hour meeting, which was previously kept secret, was held on June 27th.
In sworn written statements responding to written questions from the Senate committee members, Barr stated that he discussed his memo with Rosenstein and Engel, but with no other officials in government.