– We can all agree that naming storms after climate deniers is the best idea ever.
– Mike McGinn did a great job on Fox News, but on the other hand they only asked him one question. Over and over again.
– I hope there isn’t a teacher’s strike in Seattle, but if there is one, I support the teachers.
– Even if you think there wasn’t enough evidence to convict or whatever, George Zimmerman is not a responsible gun owner. He stalked and eventually shot dead a young man who wasn’t armed. For him to tour the factory where his gun was made is the worst. Both by him and by the people who set it up.
Someone is printing the Kel-Tec logo with “Justice for Trayvon” on bumper stickers. I’ve seen a couple here already.
One area destroyed by the Rim Fire near Yosemite National Park, is a camp, owned by the City of Berkeley. It was well liked, and the city had owned it since 1922.
@1 They’ll probably get sued.
Why is it if a politician is not married after a certain age, some will assume they are gay? I remember some speculating that about former Florida Governor Charlie Crist, and now somebody asked Newark Mayor Cory Booker that. Like his response,he said, “Does it matter”, and hoped that They are not voting for him only because he was straight, or they presumed it.
My opinion is, as long as they are not proposing and passing anti-LGBT legislation, I would not care. The late Councilmember and School Board member Cheryl Chow came out shortly before she passed away. I don’t recall her ever doing anything anti-gay while in office, though.
Meh. Mispost.
I rant about something else later.
It’d be sweet justice.. Hitting their sweet spot – the pocketbook – will make the gun fetish industry think twice before using killers of unarmed minorities to market their latest shit and crank up sales.
@6 That’s not what I meant. Kel-Tec probably can (and will) go after whoever’s printing and distributing the stickers.
Anyone know how to erase the Google Chrome cookies cache?
We now learn that some NSA spies used their vast governmental powers to spy on their wives and girlfriends.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: NSA wouldn’t say what it did to those employees, other than suggest there may have been a couple terminations, but that’s not enough. Any NSA employee who uses his job for personal reasons should do prison time, no exceptions.
@8, If your worried about security or the NSA, stop volunteering your private data to Google. Keychains, autofills, Google has been profiling you and they have no incentive NOT to share that info.
but if you insist, tools ➡ clear browsing data ➡ beginning of time ➡ clear
@10 To go a bit further, set your browser to “clear all history” whenever it exits, and (not sure whether you can do this in Chrome) change the setting that allows “prefetch”. This is a “feature” that tries to make things go faster by following all the links in a page you’re viewing and loading all the link targets and their content into the local cache. In other words, if your browser crashes at that point, there’s a bunch of heaven-knows-what polluting your hard drive.
Can’t wait to watch all you Bush haters when Owebamma starts his Syrian war on Thursday. As the stock market plummets, the debt ceiling looms, and the country is about to collapse, we got money to nuke Syria…..better do it before October 15th when the Government collapses.
Laura Ingraham on the John Lewis speech on the Capital Steps this morning.
Curious to see what our resident TeaPottyists will have to say about this. I know at least one regular who apparently has no problem with armed thugs standing outside of polling places to prevent him from voting, or stringing his grandfathers up in trees for registering to vote.
The use of chemical weapons can’t go unanswered. Otherwise chemical attacks in other places will follow..
Already this country just stood by when Saddam used chemical weapons on the Iranians and then we started getting pissy when he used them on his own people.
Or was it when certain right wingers thought his oil would “pay” for getting rid of him?
I’m sure this mystery will all be sorted out one of these days.
When is this doom going to happen to financial markets? ‘Cause the market never gets jittery when the middle east flares up. There’s no historical precedent for it at all… Just like there’s never a correction after cooler heads realized that Syria’s oil was already severely sanctioned.
When’s the collapse coming? Is it now or some other time you predicted it. Did it die on the last debt ceiling fight? Will it die when Rs get blamed for shutting down the government? Will it die when Rs are swept out of office if they are that stupid? (hint on that question, see California and 2013 budget surplus.)
Deeeeeebt! Greeeece! Y’ARGH!
The USofA did not “stand-by” when Iraq used chemical weapons.
Read this: Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran
To the extent the US needs to do something about Syria’s use of chemical weapons, it would behoove everybody if we found a way to simply not react and bomb shit when we get pissed.
14)I wonder if Doctor’s Without Borders is a credible organization? They have said that they have treated people with symptoms that could have come from the use of a chemical weapon.We can’t do nothing this time.
Attention conspiracy folks. We found Saddam’s WMD. In fact it WAS sent to Syria by those convoys of trucks that slipped unnoticed by the thousands of satellite images taken in the days before “Operation Iraqi Freedom.”
Funny how the conservo world and Fox news twists through time. Assad was in league with Saddam. Saddam is a monster. Let’s bomb Saddam. Assad has Saddam’s WMDs. Obama Elected (BOOO HISSS). Removing Assad is a preposterous risk.
@ 14 YLB
Both sides in the Iran/Iraq War used Phosgene and Chlorine gas on the battlefield. Not so incidentally, both being supplied by the United States. Iran’s inventory of gas artillery being supplied to the Shah before Khomeini revolution.
This whole country is getting by on liberals money printing machines. Hell even Lews says this country cannot continue to pay its bills unless it prints and borrows trillions more. I guess 7 trillion in 5 years wasn’t enough eh Libs? How much more will you need to last 3 more years? Try to figure in paying for the medical expenses for all Americans to boot. Plus all the illegals you want to give citizenship also. Throw in a Syrian war and a few billion for Owebamma vacations while your at it eh.
George Zimmerman will get what’s comin’. Re 21: GFY.
22. George’s Zimmerman is a free man despite what you big spending Liberals think. Doesn’t matter now.
Who ever comes after him will get what he has in his holster. GFY
@14 I read that Reagan greenlighted Saddam’s use of chemical weapons against Iran.
@14 I read somewhere that Reagan greenlighted Saddam’s use of chemical weapons against Iran.
@21 I take it, then, you were against Bush’s recreational war in Iraq and agree with us when we call Bush a warmonger?
@23 Zimmerman’s problem is everyone recognizes him now, and the next person he tries to stop-and-frisk just might shoot him, no questions asked.
@23 I have a feeling George Zimmerman won’t live to a ripe old age.
Hm, Pat Robertson found HorsesAss. See #21.
The implication of course is that someone who’s gay can’t be a guy.
Hint to Republicans who don’t want to see an extinct party, people under the age of 30 in survey after survey don’t care if someone is gay and really don’t understand the obsession with “the sin of homosexuals.” Or as Corey Booker put it, ‘So what does it matter if I am? So be it. I hope you are not voting for me because you are making the presumption that I’m straight.’
Right, the GOP hasn’t noticed they’re old and mostly white and dying off. GOP dying faster than new ones are born since 1992.
When the dude @21 shows up, I get this inescapable image of a crusty old guy, unshaven, old-man smell, mousy beat-down wife (after a life dealing with his irrational explosive temper), animated by anger over life slipping away but becoming incomprehensible faster than he’s dying, raging about the people he hates becoming ascendant.
As DF says @29, sorta like Pat Robertson, but without all the money
@ 31
When I see that guy pop in to take another shit in a thread, I just roll my eyes. I don’t see a crusty old man, I see an undiagnosed schizo-effective paranoid in his early 30s who probably has 40 thousand rounds of 7.62×39 ammo stacked in his basement and dreams of the day when he can go out and shoot every non-white person he sees with impunity.
He probably faps to the vids coming out of Syria to get himself to sleep every night.
He has plenty, and knows where and when to keep/use it. He also has two citizenships, and knows where to store/keep it…away by the way from you liberal bastards.