Election results:
- Whew! Gonzalez ahead in Supreme Court race
- First CD: DelBene and Koster
- Gov: “Inslee earned 46.8 percent of the vote and McKenna earned 42.9”
- Seattle libraries, county juvenile-justice levies are up
- Re: last night—Publicola election miscellanea
- WA SOS elections page
- Nationally, a rough night for incumbents
A brief history of that Badass Harry Reid
Washington fights to keep tourism alive.
The MittVeePstakes are heating up.
Caught on video: Hillary Clinton dancing in South Africa!
BREAKING: McKenna not only sucks as a lawyer and a public official, he also plainly sucks as a gubernatorial candidate.
@ 1
Rather looking that way, I agree.
When is the final going away party for darcy burner scheduled…want to make sure my calendar is cleared that day.
So Mitt the shit raised 40% of his startup capital for Bain by recruiting Salvadoran death squad financiers and a cocaine smugglers bank for cash. No wonder he doesn’t want anyone looking at his finances.
He got his money from laundering money from oligarchs and murderers.
Gee, another 3.2% and we could have spared ourselves the money, noise, and aggravation of 3 more months of fighting for the governor’s race.
@5: I don’t think it matters for Gov in the primary (just the judges). Top 2 advance regardless. The good news is Inslee pulled this out in a far more conservative election than the general and there are a bunch more KingCo ballots to count where he is winning 2 to 1 (another surprise).
Ds kicked ass last night. The trick will be not getting complacent for general.
Same day as all the Republican perennial losers (Doug Cloud, Jesse Young, Doug Richards) in the 6CD/26th LD.
@Darryl: Hungry for analysis of where the leg looks as of last night (hint).
The 35th appears to be Ds all around. It’s not close.
Haigh beat Teatard Griffey 54-46. This is a rematch — Haigh won by just .5% in 2010.
Ring-Erickson (D) beat her D opponent Davis 28-22. The R (McEwen) got 41%. My candidate was Davis, but I’ll take the apparent general win.
Sheldon was not up this time for Sen. Sheldon will face Reed (an actual D) for his MasonCo Commissioner seat in the general. This is a rematch and is likely to have the same result, unfortunately.
It looks like it might be Dem against Dem in the 3rd LD.
Marcus Riccelli(Prefers Democratic Party)
Bob Apple(Prefers Democratic Party)
And Andy Billig (D) is up by 19% for the state senate seat!
NBC is reporting that Romney’s VP picks have been narrowed down to three: Pawlenty, Portman, and Ryan.
The Final Three?
@ 10
Any pick Rmoney makes will have to be the sort of man that NOBODY wants for President, like Dan Quayle was for Bush 41 or Agnew was for Nixon.
Impeachment insurance.
His pick will be the most corrupt and incompetent individual he can find.
@4 Now we know what Mitt’s hiding. And it’s even worse than we thought. Worse than not paying taxes. Worse than a plea deal with the IRS to avoid prosecution for tax evasion. It’s about Romney taking blood money from murderers to launch his financial career.
Stick a fork in him. He’s done.
Meanwhile, the rightwing NRA exploited the Colorado theater tragedy for fundraising purposes.
@11 “Nobody” isn’t the right word here. The tactic works if “no Democrat” wants the veep to become president. Ryan’s the man, he’s perfect for this job, and the media hype is focusing on him.
It’s called “impeachment insurance.” Here’s how it works. If you
know before you’re elected president that you’re going to commit impeachable offenses after getting in office (e.g., Iran-Contra), you pick as your veep someone so odious that even your most ardent enemies won’t dare throw you out of office for fear an Agnew, a Quayle, or a Ryan will become president.
Pawlenty? Nah. Portman? Never heard of him, and neither has anyone else. It’s Ryan. Darling of the base, and Wisconsin’s 10 EVs are vital to the Romney camp. When Romney loses, Ryan will instantly become the GOP frontrunner for 2016.
@12 You may be right on this one–it sounds a little too big for Rove & Co. to find a rug to sweep it underneath. Aside from that, it seems more and more like the only hope the GOP has of winning is to somehow jack their own convention to nominate someone else, or to find a way to super glue Mitt’s mouth shut.
@ 12
It’s about Romney taking blood money from murderers to launch his financial career.
As opposed to Obama, who merely took money from convicted domestic terrorists when launching his political career.
@16 Or superglue Paul Ryan to him.
@17 Please feel free to run against Bill Ayers again. Oh, and you might ask John McCain how that worked out for him.
@ 19
Looking forward to the fourth consecutive presidential campaign directed against George W. Bush, now that you mention it.
@18 Not that he’s as personally obnoxious, but since the collapsing-bridge fiasco Pawlenty has a pretty awful stench about him as well.
While you guys are high-fiving each other over the Romney early-money story out of HuffPo and how it’s going to be the end of him, anyone notice if any of the major MSM types have picked it up?
It’s not on CNN yet.
Not on ABC News, either. Although ABC does have an explanation as to why Mark Dayton’s such a loon:
Better living through chemistry, I suppose.
Anyway, when the HuffPo thing breaks on the majors, you have a story. Until then, you’re behaving on the left the way Darryl thinks I behave on the right.
@17, You seem fairly well informed about Bill Ayers or at least know how to find information about him.
Tell us, in your view is Bill Ayers reformed and rehabilitated? If not, what would he need to do to be so?
@ 23
I’m sure he poses no current threat. Just a guy in (Obama’s) neighborhood, after all.
And his money is as green as anayone else’s.
@24, thanks, but you did not answer the question.
Tell us, in your view is Bill Ayers reformed and rehabilitated? If not, what would he need to do to be so?
@ Serial
doesn’t it concern you that the only person who has verifiably vetted Rmoneys tax records has refused to denounce Reid as a liar?
@17, Maybe I was wrong about your ability to find information about Bill Ayers. @24 you once again implied that Barrack Husein Obama has taken money from Bill Ayers.
Got any support for that? Or maybe you’re just flinging pooh?
McCain didn’t use that in his campaigning.
@ 25
I believe he meets the definition of those, yes. I also believe he’s not sorry for what he did, and that reform and rehabilitation do not require regret for one’s prior actions.
@ 26
I’m not much up on conduct insofar as vetting is concerned, although I suspect there is an assumption on both sides that absolute secrecy is guaranteed, forever.
It would concern me if someone DID come out and say something about materials provided during vetting.
It concerns me that Supreme Court deliberations become public knowledge for the same reason. Secrecy minimizes potential for outside influence.
I think that some things should be secret. If the president finds it necessary to order an assassination, I believe that should be done secretly and should never be divulged. It’s one of the reasons we have a Commander in Chief. If Obama feels the need to drone someone to a state of room temperature, I assume he had a pretty good reason for feeling that way.
@20 So am I. Shrub will be a stone around conservatives’ necks for the next forty years.
@28 You’re right, the dirty work of smearing his opponent was delegated to surrogates, per GOP standard operating procedure.
@ 27
Yes, I imply that there was a small amount of tangible financial support from Ayers to Obama. No, I have no evidence in support of this implication.
Early Money Is Like Yeast. According to the Reid doctrine, is it not your responsibility to prove me wrong?
I suppose Portman could be veep. Romney desperately needs to win Ohio (but probably can’t). Question is, could Portman deliver his state?
John Hustad is Romney’s last best chance. He’s got to pull off a Ken Blackwell for Romney or it’s over.
Like Obummer is using the same tactics because he can’t run on his own record.
Yes, I imply …. No, I have no evidence …. Reid doctrine ….
Ah, yes. We thought so. Except you’re not the Senate Majority Leader, and you don’t have a confidential source; you’re just pulling shit out of your ass. Not the same: Reid’s got something; you’re making shit up.
@35 I don’t know about you, but I think killing Osama will play well with the electorate. So will winding down the two wars a chest-pounding swaggering Republican president started but couldn’t finish, stopping the slide in employment, saving jobs of cops and teachers around the country, ending the health insurance industry’s abusive practices, and keeping Wall Street’s greedy hands off Social Security. Of course he’ll run on his record, and that should scare the hell out of you.
@ 37
Didn’t the Wall Street/Social Security thing get decided in 2005?
Does Nixon get credit for ending the Vietnam War?
Any time Obama is ready to start running on his record, that’ll be fine. Those would be positive ads, right? So far he’s almost entirely negative.
Of course Roger DUMB Wabbit will scream about gun control… Well it’s the criminals who always seems to find the guns Roger.
Once…..twice…..three times a looooooserrrr…..
My ode to darcy. Cmon everyone, sing it with me!
Hay rabbit, why don’t you go get yourself some darcy hugs…hahahahahahaahaahah
Just go away nutball, just go away……
Hey, maybe she can use her degree in economics(insert laughter here) to go get herself a job…..hahahahaahhahaahahaha
Then why hasn’t he?
Because that $2MM+ spent on polling proved his record doesn’t work with the American public with unemployment still over 8% and 13+ million unemployed!
@ 40
What are you, 12 now? Does your mom know your using her computer?
Oh my looks like Fraggy is off AGAIN. Darcy is a 3X loser ya moron! How sweet it is!
Nope, my mom doesn’t know….but yours does. I have a great view of the top her head at the moment….
# 42: Maybe calling him a 12 year-old is giving him too much credit.
Did y’all know that Obummer bundler Jonathan Lavine was Bain‘s managing director at the time of GST’s bankruptcy. So the man in the ad should be taking it out on Obummer! BTW Joseph Soptic’s wife had insurance through her own employer.
Gotta love fact checking DUMMOCRAPT attack ads.
Somehow I don’t remember rhpee6033 complaining about leftturn when he would make similar commentary!
Lol…..that’s funny, considering it came from HA’s conspiracy king who sees black helicopters and secret republican agents crawling out of his closet every night.
Rhpee and his schizophrenia are never far apart
Bill Burton and Paul Begala,
Two DUMMOCRAPT jackASSes who didn’t fact check their data!
Obummer bundler was the cause of Soptic’s issues!
Heh. Yeah I believe Ayers came from a wealthy well-connected family.
You know the kind of folks whose taxes right wingers want to cut to “create jobs”.
The irony is just too sweet.
“July [was] the hottest month on record for the contiguous United States … drought now covers nearly 63 percent of the Lower 48 states ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey globull warming deniers, how d’ya like this ICE AGE we’re having? http://tinyurl.com/8fmw3bm
Shorter ylbolo: leftist terrorists are ok with me.
Cool…I look forward to the day when calgary is the new palm springs.
@50 Yeah, Ayers was just another one-percent commie bombthrower. If he’d had any brains, he would have realized he could do more damage to “the system” by becoming a banker.
Bay Buchanan Romney Campaign advisor on the Soptic ad lie…
McCain and campaign statements
Oh yes he did. And I particularly like this bit:
…Sarah Palin delivered speeches saying that Obama was “palling around with terrorists.” For support, Palin cited a New York Times article that had actually concluded that Obama and Ayers were not close.
The ButtPutty is as wrong as his wet dream sex goddess ex vp looser candidate. Way to go ButtPutty.
When your own party contradicts something you say…..unfortunately Republican voters are too stupid to be any wiser.
Speaking of losers…I mean 3x losers…has anybody checked on how darcy is doing? Is she crying on goldys shoulder?
Man, when even the benchmark conservative publications are saying Willard’s full of shit, he must be leaking like a sixty year-old septic tank.
Will there come a point where the lies are so big and so plentiful that even Fox and Friends must acknowledge he’s a liar?
OMG! ButtPutty’s favorite war hero Allen West didn’t make the cut?
The right is made up of fools….they prove it every day. That’s why they hate liberals, because they can’t win on inteligence just stupidity. And they are getting dumber than dumb every minute.
Gee how many comments in how many threads has the asshat fantasized about Darcy Burner getting “beaten”..
What a sicko!
Right wing mentality in nutshell sexism/misogyny and homophobia:
When right wingers want to put down people to the left they call them “pussy” or “fag” or “ghey”.. Or countless variations on that.
Racism is there too of course but they’ve been tarred with that brush for a long time so they keep it to themselves. Until they can’t any more..
way to dumb down America – be a Republican.
Republican house members are a bunch of fucking bastards.
@64, now, now Micheal, just yesterday you were saying that government at the federal level hasn’t changed anything for you. I think you eat your words today….you even had maxipad blowing you with praise, I think you should take back what you said. Republicans Suck.
I can’t reveal the source but someone close to the Allen West campaign says he is gay.
Hey ylbuttspigot, ever watch leftist Bill Maher?
sexism/misogyny – big time.
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. Psych 101 projection! Another ylbuttspigot diarrhea trail!
@ 64
How about a compromise? Fresher fruit and fresher teachers. Deal?
Oh, and there’s this:
Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), the program’s lead sponsor, and others who want the program to remain intact say they have nothing against frozen, canned or dried produce.
It’s not the current GOP proposal that’s a problem. It’s the potential slippery slope.
By all means, let’s have pears in Chicago schools in January.
@29 Cereal for the Constipated,
So let’s wrap this up, shall we?
In response to Deathfrogg’s comment @4 above about the story that Slick Willard raised money in 1984 in Miami from Salvadoran families associated with death squads and drug running, you trotted out the 2008 McCain/Palin Bill Ayers bit. Then you went just a tad further and admittedly created an unsubstantiated financial tie between Ayers and Barrack Husein Obama. OK.
If the best you can come up with is false equivalences, well that’s your best.
But in case you are not old enough to recall, or wise enough to find out, let me give you a little context.
First off, I have not researched the HuffPo story yet so I’m not defending it. But let’s assume that Slick Willard did go to Miami in 1984 to raise cash for Bain Capital.
What everyone knew well before 1984 was that if one was willing to launder money, there was lots of drug money in Miami for the taking. Anyone who went to Miami to raise money knew that. You may question this assertion.
To let you know how prevalent the knowledge of drug money in Miami was in 1984 you can look to pop culture. For example the wildly successful 1983 Al Pacino movie, Scarface. For example, the 1984-89 TV show Miami Vice.
Cereal, anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together knew in 1984 that large amounts of money raised in Miami from non-US nationals was bound to be tainted.
It is telling that the man who wants to be your president, Slick Willard Rmoney, the man with a Caribbean tax sheltered IRA worth in excess of $20 million (and maybe $100 million!) was so driven to make money that he that he went to drug riddled Miami to get his seed capital, and likely “palled around” with Serial murderers to obtain it.
Nah, you misinterpreted what I said yesterday.
1. I’ve never said that their aren’t bastards out there, there are. Or that the federal government can’t be helpful, it can be.
2. I was talking about how the federal bureaucracy does it’s job regardless of who’s in office.
3. There are local programs out there that use local money and local fruits and veggies to feed school kids. Programs that eschew the federal government. The best way to get fresh fruits and veggies to school kids is to do it locally and insulate them and your local communities from the bastards on the right in the house.
Be afraid, always be afraid, without that fear the terrorists will win.
Propaganda right out of Himmlers playbook.
#70 Continued…
That comment was also in reply to someone that “hated Obama and what he’s done to our country” I was pointing out that to country is largely the same as it was before Obama.
@ 69
Cereal, anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together knew in 1984 that large amounts of money raised in Miami from non-US nationals was bound to be tainted.
Imagine I said that to Doctor Steve. What, in response, would Doctor Steve call me?
And as long as you have movies and TV shows to back you up, who am I to argue?
Got it. You’re sure ’cause you saw it on TV. Now go and flip up your Izod collar and roll up your sportcoat sleeves. One more button down so the gold chains show up nice and purty.
I’m a photographer and I’ve been hassled a couple of times over crap like this. But, on every occasion the idiots that have called me in or confronted me have been such… well… idiots that it’s given me a a chance to have a good laugh at their expense.
Did you hear that Willard’s new Ohio ad, talking about closed auto dealerships in Ohio, is actually footage from Oklahoma Cjty?
Amateurs. I mean it’s not like Oklahoma City is confusing like Kansas City, Calexico or Springfield. I guess, if you cross the river in Cincinnati, and you’re a Willard PR guy, you probably don’t know you just went to Kentucky.
For those that are interested….
Air cargo figures for the month of June show that the markets are more or less in a “holding pattern”, while industry which normally transports by air waits for some signal as to which direction the economy is heading. The fist half of 2012 was down 2.6% from the same quarter in 2011, but the figures for the last month in that period (June 2012) shows a 1.1% total rise in air cargo volumes.
A closer look at the June 2012 numbers show that a lot of the legacy players in the game in Europe and China are suffering heavily. with Air France-KLM and Lufthansa showing 8+% drops in volume, and Cathay Pacific showing a 10+% drop. But the gains in June came from the newer Gulf carries such as Etiad and Emirates, which took up the slack and then more so. It’s hard to make sense of these numbers right now.
A handful of small all-cargo carriers which operated only a few freighters have gone out of business over the past few months. The major legacy carriers can probably hang on for a while longer, but a full year of such losses would be hard to survive.
One of the things we are definately seeing is the impact of the 777-300 aircraft and it’s incredible belly-load capacity for carrying cargo in addition to passenger luggage. Airlines flying this airplane and accepting air cargo freight to fill the belly are taking over a large amount of the freight market that used to be dominated by cargo-only carriers.
No, I’m sure Miami was floating in drug cash in the 1980s because I was fighting it.
Maybe you disagree? Maybe you think or know Miami was not known as the drug cash capital of the US?
Here’s a simple google for ya
@73 Cereal, anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together knew in 1984 that large amounts of money raised in Miami from non-US nationals was bound to be tainted.
“Imagine I said that to Doctor Steve. What, in response, would Doctor Steve call me?”
I’d probably describe you as someone with at least two brain cells rubbing together. But don’t worry, you’re not. You see, Bob, you’re the guy who wrote with smug authority about the big fins on 1960’s American cars. Apparently you’re clueless about the 1980’s as well.
Didn’t Obummer’s gang use the same Joe Soptic in an ad in May 2012? Hmmm…? Coordination? Naaah ylbuttspigot told us so!
Sure… they did!
# 77: I’ve forgotten the specifics (it was a long time ago), but I remember in a court case – I think it was in the Miama area in the 1980’s – where the state tried to introduce a chemist to testify that a suitcase full of $100 bills must have been drug profits because the bills tested positive for cocain residue.
The defense countered with their own expert who did samples of $100 bills taken at random throughout the area, and testified that a large majority of them tested positively for cocain residue.
The judge excluded the state’s chemist from testifying.
So gman,
How much Starbucks did you consume yesterday?
Come to think of it, that was my first reaction when I saw that picture of Romney and his Baine Capital cronies waiving cash around. I thought it was pretty unseemly, more like a drug peddler trying to impress women by how much money he makes and the flashy cars he drives and the suits he wears.
@80, yep. In the 1980s Miami was awash in drug money. Everyone knew that. Certainly Slick Willard knew that. Rmoney also knew that very large sums of drug tainted money was available for a steep discount. Rather than working hard and getting untainted ca$h, Rmoney cut corners and “palled around” with criminals.
And that’s relevant because he’s doing the same GD thing in this election. Rmoney is “palling around” with Adelson, a crooked money grubber whose contributions to Rmoney affiliated PACs account for more than 10% of the total contributed.
Tigers don’t change their stripes. Slick Willard trumps Tricky Dick Nixon by light years.
The 1980’s. El Salvador. The ruling oligarchy. Tainted drug money. Right-wing death squads. Dead nuns in shallow graves. Mitt might want to consider releasing about 20 years of tax returns as a diversionary tactic.
Sad state of affairs from my hometown
Somehow I don’t think we’ll hear anything from the self appointed Republican advocate for the mentally disabled, Mooselini, about this.
“Slick Willard trumps Tricky Dick Nixon by light years.”
Even after shameful resignations and WIN buttons, today’s Republicans somehow draw the insane conclusion that Jimmy Carter was not only the worst president of the 1970’s, itself quite a mental exercise, but in all of American history. Until Clinton came along. And then Obama.
Republicans. Brain cell challenged.
1. So somehow you equate my comments about her losing 3 elections to getting (physically) “beaten”. WOW – I think its you who are the sicko by even thinking of such a thing. Are you going back in time to the days when your pops used to beat the living shit out of you and your mom? that experience has sure scarred you.
maybe you and gman should go see the same therapist.
and yes, you are a pussy.
re 85 — You’d have to be really mentally retarded to think that a mentally retarded person had a driver’s license.
That’s the kind of Republican that has never wondered about the brail instructions on drive-thru bank tellers.
so you are saying you are republican?
More on the acceptance of sociopath behavior of Republicans in western Pennsylvania
So, what the politician has said and done to advance his political career is more indicative of the kind of person he is than the shit that comes out of his mouth when he thinks no one is paying attention? Sure. OK.
Yeah Steve, brain cell challenged.
really? Is this guy your source?
Now I would say he deserves a beating for pulling this kind of shit.
Nothing like faking a hate crime….
Then there’s this:
You mean the rabbit’s book?
Looks like the old man is using a .380 auto to save the day.
More guns = less criminals
If you break into a house, you deserve to get shot.
kudos to the old man…hopefully we have less asshole burglar and his whore to worry about.
Oh, and as of 3:39pm today, McKenna is still getting his ass kicked by Washington’s next Governor Jay Inslee, 46.72% to 42.98%.
Suck on it Republicans. We’re moving into the 4th consecutive decade of Democrats holding the the highest office in the state.
Speaking of WA state ass kicking of Republicans by Democrats, in the primary election results for Attorney General, Bob Ferguson (D) 52.17% to Reagan Dunn (R) 38.37%.
Where’s the headline “Reagan DONE!”?
Romney Touts Mass. Health Law He’s Sworn Not To Implement
Yep, and the state budget is sure proof of that.
(golf clap)….
@99, knowing you can’t …. you know …. prove anything..
What about the WA state budget?
How does the WA state budget compare to the other 49 state budgets?
@99 the used colostomy bag,
How does the WA budget stack up to Slick Willard VP sweepstakes finalist Bobby Jindal‘s?
How does the WA budget compare to Teabagger favorite and one time leading Republican GOP presidential candidate and nation’s longest serving governor, Texas’ Rick Perry?
How does the WA budget compare to that of the state run by the fattest and grossest looking politician since Howard Taft, Ruth’s Chris Christie?
Yeah, we should be more like them.
@81 haven’t had anything from Starbucks for many months, not that I’m boycotting them for any reason, just because I don’t like their coffee, it sucks and is overpriced. My choice to visit a Starbucks would fall under freedom of choice. Something Republicans don’t favor, freedom for all.
@89 what part of Republicans Suck that you don’t understand?
@91 didn’t bother to read your article, but yeah your one incident makes up for all the real incidents, makes real sense. Besides I thought you don’t care about gay issues, you shouldn’t be bothering yourself with that article. Move on.
“To that point, if people had been in Massachusetts, under Governor Romney’s health care plan, they would have had health care.”
So much for Obummer changing the tone of Washington DC!
Jay Carney is a slimy guy too!
your are correct, I dont really care – go marry who you want: another dude, a ’72 Chevy Vega, your pet rock, etc. – I just done care so long as they/it is over 18…..which means no marrying any cars newer than 1994 – sorry.
…..I just thought the whole episode was quite comical, and reminded me of precious little you.
@106 – there are some monkeys that you can never change. I never believed he could, so I didn’t fall for it like simple minded people. I got all the change I wanted on the first day of Obama’s Inauguration, it was plenty of change just on the first day.
I dont care about other states.
Are you saying if my neighbors are in shitty credit card debt, that its OK for me to be shitty credit card debt too.
sorry, I dont buy that way of thinking.
nice try at deflection though.
Oh, and in case anybody didnt know:
Darcy is a 3x looooozer………
and she wasnt even close…L M F A O……
@107 when you are dealing with slime you got to be slime. Fight fire with fire.
@108 – I may never marry anything – my choice. This issue is about being treated as an equal and having the same freedoms, if I were so to choose. I fight for it for the principal of freedom as every American should, but I guess some Americans are part timers, they don’t believe in equality and freedom all the time. So be against it, but then also be tagged with the idea of suppressing freedoms and because of all things, Puffy’s little black book. Well that black book speaks a lot about everything (like divorce) that no one gives a shit about, why the bigotry now?
She’s not alone in this.
Hopefully, everyone that’s been trounced 3 times will get the picture and stop running, at least for a while. The only problem I can see with this is that it means Clint Didier gets one more shot at public office.
its apparent you do not read very well….either that or you are hell bent on incoherently rambling on and on…..
puffy’s black book? wtf?
Puff Daddy has a black book?
maybe not, but she is certainly the one that sticks out like a sore thumb at this point in time.
Wow gman… Calling Obummer a monkey. How progressive of you! Puddy would never claim that. In fact I called
Surely rujax has to be upset over this. ylbuttspigot called Bush a chimp. So did Roger DUMB Wabbit. As well did others.
So what type of monkey is Obummer?
@110, the used colostomy bag,
I’m not deflecting asshole. I’m trying to find out WTF “Yep, and the state budget is sure proof of that. (golf clap)….” is supposed to mean up @99.
What is your problem with the WA budget?
And what would YOU want done differently?
Looks like Obummer Campaign Deputy Stephanie Cutter was just caught in a BIG LIE.
Now we see the Obummer Reerection Campaign knows all about Joe Soptic! She was on a conference call with Joe Soptic! Hannity just played the conference call. It was classic Hannity. Wow!
Butt you can visit the Obummer official campaign website. It’s even got his picture, along with this wonderful quote: “When you look at what Mitt Romney did in places like GST Steel, you can tell he is only worried about one group of people – and that’s the people like him, people at the top.”
Dayum! Another lie percolating. Remember yesterday? ylbuttspigot called Jody a liar. Another ylbuttspigot premature diarrhea ejaculation!
Ummm CubScout… y’all have the purse strings… So what would you do differently? You too are DUMMOCRAPT!
@120, take your meds puddles.
Don’t do drugs CubScout. Butt I bet you are like ekim, shoving your meds up yer ASS for full effect.
So you won’t tell us how would you do it differently!
Typical, sad and so typical!
So if Romney releases his tax returns will Obummer and his merry band of fiends stop calling Romney a felon? A murderer?
So why should Romney release his tax returns?
Now that 860,000+ fewer wimens are working… looks like Obummer’s war on wimens is working well. So Obummer raised his poster chick Sandra Fluke!
Good job Obummer! Nice misogynist record! Go for the low information wimens.
Looks like the CBO has scored ObummerCare again. http://cnsnews.com/news/articl.....-obamacare
Butt butt butt we were told this is the greatest thing since sliced bread!
Hey libtard atheists,
Y’all must be pizzed all these black track athletes praising and giving Glory to God.
Of course HA’s house reservation neeeeeeeeegro rujax must be feeling sick right now!
@126 For every thing there is a season. There was a time when raised black fists on a podium in Mexicao City made me proud. But then, so did big George Foreman when he waved that tiny American flag in the ring. That some of the most blessed athletes on the planet pause and share with the world that they believe that they are indeed blessed, that’s fine by me.
Texas may hate teaching critical thinking skills and evolution, but they do sure loves them some high school football, the town of Allen to the tune of some $60 million for a new HS football stadium.
Judging from the open design, no shade anywhere, they must play night games only.
I seem to recall that this was a feature of *Obamacare that the Rethug congress critters fought hard to put into place. So ButtPutty, you think now it may have been a bad idea?
*Obamacare should really be called Romneycare as he implemented it first in Massachusetts.
What Republicans Laugh At …
“At an election night party … Allegheny County GOP chair … Jim Roddey fired up … local Republicans …. ‘I was in this parking lot and there was a man looking for a space to park, and I found a space for him. … And I said, Sir, here’s a place. And he said, That’s a handicapped space. I said, Oh, I’m so sorry, I saw that Obama sticker and I thought you were mentally retarded.’ Post-Gazette reporter Tim McNulty observed that the crowd ‘hollered and clapped’ ….”
Uh-oh, looks like the Slick Willard campaign has come upon a tactic to lure likely Obama and ObamaCare supporters to it’s side.
In response to the accusation that if a worker gets laid off loses his health insurance and can’t afford the care required to keep him or his family alive, the Romney campaign told us today
So, Vote for Slick Willard and he and the Republicans will repeal ObamaCare and you can move to Massachusetts.
With that, I think Slick Willard won the internets today.
Republicans might want to move their convention up a couple of weeks. With Mitt’s campaign presently imploding at an accelerating rate, he could be toast before late August ever rolls around. Heck, a few more revelations about Miami and El Salvador and before the end of the month the Romney clan could be fleeing America and taking up residence south of the border again.
@117 – you read wrong I was calling everyone in DC a bunch of monkeys, not Obama.
&133 & @117 – and mainly the republican monkeys such as yourself.
@126 – hey Puffy I almost got laid this past weekend, but if I did I would have given praise to the lord too. I’d be like thank you Jesus!
Once again those animal appendages are interfereing with ekim ASSmind.
You forget Nancy Pelosi claimed in 2009 she didn’t need any Republican help. You can ask your friend HA ylbuttspigot for the 2009 replay of all those links.
So once again ekim is caught bent over taking it up de ASS.
I am sure Sean Coombs really cares gman!
gman farts
Let’s review his previous statement…
As all can see Puddy highlighted the pertinent information. He most definitely called Obummer a monkey.
Gee rujax, being the HA house neeeeeeeeeegro calling everyone a racist, where are you? MIA! Steve, all I see are the sounds of silence. rhpee6033… no screaming and shouting last night. No calls from any on the HA libtard freakazoids! I guess when you are libtard you can say what you want without any repercussions from your “friends”.
So when Serial Conservative says something misconstrued as racist it will get a pass from now on. How quaint you libtards are.
As all can see he thinks most HA freakazoids are simple minded people. Well, on that one point Puddy can agree with gman. Low intelligence voters just like the Tennessee DUMMOCRAPT Party claimed.
Where is the standard cacophony of libtard screaming when someone calls Obummer a monkey. Oh… wait… gman is one of yours… a libtard! So he gets a pass!
All that former exotic dancer needed to get that many votes was an “R” next to his name.
Holy Bath Salts Batman… no wonder Obummer clammed up everyone on Fast and Furious… A really interesting read.
And where is the slobbering lamestream media on this? Only one source! Even Al Jazeera is cynical of the US and Fast and Furious.
Now we see they is something to hide with executive privilege!
Wow ylbuttspigot skips over gman calling Obummer a monkey. How telling!
Heh. What a moron spending his vacay time posting right wing drivel..
Or is he “working” skimming some offshore banking profits?
What a miserable excuse for a life.
Is the Everett loon going to take a break soon to snorkel with the fishies?
And this crazy woman, Nancy Pelosi wants to be Speaker of the House again?
Right on time… Puddy knew you’d be checking out where Puddy was again. I own you ylbuttspigot. I am always on your mind ylbuttspigot. Puddy got a deep tan on my back already. BTW this little trip only cost $129… TOTAL for our grocery bill. All else paid for little ylbuttspigot monkey!
Sucks to be you. So how is your miserable day in Seattle?
LMAO! He clicks on my proof that right wingers are simple minded dolts that will vote for a former exotic dancer who makes an idiot of himself at city council meetings.
At least 840k strong in this state!
I control you fool! Off for a swim in the drink later?
You should find some “brain matter” for your empty skull there.
What do you need that for? Some kind of stupid status symbol to go with posting right wing bullshit.
Yawwwn.. I’m freaking bored with this freak..
What a stupid moron ylbuttspigot is. I own this fool. There are certain times to go out and enjoy the ocean ya moron. You don’t do it at high tide.
Stay stupid, you continue to prove how much a fool you really are.
BTW it’s you stuck in Seattle. Mrs Puddy and I out and about all over the world.
Never heard of this person so I wanted to know who he was buttspigot. If you remember I VOTED FOR Sonntagg. Go back and review your crazed deranged databaze ylbuttspigot.
Now back to providing facts about libtard stupidity!
BTW my tan is shaping up really great!
Sucks to be you. How is your miserable life in Seattle shaping up today? Always trying to determine where is Puddy in the world!
You get a back tan snorkeling ya moron. As all can see ylbuttspigot leaves diarrhea trails and then forgets he left it! Without the crazed databaze ylbuttspigot forgets everything within minutes as proven above.
Sucks to be Seattle bound ylbuttspigot! So much shit output his hair turned pink!
Prove I’m in Seattle dumbass. You can’t unless you’ve hacked Goldy’s server and not even that is 100 percent.
And I can’t prove you’re wasting your vacay time but you went ahead and confirmed it anyway.
What an f’ed up in the head dummy!
Yawwwn. As if that was the point.. Right wingers are DUMBASSES! Thousands upon thousands of them in this state!
Look at how you spend your vacay time! You are OBVIOUSLY one of them!
Not interested ylbuttspigot…
No commentary on gman calling Obummer a monkey. How telling ylbuttspigot is.
Wasting time? Didn’t you know snorkeling in high tide is not the greatest event? Must be you’ve never snorkeled. Sucks to be you! Time for some sun on the beach. See ya buttspigot.
I own that crazy left wrong moron ylbuttspigot. Then y’all notice how he claims to own Puddy? HA. He readily admitted to creating the crazed databaze to attack me and others. If that ain’t ownage what is?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Remember everyone ylbuttspigot agrees with gman’s calling Obummer a monkey. Has he attacked gman on it? NOPE!
152 – Never heard of Will Baker huh?
Yeah I guess this was before your time..
But here you said you were tracking this blog.
Guess it was yet more bullshit..
If “attacking” means holding you accountable for posting lies, name-calling and other assorted bullshit, mea culpa.
others? Gee you once claimed it all about you!
See I’ve “educated” you!
Yawwnn.. Moving on..
there are some monkeys(Republicans) that you can never change. I never believed he could (bring change to a bunch of monkeys), so I didn’t fall for it like simple minded people. I got all the change I wanted on the first day of Obama’s Inauguration, it was plenty of change just on the first day.
Puffy you are a monkey for not being able to comprehend what I said, and for trying to twist what I said. But you believe what you want to believe, like all that crap in the black book of yours (your fucking bible).
@141 – maybe because I never called him a monkey, only in your warped little mind you may think I did.
Lawyer goes in Batman movie with gun. Other patrons see gun. Theater calls police. Two dozen cops respond. Lawyer doesn’t cooperate and is arrested for “breach of peace.” Then lawyer holds press conference to defend “crucially important Second Amendment rights.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I used to think all lawyers are smart, but I’ve learned better. Some are book smart but lack common sense. Just because packing heat is constitutionally protected doesn’t make doing it a wonderful idea in any and all circumstances. Sheesh.
“Roger Rabbit Commentary: I used to think all lawyers are smart, but I’ve learned better. Some are book smart but lack common sense.”
I used to think all lawyers are evil-doers, suing the beejeepers out of anybody with money. But, in truth, there are lots of lawyers out there engaged in good things like fighting seizures of private property for “public” use, drafting wills and trusts to facilitate the preservation of wealth from one generation to the next, or fighting these ridiculous drug laws and the “Stalinist Enforement Brigade (a.k.a. the DEA).
Not all lawyers are bad, but there are enough evil trial lawyers out there to tarnish the reputation of good lawyers. If we go to a loser-pay tort system like the Brits, we’d have far less abuse of the legal system by trial lawyers.