A) Yay! B) I’m not sure how temporary putting the bunker on hold is. Hopefully it won’t be back, as is or slightly modified, in a few months. C) Holy shit, great job activist community. D) Even as Murray was doing the right thing his statement was pretty shitty. Blaming McGinn and environmentalists for the cost. What?
End the War on Drugs, and prisons will be less crowded. I’ve heard the US has 5% of the world’s population and 25% of the world’s prisoners. Too many people are in jail for drug “offenses.”
@ Alpine Only 7.6% of the inmates in the Washington State prison system are doing time for drug offenses. Reducing prison crowding has nothing to do with the need for a new North Seattle precinct.
The design has way too much glass to qualify as a “bunker.”
Yeah, Iwas just mentioning that the Drug War is detrimental to individual liberty and decency. Nationally, there are too many people in prison for drug offenses. (The Seattle police building is not much of an issue with me, since I don’t live and pay taxes in Seattle.)
A pox upon the house of Mylan. First they get caught red-handed gouging patients by jacking the price of EpiPens, so now they want to retain that high price and put it on the taxpayers’ dime instead.
Yeah, the docs made out like bandits on Medicare. That’s probably where Mylan got the idea.
Claim you are an illegal alien and you can go free.
University of Cincinnati, claim you are one of the 71 genders and you are set. http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/29036/
Does H3TL claim freakshow?
“University of Cincinnati, claim you are one of the 71 genders”
The deplorable loon is lying, of course, but since everything he has ever posted here has been a lie, it’s likely you already knew that.
Sucks to be the lying, deplorable loon.
“Trump Comes Dangerously Close To Calling For Clinton’s Assassination — Again”
Mylan, gives to the party in power. https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/totals.php?id=D000027765&cycle=2016
Still she’s the daughter of a DUMMOCRETIN senator!
Man QPPS, the BULLSHITTIUM you openly swallow. Since Careless Crooked Heilary wants no guns, then she should follow through with her security detail.
Trump’s call makes good sense. Live what you want others to have. This is why Congressional DUMMOCRETINS should be under Obummercare!
deplorable buttsplainer @ 9
You farted here that Hillary started it, right?
deplorable buttsplainer @ 10
“More than 33,000 Americans are killed by guns each year. It’s time to act. As President, I’ll take on the gun lobby and fight for commonsense reforms to keep guns away from terrorists, domestic abusers, and other violent criminals—including comprehensive background checks and closing loopholes that allow guns to fall into the wrong hands.”
You have a gun? Afraid of losing it? Didn’t know know you were a terrorist, domestic abuser or other violent criminal. Glad to have never met a deplorable buttsplainer like you.
HA’s buttspigot farts again. Puddy on its mind 24×7!
People have been reviewing the real Careless Crooked Heilary and we’re seeing her true colors.
HA’s deplorable buttsplainin’ troll @13 outed as a terrorist, domestic abuser or violent criminal @ 12..
Thanks for playing deplorable buttsplainer!
GLAD to have NEVER met ya!
buttspigot @11,
Read and weep… http://www.mediaite.com/online.....mor-to-me/
Remember he’s Heilary’s right hand man!
“More than 33,000 Americans are killed by guns each year.
Hey buttspigot, why didn’t you tell the full truth here? Maybe because everyone knows you are an ASShole! http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/gun-deaths/
Yet, nearly two-thirds of annual gun deaths in the United States are suicides, with more than 85 percent committed by males. Homicides, which trend toward 12,000 every year, make up the other third. Of those victims, more than half are young men, and two-thirds of those victims are young black men.
Dipshittium from the king of BULLSHITTIUM! Agreed on not meeting someone as lazy and shiftless as you are living on your wife’s hard working SEIU output!
@15 …or just as a total dipshit. Then again, we’ve known that for a long, long time.
Thanks FartyArt @18. You’re a real erudite one here!
She’ll be fired from PMSNBC soon… http://www.mediaite.com/tv/msn.....-rhetoric/
the deplorable buttsplainin’ troll @ 14
reavealed to “the world” why it comes to HA most Sat nights…
the deplorable buttsplainin troll @14 who has buttsplain’d here about “union thugs”:
revealed to “the world” that it’s Sat night salt mining buddy is a
a deplorable, “CAREFUL”, buttsplainer, our pet village idiot troll.
LOL! This is too much fun.
With GREAT CARE, the deplorable buttsplainin’ troll @ 17,
Claims to have “met” yours truly..
Thanks for playing deplorable and “careful” buttsplainin’ troll.
So is this deplorable, “careful” troll buttsplainin’ to the rest of us that folks who use guns to end their lives are terrorists, domestic abusers or other violent criminals?
Of course. How could it be otherwise?
And he’s NOT Hillary Clinton.
Nice try, deplorable buttsplainin’ and “careful” DUMBASS troll @ 16!
let’s replay tape one MORE TIME:
Apparently our local village idiot deplorable buttsplainin’ troll is a big time supporter of the status quo rights of people to take their own lives with guns
Waiting periods? Nope. Closing gun show loophole? Nope. Mental health checks? Nope. Anything that puts space between a person in a bad place and their destiny with a gun?
What a sincere and “careful” supporter of life is this deplorable buttsplainin’ troll!
I swear, Social Justice Warrior types are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. Do any of them actually have jobs???
All one has to do is look at all non-policing idiotic add ons that were put into the design of the police station(skate park? Amphitheater??)….thanks to SJWs being allowed to have input in the design……combine their BS with such factors as the current construction market, LEED Platinum project design criteria, etc…..
No wonder the place is expensive. Police stations are expensive anyway due to the high security design aspects……
Bunch of fucking retards. Hopefully these SJWs will get raped, robbed, or assaulted…..then they can bitch about how bad the cops are as they are begging for a cops help. Fuck em.
Oh good, one of Milo’s little sex toys has come to play.
little maxie.. come out and play..
little maxie.. come out and play…
little maxie.. come out and plaaaay..
on second thought yours truly wants nothing to do with the piece of shoe mess that has returned to pollute these threads
If that is “sociopathic” – mea culpa..
Translation: the babblin’ buttsplainin’ jackass troll and its tribe of unhinged klownservatics have found a new bullshit grifter book (like the one the karson kook-a-nut “wrote” that Drumpf made fun of) published by a klownservatic grifter outfit cashing in on a burgeoning market opportunity: the Hillary derangement syndrome mental illness contagion spreading like wildfire in the klownservatic tribe.
@6. One of the questions they should ask you when they ask for you to fill out one of those questionnaires is as follows:
Is Puffy secretly in love with a.) Ben “Egyptian Grain Silo” Carson. b.) Marcus Bachman c.) Mikos d.) Glen Beck e.) Josh Duggar or Daddy Duggar f.) the Willis Klan Daddy g.) Clive Bundy h.) Alex Jones I.) Tony Perkins J.) Milos’ dog.
@26 I’ve got a job that pays 150,000. Nothing to brag about but I guess it makes your statement false.
Wow the arschloch went wild last night! Nuthin was said again.
Was that EPIC FAYLE 309 from the crazed databaze?