Sounds reasonable to me, but then, Kemper Freeman Jr. will run all those ads equating rail with communism, so this can’t possibly pass at the polls, right?
Whois shows:
Henry Reynolds 500 California Ave. #5 Santa Monica, California 90403 United States
A search on opensecrets and the FEC show this proud man of the KKK donates to democrats-
REYNOLDS, HENRY SANTA MONICA,CA 90403 SELF/ATTORNEY 4/5/2004 $250 Kerry, John;Order=N
It’s so obvious. Like a derrick falling on your head.
I’m still not happy about all those people the Big Important People think we need to have move here, but the ad is a good one and I do think people will vote it.
I’m struck by how political advertising like this is still very pre-Internet age. All the ham-handed touchstones of commercial politics are here: the long, lingering money shots of the trucks spewing exhaust (great!), the weaving in of the words “children” and “family” wherever possible. It’s the rhetorical equivalent of AWA wrestling, leading the audience by the nose, as subtle as a pile-driver. This, I hope, will all look very dated in 10 years. Hopefully by then TV cartoon style politics (and–dare I say it–TV in general) won’t exist.
So hopefully the message of the ad will show through all the rhetorical cliches.
Marvin Stamnspews:
“I would immediately call the president of Mexico, the president of Canada…”
– “Obama Bin Laden …the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,”
I guess this proves you right that publicans are stoopid, in my limited knowledge and edukation I didn’t know Canada had a president. I thought they had a prime minister. No doubt the conservative press, abc, cbs, nbc, cnn, msnbc is going to be playing this clip over and over.
jsa on commercial drivespews:
The production quality on this ad was terrible.
Poor quality scenery shots. Awful lighting.
There were also some continuity goofs. Notice how the light rail signal goes on and the railroad gate goes down. Now notice how the bus appears to go straight through and crashes the gate.
The message is fine. The medium was awful.
Boy, that ad sure looks different after having my morning coffee and putting on my glasses…
I’m still not sure why we would need or want a %40 increase in population.
Great ad. Told me what I wanted to know about. I’m a big YES.
Have you seen how many people ride bikes in China, those of us who want bike lanes, must be in a league with the Chinese! I say we beat Mr. Freeman to the punch and start our own commies for buses and bikes campaign.
I’m sure there’s a better name than I just came up with. But, why not have a little fun with whatever opposition crops up from the right?
dick whiskeyspews:
Just checked at the PDC site —
The good guys have $344K in the bank so far —
No committees even registered against the RTID!
Looks like we’ve got this one sewed up.
Let me start off by saying that Kemper Freeman is a putz. Does doesn’t give a crap about anybody. He doesn’t give a crap about the problems of “common” people. His only interest is in persuading people to frequent his commercial establishments.
One of his stupid ideas is to turn the area around Bellevue Square into a car free zone. You would then have a forced shuttle service or have to walk throughout downtown Bellevue. As a resident of downtown Bellevue, I think that Kemper can go suck on a rock.
Not one of Kemper’s plans is workable or based in reality. He is a businessman and his only goal is to continue to dominate the Bellevue “commercial district”.
I think there needs to be a law prohibiting one organization or individual from controlling 3/4 of the busiest intersection in Washington.
I remember hearing about how certain members of the Bellevue Shity Council were looking into curtailing Metro access within downtown Bellevue. Gee! I wonder where the pressure for that position came from.
Daddy Lovespews:
It’s on the November 2007 ballot? I think Democrats are more highly motivated (to vote) this year because we’re all agog about next year. Looking good…
I still don’t trust Sound Transit. I’ll bet 90% of this funding measure will go to the tunnel extension to Husky Stadium, 3 miles of squealing, creepy subway and 8 years later. I’m not sure they’ve done the preliminary engineering work on the segment of light rail between Seatac and Tacoma. Running a spur to Southcenter, and ultimately Renton, where the BNSF line is ‘supposedly’ being considered, that spur line isn’t in the funding proposal. Why are they looking at a light rail line on I-90 to Bellevue, before they’ve finished the first segment, before they’ve figured how to install transit on the 520 floating bridge? It looks like Sount Transit is promising more than they can produce. Hmmm. Should Seattle trust Sound Transit? And look how much money goes into freeways. Yea! More freeways! Hooray! OK, I’m being facetious. Still, the light rail expansion looks hollow, while the freeway expansion looks horrible. If the measure goes down, so what? Let it get really sucky for the automaton motorists. Don’t give them a thing.
“Kemper might lend his support to a rail system that:
(1.) Is accompanied by a law forcing affluent people to ride it.”
Artfart, it’s pretty ironic Kemper (and his small circle of angry white over-the-hill Republicans who follow him around in Rovian fashion) have chosen buses as the latest technology for fighting light rail. For one, light rail tends to attract riders of all income levels, including more affluent riders who won’t get on a bus. Secondly, it’s ironic the transit critics (who base their criticism on “socialistic” operating subsidies) have chosen bus “rapid” transit, as buses have higher operating costs; this is due to their lower rider-to-driver ratio, and because buses use fossil fuel burning internal combustion engines, with lots of moving parts.
The great thing about light rail is that you don’t have to force people to ride it – they actually WANT to ride it.
“(2.) Routes all trains, regardless of origin or final destination, past Bellevue Square prior to letting anyone off.”
That’s already in the Eastlink plan, which goes to show how much of a right-wing ideologue Kemper is….he can’t even support a transit plan which benefits his own bottom line.
Rail Riderspews:
Wells @ 13
“I still don’t trust Sound Transit. I’ll bet 90% of this funding measure will go to the tunnel extension to Husky Stadium, 3 miles of squealing, creepy subway and 8 years later. ”
Nice try on the scare tactics, Wells. Unfortunately, you’re wrong. Roads & Transit doesn’t include funding for the tunnel for the University link because IT’S ALREADY PAID FOR.
That’s right, even if this thing doesn’t go through, we’ll have light rail from SeaTac to UW. If it does go through (and hopefully it will), we’ll have light rail from Tacoma to Lynwood to Redmond. 50 mile light rail extension, sounds pretty good to me!
So…the person who set up an anti-Fred Thompson website is a Democrat? You’ve really got a scoop there, Nancy Drew!
Keep on stamnering, jackass.
-I still don’t trust Sound Transit. I’ll bet 90% of this funding measure will go to the tunnel extension to Husky Stadium, 3 miles of squealing, creepy subway and 8 years later.-
Leave it to Wells (aka Art Lewellan from Portland) to butcher the facts. All perma-critics do this. Wells/Art has been obsessed with this dumb idea light rail should serve Southcenter Mall for a decade, and he just hasn’t been able to figure out it was a bad idea from the start. Wells/Art also had a similarly stupid idea for a circulator monorail in downtown Seattle, which really took the cake for Pointless/Crazy Idea of the Century.
Then again, every crank out there is usually driven by some wacky obsession.
BTW, not a dollar of the $10.8 billion slated for ST2 is going into the U Link project. It’s ok, Art. You were only 100% wrong this time. If you’re irrationally afraid of tunnels, you can always walk the route when you visit, Art. Or take a bus stuck in I-5 traffic.
– Running a spur to Southcenter, and ultimately Renton, where the BNSF line is ’supposedly’ being considered, that spur line isn’t in the funding proposal.-
It’s not in the funding proposal, because Sound Transit used something called “ridership” in their evaluation criteria for developing the ST2 plan. A train to the mall doesn’t compete with the already jammed I-5 corridor, and incredible TOD potential along the 99 corridor, especially in Federal Way.
-Why are they looking at a light rail line on I-90 to Bellevue, before they’ve finished the first segment, before they’ve figured how to install transit on the 520 floating bridge?-
A rebuilt 520 WILL be built to accommodate light rail in the future. From the WSDOT 520 project page:
“Floating bridge pontoons will accommodate high-capacity transit (HCT) in the future. Transit agencies will be responsible for determining if light rail, bus rapid transit, or another form of HCT should be added to the SR 520 corridor ”
This stuff isn’t difficult to figure out. Unless, of course, you chose to either ignore the information out there, or invent your own. Sound familiar, Art?
Can we get a King Country Initiative to declare Kemper Freeman Jr. a Horse’s Ass?
Marvin Stamnspews:
#16 Lee says:
@1 So…the person who set up an anti-Fred Thompson website is a Democrat? You’ve really got a scoop there, Nancy Drew!
Keep on stamnering, jackass.
Good point Lee, I shouldn’t be surprised.
horse shit, ass shit, bull shitspews:
Chock full o’ bullshit –
* The Jayson Blair Times is being downsized from big vapid pages to smaller vapid pages. The Times (NY) and the Times (LA) and the Times (Seattle) and the Post and the P-I and the Dub Daily will still practice the weird alchemy of turning trees into shit, but there will be a few centimeters less of it. A few more trees will be allowed to live, with a little less catastrophic global-warming.
* Gorebasms, Prius Envy, and Saving the Planet, one dopefiend at a time: Al Gore’s son — high on cocaine, drivin’ insane — was driving a Prius.
* Seattle, Weakly: Huan Hsu keeps on the cutting edge. An article about Metro perverts. An article about cut-throat Capitalist competition at Real Change. Another article about Metro perverts. And, this week, old women jumping young men. If Granny Pelosi even starts to look at me, I’m running the other way, screaming.
* Lone Nut: Somebody said that I’m the last lonely lone nut in America who believes the Warren Commission mostly got it right. Actually, there are two of us. Check out Bugliosi’s Big Book, about 2000 pages showing who really killed JFK. Clue: The filthy little communist (Jackie’s words). With the Manlicher-Carcano. In the Depository.
* Daddy Love is not the usual progressive. Daddy Love knows things. DL did a triple-Lindy dive into the Mideast cesspool or quagmire, and popped up to the surface knowning Shi’ite from Shinola, and Sunni, and Kurd, and Turkman. So I’m doing an agonizing reappraisal of my plan to nominate Paris Burner to lead Chickenhawk Obama’s invasion of Pakistan. Perhaps Daddy Love should be put in charge of leading the charge. (And apparently I’m not the only one here who got a bad Freudian NAMBLA vibe about Daddy’s nom de guerre.)
If an armed society is a polite society, as the gun nuts like to say, then think of all the good manners we’ve brought to Iraq by losing 110,000 AK-47s and 80,000 pistols, some of which no doubt are slaughtering American soldiers and Iraqi civilians right this minute.
Yeah, I’ll be they’re being “polite” all over our dumb asses.
Daddy Lovespews:
Umm, it’s my name. Not the first time you’ve been told, I’ll wager, so it seems like just another ad hominem attack. Better that than having me wipe the floor with your stance on the issues, eh?
Daddy Lovespews:
Why don’t you tell us why we should keep Dave Reichert? Give us, say, five good reasons that are not hair-related.
Seattle Vegesexualspews:
Actually, Dad, it’s my very first time. But why did Mr. & Mrs. Love name you Daddy? Still seems way too Freudian.
As for calling names, you called me a Republican. My kids use that 10-letter word as a four-letter word. Be(t) — don’t worry about it; typos happen — you do too. So I should be offended.
Meanwhile, here’s a list for Seattle’s transfat fascists, who want to run our lives for our own good:
Looks like my excellent but innocuous post, about virgin warrior FISA princess Darcy “Paris” Burner, got burned. I think I wrote that you unabashed liberals are so cute when you start bashing your own. I noted the drollery of Congressional ‘Crats giving GWB more war than he should have had, and more FISA power than he asked for. FISA was going to be your slam-dunk Donk ticket to the big time, Impeachment Article #1. So … this is very amusing.
Paris Burner is posing and posturing as a brave independent outsider. But, like all you KOS-tards, if she ever gets in, she’ll fit right in, slopping pork and earmarks.
Meanwhile, on Minnesota’s bridge to nowhere, I met Stormin’ Norman Mineta, back when he was a Clintonista at Commerce, and today’s Mineta is the same old hack. Why, why did Bush give him another job? That’s when I knew that George Quincy Bush is no Republican.
gimme 5spews:
5. Reichert is not Darcy Burner.
4. Dave Reichert is not Dave Ross.
3. Reichert is a Republican, though way too liberal, but his district is way too liberal.
2. He’s been serving we the people and taking hits for longer than Darcy’s been breathing air and/or amniotic fluid.
1. He has great hairspray. I’m persuaded that anyone that pretty can be persuaded to change his ways. He can surely be persuaded that to drill ANWR is to do the right thing.
Warm guns, polite societies: John Lott, and Lott’s wife (who was turned into a pillar of salt), are right about this.
Lovely racist web page
Hoping to confuse web surfers and search engines with, someone put up
Whois shows:
Henry Reynolds 500 California Ave. #5 Santa Monica, California 90403 United States
A search on opensecrets and the FEC show this proud man of the KKK donates to democrats-
REYNOLDS, HENRY SANTA MONICA,CA 90403 SELF/ATTORNEY 4/5/2004 $250 Kerry, John;Order=N
And the receipts for his donations
Kemper might lend his support to a rail system that:
(1.) Is accompanied by a law forcing affluent people to ride it.
(2.) Routes all trains, regardless of origin or final destination, past Bellevue Square prior to letting anyone off.
(3.) Includes, at the Bellevue Square station, an automatic vacuum system that extracts all the money from every passenger’s pocket.
It’s so obvious. Like a derrick falling on your head.
I’m still not happy about all those people the Big Important People think we need to have move here, but the ad is a good one and I do think people will vote it.
I’m struck by how political advertising like this is still very pre-Internet age. All the ham-handed touchstones of commercial politics are here: the long, lingering money shots of the trucks spewing exhaust (great!), the weaving in of the words “children” and “family” wherever possible. It’s the rhetorical equivalent of AWA wrestling, leading the audience by the nose, as subtle as a pile-driver. This, I hope, will all look very dated in 10 years. Hopefully by then TV cartoon style politics (and–dare I say it–TV in general) won’t exist.
So hopefully the message of the ad will show through all the rhetorical cliches.
“I would immediately call the president of Mexico, the president of Canada…”
– “Obama Bin Laden …the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,”
I guess this proves you right that publicans are stoopid, in my limited knowledge and edukation I didn’t know Canada had a president. I thought they had a prime minister. No doubt the conservative press, abc, cbs, nbc, cnn, msnbc is going to be playing this clip over and over.
The production quality on this ad was terrible.
Poor quality scenery shots. Awful lighting.
There were also some continuity goofs. Notice how the light rail signal goes on and the railroad gate goes down. Now notice how the bus appears to go straight through and crashes the gate.
The message is fine. The medium was awful.
Boy, that ad sure looks different after having my morning coffee and putting on my glasses…
I’m still not sure why we would need or want a %40 increase in population.
Great ad. Told me what I wanted to know about. I’m a big YES.
Have you seen how many people ride bikes in China, those of us who want bike lanes, must be in a league with the Chinese! I say we beat Mr. Freeman to the punch and start our own commies for buses and bikes campaign.
I’m sure there’s a better name than I just came up with. But, why not have a little fun with whatever opposition crops up from the right?
Just checked at the PDC site —
The good guys have $344K in the bank so far —
No committees even registered against the RTID!
Looks like we’ve got this one sewed up.
Let me start off by saying that Kemper Freeman is a putz. Does doesn’t give a crap about anybody. He doesn’t give a crap about the problems of “common” people. His only interest is in persuading people to frequent his commercial establishments.
One of his stupid ideas is to turn the area around Bellevue Square into a car free zone. You would then have a forced shuttle service or have to walk throughout downtown Bellevue. As a resident of downtown Bellevue, I think that Kemper can go suck on a rock.
Not one of Kemper’s plans is workable or based in reality. He is a businessman and his only goal is to continue to dominate the Bellevue “commercial district”.
I think there needs to be a law prohibiting one organization or individual from controlling 3/4 of the busiest intersection in Washington.
I remember hearing about how certain members of the Bellevue Shity Council were looking into curtailing Metro access within downtown Bellevue. Gee! I wonder where the pressure for that position came from.
It’s on the November 2007 ballot? I think Democrats are more highly motivated (to vote) this year because we’re all agog about next year. Looking good…
I still don’t trust Sound Transit. I’ll bet 90% of this funding measure will go to the tunnel extension to Husky Stadium, 3 miles of squealing, creepy subway and 8 years later. I’m not sure they’ve done the preliminary engineering work on the segment of light rail between Seatac and Tacoma. Running a spur to Southcenter, and ultimately Renton, where the BNSF line is ‘supposedly’ being considered, that spur line isn’t in the funding proposal. Why are they looking at a light rail line on I-90 to Bellevue, before they’ve finished the first segment, before they’ve figured how to install transit on the 520 floating bridge? It looks like Sount Transit is promising more than they can produce. Hmmm. Should Seattle trust Sound Transit? And look how much money goes into freeways. Yea! More freeways! Hooray! OK, I’m being facetious. Still, the light rail expansion looks hollow, while the freeway expansion looks horrible. If the measure goes down, so what? Let it get really sucky for the automaton motorists. Don’t give them a thing.
“Kemper might lend his support to a rail system that:
(1.) Is accompanied by a law forcing affluent people to ride it.”
Artfart, it’s pretty ironic Kemper (and his small circle of angry white over-the-hill Republicans who follow him around in Rovian fashion) have chosen buses as the latest technology for fighting light rail. For one, light rail tends to attract riders of all income levels, including more affluent riders who won’t get on a bus. Secondly, it’s ironic the transit critics (who base their criticism on “socialistic” operating subsidies) have chosen bus “rapid” transit, as buses have higher operating costs; this is due to their lower rider-to-driver ratio, and because buses use fossil fuel burning internal combustion engines, with lots of moving parts.
The great thing about light rail is that you don’t have to force people to ride it – they actually WANT to ride it.
“(2.) Routes all trains, regardless of origin or final destination, past Bellevue Square prior to letting anyone off.”
That’s already in the Eastlink plan, which goes to show how much of a right-wing ideologue Kemper is….he can’t even support a transit plan which benefits his own bottom line.
Wells @ 13
“I still don’t trust Sound Transit. I’ll bet 90% of this funding measure will go to the tunnel extension to Husky Stadium, 3 miles of squealing, creepy subway and 8 years later. ”
Nice try on the scare tactics, Wells. Unfortunately, you’re wrong. Roads & Transit doesn’t include funding for the tunnel for the University link because IT’S ALREADY PAID FOR.
That’s right, even if this thing doesn’t go through, we’ll have light rail from SeaTac to UW. If it does go through (and hopefully it will), we’ll have light rail from Tacoma to Lynwood to Redmond. 50 mile light rail extension, sounds pretty good to me!
So…the person who set up an anti-Fred Thompson website is a Democrat? You’ve really got a scoop there, Nancy Drew!
Keep on stamnering, jackass.
-I still don’t trust Sound Transit. I’ll bet 90% of this funding measure will go to the tunnel extension to Husky Stadium, 3 miles of squealing, creepy subway and 8 years later.-
Leave it to Wells (aka Art Lewellan from Portland) to butcher the facts. All perma-critics do this. Wells/Art has been obsessed with this dumb idea light rail should serve Southcenter Mall for a decade, and he just hasn’t been able to figure out it was a bad idea from the start. Wells/Art also had a similarly stupid idea for a circulator monorail in downtown Seattle, which really took the cake for Pointless/Crazy Idea of the Century.
Then again, every crank out there is usually driven by some wacky obsession.
BTW, not a dollar of the $10.8 billion slated for ST2 is going into the U Link project. It’s ok, Art. You were only 100% wrong this time. If you’re irrationally afraid of tunnels, you can always walk the route when you visit, Art. Or take a bus stuck in I-5 traffic.
– Running a spur to Southcenter, and ultimately Renton, where the BNSF line is ’supposedly’ being considered, that spur line isn’t in the funding proposal.-
It’s not in the funding proposal, because Sound Transit used something called “ridership” in their evaluation criteria for developing the ST2 plan. A train to the mall doesn’t compete with the already jammed I-5 corridor, and incredible TOD potential along the 99 corridor, especially in Federal Way.
-Why are they looking at a light rail line on I-90 to Bellevue, before they’ve finished the first segment, before they’ve figured how to install transit on the 520 floating bridge?-
Uh, because I-90 was built for light rail, and there’s a 40-year history behind that choice:
Pay attention, Art.
A rebuilt 520 WILL be built to accommodate light rail in the future. From the WSDOT 520 project page:
“Floating bridge pontoons will accommodate high-capacity transit (HCT) in the future. Transit agencies will be responsible for determining if light rail, bus rapid transit, or another form of HCT should be added to the SR 520 corridor ”
This stuff isn’t difficult to figure out. Unless, of course, you chose to either ignore the information out there, or invent your own. Sound familiar, Art?
Can we get a King Country Initiative to declare Kemper Freeman Jr. a Horse’s Ass?
#16 Lee says:
Good point Lee, I shouldn’t be surprised.
Chock full o’ bullshit –
* The Jayson Blair Times is being downsized from big vapid pages to smaller vapid pages. The Times (NY) and the Times (LA) and the Times (Seattle) and the Post and the P-I and the Dub Daily will still practice the weird alchemy of turning trees into shit, but there will be a few centimeters less of it. A few more trees will be allowed to live, with a little less catastrophic global-warming.
* Gorebasms, Prius Envy, and Saving the Planet, one dopefiend at a time: Al Gore’s son — high on cocaine, drivin’ insane — was driving a Prius.
* You do need a gun:;rfi=8
* Seattle, Weakly: Huan Hsu keeps on the cutting edge. An article about Metro perverts. An article about cut-throat Capitalist competition at Real Change. Another article about Metro perverts. And, this week, old women jumping young men. If Granny Pelosi even starts to look at me, I’m running the other way, screaming.
* Lone Nut: Somebody said that I’m the last lonely lone nut in America who believes the Warren Commission mostly got it right. Actually, there are two of us. Check out Bugliosi’s Big Book, about 2000 pages showing who really killed JFK. Clue: The filthy little communist (Jackie’s words). With the Manlicher-Carcano. In the Depository.
* Daddy Love is not the usual progressive. Daddy Love knows things. DL did a triple-Lindy dive into the Mideast cesspool or quagmire, and popped up to the surface knowning Shi’ite from Shinola, and Sunni, and Kurd, and Turkman. So I’m doing an agonizing reappraisal of my plan to nominate Paris Burner to lead Chickenhawk Obama’s invasion of Pakistan. Perhaps Daddy Love should be put in charge of leading the charge. (And apparently I’m not the only one here who got a bad Freudian NAMBLA vibe about Daddy’s nom de guerre.)
21 – Nice handle. Describes what passes for your thinking to a tee.
#10 Michael,
The Chinese are trading in their bikes for cars.
Re: China
Says Mark Kleiman:
Yeah, I’ll be they’re being “polite” all over our dumb asses.
Umm, it’s my name. Not the first time you’ve been told, I’ll wager, so it seems like just another ad hominem attack. Better that than having me wipe the floor with your stance on the issues, eh?
Why don’t you tell us why we should keep Dave Reichert? Give us, say, five good reasons that are not hair-related.
Actually, Dad, it’s my very first time. But why did Mr. & Mrs. Love name you Daddy? Still seems way too Freudian.
As for calling names, you called me a Republican. My kids use that 10-letter word as a four-letter word. Be(t) — don’t worry about it; typos happen — you do too. So I should be offended.
Meanwhile, here’s a list for Seattle’s transfat fascists, who want to run our lives for our own good:
Mixed nuts: aflatoxins
onions: furan derivatives
lima beans: cyanide
carrots: caratatoxin
mushrooms: hydrazines
tomatoes: quercetin glycosides, hydrogen peroxide, tomatine
celery: psoralens
broccoli: goitrin and glucosinolates
potato: solanine, chaconine, amylase inhibitors, isoflavones
Looks like my excellent but innocuous post, about virgin warrior FISA princess Darcy “Paris” Burner, got burned. I think I wrote that you unabashed liberals are so cute when you start bashing your own. I noted the drollery of Congressional ‘Crats giving GWB more war than he should have had, and more FISA power than he asked for. FISA was going to be your slam-dunk Donk ticket to the big time, Impeachment Article #1. So … this is very amusing.
Paris Burner is posing and posturing as a brave independent outsider. But, like all you KOS-tards, if she ever gets in, she’ll fit right in, slopping pork and earmarks.
Meanwhile, on Minnesota’s bridge to nowhere, I met Stormin’ Norman Mineta, back when he was a Clintonista at Commerce, and today’s Mineta is the same old hack. Why, why did Bush give him another job? That’s when I knew that George Quincy Bush is no Republican.
5. Reichert is not Darcy Burner.
4. Dave Reichert is not Dave Ross.
3. Reichert is a Republican, though way too liberal, but his district is way too liberal.
2. He’s been serving we the people and taking hits for longer than Darcy’s been breathing air and/or amniotic fluid.
1. He has great hairspray. I’m persuaded that anyone that pretty can be persuaded to change his ways. He can surely be persuaded that to drill ANWR is to do the right thing.
Warm guns, polite societies: John Lott, and Lott’s wife (who was turned into a pillar of salt), are right about this.