– I’m taking Monday off for Labor Day. Do you guys want an Open Thread on Tuesday-Thursday or to wait until Wednesday?
– I support the Seattle teachers.
– Finally a place where cars and bikes can gang up on other people. I don’t mind waiting at drawbridges that much, but I don’t bike past a bridge for my commute (generally).
Who among us would keep our jobs if we refused to do them? I’ve lived long enough to remember gay people being jailed for dancing together. Why? Because of third century superstitions. I still don’t hear “Christians” calling for the stoning of adulterers. That would eat into their bottom line.
This blog needs a daily open thread.
I don’t mind seeing yachties inconvenienced. This requires the cooperation of the feds, though, because under federal law, which applies to all navigable waterways, boats have right-of-way over land traffic. In general terms, this means if a boat wants to pass through a drawbridge, the bridge must open, and to hell with the cars, trucks, buses, and cyclists waiting to cross the bridge. Seattle has a deal with the federal authorities to modify this rule during the worst of the rush hours, but expanding this accommodation is entirely up to the feds.
I’m sure glad I don’t work. Bad bosses, low pay, rotating hours, rush hour commutes, open drawbridges, cyclists obstructing traffic and antagonizing drivers — it all sucks. I left all that behind when I became a workforce dropout, and I’ve never regretted it or looked back. The vaunted American work ethic is a sham and a fraud. You don’t do well in this country by working; you do well by not working. The people living in mansions and driving Porsches don’t work; they prey on those who do. I don’t share their values, and I’ll never be like them, but I’m not going to be one of their victims, either.
Donald Trump is having a fit because a reporter asked him a question he didn’t know the answer to. (To wit: Name the heads of the major terrorist organizations.)
With Kim Davis sitting in jail, Rowan County is now issuing marriage licenses. Yay.
In Virginia, a white cop who shot an unarmed black teenager in a Walmart parking lot has been indicted for first-degree murder by a grand jury. The prosecutor is a black woman; the defense attorney is a white woman. The white police chief who fired the cop said, “”I am confident that the grand jury impartially weighed all the evidence presented before rendering their final decision.”
California has 600,000 manufacturing workers earning under $15 an hour, the largest number among states. Those workers make up 36.7% of California’s manufacturing jobs. Arkansas is the state with the greatest share of manufacturing workers who are low-paid, with 52.3% making less than $15 an hour.
Goldy does well, at least currently, by looking at weekly Seattle restaurant license data in an effort to convince us all that the minimum wage increase isn’t having a deleterious impact.
If he really was concerned about potential deleterious impacts, he’d be looking elsewhere for what could happen in other industries.
Hotel workers in Los Angeles, for instance,
Troubling Signs of Minimum Wage Damage in Los Angeles
might not be experiencing the same thing that Seattle restaurant workers are experiencing.
And then there’s manufacturing.
Which is why Goldy will keep talking about restaurants.
With those caveats in mind, here’s the big takeaway: Between 1987 and 2013, changes in sector-level labor productivity explain almost all of the changes in sector-level hourly labor compensation. And almost all of those productivity increases were paid as compensation to labor.
If you really want to know, 74 percent of the variance in the change between 1987 and 2013 in sector-level log hourly labor compensation is explained by changes in log labor productivity over the same period. A one-percentage point increase in productivity generated a 0.81-percentage-point increase in compensation.
I found this guy because he did a post on Seattle restaurant data. I probably found him by reading that Invictus dude that Goldy’s so in love with, IIRC.
He’s got a great graph in his post. It’s amazing what happens when you look at all of the labor and not just the labor you would prefer to look at.
Anyone else note the irony that this purportedly pro-labor, progressive blog won’t have a thread on Labor Day?
It’s actually amusing to watch the rich radiologist’s futile crusade against raising the minimum wage above slave-labor rates.
@10 The irony is that you expect pro-labor, progressive bloggers to work 365 days a year.
Of course, being a capitalist, I don’t work at all. Neither, apparently, does Doc Bickle. He spends as much time posting on HA as I do, if not more, so it’s reasonable to infer he performs no useful work, either.
@ 13
You’re a living, breathing, incontinent argument against a daily Open Thread.
Uh oh. Looks like Goldy’s restaurant data might not be manna from heaven much longer.
You know they can’t keep going to that well much longer when they start to point out
1) that an unnamed buddy told them that a restaurant slowdown will be due to rising rents and not rising wages
2) that the Seattle restaurant market is already saturated.
Merely a coinky-dinky, I’m sure, that there’s now a dip (same link) in the overall NCAIS number they’ve been cheering for months, while it was increasing.
‘s OK. Maybe Goldy can start talking about other things instead. Like maybe how it’s going @8 elsewhere.
After all, restaurants are so April – mid-August.
Saw this go by on Facebook:
“She is NOT being jailed for practicing her religion, She is being jailed for using her position in Government to force others to practice her religion against their will.”
Robots Lay Three Times as Many Bricks as Construction Workers
“Peters says SAM’s purpose is to leverage human jobs, not entirely replace them—a human mason can lay about 300 to 500 bricks a day, while SAM can lay about 800 to 1,200 bricks a day. One human plus one SAM equals the productivity of having four or more masons on the job.”
Drip, drip, drip go the starter jobs.
Hey, Better:
See @8 and tell us how raising the minimum wage will increase the number of starter jobs, losses of which you bemoan.
The Bigger Amazon Story: How a Human Becomes an “Amabot”
“Today, the role of human labor is to do the work machines have not yet learned.”
“The systems for the salaried, “white-collar Amabot” differ from the time efficiency systems for hourly blue-collar workers. Most white-collar Amabots focus on knowledge work, and the overriding goal here is to harness individual intelligence so as to maximize the collective intelligence of the greater system that is Amazon. For white-collar workers, the system is designed to capture maximum share of mind, which translates to eighty-hour workweeks and harvesting time from employee weekends and vacations.”
Do they just assume people will work for a while as they harvest their best ideas and just fire them, making room for the next set of people to drain?
Seems like Uber concept applied to knowledge workers.
Why, it was just yesterday that Roger Rabbit was telling us all that invoking the Fifth Amendment to avoid talking to the FBI meant nothing. It’s our constitutional right, after all.
Disclosures that the aide who set up Hillary Clinton’s private email server has refused to cooperate with investigators on Fifth Amendment grounds mark an ominous new turn for the Democratic presidential frontrunner as she fights allegations she mishandled classified information while secretary of state.
One former Republican U.S. attorney predicted Thursday that the development will compel the Justice Department to set aside the FBI’s limited inquiry into whether Clinton’s emails breached national security, empanel a federal grand jury and conduct a criminal investigation.
“Obviously, if he’s not going to cooperate, all of these people who were on her email are all going to get subpoenas now,” Joseph diGenova said. “It is fairly abundant that the setting up of the server – unencrypted, without State Department input – was done partially surreptitiously. And this gentleman who was part of that process could be criminally exposed for violating the espionage statutes, especially for the grossly negligent handling of classified information, which is a 10-year felony.”
Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/new.....rylink=cpy
He’s a small fish.
Watch Biden announce, then the IT guy be granted immunity for his cooperation.
Then Roger Rabbit will tell us it’s all part of the Fleeing Clinton doctrine.
So, if Goldy can’t use restaurant data anymore and he’s got two months to misdirect until the election, what’s he likely to do with that time?
Yup. Eyman.
Goldy @GoldyHA
Finally! https://twitter.com/phardinjackson/status/639776095680630784 …
@18. Bickle, you some how think that any amount of low pay will stop automation. The workers could work for free and they would still get replaced. All robots have to do is pass that tipping point where they reliably produce better overall quality at a cheaper cost than a human and they get that specific job.
“(Beijing) – Every day, two quality-control supervisors monitor four robots tirelessly assembling remote-control devices for home appliances at a Midea Group factory in Foshan, in the southern province of Guangdong. The robots recently replaced 14 workers on the plant’s assembly line for remote controls. And soon, more robots will arrive to replace the quality-control supervisors.”
“A Japanese company “could afford to use two robots to replace one worker,” Deng said. “But in China, it’s only worth considering when one robot can replace three workers.”
That said, a lot of Chinese companies including Midea have already decided to push ahead with automation and grow their robot populations.
“If it’s a task that a robot can do, we’ll have one do it, That’s our strategy.””
@ 22
Better, you merely need to embrace the forces of creative destruction.
That said, most businesses fail. They just do. I’m sorry that Rafael Sanchez might have to go back to an unsatisfying job at Microsoft or some other bland corporation now that his lovely little business didn’t work out (I’ve been to Cintli, and it truly was a lovely little place). I feel your pain, Rafael. Been there, done that.
But life isn’t fair. So while no doubt a $15 minimum wage might push some struggling small businesses over the edge, others will take their place. Broadway won’t become an empty landscape of boarded up storefronts, bereft of coffee shops, restaurants, and retailers. The business community will adapt to Seattle’s living wage economy. That’s the way capitalism works. And there’s no rule that says the forces of creative destruction may only be unleashed by the private sector.
There also is no rule that says you need to feel badly about job losses accelerated by higher labor costs mandated by the increased minimum wage. Just conveniently neglect to mention it or downplay it if you’re forced to address it, like others around here.
You will feel much better about it all if you learn to concentrate on how much better that brick facade will look if there isn’t mortar sticking out and running down the face of the wall.
And when those replaced-by-robot bricklayers get discouraged and drop out of the job market, the denominator shrinks and the unemployment rate looks better.
See how it all works out, Better?
Bickle, I am no fan of Hillary, I support her only because ABSOLUTELY every republican is so much worse, but in all the news reports I have heard and read, the emails were retroactively classified. While they are classified now, they were not at the time. It seems like a republican dirty trick to be prosecuting her now for things that were legal when she did them. You have links that prove she sent classified emails?
While this is about laws, the principle is the same to me,
“An ex post facto law is a law that retroactively changes the legal consequences (or status) of actions that were committed before the enactment of the law. In criminal law, it may criminalize actions that were legal when committed.
Ex post facto laws are expressly forbidden by the United States Constitution in Article 1, Section 9, Clause 3.”
I searched for “evidence Hillary sent classified emails”
and they are all vague stories like this with the word appears everywhere in the text. No proof, just innuendo and photos of Hillary making her look bad.
“appear to”
“…is the only kind that must be “presumed” classified”
“Although it appears to be true for Clinton to say none of her emails included classification markings, ”
“appears to include”
“marking on these emails suggest the department might believe the information was classified all along”
“Reuters was unable to rule out the possibility that”
@ 24
Bless your consistency, my friend.
@22. Did that have a point? It appear you were ignoring the idea businesses would automate regards of the wage, and just repeating that $15 was a terrible thing.
@25. Which republican candidate do you support for prez and why?
@ 27
You mean declared?
but in all the news reports I have heard and read, the emails were retroactively classified.
Really worser @24? Apparently those sites you refer too are old…
Then read the horseASS manure from the Media Morons. Herridge discusses the document originators DIA, the NSA and the NGA, etc… while Media Morons is train wrecking the discussion about the recipient. The recipient can’t change the originator’s status per Obummer’s directive! Media Morons is in the business to deflect, obfuscate and redirect! http://mediamatters.org/resear.....eal/205344
No wonder you are a low information voter worser @24!
@28 Yes. And you can’t say you want Reagan again. Of the republican presidential candidates running in this election, who would you vote for and why?
Candidates featured in major polls:
Puddy, thanks for the post. You post a link from fox that claim there were classified emails, and then follow it up with a link explaining how fox got it wrong and why they were NOT smoking gun classified emails. Fair and Balanced.
@ 30
Just throwing it out there, Romney/Rubio. Not realistic unless something weird happens, but Trump at the top of the heap and being supported by conservatives is pretty fucking weird. There’s talk this week – again – about Romney.
I want a GOP win. Meaning a FL candidate has to be on the ticket. I think it was Sean Trende who wrote about this a couple of months ago.
Would be nice if a woman was on the ticket, or at least if it could be an option. If there has to be a Floridian on, the only way a woman gets on is if Bush or Rubio is on the top, assuming it won’t be Fiorina on top. Otherwise, Rubio is probably everyone else’s VP nominee, assuming that Trende is correct. Bush wouldn’t take the #2 spot.
So I have to say Bush or Rubio. Something like Rubio/Rice would seem particularly appealing to me. Other women could be Martinez, Ayotte, Fiorina, Haley. Rubio being younger, Rice’s experience in foreign policy would be particularly helpful. Oh, and then there’s the coverage of gender and other demographic points by that pair.
fox got it wrong?
NOPE! Media Morons got it wrong. Apparently you can’t read executive order, 13526.
As the most interesting man in the world would say: “Stay Stupid my friend!”
@14 Getting under your skin, am I? HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR
@17 When construction workers have been replaced by robots, who’s going to pay rent for all those buildings?
@18 Keep wages below subsistence, do away with government health care, and see how much money doctors make then. You’ll end up living on food stamps along with everyone else.
Typo @20: “Why, it was just yesterday that Roger Rabbit was telling us all that invoking the Fifth Amendment to avoid talking to the FBI meant nothing. It’s our constitutional right, after all.”
Corrected: “Why, it was just yesterday that Roger Rabbit was telling us all that invoking the Fifth Amendment to avoid talking to GOP partisan witch hunters in Congress trying to manufacture scandals out of thin air meant nothing. It’s our constitutional right, after all.”
I never said anything about the FBI, although for the record, you don’t have to talk to them, either, even if your name is Gotti.
Sloppy keeps trying that same ex post propter hoc arguement no matter how many times it gets knocked down.
Looking at permits doesn’t tell you anything. Looking at a one month dowturn of less than ten permitted establishments tells you nothing.
All you have is that at some point this month an existing business did not renew their permit. It tells you nothing about when and how they closed. Did they close in December ’14 but their permit was valid until Aug.’15? No way to know. Did an establishment on a block that has been razed for condo/restaraunt space in the future fail to find a new location? The data can’t tell you that. Did someone retire and close their Pho place? The data can’t tell you that.
Did the minimum wage have any effect? The data can’t tell you that. But not to sloppy, this huge decline from july to August of less than ten permits is PROOF, PROOF I tell you you!
Ex post propter hoc.
@23 How many robots need radiologists or x-rays, doc? Obsolescence isn’t limited to the bottom of the pay scale. Rich doctors are expendable, too.
@24 Just another manufactured scandal from thin air.
@26 “just repeating that $15 was a terrible thing”
Well, he’s right about that, $15 is a terrible wage. I won’t work for that, and neither will he.
@32 “Trump at the top of the heap and being supported by conservatives is pretty fucking weird”
Not so weird when you consider how weird the Republican base is.
@ 38
I don’t disagree with you about the assumptions and the short-term issues. Not one bit.
In fact, if I was making a living off of trying to make something of it at this very early stage, I’d be pretty embarrassed about it.
Live by the banh mi, die by the banh mi.
It’s great that Trump brought up Immigration – if it wasn’t for him we wouldn’t be talking about it….
How about he start talking about other things that matter!
Remember when the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla bragged above about the unemployment rate this morning? Well the stock market saw right through that and the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit had another banner day on wall street, right?
Meanwhile we learned 56,253,000 wimens out of the workforce… More of the same DUMMOCRETIN War on Wimens! 173,000 jobs in added in August, butt ANALysts expected 225,000. Pffffffft! 94,031,000 Americans were not working in the labor force. Another 261,000 added in August, so the labor force participation rate stayed stuck at 62.6 percent, a 38-year low, back when Jimmy Carter was president (Jimmy has cancer so no puns on the name or the office for him). That Obummer economy is humming!
So what happened. Well Obummer has this war on mining! Manufacturing and mining lost jobs. Where is this data found?
“Meanwhile we learned…”
…that batshit crazy loons can’t get a grip and never will.
So teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla how will you get those guns out of the hands of criminals?
@8 I’m not an economist and you aren’t either….but tell me something, and hopefully I have my facts correct, but I think it is safe to say that Americans are buying less gasoline as in terms of quantity, but yet the oil companies have been making record profits even – as demand (or consumption) has dropped it seems the oil companies raise the price per gallon to make up for their loss of revenue due to lower demand.
If the oil companies can raise the price, say $1 per gallon, and people still buy the gas, why can’t a restaurant raise the price a bit to pay for higher wages?
I understand that gas is more of necessity that people can’t necessarily go without, as compared to someone making a decision to stay home and not go out to eat because of higher prices, and therefore results in less profits to the establishment. Similarly, demand of gas goes down as people use less because it is too expensive. But this hasn’t kept the oil companies from making record profits.
Beer is $6 or more in NYC. You can find it cheaper on occasion or a 2 for 1 during a happy hour (M-F). But I don’t see people not drinking the beer because it is too expensive. Not sure a hamburger would be the same – but everything is relative. I’ve also paid $18.00 for a good hamburger – but yes, for that price I’m not eating hamburgers everyday.
@47 don’t know – but I’m not part of the leadership of this Country…..but it is good that you ask the question, at least you are talking about it now….
beats the expression “Now is not a good time to talk about it”
@47 I’m sure Roger would have some ideas….Roger Rabbit for President!
@45 “the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit had another banner day on wall street, right?”
Sure did. Ask Warren Buffet if he’d rather pay $93 a share or $69 a share when he reinvests his Procter & Gamble dividends, and see what he says. I own PG, too. High stock prices are useless. Real investors want low stock prices, because they’re buying, not selling.
Puddy been asking DUMMOCRETINS that question on this blog for a long time teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla! Where you been?
@47 Pry them from their cold dead fingers.
@48 Generally speaking, oil company profits are tanking, and so are their stock prices, although this has to be qualified by adding that profit margins are widening a bit in the refining segment of their businesses. But in general, oil companies are making less money now. This doesn’t require an economist to figure out; their production costs are the same regardless of whether the product sells for $100/bbl. or $40/bbl.
And what happens if the stock market goes down next Tuesday?
Puffy, I’m still catching up on all the comments….but I see you don’t like my celebration of a lower unemployment rate. Only an idiot wouldn’t cheer a lower unemployment rate – I’m sure you would celebrate if the rate went up. At least you haven’t said you think it is just one big like and not real reporting.
Also, just imagine how booming the economy would be if it were the same economy of 40 or 30 years ago, before all of the manufacturing jobs were given to the Chinese.
Again, I’m not an economist, but you can’t compare the two economies…..I was in college in the mid 80’s when a professor was teach how the economy has gone from Industrial, to Manufacturing, to a Service Economy….yes, 30 years ago, they were talking about it being a service economy in the future….I guess a Service economy isn’t as good as one established with manufacturing. But due to corporations desire of greed and not taking care of their own people over making more profit, they said hello China! (see if you can say that with a gay lisp – it sounds better).
And I think manufacturing jobs have seen a rise in numbers during Obama, before the onset of the decline of previous years, that include a Republican in the Whitey House.
@56 I think one day it will go back up….not the game I like to play, but then again I didn’t see the gains from 2009 to 2015 like many other people, but I didn’t have loses in 2008-2009 either. But also I, stupidly decided to get in a little bit around 2014, saw a little gain, but it was wiped out over the last couple of weeks, so again, stupidly, I sold out. It’s a stupid game if you don’t know how to play.
@10 what are you going to do be doing – planting trees? Well, you don’t need to be reading a blog on Labor Day then.
@56 It probably will, which is why I didn’t spend my cash reserves today. Why pay $13.50 for Ford if you can get it for $12.50? Of course, this selloff is nothing like March 2009, when I bought GE for $6 a share. (Feel free to look up what it’s worth today.)
@18 Tell us how lower wages or stagnant wages will be any better.
Is there a point where you have to actually start to lower wages, instead of giving them a raise you actually give them a deduction? How would you justify this as corporations have more money than ever before and not reinvesting it, hedge fund managers make billions of dollars.
What does your economy consist of – a few at the top making millions and being rich, and the fewer the better? With more less off people at the bottom not making a livable wage. WHAT IS YOUR FUCKING POINT? You think that people would be better off with a job but one that doesn’t pay enough to make ends meet? Really, tell us why you like robots so much over people – even if your job isn’t at risk, why would you cheer someone else losing a job to a robot and then tell them sorry if only you accepted an non livable wage you wouldn’t have been replaced by the robot? Just imagine a rich millionaire motoring by in his million dollar yacht while he says “sorry, but the Robot that is driving my yacht say he’s sorry for taking your job”?
I suppose you could argue that that is already happening, whether it be because it wages don’t rise equally to inflation or you ask your worker to produce more by working longer hours for the same wage.
@57 You can’t expect a worker-hating winger like Puffy to celebrate a lower unemployment rate, any more than you’d expect his his fellow troll Bickle to welcome higher wages. These jerks are what they are.
And when those replaced-by-robot bricklayers get discouraged and drop out of the job market, the denominator shrinks and the unemployment rate looks better.
Yeah, also imagine, when those replaced-by-robot bricklayers get discouraged and pissed off reaching a breaking point and band together as a group of individuals, and refuse to be the robots helper and decide to burn the newly built building down or while under construction instead. Then where is the Robot and the Developer?
Hopefully the Robots know how to build prisons.
Fuck Yeah!
Yah gotta love them freedoms.
@58 Of course it’ll go back up, because the economy is getting better. Now here’s Roger Rabbit’s secret rules of stock investing. Pay attention, kiddies. (I’m talking to you, Puffybutt.)
1. Nobody on earth can time the market, not even Warren Buffett or David Einhorn, so don’t think you can. You can’t. Most stock gains occur in just a few trading days of each year, like 5 or 6, and nobody knows when those days will occur, so you have to stay invested all the time in order to catch those gains.
2. When the market is down, buy more stock. The rest of the time, do nothing.
3. Don’t try to get rich by playing the market’s ups and downs, or by chasing “hot” stocks. It doesn’t work. The way to get rich is by investing $1, making 5% a year on it, reinvesting the 5%, and so on. The math looks like this: 1 x 1.05 x 1.05 x 1.05 … If you don’t believe it works, do that on a calculator and see how much your $1 is worth after, say, 15 or 20 years. If you can make 6% a year instead of 5% a year, so much the better. You don’t have to make 20% a year; this system works fine with mid-single-digit returns. Pension funds shoot for 8% a year and historically that’s been very attainable most of the time.
4. Don’t read or listen to the financial news. Don’t read investing books. It’s all noise, and it will only confuse you. Stock investing is real simple: Buy shares of high quality companies that pay dividends and regularly raise them (preferably at least once a year), hang onto those shares, and use the dividends (and any other cash you can scrape up) to buy more shares. As time goes on, you’ll accumulate more and more shares, and collect more and more dividends, and the thing compounds by itself. That’s all there is to it. Compounding is what makes it work.
5. Ignore the market’s fluctuations, and don’t worry about what your shares are worth, because that’s meaningless unless you sell them, and if you’ve invested in the right companies there’s no reason to ever sell them. Trading in and out of stocks is for fools.
This is so damn easy even a rabbit can do it.
@55 – yes, the price of oil has drastically dropped so yes their profits have dropped. Due to demand being lower and supply, that is being controlled or greatly influenced by the Middle East, not dropping, creating an over supply on the market.
But when the price per barrel was way up there and they were making mega profits and the price of gas was very expensive – the higher price of their product to the consumer wasn’t hurting them.
@53 I must have missed it….tell us again. Tell us your solutions to keep people from killing each other, if that’s what you are saying you said….or how to keep guns out of their hands. I missed it and have a little time this evening to listen.
Correction to 57 – I think i meant Agriculture to Manufacturing to Service Industry…..not Industrial to Manufacturing.
“I was in college in the mid 80’s when a professor was teach how the economy has gone from Industrial, to Manufacturing, to a Service Economy….yes, 30 years ago, they were talking about it being a service economy in the future….I guess a Service economy isn’t as good as one established with manufacturing. But due to..”
@64 – at the end of the clip it looks (or sounds) like she walks into the door as she is leaving….that is pretty funny.
Just imagine if those were Spanish (or whatever fucking language they were speaking but I’m too stupid to know what language it is because I am an uneducated dumb blonde bimbo, upset that my boyfriend just cheated on me with my best friend whore) speaking Robots behind the counter.
If Republican politicians painted the sky red and then told everyone the sky is red, every wingnut would then think that the sky is red.
Religious Freedom my Ass.
The teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla is a real moron. This paragraph proves it again:
DAYUM you are really a blazing moron. And, per your cheer leading, then the whole stock market is an idiot! The reason for the lower unemployment rate is because people dropped out of the workforce because the Obummer sadconomy is failing! Those are the BLS.Gov links teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
DAYUM U B Stoooooooooooopid!
Again U B a real moron teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla! The stock market disagreed with your “ASSessment”! 94 Million workers out of work. A new record teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
“Obummer sadconomy is failing”
Too funny. Act like a whiny bitch as the president cleans up the mess you assholes left behind.
“The stock market”
What a loser. It’s still twice as high as you left it.
@70 Well see, that’s the thing, when fast food workers are replaced by kiosks and robots, who is she going to give a piece of her mind to? The machine that made her kebab? By the way, I wonder if she always gets everything right the first time in HER job? Or is she the XYZ Company customer service rep who screwed up my order? I’ll bet she is.
@73 “The reason for the lower unemployment rate is because people dropped out of the workforce because the Obummer sadconomy is failing! Those are the BLS.Gov links … ”
Then I guess this graph doesn’t mean shit, does it?
You’d think the moron would at least look it up before sticking his stupid neck out like that, to avoid the risk of being ridiculed by The Rabbit, but no …
@78 It is sad when an idiot like him doesn’t understand a fucking thing……all he knows is that the end of the world is near because God is coming to get us all. Now the end of times may be near, but it is because of morons like him and the conservative party.
@74 Most people on Wall Street think the stock market is reacting to (a) China’s slowing economy, plunging stock market, and currency devaluation, and (b) the prospect of the Federal Reserve raising interest rates this month given the falling unemployment rate. Do you know something they don’t?
@74 (continued) By the way, here’s some actual facts about Obama’s economy, as opposed to the gas pouring out of your ass …
Rightwing terrorists are at it again.
Oh early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit… Some more gas for ya!
Aug 15, 93,706,000 not working…
Now 94,013,000 not working…
62.6 of workforce working… lowest since 1977…
Reagan years were way better!
Whackjobs in Pullman!
Whackjobs in Pullman!
@84/85. Maybe she should refer to you as “Ape”.
@83 How can fewer people working be a bad thing? Isn’t a primary objective of conservatives the elimination of all wage-paying jobs? You should be celebrating this as progress. I certainly am! Count me among those who no longer work. That’s a good thing, not a bad thing, because working sucks. Now I get paid to stay home and do nothing. And you think that’s a problem? I sure don’t. Working is the worst way of getting money there is. You’ll get more money, with less effort, and pay lower taxes, if you inherit money, make money in the stock market or by flipping houses, or get money from entitlements, insurance policies, annuities, or grants and scholarships. The only reason to work for money is as a desperate last resort when you have no other options. From that perspective, it’s great that fewer Americans are trapped in that sinking boat. I’m so sorry you’re one of the 62.6%, Puddy. You aren’t jealous of the other 37.4%, are you?
Public masturbation is the fuckwad’s thing.
Ellen CANNOT be pleased!!
#86 & #88
Dumb and Dumber!
Nuff Said Suckas!