– The first ads for both sides of I-522 have been released. Is Ken Eikenberry really much of a spokesperson for anything these days?
– Jean Godden and Tim Burgess take a look at why the city of Seattle is falling down in regard to its women employees.
– Good on McGinn and Murray on the protest of the Russian anti-gay laws. Boo on our City Council.
– A Statement of Trans-Inclusive Feminism and Womanism (h/t)
– You had me at musical penis.
I tried to find the link to the video but couldn’t find it, so here is the transcript of the video. Maybe it could make the Friday Extravaganza.
Puffy – Russia is waiting for you.
This content comes from Closed Captioning that was broadcast along with this program. From Rachel Maddow Blog.
[Excessively Copied material Deleted see HA Comment Policy]
Speaking of anti-gay bigotry….
Over the weekend we were regaled by the puddybigot with his taunting of gman and his gay-baiting re-post of a Breitbart piece about Mathew Shepard.
The piece in question was promoting a theory put forward that drugs, specifically methamphetamine, were at the cause of Shepard’s brutal murder, not gay-hate. While the theory is interesting, it has a lot of detractors, and it seems the author of the book pushing the theory has been beating this horse for a long time, under the guise of a journalist.
Well, the guy pushing the book that is pushing the drug-theory is this fellow; yes, you read that right, president of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute. He writes bullshit like this in The Daily Caller (analyzed here), celebrating Putin’s crackdown on gay people, a situation that has fueled an increase in anti-gay violence and even rape and murder against LGBT people in Russia. I guess those are the much vaunted “Catholic Family Values”?
It gets worse…
The Jimenez book that is peddling the drug-not-gayhate theory is being pushed by a whole host for right-wing luminaries (which is obviously how puddybigot heard about it, and why he was trolling it here)…
PJ Media’s Ed Driscoll on PJ Media gives us a hybrid of paranoia and gay-hate…
The execrable Gateway Pundit gives us more of the paranoid and the denial of gay-ness being mainstream…
No, no, no, move along, nothing to see here, nosiree, there’s no homophobia in ‘Merika, gay people aren’t targeted for discrimination and violence and murder, couldn’t be. It’s all the ‘LIBTARD MEDIA’ (where have I heard that?) creating a new class of victims with ‘Special Rights’.
The right-wing and its acolytes like the ever-stupid ever-hateful puddybigot are spinning fast, as they see the culture slipping away from them to a more tolerant, more pluralistic form. What we see with the puddybigot and his posts are just a small glimpse into a world of fear and loathing inhabited by desperate and nasty people, humming along with the echo-chamber hymns emanating from wingnut-welfare ‘institutes’ and talk-radio grifters, telling them whom to hate and whom to fear.
It’s pathetic, and a total pain in the ass to put up with, but like the dinosaurs, they’re doomed, and we own the future.
yes, Yes, YESSS!!!!!
Wow – that’s quite a read.
Who’d have thought that it was blatant, violent homophobia that would seal the deal between the American Taliban and Validmir Putin? That gay-hate is the lynchpin of international fascism?
Meanwhile gleeeeeeeeeeeeeman won’t deal with his previous Matthew Shepard was killed by heterosexual comments! Now the latest was his killer was probably homosexual too. Puddy already displayed them for all to see. So we see all the deflection, twisting and spinning above.
BTW even though the HA’s unemployed moron has left (YIPPEE), we all know he is still compiling the Puddy comments into the crazed databaze. He will let all know when Puddy breaks 40,000 comments. Watch!
Meanwhile Warren Buffet hero of HA leftards is now against Obummercare…
@2 Lib thanks for the post, I missed Puffy’s post, but your reply did more justice than mine would have ever done.
Puffy and these people are more and more becoming like the leaders of the aixs of evil countries.
Kind of like Iran denying that the Holoacaust ever happened. Next they’ll be joining Dennis Rodman and Kim Jung Fuck.
Meanwhile Iman speaks out…
Which distant HA relative is this guy related to?
Now this is interesting…
Not surprising about McAuliffe!
Of course you can… DUMMOCRAPTS are the kings and queens of extortion!
Of course SCHMUCKO won’t explain how he missed the train (as he always does), see post #5 above. gleeeeeeeeeeeeeman always screams about how heterosexuals are the bane to society. Well the Breitbart story was their take on The Advocate, #2 on SCHMUCKO’s weekly reading list after Daily Kooks, has shown Shepard’s killers were probably very HOMOSEXUAL. Of course this was lost on SCHMUCKO, because his innate hatred of anything that doesn’t jackboot goosestep to his thoughts, he never paid attention to gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeman’s hate heterosexual comments.
BUSTED BIG TIME! Then SCHMUCKO has to twist it because his tiny dick was flapping in the wind again.
Sux to be SCHMUCKO and gleeeeeeeeeeeeeman!
I don’t get all that about complimenting women. I’ve been complimenting women on their clothes, or their hair, or sometimes, well, just the wonderfulness of their appearance generally. I’ve never had any trouble.
Any man who hasn’t learned to compliment women without embarrassing or humiliating them should maybe re-think his preferences.
Good lord, if you need any tips, my correspondence course is available, but generally speaking, compliment the things they may have control over (clothes, hair, attitude, expression) and not the things she has little or no control over (size of breasts, length of legs, etc.)
When men can’t find a way to compliment women in a way which gratifies them, maybe it’s time to give up on heterosexuality. It might be too effeminate for today’s man.
And, God damn it, I do not spew! Well, as long as I avoid eating certain plants, anyway.
“these people are more and more becoming like the leaders of the aixs of evil countries.”
Ah, yes the “aixs (sic)of evil countries”. Sort of like the Holy Roman Empire, isn’t it, huh.
But hey “gman” if you want to take George Bush’s political and moral schema as gospel, be my guest.
Yup, that “aixs of evil’ sure is…wait! Do you realize that nobody, nowhere, no time, has ever used or even suggested “Axis of Evil” as a metal-band name? What, sir, does that tell you, loud and clear, Roger, Wilco, over and out? Now, I do think there was some kind of guitar-hero collaboration which resulted in a CD called “Axes of Evil” (Electric guitars are often known as “axes”) but I’m not sure.
But if there wasn’t, there should have been.
BTW, a friendly warning, pal. Saying something like “kind of like Iran denying that the Holoacaust ever happened” is like a picture window into your ignorance and bigotry. Just saying, well, unless it was meant ironically, of course.
@13 We all spew. This site’s host software has made us all designated spewers. Truth is, you’ve probably been spewing all along, and didn’t realize it.
Well, we all know Puffy is a big fan of Breitbart; and Breitbart is … well, in this instance, nauseating.
Even if every allegation in the Breitbart screed were true, it would still be nauseating. The issue here is not the (almost certainly bogus) factual claims Breitbart propagates, but the rhetoric with which they’re present. For example,
“Matthew Shepard was the winsome young homosexual in Laramie, Wyoming who in October 1998 was tortured, killed, and left hanging grotesquely from a fence.”
Winsome? Are you kidding? An 22-year-old gay man is “winsome”? I don’t think the word has ever been used this way before, so let’s put this in the category of “creative locution.”
“Almost immediately Shepard became a secular saint … a Mathew Shepard industry grew rapidly …” — you get the drift.
The core narrative of Breitbart’s latest effort to demonize Shepard is to portray him as a meth dealer who was killed in a drug deal gone bad. But, apparently feeling insecure about the salability of this meme, this narrative also claims Shepard and his killer were lovers.
(It should be noted this isn’t Breitbart’s brain fart; they’re merely citing some character they label an “investigative journalist” who assembled a new book from “anecdotal evidence” of the sort that would be inadmissible in court. Also, please note that when I say “Breitbart” I’m referring to a website written by people who aren’t Breitbart; I’m well aware that Breitbart himself is dead, seemingly having been struck down by a God displeased with his earthly activities.)
There are some obvious problems with this narrative. Shepard wasn’t killed by one person (his purported “lover”), but by two. Given that fact, the drug-deal-gone-bad theory works better than the killed-by-gay-lover theory. Also, both of the killers had girlfriends, whom they sought to provide alibis for them, but they testified against them. There’s no indication either of these women were aware of any homosexual tendencies. And if one of them had been having a gay affair with Shepard, I’m sure his gf would have been, shall we say, more than shocked.
It is idiocy, the fluff of rightwing raving lunatics, ideological fiction.
But that doesn’t keep Breitbart (which has never been known to fact-check anything) from propagating it, or Puffy from swallowing it whole (metaphor intended).
There seems to be a bunch of static on HA today.
Oh wait. GOATBOY is posting again.
Nobody takes GOATBOY seriously.
Poor, poor GOATBOY.
What do you expect if you use antibiotics to fatten cattle?
Each year, more than two million people in the United States develop antibiotic-resistant infections, and at least 23,000 of them die as a result, says the first-ever national snapshot of the issue. That toll only rises when other conditions exacerbated by these infections are included in the count. Because it’s difficult to attribute a death directly to antibiotic-resistant microbes (as opposed to illnesses that put the person in the hospital to begin with), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says these figures probably underestimate the scale of the problem.
and Breitbart is … well dead.
@19 From @16: “( … Also, please note that when I say ‘Breitbart’ I’m referring to a website written by people who aren’t Breitbart; I’m well aware that Breitbart himself is dead, seemingly having been struck down by a God displeased with his earthly activities.)”
Citizens United 2.0
In a case dubbed “Citizens United 2.0” scheduled to be heard next month, the Extremist Court is expected to eliminate limits on individual campaign donations, which would give the rich even greater influence in politics.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Just remember, dollars can’t vote, only people can vote (at least for now). No matter how much money the Kochsuckers of the world pour into PACs, special interest groups, and campaign chests, ordinary citizens can defeat their agenda simply by voting. The fatcats know this, of course, which is why they and their captive political party are pulling out all the stops to prevent ordinary American citizens from voting. We’ve got to fight their War Against Voters with everything we’ve got. If we defeat them there, we can defeat their money at the ballot box. If they deny us access to the ballot box, we’re finished.
@20 Sorry RR, I couldn’t help the snark.
@14 Mooser – not sure if I follow what you are saying. I was merely refering to the Past President of Iran saying that the holocaust wasn’t real. It is not me belief that this is a true statement just repeating what he said. And I was referring to today’s new republican party joing with old freinds of the United States, such as Iran, Russia, and North Korea. And I never felt it was Good for Bush to call out countries as belonging to the Axis of Evil, it was stupid, only using here for hypocritical republicans.
Conservatives want to dismantle the social safety net and replace it with private charity. Meanwhile, a rich guy is exhorting his fellow billionaires to give less to charity.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: For some reason, I can’t bring myself to entrust my well-being to these guys. I simply feel the government is more dependable. Maybe that’s because I get to vote on who runs our government, but I don’t get to vote on who gets to be a billionaire. Yeah, maybe that’s it, maybe this explains why I don’t want to delegate the power to run my life from elected politicians to unelected rich guys.
Kinda funny. The gun nuts like this guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v.....WJ96woH-AA
Are all out in force saying that non-gun people are all wet in saying that there’s an increasing problem with mass shootings. While at the same time they’re pointing to mass shootings as a reason why they need to be armed in public.
Is derived from The Advocate story about the horrific death…
Notice how Roger SENLE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit forgets to mention this… And gleeeeeeeeeeeeeman wants you to remember “it’s heterosexuals” who killed Matt. That’s been his puerile insipid narrative all day every day!
BTW who cares that Breitbart is dead? Libtards! You don’t see conservatives bring up the death of Helen Thomas Michael Hastings, Molly Ivins, Mike Wallace or Tim Russert!
Oh it seems goatmaster ekim made a sighting. Must be his animals let him up to get some air after driving him buttwise to Newark!
@26 –
I think I brought up Mathew Sheppard’s name in one post. Puffy you should stick with the Bradley Manning angle.
Looks like we have a new record for a human powered vehicle: 83.13 MPH.
# 24: “Are their no poor houses?….”
The recent shooting at the Navy Yard demonstrates the lie that an armed society can prevent such events. While there are a fair number of civilian workers on the base, there are also quite a few sailors and marines trained in combat. Apparantly the AK47 was taken from one of the first responders.
Making it hard for the mentally unstable and those who have been previously dumb with a gun to get guns and ammo will cut down on this sort of thing.
In an “armed society” you still have nut-jobs running around with guns. The goal should be to get the guns away from the nut-jobs. Every other 1st world country seems to have mastered this task.
Only because Puffy insists.
Last seen losing HUUUUUGE, getting his client ordered to pay Rachel Maddow’s legal defense team and the guy Right Wing Whack Jobs see as the great hope to uncover Obama’s murder of Seal Team Six, Larry Klayman has a new Crusade.
Go read the whole thing. It’s actually quite an awesome piece in its ability to tie together every bit of Right Wing truthiness out there.
Notice how gleeeeeeeeeeman skips over his heterosexual attack above…
21. YLB spews:
With all your somewhat tiresome, repetitive anti-hetero commentary
Nuff said SUCKA!
Puddy called it on the Navy Yard shooter!
Obummer love causes mental derangement! So sad it went to killing innocent people!
The King performs another of his acts…
It’s sad to watch the guy pretending to be Puddy post and post in the vain attempt that someone will finally acknowledge that he exists. I guess that what it’s like to be a black republican, (if the person pretending to be puddy is actually black), so ignored by his so called friends, he has to post here, where being mocked, and proven wrong again and again is still attention.
I find it also sad the conservative serfs trying so hard to remake America into Somalia seem to think that they will be one of the tiny class of the lords. As if that would ever be allowed.
I have the week off with family in town for a part of it, so I had the time to take a look at the HA comments for the first time in a while (except that I do enjoy the “Bird’s Eye View Contest” on an almost weekly basis).
@2: Nice post.
@6: And the first post from the resident troll is such a freaking lie that I stopped there. All one has to do is click on the link that he/she provided, which purports to quote Warren Buffet, but which only provides opinion with a link that doesn’t quote what they say it does. Furthermore, the troll writes that, “Warren Buffet… is now against…” (emphasis mine), but there’s nothing in either of the linked articles that indicates a recent statement made by Buffett.
An outright lie by “Puddybud”, which clearly reinforces the idea that he/she is not worth paying attention to.
But the HA posts are. Keep up the good work, you guys!
Ken Eikenberry!
Just goes to show how weak the GOP bench has become in Washington.
@20 So far as I can tell, the “Breitbart” that’s still above ground is about as rotten as the one that’s six feet under.
Piddles loves him some Phil Anchultz Examiner. How do you know a headline in the Examiner is right wing fantasy? It was printed in the examiner.
The AECA specifically prohibits the sale of arms to non-government forces in every country in the world. That’s what section 40 is about. But it contains this bit
So to follow the whack-o-sphere logic, Reagan arming the Taliban to fight in Afghanistan…illegal. (hey, weren’t they radical Islamists?)
Arming Nicaraguan contras….illegal. Just for fun,Congress also passed a law making arming the Contras specifically illegal.
Arming the French resistance, would have been illegal ‘crept the act wasn’t law til the late 70s.
New right wing hard on. Every person in Syria not in support of Assad is a Taliban terrorist.
Remind me again, how well does it turn out for the U.S. when we prop up dictators in the Middle East?…cough…Iran…cough…cough.
‘Free Markets’ In Republican Land
Republicans were kidding when they claimed to believe in free markets. In GOP-run Texas, electric carmaker Tesla can’t even sell its cars, because of special-interest legislation favoring car dealers selling competing makes.
Tesla is allowed to have showrooms in Texas. But its staff can’t give customers test rides, tell them its price, or accept orders.
Two bills introduced in the Texas legislature this year to lift those restrictions got nowhere.
I guess Republicans just don’t believe in free markets.
Teslas are popular in Washington, which has the highest per-capita ownership of Teslas of any state. In Washington, not only are Teslas eligible for a $7500 federal tax credit, but are also exempted from state sales tax. That means a car that would nominally cost $76,720 including sales taxes actually has a driveaway price of $62,500.
@40 Maybe rottener, if that’s possible.
…zzippy… remarkably wrong as ever! Buffett claims it will hurt the middle class. Obummer claims it helps the middle class. Buffett against Obummercare!
Thanks for playing. Stooooooooooopid as ever. Zipped on outta here! Good!
Who said Puddy was for arming the Taliban?
Who said Puddy was for arming the Sandinistas?
C H E C K M A T E !
Continues to lose each time!
Wow, just wow.
A luminary of the right holds forth…
There you have it. No Democrat is legitimate, no Democrat, particularly a Black one, may hold office. When Democrats have power, it is time for a coup.
These people are relentless bad actors, not to be trusted, not to be compromised with.
Fascist Pigsty…
Puddy exists much to your chagrin BIG TIME! Puddy ridicules leftist thought like yours every chance Puddy gets. Leftists run to their left wrong sites, Puddy uses other left wrong sites to refute their vile puke! Kevyn Orr in Detroit for example… learned at the lap of Clintonista politics!
Sux to be a leftist Fascist Pigsty!
SCHMUCKO… you skipped the best part… phony scandals… your daily battle cry on HA
If this comes to fruition, Lindsay Graham will call it a debacle and a slim majority of Republicans in both houses will come out in favor of Iran having a nuclear program.
Piddles throws one of his hissy fits @46
“I only quoted a report from Anchultz Nooooz. I pretended it was actual news and PROOF that the Moooslim president is arming terrorists. I didn’t say that. I didn’t! I DIDN’T!”
I test drove one and it is by far the finest car I’ve ever driven. Stomps out of a standstill and accelerates from 60mph to 75 like nothing. All with no transmission so no even momentary loss of power. Alas, It is still out of my league. When the Model X comes out around 40k…
Even the high end model with the tax breaks that sells for $100k works out to about $90k. There are zero maintenance costs outside of battery replacement that is warrantied for 8 years unlimited miles and the cost of those batteries continues to drop so replacing in 8 years may not cost much (Too soon to tell.) On household power you can drive about 12k miles a year for about a $600 bump in your electricity bill. Gas on a 30mpg car works out to a little over $1500.
At those prices if you are in the market for a high end sedan the only reason to buy anything else is your desperate need to compensate for your tiny penis with Mercedes logo or a giant commercial truck masquerading as a passenger car in the driveway. (BMW 7 series is $68k low end, E-class is $57k low end, Audi A8 is 70k and none of those gets over 30mpg.)
There’s a reason why gas manufacturers are suing to keep Tesla out of a bunch of states with a big chunk of high net-worth residents.
Puddy reduces checkmate to that comment. The inference of Reagan having Puddy’s support back in 1980s is standard libtard conjecture. Mentally ill libtard!
Is this surprising?
Where RETHUGs rule, the people eventually need help.