It’s April Fools Day, and I for one don’t like it. So no thanks to pranks from massive wanks. No jokes or hoax from the worst folks. No fools from ghouls or massive tools. No fake story to bore me or deplore me.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Washington unleaded today $4.527/gallon
WA unleaded 30 days ago: $4.102/gallon
Inflation is increasing, libbies.
Yabbut Donald Trump is worth less today than he was on Thursday.
Oh, Cool, Our $69K Fisker Ocean Is Only Worth $21K Now
We bought a new Fisker Ocean for our long-term fleet just two months ago
How many US tax dollars have been spent to prop up Fisker?
Hey, did anybody notice that bond yields jumped this morning?
The likelihood of a rate cut in June was cut from 75% to 50%.
Queen YLB, I don’t think you’re gonna get your seven rate cuts this year, girlfriend. You’re not gonna get Biden re-elected, either.
The forthecoming inflation numbers are not going to be pretty.
Inventory drawdowns and price increases. Bend over and lube up, Queen YLB’s fucked kids.
61% of Trump’s donors are small-dollar donors.
38% of Biden’s donors are small-dollar donors.
That used to be an indication of enthusiasm for a candidate.
This article is more than 5 years old
‘Not the billionaires’: why small-dollar donors are Democrats’ new powerhouse
Didn’t it.
Inflation is increasing
And yet nowhere near the increase in the stupidity of your comments.
@ 6
Ooh. Shoot the messenger. Good post. You really got me with that one.
There is an abandoned mall near my place with lots of empty parking lots. My next child is learning how to drive and we spent this weekend, practicing to drive a clutch. It’s also the overflow storage area for the local Tesla dealership. From a year ago, the local dealership must have five or six times the un-bought cars filling that vast empty mall parking area, 400-500 cars easily. Between interest rates and musk shining a spotlight on his crappy over-hyped cars with his apartheid 2.0 politics, they are not selling.
Elon Musk Is Turning Off Would-Be Tesla Buyers
Caliber’s “consideration score” for Tesla, provided exclusively to Reuters, fell to 31% in February, less than half its high of 70% in November 2021 when it started tracking consumer interest in the brand.
Would-be Tesla buyers snub company as Musk’s reputation dips
“I didn’t want fascism but I voted republicans to punish the Democrats because my soda got so much more expensive. “
All of you are mad at Trump because he defeated Hillary Clinton back in 2016.
@ 10
Yabbut #CrookedHillary won the popular vote.
And whichever Democrat replaces Biden during the DNC convention floor fight free-for-all will win the popular vote this year, too.
[Clarification: Not posted by the asshole that calls itself Roger Rabbit]
It was the fourth paragraph that contained the little tidbit that in the same year 700,000 people moved to Florida.
NBC News
The Sunshine State isn’t always as sunny as it may seem.
Florida delivered as advertised. Beautiful weather and no income tax. Like Seattle, but all year, not just in August.
@12 And yet you stay here. Why is that?
I see you learned your lesson about stealing people’s identities.
Through I’d be fine if you did it a few more times and were banned for life.
@10. Nope, Mad that the loser rapist and the republicans are fascists and corrupt. Don’t want American democracy replaced with an Apartheid fascist dictatorship. Apparently you do.
Who’s “Hillary”?
Does she do rallies and sell sneakers?
Your nominee was just simply an objectively terrible president who raped women, stole classified defense secrets for Russia, and tried to do away with elections because he can’t win them.
Why aren’t you busy somewhere else hanging Mike Pence or shooting police with their own guns?
Last week there was news of three staff departures from Senator Fetterman’s office.
I wonder why.
Fetterman has faced growing criticism over his staunch support for Israel and calls for Democrats to engage in tougher immigration laws, putting him at odds with members of his party. During his 2022 campaign, the Pennsylvania senator campaigned as a progressive outsider. However, during a December interview with NBC News, the first-term senator proudly declared he was not a progressive.
>> Voters will decide if they want to keep him. Hi Staffers will decide if they want to work with him.
@1 “Inflation is increasing, libbies.”
I guess it is for dummies who still drive gas guzzlers. EV owners won’t notice.
@5 Looks like the corporate cash is migrating to survival of republic. Civil war isn’t great for business.
@7 He doesn’t need to “get” you. You get yourself every time you post.
I think most of us were too preoccupied with cackling and spit-takes as his shares of DJT began their inevitable swan dive.
@11 “[Clarification: Not posted by the asshole that calls itself Roger Rabbit]”
Nice to see you following the rules after getting your tail feathers clipped for breaking the rules. Now if only we could get your preferred candidate to do that. So far the legal system hasn’t spanked him hard enough yet, like Darryl spanked you, but that’s coming.
Reason why the stock wearing the ticker symbol “DJT” may soon go to zero: “Trump Media auditor warns that losses threaten the company’s ability to stay in business”
@12 Let me guess: White people moving in, black and brown people moving out?
You’re going to start seeing a lot of the “TikTik is killing your kids and letting the Chinese influence them” crowd quoting Jonathan Haidt.
Probably not worth responding too much. His new work is all about how the existence of smart phones and social anxiety is proven to increase anxiety among kids. Sure research suggests but it is far from proven. Mostly in the sense that no one diagnosed autism/anxiety/ocd disorders until late Gen X and then it was literally only obvious observable individuals.
Johnathan Haidt’s previous work claimed, without any real research that social media is turning kids, particularly girls, trans.
Or maybe, and research is starting to bear this out, that the stigma of acting “not like a girl” in previous generations kept many many many kids from expressing dysphoria until much later in life. No one has a single “previous gender dysphoria” until they do. There’s always a first time.
When the research is complete decades from now I have a theory.
Kid’s often show early gender confusion or homosexuality. If you’ve had kids you’ve had them at preshcool say they are someday going to marry someone. “You can’t get married they are a boy/girl and you can only marry a boy/girl.” and the response is noted and internalized and never expressed again until much muck later in life.
As opposed to not reacting at all and kids don’t learn knee jerk that such feelings are gross or wrong. Still most of those kids grow up to be cis individuals but the ones who don’t have a much healthier relationship with their families than previous generations. There are still fucked up families that will toss a teen on the street for coming out but there are more and more supporting families who process the information and move on as a family.
Which family would kids prefer to have?
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit
Must be Robinhood Markets, Inc. Or something. Probably not the heroic outlaw out of English folklore.
It was years ago when I came up with “Doctor Dumbfuck”. I’m pretty good at this stuff. I also came up with “Mr. Klynical” and “the loon”. See what I mean? I don’t use a lot of syllables and it has to tie into reality. Klynical was indeed clinical, Puddy posted as a loon and, of course, the dumbfuck was and still is a dumbfuck.
Another example of the dumbfuck’s dumbfuckery is “the even bigger…”. Who is he addressing? And who is the person he’s bigger than? This is nine syllables of WTF? Clearly the result of a dumbfuck being a dumbfuck,
Alas, I couldn’t improve on “Pudge” and “Marvin”. Those were self-pwn screen names.
Um, yeah, that’s the commenter’s surname. Well done, dumbfuck.
Sad horns for Donald and Ron.
Florida goes blue
@28 Darryl doesn’t let him post as “Roger Rabbit.” He tried, but didn’t get away with it, then whined about being caught.
“Judge David Godbey, the chief judge of the Northern Texas federal district court division, told Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) on March 29 that his court would not follow new guidelines meant to curtail the practice of ‘judge shopping’ ….”
Guidelines are just that, I guess. It will be up to a Democratic Congress and president to make them mandatory.
@29 Florida’s STD hotbed, The Villages, will vote for it. Some Villages residents will vote for it twice.
The Justice has just asked to be hauled into a less friendly circuit to defend what,
means both in practice and in the plain originalist language of the Constitution
We assume he’s trying to make a joke about the company that posted a $1.8B net profit in the most recently reported QUARTER.
Yeah, all you knuckle draggers really showed’em.
It is nearly impossible to explain to a layman just how moronic and unserious Donald lawyers really are.
Their response to the gag order over threatening the child of a judge is to demand it be dropped because the court entering it with the clerk is making a public derogatory statement towards Trump, and therefore the court has violated the rules of the court.
In legal language, this is what’s known as the “Nuh uh you did it first“ defense. In the 19th century the “I know you are but what am I Statute.”
I don’t think you’re gonna get your seven rate cuts this year
teh widbee kreepshit is so dense.. Interest rates won’t matter too much to voters who are disgusted with a batshit insane, orange tinted, wannabe dictator rapist and misogynist who off gasses a putrid odor..
kreepshit, otoh can’t fellate the rapist hard enough – for fear of an IRS audit.
Legal weed made the ballot too.
We’re fucked
Where the f— do they get these arguments? Sitting in the bathroom?
They’re all in on the novel legal theory that nothing a President (And his staff) does can ever be illegal. Accepting bribes? Legal. I’m the President. 1st degree murder? Legal. Rape? Legal.
Hey, thanks for reminding me, you depthless fool.
I’d almost forgotten all about your new favorite Ultra Right 100% Woke Free Beer.
It’s been a helluva rocky road, that’s for sure. Having obtained an honestly difficult to get “F” rating from BBB, with tens of thousands of customers still backordered, and with more than one customer class action lawsuit, Ultra Right has finally stopped offering to sell alcohol on their website. Never having obtained (or even applied for) TTB licensing, and having failed in a series of negotiations to secure any permanent contract from a custom brewer, the company eventually shifted their sparse website away from pretending to be an ongoing licensee capable of fulfilling orders, into more of a crowd funding “meme” space with merch.
Today they’ve removed all suggestion that they are a beer maker other than marketing and teases about retail distribution “coming soon” and seeking to collect customer info. But they still have hats. And lots of lawsuits.
Sound familiar?
When mouth breathing Republican donors are the ones paying all the bills there’s almost no disincentive against filing lots and lots of vaguely specious motions.
If we’re going to be honest about it, filing bullshit is easier and pays better than actual legal work.
Any lawyer should applauding and congratulating these guys. They scraped up either the richest dumb clients, or the dumbest rich clients in legal history.
Jesus, he can’t even say the Lord’s Prayer.
Watch Bible Salesman Donald Trump Try To Say The Lord’s Prayer
14 & 15,
Nope, I didn’t vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020. I voted for a third party candidate in each of those previous elections. I will probably vote for a non-Democrat or a non-Republican in 2024, also.
This simply cannot be. QoS McHillbilly flat-out promised us that POS Hunter Biden would skate.
How much can The Biden Crime Family scrape together in order to bribe the PO?
Or can The Biden Crime Family simply turn to Kevin Morris to pay the bribe in the same way he paid POS Hunter
Biden’s tax bill?
QoS McHillbilly’s promise @ 45 was similarly unpersuasive.
And so we’re back to bribery.
Voting fraud found! Yes, voting fraud is a real thing … when Republicans commit it:
@47 If someone’s caught bribing or being bribed, by all means throw their ass(es) in jail! Rule of law, baby! No exceptions, favors, or special treatment.
@ 37
Interest rates won’t matter too much to voters who are disgusted with a batshit insane, orange tinted, wannabe dictator…
You keep right on thinking that, Queen YLB. Right on into the second Trump administration.
Liberals commonly accuse minorities of voting against their best interests by supporting Trump, but girlfriend, your fucked kids will do exactly the same thing this Fall by supporting whichever candidate replaces my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president at the top of the DNC ticket.
Then it’s pretty obvious that you’re the one obsessed with that old white lady.
So are you thinking about Cornell West? You really should.
RFK Jr. on CNN: Biden a bigger threat than Trump.
CNN Baited RFK Jr. With This Question About Trump. They Weren’t Expecting This Answer.
This is news to Queen YLB, of course. Because of @ 37 orange-ish bronzing cream. Such an unserious twat is our darling Queen YLB.
Did I say @ 1 $4.527?
Make that $4.541/gallon for gasoline in Washington state.
That’s up from $4.117 only 30 days ago.
The inflation numbers for March are not going to be pretty. Queen YLB’s kids are so fucked.
Only about 9 1/2 months left for my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president to issue multiple pardons to his POS son.
Don’t forget the distinct possibility that before this term is up Momala might have to do it. Would she?
Where the brilliant legal mind of our Dumbfuck confuses a motion to dismiss with a conviction.
Why is our Dumbfuck so interested in gas prices in deep blue Washington?
National average
$3.535 today
$3.308 month ago
$3.503 year ago
Floridians walk into a polling booth as the summer gas price surge has faded, voting on legal abortion, legal weed and if they want a president who agrees with them on those issues (56% want legal in all or most cases, Pew Florida) and will think, ‘Buuuuut the gas prices in Yelm!’
Elon is having trouble giving away the cars he’s building. Sitting on some 60k unsold units.
Time to slash prices.
@ 55
… confuses a motion to dismiss with a conviction.
QoS McHillbilly confused the motion with an exoneration.
@ 56
…interested in gas prices in deep blue Washington?
…Floridians walk into a polling booth as the summer gas price surge…
Floridians don’t vote in WA-3 this November.
Not all politics is national.
Floridians don’t vote in WA-3 this November.
While you’re waiting for Washington to turn red would you care to make the case for your favored fascist authoritarian form of government replacing our present constitutional republic, which in common parlance is called democracy?
Or are you too much a fucking Nazi coward to do that?
We have voter fraud!
Iowa Woman, 52 Counts Of Voter Fraud, Sentenced To 8 Months
No surprise here that it’s another Republican doing the fraud. It’s always Republicans.
If the dumbfuck Nazi coward would be a man for once in his pathetic, miserable fucking life and just admit that he’s a fucking fascist who wants to end our democracy, I promise that I’d leave him alone.
When I say that I want see the dumbfuck Nazi coward hang for his fucking treason, that’s just a metaphor.
Walberg Says His ‘Nuking Gaza’ Comment Was A Metaphor
Joe Kent is no less of an anti-abortion nut job this time around either.
Gonna be out there lying about tax payer funded abortion again and 9th month abortions and….
The political prisoners of January 6th.
What are those gas prices going to do in September and October…like they do every single fucking year since the dawn of Chevron?
Also ‘migrant crime’
To think that the dumbfuck Nazi coward sits around wondering why no woman has ever fucked him.
Christian pastor: In a Christian nationalist America women should lose the right to vote
It’s a mixed bag of news.
What the judge ruled is that at present the plaintiffs do not have evidence of DeSantis’ involvement but should it be forthcoming the can amend the lawsuit.
So discovery moves forward and the plaintiff’s will find out who exactly paid for the flight? Once that’s established they get added to the suit and THOSE communications become public and what are the odds DeSantis didn’t exchange an email or twenty about this?
The charter flight company or the insurance that will end up paying the settlement is free to go after whoever requested the fight too.
I can hardly wait to go back to hating Jews again. But until then…
45, 46, 47,
Don’t say you didn’t ask for it.
A probation officer is not a legal party to a contract between the government who drafted the contract and the defendant who agreed to enter into it.
There are but two parties: a defendant and a prosecutor.
Any determinations regarding either approval or performance must be limited to the parties, unless specifically called for within the contract.
Scarsi reaches to rule that performance by a third party is required in this case, in order for the contract to exist. To do this he relied on the document itself – a document officially drafted by the government. Scarsi notes almost in passing, and with reference to the defendant’s motion, that specifically in cases of pre-trial contracts between defendants and the government, ambiguity or uncertainty in the contract are to be interpreted in favor of the non-drafting party. He quotes: “As a defendant’s liberty is at stake, the government is ordinarily held to the literal terms of the plea agreement it made, so that the government gets what it bargains for but nothing more.”
The government argued in its response (and the troll appears to have adopted the view) that there is no ambiguity in the contract they drafted, and that the approval of the probation officer is required before the contract may be deemed to exist between the two parties.
The defendant argued in one of his motions that the court should issue an order of estoppel preventing the government from denying the validity of the agreements the government drafted and approved on the narrow basis of any preceding approval by the probation officer. He argued both that the contract does not require that approval and that to whatever extent it does require that approval, (1) that requirement is highly ambiguous, and (2) it is not explicitly stated in the contract, and thus any question of the existence of that requirement must be answered in favor of the defendant’s motion for estoppel.
Scarsi rules in defendant’s favor with respect to approval. He denies the government’s contention that deemed “approval” of the agreement is dependent upon a signature by the probation officer: The Diversion Agreement is unambiguous, and the Government’s position on its interpretation cannot change its meaning.
But Scarsi also rules against defendant’s motion for estoppel. To do so he finds an alternative interpretation of the agreement, one not argued by either party, nor explicitly described within the agreement. Scarsi concludes that while “approval” of the probation officer is not a requirement in order for the agreement to “exist” (rendering our fucktard troll wrong 🤡), he also concludes that the agreement is not put “into effect” until signed by the probation officer, and is not binding upon the parties until then. This conclusion is certainly not spelled out within the agreement. Although Scarsi finds it to be strongly implied by both the structure of the agreement and its use of specific language in specific circumstances. And a very strong argument exists that this finding by Scarsi lies squarely within the ambit of ambiguity that both statute and binding precedent direct Scarsi to answer in favor of the defendant’s interpretation, not the government, and not his own.
Biden’s attorney, Lowell, attempted to respond to this specific finding within the agreed upon timeframe. But since Scarsi rushed this order to docket sixteen days ahead of schedule that memo would only bear upon issues the judge has now already ruled upon prematurely.
Something that ought to stand out by now in this ruling is that it becomes mooted should it ever be found that, with the agreement approved by the two parties, it had at some point become “executed” by some approval from the probation officer. In one of defendant’s motions he argued that this did in fact happen and he offers direct evidence to the court that the two parties and the probation officer had jointly reached agreement.
“The parties and Probation have agreed to revisions to the diversion agreement to more closely match the conditions of pretrial release that Probation recommended in the pretrial services report issued yesterday.”
Scarsi reaches once again here to get around this report in a couple of ways, one of which is fairly egregious. First the trial judge disregards once again his obligation to reach findings around ambiguity in the agreement in favor of the non-drafting party. First we have a letter to the defendant and his lawyers from the probation officer specifically expressing “her recommendation in favor of the Diversion Agreement and copy of the Agreement.” Then we have the report referenced above in which the probation officer has joined with the parties to the agreement to modify the agreement to better align with pre-trial services recommendations. It is highly reasonable, given those two facts accepted by the court, that at the time the agreement was approved by the two parties to it, it was also effectively executed owing to the prior existence of this expressed agreement by the probation officer. If a reasonable understanding of the agreement by the non-drafting party is that it’s execution is predicated by an expressed approval from the probation officer, and if that approval already exists at the time the agreement is signed by the two parties, then a reasonable understanding by the non-drafting party exists at the time the parties sign that the agreement commences to be in effect and binding upon signature by the parties. By refusing to recognize this reasonable understanding by the non-drafting party Scarsi bypasses his legal obligation to determine misunderstanding between parties in favor of the non-drafting party.
But that is not actually the “egregious” error. The more glaring judicial error lies in this quote from the judge’s ruling:
The Court resists Defendant’s ouroboric theory that the Probation Officer manifested approval of an agreement the parties changed in response to the purported approval. Further, the Court doubts the Probation Officer manifested approval of the revised version of the Diversion Agreement passively by being party to an email circulating the updated draft. (See Clark Decl. Ex. T.)
Ex. T references the report above in which the parties inform the court that, “The parties and Probation have agreed to revisions to the diversion agreement to more closely match the conditions of pretrial release that Probation recommended in the pretrial services report issued yesterday.”
“The parties” did not change the agreement.
“The parties and Probation” changed the agreement.
That’s not just a glaring mistake, but it’s also telling on Scarsi. He isn’t just reaching to find an interpretation of the agreement that lies outside the record, he’s reaching to find an interpretation that is in direct conflict with that record.
This wouldn’t be at all the first time ever that a lower court criminal trial judge used to calling balls and strikes at a criminal trial fucked up in favor of the government in sorting out what is essentially a body of law (contracts) lying almost entirely outside of the criminal code and procedures. And it’s very common for “law and order” criminal court judges to take an extremely dim view of all pre-trial agreements in criminal cases that exclude them from the process, despite the fact that our criminal system is entirely built upon them.
This is what appeals courts are for.
Finish…no not that…your plate.
José Andrés’ charity World Central Kitchen lost seven aid workers in an Israeli drone strike.
The thing is, World Central kitchen according to reports were constantly updating IDF of their coordinates and the delivery was pre-approved by IDF so how did this happen?
Oh. Starvation is the key component to eliminating the civilian population.
The strike by the IDF went just as planned. Food aid stops flowing.
The lying idiot confused an MTD with an effort to delay.
Since taking Hunter Biden as his client the public record clearly demonstrated that Abbe Lowell has pushed for speedy process and fought against efforts at delay by David Weiss.
I won’t be surprised if Lowell opts to hold this ruling for an appeal after trial. Hunter Biden would not have to worry about going to jail. Based on this ruling alone any appeal automatically has a likelihood to succeed on the merits. And if found guilty, given the underlying offenses charged a custodial sentence is very unlikely.
So that makes going straight to trial a valid option for Hunter Biden. That doesn’t make him innocent or “exonerate” him, any more than it makes him guilty (although he obviously is). And I’ve never once argued that.
But like any defendant, Hunter Biden is entitled to reliance upon binding agreements with prosecutors. The only reason David Weiss has the evidence against Hunter Biden that is so likely to result in a trial verdict of guilty is that Hunter Biden supplied it all to him over the course of two years of painstaking cooperation. In return for that cooperation he relied upon the promises of David Weiss that he would not seek a custodial sentence.
When Weiss came under attack by House Republicans he broke his promises.
So at least as far as this MTD is concerned, Biden’s guilt or innocence of being a degenerate cocaine addict who neglected to pay taxes are irrelevant. He’s all that and more. And he hasn’t denied it. The issue is David Weiss going back on a binding pretrial agreement and lying about it repeatedly.
Before David Weiss unilaterally breached his agreement Biden sought speed and certainty in resolving these allegations.
That hasn’t changed.
@ 69
Something that ought to stand out by now in this ruling is that it becomes mooted should it ever be found that, with the agreement approved by the two parties, it had at some point become “executed” by some approval from the probation officer.
The problem with this is that when the PO had the opportunity to actually sign the agreement, which no one would doubt is a full execution by her, she declined to do so. See @ 47.
So when you point to all the things that suggest tacit approval by the PO, the one action that would have ended any doubt of her approval – a signature on the document – was withheld.
Just because Justice says the PO approved doesn’t mean it’s true. How many times did the FBI flat-out lie in its FISA applications?
The PO could have signed and chose not to do so. That’s your elephant in the room, QoS McHillbilly.
@ 69, 72
…is that it becomes mooted should it ever be found that, with the agreement approved by the two parties, it had at some point become “executed” by some approval from the probation officer.
Apparently not. For in that diversion agreement was this clause:
The diversion agreement was different than the items given preapproval by the PO. Because it was materially different it required new approval, which was withheld.
Crude oil now about $85/bbl.
Say, Queen YLB, I hope your fucked kids aren’t still counting on seven rate cuts this year. You broke the bad news to them, didn’t you, Princess?
This is profoundlhy stupid. Thus the well earned name.
Profoundly stupid because the Probation Officer and the Special Counsel Weiss both work for and represent the same party to the agreement – the government.
How the government, as a party to a contract, works out its own internal jealousies and equities is neither a concern of the defendant, nor the defendant’s responsibility. It would under any circumstances be manifestly unjust to make the defendant’s rights to the performance in the contract depend upon an internal disagreement by the opposing counter party to the contract. This is fundamental controlling law with regard to these kinds of pretrial agreements, as well as contracts in general. And that’s probably the reason why Judge Scarsi disagrees with and rules against both this profoundly stupid troll and the government on this point. The absence of the Probation Officer’s signature from the agreement is held by Scarsi to not alter the meaning of the agreement, nor to overcome the government’s expression of approval of the agreement with it’s signature.
…the Government’s position on its interpretation cannot change its meaning. The contract means what it says it means. The contract was approved by both parties to the contract. Scarsi rules specifically that the contract is approved. But Scarsi holds that the contract was not “in effect” until approved by the Probation Officer, which is among a host of controlling clauses within the contract that attempt to specify the precise circumstances under which the contract is in effect. The parties both agree to this term. Both the Special Counsel and the Probation Officer represented to the defendant that the Probation Officer approved of the contract. Thus the defendant is entitled to depend upon the contract being in effect as soon as it was signed by both parties. This is basic first year shit. To get around it Scarsi has declared, in the absence of evidence and in direct contradiction with evidence in the record, that the approval by the Probation Officer never existed. That is untrue. But apparently necesarry for Scarsi to reach the findings that he did.
@50 What surveys really show is Trump needs a strong showing by RFK Jr., because Trump rarely if ever gets over 43% in national polls, which strongly suggests that more than 55% of Americans won’t vote for him no matter what.
@ 75
It would under any circumstances be manifestly unjust to make the defendant’s rights to the performance in the contract depend upon an internal disagreement by the opposing counter party to the contract.
Well, gee then, it’s a good thing POS Hunter Biden declined to sign it himself.
And if there’s an internal disagreement, then not everyone’s on board, are they? If not everyone’s in agreement and some are demanding adherence to a previous oral representation, and the diversion agreement includes specific language superceding anything previous to it, that’s sort of a problem unless all of the signature lines are filled in by willing signatories.
They weren’t. There’s no agreement.
I must say, it’s nice to see this continue to drag on so that it will be hanging over things like, say, the DNC convention in Chicago, Biden’t no-shows at debates, and Election Night.
@59 “Floridians don’t vote in WA-3 this November.”
No, but WA-3 voters may get to reject Joe Kent again.
Perhaps an example is in order.
You are a buyer trying to close on the purchase of real estate.
The contract provides an inspection period with contingencies for renegotiation based upon items revealed in the inspection.
Bog standard, boiler plate stuff.
The inspection report is completed within the timeframe and reveals a condition you as buyer believe warrants replacing the roof. You revise your offer. Let’s imagine you are a cash buyer and in no rush. Nor is the seller in a rush. Nevertheless for simplicity’s sake and to avoid potential for unintended breach, you offer to lower your purchase price to an agreed upon amount representing the cost of the replacement roof, with terms for obtaining that estimate. They seller refuses your offer and counters with an extended closing and a new roof (they know a guy, whatever). You accept in principle. Original price, new roof, extended closing.
The seller obtains quotes and proposals from roofing contractors for the replacement and agrees to your terms. The seller encloses a letter of agreement from their contractor that meets the requirements under the new purchase and sale agreement. The seller verbally assures their agent and you that the roof replacement will happen before the closing. Looks good. You and seller sign. You accept those representations and assurances and act upon them accordingly.
Days before the new closing you drive by and discover the roof is the same condition. You check on your city’s permit portal and discover that no permits have even been pulled. You contact the seller’s agent and notify them of the situation.
The seller informs his agent that his contractor fell through and is unavailable to perform the work. They learned of this failure a few weeks ago and have yet to inform anyone or do anything about it. With only a few days before closing it is impossible for the roof to be replaced before closing.
As the buyer you are entitled to enforce performance.
It is irrelevant to you that the seller’s contractor failed. The seller accepted the terms and signed the agreement. Upon closing the seller is in breach. You get to enforce.
Hunter Biden is, in my view, entitled to the terms of the agreement that government approved. The failure of the government to obtain performance on a term of the agreement that they imposed and that at the time of the agreement being signed they had assured Hunter Biden was approved, puts the goverment in breach.
@ 76
…Trump rarely if ever gets over 43% in national polls…
How about four times in the last eight days, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit?
Fox Trump 50%
Q poll Trump 45%
Economist/YouGov Trump 44%
CNBC Trump 46%
In three of the four Trump beat Biden.
Please, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, please continue to make easily disproven declarative statements. You do so with such authority, it makes the subsequent mockery of you even more comical.
@66 Trump would like this. Stoning female adulterers without trial. Stormy Daniels: Gone.
@ 79
Perhaps an example is in order.
Your example left out one important component:
Prior to closing the bank declined to fund your loan, because just before wiring the funds it learned you left your job and struck out on your own.
Doesn’t make it the seller’s fault that you didn’t get to buy the house.
There’s one more thing you keep leaving out. You claim that the DOJ and the PO are both the government. Well, so is the judge (the 7/26/23 judge), and when the PO and the judge both say there’s no agreement they’re willing to sign off on, why is the 4/1/24 judge wrong to agree with them?
Broke Don successfully posted $175M bond to keep Letitia James from stealing his shit.
The reply concerns the differences between the diversion agreement and the plea agreement. Biden was appearing to plead in Delaware. To obtain that plea the government was also agreeing to a diversion of prosecution on other charges in other jurisdictions. That scheme was authored by the Special Counsel who drafted the agreements and submitted them to the defendant. Ambiguity or defect within the terms of the agreement authored by the government are to be interpreted to favor the defendant.
Given concerns about the defendant’s constitutional rights at play, “the honor of the government, public confidence in the fair administration of justice, and the effective administration of justice in a federal scheme of government,” courts “hold[] the Government to a greater degree of responsibility than the defendant . . . for imprecisions or ambiguities in plea agreements” than they would a drafting party to a commercial contract. Clark, 218 F.3d at 1095 (internal quotation marks omitted). “As a defendant’s liberty is at stake, the government is ordinarily held to the literal terms of the plea agreement it made, so that the government gets what it bargains for but nothing more.”
In droves.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has a word for those voters. Actually, he has at least one word for each ethnicity.
Cash buyer. As stated.
Reading is fundamental, even if it is inconvenient.
Trump’s $175 million bond was posted by Kevin Morris.
Because this statement is a lie.
The DOJ Probation Officer indicated her approval of the agreement as it had been renegotiated to better align with her pretrial report. That’s in the record of the MTD. Scarsi stated the evidence in support of his findings falsely. That’s an easy appeal. If the trial record presented at appeal says “the sky is blue” and the trial judge has ruled against the defendant after finding that “the sky is not blue” then at the very least the motion must be reheard with the trial judge instructed to correct his findings and rule accordingly.
@ 79
As the buyer you are entitled to enforce performance.
Only if the contract allows specific performance. More commonly, there is an election of remedies on the seller’s side, and an option of contract termination with earnest money refunded on the buyer’s side.
I’ve had some personal experience with this. I know what “specific performance” means, and so do you.
@80 “In three of the four Trump beat Biden.”
In three of the four Trump got 44% – 46%, and the other one was Fox. Thanks for proving my point.
@82 If you have to refute a hypothetical by creating an entirely different hypothetical, you haven’t refuted anything.
@85 High home prices are due to a shortage of homes. The shortage of homes was caused by underbuilding. The underbuilding was caused by the housing crisis. The housing crisis was caused by the subprime crisis. The subprime crisis was caused by deregulation.
That’s an awful lot of causation threads to follow to figure out that Republican deregulaton caused today’s high home prices, and many frustrated young home buyers may not follow all of those threads nor understand that Republicans put them in the spot they’re in.
And all of them are too young to remember what happened when Republicans deregulated the savings and loan industry in the 1980s.
@87 Trump’s $175 million bond was posted by
Kevin MorrisDon Hankey.
@89 Well, if you’re so good at this, why do you have to keep changing the facts to make your answer correct?
@ 94
I pervert @ 87 the facts, at times, as sarcasm. As a joke.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, you mangle @ 76 the facts with startling regularity because you are a joke. Then you dissemble @ 90 rather than acknowledge your mistake because you are a coward.
@ 86
Noted. It was buried and I missed it.
@ 92
@85 High home prices are due to a shortage of homes.
High Maserati prices are due to a shortage of Maseratis.
@95 Every Republican I know, every time I catch them lying, or debunk some assertion that isn’t true, they claim it was a “joke.”
Well, I’m here to give you a heads-up that if you ever get caught in a perjury, saying you were just joking won’t work as a defense as well as it does in political arguments.
@96 “I missed it.”
Amateur lawyer commits malpractice. Not off to a good start.
@97 “High Maserati prices are due to a shortage of Maseratis.”
Not true. There are enough Maseratis for everyone who wants and can afford one.
Should I rename the troll “trite”?
As an example, the issue of terms and performance in real estate contracts has no use whatsoever insofar as illutrating individual state law has no bearing on the application of federal law and statutes has to federal criminal pretrial agreements.
Guess what? The rising tide analogy of the troll’s beloved Chicago School tinkle down theories must be useless since people aren’t made out of wood and don’t burn (h/t to Sir Vladimir).
The daily white nationalist whiner retracted a story???
Wonders never cease..
And all of them are too young to remember what happened when Republicans deregulated the savings and loan industry in the 1980s.
Some people (like Charles Keating) went to jail for that. On repuke watch even..
No wonder kreepshit likes Obama now..
Looks like these Republicans would rather bleed out than get a little Covid vaccine in their transfusions.
Which is okay by me, as I’ll be one of the last to interfere with someone else’s personal health care decisions.
The trend isn’t the dumbfuck’s friend. On March 8th, the RCP Average had Orange Jesus +2.0. now it’s +1.0.
That said, polls aren’t what they used to be. Pink Pussy Hat marchers are now truly pissed off women voters who fuck with the polls because they get a kick out fucking with heads of Nazi control freaks like our dumbfuck.
The dumbfuck learned nothing from Kansas. It can now be said that the dumbfuck has learned nothing from Alabama.
Peter Navarro doesn’t like prison.
Should I rename the troll “trite”?
Nah, the name “dumbfuck” covers that one too.
@ 101
As an example, the issue of terms and performance in real estate contracts has no use whatsoever…
Guy who brings up home purchase analogy rushes to change the subject when performance begins working against him.
@ 105
The trend isn’t the dumbfuck’s friend. On March 8th, the RCP Average had Orange Jesus +2.0. now it’s +1.0.vvv
You should look at battleground state polling.
Then change your shorts.
Still struggling with the reading.
The adoption, application, and limitation of the common law election of remedies doctrine in your individual state’s specific statutes governing real estate transactions does not apply to pretrial agreements in federal criminal cases.
There’s a reason I suppose I should add explaining why state statutes are enacted to circumscribe how real estate purchase and sale agreements are executed.
It’s because we dismally allow real estate agents to execute these kinds of agreements.
Have you met any?
Even with all these guardrails in place, brokers supposedly overseeing their agreements, and lawyers backstopping the brokers, most closing contracts have errors the rescue of which is the contemplated conditions never arise, or the parties are too dumb to notice.
Don’t sell to a lawyer.
Lawyers actually read the documents.
Where ‘stealing’ is defined by ‘satisfying the legal requirements of a biding judgement by the court.’
What a Dumbfuck.
And he’s not going to win the appeal. No one, not even the most die hard Republican law firms, thinks he will.
The only card he’s got left is to appeal the severity of the financial penalty as excessive.
And he’s on the hook for $175M to the securer of the note AND whatever above that amount is the judgement of the Appellate court.
79 year old retiree who’s last paid consulting gig for a United States political campaign was 30 years ago really has the Rizz on what the kids are thinking today.
Skibbidy. You’re so Ohio. He’s giving cringe basic.
Death Panels.
Patient presents with gaping wound and is in danger of expiring due to exsanguination. By all means, take a moment to ask if they want the Cabernet blood or the Pinot. Organic or conventional. Sorry our supplies of conventional are depleted.
You dead?
@80 & 90
Dumbfuck’s numbers only work out in a strict head to head race which isn’t a real world scenario and he knows it. Does anyone really think that by the end of the Summer RFK Jr., with all the anti-vax conspiracy quotes, that the Jews and the Chinese are immune to Covid-19, Vaccines cause autism, and backing the 15 week abortion ban, is going to get the 9-13% of the vote that he’s showing now?
With Stein/West/Kennedy in the questionnaire here’s Donnie the Felon’s numbers in the polls conducted from mid to late March:
Traflager (Republican sponsored) 43%
Economist/YouGov 44%
Forbes/Harris 42%
Fox News 43%
Quinnipiac 39%
Harvard/Harris 43%
Telling a pollster in March that you’re voting 3rd party and actually doing it in November are two very different things.
One other thing to keep in mind about the Fox News poll, though Gallup found in January that 27% of Registered voters identify as Democrats and 27% identify as Republicans and 43% identify as Independents, the poll is 42% Democrat, 43% Republican and 17% other.
No data released on M/F which as we have seen in 2020 and 2022 women make up more than 50% of the votes cast. Side note to Fox poll….59% agree that abortion should be legal in all or most cases. 65% reject a federal ban. 58% reject a ban after six weeks, 54% reject a ban after 15 weeks and only at 24 weeks do you see an even split among voters.
Say, when is the court going to release the Mifepristone ruling? Is it going to be in the heart of the summer campaign? Most likely but they may rush it because they are totally apolitical.
@112 The dumbfuck troll is struggling with legal terminology today. Maybe we should give him a used copy of Black’s Law Dictionary for his birthday.
Taiwan hit by big earthquake. Some buildings collapsed. Beijing is now lowering its appraisals of the island.
You should look at battleground state polling.
See what I mean? Nothing learned.
As though “Get ready for The Pain hasn’t consistently made the dumbfuck Nazi coward look like a dumbfuck.
Perhaps the dumbfuck Nazi coward should instead taunt us with plans to again attempt to violently end our democracy.. Who knows? Perhaps the second attempt will be the charm, what with lessons learned from his failed J6 insurrection of cosplaying grandmothers.
Send cosplaying grandfathers next time? That should do it, I’m sure.