– I make fun of The Seattle Times ed page, but this is quite reasonable.
– The American Jobs Act just got a whole lot stupider.
– Olympians support the Longshoremen.
– Michael Moore shouldn’t have said that.
– Tim Ceis’s state map is a hard bargaining position (#3).
– This open thread dated by request in the last one. I don’t know if I’ll keep it up.
Thanks for the date stamp.
There’s a time stamp on the Open Thread posts. The universe can now aligned itself and we can all breath a sign of relief.. *phew*
Hey stupid fool (PuddyMoron),
I know you love attacking me for my prior support of Edwards. I know you’d never, ever, ever in your LIFETIME support a guy like that who’d have an affair on his wife right?
Wow was Edwards NAILED by the National Enquirer! That very, very, reputable tabloid with the HIGHEST journalistic standards…
Just like this guy was:
When that miserable idiot you voted for twice looked down on NOLA (what a fine example of “leadership” right?) – shit – he might have been tanked!
Idiot aka YLB-
No one was attacking you for supporting Edwards because he had an affair on his wife who was dying of cancer. Although that was very bad.
The attack was because of the payoff with campaign funds and publicly DENYING his own child.
Now that is bad, don’t you agree?
I mean, come on…even you can’t agree with the payoff and denying his child, can you?
5 – Are you speaking for Puddydope now little troll??
Wife cheater…. Philanderer…
I wonder why???
I supported the John Edwards who held greedy arrogant corporations to account for their misdeeds. We need that more than ever! I didn’t support his personal failings.
Now are you going to entertain us some more with how “Obamacare” and its “massive taxes” is “killing jobs” in North Dakota?
How about entertain us with how single payer health care is “killing jobs” in 6th place Vermont????
A tool and a fool you are!
I don’t see why the addresses of who currently holds a seat should be a consideration in redistricting. If someone gets booted from their district let them serve out their term and run for office in their new district.
Oh My Goodness… Still monomaniacal and chronologically challenged. If you remember which you seem to FAYLE each time you rely on that crazed databaze, your jockstrapping of John Deadwards was EPIC from before the 2008 pre-primary meetings. Your rants and screams were attacked by me in 2008 BEFORE we learned he was a philanderer ya moron.
You run to the crazed databaze and you forget to check the date. So how many chronological failures is this now serial arschloch plagiarizer? I count NINE (9) FAYLURES!
You are such an idiot. Here’s another…Remember when you claimed GWBush reject the Kyoto Protocols, but the Senate never ratified them under Clinton? And you said it multiple times. Oh I have them too.
Such an idiot.
Yep and the NY Times commended them on the story YA MORON!
Find that in your EPIC FAYLE databaze!
Good job mayor McGinn!
You can add vajazzling to the list of things that are just plain wrong and should not be.
This is a really cool project.
Newly released 2010 census data shows 4 of the 5 poorest states have so-called “right to work” laws, and none of the 5 richest states do. Looks like there’s a correlation. Maybe we should call anti-union laws “right to be poor” laws, because that’s what they are — they give you the “right” to work for lower wages.
The right to be impoverished law!
@5 Seems to me you’re the idiot here. Nobody knew about that stuff when Edwards was running for president. It came out afterward. How can YLB or anyone else be responsible for something they didn’t know about? You’re stupid.
on the miserable idiot you voted for twice tippling while NOLA drowned??
Shit I believe it!
8 – More moronic babbling of an idiot.
Truth: you voted for Clinton in 92. His philandering was known back then. You “jockstrapped” a philanderer you hypocrite. You’re supposed to be a superior right wing dope! You failed fool! How can you ever recover from this???
Truth: you “jockstrapped” the Nat Enquirer for exposing Edwards affair – you were SILENT about their expose of the miserable idiot you voted for twice – his falling off the WAGON..
What kind of weakness of character did that show? You were SILENT!
The “Hillary In ‘012” phenomenon is no flash in the pan. A Bloomberg poll shows Clinton is America’s most popular politician, with two-thirds of respondents rating her favorably, and that 87% think the country would be better off, or at least no worse off, under a Hillary Clinton administration.
Meanwhile, things look less rosy for Obama, but even worse for GOPers:
“When asked who they would vote for in 2012, 29 percent said they would definitely vote for Obama, 43 percent said they would definitely vote for another candidate and 21 percent said they would consider voting for another candidate.”
Well it’s still sprawl development, but this is an improvement.
Poor Puddydope. When his silly ass is exposed he tries to cover with lame “pavlov” and “chronological” attacks.
You can’t run from your legacy fool. Nice try..
Just gets yucks from us libruls..
> How can YLB or anyone else be responsible for something they didn’t know about?
Good point, and it certainly explains why we refrain from holding YLB responsible for much at all on HA, little rabbit.
@17 Puddy voted for a draft dodger? No! You don’t say! Where’s his patriotism?
“our amenities are watching the cows graze”
I cannot wait for the homeowners complaining about the cow smell!
Reading anything the person who pretends to be puddy writes is like stepping in dog feces. I just try to ignore all his stuff.
Remember when you claimed GWBush reject the Kyoto Protocols
Yep he certainly did:
Wow stupid! Sound like a ringing endorsement doesn’t it?
He’s saying: there’s a problem (bullshit), but we need MORE TALK and NO ACTION!
but there’s more…
So, it turns out that cities with good transit options are recovering from the recession faster than those which do not.
“Flipping the bird”??? Sounds like a “rejection” to me!
Heh. “We” the lower case funny handled vigilante squad..
Looking forward to your antics in 2012.
@27. I used to live in exurbs. It was a 45 mile freeway drive to Seattle We moved back to Seattle where I could take a bus to work. Then we sold one of our cars. I have 6 grocery chains within a 3 mile radius 2. I used to have to drive 20 miles to reach one.
Being a 1 car family made the difference between one of my brothers family being able to own a home, instead of renting. Transit use and living walking distance to what you need just makes sense.
How’d you like to do your old commute in a 14MPG F-250 pickup?
Man this turd for brains is WRONG again! Even with his crazed databaze he’s stupidly wrong. I enjoy regurgitating links when the serial arschloch plagiarizer, who loves sitting on da couch in his house while the mrs SEIU works hard bringing home da bread.
Everyone here can see how stupid, monomaniacal and chronologically inept you are when you “search” that crazed databaze. For you to “wield” it as your weapon of hate when you can’t even make a credible search proves how much of a useless couch potato biomass you really are. For example Google says more the 450 monomaniacal entries are in your crazed databaze. You return 259? Bwaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa
Remember “Only a wrongheaded meatball would deny that truth can come from anywhere.” – Some leftist was taking about you ya idiot! You are even held in low esteem by other leftist bloggers. HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!
Amoebas and Paramecium operate with far more intelligence than you display on this blog. You are the insidious virus of HA.
Where did I say I was perfect? In 92 I was a kook-aid drinker like you Roger DOPEY Rabbit. Then I found better tasting water off the reservation!
If theHA crazed serial arschloch wasn’t a monomaniacal chronological idiot he would have also search some comments I made talking with GBS on the subject. But you see while I remember most things about this blog without a crazed databaze, the serial arschloch plagiarizer needs a crutch, tool, or whatever because being dumber than the average one cell organism he has the memory capacity of 30 minutes or less. He forgets what he writes earlier in a thread. Oh yeah I already proved that so I won’t bore you with the details. Just check back two weeks ago. And Roger DOPEY Rabbit, no I jump for you either.
Ah, I see ButtPutty is at it again.
Too bad he just smells so bad.
Some day maybe he will do something about it.
Now regarding the Kyoto protocols, Bush didn’t have to do anything on them because they were never Senate ratifiedhttp://www.nationalcenter.org/KyotoSenate.html.
You can read it all there. So why hasn’t Barack ObamAA+ pushed for ratification ya moron?
Sheeeeeesh, this is one dumb idiot. Now you all see why I post so many comments. Almost a third are directed at the most stupid here because liberalism is a mental disorder, even with the crazed databaze, the serial arschloch plagiarizer forget facts and links.
Wow ekim, that really “burns”. Such a retort. Coming out to support your arschloch eh? Well you like the goat arschloch so I guess there is no difference in feeling to you.
@32 Puddy resembles a slug, all slime, no meat.
@33 “In 92 I was a kook-aid drinker like you Roger DOPEY Rabbit.”
Uh, no. You voted for Clinton. I didn’t.
So you voted for Papa Bush Roger DOPEY Rabbit in 1992?
So you voted for Ross Perot Roger DOPEY Rabbit in 1992?
So you voted for Bob Dole in 1996?
One of puddy’s problems is he can’t get facts straight. I’m not saying that’s his only problem. He has many problems; that’s only one of ’em.
Senility is really treating you badly Roger DOPEY Rabbit. Facts make you really DOPEY!
Oh damn, coming from the one who messed up the King County Sheriff’s Budget.
Those were facts you ummm… lets say EPIC FAYLE Roger DOPEY Rabbit!
And now for something completely different….
From the folk who brought you the Ribbon, (but not a viable smart phone) now comes the Windows 8 Blue Screen of Death gets sad face :(
Seriously, what are they smoking in Redmond these days? Win 8 balls?
Getting preggers when you don’t want too isn’t a health issue?
@ Looking forward to your antics in 2012.
No doubt, because if there’s one thing that’s certain you’ll be here, no matter the year or time of day!!
Notice Roger DOPEY Rabbit won’t say who he voted for:
A Nasty Republican or the Sucking Sound King.
Nope you dope – you’re wrong – to support an idiot to have made such DISASTROUS as to wage war on 2 countries, cut taxes on the rich and reach for the BOTTLE while an American city drowned.
You made your bed dummy now lie in it.
Nope you dope. All the database is, is comments – there’s nothing added – nothing taken away.
It’s used to hold YOU accountable and being held accountable is what YOU HATE! I myself just get a kick out of that just like you get a kick from all the name-calling you do.
Remember “Only a wrongheaded meatball would deny that truth can come from anywhere.”
Again you LIE with the truth. Taking MLF’s comments completely out of context. Nice try.
I provide detailed quotes of your past bullshit. You just provide bullshit..
As for the rest – blah, blah, blah, FAIL…
You’re supposed to be perfect fool! You mean your sky god’s plan for you was to “jockstrap” a philanderer whose behavior pattern that YOU then have the nerve to attack others for “jockstrapping”????
Oh but that’s not the ONLY MISTAKE Mr. “Bob of Enzyte” ever made – not by any stretch..
We’ll go into the OTHER MISTAKE in due time.
as will you!
Any argument or talking point yet?
Naaaahhh. Too easy to expose you as a fool.. You’d rather just sling ad hominem.
Sure sucks to be you little troll!
> Sure sucks to be you little troll
Speaking of which, have you ever considered placing a caption beneath your Yuen Lui photo, “Actual Size!”?
Oh here’s another lie/distortion/what have you.
╰─$ b cs -b monomaniacal -c
| count |
| 257 |
1 row in set
Now we add your stupidity:
─$ b cs -h puddybud -b monomaniacal -c
| count |
| 239 |
1 row in set
That’s a count of comments with the word in it. Shit you’re so nuts you use the word MANY TIMES in one comment!
And any FOOL knows Google is far from perfect.
You’re the one making an ass of hisself with “monomaniacal”.
49 – It’s your actual size little troll..
Or the size of your brain – given that so far you’ve proved incapable of even trying to defend the indefensible: failed right wing ideology.
Texas unemployment rate hits highest level since 1987.
[The] Texas unemployment rate increased to 8.5% in August — the highest level in more than 24 years and more than twice the rate when Perry took office in December 2000.
In fact, if it weren’t for Texas, job growth in America would been nearly 50 percent higher over the past two months. But Rick Perry is still convinced he’s witnessed a miracle in Texas.
Just say’n.
@46 Notice Roger DOPEY Rabbit won’t say who he voted for
Yeah, he threw you a real gem, trumpeting the fact he DIDN’T vote for a Democrat. Hopefully, he’s not at a rare loss for words and will elaborate.
@51 given that so far you’ve proved incapable of even trying to defend the indefensible
Montlake, next Tuesday, my friend, if you can find jaws of life big enough to pry you from the chair you’re all but welded to.
46, 53 – It’s no secret. I’ve posted on HA in the past, numerous times, that I voted for Perot in 1992 and Dole in 1996. So you guys would know that if you’d been paying attention.
54 – ????… zzzzzzZZZZzzz..
No desire whatsoever to make your ugly acquaintance. Life is too short.
You have an argument to make?
Make it here… Otherwise do what I fully expect your kind to do. Attack the man or woman in these comment threads with ugly invective and innuendo and NEVER the argument.
Navy Upgrades WW2 Gay Vet’s Discharge
Melvin Dwork was a Navy corpsman in World War 2 — until he was thrown out of the service with an “undesirable” discharge in 1944 for being gay.
Dwork fought fo decades to clear his name. Last month, the Board for Corrections of Naval Records upgraded his discharge to “honorable,” acting “in the interest of justice.” The decision makes Dwork, now 89, eligible for veteran’s benefits.
Dwork apparently is the first ousted gay World War 2 veteran to wring an honorable discharge out of the Pentagon. There are about 100,000 more like him waiting in line.
Hey,It’s not just for Rabbits, I voted for Uncle Ronnie…. Twice! That’s just what did, if you were from my part of Oregon.
> Life is too short.
Heh. I mean, it’s not as though work, family or community service would make that trip impossible. What a wuss!
57 – Veterans benefits! There had to be a money angle for homophobia in the military somewhere..
More money for those spat upon even though they put as much on the line as anyone means…
Less money for perks, fiefdoms and fancy hardware for those more “respectable”.
Well, the best you can say is that it’s coming to an end finally
I voted, rather in unenthusiastically, for Dukakis in ’88. Had he not been in office with St. Ronnie I probably would have voted for Poppa Bush. Skipped ’92- I was working in Yellowstone NP and didn’t enquire about mail in ballots in time. Since Clinton was a douche nozzle and Dole ran as something that he wasn’t I voted for Nader in 96. Yawned and voted for Gore the gas bag in 2,000- almost voted for Bush. I don’t blame folks for voting for Bush in 2000. 2004, gagged down a vote for Kerry. 2008, wasn’t real fired up about Obama, but was kinda hopeful and happy when I voted for him.
So yeah, I don’t have real high hopes when it comes for voting for president.
59 – Don’t care to EVER meet with those of your ilk. Been consistent on that since the beginning. You comport yourselves here as you do, who in their right mind would want to MEET YOU???
As you were little troll.
@60 The first correction — 67 years after the fact — of 100,000 injustices is hardly “an end.” Hopefully, it’s a beginning.
If anyone knows what WW2 corpsmen did for their combat pay, raise your hand:
> Been consistent on that since the beginning.
I’m sure you have!!! What a bump on a log!
“Michael Moore shouldn’t have said that”
hmm, let’s do a thought experiment: unemployment among African Americans is officially at 17% (almost double the national average), and the president spends most of his time and energy implementing austerity policies that will hit minorities especially hard while he regurgitates trickle down religion. Is the president a white republican or the first black American who largely campaigned on progressive rhetoric?
I think my ancestors that fought for the north in the civil war got a pension of $5 a month for their service.
BREAKING NEWS — Mass Casualties In Reno Air Race Crash
Various news sources indicate at least 12 people were killed and at least 75 were injured, 25 of them critically, after a vintage World War 2 P-51 Mustang crashed into the stands during the Reno Air Races this afternoon.
@66 That was a week’s groceries back then.
@61 I think Kennedy was the last president people got excited about, except for a few misguided fools who believed Reagan’s “morning in America” line.
I have come to the conclusion that HA is full of whiny little bitches who could stand to get punk-slapped back into reality.
just keeping it realz…..
The crash at Reno Air Races today involved a legendary plane and pilot. The Galloping Ghost has been racing since 1946, and its owner and pilot, Jimmy Leeward, has been racing since the 1970s and was the most veteran pilot on the racing circuit.
70 – What a genius! With violent fantasies even!
Got any “imported iranian oil” to sell us asshat?
so says the guy who doesnt even wear the pants in the family and would rather ignore his kids so he can do his HA “research”.
nice life.
mediocrity – have you gotten used to it living it yet?
73 – LMAO!!! You bother rujax about “churches” and you then want to assault people..
Guess what?? Nobody I can see is impressed… Dream on cyclops!
What a miserable piece of crap!
Awh… Come here and give me a big Christian Side Hug.
Seems like a lot of folks got excited for RFK as well. Then RFK went on an anti-poverty kick and met the same fate that just about everyone else that stuck up for the working class did. MLK was sticking up for striking garbage workers when he ate a bullet…
Fast forward to the 80’s and Latin American and it’s the same old thing all over again. Oscar Romero gets a little liberation theology, sticks up for the campesinos, and eats a bullet that was made in America.
Nah Michael, you are one of the very few here that I have some respect for.
Bush didn’t have to do anything on them because they were never Senate ratified
You voted for a miserable lying bait and switcher!
Wow #47 struck a nerve. So lets review… You, the serial arschloch plagiarizer amoeba claimed to have the 500,000+ entry home version of HA blog. No one else has this blog saved at home except you. You created the home version bragging “Just you wait” you wrote to remind other libtardos what we who think right submitted yesteryear. As of now you’ve tried TEN (10) times to attack me. Each time it has been a chronologically monomaniacal failure. Yet you can’t find the leftist who first called you monomaniacal.
You keep bringing up how I caught you in a LIE about John Deadwards. It was your words
I dodn’t force you to write them, you did it on your own. I see that verbal spanking still bothers you because you can’t take back what you wrote. I told the world that the National Enquirer exposed Deadwards for what he was when the lamestream libtardo MSM kept their mouths shut. Nwgal tried to ridicule me on the NE and failed. You on the other hand love beat downs so you come back again and again.
#17 is your claim
Bush acknowledged his DUI arrest in Maine November 2000 with CNN. There is no NEED to say anything else since he ACKNOWLEDGED IT. Where are the other “arrests” for falling off the wagon? First he had to be on the wagon moron. It was last second DUMMOCRAPTIC attacks. And of course being a DUMMOCRAPT you fly right into it.
The big difference is John Deadwards lied about the affair, then lied how he used campaign funds as personal slush money to hide the affair. Where did GWBush use campaign funds to hide his DUI? You are such a moron!
I see you can’t deal with the fact I tell the world how you “wield” the personal HA databaze copy as your weapon of hate. You created it you said “Just you wait”. You’ve failed 10 times and I know the count will continue to increase.
I deliver what others said about you moron. Did you find this precious comment about you “wrongheaded meatball”
Truth. It can be found in the National Enquirer, Rush Limbaugh, Newsmax, Breitbart, Glenn Beck etc., and that’s what one leftist wrote about you and your feckless commentary. Still waiting for an attack on me by one who thinks right. Haven’t you searched yet? That would be “devastating” IF YOU COULD FIND ONE! Oh I have more leftist comments about you and your moronic self serial arschloch plagiarizer. I’ll deliver them when the time is right just like the monomaniacal one. When the time is right.
Everyone can see you are my beta. Using Tooooo Damnnn Funny. Regarding the Google search there are 240+ times I used it on your sorry ylb ASS and 210+ times I used it on you being all arschloch! So who FAYLED again? All depends on the search string. And you haven’t found who FIRST called you monomaniacal. Maybe one of these days the person will come back and acknowledge it. Butt, I’ll use it when the time is right!
So The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. “Only a wrongheaded meatball would deny that truth can come from anywhere.”
A Connecticut jury has acquitted radio talker and blogger Hal Turner of threatening to kill three state officials, even though he threatened to kill them.
Turner, a white supremacist, Holocaust denier, and homophobe, is currently serving a federal prison sentence for threatening to kill three federal judges.
Turner has a history of advocating violence sgainst specific named public officials and publishing their home addresses.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Connecticut needs better juries.
Threatening to kill federal judges probably isn’t a real good idea if you have a federal conviction you want to appeal.
HA’s serial arschloch plagiarizer has his comfy couch. He’ll never leave it to actually “help” humanity. Hell no!
Let The Protests Begin!
A group hoping to attract 20,000 protesters plans to stage a tent-in on Wall Street beginning tomorrow.
Organizers say they want President Obama to establish a commission to end “the influence money has over our representatives in Washington,” according to Business Week.
@82 He’s helping humanity every time he bich-slaps you, punk.
Regarding Michael Moore and Bill Mahar… I see only anon11 commented on that. I’ve been saying for years DUMMOCRAPTS will eventually show their racist colors when God deems it right. He’ll direct them to expose in daylight what they think in darkness.
So now we see the racist comments from two big time leftist pinheads.
Been telling HA DUMMOCRAPTS for years it’s DUMMOCRAPTS who are the real racists. They project it on their political adversaries to “hide” their true feelings!
It’s on Baloon Juice but the blog won’t let me post the link.
P R I C E L E S S!
@85 Puddy, do you mind if I ask a personal question? Did your persecution complex start in childhood, or after you began hanging out with Republicans?
headless lucy fels right at home with those two Bill Mahar and Michael Moore, leftist racists!
Balloon Juice is where you can see the thread of racists in action. Glad to see other blacks waking up to leftists actions and deeds. Had to separate it out.
@88 Guess he doesn’t want to answer that.
No Roger DOPEY Rabbit, I was driving to an airport. I don’t duck and cover like you. There is no Republican persecution complex. I deliver FACTS about DUMMOCRAPTS and how their true colors show through their facades given enough time.
And when did this happen Roger DOPEY Rabbit?
I bought this up weeks ago Roger DOPEY Rabbit. This is stale news, like almost all of your stale comments.
@92 Yawn. Stay off P-51s, putz. It’s getting hard to find people who know how to service them.
@93 Every time you post.
@94 Given that most people scroll past your rants, I thought I’d bring it to the HA community’s attention.
@84 He’s helping humanity every time he bich-slaps you
You probably don’t think twice about using that term, you sexist relic. You ever tried it with me and I send you back to the 60’s where you belong.
Oh shit #79 is too freaking rich!
I’m going to savor this for a while..
So full of boooolll crap it’s
Heh. Little “Montlake” is back..
You mean this guy right??
╰─$ b cs -h puddybud -b “bitch slap” -c
| count |
| 12 |
1 row in set
Just to to show you I’m not making this up:
79 is so target rich. I’m taking my time with it.
I’ll be baaaaaaaaaaacckkk.
yet another saturday spent by ylbleeder on the computer.
what a geek loser….
@100 I’ll be baaaaaaaaaaacckkk
But you never leave, you’re HA’s resident headcase.
101 – Still got them violent fantasies about people who think your political views STINK???
Shit, you’ve always had them..
Carry on. You’re a laughing stock
102 – Montlake troll – still no argument. Just a sick fascination and deep seated rage at those who do.
Oh, game must be over . . . hubby swivels his chair from the TV back to the . . . computer!
Another productive day . . . !!!!
Wow I come back to this thread and the serial arschloch plagiarizer is teh conversation topic.
EPIC FAYLE on the serial arschloch plagiarizer!
bitch slap
Looks like the link failed… bitch slap Over 500 found by Google and 12 were by Puddy? How many were from HA leftist ya pinhead? Probably the majority!
Well I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack…
Sort of… Got some stuff to do and then I’m taking in a flick with the fambly..
Oh my a certain moron is little perturbed that a “female” troll @ 97 might be a little offended at some of the language.
Even funnier is that he takes my database search at face value. What happened to “Fayle”????
It’s not there because it’s the truth. You’re as guilty of “offending” the sexism hustler @ 97 as anyone.
Of course the serial arschloch plagiarizer won’t admit if he’s ever used bitch slap!
BTW there is one entry and it wasn’t DIRECTED AT YOU ya moron!
109 – Did a search and I don’t see it dummy but I’m doing too much at the same time..
If you got the goods, let’s see them..
Either way I couldn’t give a flip.
You have 12 comments where you used “bitch slap” Certain female trolls (who seen to always focus on Roger Rabbit) are supposed to be offended at such sexist language.
Sure sucks for you right wing dope!
I asked how many bitch slap did you use. Of course you’ll never tell the truth about yourself. Naaaah can’t do dat!
o who is the 7x24x365.25 hateful dope.
Truth, not in your pedigree!
BTW you are the topic of this thread serial arschloch plagiarizer, all arschloch all the time!
Still don’t see the goods dope!
I showed one of yours.
Want to see the rest?
@112 And you are the toxic of this thread …
I asked how many bitch slap did you use. Of course you’ll never tell the truth about yourself. Naaaah can’t do dat!
Now who is the 7×24×365.25 hateful dope?
Truth, not in your pedigree! You’ll never show your bitch slap comments. I have better things to do right now, but if I get free I’ll check. Remember you are MY beta and I am YOUR alpha. Remember I travel the world making it a BETTER place. You sit on your ASS making it more DISGUSTING, like yourself 24x7x365.25!
@112 Oh the “burn” from Roger DOPEY Rabbit!
@115 What a delusional psycho.
Facts… they have a strange way of messing with Roger DOPEY Rabbit’s mind!
@73, Wow. Can’t comment in the arena of logic and ideas, so you attempt to change the subject with attacks on his manhood and parenting skills? Man that’s pathetic.
Wolf bitch-slaps Fox
by Goldy, 01/22/2007, 5:46 PM
Forgot about this one!
I know about all the uses of the word “monomanical” in these comment threads.
Who has used it the most????
YOU HAVE! It’s only important to YOU!
Nobody else I can see. You don’t post any proof because you don’t have any. You’ll be waiting for “the right time” forever. It will never come because you have NOTHING!
How silly are you?
Oh I just did a google search too:
I get:
Why is that? Oh this is the reason. At the bottom of the last page:
Stupid reading challenged fool. I said @110 that I did a search and found nothing.
If you have any proof of anything beyond your hand stained with the shit you pull out of your ass, show it.
But of course you won’t. You’re waiting for “the right time”..
I’m so scared!
@121, You are my beta…
First search using specific criteria:
Page 19 of about 433 results (0.17 seconds)
Second search using totally different criteria…
Page 11 of 104 results (0.06 seconds)
Looks like EPIC FAYLE!
Oh and remember a leftist called you “odd”!
Like anyone believes you?
You claimed you searched monomaniacal and found nothing well real soon you’ll be proven a liar or a sloppy programmer or both real soon!
Remember slappy,
When someone admits their own mistakes, no one else needs to pile on except trash such as you, serial arschloch plagiarizer!
Oh and when I post the monomaniacal entry we’ll see the leftist originator.
Keep squirming. You apparently don’t know like you have no clue about the SEIU @2007.
Mighty tall threat moron!
Oh I gots the goods!
123 – Stupid fool…
I CONTROL YOU!!! What brought this about???
╰─$ b cs -h puddybud -b tctmgr -c
| count |
| 86 |
1 row in set
You could have ignored my little project but you chose differently. “tctmgr” was only ONE of many shades of your obsession with the database.
The db is just comment threads. Are you SCEEERED of your behavior here over time??? Sure looks like it.
You’re NOT the captain of your own destiny. Silly fool!
124 – You still haven’t delivered the goods. All talk no action!
125 – Ditto…
126 – yawwwwwwn ditto…
Looks like you lose moron. I delivered the goods! One of many to come and I use Google!
So how come you only have 259 in that databaze? You are a programming loser!
129 – Yawwwn Nope don’t see any action on “bitch slap”.
I exposed your twelve uses of it.
Geez it was like teeth pulling for you to cough up the one time a guy called me something.. You were “waiting” for the right moment.
You of course ignore the fights sj and lee have had over the years. Much, much name calling and acrimony there. Much more than “one time”.
So it fell flat.. You used that stupid attack over 239 times over the years… How stupid are you?
Very, very stupid. You failed fool!
Thanks for calling Illegal Little Nymphet Porn eov
Because most stupid of feckless trolls like you once said about Rasmussen (which turned out to be bullshit).
It’s very damn accurate.
Your google searches are approximate only and contain repeats.
Another feckless attack foiled!