Seattle! Let’s eliminate late fees for overdue library books. I write about how much I use the library, and I have never had a late fee. But, it is still stressful when you’re close, and can’t renew. And I could afford the fees if I was a bit late.
Also, sending people to collections always seemed gross.
“I’m sacrificing 11-23 months the least you could do is get your degree!”
*EdsNote unconfirmed report that the girls have dropped out.
If that’s a direct quote, the girl doesn’t have much knowledge of proper grammar. How do these dolts even manage to “graduate” from high school?
“When someone tells me I’m not welcome to do something, expect me to do something”
Sums up the whole Trumpanzee movement in a nutshell.
I suppose that would also include mass murder.
While you’re eliminating incentives to return library books on time so other users can read them too, why not also abolish parking tickets and meter maids so parking space hogs can squat there all day?
After all, who cares if there are gunfights over parking spaces between desperate commuters scrambling to grab them first in the predawn hours of every workday?
Which is what you’re going to get with a libertarian parking system.
Speaking of overdue books, I really need to return the book on marine biology that I checked out of the Orcas Island library in 1975. Interestingly, one chapter was written by Dixie Lee Ray.
Mueller’s investigation isn’t over yet.
@2 It’s not just them. Most of the trolls who come to this blog persistently misspell “to” and “too.”
New Zealand doesn’t have a death penalty. They need one. Not only is prison too good for someone who shoots 97 people, you can’t feel confident he’ll never get out. Plus, if he’s put in the general population, he’ll spread his virulent ideology among other prisoners, some of whom will get out, and maybe even among the guards. If he’s dead, that shuts him up, and you know he’ll never do it again. Plus he deserves it. It isn’t justice to let someone who takes that many lives keep his.
After tweeting out a link to a anti-Muslim hate site, Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron tweets a Hallmark greeting to New Zealand.
You own this shit, Doctor Dumbfuck. Both you and your orange moron have blood on your hands.
@3 The guy’s a professional troll. He’s even been banned from DisneyWorld. He cruises restaurants and bars until he finds one that kicks him out. He’s looking for a story, and there’s no story if he isn’t kicked out.
It’s obvious he wasn’t kicked out because of his hat. Before he was kicked out, he was there for over an hour, and was served food and drinks.
There’s nothing unusual — or political — about bartenders ejecting patrons who are becoming loud and offensive. The bar could be legally liable if the staff did nothing, a fight started, and someone got hurt. This guy would have kept escalating until he got a “story.”
There’s nothing to see here, folks. Just another rightwing lying sack of shit provocateur on a mission to prove he’s a victim of anti-Trump discrimination.
And anyway Trump supporters should be ostracized, because they’re in the same basket as Klansmen, skinheads, neo-Nazis, and other antisocial pot stirrers.
“to” and “too.”
Over on the Don’t-Tread-On-Us FB page, if you don’t misspell half the words in a post or comment, you’ve outed yourself as being a Jihad-loving communist.
@9 It so happens this particular white supremacist mass murderer expressly described himself as a “Trump supporter.” Let’s see Trump and Doc wriggle out of that one.
Especially given that just a couple days ago Trump encouraged his supporters to respond violently to efforts to resist his white supremacist agenda.
One of them just did.
It’s the Muslim’s fault that they were massacred in their house of worship. Obviously.
“Right-wing senator blames Muslims for terror attack at New Zealand mosque”
“Australian Senator Faser Anning released a statement blaming “the immigration program which allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in the first place” as “the real cause of bloodshed” following Friday’s shootings.”
Doctor Dumbfuck must be spending some quality time with his horse the last couple of days.
“Rodney Howard-Browne, a Trump-loving pastor who was invited to the White House to pray for the president in 2017, went off on a crazed Twitter rant on Friday in which he said that the massacre of 49 Muslims in New Zealand was part of a “false flag” conspiracy meant to silence conservatives.”
@15 And every minute another one is born who will grow up to believe this shit.
@ 15:
That’s Rush Limbaugh’s story as well.
“This is a deliberate attack on the Second Amendment! They’re trying to take your guns away!”
Been waiting this week for the status hearing. Some major parts of the probe probably are wrapping up. But certainly not all of it. Pure conjecture, but I suspect that counter-espionage investigation is complete. But obviously some parts of the domestic investigation into which Republican Presidential Election Campaign personnel took part are still ongoing.
Stating that they still need Gates’ cooperation strongly suggests that some more indictments are in the pipeline – perhaps due to come down before the May 14 status hearing. They are being more than fair to these treasonous fuck stains. Giving them every possible opportunity to come clean and tell the truth. And given Manafucked’s predicament it’s amazing that some of them are still covering up. The JDA left Manafucked totally compromised from a defense standpoint. Downing was not representing his interests.
Gates has more court testimony to give. And any such trial would still be many months away.
REPORT!!! any second now. Yup.
15, 16, 17,
Definitely about time to pay attention to the significant role that evangelical xtian movement has played in the growing violent extremism on the right. Wherever you find this nihilistic, white supremacist, blood worship you find xtian evangelism.
It should therefor really be no big surprise that the evangelical xtian right has stuck with President Sekshyoowul Predator. Nowhere is America more segregated than in church. And nowhere is the coded language of bigotry and intolerance more welcome. So long as President Draft Dodger is being cruel to “those people” that’s more than enough for the evangelical right.
I meant to refer to the post @1. Typo. My bad!
“Doctor Dumbfuck must be spending some quality time with his horse the last couple of days.”
After the moron shat out a rape fantasy in these threads and Martha McSally “confessed to being a Democrat” (in the freak’s reckoning).
It has kept a low profile. Its pattern is to come back after things die down.
Too bad for you dumbfuck. We’ll be here and no one is going to forget what what you did. You will be reminded time after time after time. Just like little maxwipe was reminded.
Stupidity will indeed be painful for you. Do yourself a favor and fritter your retirement savings away on the latest always wrong wing grifters.
Dumb and Dumber Too
“Trump Jr being groomed to run for president as family seeks a White House ‘dynasty’: report”
“Away from the firestorm that is the ongoing Robert Mueller Russia investigation, the president’s eldest son is building a considerable conservative fanbase,” The Guardian‘s David Taylor reported. “This constituency sees him as an authentic figure with a political future.”
“From the Republican party standpoint, he very much is the guy,” Republican strategist and former congressional chief of staff Boyd Matheson told the newspaper. “He can be the face, he can go out with the hunters.”
Dumber Too belongs in prison.
Over at the Don’t Tread-On-Us FB page, where being tethered to reality is most definitely not a virtue, they’re celebrating the wildly successful Jexodus. No more Jews voting for commie Demonrats! Just like the successful #walkaway drained Democrats of black support! With victory under their belts, they’re back to trying to figure out who they hate most, blacks, Jews or Muslims.
“Trump promotes fringe ‘Jexodus’ group”
I guess NZ authorities have “other priorities”.
Oh well. Thoughts and prayers.
I’m just going to put this here in advance of the next, entirely predictable hypocritical post from Pork Sauce:
“Oxley told CNN that he would look through jail rosters searching “for people who might be deportable” before working on an arrest warrant.
Oxley alleged that he was not the only officer doing so.”
Presumably anyone whose name ends in a “z”.
It’s just simply a completely broken agency in a completely broken system. No credible local law enforcement agency should put their own jurisdiction, their employees, and their tax payers at risk over ICE or CBP activities. The entirety of Homeland at that level is far too corrupt, incompetent, poorly trained, and lacking in proper supervision and oversight.
Hmmm. I wonder if a better name for pork sauce is …
hog slop…
@17 The New Zealand terrorist doesn’t like gun restrictions. He just ensured NZ’s gun laws will get more restrictive.
@26 It has promise.
Nicknames tend to evolve on this blog.
@22 All he needs is a few North American elephants to hunt. Those can be arranged. Money can arrange anything. Just buy some retired circus elephants and turn them loose on a Texas safari ranch.
@25 Probably hiring people rejected by private mall cop companies, too. Most of the problems in contemporary law enforcement can be traced back to hiring practices.
I’m not against cops. I’m only against hiring racists and killers to be cops, and giving them badges and guns.
+32.44% for the period January 1, 2018 through March 15, 2019.
The day after a white nationalist shot 97 people, President White Nationalist downplays the threat of violent white nationalist extremism.
So the veto is signed, not enough to override so we go to SCOTUS.
Will see if they can find the mental gymnastics to declare POTUS an authority above all else.
Here’s how it works
POTUS, “I’d like the money”
Congress, “No”
POTUS, “National Emergency!
Congress, “Overturned by Statute”
POTUS, “Veto”
SCOTUS, 2 choices,
1. Congress has the power to fund and their intention is clear both within the passed budget (“No money for wall) and in vote to declare “Emergency” invalid (“No money for Wall”) Congress has not passed funding and has twice expressed their intentions in existing law that money shall not be spent on wall, decision, No Money for wall without an act of Congress
2. Decision, Fuck it. The president is chief Executive and can do whatever the hell he wants regarding spending by declaring an emergency and the legacy of the Robert’s Court is the irrelevance of 1 of the three Constitutional branches.
As the punditry and sane GOP Congress Critters pointed out, Decision 2 under a future Generation means “I declare Climate Change a National Emergency and will Appropriate $25B to fight it.” or “We have a national emergency of Homeless and will Appropriate $25B to build 100 Free Apodments and 2 drug treatment facilities for every 200000 residents of each state”
Deep down the spineless GOP who vote against an override or voted for it in the first place are on their knees praying SCOTUS bails them out otherwise just imagine the “National Emergencies” coming along in the future.
In which Kellyanne Conway goes completely fucking bonkers.
Not that she ever had a grip on reality to begin with.
@34 How about this one:
“The human toll of gun violence has reached the level of a national emergency and I am issuing an Executive Order placing the following restrictions on private ownership and possession of guns …”
@34. Could there be a third option? The Supreme conservatives could say it’s OK when trump does it, but says it’s wrong when a Democratic President does it?
I made it half way through the conway screed. She’s like a shrill parrot totally ignoring what the host is saying and repeating talking points and propaganda. He could have reading the phone book and she would have said the exact same words.
@34 The Constitution is clear that the power of the purse belongs to Congress, not the Executive Branch, so White House lawyers will have to argue that power was delegated to the president.
But every law student is taught from day one that when interpreting statutes, etc., specific controls over general; and to get their result, SCOTUS will have to conclude that a general authority delegated by Congress to the president prevails over a specific assertion by Congress of its approprations and spending authority.
Now, we all know there are partisan conservative justices who will vote a straight party line, law and precedents be damned. (See #37 above.) But if you’re going to do that, you might as well not have a Supreme Court at all.
It may come down to Roberts. In which case you must ask yourself, is this what Roberts wants to leave as his judicial legacy? The Republican appointee who upheld Obamacare? I can’t see him going over to the dark side on an issue like this.
@38 True, but she’s very good at what she does, prancing and dancing like a Lippizaner to distract attention from the pickpockets working the crowd. She’d be a terrific HA troll, always off topic, changing the subject when cornered, and forever trying to control the conversation. Our trolls have none of her skills. She’s smart and evil. They’re merely stupid and clumsy.
Undocumented Demorat Of The Week Award, Final Results–Undocumented executioner Carlos Eduardo Arevalo Carranza thanks Demorats but warns against complacency; “Thank you very much for this award but don’t forget that there are still millions of women out there that haven’t yet been killed and there remains much to be done. California has done its part (ICE Acting Field Office Director Erik Bonnar said his agency has had nearly a dozen detainer requests for Arevalo-Carranza that have gone unanswered) but you must keep working until every state is a sanctuary state, not just the easy ones already owned by Demorats.”
As previously reported;
SAN JOSE (CBS SF) – A transient arrested in the murder of Bambi Larson was in the United States illegally and had a lengthy history of arrests in the South Bay and Los Angeles, authorities said Tuesday. San Jose Police Chief Eddie Garcia said Carlos Eduardo Arevalo Carranza “stalked” Larson’s neighborhood before allegedly killing her with a knife and blunt force trauma.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Homicidal Maniacs News–Beto O’Rourke (D-Homicidal Maniac) demonstrates his love of children in touching work of art.
Young Beto O’Rourke wrote ‘murder fantasy’ about running over children, was part of famed hacking group.
It reads: “Then one day, as I was driving home from work, I noticed two children crossing the street. They were happy, happy to be free from their troubles. I knew, however, that this happiness and sense of freedom were much too overwhelming for them.
“This happiness was mine by right. I had earned it in my dreams. As I neared the young ones, I put all my weight on my right foot, keeping the accelerator pedal on the floor until I heard the crashing of the two children on the hood, and then the sharp cry of pain from one of the two. I was so fascinated for a moment, that when after I had stopped my vehicle, I just sat in a daze, sweet visions filling my head.
My dream was abruptly ended when I heard a loud banging on the front window. It was an old man, who was using his cane to awaken me. He might have been a witness to my act of love. I was not sure, nor did I care. It was simply ecstasy. As I drove home, I envisioned myself committing more of these ‘acts of love,’ and after a while, I had no trouble carrying them out. The more people I killed, the longer my dreams were. … I had killed nearly 38 people by the time of my twenty-third birthday, and each one was more fulfilling than the last.”
@42 Well, at least he didn’t actually run over and kill somebody, like Laura Bush did. And Trump lived his fantasies watching Charlottesville on teevee — somebody got run over and killed there, too, by one of Trump’s “fine people.”
O’Rourke isn’t necessarily my first choice for 2020 Democratic nominee, but I’d vote for him before I’d vote for any of your Republican scumbags.
The difference between him and the likes of Trump, Manafort, Cohen, Kavanaugh, et al., is he grew up.
@ RR @ 35:
She’s on coke. I know what a cokehead acts like as I had to live with one for three years and I’ll bet that crazy bitch is probably well into an 8-ball. Sure she’s already well-known as a jabbering nitwit, but the blow just makes it worse. The lunatic fringe is now the core of the message.
Republicans must be so proud of having a junkie like that as their spokesman for the White House.
People sometimes ask me what I think of gold as an investment. I tell them to buy gold, if they want, but stay away from those TV shysters who are selling gold coins. Those salesmen make their margin off of the art work on the coins. So, if a person wants to buy gold, why do they need to buy gold artwork? Just buy bullion bars of gold and call it a day.
Another topic that comes up occasionally is annuities. Annuities aren’t bad for the risk-averse crowd out there, but I think they should stay away from variable annuities. Those investments have a lot of people pushing them because the sales commission is higher than a fixed rate annuity. When it comes to this type of investment, simpler is better. Just go with a fixed annuity and select one of the survivorship options that usually are available with those investment products. Insurance companies have been in the annuity business for centuries, so they have a pretty good track record of living up to their promises.
It’s all pretty simple once you think about it.