– Can we finally admit that the war on cars is a war by cars?(h/t)
– What would you like to see in the next Seattle budget?
– What should happen in the upcoming special session?
– Will Rick Santorum ever get rid of his Google problem?
– Is there anything sadder than Jonah Goldberg trying to think?
– Does Amazon want its employees to suffer from heat stroke, or is it just indifferent?
– Anybody going to the Safe Streets Social?
– How many muffins for that surgery?
Just read the Jonah Goldberg link – ugh. Which blogger labeled him the “doughy pantload”? Right on.
It’s all such an evil mix of greed, condescension, shameless whining like a victim, racism, aggressive know-nothingism, smarmy and self-righteous religiosity, sexism. These people are like Ferengi, only worse.
Oops – I liked to wikipedia – Puddy is gonna swing by and smack me down, no doubt!
I’m just glad that someone else reads Goldberg’s tripe so I don’t have to.
Rachel’s last campaign is drawing to a close, there’s only seven days left. The kid did good, raising over $1,254,000 so far. Her birthday wish to bring clean water to other boys and girls will come true, made possible by tens of thousands of people from around the world who were moved by the story of Rachel’s selfless wish and clicked here,
Krugman gets it right.
Goldberg is a punk. All conservatives are punks. Wingnut punks don’t rock, they reek.
So, we are supposed to depend on the same teabaggers that cheered letting a young man in a coma die for charity to pay people’s medical bills? Ron Paul’s aide couldn’t get insurance because of a pre-existing condition and died leaving 400k in medical bills. Ron Paul’s supporters, years later, have only donated 38k towards that situation.
It looks like the Tea Party folks in Indiana have decided to “primary” their six-term GOP senator, Richard Lugar. They want to replace him with a challenger who has lost several state-wide races, and only one one (for state Treasurer).
This should be interesting – I hope they give it their best efforts….
You might enjoy this one…
Republican thought bubble
# 6: You have to understand how Teabaggers decide who is “worthy” of charity.
White? (if not, proceed no further).
Christian? (if not, proceed no further).
The “Right Kind” of Christian? (if not, proceed no further).
Republican? (if not, proceed no further).
Are they the “right kind” of Republican? (If not, then proceed no fruther.)
Are they related to me? (If not, proceed no further).
After fully examining every aspect of their lives, is there any possible argument I can use to say it’s really their own fault? (if so, proceed no further).
Looks like HA hero Whackminojab wasn’t well received at the UN
Yeah all those Ron Paul FaceBook DUMMOCRAPTS are “cheep bastards”! Wait a minute… they are not tea “baggers”!
Something doesn’t jibe with Cass Sunstein’s Favorite Malleable Homer Simpson Idiot #9 argument!
7 – One of the few adults left in that Party although I shudder to think how many times he’s been “whipped” by the McConnell regime in the Senate.
Mahmoud Abbas accuses Israel of ethnic cleansing
Nary a peep from the HA crowd!
Looks like a Republican member of the Rhode Island legislature is having a hard time keeping his story together. It’s becomming unraveled the more it’s examined.
State Rep. Daniel Gordon was a Marine and served during the era of the first Gulf War. But when word leaked about a string of legal troubles, he defended himself by claiming that he was suffering from stress related to a combat injury he suffered in that war. He claimed to have been hit by shrapnel while serving in an aviation unit (ground support), some eight miles south of Bahgdad.
The first problem with that story is that U.S. forces were nowhere in the vicinity of Bahgdad during the first gulf war. They stopped far short of that point, and there was criticism that then-President George. H.W. Bush called off further attacks before U.S. forces linked up just north of the Kuwait border (which allowed Saddam to get thousands of tanks out of Kuwait and then use them against the Shiite and Kurdish rebellions).
Secondly, reporters were finally able to get access to his military records, and he was never stationed in the middle east. His entire tour of duty was stateside, except for a six-month deployment to Japan.
Third, his records and discharge orders don’t show that he has earned the Southwest Asia Service Medal (given to members of the military serving in the Middle East during the Gulf War), nor do they show any award of a Purple Heart for his injuries – or any reference at all to him being wounded in combat.
Predictably, there were calls for his resignation.
No Gulf War record found for RI lawmaker
Mr. Goldberg claims that he is an Episcopalian.
Yeah, figures the righties wouldn’t call for him to step down, which he should. What a fuckwit.
Gee Pud, rational people know that Ahmadinajad bas about as much say over his country’s affairs as Rick Santorum has over how the Google algorithm works. But if it gives you a good reason to be afraid, have at it.
Where was Michael’s voice when Richard Blumenthal claimed he was a Vietnam veteran. Did you cal for him to step aside from replacing Chris Dodd in Connecticut?
Oh my in the words of many HA leftists… He “pulled a Cheney”?
Wait for it…
Yeah didn’t think so!
You forgot a couple.
Are you a multi-national corporation with $500m+ profit, zero federal tax bill and a minimum of 1000 layoffs in the U.S.? Yes, FRONT IF THE LINE.
Are you an energy company? Yes. Are you in any way involved in renewable energy? No. Have you posted profit larger than any corporation in the history if the planet? Yes. FRONT IF THE LINE.
Gee czechsaaz, rational people don’t call for the absolute annihilation of Israel, except HA supporters of Ahmadinajad and Abbas!
Anyone who screams Israel has to turn another cheek is just like Ahmadinajad or Abbas!
Strange, GE comes to mind! And who is Barack ObamAA+’s Jobs CZAR?
Dear puddy neither are rational.
But getting your jockeys in a wad over either is not rational. Is Palestinian statehood going to happen while Abbas/Hamas hardliners are in charge? (see U.S. / Obama administration security council veto.)
Is allowing ultra orthodox militant Jews to settle areas that were assumed to be transfered in a two state peace accord rational?
God, it smells like someone farted in here.
Gold didn’t look quite so shiny today. At one point the yellow metal was $127 down and closed the day off $58.70 at $1,683.
@13 He can’t expect Israel to recognize a Palestinian state if Palestinians won’t recognize Israel as a state.
@21 I know a good thing when I see it. I own hundreds of shares of GE stock.
Show me a tax-dodging corporation and I’ll show you a good investment. One of my all-time favorites is Cabela’s, which brings a few score of minimum-wage retail jobs to local communities in exchange for being allowed to keep all the sales taxes it collects.
Since you libtards claim go to the UN all the time, what do the UN resolutions spell out for the Palestinians?
Let Puddy help you… They have to publicly acknowledge Israel’s right to exist. Palestinian charter calls for the destruction of Israel. Seems that’s just fine to many HA libtards!
24 – Greenback up against major currencies? Yield on U.S. Treasury down???
Yes indeed, it’s “flight to safety times” again!
Hmmmm.. What happened to the bad effects of all that debt wingnuts keep whining about???
Sigh.. Right wing dopes must be full of shit..
Then why do HA libtardos continue to support Palestinians? You just claimed neither are rational positions.
Let’s see you fight out of your own box!
And why would the world be coming the U.S.?? This might explain some of it:
5 Ways America Is Still on Top
Now if only that would help job numbers.
How about reading ya moron!
Wait you don’t do anything fundamental!
How to win the “door prize” while riding a bike. It also explains why so many cyclists ride so far to the left.
Scroll down to the second video.
Over on the 9/21 thread, the dimwit Puddy was linking to some Politico trash about Elizabeth Warren. Needless to say, ‘he’ was spewing his usual frothy, blathering idiocy.
Here is a very good take down of the right wing freak out over this courageous woman who is daring to speak the truth, including critique of the Politico article that Pud, of course, thought was the supreme take-down.
The rightards are FREAKING, and it’s beautiful.
Join her campaign here, and give a few sheckels.
Nope you DOPE. You ran to one of your favorite sites Daily Kooks. The blogger there didn’t cover the finer points of the Politico story only the things that made Ms Warren look “good” SOOOOOO Puddy linked the whole article so everyone could compare your useless entry to the real story! In the Politico story you can read her flip and then her flop!
Sooooooo what did Lib Unscientist do? Go right back to Daily Kooks AGAIN! So typically predictable!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. This Idiot Lives in Kookville!
Wow Act Blew and Daily Kooks. Two “powerful” way out there left wrongs working in concert! The winds must be getting very warm!
That Morning Joe video is awesome. Too bad Mark Halprin decided to whore himself out to Wall Street.
@30, Iran is Palestine?
O recognize that there were people living in what is now Israel who since the 1940s have systematically had their property rights violated. Their claim to an ancestral homeland is no less valid than the need for a Jewish state. The policy of Israel in my lifetime has been to marginalize those prior residents at best. Occasionally, the policy has been one of elimination.
I feel that the current construction of settlements populated by ultra fanatical religious Jews is a policy of elimination of Arabs from their ancestral lands.
See the first sentence. I was referring to the idiot Puddy. Or the talkbot or algorithm of the same name, whatever it is.
Was he never not a whore?
Do you guys smell something? Did someone take a dump in here again?
czechsaaz – don’t even try.
BTW, I think you are quite rights.
Here is a link to real liberal hate!
What is sad is I have friends with Asian wives. You can read the liberal hatred!
Typical Progressive DUMMOCRAPT!
Never heard of him… Just what the world needs.. more idiots..
Being obtuse again huh czechsaaz? Both Abbas and Whackmandinojob want to annihilate Israel. Iran and Palestinians!
What is so hard for you to understand? I doubt you’ve been there so you have no clue about the place and the issues Israelis deal with every day!
This is P R I C E L E S S! Imagine if this was under a Republican administration?
Libtardos would go NUTZO!
Great Solyndra YouTubes!
Even the NY Times is fessing up to the Solyndra debacle.
Reminds Puddy of the banner on the aircraft carrier HA libtardos went nutzo over!
Did that moron Michael try to claim Bush was involved?
@33 Okay, I watched that video several times, and what you have is someone opening the driver’s door of a parked car and a cyclist hitting the door. The cyclist had roughly 75 to 100 feet to see the open door and stop or go around it. I counted off 6 seconds between the door opening and the collision. He wasn’t forced into it by moving traffic. It looks like he simply didn’t watch where he was going. The vehicle occupant probably didn’t see him; should’ve looked in his rearview mirror, and didn’t, and you wonder why. Speaking only for myself, when I park on a busy street, I also check to mirror to see what’s behind me before getting out even if I’m not thinking about cyclists because I don’t want to get hit by a passing car or get my door ripped off.
@38 A pox on both their houses. They deserve each other. If Palestinians don’t want to be kicked around by the Israeli army, they have to stop lobbing rockets into Israel. If Israelis don’t want to live in a perpetual state of war, they have to stop treating the Palestinians like a conquered people. The sad thing about all this is that Palestinian and Israeli children have to grow up in an environment like this because their parents can’t act like adults.
Speaking of idiots..
I remember a wingnut racist nutcase called John Craig Herman (JCH) who’d put like 10 or more comments in each thread..
I had no problem scrolling past that freak’s nonsense..
I thought he went whore a couple of years back. Maybe I was just late to the party. He was whoring it up big time on that video.
The door’s still swinging open when the cyclist hit it. It was much quicker than 6 seconds. But really, what it shows is why most cyclist ride out in the lane. That way they don’t have to worry about doors in the first place. It’s a good video to show people that grumble about cyclist riding in the traffic lane.
I recall stating that the loan process got started under the Bush Admin. Which it did. Couldn’t tell ya’ if Bush himself was involved or not.
Solyndra was a fuckup. It happens. In this case it happened out in the open and the systems working to correct the problems that lead to the fuckup happening.
Shall we start a list of all the fuckups that happened under Republicans?
LOL… No need to vote for a Republican to see No Child Left Educated repealed.
My understanding was that, had they still been around, they would have rejected it, but that they left office before that happened.
Like I said before, it was a fuckup. As I recall the Bush Admin. had no shortage of those on their watch. Private businesses have them all the time. Wanna buy some CDO’s? They’re AAA paper! It happens. What happens less often is that the fuckup is out in the public, it gets dealt with properly and the things that lead to the fuckup get fixed, which seems to be the case in this case.
@28 “Seems that’s just fine to many HA libtards!”
Who says? Besides you, I mean, because you don’t count.
@29 Yeah, the dollar is crap, but everyone else’s currency is even worse, so that makes the dollar a “safe haven.” I’m sure glad I’m not a twenty-something looking for his first job.
@30 “Then why do HA libtardos continue to support Palestinians?”
like who?
@32 “The huge price drops in silver and gold can only be explained by substantial hedge fund selling that smacks of credit crisis panic. Both of these markets have risen on highly leveraged buying. Once a few overextended funds are forced to sell because of the financial turmoil in Europe, things can go downhill pretty fast.”
Gee, the Wall Street greedheads are at it again — writing IOUs to each other and pretending they’re money. You’d think they would have learned in 2008. Guess not.
@44 I hate to break it to ya, pudnutz, but half a billion is PEANUTS compared to how much the Busheviks squandered on no-bid crony contracts.
@49 I counted the 6 seconds about 10 times. It’s 6 seconds. I know the video isn’t real high-res and the door opening isn’t real easy to see, but it’s open long before the cyclist gets there. As for your point about cyclists riding in the traffic lane, someone with as little alertness as this cyclist probably won’t fare much better mingling with moving cars than he did in the parking lane. But any driver with a sense of self-preservation who parks on the side of a busy arterial will look to see what’s coming before he opens the door and leaps out. Neither of them were very bright.
@52 “And they REJECTED IT.”
What’s that supposed to mean? Are you saying all the bad mortgages that crashed the banking system in 2007 were written after Obama took office in 2009?
Rog, you seem to be trying to engage Puddy in argument on the merits. It’s a fool’s errand. He will never concede, never discuss in good faith, never engage honestly.
He may well be a particularly obnoxious bit of code, or if human, a total asshole.
Don’t waste your time.
@60 #61 was a rhetorical question. Of course I don’t expect him to provide a coherent answer.
Lately some financial gurus have been saying the fastest way to recover the economy is by writing off the bad mortgages. I don’t see any moral hazard with this. People who make loans they don’t expect to get paid back shouldn’t be surprised by their not being paid back.
A columnist for The Economist took the measure of the GOP candidates in one paragraph:
Now perhaps it is foolish to expect one of the candidates to step out on a limb (a pretty sturdy limb it seems) and stand up for the repeal of DADT, but why did none of the candidates jump into this void and, at the very least, thank the soldier for his service? Would it have been that risky to say that no American soldier deserves to be booed by a crowd enjoying the freedoms he defends? It struck me as an opportunity for one of the candidates to distinguish himself. And it had the bonus of being the morally right thing to do. Alas, no one on stage proved nearly as courageous as the gay soldier they hung out to dry last night.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You don’t expect anything from the draft dodgers on that stage, but you’d think the only two GOP presidential candidates who actually served in the military — Ron Paul and Rick Perry — would have done this.
And it’s really not necessary to comment on what kind of stuffing GOP audiences are made of, is it?
You get at the conflict between the charging of interest and the more modern notion that debt is somehow holy and that it must never, ever be contemplated to consider not paying back, especially debt owed by poorer/powerless to the rich and powerful.
Isn’t interest a recognition that there is risk? And that the interest is in part a hedge or defense against a loan not being repaid in full?
If it is a holy duty that all debt be repaid, and if the consequent risk of not being paid back is therefore nil, then interest is exploitative and usurious, no?
I think the notion that mortgage debt be written off is going to run into the same powerful resistance that 1) coming to Greece’s aid with anything but more loans, or 2) writing off ‘toxic’ assets and not paying AIG $1 on the dollar did, and 3) trying to get home loans modified in the context of foreclosure or personal bankruptcy did – there will be howls of hellfire and damnation when you threaten the money the the rich are expecting to get from the poor.
You make a mistake in thinking that because you are a sane and rational rabbit.
That whole crowd is operating ‘all id all the time’.
They did us a favor – that should be exploited to the fullest – the whole idea of flag-wrapped, ‘support the troops/republicans’, you’re not patriotic if you ask questions, we need more guns and aircraft carriers to protect the greatest nation in the history of the universe – was shown to be the cynical lie that it is.
They denigrated that man, that American soldier, voluntarily in Iraq, living in hell because his country asked him to. They boo’ed him and sat in silence in the face of his sacrifice because they hate him. They hate him because he is self-aware enough to know that he is gay, honest enough to embrace his authentic self, and godamned brave enough to say so on national television.
Their petty little minds with their petty, self-satisfied Christianist hatred of all things ‘other’ was on full display that night.
I think we need more Republican debates, and we’ll see more unvarnished bloodlust, more hate, more guttural screams, more fear-driven insanity and greed from that crowd of knuckle-draggers.
It’ll be better than Pat Buchanan in 1992.
@68 It became pretty obvious that Republicans hate our troops when they tried to eliminate ombat pay for $15,000-a-year soldiers at the same time they were paying Blackwater’s mercenaries $150,000 a year.
@66 “debt is somehow holy and that it must never, ever be contemplated to consider not paying back”
This “modern notion” or “morality” or whatever you want to call it sure as hell doesn’t apply to pensions, wages, or union contracts in their thinking.
Very good point – however, the scenarios you list are all cases where money is owed to the less powerful by the more powerful.
That kind of debt is perfectly OK to abrogate.
It’s debt owed to the rich and powerful that is holy and unshakable.
I think that nothing describes our current economic and societal trends better than a headlong rush back to 1300’s feudalism.
Hutch Hutcherson vs. Mt. Si – – Man vs. Mountain
I like this quote:
“Yeay verily, blessed are those who make the crippled unable to access public buildings and make lame the children who walketh on bad flooring.
Luke something something…”