Jason Alexander is my new favorite actor. This is a brilliant piece.
Daddy Lovespews:
Hey! Remember how we weere supposed to get all happy and really, REALLY believe that the escalation was working because only 70-somehting US soldiers had died in Jusly, which was just whiz-bang great because it had been running up in the 90-100 a month zone previously? Even though it was the most causalties in July EVER? Even though iccasualties.org put the count at 80 once, you know, July actually ended and all?
Well, we’ve lost 26 in a week now. 26. 1 week.
The Escalation is working?
Sure it is. If more Americans die, it’s working. If fewer Americans die, it’s working. Either way, we have to stay forever. Wingnut logic.
Daddy Lovespews:
BTW, regarding lower casualties in July, Professor Juan Cole (www.juancole.com) says, “guerrillas usually prefer not to operate with heavy explosives when it is 120 degrees Fahrenheit in the shade.”
Daddy Lovespews:
Hey, it’s big old baddie Iran behind those EFPs in Iraq, right? I mean, that’s what CNN’s Barbara Starr told me this monring, and you KNOW she usually writes down correctly what Karl Rove the military tells her.
Baghdad troops found a suspected explosively formed penetrator factory in West Rashid District, during an early morning raid July 22. The “Warlords” of Company A, 1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment, part of Task Force 1-18, found a complete EFP, several EFP parts and roughly 300 lbs. of homemade explosives while searching a home. The Soldiers also found a disassembled anti-tank mine, two rocket-propelled grenade sights, 14 copper plates and two video cameras.
They’re cheap, easy to make, and THEY MAKE THEM IN IRAQ.
Daddy Love says:
Hey, it’s big old baddie Iran behind those EFPs in Iraq, right? I mean, that’s what CNN’s Barbara Starr told me this monring, and you KNOW she usually writes down correctly what Karl Rove the military tells her.
So why is CentCom saying this? http://www.centcom.mil/sites/u scentcom2/Lists/Current%20Pres s%20Releases/DispForm.aspx?ID= 5455
Baghdad troops found a suspected explosively formed penetrator factory in West Rashid District, during an early morning raid July 22. The “Warlords” of Company A, 1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment, part of Task Force 1-18, found a complete EFP, several EFP parts and roughly 300 lbs. of homemade explosives while searching a home. The Soldiers also found a disassembled anti-tank mine, two rocket-propelled grenade sights, 14 copper plates and two video cameras.
They’re cheap, easy to make, and THEY MAKE THEM IN IRAQ.
Yeah, Iran is not arming Shiite militias…….not because the military says they are not, but because you say they are not. Credible source if there ever was one.
What else…..Iran is not a state sponsor or terrorism?
Daddy Lovespews:
You ignorant slut. Follow the link. CentCom says that there are Iraqi factories in Baghdad making EFPs. This throws considerable doubt on the administration claims about Iranian provenance for these explosive devices.
Get it, Mark? Don’t make up a claim and then telling me that you don’t believe me when I say what I didn’t say.
Here’s what I DO claim. We do not have good intelligence that Iran is supplying Iraqi militias. Iraqi President Jalal Talabani has said the accusations that Iran supports Iraqi militias is out of date, probably part of the ancient history (http://www.mehrnews.ir/en/News.....sID=526657 ).
The Bush administration has a terrible record of not telling the truth when it comes to intelligence in the area, including the president’s flatly false assertion yesterday about Iran’s statements about their nuclear intentions.
Also, by the way, Hezbollah has a wide array of pretty sophisticated weaponry that they have openly obtained from Iran. Wouldn’t you think we’d be seeing that in use in Iraq if the Iranian government were arming Iraqis?
On the other hand, it is hardly unlikely that Iraqi Shi’ite groups can and do obtain arms from private sources within Iraq. But that’s not what the Bush administration wants us to believe. And it’s clearly not what you believe.
I think it’s fairly clear that we are facing a mainly Sunni insurgency against Americans, with Iraqi Shi’ite militas running the security forces and taking armed action to prevent the Sunnis from regaining power. The Mahdi Army opposes the American presence but most of them are holding off attacks for now on Muqtada al-Sadr’s orders. I also think that it is well-known that Iraqis in general do not trust the government of Iran, who after all fought an incredibly bloody war with them not two decades ago.
And I think the plain evidence supports this view.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 “Yeah, Iran is not arming Shiite militias…….not because the military says they are not, but because you say they are not. Credible source if there ever was one.”
Well let’s see, Mark. DL presented evidence from media reports of EFPs being manufactured within Iraq, and relying on this evidence, questioned wingnut assertions that Iranians are arming the Iraqi guerillas. You come back with, not refuting evidence, but a smart-aleck wisecrack. No wonder your comments carry no weight.
You’re a lightweight, Mark.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Don’t waste your time trying to reason with him.
Daddy Lovespews:
It’s totally for me.
Michael Cainespews:
RR, the wingnuts can’t come back with facts or any other response than drive-by snipes. Insults and slander are the only option they have since they can’t win any discussion based on ideas and truth.
It was certainly kind of our folks to arm the enemy (whoever the fuck they are) with 190,000 nice AK47’s. Between that and the convenient “loss” of over 600 tons of high explosives not long after the invasion, one might get the idea that our “coaching staff” considered the other team to be at such a disadvantage that they gave ’em a head start so the game wouldn’t be over too soon.
Dramatic video produced by Iraqi insurgents and captured in a raid earlier this week by U.S. troops clearly shows a battery of sophisticated Iranian-made rocket launchers firing on American positions east of Baghdad, Pentagon officials said Wednesday.
The video, captured during a raid on Monday by the 3rd Squadron, 1st Cavalry Regiment in northeast Nahrawan, shows insurgents setting up and carrying out an attack on Sunday, as well as an attack on July 11 that killed one soldier and wounded 15 others, officials said. The raid last month appeared to involve 34 launchers firing 107 mm Iranian-made rockets.
The video provides clear visual evidence of the extent to which Iraqi insurgents are equipped to launch deadly rockets on coalition forces, the Pentagon said.
The release of the video comes as officials charge Iran with supplying high-tech bombs used in 99 roadside bomb attacks in Iraq last month.
The powerful weapons, known as explosively formed penetrators or EFPs, accounted for a third of combat deaths suffered by coalition forces, the New York Times reported Wednesday.
The bombs fire white hot slugs that can cut through the heavy armor on Humvees. Intelligence officials said EFPs are being used almost exclusively by Shiite militias. The U.S. has repeatedly claimed that it has evidence Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard is smuggling the weapons into the country — a claim Tehran has repeatedly denied.
• Read the original report on NYTimes.com.
Lt. Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, the No. 2 commander in Iraq, told the Times he believes Shiite extremists have stepped up attacks in anticipation of Gen. Petreus’ upcoming progress report to Congress on the war.
“I think they want to influence the decision potentially coming up in September,” he said.
Of the 69 coalition soldiers who were lost in action last month, 23 died as a result of attacks with EFPs, Odierno said.
How is this for evidence assholes?
For the video footage, go to Foxnews.com, or does that mean its all invalidated because it was posted on Fox?
You people are unbelievable, what you accept as truth and evidence is so jaundiced and skewed due to your hatred of Bush that you will even allow yourselves to be duped into thinking our enemies are the good guys. Unbelievable.
Yes Mark! We’re the ones believing that Centcom is part of the grand liberal conspiracy! Hahahaha!
Let me introduce you to Iraq 101 if you’re ready. The presence of Iranian weapons in Iraq does not mean any of the following things:
a) The Iranian government is responsible for them being there (corruption by government officials is not uncommon in this part of the world)
b) The Iranian government is trying to de-stabilize Iraq (they’re not)
c) The Iranians are the primary threat to the survival of the Iraqi government (the Saudis are)
For the video footage, go to Foxnews.com, or does that mean its all invalidated because it was posted on Fox?
Yes, and if you haven’t figured out why by this point, you’re probably too dumb to figure any of this out.
Dancing Geek 2 Geekspews:
Paris Hilton has dropped her Bible and picked up Goldstein, who has deposed Rap Master Ross. While Hilton impersonated a vapid political hack named Rock Star Darcy, Goldstein impersonated a yack show host. Airhead Hilton’s impersonation of airhead Burner was pitch perfect. Goldstein’s attempt to simulate competence and coherence was, as usual, risible and ridiculous.
Exactly what does that prove? Do you not realize how often they’ve used American-made weapons against us? Are you really that stupid?
Lee says:
Yes Mark! We’re the ones believing that Centcom is part of the grand liberal conspiracy! Hahahaha!
Let me introduce you to Iraq 101 if you’re ready. The presence of Iranian weapons in Iraq does not mean any of the following things:
a) The Iranian government is responsible for them being there (corruption by government officials is not uncommon in this part of the world)
So Iranian weapons coming from Iran to be used against US troops means Iran is not involved in the insurgency. This is a stretch of logic that’s truly incredible even for YOU.
b) The Iranian government is trying to de-stabilize Iraq (they’re not)
So I guesss that means that its not true because you say it isn’t. Gee, thanks for clearing that one up.
c) The Iranians are the primary threat to the survival of the Iraqi government (the Saudis are)
Its actually a combination of al Qaeda, common criminals, and the US Congress.
For the video footage, go to Foxnews.com, or does that mean its all invalidated because it was posted on Fox?
Yes, and if you haven’t figured out why by this point, you’re probably too dumb to figure any of this out.
So if doesn’t come from a left wing smear site, then it can’t possibly be true. Gee, thanks for clearing that one up too.
Dancing Geek 2 Geekspews:
The sweet old troll named chadt, who is such a turn on when he talks dirty to me, wants to cater a requium mass in my honor. I’m honored, of course, but would prefer that he say Kaddish or sit shiva. Mazel tov, darling.
If memory serves me, wasn’t there an entire armory that was emptied out by the Iraqis after Saddam was toppled and hasn’t the military lost hundreds of thousands of AK47’s?
Should we attack ourselves for suppolying armaments for terrorists, or blame it all on Lyndie England?
“…Risible.” You stole that from Jon Lovitz’ character, ‘Master Thespian.’
“Pull my finger! Ah, hah! ACTING!”
remedial readingspews:
Two good books for your summer vacation, spent parked on I-5, the Freeway to Nowhere:
* Young J. Edgar: Hoover, the Red Scare, and the Assault on Civil Liberties. That was the red scare run by Attorney General Palmer, a progressive Democrat and a Quaker. (Author = Kenneth D. Ackerman);
* Supreme Conflict, the Inside Story of the Struggle for Control of the United States Supreme Court. “Miers was seen as such a preposterous pick that (conservative lawyers) refused to believe she was even on the actual short list of contenders. ‘Yeah, right,’ said one. ‘And he’s going to nominate Dr. Ruth to be surgeon general.'” Hot Lips Harriet “just wasn’t an option.” Uh huh. (Author = Jan Greenburg. Both books published this year. Both as fresh as a dank sodden dismal misty moisty Seattle morning.)
headlice desispews:
Thespian. You stole that from the rad dykes on bykes at Gay Pride. Or maybe from Mary Cheney, thespian impersonator.
headless says:
If memory serves me, wasn’t there an entire armory that was emptied out by the Iraqis after Saddam was toppled and hasn’t the military lost hundreds of thousands of AK47’s?
You are 100% correct, only it wasn’t just AK-47’s that were taken. There were several thousand tons of explosives and artillery shells that were taken by former Iraqi military that the homegrown Iraqi insurgency has used against us ever since. Failing to secure the armories and ammo dumps of the former Iraqi Army was one of the most critical failures of the early days of the war.
a) The Iranian government is responsible for them being there (corruption by government officials is not uncommon in this part of the world)
So Iranian weapons coming from Iran to be used against US troops means Iran is not involved in the insurgency. This is a stretch of logic that’s truly incredible even for YOU.
Naivete strikes both ways. Iran is and should sefend its strategic interests. That means working for an Iranian compatible govt in the South. What else would you expect??
b) The Iranian government is trying to de-stabilize Iraq (they’re not)
So I guesss that means that its not true because you say it isn’t. Gee, thanks for clearing that one up.
Of course they are. See above. The issue is what direction do they want Iraq to fall? There are real reasons to suspect Iranb would like to find common interest with the US and, as Lee suggests, it is not obvious that Iran would ber a worse ally than SA. Both sates are driven by islamo-fascist ideas but at least in Iran there is a real element of democracy. Also in cultural ways Iran has many reasons to feel closer to the US. No Mullah relishes finding a little Mao in a small village of Iran.
The problem is that Iran is imperialist while SA is content to live in tis own local mess. OTOH, the Saudi government is not stable in the long run and we may be as good at predicting what comes after the House of Saud as we were in controlling the future of Iran post the Shah. Islamic imperialism, perhaps we might need a new word for religous imperialism, is still poorly understood. While I have no doubt that Iran is committed to the goals of Umar, that is spreading the justice of the prophet, Iran is a very young system. We may have a better chance od shaping their form of democracy into something we can live and compete with than we do of patching up the monarchy in SA or the liogarchy in Egypt and Syria.
c) The Iranians are the primary threat to the survival of the Iraqi government (the Saudis are)
Its actually a combination of al Qaeda, common criminals, and the US Congress.
For the video footage, go to Foxnews.com, or does that mean its all invalidated because it was posted on Fox?
Yes, and if you haven’t figured out why by this point, you’re probably too dumb to figure any of this out.
So if doesn’t come from a left wing smear site, then it can’t possibly be true. Gee, thanks for clearing that one up too.
other then Faux, I have not seen a single report claiming that the Sunni forces in Iraq are controlled from Pakistan. The identification with el Quaeda is OUR fault .. the enemy of our enemy is our friend sort of thing.
What O’Hanlon describes was NOT a defeat of el Quaeda but a change in US policy that allies US with the local sunni warlords. Does this sound familiar … Batista, Noriega, the Shah … we have used this tactic before. It may work but if it does we will be supporting a systemm much more like that of Egypt and Syria than the sort of “democracy” lil Bush talked off springing up like dandelions.
Daddy Lovespews:
you accept as truth and evidence is so jaundiced and skewed due to your hatred of Bush
Yeah, if I didn’t hate Bush so much I wouldn’t believe CentCom (press release as linked) and the president of Iraq (remarks on July 23, 2007 as linked). I know it’s irrational, but I can’t help it.
It’s true that the US military continues to press the flimsy claim that “Iran” (without mentioning that there is little to no evidence of the Iranian government as a source) is supplying arms to “Shi’ite militias” (which are primarily in the British-patrolled south) to be used against “American soldiers” (patrolling the Sunni areas of Baghdad, the Sunni Triangle, and Anbar province). Oh, and that the millions that Saudi Arabia (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories.....0138.shtml, http://www.latimes.com/news/na.....ome-center) has pumped in to the SUNNI militias to buy arms ($25 million for ONE Romanian STA missile) won’t be used against “American soldiers,” right? Well, they will and are, but you go ahead and attack only who you’re told to.
It seems clear that you accept as truth and evidence is so jaundiced and skewed due to your man-love for Bush that you will even allow yourself to be duped into thinking that this administration and our military aren’t lying to you regularly.
Daddy Lovespews:
Oh, and Mark
The is just the bestest of all…
“…the primary threat to the survival of the Iraqi government…[are] a combination of al Qaeda, common criminals, and the US Congress.”
It’s as if the Kurds, Sunni Arabs, Shi’ite Arabs, Turkmen, and their associated thousand-plus-year history of enmity, the legacy of post WWI colonial partitioning, the Iran-Iraq War, current Middle Eastern (including Iranian, Saudi, and Turkish) geopolitical interests, and US manipulation of Iraqi politics just don’t exist in your little world. Must be fun. Isn’t it, Mark?
Wow, this comment is almost dumb enough to make it to EffU.
So Iranian weapons coming from Iran to be used against US troops means Iran is not involved in the insurgency. This is a stretch of logic that’s truly incredible even for YOU.
By your logic then, if Iraqi insurgents got their hands on American weapons, that means that the Bush Administration is in on the insurgency?
So I guesss that means that its not true because you say it isn’t. Gee, thanks for clearing that one up.
I’m saying that Iran has no incentive to de-stabilize Iraq. An Iraqi government was elected that would have good relations with Tehran. Why would they want to undermine it? They’ve publicly stated their desire to keep the al-Maliki government afloat and they have zero reason to lie about that. Use some common sense for once.
Its actually a combination of al Qaeda, common criminals, and the US Congress.
Hahahahahahaha!!! Man, do you need help tying your own shoes? That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Hahahaha! Our main enemy right now in Iraq are Sunni insurgents, who don’t recognize the elected government and are being supported by wealthy Saudis. Al Qaeda elements are also there causing problems, but they’re a small part of the picture. The US Congress? Hahahaha!! What a retard.
So if doesn’t come from a left wing smear site, then it can’t possibly be true. Gee, thanks for clearing that one up too.
What? A left wing smear site like Centcom? You’re an unbelieveable idiot.
My Left Footspews:
Dear Shithead @ 15:
Mark you are not ignorant. You give ignorance a bad name. What you are is intellectually bankrupt. You are going to quote FauxNews. Here. On HA.
I would say you have lost your mind, but it is abundantly apparent that you never had one to begin with.
Maybe you should watch KO on MSNBC. He admits he is a partisan hack. No pretending about Fair and Balanced. Just fair.
Daddy Lovespews:
Here’s a good one, from the NY Times article from which Fox News created their fantasy…
American intelligence says that its report of Iranian involvement is based on a technical analysis of exploded and captured devices, interrogations of Shiite militants, the interdiction of trucks near Iran’s border with Iraq and parallels between the use of the weapons in Iran and in southern Lebanon by Hezbollah.
Oooh, we found TRUCKS! Aaauuugghh! No one but a terrorist would drive a truck!
Anyway, that wasn’t what I wanted to talk about. Instead, it’s the “interrogations of Shiite militants” I wanted to address. You see, this is the problem (if you see it that way) with torturing interrogation suspects: they’ll tell you what you want to hear. whatever that may be.
For the Bush administration, that’s GREAT NEWS! Because it means they can make shit up, then get “Shiite militants” to back it up with tortured confessions!
You know, and I know, and Mark knows, that if I torture them until they admit that the weapons have nothing to do with Iran, my interrogation would produce exactly that result. No question about it.
Daddy Lovespews:
I think it might be fair to say that no Middle Eastern country particularly wants a strong Iraq on their border.
“I cannot fully account for about 110,000 AK-47 rifles, 80,000 pistols, 135,000 items of body armor, and 115,000 helmets reported as issued to Iraqi forces as of September 22, 2005.”
I’d say this video is brilliant but I am afraid it’s also true. The traitors, cowards and frauds that run the Bush regime are probably more like the characters represented in this video than we could imagine.
I know this won’t make a dent on folks who don’t let facts get in the way of their ideology, but … for you who have been asking where’s the extreme weather scientists predicted …
“Extreme Weather Plagues Globe in 2007
“UNITED NATIONS (Aug. 7) — Extreme weather has plagued the globe this year …. Here are some of the extreme instances the United Nations cites:
“– Four monsoon depressions, double the normal number, caused heavy flooding in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. …
“– England and Wales have experienced their wettest May-to-July period since record-keeping started in 1766. …
“– Late last month in Sudan, floods and heavy rain caused … homes to collapse, killing … people. The rainfall was abnormally heavy and early ….
“– In May, swell waves up to 15 feet high swept into 68 islands in the Maldives, causing severe flooding and damage.
“– Also in May, a heat wave swept across Russia.
“– Southeastern Europe … suffered record-breaking heat in June and July.
“– An unusual cold southern winter brought wind, blizzards and rare snowfall to various parts of South America, with temperatures reaching as low as 7 degrees below zero Fahrenheit in Argentina and 0 degrees Fahrenheit in Chile in July.
“– In June, South Africa had its first significant snowfall since 1981 ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I hope there’s an especially hot place in Hell reserved for those who inflict death and misery on their fellow human beings for no better reason than their insistence on being closed minded and blindly ignorant.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 We’re supposed to be swayed by someone who can’t even spell “weep”? Are you intentionally illiterate, or too fucking lazy to use a dictionary (or spell check)?
Daddy Lovespews:
38 RR
While I would expect instances of extreme and kooky weather to become common during a period of warming-induced global climate change, climate and weather differ, and although we have always had isolated extremes of weather here and there, we haven’t seen the warming trend of the magnitude in the extremely short duration we are seeing it unfolding here on 21st century Earth.
Unfortunately, many of the worst real effects of climate change, such as crop disruption due to changing rainfall pattens and so on, won’t be evident until it is pretty darned late.
proud leftistspews:
RR @ 39
Republicans believe that no rules–not even the fundamental rules of spelling, grammar, and punctuation–apply to them. They are above all laws, particularly the laws of logic. Oh, to be so free and to be so certain . . .
Marvin Stamnspews:
It’s gonna be fun to watch if Hillary wins the general election. All the hate the democrats have been spewing the last couple years is going to be regurgitated back by the right. Every time there’s a natural disaster the righties will blame hillary, and then laugh when the democrats trying to cover their ass and complain about bush, just like the bush people keep bringing up bill clinton in arguments. As the infrastructure further collapses, it’s going to be the hillary that gets the blame, just like bush is getting the blame these days.
The collapse of social security will happen under the leadership of a democrat as the baby boomers start retiring. No sane person doesn’t believe the first option to keep social security solvent is means testing. It’s not going to be pretty.
As for me, I’m not depending on getting anything back from the government that I’ve paid into it. I’ve already got my retirement property in Belieze. English speaking, better quality of food, lower taxes.
MS @ 42
Any chance you might head on down to Belize sooner rather than later? There’s plenty of sand down there in which to stick your head, so I’m sure you will indeed feel right at home. You’ll feel at home, and this country will be better off for losing you. Win-win.
Marvin Stamnspews:
I’m sure most of you remember me posting the links to pics of YearlyKos with all those white faces. Maybe this is why the convention was so white-
You had to be rich enough to afford transportation to chicago
You had to be rich enough to afford hotel/motel
You had to be rich enough to afford taking a couple days off work
You had to be rich enough to afford the high restaurant taxes
Marvin Stamnspews:
#44 proud leftist says:
Any chance you might head on down to Belize sooner rather than later? There’s plenty of sand down there in which to stick your head, so I’m sure you will indeed feel right at home. You’ll feel at home, and this country will be better off for losing you. Win-win.
I go down a couple times a year. Second largest barrier reef in the world, great scuba diving.
Why do you want me to leave the country, simply because I have an opinion that doesn’t match yours? Pretty damn shallow of you. Besides for your problem with differing opinions, how will the country be better off without me?
42/46 Ah…Belize. You’ll certainly love it, especially the medical care provided by Cuban-trained doctors, and having Joe Bageant for a neighbor.
Olbermann is a liberal. I don’t think he hides that. The question is whether or not his reporting is accurate. In the past, I’ve dared folks to show me an instance where Olbermann’s reporting wasn’t accurate (and I’ll be happy to provide instances where folks like O’Reilly and Dobbs have been inaccurate to get you started). I don’t care if a newsperson has a bias (for example, I think Joe Scarborough is a conservative, but has much more integrity than other conservatives on cable news), I care if they lie.
re 45: The employees of United Airlines has seen what happens to ‘privatized’ retirement funds. They get ‘disappearized’.
Have I mentioned lately that I detest bush and cheney?
That should get somebody started.
Evil, am I not?
Marvin Stamnspews:
#51 headless says:
re 45: The employees of United Airlines has seen what happens to ‘privatized’ retirement funds. They get ‘disappearized’.
What are you talking about? What does american airlines have to do with #45?
I know you hate me but at least reply with something that makes sense. You are making the educational system in Washington look bad.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#47 ArtFart says:
42/46 Ah…Belize. You’ll certainly love it, especially the medical care provided by Cuban-trained doctors, and having Joe Bageant for a neighbor.
To be honest, I have Francis Ford Coppola’s resort as a neighbor up the road. I’m guessing Joe Bageant is another attempt by you to be an insult.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#48 Lee says:
@43 Olbermann is a liberal. I don’t think he hides that. The question is whether or not his reporting is accurate. In the past, I’ve dared folks to show me an instance where Olbermann’s reporting wasn’t accurate (and I’ll be happy to provide instances where folks like O’Reilly and Dobbs have been inaccurate to get you started). I don’t care if a newsperson has a bias (for example, I think Joe Scarborough is a conservative, but has much more integrity than other conservatives on cable news), I care if they lie.
Of course his reporting is not accurate. Visit oreillywatch or olbermanwatch and you can find all the “mistakes” they make.
Unlike you, I do have a problem with a newsman having a bias. If someone has an opinion show (olberman, oreilly, etc) they are free to twist the facts as they feel they need to. The news should be factual. To have a bias (a particular tendency or inclination, esp. one that prevents unprejudiced consideration of a questionhttp://dictionary.reference.com/browse/bias) prevents someone from an objective viewpoint. Reporting that candidate XXXXX is in favor of abortion conveys a different feeling than saying he/she is pro-choice. It’s the same act, just a different way of framing the issue.
The point is that every person on earth has a bias. There’s no such thing as a newsperson without a bias. The question is whether they report facts or fiction.
And by the way, I’ve perused through the Olbermannwatch website, and nothing in their top ten list of lies is an actual lie, and not even close to the same league as when O’Reilly and Dobbs have manufactured news stories out of whole cloth (like O’Reilly’s War on Christmas tall-tales or Dobbs’ leprocy story). In fact, in the 2nd item in Olbermann watch, the author of the item is actually incorrect, the MCA of 2006 can certainly be read in a way that the Bush Administration can remove the habeas corpus rights of US citizens. The wording was vague enough that some people have interpreted it that way.
The third item on the list is also incorrect, as Bill O’Reilly actually had to apologize and then changed the transcript for what Olbermann was saying.
Somehow, I think the Olbermannwatch people then accuse Olbermann of being dishonest for not reporting what the transcript was changed to.
Again, I’m asking you to supply me with a time that Olbermann has reported something that was not factual (like O’Reilly did with Malmedy). If the top 3 items on the Olbermannwatch list of lies aren’t actually lies, I’m not too worried you’re actually going to find something.
Why is it that the Publicans scream BIAS every chance they get but have no problems with the obvious bias of Faux News, Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, etc?
Oh yes I forgot – they’re all about double standards.
And by the way who gives a fuck if Kieth is “biased” toward the left? Of course he is. He’s a liberal. Just like Handjob Hannity, Lush Flimbaugh and Neil Cavuto are biased to the right! What’s the problem?
Pac Man - The BEst Game in Townspews:
I am back, not that anyone gives a damn!!!!
For those history buffs, I’ll bet you did not know this one!! One of those odd quirks of history?
Many will recall that on July 8, 1947, witnesses claimed that an unidentified object with five aliens aboard crashed onto a sheep and cattle ranch just outside Roswell, New Mexico.
This is a well-known incident that many say has long been covered up by the U.S. Air Force and the Federal government.
However, you may NOT know that in the month of March 1948, exactly nine months after that historic day, Albert Arnold Gore, Jr., Hillary Rodham, John F. Kerry, William Jefferson Clinton, Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Charles E. Schumer, and Barbara Boxer were born.
See what happens when aliens breed with sheep?
You, doubtless are one of the sheep. Black sheep, did you say?
You’re certainly an alien in here.
One of us is confused. Shall we take a poll to see which ?
That’s the last accurate statement in the comment.
The Guy With No Carspews:
Like Big Steve says, “Reality has a well-known liberal bias.”
Pac Man - The BEst Game in Townspews:
I am sorry, did I insult your family – my bad!
Pac Man - The BEst Game in Townspews:
60,61 You might want to get a DNA sample. Someone has been lying to you!
“(W)e haven’t seen the warming trend of the magnitude in the extremely short duration we are seeing it unfolding here on 21st century Earth.”
That is a lie. Elizabeth Kolbert’s long essay about analyses of the 100,000 year climate record of Greenland’s ice cores shows that sudden and extreme change is the norm.
“Ice Memory” by Elizabeth Kolbert, The New Yorker, January 7, 2002.
Roswell on the Potomacspews:
So THAT explains it! Hell, it explains everything.
Baaaa-ack to Barackspews:
Including those queer sheepherders on Bareback Mountain.
(And as everybody from New Mexico to Montana knows, anybody who herds sheep has gotta be queer.)
Good News:
The DOD is sending video games to our men and women in Iraq to prepare them for Armageddon! http://www.thenation.com/blogs.....pid=220960
I am reassured that we ARE planning for possible changes in Iraq.
Jason Alexander is my new favorite actor. This is a brilliant piece.
Hey! Remember how we weere supposed to get all happy and really, REALLY believe that the escalation was working because only 70-somehting US soldiers had died in Jusly, which was just whiz-bang great because it had been running up in the 90-100 a month zone previously? Even though it was the most causalties in July EVER? Even though iccasualties.org put the count at 80 once, you know, July actually ended and all?
Well, we’ve lost 26 in a week now. 26. 1 week.
The Escalation is working?
Sure it is. If more Americans die, it’s working. If fewer Americans die, it’s working. Either way, we have to stay forever. Wingnut logic.
BTW, regarding lower casualties in July, Professor Juan Cole (www.juancole.com) says, “guerrillas usually prefer not to operate with heavy explosives when it is 120 degrees Fahrenheit in the shade.”
Hey, it’s big old baddie Iran behind those EFPs in Iraq, right? I mean, that’s what CNN’s Barbara Starr told me this monring, and you KNOW she usually writes down correctly what
Karl Rovethe military tells her.So why is CentCom saying this?
They’re cheap, easy to make, and THEY MAKE THEM IN IRAQ.
Daddy Love says:
Hey, it’s big old baddie Iran behind those EFPs in Iraq, right? I mean, that’s what CNN’s Barbara Starr told me this monring, and you KNOW she usually writes down correctly what Karl Rove the military tells her.
So why is CentCom saying this?
http://www.centcom.mil/sites/u scentcom2/Lists/Current%20Pres s%20Releases/DispForm.aspx?ID= 5455
Baghdad troops found a suspected explosively formed penetrator factory in West Rashid District, during an early morning raid July 22. The “Warlords” of Company A, 1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment, part of Task Force 1-18, found a complete EFP, several EFP parts and roughly 300 lbs. of homemade explosives while searching a home. The Soldiers also found a disassembled anti-tank mine, two rocket-propelled grenade sights, 14 copper plates and two video cameras.
They’re cheap, easy to make, and THEY MAKE THEM IN IRAQ.
Yeah, Iran is not arming Shiite militias…….not because the military says they are not, but because you say they are not. Credible source if there ever was one.
What else…..Iran is not a state sponsor or terrorism?
You ignorant slut. Follow the link. CentCom says that there are Iraqi factories in Baghdad making EFPs. This throws considerable doubt on the administration claims about Iranian provenance for these explosive devices.
Get it, Mark? Don’t make up a claim and then telling me that you don’t believe me when I say what I didn’t say.
Here’s what I DO claim. We do not have good intelligence that Iran is supplying Iraqi militias. Iraqi President Jalal Talabani has said the accusations that Iran supports Iraqi militias is out of date, probably part of the ancient history (http://www.mehrnews.ir/en/News.....sID=526657 ).
The Bush administration has a terrible record of not telling the truth when it comes to intelligence in the area, including the president’s flatly false assertion yesterday about Iran’s statements about their nuclear intentions.
Also, by the way, Hezbollah has a wide array of pretty sophisticated weaponry that they have openly obtained from Iran. Wouldn’t you think we’d be seeing that in use in Iraq if the Iranian government were arming Iraqis?
On the other hand, it is hardly unlikely that Iraqi Shi’ite groups can and do obtain arms from private sources within Iraq. But that’s not what the Bush administration wants us to believe. And it’s clearly not what you believe.
I think it’s fairly clear that we are facing a mainly Sunni insurgency against Americans, with Iraqi Shi’ite militas running the security forces and taking armed action to prevent the Sunnis from regaining power. The Mahdi Army opposes the American presence but most of them are holding off attacks for now on Muqtada al-Sadr’s orders. I also think that it is well-known that Iraqis in general do not trust the government of Iran, who after all fought an incredibly bloody war with them not two decades ago.
And I think the plain evidence supports this view.
@6 “Yeah, Iran is not arming Shiite militias…….not because the military says they are not, but because you say they are not. Credible source if there ever was one.”
Well let’s see, Mark. DL presented evidence from media reports of EFPs being manufactured within Iraq, and relying on this evidence, questioned wingnut assertions that Iranians are arming the Iraqi guerillas. You come back with, not refuting evidence, but a smart-aleck wisecrack. No wonder your comments carry no weight.
You’re a lightweight, Mark.
@7 Don’t waste your time trying to reason with him.
It’s totally for me.
RR, the wingnuts can’t come back with facts or any other response than drive-by snipes. Insults and slander are the only option they have since they can’t win any discussion based on ideas and truth.
It was certainly kind of our folks to arm the enemy (whoever the fuck they are) with 190,000 nice AK47’s. Between that and the convenient “loss” of over 600 tons of high explosives not long after the invasion, one might get the idea that our “coaching staff” considered the other team to be at such a disadvantage that they gave ’em a head start so the game wouldn’t be over too soon.
Dramatic video produced by Iraqi insurgents and captured in a raid earlier this week by U.S. troops clearly shows a battery of sophisticated Iranian-made rocket launchers firing on American positions east of Baghdad, Pentagon officials said Wednesday.
The video, captured during a raid on Monday by the 3rd Squadron, 1st Cavalry Regiment in northeast Nahrawan, shows insurgents setting up and carrying out an attack on Sunday, as well as an attack on July 11 that killed one soldier and wounded 15 others, officials said. The raid last month appeared to involve 34 launchers firing 107 mm Iranian-made rockets.
The video provides clear visual evidence of the extent to which Iraqi insurgents are equipped to launch deadly rockets on coalition forces, the Pentagon said.
The release of the video comes as officials charge Iran with supplying high-tech bombs used in 99 roadside bomb attacks in Iraq last month.
The powerful weapons, known as explosively formed penetrators or EFPs, accounted for a third of combat deaths suffered by coalition forces, the New York Times reported Wednesday.
The bombs fire white hot slugs that can cut through the heavy armor on Humvees. Intelligence officials said EFPs are being used almost exclusively by Shiite militias. The U.S. has repeatedly claimed that it has evidence Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard is smuggling the weapons into the country — a claim Tehran has repeatedly denied.
• Read the original report on NYTimes.com.
Lt. Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, the No. 2 commander in Iraq, told the Times he believes Shiite extremists have stepped up attacks in anticipation of Gen. Petreus’ upcoming progress report to Congress on the war.
“I think they want to influence the decision potentially coming up in September,” he said.
Of the 69 coalition soldiers who were lost in action last month, 23 died as a result of attacks with EFPs, Odierno said.
How is this for evidence assholes?
For the video footage, go to Foxnews.com, or does that mean its all invalidated because it was posted on Fox?
You people are unbelievable, what you accept as truth and evidence is so jaundiced and skewed due to your hatred of Bush that you will even allow yourselves to be duped into thinking our enemies are the good guys. Unbelievable.
Read it and weap assholes.
Yes Mark! We’re the ones believing that Centcom is part of the grand liberal conspiracy! Hahahaha!
Let me introduce you to Iraq 101 if you’re ready. The presence of Iranian weapons in Iraq does not mean any of the following things:
a) The Iranian government is responsible for them being there (corruption by government officials is not uncommon in this part of the world)
b) The Iranian government is trying to de-stabilize Iraq (they’re not)
c) The Iranians are the primary threat to the survival of the Iraqi government (the Saudis are)
For the video footage, go to Foxnews.com, or does that mean its all invalidated because it was posted on Fox?
Yes, and if you haven’t figured out why by this point, you’re probably too dumb to figure any of this out.
Paris Hilton has dropped her Bible and picked up Goldstein, who has deposed Rap Master Ross. While Hilton impersonated a vapid political hack named Rock Star Darcy, Goldstein impersonated a yack show host. Airhead Hilton’s impersonation of airhead Burner was pitch perfect. Goldstein’s attempt to simulate competence and coherence was, as usual, risible and ridiculous.
Exactly what does that prove? Do you not realize how often they’ve used American-made weapons against us? Are you really that stupid?
Lee says:
Yes Mark! We’re the ones believing that Centcom is part of the grand liberal conspiracy! Hahahaha!
Let me introduce you to Iraq 101 if you’re ready. The presence of Iranian weapons in Iraq does not mean any of the following things:
a) The Iranian government is responsible for them being there (corruption by government officials is not uncommon in this part of the world)
So Iranian weapons coming from Iran to be used against US troops means Iran is not involved in the insurgency. This is a stretch of logic that’s truly incredible even for YOU.
b) The Iranian government is trying to de-stabilize Iraq (they’re not)
So I guesss that means that its not true because you say it isn’t. Gee, thanks for clearing that one up.
c) The Iranians are the primary threat to the survival of the Iraqi government (the Saudis are)
Its actually a combination of al Qaeda, common criminals, and the US Congress.
For the video footage, go to Foxnews.com, or does that mean its all invalidated because it was posted on Fox?
Yes, and if you haven’t figured out why by this point, you’re probably too dumb to figure any of this out.
So if doesn’t come from a left wing smear site, then it can’t possibly be true. Gee, thanks for clearing that one up too.
The sweet old troll named chadt, who is such a turn on when he talks dirty to me, wants to cater a requium mass in my honor. I’m honored, of course, but would prefer that he say Kaddish or sit shiva. Mazel tov, darling.
If memory serves me, wasn’t there an entire armory that was emptied out by the Iraqis after Saddam was toppled and hasn’t the military lost hundreds of thousands of AK47’s?
Should we attack ourselves for suppolying armaments for terrorists, or blame it all on Lyndie England?
Let’s blame it on her!
“…Risible.” You stole that from Jon Lovitz’ character, ‘Master Thespian.’
“Pull my finger! Ah, hah! ACTING!”
Two good books for your summer vacation, spent parked on I-5, the Freeway to Nowhere:
* Young J. Edgar: Hoover, the Red Scare, and the Assault on Civil Liberties. That was the red scare run by Attorney General Palmer, a progressive Democrat and a Quaker. (Author = Kenneth D. Ackerman);
* Supreme Conflict, the Inside Story of the Struggle for Control of the United States Supreme Court. “Miers was seen as such a preposterous pick that (conservative lawyers) refused to believe she was even on the actual short list of contenders. ‘Yeah, right,’ said one. ‘And he’s going to nominate Dr. Ruth to be surgeon general.'” Hot Lips Harriet “just wasn’t an option.” Uh huh. (Author = Jan Greenburg. Both books published this year. Both as fresh as a dank sodden dismal misty moisty Seattle morning.)
Thespian. You stole that from the rad dykes on bykes at Gay Pride. Or maybe from Mary Cheney, thespian impersonator.
headless says:
If memory serves me, wasn’t there an entire armory that was emptied out by the Iraqis after Saddam was toppled and hasn’t the military lost hundreds of thousands of AK47’s?
You are 100% correct, only it wasn’t just AK-47’s that were taken. There were several thousand tons of explosives and artillery shells that were taken by former Iraqi military that the homegrown Iraqi insurgency has used against us ever since. Failing to secure the armories and ammo dumps of the former Iraqi Army was one of the most critical failures of the early days of the war.
a) The Iranian government is responsible for them being there (corruption by government officials is not uncommon in this part of the world)
So Iranian weapons coming from Iran to be used against US troops means Iran is not involved in the insurgency. This is a stretch of logic that’s truly incredible even for YOU.
Naivete strikes both ways. Iran is and should sefend its strategic interests. That means working for an Iranian compatible govt in the South. What else would you expect??
b) The Iranian government is trying to de-stabilize Iraq (they’re not)
So I guesss that means that its not true because you say it isn’t. Gee, thanks for clearing that one up.
Of course they are. See above. The issue is what direction do they want Iraq to fall? There are real reasons to suspect Iranb would like to find common interest with the US and, as Lee suggests, it is not obvious that Iran would ber a worse ally than SA. Both sates are driven by islamo-fascist ideas but at least in Iran there is a real element of democracy. Also in cultural ways Iran has many reasons to feel closer to the US. No Mullah relishes finding a little Mao in a small village of Iran.
The problem is that Iran is imperialist while SA is content to live in tis own local mess. OTOH, the Saudi government is not stable in the long run and we may be as good at predicting what comes after the House of Saud as we were in controlling the future of Iran post the Shah. Islamic imperialism, perhaps we might need a new word for religous imperialism, is still poorly understood. While I have no doubt that Iran is committed to the goals of Umar, that is spreading the justice of the prophet, Iran is a very young system. We may have a better chance od shaping their form of democracy into something we can live and compete with than we do of patching up the monarchy in SA or the liogarchy in Egypt and Syria.
c) The Iranians are the primary threat to the survival of the Iraqi government (the Saudis are)
Its actually a combination of al Qaeda, common criminals, and the US Congress.
For the video footage, go to Foxnews.com, or does that mean its all invalidated because it was posted on Fox?
Yes, and if you haven’t figured out why by this point, you’re probably too dumb to figure any of this out.
So if doesn’t come from a left wing smear site, then it can’t possibly be true. Gee, thanks for clearing that one up too.
other then Faux, I have not seen a single report claiming that the Sunni forces in Iraq are controlled from Pakistan. The identification with el Quaeda is OUR fault .. the enemy of our enemy is our friend sort of thing.
What O’Hanlon describes was NOT a defeat of el Quaeda but a change in US policy that allies US with the local sunni warlords. Does this sound familiar … Batista, Noriega, the Shah … we have used this tactic before. It may work but if it does we will be supporting a systemm much more like that of Egypt and Syria than the sort of “democracy” lil Bush talked off springing up like dandelions.
Yeah, if I didn’t hate Bush so much I wouldn’t believe CentCom (press release as linked) and the president of Iraq (remarks on July 23, 2007 as linked). I know it’s irrational, but I can’t help it.
It’s true that the US military continues to press the flimsy claim that “Iran” (without mentioning that there is little to no evidence of the Iranian government as a source) is supplying arms to “Shi’ite militias” (which are primarily in the British-patrolled south) to be used against “American soldiers” (patrolling the Sunni areas of Baghdad, the Sunni Triangle, and Anbar province). Oh, and that the millions that Saudi Arabia (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories.....0138.shtml, http://www.latimes.com/news/na.....ome-center) has pumped in to the SUNNI militias to buy arms ($25 million for ONE Romanian STA missile) won’t be used against “American soldiers,” right? Well, they will and are, but you go ahead and attack only who you’re told to.
It seems clear that you accept as truth and evidence is so jaundiced and skewed due to your man-love for Bush that you will even allow yourself to be duped into thinking that this administration and our military aren’t lying to you regularly.
Oh, and Mark
The is just the bestest of all…
It’s as if the Kurds, Sunni Arabs, Shi’ite Arabs, Turkmen, and their associated thousand-plus-year history of enmity, the legacy of post WWI colonial partitioning, the Iran-Iraq War, current Middle Eastern (including Iranian, Saudi, and Turkish) geopolitical interests, and US manipulation of Iraqi politics just don’t exist in your little world. Must be fun. Isn’t it, Mark?
Wow, this comment is almost dumb enough to make it to EffU.
So Iranian weapons coming from Iran to be used against US troops means Iran is not involved in the insurgency. This is a stretch of logic that’s truly incredible even for YOU.
By your logic then, if Iraqi insurgents got their hands on American weapons, that means that the Bush Administration is in on the insurgency?
So I guesss that means that its not true because you say it isn’t. Gee, thanks for clearing that one up.
I’m saying that Iran has no incentive to de-stabilize Iraq. An Iraqi government was elected that would have good relations with Tehran. Why would they want to undermine it? They’ve publicly stated their desire to keep the al-Maliki government afloat and they have zero reason to lie about that. Use some common sense for once.
Its actually a combination of al Qaeda, common criminals, and the US Congress.
Hahahahahahaha!!! Man, do you need help tying your own shoes? That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Hahahaha! Our main enemy right now in Iraq are Sunni insurgents, who don’t recognize the elected government and are being supported by wealthy Saudis. Al Qaeda elements are also there causing problems, but they’re a small part of the picture. The US Congress? Hahahaha!! What a retard.
So if doesn’t come from a left wing smear site, then it can’t possibly be true. Gee, thanks for clearing that one up too.
What? A left wing smear site like Centcom? You’re an unbelieveable idiot.
Dear Shithead @ 15:
Mark you are not ignorant. You give ignorance a bad name. What you are is intellectually bankrupt. You are going to quote FauxNews. Here. On HA.
I would say you have lost your mind, but it is abundantly apparent that you never had one to begin with.
Maybe you should watch KO on MSNBC. He admits he is a partisan hack. No pretending about Fair and Balanced. Just fair.
Here’s a good one, from the NY Times article from which Fox News created their fantasy…
Oooh, we found TRUCKS! Aaauuugghh! No one but a terrorist would drive a truck!
Anyway, that wasn’t what I wanted to talk about. Instead, it’s the “interrogations of Shiite militants” I wanted to address. You see, this is the problem (if you see it that way) with torturing interrogation suspects: they’ll tell you what you want to hear. whatever that may be.
For the Bush administration, that’s GREAT NEWS! Because it means they can make shit up, then get “Shiite militants” to back it up with tortured confessions!
You know, and I know, and Mark knows, that if I torture them until they admit that the weapons have nothing to do with Iran, my interrogation would produce exactly that result. No question about it.
I think it might be fair to say that no Middle Eastern country particularly wants a strong Iraq on their border.
No country wants a lawless one either.
My recent reading indicates that Iraq is now a net arms exporter, which says something about just how much armament is making its way there.
re 25: Losing the weapons is a more recent bungle. Check out this story:
“I cannot fully account for about 110,000 AK-47 rifles, 80,000 pistols, 135,000 items of body armor, and 115,000 helmets reported as issued to Iraqi forces as of September 22, 2005.”
I’d say this video is brilliant but I am afraid it’s also true. The traitors, cowards and frauds that run the Bush regime are probably more like the characters represented in this video than we could imagine.
Comments #34 and #35 are related. :)
Hey Global Warming Deniers!
I know this won’t make a dent on folks who don’t let facts get in the way of their ideology, but … for you who have been asking where’s the extreme weather scientists predicted …
“Extreme Weather Plagues Globe in 2007
“UNITED NATIONS (Aug. 7) — Extreme weather has plagued the globe this year …. Here are some of the extreme instances the United Nations cites:
“– Four monsoon depressions, double the normal number, caused heavy flooding in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. …
“– England and Wales have experienced their wettest May-to-July period since record-keeping started in 1766. …
“– Late last month in Sudan, floods and heavy rain caused … homes to collapse, killing … people. The rainfall was abnormally heavy and early ….
“– In May, swell waves up to 15 feet high swept into 68 islands in the Maldives, causing severe flooding and damage.
“– Also in May, a heat wave swept across Russia.
“– Southeastern Europe … suffered record-breaking heat in June and July.
“– An unusual cold southern winter brought wind, blizzards and rare snowfall to various parts of South America, with temperatures reaching as low as 7 degrees below zero Fahrenheit in Argentina and 0 degrees Fahrenheit in Chile in July.
“– In June, South Africa had its first significant snowfall since 1981 ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I hope there’s an especially hot place in Hell reserved for those who inflict death and misery on their fellow human beings for no better reason than their insistence on being closed minded and blindly ignorant.
@15 We’re supposed to be swayed by someone who can’t even spell “weep”? Are you intentionally illiterate, or too fucking lazy to use a dictionary (or spell check)?
38 RR
While I would expect instances of extreme and kooky weather to become common during a period of warming-induced global climate change, climate and weather differ, and although we have always had isolated extremes of weather here and there, we haven’t seen the warming trend of the magnitude in the extremely short duration we are seeing it unfolding here on 21st century Earth.
Unfortunately, many of the worst real effects of climate change, such as crop disruption due to changing rainfall pattens and so on, won’t be evident until it is pretty darned late.
RR @ 39
Republicans believe that no rules–not even the fundamental rules of spelling, grammar, and punctuation–apply to them. They are above all laws, particularly the laws of logic. Oh, to be so free and to be so certain . . .
It’s gonna be fun to watch if Hillary wins the general election. All the hate the democrats have been spewing the last couple years is going to be regurgitated back by the right. Every time there’s a natural disaster the righties will blame hillary, and then laugh when the democrats trying to cover their ass and complain about bush, just like the bush people keep bringing up bill clinton in arguments. As the infrastructure further collapses, it’s going to be the hillary that gets the blame, just like bush is getting the blame these days.
The collapse of social security will happen under the leadership of a democrat as the baby boomers start retiring. No sane person doesn’t believe the first option to keep social security solvent is means testing. It’s not going to be pretty.
As for me, I’m not depending on getting anything back from the government that I’ve paid into it. I’ve already got my retirement property in Belieze. English speaking, better quality of food, lower taxes.
Warning, the world is coming to an end!!
DailyKos agrees that olberman’s show is biased left.
MS @ 42
Any chance you might head on down to Belize sooner rather than later? There’s plenty of sand down there in which to stick your head, so I’m sure you will indeed feel right at home. You’ll feel at home, and this country will be better off for losing you. Win-win.
I’m sure most of you remember me posting the links to pics of YearlyKos with all those white faces. Maybe this is why the convention was so white-
You had to be rich enough to afford transportation to chicago
You had to be rich enough to afford hotel/motel
You had to be rich enough to afford taking a couple days off work
You had to be rich enough to afford the high restaurant taxes
#44 proud leftist says:
I go down a couple times a year. Second largest barrier reef in the world, great scuba diving.
Why do you want me to leave the country, simply because I have an opinion that doesn’t match yours? Pretty damn shallow of you. Besides for your problem with differing opinions, how will the country be better off without me?
42/46 Ah…Belize. You’ll certainly love it, especially the medical care provided by Cuban-trained doctors, and having Joe Bageant for a neighbor.
Olbermann is a liberal. I don’t think he hides that. The question is whether or not his reporting is accurate. In the past, I’ve dared folks to show me an instance where Olbermann’s reporting wasn’t accurate (and I’ll be happy to provide instances where folks like O’Reilly and Dobbs have been inaccurate to get you started). I don’t care if a newsperson has a bias (for example, I think Joe Scarborough is a conservative, but has much more integrity than other conservatives on cable news), I care if they lie.
re 45: Any theories as to the ‘income gap’?
re 42: Raise the withholding limit. No Brainer. That should be your specialty.
re 45: The employees of United Airlines has seen what happens to ‘privatized’ retirement funds. They get ‘disappearized’.
Have I mentioned lately that I detest bush and cheney?
That should get somebody started.
Evil, am I not?
#51 headless says:
What are you talking about? What does american airlines have to do with #45?
I know you hate me but at least reply with something that makes sense. You are making the educational system in Washington look bad.
#47 ArtFart says:
To be honest, I have Francis Ford Coppola’s resort as a neighbor up the road. I’m guessing Joe Bageant is another attempt by you to be an insult.
#48 Lee says:
Of course his reporting is not accurate. Visit oreillywatch or olbermanwatch and you can find all the “mistakes” they make.
Unlike you, I do have a problem with a newsman having a bias. If someone has an opinion show (olberman, oreilly, etc) they are free to twist the facts as they feel they need to. The news should be factual. To have a bias (a particular tendency or inclination, esp. one that prevents unprejudiced consideration of a question http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/bias) prevents someone from an objective viewpoint. Reporting that candidate XXXXX is in favor of abortion conveys a different feeling than saying he/she is pro-choice. It’s the same act, just a different way of framing the issue.
The point is that every person on earth has a bias. There’s no such thing as a newsperson without a bias. The question is whether they report facts or fiction.
And by the way, I’ve perused through the Olbermannwatch website, and nothing in their top ten list of lies is an actual lie, and not even close to the same league as when O’Reilly and Dobbs have manufactured news stories out of whole cloth (like O’Reilly’s War on Christmas tall-tales or Dobbs’ leprocy story). In fact, in the 2nd item in Olbermann watch, the author of the item is actually incorrect, the MCA of 2006 can certainly be read in a way that the Bush Administration can remove the habeas corpus rights of US citizens. The wording was vague enough that some people have interpreted it that way.
The third item on the list is also incorrect, as Bill O’Reilly actually had to apologize and then changed the transcript for what Olbermann was saying.
Somehow, I think the Olbermannwatch people then accuse Olbermann of being dishonest for not reporting what the transcript was changed to.
Again, I’m asking you to supply me with a time that Olbermann has reported something that was not factual (like O’Reilly did with Malmedy). If the top 3 items on the Olbermannwatch list of lies aren’t actually lies, I’m not too worried you’re actually going to find something.
Why is it that the Publicans scream BIAS every chance they get but have no problems with the obvious bias of Faux News, Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, etc?
Oh yes I forgot – they’re all about double standards.
And by the way who gives a fuck if Kieth is “biased” toward the left? Of course he is. He’s a liberal. Just like Handjob Hannity, Lush Flimbaugh and Neil Cavuto are biased to the right! What’s the problem?
I am back, not that anyone gives a damn!!!!
For those history buffs, I’ll bet you did not know this one!! One of those odd quirks of history?
Many will recall that on July 8, 1947, witnesses claimed that an unidentified object with five aliens aboard crashed onto a sheep and cattle ranch just outside Roswell, New Mexico.
This is a well-known incident that many say has long been covered up by the U.S. Air Force and the Federal government.
However, you may NOT know that in the month of March 1948, exactly nine months after that historic day, Albert Arnold Gore, Jr., Hillary Rodham, John F. Kerry, William Jefferson Clinton, Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Charles E. Schumer, and Barbara Boxer were born.
See what happens when aliens breed with sheep?
You, doubtless are one of the sheep. Black sheep, did you say?
You’re certainly an alien in here.
One of us is confused. Shall we take a poll to see which ?
ANYONE have an opinion on the above?
I am back, not that anyone gives a damn!!!!
That’s the last accurate statement in the comment.
Like Big Steve says, “Reality has a well-known liberal bias.”
I am sorry, did I insult your family – my bad!
60,61 You might want to get a DNA sample. Someone has been lying to you!
“(W)e haven’t seen the warming trend of the magnitude in the extremely short duration we are seeing it unfolding here on 21st century Earth.”
That is a lie. Elizabeth Kolbert’s long essay about analyses of the 100,000 year climate record of Greenland’s ice cores shows that sudden and extreme change is the norm.
“Ice Memory” by Elizabeth Kolbert, The New Yorker, January 7, 2002.
So THAT explains it! Hell, it explains everything.
Including those queer sheepherders on Bareback Mountain.
(And as everybody from New Mexico to Montana knows, anybody who herds sheep has gotta be queer.)
@67 LOL