– There was a debate last night between Jay Inslee and Rob McKenna.
– Fuck all of these hurdles to the Burke-Gillman Trail missing link. It might make it harder to get to 0 road fatalities.
– Seattle parks’ computer labs will be open during the rest of the library closure.
– Scab refs will be trouble.
– Park(ing) Day is coming up.
More Americans than forecast filed applications for unemployment benefits last week, a sign that progress in the labor market is faltering amid a slowing economy.
It strikes me that the August unemployment data will be released next Friday.
That will work nicely into the GOP counterarguments about the DNC convention speech claims, I think.
This was uploaded to Youtube on April 21, 2009
The Janesville GM plant was running in 2009, and was closed in May of that year.
Here’s a little memory check for you HAers. Obama gave a speech at the Janesville plant in February, 2008.
But through hard times and good, great challenge and great change, the promise of Janesville has been the promise of America – that our prosperity can and must be the tide that lifts every boat; that we rise or fall as one nation; that our economy is strongest when our middle-class grows and opportunity is spread as widely as possible. And when it’s not – when opportunity is uneven or unequal – it is our responsibility to restore balance, and fairness, and keep that promise alive for the next generation. That is the responsibility we face right now, and that is the responsibility I intend to meet as President of the United States.
I bet we don’t hear much more about the ‘Ryan Lie’ about Janesville.
Oh, except on HA, of course.
“It’s one of the states where he’s fallen the furthest.”
Romney’s up 5 since June, while Obama’s up 2. Meanwhile, Obama’s approval there is lower than in June.
Oh, and Obama lost 20% of his past supporters to Romney.
That’s 20%.
Which state? You might have to click the link.
@ Serial Liar
The plant was slated to be closed by the corporation by June of 2008. The massive increases in gasoline prices during the first part of 2007 killed it, it was a plant that built luxury SUV gas pig trucks for the soccer moms, so the market for those was already taking a dump by the end of 2007 and the Corporation saw the trend. The plant shut down in November of 2008, laying of more than 1200 people, but was kept open on a skeleton crew for several more months to complete an assembly contract for Isuzu.
The Corporation made the decision to close the plant at the end of the fiscal year, nearly 6 months before it actually closed.
So yes, Ryan is a liar. But you don’t care. It’s a big part of why you’re going to vote for him.
@ 4
You miss the point.
Yes, it was slated to be closed. And Obama had four months, more or less, to keep it from happening.
That was Ryan’s point. I guess with the black helicopter circling your house all day, every day, it’s a little distracting and you sometimes miss things.
Interesting that even a CBS flunkee recognizes what a smackdown Paul Ryan delivered to President Obama last night.
Obama tries to laugh it off. Good luck when $600 Million goes to drumbeat that message to the American people when the Election is now a toss-up and there are enough Undecideds to sway it to Romney/Ryan.
@5-You are absolutely right about the facts and timetable on that plant closure. President Obama was too busy celebrating his victory and swinging around in his new chair & playing golf to recognize he would be held accountable from Day 1. Using the excuse he only had 4 months won’t sell to those impacted by this.
I saw this yesterday and I’m still too pissed off for words about it.
@ 5
Why would it be up to the Government to maintain operations at a corporate-owned assembly plant that built an obsolete, unsaleable product? It wasn’t part of the March/2009 stimulus for the simple reason that it had no product to sell and had already been closed by the company. By the middle of 2008, several thousands of brand new SUVs and other low-mileage vehicles were being stored in Arizona and New Mexico, as there was no market for them in the light of $4.00+/gallon gasoline.
See, now what you’re doing is rationalizing. When one tries to rationalize an open lie, one gets shit on ones face.
How can we have a dialogue and find a compromise that is good for the state of Washington with conservatives with they demonize what we value? And people wonder why we are getting so hard line partisan, cause the republicans are forcing us to be.
It looks like President Obama’s supporters have gone absolutely crazy off the deep-end. The latest is Susan Sarandon with this 33YO nerd.
And this part slammed SerCon without knowing it.
Or is it worse that our trolls, who when show the truth, choose to vote against their self interests anyway?
As for as the 4 months winow…Not sure how Obama could have prevented that plant closure, but in Romney’s world, you can “retroactively” do anything and change history. But wasn’t romney in favor of managed bankruptcy? That would have closed the plant anyway.
Speculation is that Clint Eastwood will speak tonight at the Convention. That would be terrific. Clint kept Carmel afloat when he found that all the deadbeat Art Galleries were avoiding taxes by mailing purchases to out-of-state addresses. The deadbeat Progressives weren’t collecting or paying their fair share. He was highly respected by all and many were Democrats.
Clint Eastwood would be a great choice.
Can’t wait to hear Mitt Romney’s speech.
President Obama is in huge trouble. He broke the Democrat bank way too early. Now he will pay.
The Democrats repeatedly blamed President Bush for issues caused by a lack of Democrat oversight,,like the mortgage disaster when it was Chris Dodd and Barney Frank who were charged with oversight by the Senate and House the Democrats controlled.
Life ain’t fair is it?
I mean, when your guy is dishing out the unfairness, that’s ok. But what goes around, comes around.
Payback is a bitch.
Like Dullard does with his Swiss and Cayman Island Accounts..
Too damn funny.. Clint the tax man.. How right wing..
Ryan was flat out lying and you know it. Regardless of how many faux news talking points you regurgitate.
How about those 5 years of tax returns?
It’s only going to get worse for Gekko/Galt.
The movement morons like the serial liar, puddypussypissypants and the Montana goat fucker will vote for the billionaires boy’s club, but the rest of America will vote for President Obama.
Actually, Clint Eastwood ran for Mayor of Carmel promising to keep large chain stores and restaurants out of the town. He kept that promise.
While he was Mayor, he kept local businesses in business, while keeping the chains out, and blocking the building of a huge Mall on the outskirts of town that would have killed the central business district.
@ 5
Why would it be up to the Government to maintain operations at a corporate-owned assembly plant that built an obsolete, unsaleable product?
Good question. Why would it be up to the government to save that corporation from a normal bankruptcy, now that we’re talking about obligations? After all, if GM had gone through a normal bankruptcy, the unprofitable, obsolete stuff would have been stripped out, a leaner corporation unburdened by severe debt load would have emerged, and the taxpayer wouldn’t have been stuck with the bill.
You don’t get it both ways. You don’t get to cheer-lead Obama for ‘saving GM’ if you don’t acknowledge that the government could have stepped in and kept everything from closing, and elected not to do so.
Even Fox News criticized Ryan. (Course it was a token democratic writer (See, we have liberal freinds!), but still)
Get the link quick before they pull it
Wow. Now that you have facts and truth, when will you change your mind on Ryan?
Add @19…
Does the serial clownservative understand what just happened?
Gekko/Galt lost Pennsylvania this week.
They are losing OHIO.
They are deeply unpopular, no one trusts them, and they are fucked.
It is clear for all to see that Bullshit Mitt & Lyin’ Ryan will say and do anything to get elected. http://www.npr.org/blogs/itsal.....ont-add-up
@ 21
So you have no problem throwing 5 or 6 million people out of work to prove how your economic principles should work?
The Plant was closed before Obama took office, that is NOT in question.
Lyin Ryan’s letter to GM on this very subject. (PDF) Dated June 3rd, 2008.
You sir, like your slobberdick messiah Ryan, are a liar.
@ 13
Not sure how Obama could have prevented that plant closure, but in Romney’s world, you can “retroactively” do anything and change history. But wasn’t romney in favor of managed bankruptcy? That would have closed the plant anyway.
Agreed that the plant likely would not have survived. So make that argument. Go ahead. What that argument acknowledges, though, is that a decision was made not to step in (they could have stepped in – here’s $10M as additional float capital, to be used to keep plants A, B, and C running) because there was an understanding that a lot of plants would have to be shuttered.
It’s an acknowledgement that Obama could have, and chose not to. It’s the point Ryan made.
Having a reason for making that choice does not make Ryan’s point a lie.
Mr. Cyniklown, the Montana goat fucker, is too busy with his favorite fetish to know what he’s talking about.
GOP voices quoted 44% more than democrats
Negativity to Obama is 17% higher than Romney
The bulk of outlets is more negative to Obama. Fox being 75% negative to Obama.
Just sayin’.
I’m listening to people who live in Janesville, people who WORKED at that factory call the Ed Show and call out Paul Ryan.
Lyin’ Ryan they call him.
Retool a dinosaur gas guzzling truck assembly plant into gas sipping crossover vehicle line?
Wise use of taxpayer dollars I’m sure.
Next thing we’d hear is Ryan “saved jobs” in his district.. Much better I guess than lies he told about the applications he made for stimulus money..
Paul Ryan is a bald faced liar and his lies are exposed every day.
NY Times article dated Oct. 26th, 2008 (before the election) on the closing of the Janesville SUV plant.
Face it, fascists, your Randhroidal messiah is a pathological liar, and a sociopath. You’re hooking up your cart to a psychopathic mule.
But, thats par for the course for Fascists.
Yesterday Bob said we’re a bunch of Marxists here.
I can’t recall a single thread where Marxist-Leninst ideas were discussed in any depth beyond laughing at wingnuts calling us Marxists..
Bob enjoys lying. Yes he does. It make him feel good.
So now that we have told you the truth, when are you going to change your mind and stop supporting ryan?
To keep producing products that don’t sell?
I’m at a loss for words.. What kind of jerkwater businessman are you?
@ 34
To keep producing products that don’t sell?
Like, er, the Chevy Volt?
Strip out the sales to California government entities, to GE, you have a total bomb.
We give billions to GM and billions in subsidies for the Volt, which sells so few vehicles that they’re closing the Volt plant for the second time this year.
GM is perpetuating the same unsustainable model post-bankruptcy that they did before the bankruptcy.
You missed my point @ 26, which was that since we were handing billions in float money to GM and to Chrysler, we could have saved a few extra plants by putting restrictions on some of that money – like saying that some of the plants scheduled for closure would be kept open in exchange for the monetary transfer.
The right business thing to do would have been to permit a normal bankruptcy to occur. That would have saved the US taxpayer perhaps as much as $30billion or more when all of this is said and done. As long as we’re going to hand out $50+ billion in assistance, what’s $10M or so more?
The point about Ryan and the Janesville plant is that you have no point, and you won’t see organizations outside MSNBC trying to call him a liar for bringing it up. Not after the news items and video now available that show the plant functioning into May 2009.
Time to go back to the magic underwear, Seamus, Ayn Rand, and the tax returns.
Another lie.. There goes the Faux News tape running..
Next thing you’ll say is that the Electric Focus and Nissan Leaf, not hot-sellers by any stretch, are also Obama plots..
Gas guzzling full-sized SUV’s are dinosaurs and people aren’t interested in buying them.
Crap.. It wasn’t the right thing to do when Chrysler got into trouble back in the late seventies and even more not the right thing when Americans were losing jobs at a 700,000 per month clip.
Family Values – yeah right, bunch of hypocrites. And the fake legacy lingers on because of boobs like Bob that can’t stand up to them on their short comings. In stead of frequenting tity bars you would think they would try to shut them down like shutting down the freedom to marry who you wish. They not only have no family values, them Nazis are also against freedom and liberty for all. And heck they’ll ruin the economy at the same time.
Here “bob” I’ll make it easy for you.
Here’s an important follow up.
Personal note:
I have been an independent businessman ALL my working life, like my father before me. I have sold goods and services to businesses and individuals. I have bought and sold companies. I have worked for others. I have had others working for me.
I have been in or around the financial services industry (highly regulated with strict government accoutability) for the last thirty years and I have seen an apalling amount of corporate greed and entitlement.
I have seen an entire industry…one that employed literally millions of people destroyed by the machinations of a relative few…and no one went to jail.
I have seen millions lose their pensions, their retirement investments, their homes and/or the equity in their homes and no one went to jail.
I watched a beloved 120 year old Seattle financial institution destroyed by personal greed in five years.
No one went to jail.
You’re a liar “bob” or whoever you are. You’re a liar, a thief if you support these crooks, a racist if you support these racists, a misogynist if you support thses woman haters and a cruel and inhuman individual if you advocate implementing this hideous budget.
Just so those with enormous amounts of money can have more? Bush’s BASE?…the Haves and the Have More’s??? At the expense of…STOLEN FROM…average working Americans?
You are disgusting.
You and your “fellow travellers”: Mr. Cynical or “Red” or “ev” or whatever the coward like him calls himself today…and the supposedly uber-religious and super-pious puddybuddy…
President Obama is far from perfect. The President and Democrats in Congress were/are complicit in some of these detestable activities. He and they must be held to account…after his/their re-election.
But these thugs and theives and liars and haters…these miserable characters in Tampa YOU support and cover for and excuse must not be allowed nearer the reigns of power than they already are.
A liar and a hypocrite Bob, just like you.
Here is the insanity of the Republican Healthcare Plan. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan would give an 80-year-old with heart disease and high blood pressure a coupon, and tell him to go find his own private insurance. I’m sure for-profit insurance corporations are just going to line up to insure that guy.
@ 36
Gas guzzling full-sized SUV’s are dinosaurs and people aren’t interested in buying them.
They are less interested, true, but a lot of them still sell well.
Know what else sells well? The Prius.
Word is Toyota will spin off Prius and we’ll be seeing Prius showrooms in a year or so.
Know what’s not selling? The Volt.
Strip out all the sales that require unsustainable incentives and it’s a complete dud.
No incentives on the Prius. None. I own one. Amazing technology. No guts but still so much fun to drive if you spend way too much time looking at the screen. Mid $20s.
The Volt? It’s a brick. A taxpayer-subsidized brick.
41 – I’ll skip the schmuck’s next flick..
Too bad. I figured a guy who made a movie that unhinged tool Michael Medved couldn’t hate enough couldn’t be all bad, even for a right winger.
@ 38
Someone here said you are a bassist.
Looks like we’ll continue to hear about the Janesville GM plant.
Just in time for the DNC convention. Oh, and Elizabeth Edwards!
(CNSNews.com) – The Ayatollah Ali Khamenei – the “supreme leader” of Iran – praised America’s “Occupy Wall Street” movement on Thursday, calling it a reflection of people around the world who are “losing their patience” with the dominance of the United States and Israel in the international community.
That’s right, HAers. Iran’s Ayatollah, Nancy Pelosi, and Elizabeth Edwards are on the same page.
Aren’t you glad that Occupy will be a force in Charlotte next week?
This too.
Oh why Bob? Are you an eco-freak? Do you know the main motivation of the Prius was not so much to save gas – it was to limit emissions of CO2 which are mostly produced when a vehicle accelerates to cruising speed. Prius uses the battery for this. Kyoto protocol in a nutshell.
Why didn’t you buy an Janesville, WI gas guzzler Bob? There’s plenty of oil Bob according to the right wing. Look at all the bitumen just north of us in Alberta..
Why did you give your money to Japan Bob? Where’s your patriotism?
Did you use the cash for clunkers? Just the other day you were claiming it was an Obama plot to enrich Toyota and Honda.
Nice going Bob.
Did you know the Volt was a pet project of a right wing GM CEO who believes global warming, like you, is an Al Gore promoted “hoax”?
But no, you say you don’t watch Faux News but you sure read those unhinged right wing twirp sites and I see one link to foxnews.com that you’ve left here. Like it or not you’re towing the Roger Ailes line.. Good job Bob.
@ 48
Bought the Prius used. Gave the money to a German immigrant named Uwe.
Wife and I have 5 vehicles, two with special purposes, two for daily driving, one extra. None purchased new, all purchased locally. If it makes you happy one is a gas-guzzler and I use it to repopulate 20 acres with conifers. I drive it around 70 miles per month.
If the Volt was a bad idea, do the political leanings of its early supporter matter? Bad is bad. Kill it. License Prius technology instead.
What is this? A Christmas tree farm?
Careful Bob. The other right wingers here will turn you out. Did you know PuddyIdiot called Hank Paulson a “lefty” because he’s a raptor freak and donates money to wildlife conservation?
You’re getting soft Bob. Very surprising for someone who links to unhinged right wing propaganda websites.
I like to fish.
Read the article yet?
Poor little cunt ylb is getting owned left and right….go get job you loser.
“Someone here said you are a bassist.”
So what?
The internet is on fire, documenting the width and breadth of Ryan’s lies
Conservatives, to be true to your god, many days before you stop supporting Ryan?
If Obama had intervened that specific plant do you think you would have said this? Especially if it had still folded….
So he’s damned if he saved it, and damned if he didn’t.
Conservatives, tell me how you can support Ryan after learning the truth?
Elizabeth Edwards died in 2010, perhaps you meant Elizabeth Warren?
The right in this country are on the same side as Iran’s Ayatollah, Hugo Chavez and a bunch of other evil fuckers when to comes to the UN small arms treaty.
More fact checking
Oh goody…here’s the little fucking rat-bastard scab emperor max mini-dick (aka kaiser bun the first).
@46. How are we supposed to have a dialogue, a dissension, to find common ground when you repeatedly demonize the left?
Yes SerCon, I’m looking at you. You yourself posted that anything is fair game to get the republicans back into power.
Here is another case of a homicidal Tea Party nutter finding his true place in life. http://www.palmbeachpost.com/n.....pub/nRPgF/
@47 – yeah and the Republicans and the Taliban are on the same page when it comes to Gay rights, which are nothing more than freedom and liberty. So shove that up your ass Bob. Republicans = Taliban.
Darryl, enough of holding my comments.
It is estimated that 100,000 “sovereign citizens” are on loose. Here is two from Alaska who admitted their crimes. http://www.alaskadispatch.com/.....-irs-agent
a dissension = a discussion.
Got pulled away before I could spell check that.
See Bob? This is how your fellow travellers here on this website “debate”..
By hurling misogynist taunts at their opponents.
Any wonder why your side made a war on women a top priority the last two years? They hate women having the same autonomy as men. Your side believes women should submit to men and that’s why they call men who don’t believe this “cunt” “fag” “bleeder” and the like.
They’re just acting out what they believe is the “ideal” relationship between men and women…
Dig beneath the surface a tiny bit and you see insecure, emasculated men – terrified of the world changing beneath their feet..
In the case of the asshat troll “little maxee”, we see a guy who was clearly bullied and berated most of his life by his short stature mother – a lifelong victim of short woman syndrome.
Therefore, he comes here for “comical distraction” (at least 6000 comments worth, as his life is so full of meaning) – he imagines the people he hates are “cunts”, “fags” (i.e., effeminate men) and “bleeders” (menstruating women). He fantasizes injuring the uterus of those he hates with his penis – a rape fantasy.
It’s documented here in the threads.. I report you decide, Bob..
@ 59
Yes SerCon, I’m looking at you. You yourself posted that anything is fair game to get the republicans back into power.
I’m wondering which post has been distorted to that meaning. Please show me. Thank you.
“BOBBIE LUCIER: I just – I don’t like him. Can’t stand to look at him. I don’t like his wife. She’s far from the first lady. It’s about time we get a first lady in there that acts like a first lady and looks like a first lady.”
What do you think the republican meant?
@ 59
Leftists blame stuff on the right. Film at 11.
Mann and Ornstein have gained the most attention for their claim that Republicans are more to blame than Democrats, a charge which seems unfair. As Chris Cillizza explained, many of the extreme ideological Republicans in the House are doing exactly what other members of the House are doing: representing the interests of the constituents who elected them. The Tea Party crowds who pushed for more extreme legislators got just what they hoped for. It is not only the legislators who have a strong ideological, no compromise attitude: The voters who elected them do, too. And Democratic legislators have shown they can throw up roadblocks as well as Republicans.
President Obama & 25,000 new voters. http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....t/?hpid=z3
@ 67
25,000 registrations, not voters.
Voters are the ones who show up and vote.
All the registation efforts over the past five years, and you really think that 25,000 people plugged into the internet somehow have just been missed by OFA in the past?
Count the number of voters who signed up yesterday named ‘Seamus’.
66 – Yaaawwwn. Last I looked, half of all people who are eligible to vote aren’t even registered.. Of those half that are registered, only half of those can be bothered enough to vote in off years, maybe slightly more than half in presidential years..
We’ve had an apathetic electorate for almost all of my lifetime. The fanatics vote, give money and do even more. They’re the squeaky wheels.
When they’ve done enough damage, they’ll be tossed out unless they age out and die first. Ever see a teabagger rally?
Who is rocking the vote for Mitt Romney and the Koch Brothers this year? Oak Ridge Boys, Charlie Daniels, and Kid Rock? http://www.gigwise.com/photos/.....s-election
I got to listen to NPR a bit this morning, while driving between one work site and another. They were having a panel discussion about Ryan’s speach. Since I didn’t hear the beginning, I don’t know who was on the panel.
I heard them spend some twenty minutes quickly listing Ryan’s comments and pointing out that each had been repudiated by every independent fax-checker. But one commentator pointed out that Ryan’s speach-writer was very good, but his delivery average. The speach was designed to give short talking points which would appeal to the low-information voter, who was unlikely to investigate the truth or falsehood of Ryan’s claims. That, in effect, is their target audience – those who don’t know any better except to trust Republicans and vote for them, the truth be damned.
At another occassion this morning, I caught up with an interview of the producer of the “2016” movie, which the Tea Party folks are advertising on Facebook and banners on the freeway overpasses. It’s apparantly a movie financed by some Republican supporters (Koch brothers? Rove?) which is designed to make you fear Obama.
In the interview, the producer argued that after four years of Obama as President, “we still don’t know who he is”. He then seeks to fill that void by making up an entirely fictional account of who Obama.
I’m not sure how much is in the movie, but in the interview the producer said Obama’s agenda for the next four years, which apparantly includes turning the U.S. over to the U.N., arming Iran and Arab states with U.S. nuclear weapons so they can attack Israel, and making the U.S. a socialist nation enforced by fascist totalitarian policies. He dismissed the lack of evidence by claiming Obama “wants” this – a tactic used by Limbaugh and other right-wing commentators over the next five years. (Ignore what he says and does, and simply say he “wants” it!).
When forced into a factual discussion, he claims that the U.S. unemployment level when President Obama took office was only 7.2%, compared with (he claims) 8.9% today, and that U.S. jobs have actually decreased under President Obama’s policies. When it was pointed out that his figures were ridiculous, he changed topics.
I think we need to find a new word for liar. The word simply isn’t strong enough to cover the current crop of Republicans.
Seriously, trolls, I have a question. Doesn’t it hurt to lie like this so often? I’d be sick to my stomach if I had to repeat the Republican talking points every morning with a straight face.
@66. If I have time, I will find where you first started using the republican theme of “By any means available”. I remember it being within the first couple of weeks of you starting to post here and before your insulting of the President’s daughter. Because you were justifying your ridicule by referencing previous posts where you were talking that anything was acceptable if it helped get your party back in power.
@1 I saw in this morning’s Republican Times that Ryan promised 12 million jobs over the next 4 years. He’s not setting his sights very high is he? We need 159,000 jobs a month just to keep the unemployment rate the same. So that’s only about 50% – 60% more than bare maintenance level.
The reality, though, is the next president — Republican or Democrat — won’t have much influence over job creation. Even if Romney succeeds in cutting taxes for corporations and the wealthy, that won’t create jobs, because the weak hiring is due to lack of consumer demand, not lack of investment capital. Corporations are already sitting on $2 trillion of cash they can’t put to work in their businesses because they don’t have customers for their products.
But the biggest reason presidents can’t keep jobs is because the economy is going through a deleveraging cycle. As fund manager Ray Dalio wrote in this paper,
it took America 60 years to leverage up, and it’s going to take 15 – 20 years to deleverage. The only way to speed up that process is by writing off debt; but, as others have pointed out, one man’s debt is another man’s asset, so you can’t do that without destroying wealth — and most of the debt is owned by pension funds, investment funds, endowments, and other institutional investors in which many of us have a stake.
I’m not saying the Republican ticket, if they get into office, can’t deliver 12 million jobs in 4 years. I’m saying that’s not a very ambitious goal and the economy will deliver most, if not all, of those 12 million jobs by itself under current conditions. In other words, if Obama gets re-elected and sleeps through the next 4 years, we’ll probably get most or all of the 12 million jobs Ryan is promising. So Ryan really didn’t promise very much of anything at all.
Re Michael @46 pointing out the Janesville lie that Ryan told again last night.
Spent the day in a business meeting with clients today. All of these guys are white successful business men making more money than the median. Their demographics would put them as at least leaning Republican just by default.
When I’m with clients trying to make more money myself I steer clear of politics.
Well, today before the business discussions began, on each of the breaks, at lunch and after the meeting ended these guys talked about nothing but Ryan’s lie and the Republican ticket’s complete and utter dependence upon lying.
I don’t know if it means anything, but in 40 years I’ve never heard anything like it in the wake of a speech at a convention planned to inspire folks like these to vote for the ticket.
oh, and knowing most of these guys for 15+ years, I know them as apolitical.
Now, that’s a musical endorsement I can get behind.
A couple years back I decided that it’s quite silly to require EIS’s on fairly low impact projects in areas that are already highly impacted. Now, I’m starting to wonder if we need them in in large cities at all.
@2 “The Janesville GM plant was running in 2009, and was closed in May of that year. Here’s a little memory check for you HAers. ”
And here’s a little FACT CHECK for you:
“December 23, 2008: SUV production ends, and more than 2,000 GM workers are laid off, according to the Gazette. Medium truck production continues.
“April 23, 2009: The plant’s medium-duty assembly line, which produced an Isuzu line, closes, ending vehicle production at the plant and resulting in the loss of 57 production jobs, according to the Gazette.
“But to fairly evaluate Obama’s statement, at least two pieces of context — missing from Ryan’s account — would be useful: First, that Obama wasn’t telling this plant that he’d save it from a pending closure. He wasn’t addressing a plant that he knew to be closing, because the closure announcement didn’t come until four months after his speech. Second, although the plant’s last bit of production stopped early in Obama’s presidency and the plant remains closed, the closure was planned before Obama became president.”
In summary, most of the plant’s workers were laid off by December 2008 and only 57 production workers were still employed there in 2009. And, in summary, what Ryan said about it — and what you said about it in your post #2 in this thread — is still misleading. The decision to close this plant was made, and most of the layoffs occurred, before Obama became president. And he never promised to save the plant.
Dang. That can’t be good for the Republicans. I really think the Republican Party is about to fall apart.
@ 76
Good luck with that. If nothing else, it just doesn’t sound like something I’d write. Try searching ‘by all means necessary’ although if that came out of, say, Maria Cantwell’s mouth one wouldn’t assume she included violence as one of the means. By the same token, if I said something like ‘We need to have a Republican Congress by all means necessary.’ it shouldn’t imply that I favor a violent takeover of Congress.
@ 83
I’d be more worried about a bunch of people talking about Ryan that way in, say, Kansas City (either one) than I would in a Seattle ‘burb.
There was a time when people around here talked about Kucinich. I’m sure his name virtually would never come up anywhere else outside of the Cleveland area.
@74 After four years of Obama, Osama bin Laden is dead, the U.S. still has the world’s strongest military, oil is still flowing through the Strait of Hormuz, and the only terrorist attacks against Americans have been those committed by Americans adhering to rightwing ideologies.
@83 Michael,
By all logic they should have re-thunk the BS magic fairy dust economic plan they push after the disaster it produced in 2008. Instead they doubled down, and with last night attempted to bluff the cards that are clearly showing.
Cripes! They put Condi in prime time to talk national security!
I’m just amazed and dumbfounded at what I heard today.
It takes a lot of effort to lie like that an constantly have to cover the tracks.
Looks like they are talking about it in Kansas City!
“There is no monopoly on becoming a millionaire. If you’re jealous of those with more money, … spend less time drinking … and more time working.” — Australian billionaire Gina Rinehart
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Rinehart became a millionaire by inheriting a mining empire from her rich father.
It appears Ryan’s lies are today’s big news story.
@90 Roger,
Was there ever a greater line than Barry Switzer’s “He was born on third base and thought he hit a triple.”?
The GOP convention is all about attacking Obama. Looks like the Pubbers still don’t get what that pesky “vision thing” is all about.
evidence coming out that the peanut throwers were Democrat party plants..
this is gonna be interesting….
@92 That one’s hard to top.
wrong…you are a bleeder because every time you get hit, you bleed all over the place. has nothing to do with menstruation, you sick lazy freak.
YLB suffers from AVS(aching vaginal syndrome)
I would put $50 down that my wife could kick your ass too. easy money.
This week, two separate federal courts have thrown out Texas’s GOP-drawn redistricting plan and GOP-written voter ID law as discriminatory against minorities.
@94 Asshat,
Yes, that will be interesting.
I for one think you should definitely vote for the crew that despite millions spent and all kinds of accreditation and identification restrictions (ask the Ron Paul “delegates”) can’t keep “Democratic Party plants” with devious conspiracy plans out of the Republican convention hall.
Be sure to keep us updated!
@96 You need a woman to do your fighting?
@94 & @98 – Yes, that is interesting. If the GOP can’t keep Democrat peanut-throwers from infiltrating their convention, why should we hire the GOP to protect us from terrorists, North Koreans, and Iranians?
have another 11:55am beer rujaxoff….
why go out and find a job, when you can get “free stuff” from other people who are out working all day.
yep, its how you guys roll…..
funny comment, coming from mr. perma-limp.
@102 Asshat,
I created 9.5 jobs for 2013 paying a good wage, health care, dental, vacation, and sick time today.
What did you do?
Bingo! Whoever you hate you transform into something with female anatomy..
That’s how you roll..
Your 4’11” mom must have paddled your ass something fierce when you were a tot.
And your life has been so great, you’ve placed over 6000 comments here since early 2009 with more or less the same content: “fag”, “cunt”, “bleeder”, “bitch”, “moonbat”, etc..
You really NEED this place. Other places you have to keep yourself in check.. Here you can be yourself: mean-spirited, ugly and abusive.
I’m stone sober.
Can’t say the same for that jackass.
“Fact-checkers” under attack by wingnuts. Wingnuts never were much for truth, were they? I take it that what really rankles wingnut asses is that they don’t like having their Fearless Leader’s lies exposed. Tough shit, fucktards. It’s like the Little Baby Jesus sez, the truth shall make you free.
Nice try fucktwits, but truths don’t die so easily as you wish.
Heh. I just found another one!
Oh this is classic!
“ALMOST” – translation: enough for the asshat little maxee to vote for them 99.9999999999 percent of the time. The rest for a glibertarian that Dori Monson likes.
I love how the folks at Breitbart try to prove they’re right by quoting and linking back to themselves. I’ve decided that the folks at places aren’t so much dishonest as they are insane.
Reality has a well-known liberal bias
You can spot the ASShat of HA ylbuttspigot when he doesn’t understand money. Why? he’s on a blog all day when others are working hard!
So ASShat, was that pre-tax or post-tax money in Switzerland and Cayman? Let’s see if the buttspigot understands anything about money!!!!!
BTW ASShat buttspigot… the American taxpayer didn’t subsidize and Obummer didn’t push the Chevy volt? And they aren’t stopping production due to slow sales ASShat ylbuttspigot?
Lies? Always from your shitty fingers!
When you see the slobbering libtard msm going nutzo from Paul Ryan’s speech, you know he struck gold!
Hey puddles is here!
You still haven’t explained to me how I’m a racist. I’m waiting….
The entire world is discussing the breathtaking, shameless dishonesty of Paul Ryan.
I don’t think we’re in a post truth age, as some pundits have posited, but rather a post-shame age.
The sure sign that you’re about to read something really, really stupid:
“I think people should start to practice the words ‘President Romney.’”
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/08.....z255DQTh2E
Don’t misunderestimate us.
Oh. Moore doesn’t think Ryan lied last night, either.
He sure appreciates all the dollars you spent to see his movies, suckers.
If you can’t figger out what you wrote, why you wrote it, and how you projected what you wrote wrongly onto others, you are one sorry fool Lib da schmuck!!!!!
Typical evasion.
You’re a fraud.
and internet stalker YLB still wont look for a job….
youre just a tool YLB, nothing but a tool.
Clint Eastwood on taxes:
“When a man’s got money in his pocket, he begins to appreciate peace.” — A Fistfull of Dollars (1964)
Ive got a regular 9-5 job, AND a few side businesses that also employ people…whats your point?
fuck, I HAVE to work this much, in order to support lazy fucks like YLB, rujax, and deathfrogg…
Clint Eastwood on Obama’s chances for re-election:
“Tell me, isn’t the sheriff supposed to be courageous, loyal and, above all, honest? … I think you people need a new sheriff.” — For a Few Dollars More (1965).
how come YLBitch didnt buy a prius, leaf, or volt?
cheap fucking bastard wont walk the walk..
just another worthless tool…
That is so fucking dishonest. Moore said that he thinks that Ryan believes his own lies. You imply that he said that Ryan didn’t tell an untruth.
Big difference, and typical nasty lie from you.
@ 121
Hey, lay off Rujax. He’s got a job.
He’s a professional @ 45 @ 52 bass fisherman.
@ 124
A lie is an intentional untruth.
Jury’s still out on when the plant closed.
Moore thinks that Ryan thinks his statement is accurate. Ergo, Moore thinks that Ryan believes what he stated last night.
Clint Eastwood sounds like a dottering old man.
He’s attacking Obama, so far, for not ending the (Bush) Iraq war, and for not closing ‘Gitmo’ which Bush established as a torture chamber.
This is the big ‘surprise’?
Pentagon Warns SEAL Author
The Pentagon’s top lawyer has sent a letter to ex-SEAL Matt Bissonette warning him that his failure to clear his book with the Pentagon is a “material breach” of the non-disclosure agreement he signed and that “further dissemination” of the book will constitute “further material breach.”
Yes, but you made it sound like Moore thought that Ryan was telling truths, which is different, and like I said, underscores your profound dishonesty.
That is actually one of the more minor lies, paling in comparison to the Medicare “theft”, and Simpson Bowles, and the credit rating.
You people are all such liars.
didnt obama promise to close gitmo? whatever happened to that?\
Oh, btw, Bush isnt running for election right now – the “blame bush” dog has run its course..you better start thinking of a different excuse for obamas lackluster performance.
robot say, robot do, robot say, robot do, robot say, robot do….
I heard someone on the radio give the “Democratic Plant” argument about the yahoos who threw penuts at the black CNN camerawoman. He insisted he believed it was true because “both sides do it” and it wasn’t credible that someone would do that at a convention. He said he heard it from somewhere.
The CNN camerawoman spoke out for the first time today. She said she didn’t want the incident to be used for partison purposes, but as a teaching opportunity about racism. She said she was told by convention security that they wouldn’t name the individuals, but they thought they were “alternates”, not delegates. Not that that makes much of a difference.
It sounds to me like Karl Rove’s classic “whispering campaign” designed to nullify a potentially damaging problem. Interesting that they took two days to come up with it.
So what is more credible – that at least a few Republican delegates or alternates are racist who reacted to an African American woman in a technical profession for a so-called “liberal” news media outlet with racist and sophomoric antics; or that Democratic operatives managed to work their way through the entire delegate-selection process for the GOP and get credentials which are only available to delegates, alternates, convention workers, and the news media?
Clint Eastwood:
Ruling class humor at its best.
That Clint Eastwood speech is almost as good at Pat Buchanon in 1992.
@122 Clint is always entertaining, in his own inimitable way, and he was again tonight and I enjoyed his skit very much.
Paraphrased Marco Rubio:
i disagree…its far more probable that they were plants….its just another case of political dirty tricks…
You keep telling yourself that, asshat
Lib Sci going TEH RAZITS now….
Democrat Party playbook 101(starting in 2008): if you disagree with obama, then you must be TEH RAZISTS!
blah blah blah fucking blah blah…..
Over at DailyKos:
@137 who cares what you believe
awww….poor lib sci(insert laughter here) cant fathom the fact that his beloved progressives are just as crooked and dishonest as everyone else
wake up bitch, time to smell the coffee and open your eyes
oh wait, your just another partisan lemming – in that case, go eat a dick.
you do, perma-limp.
Rubio just came pretty damn close to saying, “God bless America, and no place else!”
@143 that’s your dumbest comment yet
Good god, watching the Rebup convention, I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many white people in one place.
Do they keep the black and brown ones in a special pen somewhere?
Free the Black Republicans!!
Oh, what? Puddy’s the only one?
OK, nevermind.
I think Rubio’s about to say, “I’m not a witch, I’m you!”
I’m listening to Rubio talk about American dreams, and he reminds me of the dreams I had when I was young. My dream wasn’t to get rich in business. That’s okay, as far as it goes. But I had a different dream. My dream was to serve others, to make this world a little better place, especially for those most in need of a helping hand. Like countless teachers, cops, soldiers, and other public servants, I thought that I could best do that in public service. Marco Rubio is a fine young man but he is speaking for a political party that has taught two generations of Americans that government — their own government, our government — is their enemy, is evil, is a destroyer of the good things in life. And I have known too many fine public servants to believe that.
P.S., public servants don’t get to live in mansions or drive Porsches; and that’s not their goal in life. Is that less admirable than people whose life goals center around the accumulation of personal wealth?
I’ve long thought that that was the greatest evil of the Republican party.
To paraphrase Mitt Romney, “Government, my friend, is people.”
It’s just that a democratic government is representative of and responsive to all citizens, and that’s what they despise, and must destroy.
From kos:
Hey Cereal, check this out!
@2 You might want to read your own link. Candidate Obama spoke at the plant on Feb. 13, 2008. The plant was closed on December 23, 2008 except for less than 60 employees that stayed on to fulfill obligations to Isuzu. When did President Obama take office again?
Mitt, complaining about workers losing $22.50 an hour jobs for $9 per hour jobs.
This from the party of union-busting.
Un-fucking-believable shamelessness.
OOOOOh, Mitt’s mad and he “deserves better.”
I think he really believes that.
Haha, there’s a LyinRyan hash tag.
I think that crowd is where Amway dupes come from.
Mitt is now listing all the women he’s ever met.
Pathetic, and hysterical.
Mitt is repellent.
I must admit having listened to Romney, that Eastwood gave a great speech!
$8,539,000,000+ Obummer debt occurred during the Republican Convention!
Yes, cuz under Obummer they lost their high paying job so as Americans’ they took two jobs at lower pay because they believed in the American dream even though Obummer’s policies DESTROYED their livlihood!
Of course Lib da schmuck didn’t understand because he lives in stupidville!
You said NIGGER you idiot. You implied NIGGER you idiot. You projected NIGGER on others yyou idiot.
Too bad you have NIGGER on the brain and couldn’t figger it out!
F. UpChuck Todd admitted something about Paul Ryan’s speech…
Now watch the libtards go nutzo. F UpChuck Todd, admitted Obummer toady delivered the Obummer talking points this evening on NBC then finished what he was fed by Obummer’s gang
The point here is every news organization is in the tank for Obummer.
This fuck isn’t smart, funny, or informative.
His character is done…old and senile like Eastwood.
Yes, you buffoon, I used the word ‘NIGGER’. So what? I was describing what the REPUBLICANS were doing to sway angry old white racists.
That does not make me a racist, you utter moron.
@161 See http://thepoliticalcarnival.net/tag/bikini-graph/ for reality check.
puddy, if you as a person in the real world are half as dishonest, stupid, malignant and snide as the persona you play here, you are a profoundly wasted life.
@163 Maybe the reputable news media would treat Republicans better if they didn’t lie so damned much.
Whoa! Whole lotta right wing bullshit insanity going on!
An utter and complete misapprehension of the experience of working people in the age of virulent Republican anti-unionism and the destruction of the American wage-earning family and their income.
b cs -t puddymoron -c
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AT LEAST that much wasted life! What a freaking failure THAT PILE!
That’s What? It’s you progressives who project your own loser immorality on your opponents. Per libtard progressive blacks such as Jackson and Sharpton you have NO RIGHT to use that word. Your fingerprints are all over this blog using that word! And it’s very telling the only two who came to your defense were the most stupid here… ylbuttspigot and rujax the reservation dweller. Not even ROGER SENILE Wabbit spoke to your defense Lib da schmuck. Very telling.
Racist pig!
To think this asshole just said the other day, “if it’s ‘slanted’, it’s not true.”
Whatta moron!
Hold that thought Lib da schmuck. Keep saying that over and over and over.
And right on time ylbuttspigot drops another diarrhea load. Puddy going for #1 buttspigot. And I only post around work hours unless I am off that day!
Ya see Lib da schmuck, Allen West and Tim Scott blow away your racist spiel. All you do is ambush others with your “glorious thoughts” of horse manure.
LibSci used it to illustrate right wing messaging.. The right wing is sending out racist dog whistles all over the place. He NEVER called you or anyone else that YOU MORON!
GBS used it a few times. He was criticizing Mr. Klynical’s racist jokes. PL and others told him it wasn’t a good idea to use it like he did.
Did you pipe up back then?
No. You hadn’t YET thought to stab him in the back!
Project much Lib da schmuck? It’s a Psych 101 thing.
What did Puddy say above?
And look who arrives right on time; ylbuttspigot. Pavlov is always right!
Oh yes he did, though his implication!
Man you are sooooo stupid buttspigot. You always talk out you arschloch. Clueless as always!
And you are rujax?
Bwaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa
Puddy recently posted this correct and factual statement…
Lib da schmuck has taken that mantle here on HA!
Let’s look AGAIN at your most hate-filled week you miserable ASSHOLE!
2/17/2009 14:36 though 2/24/2009 14:11 during your year of TOTAL OBAMA DERANGEMENT.
433 comments or almost 62 comments a day or 2 and change comments an hour for a whole week!
The puddypussypissypants is a puss-boil on the butt of humanity.
BULLSHIT! YOU LIE you miserable hater!
Racist right wingers are stirring up old resentments!
They say to a black woman: this is how we feed animals!
They say about Michelle Obama: “she doesn’t act like a first lady and doesn’t look like a first lady.”
Let’s see Clint Eastwood,
made a movie that Michael Medved the Dullard (R-Money) bootlicker HATED – Million Dollar Baby..
Is pro-choice
Said he doesn’t give a f*ck if gays marry.
i.e. he’s more of a “just leave me alone” gliberatarian.
And the Republican fantatics are cheering this guy?
I heard Dullard (R-Money) made a speech tonight. I’ll read what others with more intestinal fortitude have to say about it.
And right on time ylbuttspigot appears with
Well paid whatever rujax! Stay on the reservation and stupid!
Moronic, self-righteous, dishonest. Not true.
Fuck you puddy, and all your mawkish feigning of injury.
You defend racists all day long around here. This pretend injury and insult you’re braying about is a figment of your imagination, or, more likely, what you perceive is a chance at a cheap shot and a way to win an argument.
Fuck you. I’ll use any word I want and I won’t apologize to you. I’ll call Republicans out for their vile racist appeals to vile racists, and I’ll type the word ‘nigger’ all day long if I have to to make this point because that’s EXACTLY what they’re saying.
You’re just trying to silence an opponent, and you’re doing it in the service of a pack of racists who want nothing but for all of us to be serfs, and will stoke the ignorant racist id to get that.
You are a pathetic lackey, and a nasty, sad excuse for a human being.
It’s not Republicans who defaced the black Utah mayor’s internet page.
It’s not Republicans who attacked Artur Davis in public or on the internet.
It’s racist DUMMOCRAPTS like Lib da schmuck who call people they dislike NIGGER haters when they demonstrate their NIGGER hatred front and center. rujax is silent!
Because onvention leaders took care of those two people ylbuttspigot. You are a moron as always!
Arthur Davis is a turn-coat, and asshole, a narcissist. He deserves what he gets. Several days ago I posted a critique from a former colleague in Alabma, a BLACK man.
God you’re stupid.
The most paper-thin, pathetic, ineffective apology/deflection ever.
What the fuck are you even talking about, you crazy ass, Jesus-rode-a-dinosaur Bibul-thumpin’ apologist for David Duke?
I think we have a new #1 bigot on HA…and its Lib Scientist(insert laughter here).
well done!
golf clap….
197 – LMAO!
So says the #1 dumbassed right wing racist here.
Prove it schmucko. Ask the HA buttspigot for proof. Good luck idioto!
Once again you’re an angry lying ASShole!
Wrong again schmucko. DO you ever read and process factual data? Artur Davis strove for a higher office… one that DUMMOCRAPTS reserved for a whitey DUMMOCRAPT. Artur Davis got in their way and he was rejected by white DUMMOCRAPTS.
So here it is again schmucko. I realize it KABLAMMO’s your well practice mantra…
Ummm nope you dope…
H Carl McCall… DUMMOCRAPTS didn’t want a black man leading NY State as governor
Southern DUMMOCRAPT Political Blacks who were destroyed by DUMMOCRAPTS who didn’t want them in places of power in the South
Kendrick Meeks
Artur Davis
Thurbert Baker
Ken Lewis
Anthony Foxx
Johnny Dupree
Puddy knows the historical rejection of blacks when they strive for power in DUMMOCRAPT WHITEY strongholds!That’s because when you look through the microscope you see DUMMOCRAPTS are racist and rujax loves the reservation!
Is that schmucko’s response for the vicious Mia Love attacks by DUMMOCRAPTS?
Did you write some of those headless dorky dorkman lucy? It has your imprimatur all over that page.
Looks like he must have read an HA smegma entry from schmucko.
Those were great testimonial about Mitt Romney and how he quietly left a lasting impact on the small people. Puddy wonders who will they trot out next week to say something similar about Obummer?
It’s actually sad to read these alternately desperate, grasping, delusional, bombastic posts by ‘puddy’, whoever or whatever he is.
You go on, puddles, keep shilling for the party of Lee Atwater and the Southern Strategy (which is alive and well), of Jesse Helms and David Duke, the party of Joe Walsh calling Obama ‘son’, the party that brought us the ‘Kenyan’ or ‘Indonesian’ president with a Birth Certificate problem, the party of wholesale disenfranchisement aimed squarely at people of color. Remember this? Or this classic? Here’s another good one. Debbie Spenditnow? Good Christian Sharon Angle makes the list, too. You do that.
You keep coming up with your Arthur Davis sob stories to tell yourself, that the Democrats are the party of keeping people ‘on the plantation’. You do that.
Cry me a fucking river.
Someone called her a ‘whore’ for her pro-corporate policy positions. Nice? No. Unusual or vicious, race-based, sexist? Nope.
She was called an ‘Aunt Tom’ for being a Black politician grasping for power in the confines of the manifestly racist, paternal, Confederate Republican Party. Sounds about right.
Your (non)response to your RNC compatriots throwing peanuts at a black woman operating a camera for CNN and saying, “This is how we feed the animals.” remains…
There Lib da schmuck goes again… painting conservative black women as Aunt Tom.
Your true progressive black hatred colors are on full display now Lib da schmuck.
Where is that cacophony of HA libtards coming to your defense? Only rujax and the buttspigot. Yes those two are a superb pair.
You actually think Puddy is gonna answer your pathetic counter charges after your use of the n-word? You are a real moron!
Is that how you teach your children to think about conservative blacks? Aunt Toms? Sell-outs? Niggers? You are progressive waste. Your kind need to be flushed!
Here are some quotes from someone you hold in high esteem
Or this gem from the same woman
Of course rujax and ylbuttspigot are on your side never comprehending the true magnitude of Margaret Sanger wanting to exterminate their kind as unfit!
That’s just the tip of the iceberg Lib da schmuck. You wanna throw history on this blog? Well let’s get down!!!
Puddles is reduced to quoting a woman who died nearly 50 years ago, and uses quotes that are nearly a hundred years old.
Puddles will spin spin spin to defend ‘the massa’
Since I assume puddles isn’t really really rich (the only people who actually benefit from Republican policy), it must be the culture war shtick that has him hooked on ‘thugs, and notably, has him twisting to apologize for manifest Republican racism.
The religiosity, the longing for a paternalistic/misogynistic neofeudal theocracy.
Yes, the Republican pandering to the nuts who believe the earth is 6012 years old, and that Noah saved the velociraptors on his big boat, that’s what allows puddles to see past the Lee Atwaters and the Jesse Helms and the Birthers and the Kenyans.
Taking away birth control and stopping any teaching of evolution is more important to him than his own self respect.
Just as Michael Moore said about Lib da schmuck…
See the similarities HA leftists?
Is that how you teach your children to think about conservative blacks? Aunt Toms? Sell-outs? Niggers? You are progressive waste. Your kind need to be flushed!
Let’s just flush THIS fuck.
What a fucking ignoramus.
Anyone see Puddydipstick?
Hey I thought according to Dr Butthead once you go black you never go back?
So what’s Ryan’s excuse? Very attractive woman by the way.
According to Deneeta Pope, he’s a “nice guy”..
Yeah with fugly ideas for his country.
A 1%-er leaving the reservation…oh noes!!!
Ruh roh…