– The R is going to be back where it belongs (Seattle Times link).
– We’re going to get a government shutdown aren’t we?
– Bike Cages at Rainier Station sound pretty good, as someone who had his bike stolen from another station.
– I’m glad Seattle is doing pedestrian emphasis patrols but when I read about them, I’m always worried that it’ll just be tougher to jay walk in those areas.
– Money laundering is a harsh term, but I do hate how and how much the anti-522 people are raising their money.
– The hearing inspired by one shooting has been bumped because of another shooting.
– Vladimir Putin is a crusading columnist for the New York Times.
1) I like GOATBOY and think he is funny.
2) GOATBOY is a piece of
workSHIT!3) GOATBOY has an extreme fondness for farm animals.
4) Who is GOATBOY? Should I care?
Justice DeLay-ed is justice denied?
Speaking of money laundering, looks like Tom DeLay is a free man now. The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals reversed his convictions for money laundering and election finance violations based on legally insufficient evidence, and ordered him acquitted of all charges.
@ 2
The Law isn’t applicable to GOP fundraising. Thats why they can get away with using funds laundered from the cocaine cartels and Chinese businesses to campaign for office, as Mittens did. What DeLay did, Mittens did a thousand times.
A big red R as you enter town. It brings a tear to the eye of certain trolls coming in from one of those business class Mustang driving trips as he thinks of the Governorship, the legislature and city council with dreams of how it should be.
More crock from the crockmaster…
Hmmm…? Who once said… “no controlling legal authority“… Lessee it wasn’t a Republican!
Or John Effin Kerry taking bucks from Loral CEO Bernard Schwartz who was caught selling missile telemetry to the Chicoms? He is currently the Chairman and CEO of BLS Investments, his own investment firm located in Manhattan. Just look at all those DUMMOCRAPTS who accepted his filthy lucre!!!
Does Mark Jimenez ring a bell libtards? Kerry liked his money yet Jiminez was convicted in a fundraising scandal. Or Kerry scarfing up funds from convict Johnny Chung. You know Chinagate! Or Kerry scarfing up funds from convict John Huang. You know Chinagate! So easy to find this!
Or Slate Magazine finding out some strange campaign fundraising by John Deadwards by a trial lawyer, Tab Turner, in Little Rock claiming he’d reimburse all his employees? Of course attorney Tab Turner claimed that he did not know it was illegal to reimburse his employees for their donations. Typical DUMMOCRAPT excuse… hey I didn’t know.
Always check when OWS Racist Fraggy farts. You’ll find something completely opposite!
You see Puddy remembers! Wait for it… goatmaster ekim will denigrate the Puddy links. Scream something totally incherent.
Oh yeah… Sept 13, 2013 Martha Robertson (D New York-23) accepted funds from convicted child molester Peter Yarrow. Peter Yarrow 31, Girl 14. Oh butt that’s only sex per DUMMOCRAPTS. Butt wait there’s more Peter Yarrow was married 10/19/1969 to DUMMOCRAPT Senator Eugene McCarthy’s niece, Mary Beth McCarthy, who was preggo when he took his liberties! And Jimmie Cahhhhhhrter gave him a pardon. Imagine that!
Peter Yarrow… Peter, Paul & Mary! Maybe Peter Yarrow was doing his “Puff The Majic Dragon” act on the teenager?
Two men involved in a road rage incident pulled over, got their guns and shot each other dead. Who said an armed society is a polite society?
@7, Who said an armed society is a polite society?
Of course that was in a science fiction book he wrote.
Thom Hartmann asks the question:
Simple logic.
The upside down star is the symbol of SATAN WORSHIPERS.
The RETHUG party embraces the symbol of SATAN.
It looks like Boener is caving in to the 40 or so House members who are the most ardent of the Tea Party disciples, willing to shut down the government rather than have any money go toward funding the Affordable Care Act.
Boehner gives in to right in budget fight
Publically, they argue that it’s a “failed plan” (it hasn’t even gone into effect yet), or that it’s unconstitutional (the U.S. Supreme Court decided differently). In an unguarded moment, however, they admit that they simply don’t want it to go into effect because it will be popular, the Democrats will get the credit, and they it will become as unassailable as Social Security and Medicare.
The ‘kamikaze’ right and the real goal of the shutdown
I don’t get republican or poor people who vote republican. I really don’t.
Part 2 of “An Armed Society Is A Polite Society”
That’s the NRA fantasy. Here’s another example of reality:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: More guns = more assaults and shootings. This isn’t rocket science.
I’m against a government shutdown, but I’ll manage to live with it. It’ll tank the stock market and I’ll get to buy cheap stocks. Thanks, Pubbies! I know you jerks aren’t doing this for me, but if you do it, I’ll put it to use for my benefit.
@7 ,,,and how the fuck does this qualify as an example of a “well-regulated militia”??????
At least these two morons only managed to kill each other, without taking any poor innocent sods along with them.
@10 Who’d have ever thought Boehner would end up playing the apparent “good-cop” in a charade like this?
@11 “I don’t get…poor people who vote republican.”
Desperation. Something analogous to the guy who gets kicked out of a casino for shitting his pants because he doesn’t want to stop playing a machine that he knows is “getting hot”.
I’m not sure why the house passing a $39B cut in food stamps is really headline blaring news, it wont pass the senate and the White House wont go for it either.
Really the headline tht should be blaring is: STOP THE STUPID SHIT AND GET BAK TO THE WORK OF THE PEOPLE.
The house Republicans are deranged.
Could we somehow focus the cuts to target the districts of the RETHUG SATAN WORSHIPERS who voted for this?
How many libtards are in line for the iPhone 5s made by almost slave labor in Asia?
Wow for a self proclaimed Christian you have issues with the notion of forgiveness. Yarrow has described the incident as the worst mistake of his life, apologized repeatedly, and later in life founded charities to benefit children.
“Bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.”
So do you follow your holy book or not?
So you will quit your job and never touch a modern piece of electronics? Or you’ll make sure all you clients source their computers exclusively from living wage factories? You know those factories with the Unicorns frolicking in the break rooms?
I mean if your concerned about it you wouldn’t dare profit from the evil.
“Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them.”
@19 And what brand would you suggest as an alternative?
Second Amendment Report
Twelve people were shot at a basketball court in a Chicago park last night, including a 3-year-old child. At last report, all the victims were still alive, but four are in critical condition.
The Arkansas and Missouri RR has just become a rarity, a Short line that purchased top of the line new locomotives. They bought three SD-70ACe locomotives, with AC Traction, which come in handy on steep grades. Also will help save on fuel.
Most short lines either don’t need, or can’t afford, the newest locomotives. If this trend keeps up, and Class 1s beginning to retire first generation AC traction units, might be worth the used locomotive lot in Ohio( there is one), to get a few.
In San Francisco, Transit carries almost as many as the city’s population, MUNI alone carries 700,000 riders. Buses are being delivered with seating layouts that are geared for big stansing loads,and now the San Francisco Municipal Railway is going to try it out on light rail.Turning forward facing seats to sideways facing.
Ahhh yes that libtard fantasy Unicorns! Hope one doesn’t poke ya in da ASS!
Puddy has no iApple stuff in the house on purpose. The Mac I sometimes use for interconnectivity is company owned. The rest of my work electronics are company owned. Phones are Android. Puddy’s computers are almost 100% hand built. Can’t build motherboards. Cheaper to purchase them from Fry’s.
Sux to be you! C H E C K M A T E AGAIN!
Wow took over two minutes to register a comment on HA!
Anyway Artfart… You claimed you didn’t read Puddy. So why you asking?
Well Puddy will answer. We are Android in this house. Wife’s birthday coming up and will get her the Galaxy S-4. Then we can share by putting phones near each other and bingo. She was impressed with other features. Her sister ditched the iPhone 4 and went S-4. Puddy owns an Android QuadCore tablet. Love it.
For libtards who scream and shout over common man working conditions… you all are look the other way jackASSes when it comes technology. Look the other way cuz hey it’s Apple and they jockstrap jackboot goosestep for Obummer!
Another conspiracy theorist blog for SpittlePuddles
As for his post @ 27, he obviously thinks that technology can solve all our social problems, while knowing absolutely nothing about working conditions in manufacturing, mining, construction and fishing etc etc etc.
He’ll try to show that we can reduce the workforce by 90% with computers, then complain about all the lazy bums that don’t have any work. Whatcha going to do with all the surplus population there Spittles? Perhaps another “final solution”? You do know that the Conservative elements in this country consider the Negro to be the major factor there right? Or don’t you care? Oh, right. You’re a “good German”.
Where were the Androids built? The motherboards?
“I don’t exploit near-slave labor.. I only earn my paycheck by working for people with products that/who exploit near-slave labor. AND I condemn the for exploiting child labor as I am without sin.” Piddles, or words to that effect.
Where was the android made? Motherboards?
You buy electronics at Fry’s? Nothing sourced at FoxConn there. So you’re O.K. supporting companies that supprt slave labor.
You are one prime time jackASS OWS Racist Fraggy! How did that fundraising post taste. Yummy huh?
Where did Puddy say anything near that rotten egg you posted?
Really? Sounds like Psych 101 activity is strong in OWS Racist Fraggy’s leetle brain.
Soylent Green? Educate the masses on their ASSes dumbASS! There are some libtards who’d rather stay at home than get an education and go back to work. We used to have one here until late last week!
Oh look checkmate… race baiting and you won’t peep at all…
Thanks for playing OWS Racist Fraggy!
Oh an interesting link. It’s amazing what OWS Racist Fraggy reads these days on the interwebs.
@29, 30
You’ve been doing yeoman’s work lately, Czech, trying to hold the bigot’s feet to the fire.
What a fucking nutcase.
Androids are made overseas. Asus, Samsung, Sony, Tyan, Lenovo, etc. are made Asian countries. Apple is a US Company checkmate.
C H E C K M A T E AGAIN! Steve’s Stupid Solution really works!
Sux to be checkmate!
This checkmate is a nutcase SCHMUCKO. Tyan motherboards made in Taiwan. Puddy been using them for years.
You see SCHMUCKO, you are the idiot nutcase smegma slimed moron here.
ROTFLRHMBBAO! Sux to be you two peas in a pod!
Thanks for playing!
Regarding SNAP (AKA “Food Stamps”), this is an interesting report from 2010 by the USDA about its demographics.
Check out p76, about race, or p19 for other variables.
A few facts…
-The vast number of recipients are children. Along with children, the elderly and disabled make up a overwhelming majority of beneficiaries.
-White people make up an absolute majority or a plurality in 30 states, and overall for the entire country.
-Look at p82 for the effect of SNAP benefits on whether a household is ‘in poverty’ or not.
-Women and children dominate the demographics.
These are the people that the Republicans in Congress, like the toad who was complaining that he “only” made $172000, are throwing into deeper poverty and despair and desperation.
These people are fiends.
Oh, I see the bigot showed up again.
I note that he’s running away from the spanking he got on the Drinking Liberally thread.
I guess he finding better, more satisfying temptation on this thread.
He. Just. Can’t. Stay. Away.
It’s too damn tedious to with engage someone who thinks they are always right when the doctors in the article say otherwise.
Stay smug, in your leetle dreamworld! You are an expert at it!
Here‘s a good Hullabaloo article about SNAP.
I think he’s referring to puddybigot’s form of Christianism. The hateful, bloodthirsty variety.
No, what you apparently find ‘tedious’ is defending the bullshit you spew when people call you on it.
And, two random doctor quotes from a right-wing rag does not prove anything, except perhaps in the fearful and loathsome recesses of your mind, thirsty for more stories about icky sexual histories.
Do you find such topics tempting? Is that why you can’t stay away?
There SCHMUCKO goes again. Two doctors who don’t think like you. Oh no, SCHMUCKO must go into deep defamation mode now! Puddy thinks it’s the sulfuric acid fumes that got to SCHMUCKO! Yes the NY Post… Mario Cuomo asked the FCC to allow Murdoch to own it. Even “Super Mario” knew having a conservative bent in NYC was a good thing eh SCHMUCKO?
Thanks for playing. You contradict yourself every day! Not going to play your silly games in this thread!
Um, no.
That’s is true. Thing is, I could take you over to the UW Medical School and show you dozens of MDs who agree with me. It’s called understanding the standard of care. What we’re seeing with your breathless scare-piece about sexual and drug histories is just what I’ve called it before – a prurient twisting of what goes on in any competent doctor’s office for the manipulation of prudes and scolds and other idiots like yourself.
Why are you still here, bigot? You must like the spankings.
I see. So it’s a-o-k to exploit workers with horrific conditions as long as the profits are going to a foreign company.
You buy your motherboards from Taiwan?
“Foxconn Technology Group, is a Taiwanese multinational electronics contract manufacturing company headquartered in Tucheng, New Taipei, Taiwan.”
Yup, I think that’s it….puddybigot is a masochist, a guilt-twisted, deeply conflicted perv who can’t really get what he needs with his prudish right wing buddies, so he comes here for abuse – especially if ‘cheating’ with his left hand isn’t transgressive enough for him anymore.
checkmate… Puddy knew you’d go there. Did it say Tyan motherboards are made by Foxconn? Did it say Asus is made by Foxconn. Did it say the Galaxy is made by Foxconn? Or does Foxconn provide connectors to these manufacturers? Apple products are MADE by Foxconn! Why are Lenovo laptops more expenseive?
Keep searching… keep searching… keep searching… Maybe Puddy searched their background FIRST! Keep searching… checkmated!
Naturally everything you post will be agreed to by SCHMUCKO… he’s that type of “guy”.
two douches ready to be flushed!
Ahh SCHMUCKO just can’t stay away…
You contradict yourself everyday SCHMUCKO!
Reminds Puddy of Darth Vader “There is no conflict.” You are the most vile leftist on this blog!
“Contradict”? I don’t think that word means what you think it means.
Now, puddyperv, take your flagellation kink elsewhere – you grow tiresome.
So you have a Galaxy?
Samsung is currently being sued by the Brazilian government after 2000 were injured working 15 hour shifts without break for as many as 27 straight days. Samsung agreed to a fine in 2011 to settle similar charges at a Korean factory.
Your holier than thou attitude is noted.
Is it even possible to get NON-exploitive electronics? To hear you all talk about it, it’s so woven into the system, it’s like asking for a steak meal that didn’t have water used anywhere in the creation process.
Enquiring minds want to know.
If the ACA is so bad, it will destroy America, that the republicans are willing to destroy America to keep it from being enacted, wouldn’t it be better to let it go into effect, and then if it as bad as they say it will be, use the resulting disaster to never loose another election?
Due to Gerrymandering, the tea bagger politicians seem to be able to have a lock on being radical extremists with out consequences. After all, if they cooperate, they will be primaried out of a job. How long do you think they can hold out once they have shut the government down?
It was interesting, skimming tea bagger radio, all the talk show hosts were joking that it won’t be so bad. Trying to convince the listeners that it isn’t a big deal to shut off the government. It’s a small price to pay to take back Liberty and Freedom and Safe Straight Kids and Heterosexual Marriage and Guns from the Socialists.
That’s the point. If one is going to make derogatory statements about those who own electronics, go full Luddite. Or just be a hypocrite.
I don’t pretend my Nokia is clean but to participate in modern economy and society…
“ACA Bad” is RETHUG propaganda, which they are so good at. But their problem is that the individual parts of it are popular when you single them out. Most people don’t know about them and the RETHUGs have worked hard to keep it that way. For more info:
Not past the 2014 election when the RETHUGS take it in the shorts.
But I expect it will break much sooner than that. Big business is against it and pushing hard to stop it.
hyp·o·crite – noun \ˈhi-pə-ˌkrit\
: a person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right but who behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs.
And so it begins…
House passes GOP spending plan that defunds Obamacare
And now it moves to the Senate
Here’s one of the best comments I’ve seen yet on this poor excuse for a human…
Right up there with the elected politician who thought a month was too long for his socialized government health care to kick in.
You know Obama could fuck over the RETHUGS by minting a trillion-dollar coin. I would not be surprised if he is keeping that option open.
So SpittlePuddles, the next thing is to start repeating the new Beck theme of “Gee, dubbya Bush was really a Liberal.”
You want to know why the TeaPottie is even being laughed out of Congress right now? Because you people change your story, and change the theme of whatever “argument” you’re muttering into your barf buckets every time you open your mouth. Every day it changes. There is ZERO consistency in your end of the discussion. You raging fucktards are only really comparable to the weird schizophrenic kid across the street who makes up all sort of stories about how he’s a Navy SEAL or how his daddy flies fighter jets for the Air Force when he’s really in prison for raping his own daughters.
You TeaParrots just repeat whatever the nutballs on Asylum Radio tell you to say. You’re a fucking joke, and a sad, poorly told one at that. The real humor can be found in the fact that everyone in the world knew the TeaPottie was a mere grouping of morons, brought together by virtue of the Internet and half a Billion Dollars in Koch Brothers money except for you.
That describes puddyperv’s behavior to a ‘T’.
Kind of like not paying your rent, mortgage, gas, electric bills. No harm done. really.
What can our creditors do, anyway?
Can you say “credit rating downgrade?”
How Many Die from Medical Mistakes in U.S. Hospitals?
In 1999, the Institute of Medicine published the famous “To Err Is Human” report, which dropped a bombshell on the medical community by reporting that up to 98,000 people a year die because of mistakes in hospitals. The number was initially disputed, but is now widely accepted by doctors and hospital officials 2014 and quoted ubiquitously in the media.
Now comes a study in the current issue of the Journal of Patient Safety that says the numbers may be much higher – between 210,000 and 440,000 patients each year who go to the hospital for care suffer some type of preventable harm that contributes to their death, the study says.
Our hospitals are the third leading cause of death in America.
And our healthcare industry says “TRUST US”.
Oh my OWS Racist Fraggy… Did Post #5 have any Asylum Radio links in it? Butt keep reading those left wrong sites.
Butt keep dope alive. Wait a minute… You’re alive and as dopey as ever. Fits you perfectly!
I loved this over at Daily Kos
Maybe he’s using Texas math?
@61. Doesn’t hurt the talk show hosts, so what’s the big deal?
The GOP offer today was was to postpone a government shutdown for JUST 75 days in exchange for repealing Obamacare.
Now THERE is a Grand Bargain! Imagine what more they would want in 75 days.
Reminds me of stories about dealing with blackmailers, how they keep demanding more and more from the victim, bleeding them dry, unless the victim grows a spine and stands up to the extortionists.
Thanks for expressing it as well as Puddy does! Daily Kooks one of those left wrong sites.
Hey puddyperv, instead of attacking DailyKos, why don’t you try to criticize the content of what they’re writing?
Why don’t you comment on the criticism they’re making of Cruz, claiming that 2 Democrats plus 228 Republicans is somehow a “strong bipartisan” vote?
I’ll tell you why…’cuz you got nothing.
Most of those safe Tea Baggers live in states that get more money from the federal government than they pay into it. I was just on a trip that took me through some of those Tea Bagger’s congressional districts and I saw big project after big project that there’s no way in hell that loal and state governemt could be footing the bill for. Go ahead and shut the federal government down, work on every one of those projects will shut down with it.
More locally, I was just in Omak and there’s a couple of big projects going on there that the locals, who love to complain about sendng their money to Seattle*, aren’t pay for most of. If congressman Hair Spray votes for a shut down, he votes to shut those projects down too.
At this point I’m hoping for a short shutdown.
@69. I fear that the people effected won’t know who really caused their pain.
The right wing media and talk radio is the only media available and is relentless in not giving proper credit to the villains and casting the blame on the good guys. Since Rush, and Lavin, and Weiner and Colter and Miller will be endlessly lying and blaming liberals for the shutdown of federal government, that’s who will get the blame, not congressman Hair Spray. There is no fairness doctrine left to make them tell the truth.
RE: the possible shut-down and the debt limit. Shoot the hostage….let the government “shut down”, which will affect some folk, especially federal workers, but many services will still be available and ignore the “debt ceiling”, keep paying the bills and ignore Congress. If they go ballistic, let Bonehead take the administration to court.
This Is What America Has Come To
“An entire youth baseball league in Texas has been shut down for the season after its former president was arrested for allegedly stealing tens of thousands of dollars from the team’s bank account.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: With bankers and Wall Street and many of the business community’s leading lights setting the example, what can you expect? Rot starts at the top and works its way down.
Puddy reads Kos when Puddy wants not at your beck and call SCHMUCKO! So since you asked… NOPE!
What happened to the 19 year old working at Dairy Queen argument? You claimed Republicans are keeping him down in so many ways. Except Warren Buffett’s empire owns Dairy Queen… So what happened?
Warren Buffett friend of DUMMOCRAPTS!
Another evasion from the puddyperv. He’s afraid of defending his arguments, if they can even be called that.
He really does just come here to be flagellated.
@75. True. The person who plays Puddy isn’t willing to argue for his values, he’s just here to froth word salad and post nonsense for the attention. At least when we call him names and destroy his posts, we are acknowledging he exists. The person who plays Puddy is obviously not even getting that at home or from his conservative friends. It’s really sad.
Bwaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa
The ownership of DQ is a non-issue. The Republicans still work to limit the pay and rights of minorities and the working class. For the most part, Democrats and the left work to help minorities and the working class.
For the record, I’ve always said that the Democrats suck, they just happen to suck a whole lot less than the Republicans. Warren Buffets work to create. a fairer tax system is part of that sucking a lot less.
A couple last things. This story made a big splash on rightwing sites because it was seen as out of the norm and didn’t make a big splash of left wing sites because for the left this IS the norm. Also, had that kid worked for a rightwing company like Walmart they probably would have fired him.
The Guardian newspaper reported today that a formerly secret report reveals one of the hydrogen bombs accidentally dropped on North Carolina in 1961 from a B-52 that broke up in midair was prevented from detonating by a single low-voltage electrical switch. The bomb’s parachute deployed, its firing circuits armed, and all of its other safeties failed.
testing, again
Baloney, you brought it up as a weak hammer. Except Dairy Queen ownership is not controlled by Republicans whatsoever. So if Josh has low pay, no benefits, etc. as you screamed earlier, you need to contact Mr. Buffett on Josh’s behalf and ask why is dat!
Got link?