– I haven’t finished this piece on Obama and race yet, but so far it’s quite interesting.
– These are my favorite protesters at the RNC so far (may be NSFW).
– I realize the problems are worse in California, but wouldn’t it be nice to have a governor who could rally businesses behind raising taxes?
– I’m not thrilled that super PAC’s are setting the agenda, but that’s a dumb resolution that Koster sponsored.
Saw this over at ‘kos:
Party unity? I think the Republicans will have their own PUMA problem this year, and much bigger than the Hillary loyalists were in 2008.
@ 2
Lib Despair, whom do you think the ’08 PUMAs will be voting for this year?
My offer still stands. Any takers on a wager. Puffy pusses out, maybe Bob or one of the other trolls. Let’s make a wager on a benchmark of a Romney economy should he become President. For example, the bet would be on your terms, say for instance that the unemployment rate will be x after x years, or there will be x jobs created over x year(s). Or that gas will be x after so many years, as Mitt promised. Puffy is already making excuses and playing the blame game even though Mitt has promised lower gas prices. You guys do think things will be better don’t you, why vote for non improvement. $100 you pussies. I’m sure you all will jump at this opportunity, you jamokes.
I heard Derek Kilmer and his opponent being interviewed yesterday by that dimwit Ross Reynolds, and he generally sounded good.
HOWEVER, when asked about support for marijuana legalization, he totally muffed it – saying some drivel like that he had consulted law enforcement to help guide his views, and since their job ‘would be harder’ he’s against it.
Lay enforcement enforces laws we the citizens enact. We don’t ask them for permission or views on civil rights. It was totally spineless and very disappointing.
And yes, I was hoping he’d say, “Damn right I support legalization, and I’m looking forward to sparking up a doob when it passes!”
August 28, 2012 – McMahon By A Nose In Close Connecticut Senate Race, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Obama Tops Romney By 7 Points
‘By A Nose’ is 3 points.
Before Rujax straps on his Obama kneepads – his fourth pair – over the Obama margin in CT, he’d do well to recall that Obama took the state by 23 points in 2008.
I had no idea that many Goldman Sachs executives lived in CT.
Oh, and for your morning comedy, what do CT voters, 60% of whom voted Obama/Biden in ’08, think about Biden this time around?
Connecticut voters say 43 – 35 percent that Biden is qualified to be president, compared to 29 – 26 percent, with 44 percent undecided, for Ryan.
That’s comedy you can’t buy, people.
My sense is that they were mainly women who ardently supported Hillary Clinton.
Honestly, in Obama v. Romney, I see them breaking heavily for Obama, and why wouldn’t they?
@ 3
I’m spoken for. Rael’s taking me to the dance this time.
Glad to see you’re at least trying to figure out a way to profit from a Romney presidency.
Trust me, it won’t be nearly as hard as trying to earn a living under the current one.
@5 I’d say that the Obama margin is WAY too small, and that that casts doubt on the whole enchilada.
@ 6
why wouldn’t they?
Hell, fury, woman scorned.
Something along those lines.
@ 8
Q poll matches Rasmussen poll a week ago – both have McMahon up 3 points.
What you SHOULD be saying is that the Obama margin is a very worrisome sign.
What happens when gas prices and the unemployment rate go up?
Aug. 28, 2012, 10:01 a.m. EDT
Consumer confidence falls to nine-month low
The Conference Board on Tuesday said its confidence index dropped to 60.6 from 65.4, marking the lowest level since last November.
A five-point drop in a month is pretty steep, BTW.
Talk about unfortunate timing:
Catholic opportunist a damning pick for Mitt Romney
By Margery Eagan
Tuesday, August 28
I wonder if this Boston Herald columnist wants to rethink her piece, now that the DNC
NY Catholic cardinal to offer prayer at DNC, RNC
The Associated Press
Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012
is going to have him at their convention, too.
“Catholic opportunist”. Way to go, chickie.
Rujax, explained.
Teenage marijuana use may permanently reduce IQ
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
by Naomi Seck
Agençe France-Presse
Teenagers who smoke marijuana chronically risk permanent brain damage.
Yabut we gotta raise taxes on the wealthy.
As a result, businesses now setting their budgets for the coming year have no idea how their investments — that is, their decisions on whether to expand or shrink their ambitions and their companies — will be taxed. Those interested in making new hires can only guess at the cost of providing their new employees with health insurance. Consumers also are left to make plans — Home purchase now or later? College now or later? Job switch now or later? — with no idea of what their political leaders have in store.
Maybe it’s not just greed that makes you a conservative.
I know, I know, I just can’t take a joke.
Yes we do. First rational thing you’ve written in weeks. Broken clock and all that…
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@ 17
Rujax, snappy comeback!
Godwin’s Law
Lofgren likens the GOP to Germany’s Reichstag and observes that “legislating has now become war minus the shooting, something one could have observed 80 years ago in the Reichstag of the Weimar Republic.”
and everything. I never would have predicted that. Never, not in a million years.
Oh, and you’re apparently posting something a year old. Did you catch that?
I wonder if Obama
is still planning to campaign tomorrow?
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
18. Serial Conservative spews:
Oh, and you’re apparently posting something a year old. Did you catch that?
08/28/2012 at 9:28 am
As the suave, erudite and fucking clueless “Bob” undoubtedly knows…”It’s timeless when it’s true”.
I’m mostly laughing because people can’t figure out that a post satire website, that’s clearly labeled a satire website, is in fact satire.
@7 – how about a friendly bet, no money. Your terms, give me some type of benchmark that you would expect Romney to achieve. Don’t be a Puffy Pussy.
Rats deserting the sinking ship.
Rush Limbaugh on the
This is also the man who demanded that Obama take personal responsibility for the drought in the midwest, the day after the President ordered major efforts in drought relief including trucking in large tankers of water for cattle ranchers.
These people are insane.
goddammit, we need that edit feature to work or at least a preview feature to make sure we don[‘t screw the pooch on the HTML. Can you folks fix that please?
The video I tried to post @ 25.
@ 23
I’m pretty clear that I think Romney will perform better than Obama.
As far as numbers, that didn’t do Christina Romer much good and she’s a numbers person. I distinctly remember Joe Biden claiming that 500K/mo job growth is right around the corner, which didn’t do his credibility any good, either. So I’ll pass there as well. Except I’ll venture that Romney gathers 269+ electoral votes. Best you’ll get from me.
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Fucking hypocrite.
# 25: Yep, they are insane. This morning on NPR they were interviewing a Republican delegate, who was lambasting the Democrates for extremism, hate, and refusal to compromise to the smallest degree.
If I were there, I would have asked him if he had looked in the mirror lately. That pretty much describes the GOP over the last four years.
Oh, the Tampa strippers are preparing for a profitable convention. Reporters asked them if they really expected to get much business from the “family values” Republicans. But they said that more Republicans visit strip clubs during political party conventions than Democrates, and Republicans spend $150 per person on average at the strip clubs, wheras average Democratic spending is only $50.
I would link to the P.I. article, but lately the P.I. has been running scripts which tend to freeze up the screen.
Wasn’t there a President after Clinton and before Obama???
Wasn’t THAT guy a Republican?
Maybe “Bob” knows…let’s just ask him.
B-b-b-b-b-but Republicans AREN’T RACIST!!!!
Tucker Carlson puts this drivel out.
This is what passes for Republican Intelligence (an obvious oxymoron).
From the Department of Stupidity Should Be Painful:
Court Rules Israel Is Not at Fault in American Activist’s Death
“She chose to put herself in danger,” said the judge, Oded Gershon. “She could have easily distanced herself from the danger like any reasonable person would.”
I believe the operative word, here, is ‘reasonable’.
I think even Rujax knows enough not to kneel in front of an earthmover.
The point of fair use is to allow you to selectively use other people’s intellectual property in support of your own material. A 10:1 ratio of copied material to your own words is not consistent with that idea.
It’s the right wing way:
Support a right wing candidate, create a photo-op, screw the workers!
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
The court majority wrote that the photo ID ballot question “is not so unreasonable and misleading” that it should be taken off the ballot. The justices said striking the question from the ballot would have been “unprecedented relief” and that the voters will be “the sole judge of the wisdom of such matters.”
Guess what issue gets to go to the voters in MN this year?
Urgent efforts to prevent the issue from being decided at the ballot box. Unsuccessful efforts, fortunately.
MN also will be a state deciding how to define marriage this Fall. I’m decidedly less thrilled about that one.
@ 37
Whoever said nobody puts a gun to your head to support the GOTP, is lying.
Extortion and blackmail are the method of the Mafia. So the GOTP is just another mafiosi organization. We knew this. The bankers held a gun to Congress’ head in 2007 and threatened to pull the trigger on the economy unless they were handed trillions of dollars straight out of the US Treasury, and George Bush made it happen. And yet, they pulled the trigger anyway. We know who he was working for, and he was the man with the gun in his hand.
I wonder how much money he put into his foreign bank accounts during his Presidency, and what were the sources of that? Certainly the Saudis and the Kuwaiti royal families. Obviously the Koch Brothers and their bankers in Switzerland, Monaco and Lichtenstein. The Oligarchs need this election, and I’m not so sure they’ll hold anything back.
According to these handy bunch of charts:
9 in 10 Republicans are white.. Is this a party that makes reaching out to a changing demographic any sort of significant priority?
No, it’s a party of white privilege that is inexorably shrinking demographically. This process has transformed it to ugly echo chamber of lies and hate that clings to power at any cost.
It’s a hoot to watch their convention and pick out the handful of people of color in their midst.
This is their last shot.. If we defeat them here, they won’t come back. Then there’s the problem of the Vichy Dems to deal with..
But if the Republicans somehow win the trifecta we won’t be rid of them for a generation.
@ 40
1. 2008, not 2007.
2. The government held a gun to the head of Ken Lewis and forced BofA to complete a takeover of Merrill Lynch that it otherwise would have walked away from.
3. The government took large stakes in financial institutions, including AIG and Citicorp, in exchange for bailing them out. The government will realize a profit from investments in both of these companies.
4. Both houses of Congress were Democratic. Yes, Bush signed the bill but it would not have reached his desk had not two Democrat-majority congressional bodies first passed it.
I take it, Deathfrogg, that you are not looking to be hired in the financial sector.
@ 41
But if the Republicans somehow win the trifecta we won’t be rid of them for a generation.
Last time there was a GOP trifecta how long did it last?
Dems had a trifecta in 2009. How long did it last?
If you wish to be taken seriously, post seriously.
Nope, I’m not a thief.
@27 Bob, so your level of confidence with Mitt Romney must not be that high. You know the economy will not be Amy better under him, otherwise you would back it up with some type of benchmark, disappointing, actually sounds like Mitt will disappoint you. You should be able to venture to guess how many jobs will be created after his first year or second. My wager not much better than Obama or worse if they go the with an austerity plan. Unemployement won’t go below 7% before his second or even his third term.
My guess is that Romney will do everything that Obama is doing to revive the economy and more of the same things that Obama has been criticized for. Republicans will become the biggest hypocrites and with a big social agenda, after all that is their main goal, social agenda nothing more
@31 the republicans have no family values they just expect everyone but themselves to have them. Fucking hypocrites.
“America’s biggest financial companies have an aggressive agenda of reforms they hope to see adopted by Mitt Romney ….
“But many on Wall Street aren’t expecting to hear much about this agenda from Republicans at the convention in Tampa. ‘There’s a lot of sympathy in the industry with the campaign’s efforts to avoid having Romney tagged as a big-business, big-bank guy,’ one person at a Wall Street firm explained. …
“In conversations with 11 senior people at several different financial firms, including large banks and hedge funds, a picture emerged of a financial sector that believes Romney supports many of the political issues important to Wall Street, while it also understands that the campaign is unlikely to focus on these issues.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So here’s what we know. Wall Street wants Romney to win. Wall Street has an aggressive agenda if he does win. But neither Wall Street nor Romney nor the GOP want to talk about that agenda, because they don’t want voters to “focus” on it. Does this sound like a party and a candidate you want to vote for?
I don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough of the Wall Street’s and Republicans’ hidden agendas.
@40 Murray Energy is this outfit:
“Murray and his companies received national attention in August 2007 when six miners were trapped at the Crandall Canyon Mine in Utah …. He says … the safety violations were trivial …. However, some news agencies reported troubling violations at … Murray’s operations …. CNN specifically cited Murray’s Illinois Galatia mine, which had almost 3,500 safety citations in the prior two and a half years.
“Murray claims that the Crandall Canyon Mine collapse was triggered by a 3.9 magnitude earthquake, while government seismologists say the mine collapse was the cause of a coal mine bump. Richard E. Stickler, the government’s top mine safety official said ‘It was not — and I repeat, it was not — a natural occurring earthquake.’ … Although the … practice of retreat mining is believed by some observers to be a cause of the mine’s 2007 collapse, Murray insists the process was not responsible. On July 24, 2008, the … Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) announced its highest penalty for coal mine safety violations, $1.85 million, for the collapse.”
Don’t feel bad, Bob, about being utterly incapable of articulating any reasons at all why the Republicans should have control of the White House and Congress. Speaker Boehner can’t do it either.
@50 should say @37 — the edit function isn’t working this morning
I’ll clarify that then: a filibuster-proof GOP supermajority..
It’s the courts where they can do the most damage.
No takers on any wagers. Sad…they have so much to say and spew, but they can’t even set one benchmark of their famed asshole.
Dullard (R-Money):
You didn’t build that!
Right Wing Murder Inc. Another Far right wing criminal pair plead guilty in Alaska.Here we have another shining example of conservative values in the courtroom. http://www.abajournal.com/news.....ral_judge/
Right Wing Murder Inc. This one is out of Virginia showing us all what true Tea Party conservative values are all about! http://irehr.org/issue-areas/t.....ons-charge
@43 This this going to be a grand party did you get your tickets ? http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.c....._teaba.php
Sovereign Citizen leader arrested in North Dakota. Another far right wing criminal meets the the long arm of the law. http://bismarcktribune.com/new.....963f4.html
Murder Inc. Right Wing Nutters & US Army. http://www.salon.com/2012/08/2....._the_army/
It appears Dullard (R-Money) believes in stimulus after all..
So he’s going to raise spending – spending on TAX EXPENDITURES!
Uhhh right wing dopes? What happened to the concern with debt?
No worries. Business Insider makes the point that the party in power is NEVER concerned with debt and deficits.
Hope for a filibuster-proof trifecta this fall right wingers.
Dullard’s economic advisers are also dropping hints about the monetary tricks they’d like to play.
Just shoveling more money to rich people isn’t going to do anything without demand. So Dullard’s people are seriously considering forcing the hand of rich people to get their money from under the mattresses.
It’s that supply creates its own demand kind of dogma.
# 34: I’m still trying to get a handle on the claim that the Social Security has an armed law-enforcement arm. Anyone who believes that is utterly delusional.
“A Texas woman aiming for a pesky skunk … wound up … shooting her husband ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m not so sure she didn’t hit the skunk she was aiming for …
@34 How does someone that stupid get to be a general?
# 64: Note that:
* this is in Texas, where by legend women are supposed to grow up shooting as well as their men-folk.
* Why would you shoot a skunk? Anybody here ever smelled a dead skunk? The best you can hope for is to lure them far away from your property.
* As for the target, I tend to believe Roger. “Honest, officer, I was just trying to shoot that lying, cheating, no-good skunk”. The officer, being somewhat sympathetic, may have chosen to abbreviate her comments in his report.
no surprise there…most pot smokers are dumb as bricks.
Thank god Caterpillar makes a gene-pool cleaning device.
The compassionate motherfucker.
Let’s see h
The compassionate motherfucker.
Let’s see h
The compassionate motherfucker.
Let’s see h
rujax with a stuttering problem…
Funniest comment this evening.