MoJo: Tea Party shoots itself in to foot again.
Tax experts assess how likely it is that Romney paid no taxes for a decade.
Eli Sanders attempts to interview Bruce Danielson.
Charges brought in an actual case of election fraud. Wanna guess which party?
Markos: We are winning! (Of course, HA readers have known this all along.)
Mini-essay. Which of our local papers actually wield some influence among the electorate? The Stranger endorses a third-party candidate against Frank Chopp…as a write-in, and she likely comes in second place. How did the Seattle Times do? Not so well.
And what will Mother Jones say if McCaskill loses? Oopsie we were wrong? Like their “mea culpa” on Scott Walker?
Nice to see Frankie being challenged from the left. Doubt Kshama Sawant will come anywhere close to knocking Chopp out, but it’s still nice to see. Also nice to see a third party advancing to the general election.
At least those four with voting fraud didn’t include dead people like she did.
Ahhh yes, another DUMMOCRAPT bred racist and sad ad attacking Allen West.
Slick Willard in August 2011:
“Corporations are people my friend”
Slick Willard in August 2012:
@ spuddy
“The Daily Caller”? Seriously?
Oh Fraggy… Fact – the woman is in the slammer!
Oh Fraggy… Fact – You are an OWS idiot!
Nuff Said Sucka!
Oh my this video is soooooo funny. Taken after Sandra Fluke introduced Obummer.
Spuddy, you want to know why us liberal folk know you have some serious cognitive dysfunction and mental illness?
Because you always come in here, you type your spiel like a little kid throwing a tantrum, like some spoiled, dumbass pre-teen with little care for anything outside of your own little demands on how you think the world should act toward you.
You rave and rant in support of a socioeconomic paradigm that would see you black folks relegated to sweeping floors, emptying garbage cans and shining shoes in the street, no matter what your educational qualifications or intelligence level. They would call you “boy” no matter how old you were, and they would have you required to sit on the back of the bus by law. They would prevent you from voting if they could, and are making serious inroads into doing just that in many States around the Nation.
And they would hang your dumb ass from the nearest tree and burn your house down in a heartbeat if they even thought for a second that you stepped out of line.
All of that based entirely on the color of your skin.
Thats what Conservatives fought tooth and nail to keep for decades. They don’t want or need your vote. They don’t want or need your opinions, they just have to point and shout: “See? The coloreds is alright with this, as long as they have loose shoes, a tight pussy and a warm place to shit, we won’t get any troubles from them.”
THAT is the Conservative philosophy, what it has always been, and what it will always be.
Uh Oh. Willard has blasphemed again. Yesterday it was admitting socialized medicine exists/works. Today, St. Ronald of Reagan didn’t overturn communism and tear down that wall.
Wow so much to answer here from the latest Fraggy temper tantrum.
You of all people speaking about mental illness. You who love to scream “take your meds”. You who trumpet the OWS and have nothing to say about their actions. Hmmm… lessee rape, drug use, anarchy, threats to blow up infrastructure, mayhem, rabble rousing, murder, etc. The list continue to grow. Yet you spew Teahaddist crap and there was none of this at Glenn Beck’s latest meeting in Dallas. There was none of this at any Tea Party gathering this summer. So riddle me this… who has the mental issues and cognitive dysfunction? Surely not me ya moron! Project much? Psych 101. Look in the mirror.
Tantrum? Spiel? I post facts about libtards. There are so easy to find. You scream about Teahaddists. That’s all you have. Where have they created havoc in America? You can’t go one day without some stupid Teahaddist tantrum. Apparently you can’t deal with the world as it seems to have left you back. More projection. More Psych 101 issues!
WTF? You forgot this?
You see Fraggy I back my arguments with facts. You deliver arguments full of bullshit. You have a really dimwitted world view of race relations in America. Northern DUMMOCRAPTS still call me boy today. Northern DUMMOCRAPTS Fraggy. You are as stupid as a brick. When I work in the southern states, I get full respect from Southern Whitey. Why? RESPECT! They don’t talk about me behind their back, they ask me questions after class. You are still living in the past. Why would the Tea Party and southern peeps elect Allen West and Tim Scott to congress? It’s northern DUMMOCRAPTS who buried H. Carl McCall who was running for NY Governor. Northern carpetbaggers. Of course you forgot that. There is an old adage that holds true: DUMMOCRAPTS run a KKK person versus the Republican, black voters would still vote for the DUMMOCRAPT. So sad even in 2012.
You are still living in the past. That’s all you have. The rest of your rant isn’t worth my time.
Germans tore down the wall. Man checksez is a moron too!
What a responsible couple.
I Bet God is really proud of some of his followers. They had the bible with them in hand, never leave home without it.
Puffy telling women to keep their pussy clean.
Keep your pussy clean, keep your pussy clean. 2nd Grade English.
@ spuddy,
There you go again, conflating Liberal with Democrat. The two are NOT the same thing.
YOU forget, that I worked in machine shops, on drilling rigs and heavy construction for 30 years. I know how a lot of the white guys talk when there’s no black folks around, I was there inside those conversations. Black guy comes over, and the talk gets real friendly and “nice”, talking about sports or whatever. But as soon as the guy leaves, its back to “fuckin niggers this, and fucking niggers that” and “that goddamn monkey keeps pushin his weight around like that he’s like to see the bottom of four shaft”. (This in reference to the Structural/Architectural engineer that was supervising the frame placement, a man with two goddamn Masters Degrees.)
There are still a LOT of machine shops and fabrication companies and construction firms that will not hire a black skinned human, no matter what his qualifications except to maybe keep the floors swept. Try to get hired on an offshore drill rig in Louisiana or Texas Spudds. Try to get a manufacturing business started in Mississippi or Tennessee or northwestern Florida Spudds. Try to get a loan to expand your business anywhere in the deep south or the Midwest.
Oh, they’ll be nice and real polite about it, blowing smoke up your ass about “how the company just cannot support this loan based on your business analysis”, or ” We don’t see how the local economy could likely be able to support this expansion at this time.” or some such bullshit.
It’s always something. It still exists. You’re so busy licking the shitty soles of the boots of your Party masters that you completely ignore the fact that it was LIBERALS that gave the black man the right to vote, own property and go to public school. You are deliberately ignoring the fact that it was LIBERALS who walked with Martin Luther King and Metger Evers while the Conservatives were plotting to murder those men. It was LIBERALS who spent decades to end institutional slavery of the African Race while the white conservatives went to war with the Nation to maintain it. The only reason you have the ability to read and write is the fact that LIBERALS fought the mainstream conservatives to allow you to learn how to do so. It wasn’t until about 130 years ago that it was even allowed to teach a black man that. A white man that taught a black man to read and write could be killed for doing this, and many were.
It was LIBERALS who literally risked their lives to support the black folks when the transit boycotts and the garbage strikes were going on throughout the South; giving them rides to work and loading up pickup trucks full of trash to take to the dumps themselves. It was LIBERALS who risked their lives to register black folks to vote and to end the literacy tests and poll taxes that so many States required exclusively for the black folks to be allowed to vote.
Democrat does not equal Liberal. But Republican is always Conservative. We all know where you stand, but it is also obvious you have absolutely no clue, or are willfully ignoring your own party’s history and the paradigm it serves. You want to go back to the Jim Crow days, or the days before reconstruction, you go right on ahead with your bad self. But I doubt you would like it much, especially when your daughter gets raped by a white guy and the cops just laugh at your dumb ass when you try to report it, or a white family moves into your house while you are at a relatives funeral two States away and then have you arrested when you try to come home. Because that is what was going on until the mid-1950s. The GOP wants those days back, and they say so in no uncertain terms, when they know there are no black folks listening in.
Puffy interpreting the bible.
Conservatism and Religious nuts going to bring the Country down. But heck, let’s preoccupy our time worrying if their will be enough doctors out there.
@ GMan
Nobody said black folks cannot be psychotic religious assholes. I’ve known plenty, I lived in the Haight for two years. I’ve known psychotic Jewish assholes. I’ve known a couple of psychotic Moslem assholes. I have met several psychotic Hindu assholes. Racist, jingoistic, and nasty people I wouldn’t want around my house.
Every branch of the human race has a fair number of these folks. Too stupid, selfish, close-mined and ignorant to be allowed to make decisions for other people.
@18 Religious nuts are religious nuts, it just reminded me of Puffy clinging to his religion.
I know you are trying to help him, but I think you are fighting a losing battle.
Hey Righties, here’s you guy on gay marriage:
Like I’ve been saying: you’re guy is closer to me politically than he is to you.
What? Libtard=DUMMOCRAPT! That’s what Roger DUMB Wabbit, the “legal” scholar of this blog has been raving about for years!
The rest of your rant is gibberish as always. You think all bidness peeps are Republican? Where do you get off? How do you think so many DUMMOCRAPTS are rich in America? They inherited it?
Man you are stupid. DUMMOCRAPTS don’t care a hoot about blacks!
President Obama’s lead grows to 49 – 40 in Fox News poll, up from last month’s 45 – 41 lead. Leads Romney by 11 points with independents, up from 4 point lead last month.
“The Obama campaign has spent heavily on advertising attacking Romney’s time at Bain Capital and his tax returns. And it appears to be working. Romney’s favorable rating dropped six percentage points since last month and now sits at 46 percent, down from 52 percent in mid-July. At the same time his unfavorable rating went up five points.”
The cost to redefine Romney with early ads: Tens of millions
Redefining Romney: Priceless
You know Sean Puff Daddy Coombs religion? Wow gman is a wealth of information!
Lordy, a nine point lead and growing. That’s gotta really suck for Bob and Jody/Ev/Klynical. Those guys were rank with fear as they talked about how the president was blowing his cash early. The fact is, they were scared to death that this would happen to their candidate and now they realize that their fears were well founded.
The good news for Bob and Klynical? They still have time to dump Romney. But you’ve got to move on it, guys. That means that you’re gonna have to take your thumb out of your asses and do some real ground work for a change. Either that or pray to Diebold for a miracle. Or maybe you can just step up on the voter suppression and take it to another level.
Just imagine the pleasure you’d take, Bob, from telling some little old black lady, “You can’t vote!” You’d love that, wouldn’t you? It’d be almost as good for you as telling her to get in the back of the bus, right, Bob?
Michelle Malkin smacks another libtard
P R I C E L E S S!
So Obummer’s buds at Goldman Sucks will not face prosecution over the financial meltdown. That really sucks!
@25 With what? A marshmallow?
# 24: I keep wondering what would happen if the GOP convention delegates realize that they are heading straight off a cliff, and rebel and vote “anybody else” when called for the first ballot!
@26 Have another drink, putz. Celebrate! The people who brought down our economy, destroyed the American Dream, and made millions unemployed go scot free! A great day for conservatives like you!
Imagine the pleasure white DUMMOCRAPT leaders telling blacks who want to run for office or blacks trying to stay in office, we don’t want your kind anymore.
Well Piddly, Puffy, in many songs seems to indicate some of his religious beliefs. Here’s just one of his big time radio hits…
“I miss you Big
It’s kinda hard with you not around (yeah)
Know you in heaven smilin down (eheh)
Watchin us while we pray for you
Every day we pray for you
Til the day we meet again”
But thanks for trying, and failing, to make a bad joke.
In other good news for John McCain, the vote counting in the 2012 WA primary continues to show McKenna & Dunn being beaten and done.
Cue the goodnight Irene soundtrack.
These are very dark days for our trolls.. They are desperate.. Searching for a ray of hope…
It’s going to be a very interesting vibe here in threads over the coming weeks..
dark days? LOL, you must talking about your sex life.
We are doing great is going great for Max and the mrs….all three side businesses are doing better than expected for this year..
youre in the basement trolling nutball sites, while Im making money hand over fist, and having a great time doing it…yep, dark days indeed.
how does it feel to have your life look like shit compared to simple ole “stupid” max’s?
yep, we is some real stupid people over here…
you should be happy, YLBolo – ole max and the mrs are paying your family’s way…lets just say we got your “fair share” covered.
So the skinny is that the Huntsman family is the source for Reid’s assertion on Willard (R-Money)’ not paying taxes.
Interesting theory. Huntsman Sr. is a big supporter of Harry Reid.
“Our Christian tradition teaches that we are to treat the poor with dignity and to prioritize the poor in our policies as a society,” the organization said in a press release on Thursday. “At a time when millions are struggling financially, it is degrading to talk about the ‘dependency’ of people hurting in this economy, as Gov. Romney did recently.”
Ryan is the perfect VP choice for this entitled jerk who seems to fancy himself as one of the “elected”.
Sorry little racist maxie – you got R-Money being a loser all right (even after filthy rich right wing dopes squandering millions on him) but it’s not looking too good for Bobby Mac..
After 3 Dino Lossi’s – heh that’s too sweet..
Poor little racist maxee..
Poor little racist maxee – our family is doing great thank you very much..
We’re not racist…
My kids don’t have a racist mean-spirited prick as role model..
Wow I sure hope they look at you real hard and do something way different.
Oh my suck on this ylbuttspigot…
When you don’t have a record you smear your opponent!
A bunch of liars…
And where is the outrage over this? Imagine if this happened on a Romney ad. Every nightly news story would be carrying this.
Slobbering libtard news… no wonder why they continue to lose viewership!
40 – LMAO! And this is helping people like a tax dodging plant-closing right winger with strange religious beliefs how?
teh razits! teh razits!
being a lazy slob “living on the internet” the basement and havin g the wife wear the pants is hardly a good role model.
not to worry, your kids will make great employees for my kids(once yours are trained correctly).
43 – LMAO!!! You scored an own goal with that burrito,taco,pinata and other assorted racist shit.
You’re a moron maxee. Sure sucks to be you.
How do you like our newest State Supreme Court Justice?
I’m sure you voted for the other guy. The skin color (and the lack of any qualifications like brains) I’m sure was more pleasing to you.
you forgot cholo…which I am sure pretty accurately describes you.
oh, and I voted for Gonzales….far more qualified. Hopefully he will do a good job.
Im sure you voted for him because of his color…cmon now, just admit it…
now tell me again how I did an own goal…oh wait, before you do that, go make me a fish taco… those things.
Not a chef racist maxee.. If I was I’d refuse service to out racists. Visit the nearest Azteca if they don’t turn you out first.
nah….Azteca sucks….its like Sizzler for mexican food. blech.
ya, I kinda figured you werent a make the old lady work all day, and then make her cook for you when she gets home….Im sure you told her what a tough day you had “living on the internet”….
doing your “fair share”($0) is a tough job.
Ummm stupido… you forgot when the plant was closed an Obummer bundler was the managing partner.
Too bad you don’t pay attention to facts when you live on left wrong whack job sites!
48 – And this is helping people like voting for a tax dodging, plant closing, talking out both sides of this stupid mouth right winger how?
you are talking to lemmings puddy…I doubt even a single one will respond to Lavine and GST Steel.
Heh… After reading your racist drivel here it’s just perfect imho… I couldn’t have made a better call.
guess I was wrong…YLBolo proves they will respond, but they do so blindly…in complete denial.
accept for the fact it was wrong….lmfao..
what a gomer.
Name-calling racist maxee the role model..
Can you say go have a taco and stfu????
Sure you can.. You can be a racist too… like maxee…
A moron like this is walking child abuse.
Nighty night racist!
LMAO!!! That’s the funniest line of the night..
Two functioning synapses blink!
“The scene was from stock footage bought from a Cincinnati video company…’
How stupid are you? Debunked by your own link.
run YLBolo, run! Teh razits are gonna get you!
fucking loser….
But of course Mittens has quite a record…
Of being on both sides of each and every issue…
YLB goes to Sounder game and mouths off to the wrong guy….
What is with you guys, always in love with violence?
thanks for the feedback, Mr. Sensitive Ponytail man.
No really, I’d like to know. Why the love for violence? It seems to be a popular theme for you.
Looks like it will be a pro-choice, pro-gay marriage Democrat running against a pro-choice, pro-gay marriage Republican in the race for the 6th CD this fall.
And used in the Obummer ad. Another libtardo stupido!
ekim, still taking animal appendages and his drugs up his ASS!
Kind of off topic. My first job out of college involved shooting/editing and distributing b-roll and stock footage. I see some of my stuff from time to time still.
If you ever see a news report on Vegas gambling it’s almost always mine. Casinos don’t allow filming but I shot nearly the entire staff of the Vegas Visitors Bureau pretending to gamble and all the casinos were using it in their in-room hotel info channel. It’s still on the FTP site where media can pull Vegas b-roll. (why when I was your age, you submitted a request and we shipped you a Betacam SP…get off my lawn.)
But back to the topic, what Puddy, and the lady complaining about the use of her store knows but won’t admit, is a thing called a release form. No one in that industry would sell a frame of video with a legible business logo without one. It invites a slam-dunk lawsuit.
So once again, a nothing story is outrage du jour for the knuckle dragging set.
To an asshat (like little racist maxee) – ALL problems are best solved by violence..
If the shit don’t work, just slather on more of it.
Look at many of the moron maxee’s handles – all point to macho fantasy heroes who commit violent acts at the end of the story.
Why?? The shit ran in the family most likely.
nah, you got max all wrong…Im all about the lovin’
obnoxious little racist misogynist maxee would call this “pussification”..
I call it civilization..
Good on the 6th CD..
thats actually pretty cool…
Got proof ylbuttspigot? Where did he tax dodge? Where did he close the GST plant?
Man you are the missing link. Good BYE!
geezus YLB, you really are a whiny little girl arent you.
Im cool with gay marriage, doesnt really matter to me, as my moisture missile like the clam, not the hairy manbutt-slam.
Actually, I think your wife might be a lesbian, because its obvious she married a very feminine “man”.
as for pro-choice(or legalized infanticide) – I dont personally condone it, but I dont see it being made illegal anytime soon, so Im not gonna worry about that either.
keep flailing away little “man”
you done with that damn fish taco yet?
my family has most likely always paid your family’s “fair share”…the least you freeloaders could say is “thank you”
just sayin….
YLB trying to verbally spare with max is like a munchkin trying to box with god.
your arms arent long enough, homes
Do we need to take your word for it or will you show your tax returns?
It’s interesting to see ylbitchslapped by max. It was hilarious!
Oh lookie here…
Then they try to erase the comment from the nets. But Glenn Beck has it!
No wonder Obummer won’t release the visitor logs. I thought the whitey house was the people’s house. Well with Obummer in the whitey house, he thinks it’s his personal possession!
What’s with the misogyny PStupid? The female hitsquad trolls will not approve..
Remember this?
It was priceless!!!!
Raised an ignorant racist hater like you..
If that’s the case then the least I can say is fuck you very much for all the bad you’ve done.
Manufacturing scandal where there is none. Malkin has another psychotic episode. These are the actions of a spoiled, eight-year-old child. She’s just fucking nuts.
Notice they almost never let Williams speak, and shout him down when he tries, then go on a totally off-topic rant that is completely unrelated to the original interview.
You Goopers are just a bunch of spoiled little kids.
thats pretty funny – if you saw a picture of my family, you would realize what an asinine comment that is.
but hey, its par for the course for a failure like you, whose only recourse in life is shout “razits! razits!” from the rooftops.
just another reason why you will never go anywhere or be anything.
gotta run to work – as I need to keep paying your “fair share”..
7 more Americans killed in Afghanistsan.
YLBolo will demand that they be back page news because their deaths no longer serve a post-2008 political purpose.
where are the daily death counts YLBolo? Oh yeah, I forgot, its post 2008 election and that information is no longer “important”.
If you wish to post daily death counts, feel free to do so.
Nobody is stopping you.
76. ButtPutty the Goatboy spews:
…Then they try to erase the comment from the nets.
This is precious. BUTTputty conspiracy theories.
The THEY was Youtube. Youtube deleted a user account which had repeatedly posted copyrighted material. Must be the Goatboy supports the theft of private property…
Once again ekim the moron takes another animal appendage up the ASS. Your precious union leader the excuse copyright infringements. Keep dope alive.
Still feels good up da butt eh ekim?
More useless attacks from the crazed deranged databaze. Up to 82 and counting.
MORE EPIC FAYLES ylbitchslapped!
@75 it is also childish, but par for the course for Conservative Republicans. Grow up Max and Puffy.
My three year old nephew has more class than Puffy.
Why are you still talking about Sean Puff Daddy Coombs gman?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! So sad to see ylbuttspigot scream to no one over and over so much that he thinks it’s misogyny against ylbitchslapped, his uglier half!
Oh, you mean grow up and start shouting “the heteros are the murdererereres!”.
Go back to sleep, tool.
@90 – you said it, not me.