Whistleblower Explains How Cambridge Analytica Helped Fuel U.S. ‘Insurgency’ https://www.npr.org/2019/10/08/768216311/whistleblower-explains-how-cambridge-analytica-helped-fuel-u-s-insurgency Later, when it became Cambridge Analytica, it essentially became identifying people in the same way that you’d be looking for people who’d be more vulnerable to ISIS messaging — people who were more prone to conspiratorial thinking or paranoid ideation. Effectively, it looks for the same kinds of people. But rather than discouraging them from joining ISIS, it would be to encourage them to join the alt-right.
I don’t have it in text, but his description of straight white males feeling they were oppressed made lots of sense. The world had changed, and they were being forced to hide their inner asshole, they felt their racism and sexism and homophobia was being forced into the closet and they coulnd’t be real men anymore.
CA targeted them.
I knew that Republicans fuck children and put them in cages, but I had no idea they were selling them, too.
“GOP official indicted for human smuggling and sale of children in bizarre international fraud scheme”
Says that there are 2 comments on the Home page, but when I click on the link there is only 1 comment.
Looks like it fixed itself, after making this comment.
They already took an oath, not that it means anything to them.
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”
“Lindsey Graham demands GOPers sign Trump loyalty oath because impeachment ‘is about to destroy this nation’”
Our Kurdish allies are dying this morning and it’s all Doctor Dumbfuck’s fault. Not that he cares or anything.
Thomas Jeffersonspews:
All politicians and high-level government officials take that oath and routinely violate it. That’s the nature of our government today.
@8 When I want a Russian algorithm’s stupid fucking opinion on something I’ll fucking ask for it. Until then, fuck off and die.
Did it involve a Pizza and Ping Pong bar?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Yes, Turkey attacked our Kurdish allies today, after Trump gave them a free hand to do so, and people who fought by our side to defeat ISIS are now paying with their lives for his perfidy.
Trump is no longer just an ignorant clown; he now has blood on his hands.
I won’t judge Doctor Dumbfuck just yet. Even I didn’t foresee this, so maybe he didn’t, either. This is his chance to walk away. Let’s wait and see how he responds to this. Silence is not an acceptable answer.
Looks like Doctor Dumbfuck has found God.
“Internet explodes after evangelical leader Ralph Reed commands Christians to ‘render to God and Trump’”
His most recent appearance in these pages featured the claim that the sick fucks who tied Emmett Till’s bleeding and swolen corpse to a cotton gin fan and tossed it into a swamp are the precise moral equivalents of Tommie Smith and John Carlos.
Fuck him.
a nothingburger – kind of like a grabbingpussyburger, a goatfuckburger, a naziburger, a teabagburger, the grandchildrenburger, a pizzaburger……all a bunch of made up talking points by the GOPmotherfuckingburgers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If I were one of Trump’s White House staffers or sycophants in Congress, I’d be thinking long and hard right now about what he just did to our Kurdish allies.
@8 “All politicians and high-level government officials take that oath and routinely violate it. ”
No, they don’t. Republicans are far more likely to. Democrats and Republicans aren’t the same, and when you try to pretend they are, you’re full of shit.
@16 hopefully the voters think long and hard about it more so. Not so much to oust this fucking regime from office, but to keep them from weeping and stomping their feet, crying and fearing for their lives, once the terrorists start to thrive. Pathetic – not so much this Administration, but of the Republican pols and the American people – bunch of dumb mother fuckers.
They didn’t just #youbuiltthis but “#theygetwhattheydeserve
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
9/26 “The call is perfect”
9/29 “The call is troubling, but no quid pro quo”.
10/3 “Okay, yes quid pro quo. But quid pro quo is for a good purpose”
10/5 “Okay, maybe criminal purpose, but you can’t investigate purpose unless we say you can”.
I mean, as a citizen of the US, and particularly given what I know about US law enforcement agencies, I have some ambivalence about the idea of having my life investigated by my own country.
But if I had to choose a foreign power whose due process and sense of justice my life would depend on, Red China, Turkey, and Ukraine would rank waaaaay down on the list.
And remember kids, these same people object to the international human rights court for US war criminals.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Since today’s child molester talking points seem to be focusing on it, here’s the problem with Trumpers crying like whiney bitches about “due process”.
The impeachment phase is not the trial. That takes place in the Senate after impeachment. It is not really even a criminal proceeding in that sense. But if it were to be seen as one, it would be a grand jury hearing. So here’s the thing: NOBODY gets a defense in front of a grand jury. That is not a part of the process. Every prosecutor you know is laughing with pity and horror at the stupidity of Trumpublicans right now. Because this is not a legal objection to the impeachment inquiry. It is a political objection that assumes that a majority of Republicans are profoundly ignorant. The success of this tactic depends on that ignorance.
Remember when the black guy let five people ‘return to the battlefield’ for a POW?
Trump, Pentagon Have No Contingency Plan for ISIS Jailbreakers As Turkey Attacks U.S. Allies in Syria
As Turkish warplanes bomb U.S.-backed Kurdish allies in northeastern Syria, the Trump Administration has yet to draw up a strategy to safeguard and maintain the more than 30 detention camps that hold tens of thousands of ISIS fighters, families and sympathizers spread across the region.
I not look forward to a 2nd term, followed by a 3rd term and a 4th term of The Hump. Hate to be the first one to predict it, and I want nothing but to be wrong, but I think I am right.
But It will prove one thing though and that is that Republicans are a bunch of fucking hypocritical fascist Nazi dictators that spew nothing but bullshit.
If I am wrong surly Bob and other Repuke trolls here will let me know it by telling how much they would revolt to a 3rd Term Hump. Amirite? Term limits, term limits, term limits.
Crickets…..See what did I tell you. Fasten your seat belt boys.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Former Rep. Trey Gowdy was fired as a Fox News contributor, a spokesperson for the network told CNBC on Wednesday, amid reports that he was tapped to join President Donald Trump’s outside counsel as the White House suits up for an impeachment fight with Congress.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Partisan bias is normal at Fox, and conflicts of interest are normal for Republicans, but even at Fox you can’t be a journalist (I use the term here very loosely) and a Trump lawyer at the same time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I assume Gowdy is representing Trump pro bono. Given his client’s track record, he certainly doesn’t expect to be paid.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 “assumes that a majority of Republicans are profoundly ignorant”
They take that for granted about their base, and so do I.
Republicans might want to have the horses and goats tested before you know what.
I’m not waiting. Anything and everything wrong in this world is Doctor Dumbfuck’s fault. Gotta blame somebody. Why not blame Doctor Dumbfuck? It’s not like he’s apologetic about his betrayal of our nation or anything.
Of course, if he were to apologize 4,000 times for his treason, maybe, just maybe, I’d give forgiveness some thought.
Trump's Weird Little Penisspews:
We need to use Syria as a proving ground for the ethnic cleansing at home.
The more you hear about the dealings of the Hump you can only vomit – it only gets worse….worse, and worse, and worse.
How any Repuke can put up with this any longer is crazy. So much for any integrity, lawfulness, or hope for the future….mine as well fucking live like the next minute of your life is the last minute.
Seriously, this is getting destructively bonkers.
@31 I’m with you Steve….I hope there is some hope here, but I’m losing all hope. This madness is going to continue for a decade, and if it doesn’t it will because this World no longer exists as it did before.
We truly need #MAGA now than ever before.
Trump defends troop drawdown in northern Syria and says ISIS fighters will escape to Europe
Maybe this isn’t in correct context, just a headline.
But I bet he’s hoping for this and trying to get Europe to bow down to him. This guy is one fuck!
@32 I hope your get ED and VD.
What makes anyone think that Hump will leave office quietly and not forcefully if he loses the election? And what makes anyone think that he will not try to go for a 3rd term.
Repukes better squash it now!
Today I was looking at an article on and Island on Belize that is pretty cheap to stay at, and where the electricity is 100% generated by solar. Then I thought that it would be a nice place to retire (Belize not the Island). But maybe it might be a great time to go now or soon, why wait?
Long Live Ireland!
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Brilliant Hoaxes News – Masterful Demorat Fartblower Hoax Scores Another Virtuoso Victory, Biden-Einstein Sr. Was Also On The Take.
Helpful hint for Demorats, when a hoax works this well you should stick with it, maybe you can expose even more Demorat corruption.
Former Vice President Joe Biden was personally paid $900,000 for lobbying activities from Burisma Holdings, according to Ukrainian MP Andriy Derkach.
Derkach publicized the documents at a press conference at the Interfax-Ukraine agency Wednesday as he said the records, “describe the mechanism of getting money by Biden Sr.”
“This was the transfer of Burisma Group’s funds for lobbying activities, as investigators believe, personally to Joe Biden through a lobbying company. Funds in the amount of $900,000 were transferred to the U.S.-based company Rosemont Seneca Partners, which according to open sources, in particular, the New York Times, is affiliated with Biden. The payment reference was payment for consultative services,” Derkach said. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/10/burisma-holdings-paid-joe-biden-900000-for-lobbying-activities-ukrainian-mp/
Roger Rabbitspews:
Looks like Mulvaney may be the next loyal Trump ally to get thrown under the bus. Well, it could be worse — he’s not a Kurd.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Interesting that Trump is sucking up to Turkey given they’re a Muslim country with a long history of murdering their Christian minorities.
@43 Shot over Rude’s bow, I’d say. Better lawyer up, if he hasn’t yet.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
44, “Follow the money.”
Rolling up the bag men first is a well established tactic in prosecutions of organized criminal conspiracies.
This also indicates that, while Child Molesters and their voter-enablers are trying to focus media attention on the Congressional impeachment inquiry exclusively, there is clearly a statutory criminal element underlying the impeachment inquiry that implicates people who do not enjoy the OLC “Get Out of Jail Free” card held by the sitting President*.
*Eventually, when one of these stupid credulous mooks sends over a notice of intent to plead guilty, we will probably learn about yet another vast JDA.
@44 and @45
I have no faith that anyone at the top will ever be held accountable for any illegal actions.
Just like the disparity between convicted and jailed black vs white people, the people at the bottom will probably go to jail, but Rudy, Trump and others will get away scot free.
Looks like Bob needs some smelling salts.
Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman had lunch with Rudy Giuliani at the Trump hotel in Washington YESTERDAY, a source who saw them tells @nataliewsj. They were arrested later that night at Dulles, where they were awaiting an international flight.
When you know you are being brainwashed by Faux News –
I hate to even link to a Faux News article because that’s exactly what they want (more clicks – more brains to wash) but this is very typical of Faux News.
I came across The following clip on Apple News, on IPhone device, which just gives headlines to many other news sources such as Faux News. I first requested a link to a Safari browser then the link, but regardless I the Apple site they show the story with headline and lead you to believe that you’ll see the video related to the headline, the catchy story that grabbed your interest. But what happens is the video is further down the page and the first video you see is a couple of news stories or GOP propaganda instead. It’s the only way to get you to even go near the VD
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There were no innocent parties in this fracas.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@45 & 46 I have plenty of faith that everyone at the top who can’t pardon himself is going to jail. What amazes me is they don’t realize it. Or maybe they do.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Where’s Boob this morning? Hiding from process servers?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“Okay. Wow,” Chief U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell said with a stunned face, adding after a brief pause: “The department is taking extraordinary positions in this case.”
“Wow” is probably never a good thing to hear coming out of a federal judge’s face. Most federal judges (the good ones, at least) are very businesslike and reserved in their use of language. Some can be extremely cordial and even almost warm at the outset of proceedings. You might hope to hear a comment like “Nice to see you again,” or even “I hope you’ve been well.” “Wow” just really isn’t going in a good direction.
Sov-Cit loons and Freemen-on-the-land kooks come before federal judges more often than you might expect and make outrageous arguments and claims. They get pretty used to it and seldom react, even though they are often deliberately being goaded.
But this “wow” is in reaction to an argument from a senior DOJ litigator with almost three decades of service. That would be the “wow” of profound disappointment. Every parent of teens knows that “wow”.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Rick Perry, who will never be president, will take the fall for his crooked boss.
Unless, of course, he turns state’s evidence to save his own skin.
Of course, he never should’ve gotten on that barge in the first place. Everyone knew it was a leaky tub.
“There may be a picture of me (With the now felony charged, Rudy Associates) because there are pictures of me with everyone. I don’t know them” Donald.
Well that didn’t take long. The picture is with you, and Rudy and them…IN THE OVAL OFFICE!
I’m sure they just wandered in like a Chinese Brothel owner taking a selfie at a random party at your Golf Club.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
On October 3, 2019, counsel for Parnas and Fruman* sent a letter to Congress requesting additional time…and confirming that “Messrs. Parnas and Fruman assisted Mr. Giuliani in connection with his representation of President Trump.”
Trump says he doesn’t know them.
One of Trump’s “very smart lawyers” says he does.
*Counsel being John Dowd – one of Mistah Twump’s lawyers.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Do you guys really want President Pence?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Assuming he is not materially involved, yes. I’d take that outcome with great pleasure 😊.
But that assumes much. Are you sure you want President Pelosi?
You should’ve thought about that before you cast your ballot for Trump.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The GOP just ordered that the US side with Russia and against the NATO members in a UN Security Council vote. Obvs that has never happened before.
The Republican Party -Breaking new ground in betrayal and perfidy.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Last night, on the heels of FOX News releasing a poll showing 51% of the people now support impeaching and removing him from office, the GOPeePee President ordered his attorney general to drop everything and travel by military aircraft to a helipad atop Rupert Murdoch’s Manhattan penthouse to yell at him and threaten him.
And The United States Attorney General did it.
@56 you notice Bob is no longer around. I think things like that have finally gotten to him. The poor guy. Took him a while – but so did it for Forest Gump.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Lindsey Graham, in addition to being a shameless sycophant, is a gullible patsy, too:
“Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina was pranked by two Russians pretending to be Turkey’s minister of defense in an August phone call, his office said on Thursday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In the nature of things, these two traits tend to go hand in hand.
PI's Poor Motherspews:
Has anyone seen my worthless son? I haven’t seen him since he skipped bail.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@56 “I’m sure they just wandered in like a Chinese Brothel owner taking a selfie at a random party at your Golf Club.”
Like Chinese spies at Mar-o-Lago …
@63 Understandable. If you’re a Republican and someone says “the Russians are on the phone”, you’re going to take the call.
Check under the sofa.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@58 Ever heard of Roger Rabbit’s Theory of Relativity? Your answer is in there.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@60 “The Republican Party -Breaking new ground in betrayal and perfidy.”
I doubt they think in those terms. To them, this falls under “the art of the deal.” I’m curious what the consideration they offered Trump’s was. It’s probably buried somewhere in his financial records.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@64 Patty Mayo is on it.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Evil Warmongers News – Demorats will happily get thousands of Americans killed & maimed so President Trump can be blamed (“The President’s decision to withdraw U.S. forces from Northern Syria is a deeply disturbing development that betrays our Kurdish allies who have been instrumental partners in our mission to eradicate ISIS.”) Evil Warmonger Demorat Pelosi, https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/10719
This is the new war Demorat Chickenhawk scumbags wanted for America, 99% of whom never served a day in the military, much less in combat.
AKCAKALE, Turkey (AP) — Turkey pressed its assault against U.S.-allied Kurdish forces in northern Syria on Thursday for a second day, pounding the region with airstrikes and an artillery bombardment that raised columns of black smoke in a border town and sent panicked civilians scrambling to get out.
Amid the fierce fighting, residents fled with their belongings loaded into cars, pickup trucks and motorcycle rickshaws, while others escaped on foot. The U.N. refugee agency said tens of thousands were on the move, and aid agencies warned that nearly a half-million people near the border were at risk. https://www.kfvs12.com/2019/10/10/turkey-launches-more-airstrikes-seizes-village-invasion-syria/
Roger Rabbitspews:
@71 B-b-but our grandfathers were at Normandy …
NEW: Fiona Hill plans to testify to Congress that Giuliani and Amb. Sondland circumvented National Security Council and normal White House process to run shadow Ukraine policy, person familiar with her testimony tells @NBCNews
Bye Rudy.
Any day now Donald is gonna send out a tweet about how he barely knows this Giuliani character but what the fake news is doing to him sounds like treason.
“It’s a witch hunt. It was a perfect call. The Whistleblower wasn’t even there. And I should get to hear the Whistleblower appologize to me. There was nothing at all wrong and this is just the second hand information that is waaaay off base. Most popular policy in history in my great wisdom is me.”
At least four national security officials were so alarmed by the Trump administration’s attempts to pressure Ukraine for political purposes that they raised concerns with a White House lawyer both before and immediately after President Trump’s July 25 call with that country’s president, according to U.S. officials and other people familiar with the matter.
The nature and timing of the previously undisclosed discussions with National Security Council legal adviser John Eisenberg indicate that officials were delivering warnings through official White House channels earlier than previously understood — including before the call that precipitated a whistleblower complaint and the impeachment inquiry of the president.
At the time, the officials were unnerved by the removal in May of the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, by subsequent efforts by Trump’s lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani to promote Ukraine-related conspiracies, as well as by signals in meetings at the White House that Trump wanted the new government in Kiev to deliver material that might be politically damaging to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.
Dude, that’s stupid even for you.
The attack would not happen if Donald hadn’t unilaterally pulled back U.S. Troops. U.S. Troops at or near airstrike targets = no airstrike.
” 99% of whom never served a day in the military, much less in combat.”
President Bone Spurs
Vice President Never Served
Children of Donald…Never served
Grandpappy Donald fled Europe to avoid military service.
Pappy of Donald, Never served
Some of these guys are going to end up testifying under oath…
WASHINGTON – Michael McKinley, a career diplomat and senior adviser to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, has resigned from his position amid rising dissatisfaction and plummeting morale inside the State Department over what is seen as Pompeo’s failure to support personnel ensnared in the Ukraine controversy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@74 That explains why they’re going to fire 60% of the NSC staff.
“A senior adviser to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has resigned …. Michael McKinley, had been a diplomat for over three decades and served as ambassador to Peru, Colombia, Afghanistan and, most recently, Brazil until he was appointed to his advising role in May 2018 …. McKinley’s resignation … came in the midst of growing discontent at the State Department in response to Pompeo’s … lack of support for department officials caught up in investigations linked to Ukraine.”
The fact that he could not tell everyone here how he would respond to a hypothetical 3rd term of The Hump really spooked him.
These trade talks are so hopefully that I get an erection every time too.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Truly doubt it.
Others have pointed out how OfMaryKay becomes preoccupied with highly complex and incredibly lucrative investment trading schemes and a Canadian supermodel girlfriend whenever stories of the GOP unravelling dominate the news media.
He’ll be back. No doubt with a shocking expose of a local water board Democrat jaywalking.
Whistleblower Explains How Cambridge Analytica Helped Fuel U.S. ‘Insurgency’
Later, when it became Cambridge Analytica, it essentially became identifying people in the same way that you’d be looking for people who’d be more vulnerable to ISIS messaging — people who were more prone to conspiratorial thinking or paranoid ideation. Effectively, it looks for the same kinds of people. But rather than discouraging them from joining ISIS, it would be to encourage them to join the alt-right.
I don’t have it in text, but his description of straight white males feeling they were oppressed made lots of sense. The world had changed, and they were being forced to hide their inner asshole, they felt their racism and sexism and homophobia was being forced into the closet and they coulnd’t be real men anymore.
CA targeted them.
I knew that Republicans fuck children and put them in cages, but I had no idea they were selling them, too.
“GOP official indicted for human smuggling and sale of children in bizarre international fraud scheme”
Says that there are 2 comments on the Home page, but when I click on the link there is only 1 comment.
Looks like it fixed itself, after making this comment.
They already took an oath, not that it means anything to them.
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”
“Lindsey Graham demands GOPers sign Trump loyalty oath because impeachment ‘is about to destroy this nation’”
@3 It’s taking 10 minutes for my comments to appear.
Fuck you, God. Fuck you, too, orange moron.
“President’s spiritual adviser: ‘To say no to President Trump would be saying no to God’”
Our Kurdish allies are dying this morning and it’s all Doctor Dumbfuck’s fault. Not that he cares or anything.
All politicians and high-level government officials take that oath and routinely violate it. That’s the nature of our government today.
@8 When I want a Russian algorithm’s stupid fucking opinion on something I’ll fucking ask for it. Until then, fuck off and die.
Did it involve a Pizza and Ping Pong bar?
@7 Yes, Turkey attacked our Kurdish allies today, after Trump gave them a free hand to do so, and people who fought by our side to defeat ISIS are now paying with their lives for his perfidy.
Trump is no longer just an ignorant clown; he now has blood on his hands.
I won’t judge Doctor Dumbfuck just yet. Even I didn’t foresee this, so maybe he didn’t, either. This is his chance to walk away. Let’s wait and see how he responds to this. Silence is not an acceptable answer.
Looks like Doctor Dumbfuck has found God.
“Internet explodes after evangelical leader Ralph Reed commands Christians to ‘render to God and Trump’”
Gotta admit, I never imagined that God would turn out to be a fat, grotesque orange blob.
@4 Speaking of clowns, Lindsey Graham then
and now
(your link)
His most recent appearance in these pages featured the claim that the sick fucks who tied Emmett Till’s bleeding and swolen corpse to a cotton gin fan and tossed it into a swamp are the precise moral equivalents of Tommie Smith and John Carlos.
Fuck him.
a nothingburger – kind of like a grabbingpussyburger, a goatfuckburger, a naziburger, a teabagburger, the grandchildrenburger, a pizzaburger……all a bunch of made up talking points by the GOPmotherfuckingburgers.
If I were one of Trump’s White House staffers or sycophants in Congress, I’d be thinking long and hard right now about what he just did to our Kurdish allies.
Never heard of a cinquain.
a class of poetic forms that employ a 5-line pattern
@8 “All politicians and high-level government officials take that oath and routinely violate it. ”
No, they don’t. Republicans are far more likely to. Democrats and Republicans aren’t the same, and when you try to pretend they are, you’re full of shit.
@16 hopefully the voters think long and hard about it more so. Not so much to oust this fucking regime from office, but to keep them from weeping and stomping their feet, crying and fearing for their lives, once the terrorists start to thrive. Pathetic – not so much this Administration, but of the Republican pols and the American people – bunch of dumb mother fuckers.
They didn’t just #youbuiltthis but “#theygetwhattheydeserve
9/26 “The call is perfect”
9/29 “The call is troubling, but no quid pro quo”.
10/3 “Okay, yes quid pro quo. But quid pro quo is for a good purpose”
10/5 “Okay, maybe criminal purpose, but you can’t investigate purpose unless we say you can”.
I mean, as a citizen of the US, and particularly given what I know about US law enforcement agencies, I have some ambivalence about the idea of having my life investigated by my own country.
But if I had to choose a foreign power whose due process and sense of justice my life would depend on, Red China, Turkey, and Ukraine would rank waaaaay down on the list.
And remember kids, these same people object to the international human rights court for US war criminals.
Since today’s child molester talking points seem to be focusing on it, here’s the problem with Trumpers crying like whiney bitches about “due process”.
The impeachment phase is not the trial. That takes place in the Senate after impeachment. It is not really even a criminal proceeding in that sense. But if it were to be seen as one, it would be a grand jury hearing. So here’s the thing: NOBODY gets a defense in front of a grand jury. That is not a part of the process. Every prosecutor you know is laughing with pity and horror at the stupidity of Trumpublicans right now. Because this is not a legal objection to the impeachment inquiry. It is a political objection that assumes that a majority of Republicans are profoundly ignorant. The success of this tactic depends on that ignorance.
Remember when the black guy let five people ‘return to the battlefield’ for a POW?
I not look forward to a 2nd term, followed by a 3rd term and a 4th term of The Hump. Hate to be the first one to predict it, and I want nothing but to be wrong, but I think I am right.
But It will prove one thing though and that is that Republicans are a bunch of fucking hypocritical fascist Nazi dictators that spew nothing but bullshit.
If I am wrong surly Bob and other Repuke trolls here will let me know it by telling how much they would revolt to a 3rd Term Hump. Amirite? Term limits, term limits, term limits.
Crickets…..See what did I tell you. Fasten your seat belt boys.
“Former Rep. Trey Gowdy was fired as a Fox News contributor, a spokesperson for the network told CNBC on Wednesday, amid reports that he was tapped to join President Donald Trump’s outside counsel as the White House suits up for an impeachment fight with Congress.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Partisan bias is normal at Fox, and conflicts of interest are normal for Republicans, but even at Fox you can’t be a journalist (I use the term here very loosely) and a Trump lawyer at the same time.
I assume Gowdy is representing Trump pro bono. Given his client’s track record, he certainly doesn’t expect to be paid.
@22 “assumes that a majority of Republicans are profoundly ignorant”
They take that for granted about their base, and so do I.
Republicans might want to have the horses and goats tested before you know what.
Erdogan is saying that the GOP gave the go-ahead for bombing Kurdish civilians.
My God. How deeply shameful.
@29 Yeah, now the talk is how to go about doing the ethnic cleansing Turkey wants to do and still be “humane” about it.
“Trump wants ethnic cleansing in Syria to happen in a ‘humane way’ — but can’t define what that means”
I’d say Turkey needs to do more work on the “humane” part.
“Turkey’s forces cross into Syria; shelling kills civilians”
“I won’t judge Doctor Dumbfuck just yet.”
I’m not waiting. Anything and everything wrong in this world is Doctor Dumbfuck’s fault. Gotta blame somebody. Why not blame Doctor Dumbfuck? It’s not like he’s apologetic about his betrayal of our nation or anything.
Of course, if he were to apologize 4,000 times for his treason, maybe, just maybe, I’d give forgiveness some thought.
We need to use Syria as a proving ground for the ethnic cleansing at home.
The more you hear about the dealings of the Hump you can only vomit – it only gets worse….worse, and worse, and worse.
How any Repuke can put up with this any longer is crazy. So much for any integrity, lawfulness, or hope for the future….mine as well fucking live like the next minute of your life is the last minute.
Seriously, this is getting destructively bonkers.
@31 I’m with you Steve….I hope there is some hope here, but I’m losing all hope. This madness is going to continue for a decade, and if it doesn’t it will because this World no longer exists as it did before.
We truly need #MAGA now than ever before.
Maybe this isn’t in correct context, just a headline.
But I bet he’s hoping for this and trying to get Europe to bow down to him. This guy is one fuck!
@32 I hope your get ED and VD.
What makes anyone think that Hump will leave office quietly and not forcefully if he loses the election? And what makes anyone think that he will not try to go for a 3rd term.
Repukes better squash it now!
Today I was looking at an article on and Island on Belize that is pretty cheap to stay at, and where the electricity is 100% generated by solar. Then I thought that it would be a nice place to retire (Belize not the Island). But maybe it might be a great time to go now or soon, why wait?
Long Live Ireland!
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Brilliant Hoaxes News – Masterful Demorat Fartblower Hoax Scores Another Virtuoso Victory, Biden-Einstein Sr. Was Also On The Take.
Helpful hint for Demorats, when a hoax works this well you should stick with it, maybe you can expose even more Demorat corruption.
Former Vice President Joe Biden was personally paid $900,000 for lobbying activities from Burisma Holdings, according to Ukrainian MP Andriy Derkach.
Derkach publicized the documents at a press conference at the Interfax-Ukraine agency Wednesday as he said the records, “describe the mechanism of getting money by Biden Sr.”
“This was the transfer of Burisma Group’s funds for lobbying activities, as investigators believe, personally to Joe Biden through a lobbying company. Funds in the amount of $900,000 were transferred to the U.S.-based company Rosemont Seneca Partners, which according to open sources, in particular, the New York Times, is affiliated with Biden. The payment reference was payment for consultative services,” Derkach said.
Looks like Mulvaney may be the next loyal Trump ally to get thrown under the bus. Well, it could be worse — he’s not a Kurd.
Interesting that Trump is sucking up to Turkey given they’re a Muslim country with a long history of murdering their Christian minorities.
Yes Igor, find me some dirt.
@43 Shot over Rude’s bow, I’d say. Better lawyer up, if he hasn’t yet.
“Follow the money.”
Rolling up the bag men first is a well established tactic in prosecutions of organized criminal conspiracies.
This also indicates that, while Child Molesters and their voter-enablers are trying to focus media attention on the Congressional impeachment inquiry exclusively, there is clearly a statutory criminal element underlying the impeachment inquiry that implicates people who do not enjoy the OLC “Get Out of Jail Free” card held by the sitting President*.
Make Attorneys Get Attorneys!
*Eventually, when one of these stupid credulous mooks sends over a notice of intent to plead guilty, we will probably learn about yet another vast JDA.
@44 and @45
I have no faith that anyone at the top will ever be held accountable for any illegal actions.
Just like the disparity between convicted and jailed black vs white people, the people at the bottom will probably go to jail, but Rudy, Trump and others will get away scot free.
Looks like Bob needs some smelling salts.
When you know you are being brainwashed by Faux News –
I hate to even link to a Faux News article because that’s exactly what they want (more clicks – more brains to wash) but this is very typical of Faux News.
I came across The following clip on Apple News, on IPhone device, which just gives headlines to many other news sources such as Faux News. I first requested a link to a Safari browser then the link, but regardless I the Apple site they show the story with headline and lead you to believe that you’ll see the video related to the headline, the catchy story that grabbed your interest. But what happens is the video is further down the page and the first video you see is a couple of news stories or GOP propaganda instead. It’s the only way to get you to even go near the VD
Jerk meets vigilante.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There were no innocent parties in this fracas.
@45 & 46 I have plenty of faith that everyone at the top who can’t pardon himself is going to jail. What amazes me is they don’t realize it. Or maybe they do.
Where’s Boob this morning? Hiding from process servers?
“Okay. Wow,” Chief U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell said with a stunned face, adding after a brief pause: “The department is taking extraordinary positions in this case.”
“Wow” is probably never a good thing to hear coming out of a federal judge’s face. Most federal judges (the good ones, at least) are very businesslike and reserved in their use of language. Some can be extremely cordial and even almost warm at the outset of proceedings. You might hope to hear a comment like “Nice to see you again,” or even “I hope you’ve been well.” “Wow” just really isn’t going in a good direction.
Sov-Cit loons and Freemen-on-the-land kooks come before federal judges more often than you might expect and make outrageous arguments and claims. They get pretty used to it and seldom react, even though they are often deliberately being goaded.
But this “wow” is in reaction to an argument from a senior DOJ litigator with almost three decades of service. That would be the “wow” of profound disappointment. Every parent of teens knows that “wow”.
Rick Perry, who will never be president, will take the fall for his crooked boss.
Unless, of course, he turns state’s evidence to save his own skin.
So far, haven’t they all?
Rat. Ship. Water.
Of course, he never should’ve gotten on that barge in the first place. Everyone knew it was a leaky tub.
“There may be a picture of me (With the now felony charged, Rudy Associates) because there are pictures of me with everyone. I don’t know them” Donald.
Well that didn’t take long. The picture is with you, and Rudy and them…IN THE OVAL OFFICE!
I’m sure they just wandered in like a Chinese Brothel owner taking a selfie at a random party at your Golf Club.
Trump says he doesn’t know them.
One of Trump’s “very smart lawyers” says he does.
*Counsel being John Dowd – one of Mistah Twump’s lawyers.
Do you guys really want President Pence?
Assuming he is not materially involved, yes. I’d take that outcome with great pleasure 😊.
But that assumes much. Are you sure you want President Pelosi?
You should’ve thought about that before you cast your ballot for Trump.
The GOP just ordered that the US side with Russia and against the NATO members in a UN Security Council vote. Obvs that has never happened before.
The Republican Party -Breaking new ground in betrayal and perfidy.
Last night, on the heels of FOX News releasing a poll showing 51% of the people now support impeaching and removing him from office, the GOPeePee President ordered his attorney general to drop everything and travel by military aircraft to a helipad atop Rupert Murdoch’s Manhattan penthouse to yell at him and threaten him.
And The United States Attorney General did it.
@56 you notice Bob is no longer around. I think things like that have finally gotten to him. The poor guy. Took him a while – but so did it for Forest Gump.
Lindsey Graham, in addition to being a shameless sycophant, is a gullible patsy, too:
“Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina was pranked by two Russians pretending to be Turkey’s minister of defense in an August phone call, his office said on Thursday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In the nature of things, these two traits tend to go hand in hand.
Has anyone seen my worthless son? I haven’t seen him since he skipped bail.
@56 “I’m sure they just wandered in like a Chinese Brothel owner taking a selfie at a random party at your Golf Club.”
Like Chinese spies at Mar-o-Lago …
@63 Understandable. If you’re a Republican and someone says “the Russians are on the phone”, you’re going to take the call.
Check under the sofa.
@58 Ever heard of Roger Rabbit’s Theory of Relativity? Your answer is in there.
@60 “The Republican Party -Breaking new ground in betrayal and perfidy.”
I doubt they think in those terms. To them, this falls under “the art of the deal.” I’m curious what the consideration they offered Trump’s was. It’s probably buried somewhere in his financial records.
@64 Patty Mayo is on it.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Evil Warmongers News – Demorats will happily get thousands of Americans killed & maimed so President Trump can be blamed (“The President’s decision to withdraw U.S. forces from Northern Syria is a deeply disturbing development that betrays our Kurdish allies who have been instrumental partners in our mission to eradicate ISIS.”) Evil Warmonger Demorat Pelosi, https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/10719
This is the new war Demorat Chickenhawk scumbags wanted for America, 99% of whom never served a day in the military, much less in combat.
AKCAKALE, Turkey (AP) — Turkey pressed its assault against U.S.-allied Kurdish forces in northern Syria on Thursday for a second day, pounding the region with airstrikes and an artillery bombardment that raised columns of black smoke in a border town and sent panicked civilians scrambling to get out.
Amid the fierce fighting, residents fled with their belongings loaded into cars, pickup trucks and motorcycle rickshaws, while others escaped on foot. The U.N. refugee agency said tens of thousands were on the move, and aid agencies warned that nearly a half-million people near the border were at risk.
@71 B-b-but our grandfathers were at Normandy …
Bye Rudy.
Any day now Donald is gonna send out a tweet about how he barely knows this Giuliani character but what the fake news is doing to him sounds like treason.
“It’s a witch hunt. It was a perfect call. The Whistleblower wasn’t even there. And I should get to hear the Whistleblower appologize to me. There was nothing at all wrong and this is just the second hand information that is waaaay off base. Most popular policy in history in my great wisdom is me.”
Dude, that’s stupid even for you.
The attack would not happen if Donald hadn’t unilaterally pulled back U.S. Troops. U.S. Troops at or near airstrike targets = no airstrike.
” 99% of whom never served a day in the military, much less in combat.”
President Bone Spurs
Vice President Never Served
Children of Donald…Never served
Grandpappy Donald fled Europe to avoid military service.
Pappy of Donald, Never served
Some of these guys are going to end up testifying under oath…
@74 That explains why they’re going to fire 60% of the NSC staff.
The other 40% will quit next week.
Speaking of quitting,
“A senior adviser to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has resigned …. Michael McKinley, had been a diplomat for over three decades and served as ambassador to Peru, Colombia, Afghanistan and, most recently, Brazil until he was appointed to his advising role in May 2018 …. McKinley’s resignation … came in the midst of growing discontent at the State Department in response to Pompeo’s … lack of support for department officials caught up in investigations linked to Ukraine.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Not surprisingly, State’s career diplomats don’t want to go to jail for their political bosses’ crimes.
Those guys? Don’t know them.
Shy Trumpers who held their noses and loyally served, donated, and voted (R) anyway?
Sorry. I don’t know them. Never seen a single one of them at any meetings. Couldn’t pick one out if you dropped ’em on me from a great height.
Do what ever you need to do.
Why Kurds are dying:
“Trump has financial ties to Turkey … he has a building in Istanbul.”
Guys – I think Bob is gone forever. Sad.
The fact that he could not tell everyone here how he would respond to a hypothetical 3rd term of The Hump really spooked him.
These trade talks are so hopefully that I get an erection every time too.
Truly doubt it.
Others have pointed out how OfMaryKay becomes preoccupied with highly complex and incredibly lucrative investment trading schemes and a Canadian supermodel girlfriend whenever stories of the GOP unravelling dominate the news media.
He’ll be back. No doubt with a shocking expose of a local water board Democrat jaywalking.
This is Every Republican You Know now.