Is I wrong to just use this to thread to figure out where to watch the Women’s World Cup? I don’t own a TV, so when I want to watch sports, I have to go out (or stream). Men’s international soccer, especially the World Cup, usually has bars open whenever. But on the women’s side, there are fewer options. So do you know of anywhere that will be hosting games, even when time zones make it tough?
The Dray. (65th & 7th) They are a soccer obsessed coffeehouse by day, beer bar by night but I heard they aren’t regularly open in the morning anymore but might be for soccer.
Rage tweeting will commence shortly.
The problem is, of course, that the GOP would swear fealty to Putin and raise Russia’s flag over the White House if it would only get them a SCOTUS that would allow forcing rape victims to give birth to rapist’s babies.
“Effectively what Bob Mueller said is we had evidence that he committed a crime but we couldn’t charge him because he’s the president of the United States,” Napolitano explained. “This is even stronger than the language in his report. This is also a parting shot at his soon-to-be former boss, the attorney general, because this statement is 180 degrees from the four-page statement that Bill Barr issued at the time he first saw the report.”
“Is it that bad?” host Stuart Varney remarked.
“I think so,” Napolitano replied. “Basically he’s saying the president can’t be indicted, otherwise we would have indicted him and we’re not going to charge him with a crime because there’s no forum in which for him to refute the charges, but we could not say that he didn’t commit a crime, fill in the blank, because we believe he did.”
I enjoyed watching Brandi Chastain strip in celebration as well, but not enough to sit through an entire snoozer of a match in hopes that someone as appealing as she was might repeat the act at the very end.
Classified emails mishandled by Hillary Clinton were accessed by hostile actors, and no crime was alleged by James Comey.
Picnicking while black! What were they thinking? They could have been shot!
Boob is showing his true colors @4. For God’s sake, don’t let him near a flock of goats. He would go absolutely wild!
It’s time to impeach the motherfucker. Republicans will side with Putin and rapists, and Democrats will fret about what it does to their chances in 2020, but no matter. Impeach the bastard.
@5 Being spied on isn’t the same thing as inviting the spies into your living room.
“Classified emails mishandled by Hillary Clinton were accessed by hostile actors, and no crime was alleged by James Comey.”
So fucking what?
I am unhappy to share that Evan Soltas’ work on the Seattle limited service restaurant statistics a few years ago, published on his blog, is no longer accessible.
Mr. Soltas is back from his turn as a Rhodes scholar and is now a PhD student at MIT – Economics.
Update: I’m wrong. Two links were broken but I found one that works, at least this morning.
@11 You could always work on what tariffs are doing to the restaurant trade in places like Topeka.
A new study by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service says Trump’s tax cuts did “little or nothing” to help the economy.
Of course, we all knew this was nothing but a giveaway to the GOP’s rich donors, didn’t we? Whatever its effect on the economy, it has fulfilled its purpose.
I agree. Today was the last straw. Do your damned job and impeach the motherfucker.
“Calls for Congress to ‘do your job’ and impeach Trump are exploding after Mueller’s speech”
A little like Scotty P’s “NO RAGRETS” tattoo.
There’s gotta be some way to rework the graphics.
Asterisks maybe?
Fast-food restaurant licenses in Seattle in March, 2014: 2,031
Fast-food restaurant licenses in Seattle today: 1,603
Hey Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, as long as you’re so concerned about where the lower-wage population can afford to live, maybe give some consideration to where they can afford to grab a bite to eat, too.
Goldy doesn’t give a shit, but someone should.
Goldy Retweeted
Working Washington
Six years ago today, Seattle fast food workers went on strike for $15. They changed the conversation about poverty wage jobs, won raises for 100,000 workers in the city & took it national. As @GoldyHA wrote in @TheStranger: “And thus a movement is born.” …
@ 12
You could always work on what tariffs are doing to the restaurant trade in places like Topeka.
You could examine what a $15 minimum wage would do to the restaurant trade in places like Topeka, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
There you go again, another slow hanging curve right down the middle of the plate.
Q: What do Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have in common?
A: They were both cleared by the DOJ.
Trade Jittery today. Ohhh my!
Sadly, it looks like the DJIA isn’t getting any closer to 50,000 today, where it’d have to get to before Doctor Dumbfuck can crow that the DJIA under his orange moron’s watch had finally and at long last matched its performance under the usurping socialist Muslim from Kenya.
Q: What do The SCO investigation into the 2016 election and the GOP Senate investigation into FISA warrants have in common?
A: “Nothing.”
-Robert Mueller
@4. Man you really must be hard up. You have a computer, you could probably watch 1000 times over instead of spewing stupid shit here, like you did with the comment @4.
Besides, you know you really prefer the horse, and it’s ok, no need to pretend your affection of the heterosexual kind.
More advice – there are porn magazines.
“They were both cleared by the DOJ.”
That is so pathetic. And moronic. Something only a dumbfuck would say.
Memo: In Re – Staff and other official communications regarding the SCO investigation
Be advised that as of May 29, 2019 at in responding to press and public affairs inquiries about the outcome of the investigation the following changes shall apply:
-The previous communications guidance dated April 18, 2019 directing the use of the phrase “The DOJ has exonerated the President” is henceforth to be disregarded.
-Henceforth the guidance shall be to use the phrase “The Attorney General has not found sufficient evidence to support an indictment of the President with 85% certainty of conviction.”
-Requests for additional comment and clarification should be directed to the office of The Speaker of the House of Representatives.
That dead horse again.
Now do god truck listeners.
Now do restaurants in general.
You can’t because you know full well there are more food service jobs on Seattle today than in 2013.
I have a cherry tree you could have at.
Poor choice of words winner for today goes to Rudy.
Huh, like banging porn stars not your wife perversion? Pee tape? I got it! Walking proudly through dressing rooms of minor girls? Marrying a cousin?
Three hours left before that victory For BiBi Dumbfuck was crowing about a few weeks back goes up in smoke.
Doesn’t look good. Looks like a new election is going to happen which can really only be read as a failure of BiBi to get the Zionist Nationalist nut jobs and the center right to give a little to gain the whole.
FIFA women’s World Cup started in 1991.
Since then the USWNT has made the final four every tournament winning three of the seven.
All Dumbfuck can remember is a win celebration from 20 years ago.
Not US Goalkeeper not giving up a goal in the knockout stage until team USA was up 4-0 in the final.
Not Carli Lloyd Scoring a hat trick in less than 20 minutes in the final.
Not the name of the woman who scored almost four times as many goals in international competition as any us man in history. She’s kind of a big deal and not the one who took off her shirt.
Bravo Dumbfuck. Why do you hate America?
Yesterday’s Real Clear Politics linked to someone or something called Roger Simon who’s probably Roger Rabbit or Roger Stone in drag. Simon says that David Garrow, a respected and reliably liberal historian, has clamped shut the causation chain and evidence chains that link Martin Luther King to almost unspeakable horror. Simon implies that Seattle and every city, village, and middlesex in America will be forced to #MeToo the signs and scrub the signifiers of every MLK B(L)VD everywhere. The resistance to MLK Ways and MLK Avenues will be even more strident than toppling Robert E. Lee from Traveler or pulling down Stonewall, the general, not the cherished iconic monument to homoerotic social justice.
For liberal iconography, it’s been a bad year with no justice and no peace. Every schoolgirl remembers who she was and what she was doing when she learned about lovable communist Paul Corbin. He was Bobby Kennedy’s left-wing hit man but his hits apparently weren’t lethal, so let’s Move On. Every schoolgirl remembers Pam who became Jackie’s Huma after she became Jack Kennedy’s playmate of the year in 1958. Prim writers told us that old folks downstairs started to squeal when they were shaken out of bed, night after night, by Senator Kennedy bouncing Ms. Turnure out of the bed upstairs. Now respected and reliable leftist George Packer, loaded with lib cred from the New Yorker and The Atlantic, tells the rest of the story.
Near the middle of Packer’s 600-page pile about Richard Holbrooke, we learn that JFK went to revered fixer and Democrat con man Clark Clifford who helped Joe Kennedy fix Jack’s Pulitzer Prize. Senator Jack told lawyer Clark about a problem with old folks in Georgetown who were making noise and making trouble. It was even worse than ONI spying on Jack and Inga Binga. Clark said that shutting up and shutting down old people was a bit beyond his ambit, but he knew a Democrat activist who was very good at dirty tricks. One dark and stormy night the activist lawyer paid a visit to old folks at home. If you don’t get out of town in two weeks, he told the couple, “you will deeply regret it. In fact, if you don’t get out of town, and if we ever hear from you again, you will be dead.”
“Dead as in dead,” is how Packer ends his aria to the birth of Camelot. Dead as in dead, just to make sure that brain-dead liberals finally drop their selective amnesia and their blinders and finally get a clue.
Martin Luther King, by not cooling his Negro heels as Philip Randolph had chilled for FDR, made trouble for Kennedy and the Democrat Southern Strategy. The preferred solution to the problem of civil rights was trying to slime King as a sock puppet of the half-vast international communist conspiracy. Problem not solved. There was no proof, although King was guided by two fellow travelers who crossed the line when commie was cool. Wiretaps and electronic bugs placed on King with the approval of JFK’s kid brother, the Attorney General of the United States, found that the Reverend’s social life was even more vigorous than JFK’s. “Bobby told me of the tapes and these orgies,” said Jackie Kennedy. “I just can’t see a picture of Martin Luther King without thinking, you know, that man’s terrible.” Jackie, Oh. OMG. None dare call it bigotry, but if Trump ever spewed any spew like that we’d bust his fat ass back to Mueller so fast it would make Donald’s orange pubic hair implants fall out.
Hi Bot!
If the algorithm wants someone to see what it has to say start with a sentence that is either grammatically correct of makes a lick of sense.
it’s called a thesis. Or a point. Try to have one.
“A former Georgia gubernatorial candidate who campaigned in a ‘deportation bus’ has pleaded guilty to falsely reporting that computer servers were stolen from his office. Michael Williams, a Republican ex-state senator, was indicted in December in Hall County, northeast of Atlanta, on charges of insurance fraud and lying to investigators.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m old enough to remember when most Republican candidates were essentially normal people with whom we had honest differences of opinion. What happened to those people? Well, they were driven out of the GOP, which has become a party of wastrels, scoundrels, liars, thieves, embezzlers, drug abusers, adulterers, wife beaters, rapists, child molesters, and Russian intelligence agents. Now, if you still vote Republican, that’s who (and what) you’re voting for, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself.
The orange moron’s flatulence? Freedom gas! Molecules of freedom! Oh, hell. Why not?
“Increasing export capacity from the Freeport LNG project is critical to spreading freedom gas throughout the world by giving America’s allies a diverse and affordable source of clean energy,” Under Secretary of Energy Mark Menezes said in a statement included in the release.
Steven Winberg, who serves as the Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy, called the gas “molecules of freedom.”
Market Arms in Ballard has 9 am and noon games on their “Telly” list for the Women’s World Cup.
If you think a redneck red state’s dominant and domineering “news”paper has gotta be racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic, xenophobic, Judeophobic, Barackophobic, Mexiforniaphobic, Islamophobic and truthful, do a rethink. When the New York Times dog whistles, the Redneck Statesman arfs. It’s cheaper than, you know, reporting news and it’s your redneck neighbor’s **** *** to fairness and balance.
As flyover news flies over from the Left Coast to the Other Left Coast, it sometimes forgets to trickle down to the Statesman. That happened yesterday with big headlines about the resurgence of Northwest Hate. For decades our surge of Hate was fueled by SPLC and its half-billion-dollar flush fund that made Fake Hate the only growth industry we have left.
Long long ago SP:C did some good work against the Democrat Klan and against Idaho’s right-wing Aryans, all an appreciated prelude to snuffing Randy Weaver’s wife and son at Ruby Ridge followed by Janet Reno rubbing out maybe 80 Adventist Davidians at Waco, but last month the dots connected the dots. There’s no poverty at the Poverty Center where, for decades, Fake Hate has been very big business.
Need another ton of bling? Call Hirsi Ali a hater. Call Brigitte Gabriel a hater, and David Horowitz, and Pamela Geller and — my God! — how the money rolls in. And what about Seattle’s Molly Norris, the thimble artist? Is she still hidden away in the Bigot Protection Program or is she safely interred on SPLC’s Hate list?
Last month SPLC’s scam became so blatant that even the New Yorker and the New York Times had to make a note of it, but the flyover note didn’t flutter down to the Redneck Statesman. There it was, yesterday, a resurgence of Brigitte Gabriel. SPLC says Gabriel=Hate, to there. You can take it to their bank.
On her 10th birthday Gabriel saw hate, up close and personal. The Religion of Peace dropped a bomb in her bedroom, and she barely lived to tell about. Tell it to the Redneck Statesman.
“Yesterday’s Real Clear Politics linked to…”
Aaaand were done.
All that just because his wife discovered his Ashley Madison account.
And yet all indications are that Peak GOP Stoopid is still at least a year in the future. I can not wait to see what that will look like. Assuming it does not involve all of us being vaporized in a blinding flash of ionizing radiation.
29, 34,
Seriously. I think it’s just possible he survived the lynching, perhaps somehow trapped in a coma/locked-in syndrome in a Medicaid funded hospice or convalescent care facility.
And now he’s back! Crazier than ever, still can’t use complete sentences or keep subject/object straight. But I’d swear that’s him. Nobody else can spew like that!
No way it’s the loon (RIP).
This will give you the Jitters.
You you think anyway with any intelligence and advisors that have to intellectual information that you could use wouldn’t be do fucking stupid to pick a war he can’t win?
Good luck to all the farmers and taxpayers!
After all these years, edit buttons finally show up. WTF?
Just experimenting
Fuck it.
@16 “Hey Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, as long as you’re so concerned about where the lower-wage population can afford to live, maybe give some consideration to where they can afford to grab a bite to eat, too.”
You’re a doctor, and you want the poor to live on cheeseburgers and fries? You must be a Republican.
@17 The minimum wage in Topeka is still $7.25, so you can’t blame restaurant closures there on higher wages. But we can reasonably surmise that the impact of tariffs on farmers’ income could hurt local businesses there.
If somebody made Doctor Dumbfuck live on $7.25/hr. ($1256/mo.), he’d scream bloody murder. Making other people live on that is a Republican thing. Same with wars. Republicans love to start wars, but they expect other people’s children to fight and die in them. One more thing. A lot of our military personnel today are black and Hispanic; thanks for your service, but understand that if you survive and come home, Republicans don’t want you in the park or at the pool. They’ll call the cops on you.
@18 “They were both cleared by the DOJ.”
Sorry, but only one of them was. If you ever listened to real news, you would know that.
@19 This market decline has more to do with the economy. Specifically, slowing growth and falling interest rates. The yield curve inverted again this week. GDP growth could fall below 1%. Lenders are writing fewer loans, loan quality is deteriorating, and default rates are rising. The global picture is even worse; the strengthening dollar is trashing emerging economies. It sure looks like Trump isn’t going to have a strong economy to run on. Bluffing gets you only so far.
In the background, you also have corporate buybacks — a major support for the market’s high valuations — slowing down. Trade factors in, too, of course. But I think at this point the market is mostly reacting to the deteriorating economy.
“Democrats Every Morning” .. . but without the suit coat and hat
one, true, god of the left
Sad, the state of trolling these days.
Funny about Dumbfuck’s ‘logic’. By his own figures there is still one fast food restaurant in Seattle for every 38 residents, rounded.
But he’s so concerned about the working poor he’s worried about them not being able to find a place to eat.
I had lunch at a Safeway salad bar today. It was cheaper than a Quarter Pounder value meal. If I didn’t also need butter And ziplock bags I might have ended up at Taco Time right there but remember when grocery stores didn’t have a whole range of ready to eat options. Way back in 2012 when the one closest to me got remodeled.
Adapt or die, unless you’re a legacy industry peddling a product that is increasingly unpalatable for a young generation of health conscious consumer. In that case, maybe Donald can find a subsidy or three to keep the profits going.
The official report summary indicated that the main factor in Clinton losing the election was not Russian collusion but her just being a really bad nominee.
Investigators showed that Clinton’s extreme lack of charisma or likability, her awful public policy record, her constant disparagement of millions of Americans she disagreed with, and her terrible campaign strategies resulted in her defeat.
Yeah, it’s not real. Not from the satire site, anyway. But it’s what I’ve been telling you since November 9, 2016.
It’s not real, and yet it’s true. And for YLB,
Coming up after the break:
Water is wet. Your cat is ignoring you. And OfDumbfuck smells like fish (viewer discretion is advised).
@49 What do you expect from bots? Pretty soon it’s going to be like robocalls. Thank you, technology! Not.
@51 You do realize your source, BabylonBee is satire, like the Onion, don’t you? No, of course you don’t, because you never look anything up.
Thousands of times. Thousands more to come, I’m sure.
News from the BabylonBee theology page.
Apparently right-wing Christian death cult humor and Doctor Dumbfuck humor, such as they are, both include “Hillary was awful” as a punchline. Makes sense, I suppose.
@26 “He is a better lawyer than that.”
Rudy should know, because he isn’t.
@29 “Yesterday’s Real Clear Politics linked to someone or something called Roger Simon who’s probably Roger Rabbit”
Probably not.
That may explain why, while Univision was selling a 40% stake in The Onion for $200 million, Adam Ford was selling 100% of Babylon Bee for a badly creased Ozzie Smith rookie and a half price desert coupon for Applebees.
Even in the age of GOP Peak Stoopid, “Christian Satire” just does not work.
@37 Same dementia, different loon.
@59 Republicans think Hell is a tropical spa.
@4 Nice to see you are too stupid to enjoy a soccer match and you have to stoop to some sexual statement to make the game even remotely appealing to yourself. That particular game was a tremendous match, on many levels.
Conservative Christians have no sense of humor.
And modern Republicans have descended to a depth of moral depravity from which it is simply impossible to draw satire.
@28 “Bravo Dumbfuck. Why do you hate America?”
More like, “Why do you hate women?”
If the Democrats of the House of Representatives want to impeach Trump, then it’s time for them to stop talking and start the impeachment process.
@65 And if the evidence shows Trump committed impeachable offenses, it’s also time for Republican Senators to uphold their oaths of office and perform their constitutional duty.
At this point, it appears the House Democrats are a lot more willing to defend the Constitution and the rule of law than the Senate Republicans are.
66 – The House can impeach, but the Senate conducts the trial. Given that the Senate is controlled by the Republicans, it’s unlikely Trump will be removed from office via the impeachment process.
67 – But the House should proceed with the process to show they are sincere about it all.
Since every single living Republican voter supports Senate GOP obstruction and conspiracy, and since the GOP Senate is utterly unwilling to try any evidence of crimes by this President, it makes little sense for Democrats committed to defending the Constitution and the rule of law to follow any timetable other than that most certain to result in Republican defeat at the polls.
And since your president with their support is so far refusing to comply with lawful subpoenas for most of that evidence it makes sense for now to wait out the stall clock. You idiots and your president fartbag are like that dumb kid at recess who thinks he can avoid his beating by running away. The bell will ring, dumbshit. Just like it always does. We’ll see ya then.
Only the DEEEPEST eye roll is appropriate for this story from the hippies at… checks… wait commies at…. checks again….America Hating leftists at….one last check… The Wall Street Journal?
We have a toddler in charge.
69 Trump is not my president. I didn’t vote for him. Don’t make claims that are false.
@67 I agree it’s unlikely that band of subversives will honor their oaths of office or value the Constitution above their party.
@71 Of course you didn’t. Russian trolls don’t vote in American elections. Not legally, anyway.
Nobody believes a word you people say.
Why would they? Anybody who would trade their honor and their national allegiance for permission to tell racist jokes can’t be trusted ever again.
#youbuiltthat #andnowyoumustliveinitforever
Apparently the GOP rageTweet president spent more time yelling insults at the media yesterday afternoon following the Special Counsel press statement than the Special Counsel spent delivering the statement. So now he hates the Special Counsel again.
Which really begs the question: why did he bring Mueller in, and after several extensive interviews, select him to be the Special Counsel in the first place?
Remember folks. We are, even now after two years of all this, still solidly in #owngoal territory here. So far in the last couple of months Democrats have merely issued subpoenas that have gone ignored. Everything else in all these corruption investigations have been 100% #owngoal.
The Trump White House allowed Sesh to recuse, authorized Rosenstein to appoint the Special Counsel, and approved Mueller’s selection. Everything we have seen so far has been a 100% GOP show. We have only seen what we were intended to see by the people engaging in the coverup.
“A Republican consultant involved in the Trump administration’s plan to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census believed that adding the question would pave the way for redistricting that would increase the political power of ‘Republicans and Non-Hispanic Whites,’ according to explosive documents revealed in federal court Thursday.
“The consultant, Thomas Hofeller, ghostwrote at least portions of what would later become the Justice Department’s formal request to add the citizenship question to the census, according to the court documents. The civil rights and immigration advocacy groups that oppose adding the citizenship question to the census and are suing to block it argue that the Trump administration added the question in order to dilute the political power of Democrats and minorities. The documents they filed in court Thursday are the closest they’ve found to a smoking gun.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Did anyone ever think otherwise?
John McCain has a Navy ship named after him and The Donald doesn’t, neener neener!
@75 Which shows Trump can’t even run a coverup, much less a country.
One less Nazi, Thad is dead.
Parking while latina. That can be dangerous, too.
“WATCH: Profanity-spewing racist calls cops on Latina teen for ‘taking a parking spot from a US citizen”
“I am a U.S. citizen,” the distraught teen tells the man in the video.
“Prove it!” the man demands.
“Why would I have to prove it to you?” the teen asks.
“You’re not going to fucking do this to U.S. citizens anymore,” he continues.
“What am I doing?” she asks.
“You’re fucking taking a parking spot from a U.S. citizen.”
I’d suggest white Republicans chill out, but we know that’s never going to happen.
Republicans crave power so much, they sold out our country to Russia, and if Putin ordered them to fly Russia’s flag over the Capitol, they’d do it in a heartbeat.
“Republican consultant bashes his own party for siding with Russia against America”
“For the first time in American history we have meticulously detailed evidence that a hostile foreign power attempted to influence the choice of an American commander in chief, and the collective Republican response is apparently, ‘Our side won, move on,’”
Sorry you had to learn the hard way, but the bailout billions was for corporate CEOs and shareholders, not small farmers like you. Good luck selling your farm.
“Iowa farmer hit hard by trade war got a bailout check for $25 — which he donated to Cory Booker”
@82 At least he may be learning not to vote for Republicans, who will fuck you over every time, unless you’re a billionaire or multimillionaire who can write big campaign checks. Republicans have no loyalty or honor even to their own.
@80 That guy is known to the local police. He’s harassed other people, too. Sounds like he’s got mental issues, or maybe he’s on drugs.
Planned Parenthood admitted what all of us already know.
Planned Parenthood:
Planned Parenthood ✔ @PPFA
Huh. What’s stopping Planned Parenthood from just keeping the clinic open to do the other 97% of non-abortion related services they claim to provide?
As far as the Republican Party goes, I honestly don’t see how that is supposed to be a criticism.
As in so many other very well documented ways, the Republican Party noticed and took advantage of a particular method to improve their chances of winning elections. And they were not the least bit concerned about the “ethics” or “morality” of that method. There’s nothing particularly new about that. That “tradition” goes back many decades. And it is widely supported among Republican voters.
Whether it’s depriving poor people, young people, or minorities of their voting rights, creating a vast and sweeping incarceral industrial complex, systematically obstructing efforts to expand and secure voting, or conspiring with foreign spies to tamper with campaigns and elections, it’s all the same thing. This is not a new thing. This is not a different thing. It is the same old thing. It’s who they are and who they have been for a very long time now.
And in a way he’s right. We really all should move on. It’s time to get over the surprise about something that’s been going on right in front of us for decades. At what point does it cease to be newsworthy when one fundamentally despicable and corrupt Republican out of 63 million suddenly lifts his face from the endless feed trough, looks around, and cries out in shock; “My God! The Rape Cage Party is suddenly filled with Cage Rapists!”?
It’s time for all of us to move on. This is who they are.
This really is “the status quo” for Republicans.
@85 “What’s stopping Planned Parenthood from just keeping the clinic open to do the other 97% of non-abortion related services they claim to provide?”
Nothing. They are. If the St. Louis abortion clinic closes, PP will still have 11 clinics providing non-abortion health services in Missouri.
You should fact-check your comments so you don’t make yourself look like an idiot, like you just did.
In order to prevent a temper tantrum by the guy they gave the nuclear launch codes to, they covered up the name on 9,000 ton Arleigh Burke-class destroyer.
They are so far past any concerns about “look(ing) like an idiot” they’ve lapped themselves twice.
@88 Yep. I can still remember when Republicans weren’t impervious to embarrassment or shame, but that was a long time ago.
“You should fact-check your comments so you don’t make yourself look like an idiot, like you just did.”
Thanks for saving me the trouble. The troll posted so eagerly, believing he was about to “own the libs”, only to fail yet again. Another troll dumber than a stump and oblivious to it. So sad.
@91 “believing he was about to ‘own the libs'”
In his pea-wit mind, he probably believes he did. These trolls are so stupid they don’t even know a rake has hit them in the face.
Looks like there’s a coordinated Republican effort underway to block disaster relief to suffering Americans.
What a bunch of asshats.
Yawn.. The loon has not returned. That’s the Hate-Crazed Name Morphing Troll (HNMT)… A former 60’s lefty turned foaming, spittle-flying always wrong wing nutcase.
Still too busy.. l8r..
If you enjoy taking health insurance away from little kids, you’re probably a Republican.
“The consultant, Thomas Hofeller, ghostwrote at least portions of what would later become the Justice Department’s formal request to add the citizenship question to the census, according to the court documents. ”
When a republican dies, sometimes, sometimes, their evil-doing is exposed and stopped in its tracks.
If someone parks a rental car on your private property, and you ask the rental company to remove it and they don’t, it seems to me you’re entitled to charge them a daily parking fee.
Their new company will be named “Marrywell”.
Hillary Clinton and Daughter Chelsea to Form Production Company
Yes. Since you asked, I am enjoying this.
Gov. Sisolak vetoes bill seeking to negate Electoral College
In a statement, Sisolak said that joining other states in approving the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact “could diminish the role of smaller states like Nevada in national electoral contests and force Nevada’s electors to side with whoever wins the nationwide popular vote, rather than the candidate Nevadans choose.”
AB186 is the first bill approved by the Democrat-controlled Legislature to be vetoed by the Democratic governor.
Lemme know when y’all HA libbies get to 270. ’twas tougher than Hillary thought, too.
SB 870 passed out of rules to the floor vote schedule this week, Dumbfuck.
Wanna know how I know exactly what kind of
degenerate gambler“investor” you are? In a system of purely binary outcomes consisting of either “we win” or “you lose”, you celebrate the near misses. I bet you’re fun driving home from the bar after closing.It took twelve years to get NPV out of the Oregon Senate. Nevada is just getting started. You keep right on driving home drunk on the back roads. My money is on the ditch coming out the winner.
Somebody remind me to ask YLB to check his database and tell me how many times Doctor Dumbfuck has mentioned Hillary in a comment. I have a hunch it’s over 30,000 now. Not that I’m saying there’s anything pathological about the doctor’s behavior, mind you! Heh. You know me. I’m not the type to go there.
@ 101
While you’re at it, YLB, check how many times Steve has mentioned Putin in a comment. Not that there’s anything pathological about his behavior, mind you! It will self-correct sometime after noon on January 20, 2025.
@ 100
Nevada is just getting started.
Er, Nevada got started a decade ago, QoS McHillbilly.
On April 21, 2009, the Nevada Assembly passed the National Popular Vote bill (AB 413).
“While you’re at it, YLB, check how many times Steve has mentioned Putin in a comment.”
I imagine I’ve mentioned Putin a lot, Doctor, seeing as how these days the executive branch of our government and the senate majority party are more loyal to Russia than they are to America. And that’s not to mention the thousands of pro-Putin hashtags appearing in these threads.
Hell, even back in 2014 I was talking about how you people wanted to be ruled with Putin’s iron fist up your ass. Sad, that you had to settle for his orange stooge. But if your orange moron keeps meeting in private with Putin to give him head, you may yet get your wish and see Russia’s flag waving over our nation’s capitol.
Don’t get your hopes up.
While the motion in the lower court will probably result in sanctions for the administration perverts who testi-lied before the court, it’s not only possible that the SCOTUS may ignore the Hofeller files, they may have already ruled in conference. Still, it is possible at least one of the five might conjure up a sense of moral common sense at the last minute. Not likely. But possible.
Perhaps of greater impact will be what the files may have to say about dozens of Child Molester gerrymander challenges throughout the US.
Hofeller’s expertise was primarily in developing racial gerrymander maps. And the irony, at least when compared to the census question case, is that while partisan animus is perfectly lawful in drawing up district maps, racial animus is not. Hofeller and his fellow travelers acquired considerable nuance over the years in finding ways to justify blatantly racist maps in partisan terms. So they may have thought nothing of characterizing their census work in terms of partisan bias, even as the Commerce Dept. goons scrambled to clean it up.
But 75,000 files detailing the complex statistical methods and the exact reason for utilizing those methods may have enormous potential for tossing out gerrymander maps from North Carolina to Texas. Historically, one of the greatest legal challenges to overcoming partisan gerrymanders has been the burden on the challenger to show racial animus. Hofeller’s files provide a direct nexus between the statistical methodology and the underlying racial animus.
It’s another… #owngoal
Bob your shit smells like roses…..unbelievable! How do you keep it smelling so fresh!?
Oh by the way currently the DJIA is exactly where it was 1 1/2 years ago. Fake News! 27,000!!!!
Yes! The Democrats, should they win the White House and Senate in 2020, are 100% justified in packing the Supreme Court in light of Merrick Garland and Mitch McConnell’s brazen hypocrisy. If Republicans are going to fight dirty, then Democrats have to fight dirty, too. Fuck ’em, they’ve earned a big fat payback.
People I have zero sympathy for:
Sorry, guys, you get what you vote for. That’s just the way it is.
“I’ve heard from other Republicans that this president has engaged in conduct they would not accept from any other president in the history of this country.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Then they should get off their fucking asses and do something about it. Until they do, they and their party have zero credibility on issues like patriotism and rule of law.
“Oh by the way currently the DJIA is exactly where it was 1 1/2 years ago. Fake News! 27,000!!!!”
Maybe we’ll get to see Doctor Dumbfuck celebrate the DJIA going over 25,000. Again. Maybe.
@102 Why shouldn’t we talk about how Putin hand-picked the current POTUS, and his kowtowing to Moscow? Oh, we know how badly you Republicans want to sweep all of this under the rug. After all, what cockroach likes sunlight? And you guys are a nest of cockroaches. Think of us as the disinfectant. That’s essentially what we do here on HA, i.e. we scrub the earth clean of your disgusting droppings to keep this place inhabitable.
Can we impeach trolls for same?
“Psychiatrists call on ‘abnormal’ Trump to be impeached for his ‘poor mental health’”
@105 “partisan animus is perfectly lawful in drawing up district maps”
That cuts two ways. It’s high time Democrats do unto them what they’ve done to us. If it’s legal for them, we can do it, too.
@112 Why would we want to impeach our trolls, when we already have a troll shortage? God forbid we should get one with a gram of brains, because then we’d have to work harder to abuse them. Our mission is making their lives miserable. These trolls are easy. You should appreciate what we have, and enjoy it while it lasts.
Not much of a point.. Shorter rapey boy since whenever:
Noun… Verb… That bitch!!