The streetcar is back on (probably). Thank goodness. I don’t know if it’s business interests, or a genuine desire to move people around without relying on cars. Still, I really like the First Hill streetcar, and it would be great if it connected to South Lake Union.
Dumbfuck sez,
“All those Covington kids on the basketball sideline giving the OK sign?
Y’all had me for a bit, thinking that maybe there was something to what otherwise is pretty much unadulterated bullshit coming from your side.
Turns out that’s the referee’s signal to the scoring table that a basket was made from beyond the three point arc.
Y’all had me for a bit.”
Maybe the dumbfuck can explain what would inspire any home team fan to give the referee’s signal for a three while the away team is taking the ball out on the sideline.
I’m not saying that the kids did or didn’t give a racist hand sign. I’m just saying the doctor is a dumbfuck.
“Four people were arrested on Friday over alleged plans to bomb a Muslim community in upstate New York, authorities announced Tuesday. … The suspects allegedly planned to target the Muslim enclave … in the Catskill Mountains about 150 miles from New York City, according to Reuters. Authorities later said they seized 23 weapons and three improvised explosive devices while carrying out search warrants. … ‘If they had carried out this plot, which every indication is that they were going to, people would have died,’ [the police chief] said.”
Well after the basket is made, the opposing team will take out the ball. Not that Dumbfuck is right about this. See DL thread from yesterday.
Still doesn’t explain why away teams that play there report racist behavior by the ‘Colonel Crazies’ including blackface photos from 2005. 2011, 2012, 2015
@3 What piques my curiosity is why teams with black players play there at all. If I were their coach, the moment I spotted the blackface kids I’d ask the ref to eject them from the building, and if they didn’t leave I’d remove my team from the building and never return.
Whatever the fuck was meant by it, the CCC kids are documented flashing that hand sign posing for “spirit” posters, in the yearbook, and at plenty of other non-basketball events.
The issue here really should not be whether or not 16 year olds drunk on their own youth, hormones, and gang unity are exploring ways of exerting their independence from adult authority resulting in displays of disrespect. Nor should it be whether children reared in atmospheres that teach racial and ethnic intollerance learn those things. Duh. All the gaslighting in the world wont change that.
The issue is why exactly is it that majority Americans and the societal norms we support cause most of us to pour so much effort and emotion into understanding the nuanced motivations of “boys” in confrontations with adults ONLY when those “boys” are “the right kind”?
Children (even racist, smirking hatchet-faced children) should not be used by adults as game pieces on a political playing board where we performatively work out our tribal resentments. Especially when too goddamn many of those children wind up dead as a result for being “the wrong kind”.
“Well after the basket is made, the opposing team will take out the ball.”
A team doesn’t inbound the ball from the sideline after their opponent makes a basket. They inbound the ball from the baseline.
“What piques my curiosity is why teams with black players play there at all.”
For a very good opportunity to travel home with the satisfaction of having humiliated an arena full of assholes.*
*The parents, mostly.
Iowa farmers. Fuck ’em, they got what they voted for. Now scroll down to the second photo and read the sign on the silo.
Meanwhile, Rudi worries about what will be on his tombstone.
My guess is Doctor Dumbfuck doesn’t give a damn what will be on his.
Working great for the GOP!
New Politico/Morning Consult poll:
49% of voters blame Trump for the shutdown which is *up* 6 points since shutdown began.
35% blame Democrats.
At this point there seems to be a correlation between the “We love Donald no matter what because we hate the colored guy!” voter and who to blame for the shutdown.
The Covington student had a duty to retreat.
@6 Good point
@4 & 7
They’re probably signatories to a league and state sports association set of regulations and there’s money involved in participating. Play or forfeit are the only choices.
A couch could maybe get away with one principled forfeit before his players’ parents demand he’s fired.
Pelosi’s next move, as she is fully in control of everything that happens in the House…
Either tell him to go spit or..
“O.K. Teleprompters are not allowed on the house floor. There will be a single pool camera pointed at the podium. The podium will be lit by regular house technical staff and no special requests for brightness and diffusion will be accepted. The microphone will feed the pool camera but the chamber PA will not be available you will project your speech by natural amplification. There will be no guests, attendance is allowed only for members of Congress. Take it or leave it schmuck!”
That’s going to work…
HHS Secretary Azar is refusing a request to testify about the child seperation policy.
Subpoena coming.
How many cabinet members are willing to go into financial ruin or prison for Donald? Time will tell.
@11 Arguing about duty to retreat begs the issue. Common courtesy requires stepping aside when someone is trying to pass. Intentionally blocking another person’s path, and exhibiting threatening body language and facial expression, are universally regarded as aggression; every video of the incident that has surfaced shows this kid did both. He is not innocent nor is he a victim.
USC 18
(b) Whoever knowingly uses intimidation, threatens, or corruptly persuades another person, or attempts to do so, or engages in misleading conduct toward another person, with intent to—
(1) influence, delay, or prevent the testimony of any person in an official proceeding;
(2) cause or induce any person to—
(A) withhold testimony, or withhold a record, document, or other object, from an official proceeding;
Orange looks good on you Rudi!
“He is not innocent nor is he a victim.”
Maybe not. But he’s still a child.
We are not making progress here if instead of encouraging people to hold out nuanced consideration for the acts of immaturity on the part of all children we instead fight for world in which smirking MAGA TEENS face precisely the same deadly peril for their lack of good judgment or caution as Tamir Rice.
And if, as fuck stains like Teh Dumbfuck have argued, Tamir Rice’s mother is somehow responsible for her son’s death, then surely MAGA TEEN’s trip organizers should be accountable for “It’s not rape if you enjoyed it”.
“The owner, Liz, came up to me and said my Trump shirt I had on was offensive and that I’d need to remove it in order to work out there, and it’s linked to racism,” he said.
“On Wednesday morning, gym owner Liz Drew told the Post-Dispatch that she had deleted the gym’s Facebook account after receiving thousands of hateful messages, including threats to burn down her gym.”
Double standard.
Shoulda known to open a Bakery instead.
“Neglecting kids to die in custody violates My sincerely held religious beliefs.”
The Trumpies are such snowflakes.
Ted Lieu
Dear @realdonaldtrump: You should spend your time reopening government instead of forcing yourself on the House of Representatives. We are a separate & coequal branch of government.
We do not serve you. We serve the American people. And they want you to reopen government.
Rep. Lieu’s twitter game is strong so little chance ‘force yourself on’ isnt carefully chosen. #prettysnarky
@17 I addressed that in my article here:
Also, I think the issues with that school go beyond the trip organizers, don’t you?
Market down yesterday and up today. Good thing I bought yesterday.
Agreed there are obviously problems with all-boys, white academies and the like. As there is with society covering it up with “spirit” and “Men for others”, etc.
But my concern is that everyone’s focus (especially the media’s) is badly misplaced here, regardless of how they see those videos, etc. and regardless of whether they focus on smirking MAGA TEEN, Phillips, the BHIs, or all three. None of these groups or individuals is capable of supporting the weight of these issues. And it isn’t that using them that way is “unfair”, though it may well be.
It’s that it doesn’t produce progress for those of us who may hope to increase understanding and tolerance. And the failure as I see it lies not in the mere use of social media as a “call out” tool. But mostly in the way too many of us react, and mostly in the way modern electronic media have come to shamelessly exploit these kinds of events.
A handfull of grifters are right this minute earning off MAGA TEEN, Phillips, etc. They are using this as just another means of generating billings, driving views, and building outreach and donor clicks. And in doing so they are ultimately encouraging more white rookie cops to shoot at more little black boys.
She went with option A.
“The hell you are coming to give a speech!”
Somewhere in the White House there’s a hateful orange man breaking plates, kicking doors closed and peeing on the rug and raging about that bitch and how he’s in charge!
@22 Looks like HA has a resident market timer, who also flips stocks on a 24-hour cycle.
Hey, don’t get me wrong, I’m for owning stocks. It’s one of the very few ways for the little people to share in capitalism’s spoils. And with work continuing to be denigrated and devalued, being one of the owners will become more and more important.
@8 them mother fuckers dumber than mother fuckers.
@18 it might have been easier and better if she just painted the rainbow flag all over the place, and let The Hump T-shirt wearer work out….maybe even make the weights the color of the rainbow….he would have been gone pretty fast, without even asking him to leave.
@22 their con game is working…they got you right where they want you.
If I were you I would start to start looking for good opportunities to sell.
Looks like Old Nan isn’t too keen on Trump doing the SOU as usual. I didn’t do an in-person SOU in my day. I just did a written version. It was that incredible elitist racist, Woodrow Wilson, who started making a peacock display out of it. Trump should just do a written SOU and put it on the White House website for everyone to read at his or her leisure. Old Nan can continue to just be an out-of-date catty, elitist bitch until she drops dead of old age. Win-win for everybody!
Looks like Biden is toast.
Maga pimp trolls and shy-Trumpers will just have to face their demons and embrace the Great Orange Arse.
Goldy, Chris Hayes posted about NEWS. You write, and then wrote, propaganda. Don’t flatter yourself.
Verified account
Yes. This. In 2008, I averaged about $1,000 a month in advertising from shitty state & local political blog. By 2010, I was down to $100/mo, despite a steady rise in traffic. First Google ads ate Blogads, then my Google ad revenue collapsed.Goldy added,
google and facebook ate all the money. even shitty bloggers like me with no publisher once had direct ad buyers …
4:56 PM – 23 Jan 201
HA is now pretty much an old guy with incontinence from both holes who parks himself here because it’s the only place in life he has not been totally ignored, a psycho somewhere in New York who attaches homoerotic undertones to everything he reads and spews, a silly woman with a never-ending Obama crush and an addiction to exclamation points, and some guy from Oregon who loves him some BBC.
And Steve and me.
We ain’t worth much.
Sheila Jackson Lee Leaves Judiciary Committee After Former Staffer Alleges She Was Fired for Reporting Sexual Assault
The ex-staffer, identified as Jane Doe in the suit, alleged a 30-year-old supervisor assaulted her in 2015. Doe, a 19-year-old Howard undergrad at the time of the assault, alleges her male supervisor forced her to perform oral sex at his home before she woke up naked and in pain the next day.
Missing from the above piece is this bit of information:
Likewise, senior Democratic lawmakers told Jackson Lee she must relinquish her prized subcommittee gavel on the high-profile House Judiciary Committee. If she refused, lawmakers told her they would vote against her, an embarrassing prospect for the 13-term member.
I hope the CBC continues to police itself in ways it was formerly afraid to do.
This must have been what Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit meant when he wrote earlier this week that when his side makes a mistake, they own up to it.
Rep. Ilhan Omar quietly deletes inaccurate attack on students from Covington Catholic
@32 you ain’t worth shit Dumbfuck. Not even the horse’s shit on your dick.
Nice to be under your skin, I am honored. All three of those descriptions fit you, especially the first.
“We had a great shutdown folks. Best and longest ever. isn’t that something. We got the government open again and I really showed Nancy didn’t I. I said, ‘I will give the speech when scheduled YOU KNOW IT.” so now that the shutdown is over and Nancy is letting me have my great speech, here’s the speech. We have to deal with the southern border and we will have a big beautiful wall someday.
If Nancy will let me.”
@32 Dumbfuck “is now pretty much an old guy with incontinence from both holes who parks himself here because it’s the only place in life he has not been totally ignored” … even the barn inmates ignore him now.
@34 A rightwing propaganda sheet complaining about liars and lying. Funny!
It’s official, or at least semi-official: Trump is no longer holding out for a “great big beautiful wall.” He’s now holding out for “steel slat barriers.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I predict this thing will end when the Democrats cave in and give Trump $1,500 for “one hundred great big beautiful bulk rolls of baling wire for repairing holes in cyclone fences,” which is all he ever wanted in the first place.
@ 39,
That’s called brilliant negotiating. It’s how great deals get done.
For some it is a job.
For my boss it is an artform.
Oh cool. So now there’s a video of the Covington Catholic Boys screaming MAGA and Build The Wall And Sluts at passing women.
“Look they’re not racists. They’re just assholes. Assholery a fine American tradition embodies in my President” Godwin
Keep the story alive. Do some PR. They were just waiting for the bus
Peacefully after praying for the unborn. They’re good kids who apparently think women walking are putting a basketball in play.
@41 Won’t be long before they start raping the womenz. And mommy, and Boob, will still be defending them. White Power!!!!
@ 41
It didn’t work with Kavanaugh but it surely will work this time, amirite?
Unintelligible video adds nothing.
Although if you scroll down a bit and read the part about flies and poop-sucking, you’ll learn a bit about one of your ilk, Cz-252. Go ahead. Soon, before it spreads further and she deletes her account.
Confidential to Steve:
If you have a FB account, search The Infamous Stringdusters. They posted video of their entire Bend, OR concert last night. Showbox in Seattle on Saturday and Bellingham on Sunday.
Decent audio to listen to while thinking on your sins.
Let’s start a pool:
To what nation does Maduro flee under cover of darkness?
I bet Cuba.
I like the cut of The Hill’s jib.
Buck Sexton
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Follow Follow @BuckSexton
Retweeted Natalie Johnson
“Do you see your own fault?” the super serious mainstream journo asks the 15 year old boy, who has received death threats for looking at an adult who rallied to the side of an activist mob that yelled racial and anti-gay slurs at childrenBuck Sexton added,
Natalie Johnson
Verified account
I see a scared kid. Wtf is wrong with you people.
7:06 AM – 23 Jan 2019
I’m sure YLB’s quite used to being the biggest loser. Turns out there’s good reason.
Requirement That Women Constitute 40% Of Faculty Search Committees Resulted In 38% Reduction In Female Hires
He investigated recruitment data from 455 hiring committees across three French universities in the years before and after the introduction of the requirement for recruitment committees to draw at least 40 percent of their membership from each gender.
’ modeling indicates that, had the quotas not been introduced, 38 percent more women would have been hired. “That’s enormous,” he said.
What I’ve observed in my career are that the most vicious interpersonal interactions are by women toward other women.
No, YLB. An exclamation point does not substitute for a spine. Your kneepads didn’t substitute for critical thought, either.
It was a few years ago, but remember that poll which found that when Americans were told that a stiff increase in the federal minimum wage would lead to job losses, the favorability evaporated?
Same thing happens when they’re told that Medicare for all will result in diminished care delivery and will cause higher taxation.
Go figure.
Poll: Support for ‘Medicare-for-all’ fluctuates with details
The poll found that Americans initially support “Medicare-for-all,” 56 percent to 42 percent.
However, those numbers shifted dramatically when people were asked about the potential impact, pro and con.
Support increased when people learned “Medicare-for-all” would guarantee health insurance as a right (71 percent) and eliminate premiums and reduce out-of-pocket costs (67 percent).
But if they were told that a government-run system could lead to delays in getting care or higher taxes, support plunged to 26 percent and 37 percent, respectively.
Hey, YLB, I think your problem is that the exclamation points are too skinny. You need to make them wider if you expect them to hide reality.
I’m reminded @ 48 that I miss the Fucking Moron.
Yes, he is an idiot. But it’s an innocent idiocy. I hope he and his family are doing well.
YLB, you’ll always be an unserious idiot, girlfriend. You’ll never be able to use innocence as an excuse. Not even when your kids finally call you on how your bullshit wants ended up ruining their futures.
Godwin goes for the homophobic and woman hating slurs again.. Kneepads? Really?
Apparently one of the most insulting things he can call someone, is to imply they are a woman. Pelosi must terrify him.
Get mental help for your Fragile Masculinity before you snap and hurt someone. Really, get help.
@ 50
Kneepads? Really?
Red, had you experienced for yourself our lovely YLB during the Obama era, you would not need to ask.
My boss brings kneepads whenever he travels to Helsinki.
Oh That’s a Godwin!
Because someone at an undermined age tweeted something offensive the deserve to be harassed on the street. But forgive the harassers, they are young.
Same kids screaming at women because it’s fun.
Own it. They are priveledged asshiles eho now have a documented pattern of being assholes all over the Capitol that day.
Another of Trump’s “fine people” goes down in flames.
@44 And here’s Dumbfuck changing the subject after getting his ass handed to him @41. As predictable as Seattle rain in winter.
@44 And here’s Dumbfuck changing the subject after getting his ass handed to him @41. As predictable as Seattle rain in winter.
@46 “I see a scared kid. Wtf is wrong with you people.”
I want to try some of what she and Doctor Dumbfuck are smoking.
@48 Yes, much better to get billed $50 per aspirin and proportionately more for other health services (ambulance, hospital room, specialist, etc.). After the first 5 minutes it doesn’t matter anymore because you’re going to be bankrupted no matter what your medical condition is. How do you think Dumbfuck got that new F-350 and big horse trailer?
@49 “I’m reminded @ 48 that I miss the Fucking Moron.”
A cheap mirror can fix that. Maybe your wife has one.
Billionaire being oblivious blockhead:
Friend of Trump, of course. Oh, and one of Trump’s cabinet secretaries, too.
Another 2018 milestone:
Durty hippie commie liberul dark money groups pulled in more money than Child Molesters.
NRA going banko and facing indictment.
Russian backers holding out for sanctions relief and Ukraine.
Koch bros. “focusing on issues”.
What the fuck is Susan Collins going to do?*
@61 The GOP is taking longer to implode than the USSR did, although not by much. There’s two more examples of failed social experiments. When will you stupid humans try something that works?
I’ve never been to New York City, but from what I’ve heard about it, this is normal, everyday, ordinary behavior there.
Our northern neighbors think we have a “Nazi problem.” Can’t really blame ’em.
“Nearly half of all Canadians believe the United States has a Nazi problem, according to a survey on Holocaust remembrance released Thursday. It’s no mystery where they got that perception. Last year, a group of neo-Nazis received the red-carpet treatment from U.S. law enforcement as they traveled to Washington for a rally. A respected Holocaust scholar seriously compared certain American elected officials to those in Germany during the rise of the Nazis. And Americans re-elected a white supremacist congressman mere days after an anti-Semitic gunman murdered Jewish worshippers in Pennsylvania.”
“According to the survey, 47 percent of Canadian respondents said there are a ‘great deal’ of or ‘many’ neo-Nazis in the U.S.”
Yeah, except down here, we call ’em “Republicans.”
What’s up with Republicans and blackface?
“Mike Ertel resigns as Florida secretary of state after blackface photos surface”
Didn’t you know?
Stealing people’s children, stacking them like cord wood into sweltering sewage filled cargo ships, sending them thousands of miles from their homes, to routinely torture and rape them for generations, only to “free” them into a perpetual social purgatory of fear and resentment seasoned with mockery and occasional “accidental” murder of their children is FUNNNY!*
Just ask Meghan Kelly
*Some other things Republicans get a big laugh out of:
-Guatemalan Toddler Torture
-Permanent coastal zone flooding
-Species extinction
-Catastrophic wildfires
-Unplanned pregnancy
-Trans-vaginal probes
-$1.5 trillion deficits
-Sexual assault
–The Nuge
So of course:
A bipartisan group in the Senate, with the support of leadership, was working toward a three week CR including some compromises to WALL.
So President Grope told Senate Roypublicans “NO”.
Never saw that coming. Yawn.
He does not want WALL. He wants CRYSSSISSS!!!!!
And he absolutely does not give a shit if the government stays closed and the economy goes into a recession. He probably figures he can blame that on durty hippies and Meskins too.
This is really “the status quo” for Roypublicans from now on.
Interesting comments from this week’s Woodpile report:
The Shutdown
For nonessential federal employees the shutdown is a vacation with deferred payment, yet we’re expected to weep in solidarity because they’re being inconvenienced. Welcome to the real world. We Deplorables work without pay for the equivalent of several months of every year to fund DC’s parasitic bloat. And we have to show up every day.
No one in DC cares when they export or destroy whole industries and we lose our jobs and our homes. But when their personal cash flow is temporarily interrupted we’re to believe it’s a national tragedy. Some do worthwhile work. But let’s face it, many are otherwise unemployable leeches. Others are doing the country a service by staying home. Still others are employed by departments that should be abolished outright.
Their sense of entitled well being is understandable. DC hasn’t known hard times in anyone’s lifetime. Example: in the years following the credit crash of 2008 the free-for-nothing money spigot gushed all over DC and their coastal cronies but never quite made it anywhere else. They’re still trying to explain why that’s the way it should be if banks suddenly don’t trust each other. Huh?
DC is hardly less an aristocracy than was the Kremlin. The Soviet Union fell because the ruling class, the “vanguard of the people’s revolution”, somehow ended up with the limousines and country houses while the people stood in lines for bread and cheese. People notice these things. Even we “deplorable and irredeemable” notice these things. One day DC may get the enema it really needs.
The GOP’s Senate wall of resistance is an eggshell.
@65 “What’s up with Republicans and blackface?”
They’re getting caught.
@68 Interesting in the same sense that Trump’s lies are interesting.
It wasn’t DC that exported whole industries and millions of jobs. Parasitic capitalists did this, egged on by Republican presidents and congress critters who gave them tax breaks for doing it.
And if he thinks DC is nothing but parasitic bloat, then I encourage him to eat some e-coli-flavored salad, since nobody’s guarding the food supply right now.
And last I checked the average government worker possesses neither a limousine nor a country house.
At least the guy who wrote this bullshit is honest about who he is and what he is. On his website he says, “Ol’ Remus offers his opinions as-is, where is. He rarely cites support for his opinions so they are, in that sense, unwarranted.” Got that right, pal. As Mr. Gump says, “Stupid is, as stupid does.” At least he sort of knows he’s stupid.
Trump is cracking like an egg:
“President Donald Trump said Thursday that he’s leaving the solution to the shutdown in the hands of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. ‘If they come to a reasonable agreement I would support it,’ the president said, adding that he still had ‘other alternatives.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Here’s how it’ll play out. McConnell and Schumer will agree to pass a CR sans wall funding, and Trump won’t veto it. Instead, he’ll declare a national emergency and try to raid Pentagon and disaster relief funds. The courts will block him. Trump will sign a bipartisan border security bill, sans wall funding, and declare victory, confident in the knowledge that his supporters are too stupid to know they’ve been rolled.
“Interesting” in the sense that an EEEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE who appears here routinely to brag about his market timing prowess turns out to be yet another Goldbuggery/Bilderberg Conspiracy/Prepper burying Krugerrands and and Zombie bunkers behind his trailer next to the tire dump.
Which is to say not interesting at all.
What is it we call that again?
Oh yes. I remember now. The Status Quo among Roypublicans.
“At least the guy who wrote this bullshit is honest about who he is and what he is.”
All except for the part about him being Russian.
Note to Steve – I’d be worried if I were you, seems Bob has got out the knee pads for you. Either you are a stud or you may have cracked him and he’s thinking of his sins. Guilty on his knees for you.
@63 pretty much you can accurately say that it is a daily occurrence. The taxi cabs and Uber’s are pretty dumb, and many of the bicyclists are very aggressive, they both don’t give a shit about each other
Not sure of joking or monumentally stupid?
Getting a check with taxes deducted is exactly like getting a pay stub that reads zero. If they pulled a withhold 100% until so called tax freedom day..Do we have a Bastille we could storm?
House Minority Leader McCarthy toontonthe airwaves today to claim not letting Donald have his cameras and rage blovistion is a terrible moment for congress and ‘History Will Mark This as a Low Point for the Speaker of the House’
Well congratulations Speaker Hastert. Having sex with children and going to prison for hiding bribes to keep them quiet slides down to #2. USA USA ISA!
‘The grocery stores will work along with you (if you have no money that’s how it works.”
Quick poll since this quote is going to be on the air for a couple cycles.
More or less devistating than having never seen a bar code scanner even though normals have been using them for a decade?
Federal employees of Manhattan. Do not assume the bodega will work with you and give the proprietor a promissory note and walk out with the Ramen you can make stretch for the next week. Some of them will shoot you for shoplifting.
Just yesterday Bob was calling me out for homoerotic posts…….and then today….he’s posting about knee pads.
Bob, you and Lindsey should come out of the closet. Really. Your wife will appreciate it.
@77 Maybe he prefers the medieval system under which you pay tribute to a conqueror and in return get an unenforceable promise to not be slaughtered in your bed. PI may not like our system a whole lot better, but at least his taxes pay for a military that protects him instead of threatening him.
@ 65
Good one, Steve. Clean takedown.
The photos are the sole blemish on a seemingly spotless public career, highlighted by a record of increasing voter registration and making the elections office more accessible to the public.
The city of Longwood gave him a Martin Luther King Jr. award for registering voters. In 2012, Ertel spoke out against Gov. Rick Scott’s purge of so-called non-citizens from the voter rolls, saying many of those who were purged were actually eligible voters.
Ertel also has won international awards for his plans to restore voter confidence and trust in the elections system.
I will allow that for a guy whose previous life was in Public Affairs, WTF Dude.
I also will allow that the Tallahassee Democrat seems not to be.
Dueling quotes. Signs of Dimentia:
“Many of those people that are not getting paid are totally in favor of what we’re doing.” Donald, Late Jan
“most of the people not getting paid are Democrats.” Donald, Late December
@82 It seems to me that a sincere apology would have sufficed.
When I was in 6th grade, for Halloween I was made up in blackface and went out trick-or-treating with my best friend in the housing projects who was black and who was a pirate. Unlike Ertle, I wish there were photos.
His supporters, party hacks, and west wing staffers too stupid to have found a better hiding place, are all telling him that 800,000 unpaid essential employees are showing up for work “out of loyalty” to President Grope.
And he believes it.
Shut it down!!!!! Shut it down!!!! Shut it down!!!!! Shut it down!!!!! Shut it down!!!!, Shut it down!!! Shut it down!! Shut it down! Shut it down. We dont need Government! Government too big!!
But where’s my airplane? But where’s my rescue squad? Sad face, sad face.
Seems like those chants, just like the tea fuckers, have disappeared. People with sooooo much conviction. Bunch of fucking losers.
Roger Stone got frog-marched this morning on a seven count felony indictment that includes obstruction.
Yep. Winding it all down. Just gotta check “the report” for spelling errors and plan the wrap party.
A lack of workers at an air-traffic control facility in the Washington area prompted the FAA to order a ground stop at LaGuardia, one of the nation’s busiest transportation hubs. Flights at other East Coast airports such as Washington’s Reagan National, Newark Liberty International and Philadelphia International were also delayed Friday.
@ 89
I hear the planes always run on time when there’s no shutdown.
Threats to the nation’s air transport are so severe that Ford stock is up 3.6% on the day, amirite?
If you were flying into LaGuardia today first, God have mercury on your soul and you chose LaGuardia. Second, if you voted for Donald, tell him thanks.
Start spreading the news
I’ll get there today!
Or maybe some others say oh shit
New York New York
Want a bagel with Schmear
But I’m still stuck here
Planes can’t fly up there to it
New York New York
If I can make it there
“The wall gets built I swear”
It’s up to Don that JERK! New Yoooooooork!
Shut It down!!!! Suck cock. Shut it down!!! Suck cock. Shut it down!!!! Shut it down!! Suck cock.
Just keeping it homoerotic for Bob.
@90 Godwin attempts to deflect.
LaGuardia Airport normally has about a 12% late percentage.
Because of the trump shutdown, 100% late percentage.
The guy godwin voted for, is shutting down air travel.
This keeps up, I hope each person thanks the republicans if they miss the superbowl.
@ 94
I’m sure if the Pats and Rams leave now they’ll get there in time to play.