– The police distributing Doritos at Hempfest is a bit on the nose.
– RE this, I think Carla Saulter says all the words that need to be said:
Wait, I'm confused. #russellsimmons #wtf
— Carla Saulter (@seattlebuschick) August 15, 2013
– Could you just move some of the Olympic events if there’s the treat of some athletes being arrested, or simply as a protest?
– Wendy Davis is going to be in town. It’s an event sponsored by Washington NARAL, and I’m not 100% sure if your ticket goes to her or to them.
– If you’re interested in Helsing Junction Sleep Over, you probably don’t need me saying it’s coming up, but it’s coming up.
A cartoon for Dr. Carlos Dimbulb aka Bob:
That animated cartoon is spot on! Captures the mind set perfectly!
@ 1,2
Such joy over ‘cartoons’. Cartoons are what you watch when the real world is out earning a living, YLB. Get a job, deadbeat.
You two do realize that there are both northern and southern hemispheres, right?
How’s it going at the other pole?
Not so bad, really:
Two weeks after a new record was set in the Arctic Ocean for the least amount of sea ice coverage in the satellite record, the ice surrounding Antarctica reached its annual winter maximum—and set a record for a new high. Sea ice extended over 19.44 million square kilometers (7.51 million square miles) in 2012, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC). The previous record of 19.39 million kilometers (7.49 million square miles) was set in 2006.
I suppose someone could run a ‘cartoon’ about warmists hysteria vs. actual data. I’ll just let the NASA graph in the link speak for itself.
Go back to Bugs Bunny, YLB. More your speed.
Wow. You can’t do any better than puddybigot re-tread insults?
I really find it hilarious that cheapshotBob keeps wading into climate change denialism, and looking, as usual as either really really stupid, or really really disingenuous.
Stupid. Or. Lying.
Which is it, cheapshot?
I asked puddybigot this as well, and he, of course, refused to answer.
Let’s see if you’re more forthright that the other bigot.
Tell us the specifics of what you know about YLB’s domestic situation that leads you to be comfortable screeching “Get a job, deadbeat”?
(It’s curious that you threw McKenna under the bus over that phrase, claiming that he lost your support over that incident, and here you are using it yourself. Pathologic liar, anyone?)
@ 6
Tell us the specifics of what you know about YLB’s domestic situation that leads you to be comfortable screeching “Get a job, deadbeat”?
More or less the same as the specifics people know about my bet payoff last year. Doesn’t seem to keep them from calling me a deadbeat. MBS is the worst. Any yet he wants to bet with me again. Go figure.
Select your solar contractor yet, Lib Sci?
Serial, you’re on here all day every day and probably billing some poor sucker for the time you’re wasting. You really shouldn’t chid other people about getting a job.
From the you can’t make this shit up files…
@ 5
I really find it hilarious that cheapshotBob keeps wading into climate change denialism
No denial, Lib Sci. Climate will always change. Always has, always will.
Questions that remain:
1. Is there a measurable man-made component to temperature increases (other than UHI effects, of course)?
2. Are the man-made components of catastrophic potential?
I don’t see those as having been answered adequately as yet.
I believe in conservation. For conservation’s sake. Not because I think we’re all going to drown in fiery water in 50-100 years if I don’t take three buses and a train rather than drive a car as part of my job.
I keep ‘denying’ and ‘lying’ and yet I’m the one posting from NSIDC, NOAA, NASA, DMI. Someone else posts from skepticalscience.com and you rush to defend their ‘cartoon’. There’s hilarity in that, I agree.
Wow. Once again, cheapshot doesn’t read his own links.
Excerpted from the NASA earthobservatory site…
Cheapshot also sez this…
But he chooses not to realize, or pretends, that they behave differently.
Here is a discussion…
I find that I cannot trust cheapshotBob to tell the truth, or to at least not deliberately mislead.
I think it’s a Republican reptilian brain thing.
And you’ve been consistently exposed as either not understanding what you were linking to and/or claiming it said something it did not.
See above. You’re either really stupid, or a relentless, and not too talented, hack.
It’s hard to convince anyone of anything, if it goes against where they see their wealth coming from, to paraphrase.
“More or less the same…”
HA! Artful false equivalence, from the master.
I believe the bet included a requirement for a middle-man, which you did not use, and instead offered some other ‘proof’ of your payment, and demanded that that be good enough.
No, not more or less the same.
So, we do know that you know nothing of YLB’s domestic situation, and yet feel comfortable sneering, “Get a Job, deadbeat.”
It must feel pathetic, down deep, having Bobbie McKenna as your role-model.
Serial “Why can’t see I’m the Victim here” Conn’s argument sucks so bad that he have to attack YLB’s character? Typical. A reaction like that signals that the cartoon was exactly right and he knows it.
If Serial “Why can’t see I’m the Victim here” Conn had bothered to research this at all outside of the conservative talking points….
Want to see if Serial “Why can’t see I’m the Victim here” Conn will ignore most of study and only reference the part that said the East Antarctic Ice Sheet is growing so all other data must be wrong, or will he be honest and admit that he was pushing a right wing talking point.
Ahh, the argument shifts from “There is no proof of climate change” to “You can’t prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that WE are causing it.”
The second part was insightful, that he doesn’t want to be inconvienced in any way, or have to in any way sacrifice.
Reminds me of my question of what should we do to help unemployed people and his response was “You better not raise my taxes.”
Isn’t that a definition of selfish and greedy?
@ 16
…his response was “You better not raise my taxes.”
Isn’t that a definition of selfish and greedy?
Not true. My response was that the next time you want to raise my taxes, be ready to raise your own as well. Funny how you keep leaving out the part where I’m willing to do my part but I want it to be a widely shared sacrifice, not just some people screaming for someone else to solve their problem.
Do you comprehend the difference, NTfF?
I get the difference. I’m a patriot, I pay my taxes. I expect that we differ strongly in that I believe in steeply progressive taxes.
If I make more that you do, I should pay proportionally more taxes that you do and yet I still will have more money that you.
Do you ever get tired of peddling the same line.
Temporary sea ice and permanent millenia old ice on the continent are NOT the same thing. The permanent is declining rapidly while the temporary is increasing in winter.
the annual freeze melt freeze has no effect on sea level rise. For fucks sake it was only a couple days ago you were scooped on this. The observable sea level change is rising. The permanent ice is melting.
In New Jersey, New Jersey Transit’s Assistant Chief Dispatcher retired last month. He said if it weren’t for health problems limiting his mobility, he said he wouldn’t have ended his 65 year career. A career that started when Steam locomotives, interlocking towers, and written train orders hooped up to the engineer after the station operator had typed them up while listening to the dispatcher phone calls were the norm. In fact, the railroads had just upgraded to the telephone at the time. A very long career indeed.
@10 Those questions have been answered, Doctor Bob, and only dumbasses like you continue to disbelieve that MAN-MADE pollution is causing global warming. Geez, man, just look out your window at the Cascades. Do they have as much snow on them as they did 30 years ago? Do you know how to read a chart trend?
C’mon, Dimbulb, acknowledging anthropogenic climate warming isn’t that difficult. Virtually all of the world’s reputable climatologists say it’s happening. The data are irrefutable. But you don’t have to be a scientist, just look out your frikken window, there isn’t as much snow on the mountains as there used to be.
What’s going to happen when there’s no longer enough snowpack in the mountains to keep the Columbia River flowing? No electricity. No irrigation water. That’s going to be interesting.
@ 18
I’m a patriot, I pay my taxes.
Er, you’re a Joe Biden mouthpiece. If you are going to parrot someone, you sure you want it to be him?
You seem to think I have an aversion to taxes. I don’t. I don’t even have an aversion to higher taxes, provided
1) higher taxation be very broadly applied.
2) the money not be spent stupidly once collected.
You want to raise my taxes by another 5% ? Fine. But yours should go up 2-3%. That fits with progressivity and proportionately higher taxation of higher earners.
We’re not that far off. You just need to be honest enough to admit that to really do something to reduce the deficit, higher taxation of virtually all earners will be necessary. Otherwise you’re just a parrot for your side.
You want me to cough up more? Fine. You, too. Let’s do it together.
@12 Doctor Dimbulb is definitely a hack.
@17 The rich got all the tax cuts, so why shouldn’t they get all the tax increases?
That’s a pretty cute argument you’ve got there, Doctor Bob. What you’re saying is, rich people got tax cuts so we need to balance that by raising taxes on poor and middle class people. Very cute.
This is exactly the kind of tax burden shifting Republicans have been plumping for ever since taxes were invented. Cut mine, raise yours to make up the difference. How public-spirited of them.
We know what Republicans believe about taxes. They believe corporations, estates, capital gains, dividends, interest, and rents shouldn’t be taxed. That leaves two things they’re willing to tax: Wages, and sales or VAT taxes on the things wage earners buy.
In other words, they don’t want to pay any taxes at all; to paraphrase Leona Helmsley “only the little people” should pay taxes.
What a bunch of greedy self-serving assholes.
You can’t reason with greedy self-serving assholes. Nor can you expect them to be reasonable. Which means you can’t negotiate or compromise with them, either. There are only two ways to deal with these fuckers. Number one, don’t let them take away your right to vote (believe me, they’re trying). Number two, don’t vote for them. There’s more of us than them, so the 99% can run this country if we don’t let the 1% push us around. They’ll never change, so it’s up to us to marginalize them.
Here is a perfect example of your disingenuousness:
“No denial, Lib Sci. Climate will always change. Always has, always will.”
Liberal Scientist never questioned whether you believed in natural climate change. Even the fucking flat earthers acknowledge that.
The context of the discussion makes it clear that he was talking about anthropogenic climate change. You knew that, and yet you pretended otherwise.
This is, fundamentally, dishonestly from you.
“1. Is there a measurable man-made component to temperature increases (other than UHI effects, of course)?”
Saying that this is a “Question that remains” is utter bullshit and shows your lack of understanding of both the underlying science and the nature of the scientific side of the debate.
Frankly, the empirical evidence for anthropogenic climate change isn’t something you are at all qualified to answer. There are thousands of scientists who have received the specialized training in fields like physics and statistics and are able to test empirical evidence against the underlying thermodynamic theory. There is a flood of papers that provide critical tests using empirical data, and have failed to falsify the theory.
The notion that you could independently integrate the resulting data on a global scale for many very different types of observations and objectively evaluate whether they are consistent with changes in the distribution of heat energy by altitude that is predicted for different concentrations of CO2 is laughable. You barely understand the concept of statistical significance, as suggested by the inane points you were making before your most recent “sabbatical” from HA.
But, my main point here is that anthropogenic climate change science is not, fundamentally, an empirical science. There is strong, very specific, theory built from simple thermodynamics and the basic physics of energy transfer between infrared radiation and molecules with resonant frequencies in the infrared spectrum.
It is possible that the theory is fundamentally wrong. But, there are thousands of scientists from many disciplines who have thought about better theory—the prestige of replacing the current theory is HUGE…and fundamentally, Scientists work for prestige.
Instead, all we get are occasional small improvements to the orthodox theory. That is, there has been no “earthshaking” alternative that explains the empirical evidence equally well.
If the theory is correct (as seems quite likely) there is one other possibility that will minimize the effects of anthropogenic climate change: hitherto unknown naturally-occurring negative feedback mechanisms that kick-in along the way and restore the surface temperature profile.
There are many scientists who have thought about this possibility as well. So far, nobody has proposed or demonstrated a mechanism that would overcome the basic phenomenon and the condescending positive feedback mechanisms.
In short: People who claim they are waiting for empirical evidence for global warming are amateurs without any real comprehension of what the actual debates are in the field. What will change our understanding of the effect on increasing concentrations of infrared-to-heat transducers (like CO2) in our atmosphere are either a new theoretical understanding of the process or the discovery of natural compensating mechanisms.
“2. Are the man-made components of catastrophic potential?”
This question was answered by climatological research in the 1970, and it wasn’t even concerned with greenhouse gasses (although the principles apply equally). At that time, the main concern then was the increase in aerosol loading. Essentially, the change in heat distribution of the atmosphere results in long-term changes in upper air currents. That results is broad latitudinal shifts in climate.
The question is whether these regional climate shifts are catastrophic. In the short run they lead to regional famines and low agricultural productivity.
“I don’t see those as having been answered adequately as yet.”
Indeed…you aren’t knowledgeable enough in the field to even evaluate the current theories or empirical evidence.
“I keep ‘denying’ and ‘lying’ and yet I’m the one posting from NSIDC, NOAA, NASA, DMI.”
Yes, you did. You just failed to understand what you were posting. Essentially, the article strongly contradicted the meaning you got out of it. Your attempts to have a dialog on this topic reminds me of Otto in A Fish Called Wanda:
“Someone else posts from skepticalscience.com and you rush to defend their ‘cartoon’. There’s hilarity in that, I agree.”
So…you agree that someone posted a funny, satirical statement on how people like you view the evidence.
What I thought was amusing is that you jumped in with additional “evidence” that turns out to not support your viewpoint at all. It’s really the same phenomena depicted by the cartoon!
@ 21, 23
I’m supposed to look out the window so I can accept your argument?
Try that with UW’s Cliff Mass. He doesn’t buy it, necessarily.
What Cliff Mass is saying is that there’s plenty of room for discussion.
Now, I will allow that I believe that man-made CO2 production is responsible for a lot of the CO2 increase in the atmosphere. But that’s a different argument.
Might as well wait for IPCC 5. There will be a lot more discussion about solar influence and a fair amount less about greenhouse gas influence, particularly since the models have seemed to significantly overestimate the latter.
@26 The question of whether climate change will be catastrophic has a very simple answer. Existing patterns of human settlement are a product of centuries of warfare. When climate shift changes where the productive agricultural areas are, people whose land no longer supports them will try to muscle their way into productive lands, and the people already living there will fight to keep them out. Climate change means massive human dislocation and widespread warfare.
@27 Yes. Anyone whose fat ass hasn’t been glued to a sofa for the last 40 years, who gets out and does a little hiking, can see for themselves that our Cascade alpine glaciers and snowfields are steadily shrinking. It doesn’t take a scientist to see the climate is getting warmer around here.
This may be a bit too subtle for simpletons like you, Bob, but nearly all the water in the Columbia River comes from melting winter snowpack. If that snowpack isn’t there … no water, no river. And that means no hydropower and no Columbia Basin agriculture.
@27 Bob, we’re not going to let people like you run the world. That’s a job for grownups. There’s too much at stake.
@ 26
Observations aren’t matching models. GHG were apparently substantially over-emphasized and solar influences apparently under-emphasized last time around.
Some of this will be addressed in IPCC5. Some of it won’t.
I see no problem in being unwilling participant in tanking our economy because of frantic warnings of NYC and London under water in the next century if we don’t. I’d be more of a believer if the models matched reality, or even came close, so we wouldn’t have to act like ice melts in the Arctic only started in 1979 and so we wouldn’t have to resort to cartoons to try to make our points.
We’ve seen a prominently featured hockey stick graph in IPCC3 disappear by the time IPCC4 rolled around. We’ve seen email exchanges amongst very prominent researchers conspiring to exclude from publication the work of researchers with whom they disagree. We’ve seen major pronouncements based on rings from a single tree, which seem not to match very well to the trees around it. We’ve seen researchers refusing to make public their data in violation of the rules of the publication to which their work was submitted. We’ve seen Gleickian idiocy trying to discredit the other side. We’ve seen more homogenization of raw temperature data than can be followed, once the questions are asked.
If it was so obvious, Science-settled and all, would all that be necessary?
@6 Serial RENEGER,
Figuring ain’t your strong suit, dipweed.
I don’t want to bet with you again, because you are a RENEGER.
You have not paid off the wager you lost when your prediction of an Rmoney/Ryan victory in November failed to appear.
You’ve got some cock and bull story about how you did because you did it secretly, but you did not.
And I’m sorry I’m your worst bill collector. No doubt you’ve stiffed many.
@26 Serial RENEGER – also, too serially stoopid,
To the extent you have any validity questioning the impacts of human generated CO2 to global climate change because of insufficient and/or contradictory evidence, your entire premise is based upon the totally bullshit notion that corrective action would ‘tank our economy’.
Let me grant you this Bob, your continued breathing is an observation that Darwin’s model may be flawed.
Roger, piece of legal advice please.
Would it be out of the question to use a SYG defense for a potential manslaughter charge in FL if one emitted high volumes of totally harmless CO2 into a relatively well insulated domicile holding cheapshot serially RENEGING Bob? I mean, some think unregulated human emission of CO2 is harmless … , but if it were not?
Bob @ 32,
“Observations aren’t matching models.”
Really? Please cite the peer review journal article that falsifies the current body of theory.
“GHG were apparently substantially over-emphasized and solar influences apparently under-emphasized last time around.”
This doesn’t make sense, and betrays utter ignorance of the underlying mechanisms involved. GHG doesn’t compete with solar influences. Nearly all surface heat is solar in origin. GHGs just act as transducers that convert a particular spectrum of electromagnetic radiation into heat. GHGs don’t add or subtract heat, they just change its distribution in the atmosphere.
“Some of this will be addressed in IPCC5. Some of it won’t.”
What does this mean? IPCC5 isn’t the basic science. Rather it comprehensively reviews the science from the primary literature (and then considers policy consequences). If there is some weakening of the theory that will be included in IPCC5, please point to the original paper in the primary literature that supposedly will result in a significantly changed interpretation of anthropogenic climate change from the IPCC.
“I’d be more of a believer if the models matched reality, or even came close, so we wouldn’t have to act like ice melts in the Arctic only started in 1979”
I think the only people who claim “Arctic ice melts only started in 1979” are nutburgers like you setting up straw-man arguments. If you disagree, please show me a paper in the primary literature that makes such a claim.
“and so we wouldn’t have to resort to cartoons to try to make our points.”
Your misunderstanding. The cartoon was not making a point about climate change. It was making a point about nutjobs who cherry pick evidence and think they have falsified anthropogenic climate change. That is a very different undertaking that falls under the topic of sociology (and, perhaps, psychopathology), rather than
meteorologyclimatology.“We’ve seen a prominently featured hockey stick graph in IPCC3 disappear by the time IPCC4 rolled around.”
No we haven’t. The figure has had new sources of data incorporated into it compared toolder versions. IPCC4 still concludes:
Here is figure SPM.3 (click for larger version):
Huh…is that a “hockey stick” I see on top?!?
“We’ve seen email exchanges amongst very prominent researchers conspiring to exclude from publication the work of researchers with whom they disagree.”
So?!? There are thousands of researchers and hundreds of publication outlets. Even if the email wasn’t taken-out-of-context bullshit, it has nothing whatsoever to do with the actual science.
“We’ve seen major pronouncements based on rings from a single tree, which seem not to match very well to the trees around it.”
So? There are, collectively, tens of thousands of tree-ring samples that provide an empirical record.
“We’ve seen researchers refusing to make public their data in violation of the rules of the publication to which their work was submitted.”
So? We have thousands of data sets that provide ways of empirically testing the theory. Even if this were true for a handfull of research teams, it has no bearing on the actual SCIENCE.
“We’ve seen Gleickian idiocy trying to discredit the other side.”
So? That isn’t the science. Just because I regularly discredit you doesn’t mean I cannot do proper science.
“We’ve seen more homogenization of raw temperature data than can be followed, once the questions are asked.”
This doesn’t even make sense.
“If it was so obvious, Science-settled and all, would all that be necessary?”
Knock off the childish bullshit. This is tantamount to saying, “We’ve got the human “gene map”…why do research in genetics anymore?”
@36 Darryl,
I have to differ on a small point.
“The cartoon was not making a point about climate change.”
and (see Figure SPM.3).
Bob clearly needs and relies primarily upon graphics for understanding. Despite his ability to spell “homogenization“, words and their meaning are alien to him.
So the Secretary of State in Colorado sent a list of “Fraudulent” voters to the D.A. in Boulder and requested they be reviewed for prosecution.
You’ll never believe what happened….oh wait, you’ll totally believe it.
17 voters listed as non-citizens and ineligible. 17 of whom were easily identifiable as citizens.
The .005% of votes deemed ineligible by the Secretary of State (Republican of course.) is down to .004%. But hey, what’s spending government dollars on investigating 155 votes. Some of those races actually were decided by .005% margin. When Republicans speak of waste in government spending do they include this?
Voter Fraud!!!! Y’ARRRRGH!!!
@35 Just make sure the CO2 stays within breathable levels but is enough to make the container unbearably hot and you should be okay.
Between 2000 and 2010, there were:
649 million votes cast in general elections
47,000 UFO sightings
441 Americans killed by lightning
13 credible cases of in-person voter impersonation
H/T to Mother Jones via Slog
Meanwhile in other news the WaPo “LOVES” them some McAuliffe…
Puddy guesses those two government investigations (Department of Homeland Security Inspector General and Securities and Exchange Commission) are finally getting traction at the soon to be Jeff Bezos owned paper!
Wow, block-quoting Eat The State! for a link. They were last relevant in what, 1997? And they can’t seem to figure out if the tunnel is a state project or not! You must really be bitter over losing that fake election you insisted we have.
VA is going to vote themselves a Democrat into the governors’ mansion in the fall. The Republian currently residing at that address is a disgrace and the Republican running to replace him wants to ban oral sex.
The Dem isn’t much to write home about, but he’s a hell of a lot better than anyone the Republicans have on offer.
“Stupid. Or. Lying.”
I don’t know, Lib Sci. After commenting over at (un)SP for awhile, I think that should read,
“Stupid. Lying. Or. Crazy.”
They’ve got some damned crazy people over there.
43)Usually control of Richmond goes to the party who did not win the White House. Although the way the GOP nominated their slate of candidates this year, may backfire.
Glory be to Stalin! Our Washington Eco-Fascist-Commies beat the Texas Secessionists 8 – 4 today in the Little League World Series.
Thank you, Darryl – you do yeoman’s work with our resident representative of the right-wing ‘intelligentsia’.
What a buffoon.
Hopefully your work here today, like the time before, will result in him disappearing for a few months.
Gawd, I found Mark Musser. Remember him? He was the BIAW tard who wrote that nasty screed in 2007 hating on cookie-munching, little old lady eco-terrorists and liberal-fascism.
Articles By Mark Musser
•The Snows of Rainier
•The Easter Mythology of Modern Progressivism
•The Historicity of the Resurrection of Christ
•Getting Gored: Michael Mann’s Apocalyptic Prophecies and Al Jazeera’s Green Jihad
•An Eco-Fascist Gassing Experiment with Diesel Fumes at the EPA
•The Green Nazi Tycoon Alfred Toepfer
•Green Lebensraum: The Nazi Roots of Sustainable Development
•Friedrich Nietzsche and His Proto-Nazi Eco-Fascism
•The Greens, Religion, and Science
•The Green Nazi Deep Ecology of Martin Heidegger
•The Green Nazis
•The Nazi Origins of Apocalyptic Global Warming Theory
•The Original Enviro-Nazis
Get a load of those titles! “Green Jihad”!! Yup, that’s Musser. Fucktard.
This is gonna hurt many HA loons. Puddy came across this global warming paper… Did that paper admit only 36% of the world’s engineers and geoscientists now believe that humans are creating a global warming crisis? Did that paper admit almost 1100 respondents believe GAIA is the primary cause of recent global warming (the 64%ers)? Noooooooooooooo! With all those footnotes it looks very peer reviewed.
And all can see the biases of the survey takers. Anyone who isn’t part of the 36% group are called deniers (HA loons favorite comment), and that seems to be the vast majority of the survey respondents. Hmmm…? Seems the survey people classify people in three categories:
Lovers of Global warming
Denier scientists who question IPCC asserted global warming, the vast right-wing climate denial machine. Well it seems these surveyors are not part of that group!
Skeptical scientists who speak out against climate science not those who speak out against the East Anglia hockey stick asserted climate projections of Phil Jones and friends in NASA like James Hanson.
The bottom line is there are now more geoscientists, meteorologists, and engineers responding they are skeptics of an asserted IPCC and East Anglia global warming crisis. Butt what do you see in the libtard media? The leftist organization non-scientists who continue to suck the media and suck government bureaucrats telling “us” the exact opposite of the actual beliefs of most of their scientist members.
You really wrote that. You really did.
You apparently have no clue what you’ve just revealed about your understanding and ability, or lack thereof, to discuss technical/scientific/academic literature .
Retread? The truth is a retread SCHMUCKO? All can see you are HA’s unemployed ASSHOLE moron’s personal apologist! Why don’t you give him a job SCHMUCKO? He can write some great goto code for your computer!
All can see the material in question blows apart the screed of SCHMUCKO and others. Instead it’s another ad hominem attack on Puddy!
So sad and so typical!
Hey SCHMUCKO, you scream all the time over stuff not peer reviewed. Now we have a REAL leftist peer reviewed study and oh no attack Puddy for finding it!
So sad and so typical!
Does the act of peer-review make something leftist?
Is that a corollary of the observation that facts have a well-known liberal bias?
Person Playing Puddybud,
Your character forgot one important detail…the research was on engineers and geoscientists employed in the petroleum industry. You know…the industry that is also known as the “global warming industry.”
As the authors point out:
What will be the next great PuddyDiscovery? That 68% of prostitutes believe that anti-prostitution laws are unfair????
Their comments do though!
Person Playing Puddybud,
One other thing. Since when has your character been a global warming denier? I distinctly recall him/her acknowledging that it empirically seemed to be happening.
Oh…wait. Here it is:
Please…if you are going to engage in role-playing, at least be consistent.
Person playing Puddybud @ 56:
“Their comments do though!”
Huh? This makes no sense.
Who does “their” refer to?
Looking at your links, puddybigot, and one finds all sorts of interesting things….like falling down the rabbit hole.
The first author, Lianne Lefsrud, is at the University of Alberta School of Business, and formerly worked in the oil and gas industry.
Despite this, she may be a bona fide honest academic with truth to tell. Let’s look…
If you follow the link to her FORBES blog member page, you find a link to a hack named James Taylor, who is pushing her paper as you do – as some sort of attack on the notion of scientific consensus on anthropogenic climate change.
Well, she had this to tell him…
and this…
Did you read their methods, puddybigot?
The paper describes a survey of the members of APEGA – The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta.
God damn you’re stupid.
When you look into the other author, Renate E. Meyer, a professor at Vienna University of Economics and Business, you find all sorts of other buffoons misrepresenting their work, and that of others, as well.
When you follow the latter link, and its link to a Nature paper it ‘discusses’ you realize that misunderstanding/misrepresenting actual academic discourse is a rightard cottage industry.
So, I have to conclude, that yes, you really are that stupid, puddybigot.
That’s all you got Da Perfessa?
Person Playing Puddybud,
“That’s all you got Da Perfessa?”
Nope. I can continue humiliating your character over this for hours!
BreakingPuddyNews: Three out of four scientists working for R.J. Reynolds believe smoking is harmless!!!
Tonight Piddle’s character is The Black Knight.
“You yellow bastards! Come back here and take what’s coming to you! I’ll bite your legs off.”
Puddybigot wrote this…
Yet when it’s pointed out that the study population is not the “world’s engineers and geoscientists”, but rather 1100 petroleum engineers in Alberta, all he has is…
He’s too stupid to know when the legs have been kicked out from beneath him.
As the lead author of the paper says…
Yes, puddybigot is that stupid.
That’s exactly what I was thinking!
“It’s only a flesh wound…”
The thing is, puddybigot will learn nothing from this, experience no shame over this stupidity, will be back tomorrow (or later tonight) with more rightard drivel.
I think he must have absolutely no self respect.
Darn it LS! You spoiled it..
I was waiting for him to pull out that old
I love it when he does that!
Come on, that’s a solid opening paragraph no matter where it appeared. But ETS’s, and Geov’s in particular, institutional memory and staying power are worth something. But even without those, I try to have a wide variety of sources in the Open Thread. Also, FWIW, I’ve linked to Jean Godden supporting the tunnel in past Open Threads.
Liberal parents let their daughter RUN WILD.. What will out goto moron for laughs around here do?
and BINGO!
So now the “librul” parents arrive on the scene..
Oooops.. That was awkward.. But wait a sec.. Maybe the parents are “schizophrenic”…
Damn! A house divided cannot stand.. The moral of the story being:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! One thing I know for sure. It sure is DAMNED miserable in this jerk’s house…
According to our goto jerk for laughs around here that happy young lady is a “nympho slut”..
How freaking sad it is to be our goto idiot for laughs around here.
In Australia, there is one thing in the upcoming election that Labor and the Liberal/National coalition can agree on, they don’t want a fourth party in the House of Representatives. Under the ranked voting system that Australia uses, combined with compulsory preferences, parties have to rank their opponents somewhere. So the Liberals have chosen to put the Greens in last place, and Labor wants the Melbourne seat the Greens won last time bsck.
@60 “That’s all you got Da Perfessa?”
It’s a stake through the heart of your argument. How much more does it take to kill vampire ideologies like yours? Let it die already.
Earlier this year, former PM Gillard sacked the Labor Party’s top candidate for Senate in the Northern Territory, and since the Northern Territory and the Australian Capitol Territory each only get two Senate seats, while the states get 12, with 6 up for election this year, it is almost a done deal. Current PM Kevin Rudd did not reverse the decision, even though the current Senator was one of his supporters. The NTs Senate seats usually are split,cwith Labor winning one, and the Country Liberals winning the other. The person who is now at the top of the ticket could be Labors first Indigenous Australian elected in either house. Three years ago, a Liberal from Western Australia became the first Indigenous Australian elected.
One of Amtrak’s top preformers in July was the Milwaukee-Chicago Hiawatha. YTD ridership is down on this route, but not by much. There were plans to extend it to Madison, and eventually the Twin Cities, but that was before Walker. The current route is too short, less than 100 miles.
No surprise that Puffy runs away with his tail between his legs and his head looking backwards.
Ouch! Former Ombudsperson at the WaPo offers Bezos some unsolicited advise….
Really? Why?
Wow, that’s gotta hurt. What about her accuracy?
What to do?
Well…there you have it, from the guy entrusted with overseeing the relationship between the readers and the paper.
Fairness is nothing but a trick word.
I’m glad puddybigot is on the fat, bigoted preacherman’s side of this, and I’m not.
RNC further marginalizes itself, unanimously votes to exclude NBC and CNN from primary debate coverage.
Now, crazy clown car to be live only on Fox, and other networks will only get gaffe and chuckle highlights from the show, to play in loop over and over….
Clearly geenyus stratergery.
Schmader over at the SLOG catches this
Signature Gatherer For Preserve Marriage Washington Faces Felony Charges After Allegedly Faking Signatures on Petitions to Get Ref. 74 on the Ballot
Good to know that so called conservatives are so very concerned about electoral integrity.
@76 the Gay Mafia should not only be feared, but it works in mysterious ways. Clearly the Gay Mafia had something to do with this.
@76, Well I heard from Reince Priebus, RNC chairman and obvious anagram, that the Republican Party is “horrific” and “obviously racist”, so I’m not sure either CNN or NBC would put Republican douche bags on the teevee.
Popcorn Futures! That may be the only financial instrument which is safe from Republican economic devastation.
Conservative Group Mobilizes Against McConnell on Obamacare
Hail Leader!
Remember Tim Eyman claiming that there was “no evidence” of abuse by paid signature gatherers? I seems that the police and prosecutors beg to differ, with at least one case of rather rampant fraud by a signature gatherer paid for by Eyman (revoking Gay Rights in Washington) and requiring a 2/3 majority for any taxes.
One signature gatherer said she considered it a victimless crime, as she took most of the names she subjitted from the telephone books and forged those signaturs. She told investigators she needed the money.
Prosecutors said that there may be many more such cases, but in some cases they could not identify who gathered the signatures.
Paid Signature Gatherers Caught Faking Names
2012 GOP Presidential runner-up and de facto 2016 GOP Presidential presumptive nominee, Rick Santorum informs us that if you think you are Middle Class, you are some kind of “Marxist”.
via Steve Benen
“Well I heard from Reince Priebus, RNC chairman and obvious anagram“
Rep. be urine (sic)
@83 Darryl,
I shamelessly stole “obvious anagram, Reince Priebus” from the one and only Charles Pierce.
But yes. :-D
One thing that Priebus hasn’t noticed, is the programs they got a problem with, have not been written or produced. He should be waiting until after they are maid. One of them is supposedly being done by somebody who thinks Hillary Clinton is too corporatist.
@81 North Carolina just outlawed paid voter registrations. So, Republicans are people who believe paying people to register voters should be against the law, but paying people to collect signatures for anti-government initiatives shouldn’t be. GOP double standard again.
Snowden Was Right
“The National Security Agency broke privacy rules and exceeded its legal authority thousands of times since it was given new powers in 2008, according to top secret documents leaked by Edward Snowden, The Washington Post reported Thursday. The Post said most of the breaches involved unauthorized surveillance of Americans or foreign intelligence targets in the United States.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Bush’s KGB at work. Where is Obama on this? And we’re supposed to trust NSA apparatchiks to do what’s right?
Too bad the number of signatures was not enough to have denied it from getting on the ballot. Although R-74, was already law, but was suspended pending voter approval. Still, people had been warning for years this would happen.
In Australia, interesting developments in how the marriage equality issue is influencing the election. The Liberals are against it, Labor is for it, but if they have the chance to reintroduce the legislation, it will again be a conscience vote. Without the Liberal/National coalition doing the same, it would fail. What is interesting, is Liberal leader Tony Abbott’s closest supporter, is a Lesbian, and supports marriage equality.
Also, Labor’s leader in the Senate, is a Lesbian, but thinks a marriage equality referendum would be too divisive.
Second Amendment Report for Aug. 16, 2013
Denver police have shot down an “active shooter” who was meandering down a street shooting at people. At least one woman was killed. Police said they found a hand grenade and booby-trapped propane tanks.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I don’t think this nut should have been allowed to have guns. Having easy access to guns didn’t make him “polite” as the NRA claimed it would.
This from the Freedom Party. What a bunch of maniac hating hypocrites. They don’t value human life, Freedom, nor Patriotism.
Come on Bob, Puffy defend these fuckers.
Does anyone know how much weight Chris Christie has lost. Now that it’s been a while since his weight loss surgery shouldn’t the guy be thin again. Why is he still a fat fuck?
Another Second Amendment Report for Aug. 16, 2013
A 22-year-old WWU student in Bellingham blew his brains out this afternoon while horsing around with a gun he didn’t know was loaded.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is what happens when children play with guns. Children shouldn’t have guns. Nobody under 30 should have a gun, except in the military when needed for their duties.
@91 Any god worshipped by their ilk can’t be much of a god.