I am glad that the Legislature is working on a 14 day period before renters can be evicted. There isn’t a single thing that will solve our homelessness crises. But this will help. So kudos, and if you want to write your legislators, this is a good bill to support.
I hope PI doesn’t lose it all today – just keep buying more.
A few days ago, Rep. Steve King (KKK-Iowa) pointed out that Iowans “take care of each other” instead of putting their hand out for government benefits like those shiftless blacks down in Lousy Anna. Here are some of his constituents showing the fiber they’re made of, by taking care of each other, and not pleading for government help, not whining, and … oops.
Solving the disappearance of affordable housing will depend on a coordinated approach addressing every aspect of supply and specifically targeting the identified range of lower priced solutions. The first step in that approach is to shift to regional planning. Planning jurisdictional units that are smaller than the normal range of commutes, or residential-work patterns are not capable of coordinating on the needed scales.
All of us will have to surrender a little bit of sovereignty for that to happen. If the sight of our neighbors sleeping in tents upsets us enough, then perhaps we’ll some day be willing to give up a little neighborhood and community autonomy to reduce the misery of others.
@1 Sadly, he lost all but $10 on margin calls last year. But that $10 is up 32.14% since January 1st.
Trump’s own economists now agree: GOP tax cuts are failing to spark growth
“You know what we need? Another tax cut for the richest! That will jump start things” – gudwad.
Now let’s check on the booming economy that makes Trump’s re-election almost a sure thing … oops … slip … fall … crash …
“Bonds are flashing a huge recession signal” and the Dow dropped over 400 points this morning following the release of “dreadful manufacturing data out of Europe” and the Federal Reserve expressed “caution” about the U.S. economy” …
Roger Rabbit Commentary: @5 Anybody who reads financial news has known for months that Wall Street expects a recession to arrive just in time for the election.
Presidents can’t prevent recessions, but they can manipulate their timing to some extent, if they know how, but there are tricks to it, and you can’t expect a part-time amateur to play the game well.
@4 I heard he borrowed the $10 from his mother and has to give her 75% of his winnings, but that won’t slow him down, because he plays for love of the game.
San Antonio removes Chick-fil-A from airport concessions deal over company’s anti-LGBTQ giving
The company’s foundation gave $1.8 million to discriminatory groups in 2017.
The company has frequently emphasized that LGBTQ people are “welcome” to purchase food at the restaurant, but has not said that they are welcome to work there.
I don’t spend my money there.
@8 “I don’t spend my money there.”
You shouldn’t. They only serve bigoted chickens, and who wants to eat bigots?
Well, the yield curve finally inverted, and the markets are having a fit. I can’t wait for PI to brag tomorrow how much his stock portfolio went up today. Doctor Dumbfuck won’t be here today; he’s busy fielding margin calls from his many brokers.
@8 thanks Red. It’s a win win because the food will just make you sick and unhealthy.
@9 thanks Rog. See above.
I wonder how any times they raped and beat her.
“9-Year-Old U.S. Citizen Detained for 32 Hours After Crossing the Border to Go to School”
Parking while black. No need to call the cops on her, as the white man took matters into his own hands. She should just consider herself lucky that she wasn’t shot!
“VIDEO: Black woman brutally beat by armed white man in parking lot dispute — as bystanders do nothing”
Ugly video of cops kicking and beating a teenaged boy unconscious, then picking up his body and throwing it into a ditch like trash.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The kid’s offense? Hitting a police car, then running, probably scared — and he had every reason to be. One of these cops already has a lawsuit pending against him for assaulting a lawyer’s wife a couple years ago — why was he still a cop? We need a better system of screening police recruits to keep violent psychopaths like these off our police forces.
It must be nice living in an alternate reality. Except when it isn’t. So much for the 82,000 sealed indictments and the mass arrests of all the nation’s DemonRats and RINOS. But it must have been a nice reality construct while it lasted.
“Trump-loving conspiracy nuts once again blow a prediction about the mass arrest of the president’s foes”
There really is no depth to which Republican white male assholes won’t sink. In Maine, GOP legislators voted against jails giving tampons or pads to female inmates.
Another day, more orange moron damage control.
“White House scrambles to clarify Trump’s tweet after he declares he’s withdrawing sanctions on North Korea”
What the Border Patrol has turned into under Trump. Even 9-year-old U.S. citizens aren’t safe.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Problems like this originate at the top, and when a corporation is badly managed, the directors fire the CEO and hire a new management team.
Republicans say government should be run like a business. Okay, let’s see them put their votes where their mouths are.
@16 Although the stupidity of these people invites derision, we must not forget they’re serious about rounding up Trump’s opponents, and that should alarm us. The same kind of people put Hitler in power. It could happen here. Human nature is the same everywhere.
Confidential to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit:
On a day in which the Dow is down 422 points, Varian touched an all-time high.
Alas, it does not pay a dividend and therefore, like Berkshire Hathaway, it is unsuitable for the Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit portfolio.
A millionaire he shall never be. Although GE is still paying that dividend, so it’s not a total loss for Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
As Fox News has recently become treasonous, all of the deplorables are cutting cable and going to Dish so they can get OAN, One America News Network. I don’t have Dish, but I’d say assuming OAN to be deplorable is probably a pretty good bet.
“Trump glares at Fox News reporter but refuses to answer his questions after raging at his colleague”
“Not a Sheep”
Well, if you’re not a goat or a horse like me, you should count your blessings. Believe me on this one, there are millions of Republicans out there who will fuck anything with four legs but they very much prefer sheep, goats and horses.
Breaking News — Mueller sent his final report to the White House.
If it exonerates Trump, you’ll hear about it within the hour.
If all you get from the White House in the next few days is silence, then you know he’s going to be impeached.
Berkshire Hathaway?
Hey! I think they sold me my trailer!
I’m still waiting to find out who killed the Kennedys.
Hey, Not a Sheep!
Maybe if you were a Sheep you would have been almost smart enough not to time stamp your link so nobody ever has to watch it.
But thanks for that. Sincerely.
In fact, I’m so grateful I want to give you something.
Here: Have an abortion!
@28 I thought your ilk prefers to kill them after they’re born.
Barr is expected to brief the committees this weekend.
The order is uncertain. But past precedent would have the Senate first. If anyone were exonerated you can be sure that Senator Graham will have that t-shirt printed in time for the Sunday talk shows.
@21 You like medical stocks. How’s your Theranos stock doing?
@30 If I were to make an educated guess based on the number of indictments and who was indicted …
No sealed indictments, CNBC says.
I guess Boeing is behind schedule and billions of dollars over budget on building a rocket for NASA. See what the private sector can do for you!
Conservatives in this Country are nothing more than terrorists.
This makes Hamas, IS and the Taliban look good. They’re equal to American Conservatives now. They validate IS and the Taliban.
Ummm, if any indictments were sealed CNBC would be unable to report on it.
That being said, it is established department policy that the department does not release disparaging information about individuals it has declined or will decline to indict. I don’t mean to imply that it never happens. But as a matter of DOJ policy it never should. And that is particularly true when the individuals involved are political candidates or elected officials*.
But just because the department declines to indict an individual today does not preclude the department from indicting an individual at a later time.
*Fuck James Comey
This shit has got to stop. It makes it real hard to denounce any uprising or rioting by black Americans or other in support of black American.
The other day in Crown Heights (Brooklyn) a white guy, probably Jewish, sucker punched a black girl in a semi ambush. I wish I were there and had the courage to have fucking knocked his lights out!
My prediction- the shit is going to hit the fan when the economy is on the skids, fueling strife because of insecure hillbillies.
Bobs going to have to ride that horse to Canada.
The great peace maker – Nobel Fuckface.
The Hump and Consevatives are destroying this Country and the World
@35 Probably better to have them yelling their intentions in front of the police station than lurking unseen in a cellar filling ammo clips.
I should also add that caution is advised here on all sides with respect to unsourced news reports.
DC and the media have been standing by anticipating this for almost two years in a continuous atmosphere of false reporting from bad faith idiot douche nozzles like Giuliani, Dowd, Corsi, Nunes, Stone, etc. People have been preparing literal mountains of bullshit to be shoveled into what we knew ahead of time would be an information vacuum. Some of that is just the nature of the 24 hr hot-take news cycle. But some of it is obviously intended to try and define the media cycle response.
There’s a report detailing the indictment and declination decisions. Barr has it. He espects to brief Congress very soon.
Pretty much everything else is just more REEEEPOOORT!!!
@37 That’s the same guy Steve posted about @14. He lost his job and is facing assault charges. Probably gonna be sued, too.
And, of course, he’ll tell the judge at his sentencing hearing that he’s “very sorry,” “is not a racist,” and “wishes he could take it back.”
These assholes never think about any of that until they’re caught and find themselves staring at the walls of a jail cell.
1, 4, 7 & 10:
+31.13% for the period January 1, 2018 through March 22, 2019.
Did some buying over two weeks ago and those buys are positive for the period since. Did a bit of buying today, also. Not a big deal, however. Total buying for the month is less than $20K. These buys were not in my personal portfolio but in portfolios I manage for others.
My mom died almost 30 years ago, so I didn’t get $10 to play around with options. Options are not necessarily bad and can be used for protection for the portfolio. It’s when people start making bets and get hooked to the high of making bets that’s there’s a problem.
I post my returns because rodent intimated he wanted to see how things have been going since January 1, 2018, and that’s exactly what I’ve been doing and will continue to do.
Laugh at me if you want, but I’m still wealthier than all of you.
@43 “I’m still wealthier than all of you.”
I’m curious how you got our financial statements, especially the ones that aren’t stored anywhere on computer hard drives.
@44 aside from that he’s still poorer than many.
@ 37
I wish I were there and had the courage to have fucking knocked his lights out!
Gman, the only thing you’ve ever had the courage to do is go bareback on a first date.
Zero is the number of millions Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has to his name, too.
Glenn Greenwald
Verified account
The Mueller investigation is complete and this is a simple fact that will never go away: not one single American was charged, indicted or convicted for conspiring with Russia to influence the 2016 election – not even a low-level volunteer. The number is zero.
2:13 PM – 22 Mar 2019
He measures his wealth in terms of the number of “project” cars balanced on stumps in his yard, and the number of appliances on the porch outside his trailer.
Roger Stone for one.
Not the last time GG will be completely wrong.
Or you, Dumbfuck.
Question: the obstruction convictions – what were they obstructing again? Asking for a
friendDumbfuck.From Carl’s link:
“Sen. Patty Kuderer, D-Bellevue,… testified in support of the bill …[,] ‘what jumped out at us is that right out of the gate the leading cause of homelessness was evictions. Eviction for nonpayment of rent in particular,’ Kuderer said.”
The bill would extend the unlawful detainer notice period from 3 to 14 days. This is how much time a landlord must give a tenant to pay overdue rent before serving an eviction notice, and is on top of the time required to evict a tenant who won’t leave voluntarily, which can take weeks. What actually happens is that tenants who don’t pay promptly when they get an unlawful detainer notice are unlikely to pay when they get the eviction notice, so this bill will just string out the time it takes to repossess the rental unit. As an evicted tenant is unlikely to ever pay rent arrears, and likely will leave a mess that takes additional time to clean up, landlords often lose several months of rental income they’ll never recover when they have to evict non-paying tenants. It’s not surprising to hear landlords complain this bill will add to those losses. That’s almost certainly what will happen.
Commercial landlords in the business of renting housing units may be able to absorb such losses, because they can spread them over many units. The bill will most heavily impact mom-and-pop landlords who own one or two rental units.
It almost sounds like Sen. Kuderer wants to address the homeless problem by allowing non-paying tenants to live rent-free for a longer time, at landlords’ expense. The fact the landlord rented to them indicates they had the ability to pay when they moved in. Either something has changed in their circumstances, or they’ve simply decided to mooch.
Rent is usually due the same day of every month, and tenants should have a workable plan for paying rent when they sign the rental agreement. Many people struggle with bills, but landlords struggle with bills, too. Landlords have no obligation to subsidize their tenants’ lifestyles or other expenses. A tenant hit with an unexpected expense can try working with the landlord to delay rent or pay partial rent for a month or two. Not all landlords will go along, but some will because evicting tenants is expensive, but in any case it’s better than letting the rent slide and waiting for an unlawful detainer notice. Extending the notice period just creates incentive to let it slide longer.
It’s not realistic to address the homeless problem by asking private landlords to provide rent-free housing. Few landlords can afford that. Landlords have expenses, and the cash flow from timely rent payments is crucial to them. There’s a domino effect; missed rent payments may result in missed mortgage payments. Housing the homeless must be a governmental responsibility, because only government has the resources to subsidize those who can’t afford housing.
I’ve been both a tenant and a landlord, and I never want to be a tenant again, and I’ll never be a landlord again. Owning rental property just isn’t worth it. I’m not against tenant laws. There are bad landlords. I personally don’t have a stake in whether this bill passes, and I’m not opposed to it passing, because I’m not going to be a landlord again, and I’m not going to rent property to anyone.
@47 You know what? I don’t care what you think or post. Now if you said I’m not a real rabbit, somebody might believe you. You’re so stupid you’ve missed the low-hanging fruit as long as you’ve been here.
Mrs. Rabbit is asking if your horse “is going to have a nice weekend.” She’s asking for a friend.
Undocumented Demorat Of The Week Award Final Results–First place, undocumented executioner of four Wilbur Ernesto Martinez-Guzman.
An illegal alien charged with murdering four Americans over the course of a week in Nevada did so in order to steal money to buy methamphetamine, a police detective alleges.
Wilbur Ernesto Martinez-Guzman, a 19-year-old illegal alien, was charged with murdering 56-year-old Connie Koontz, 74-year-old Sophia Renken, 81-year-old Gerald David, and his 80-year-old wife, Sharon David between January 10 and 15 months ago. The state of Nevada is seeking the death penalty.
Second place, undocumented executioner of cop Juan Manuel Flores Del Toro.
Investigators say Flores Del Toro fatally shot 42-year-old Kittitas County Sheriff’s Deputy Ryan Thompson and wounded 22-year-old Kittitas Police Officer Benito Chavez Tuesday night after they attempted to stop his vehicle following a driving complaint. He allegedly emerged from his vehicle and opened fire on the officers after a short pursuit.
The suspect was later shot by officers who returned fire, and was pronounced dead a short time later at Kittitas Valley Hospital.
“Few landlords can afford that. Landlords have expenses, and the cash flow from timely rent payments is crucial to them. “
It’s a cost of doing business that needs to be worked into the plan, the application process, and the lease. People with adverse credit reports can be required to provide a larger deposit. Rents in general can be increased to cover actual higher costs. Manage the application and lease process wisely and you limit the risk and ultimately the cost. Without the bill, under current law any landlord in your state is acting as a creditor to their tenant. The bill, in combination with eviction law, effectively extends the term of credit from about 30 days to about 44 days. A rental unit is a tangible durable asset of substantial value. A bank will make a line of credit available to a well run business if secured by such tangible asset.
@54 “It’s a cost of doing business that needs to be worked into the plan, the application process, and the lease.”
Agreed. That’s why I leave the rental business to commercial landlords who can capitalize their businesses. It doesn’t work for someone who just wants to rent out the family home and live in an apartment while the wife doesn’t work for a year or two after having a baby because they can’t afford to live in their home without her income.
@53 Yes, it’s awful what happened to Deputy Thompson. Here are the names of 42 more law enforcement officers killed between 2005 and 2018 by domestic terrorists. Feel free to post about those whackos if you run out of illegal immigrant perps.
Also, lest we forget, Timothy McVeigh was a white U.S. citizen who targeted law enforcement personnel working in the Murrah Building when he killed 168 people, the majority of whom were law enforcers, but also 3 pregnant women and a number of daycare children.
There’s more, but chew on this for a while: By far the greatest threat to Americans is our own whackjob citizens, not immigrant criminals.
It’s long confounded me how Doctor Dumbfuck can post comments to HA while his head is up Putin’s ass and yet he still can’t figure out how to post from the horse trailer.
Word is that cows had planned on staging a moo-in led by Devin Nunes’ cow.
“Devin Nunes honorary dinner cancelled by Fresno GOP”
A jury has acquitted the cop who shot Antwon Rose Jr. last year. If Wikipedia’s description of the incident is accurate, I agree with the verdict.
“Antwon Rose II was an African-American 17-year old shot and killed in East Pittsburgh on June 19, 2018 by East Pittsburgh Police Officer Michael Rosfeld following a felony traffic stop of a silver Chevrolet Cruze with three men inside.
“The Chevrolet, which had a shattered rear windshield and multiple bullet holes, had been used in a drive-by shooting just thirteen minutes before. Rose was in the car’s front passenger seat, and as he ignored police orders and attempted to flee, Officer Rosfeld shot him three times, with bullets hitting his arm, face, and back. Two handguns were subsequently recovered by police from inside the Chevrolet, and an empty magazine matching one of the guns was found on Rose.
“Seated in the rear passenger seat behind Rose, Zaijuan Hester shot at two men while stopped at a red light, striking one of the men, William Ross, in the stomach. Ross’ companion returned fire, hitting the car multiple times but failing to injure any of its occupants. Rose was unarmed when shot, and later died at a hospital.
“The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette published video footage showing Rose riding in the front passenger seat while Hester fired through the rear window behind him. Contradicting that video evidence, drive-by victim William Ross told investigators on January 17, 2019 that Rose was in fact the individual who had shot him: ‘The beef was between me and him, that car came by, he shot me, I ran to the store.’ Despite Ross’ testimony and the gun under Rose’s seat matching the empty magazine on his person, prosecutors maintain Rose did not fire a weapon during the earlier drive-by shooting. For his part in that shooting, Hester pleaded guilty to multiple counts of firearms and aggravated assault charges.
“Rose had gunshot residue on his hands at the time he was shot, according to trial testimony from a scientist at the Allegheny County Medical Examiner’s Office, and Rose’s DNA was found on the 9mm pistol found under the passenger seat in which he was riding during the drive-by shooting. Officer Rosfeld’s attorney additionally claimed that Rose had stolen one of the handguns found in the car during an armed robbery of his employer just hours before he was shot, but Judge Alexander Bicket ruled that jurors were not permitted to hear of it, given that information regarding Rose’s theft of the gun was unknown to Officer Rosfeld at the time he shot and killed him.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Based on the above facts, Officer Rosfeld believed (correctly, it turned out) the subjects he pulled over had just been involved in a drive-by shooting, were likely to be armed (they were), and Rose was one of the perpetrators (he was). One cop against three armed criminals. Rose would be alive today if he’d surrendered. He didn’t. Given these facts, I can find no fault with how the officer reacted to the situation he faced. I don’t feel he overreacted. While any death is unfortunate, and I have sympathy for the young man’s family, this police shooting took a violent criminal off the streets, and the community is safer with Rose no longer among them.
So you are describing someone converting their owner occupied primary residence into a non-owner occupied, business investment property.
Naturally this person notified their lender and converted their mortgage in order to avoid committing financial fraud.
Yes. I agree. The rental business should be left to professionals.
Maybe one of you Trump fans can explain to me what the purpose of detaining people like this is.
Don’t we have enough citizen criminals to round up?
The purpose is to please sadists.
Because this really is “the status quo” for Republicans now.
@60 No, I’m describing someone temporarily renting out the family home while one of the breadwinners was off work and they couldn’t afford to live in it on one paycheck.
As the home in question was occupied as a primary residence after purchase, the lending rules were satisfied, and the loan terms did not preclude temporarily renting it, so nothing was violated. The lender and property insurer were notified.
Not sure the right lender was notified, though. The mortgage was sold so many times it was hard to tell.
Rog @42,
Actually two different sucker punches….this is the one I was speaking of at Crown Heights in Brooklyn, NY
Crown Heights where there has been strife between African Americans and the Hasidic Jews
They haven’t caught this guy yet that I know of
@46 yeah and your ass was tight that time, you moaned and loved it.
@62 You know that, and I know that, but I want to see how they try to wriggle out of it.
@65 He was practicing for horse cock.
@67 I’m sure he walks pretty funny nowadays.
Just a couple hours until the last bus clears the Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel. Heading there after getting off work, with a side trip on a 41 bus to Northgate. Shocked to see a late shift working on Northgate Station.
One irony, the last bus through the tunnel, other than a regularly scheduled 550, will be a special run from MEHVA with Municpality of Metropolitan Seattle 5034, last survivor of the original tunnel buses.