As if we couldn’t tell. After Obama was elected, what was the Senate G.O.P. plan for governance? Make a public showing of wanting to work with Obama, but then oppose everything.
Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) came to Bellevue yesterday to tell Republicans he’ll blame them when McKenna loses.
The Borowitz Report interviews Mitt Romney.
Complaint filed with PDC alleging that McKenna campaign broke disclosure laws.
Guess who else Romney murdered!
Puget Sound area traffic this weekend…is going to SUCK.
Mass Shooting Of The Day (TM)
“Three people were shot and killed and another injured by a dissatisfied patron of a strip club in Alabama late Thursday, police say. Police arrested the alleged shooter, Ryan Clark Petersen, 22, … and charged him with three counts of capital murder and one count of attempted murder.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You humans shouldn’t have guns. You’re too violent. This would never happen at a bunny club. We merely bite, kick, scratch, and gouge each other. You might lose a few patches of fur, a couple teeth, or an eye; but we don’t stab or shoot each other.
So, where are things in mid August?
Well the McKenna & Dunn campaigns have showed us that Republican hopes in WA are … Done.
And how about the Slick Willard campaign just days before the convention? We’ve all grown accustomed to the gaffe machine that the Slick Willard is, but we’re junkies on this stuff. The more the American people get to know Slick Willard, the more they dislike him.
And it’s not just Democrats and Independents who dislike him with each passing day, it is Republicans as well. Go take a look at the buyer’s remorse going on over at (un)SP, led by pudge no less.
With no ‘adults’ in the room the Tampa Bay convention is very likely to not only NOT produce a bounce for Republicans, it is more and more likely to kick them further in the ditch as their whack-a-doodle paranoia and bigotry is on display for the whole nation.
Roger, I hope you have leveraged your portfolio BIG on popcorn.
AS much as I like The Onion, the whole JonBenet Ramsey thing is in utterly poor taste. I suppose thats sort of par for the course with The Onion, but that little girls murder is still unsolved and her killer is still out there.
Anyone who hurts a kid needs to be slow roasted over open coals.
Don’t know if it is true or not, but I heard that the reason Chris Christie is threatening to come back to the Puget Sound is because the morbidly obese and verbally obnoxious SOB got a gig as the fatman at the Ringling Bros. & Barnum & Bailey Circus coming to Tacoma next week.
CNN Opinion piece yesterday …
“Why Mitt Romney is Losing”
Not… “is he losing?” …. “why he IS losing”.
Of course this IS the LAMESTREAM media so what do you expect …
Even the most left-leaning media outlets have a vested interest in keeping the horse race exciting … sell more papers that way. If they’re calling it already it must be too damn obvious to ignore without looking ignorant.
Re Biden’s revelations: Why is it a surprise that in 2008, with the country in crisis, Republicans decided to put their partisan self interest ahead of the suffering of ordinary Americans? Don’t they do that all the time?
@2 It’s hard to find a pure popcorn play. The top-selling brand is Redenbacher, which is owned by ConAgra, a stock I won’t own. Pop Secret is owned by Diamond Foods, a troubled company whose stock I wouldn’t touch with a lineman’s insulated pole. I own Kellogg, which owns Pringles, which is the next best thing to popcorn. Make Roger Rabbit happy and munch on Pringles instead of popcorn while you watch the conventions.
@5 “The basic rap on Romney — who represented, let us not forget, the conservative alternative to John McCain during the 2008 race for the Republican presidential nomination — was that he wasn’t sufficiently conservative. To reassure conservative primary voters, Romney embraced positions on a wide range of issues, from immigration to taxes, that are more popular among reliable Republicans than among swing voters.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Romney’s flaws mask the GOP’s real problem. The grassroots party is so radical their candidates unelectable. It’s hard to tell who dislikes Romney more, Republicans or Democrats. He’s the default candidate because, as bad as he is, all the other GOP contenders were even less electable than he is. I have a feeling Democrats will wake up on Nov. 7 pleasantly surprised, and not just by the results at the top of the ticket. The GOP has blown it big time.
So Huntsman Sr. is not the source. However, he has this to say:
10 or 12 years? Uhhh Senior??? How about the rest or the time? He must have misspoke.
Is there nothing they won’t do to steal this election?
I mean how do they expect to get away with this?
My, my,
Our local wingnutburger trolls seem strangely silent today.
Something bothering them????
Sigh.. Another Bain plant closing.. Oh well Willard’s campaign wrote off Illinois long ago..
Train their overseas replacements – the ultimate gut kick. I’m sure Willard’s IRA is going to expand quite well on this deal.
I understand Willard tromped through the corn fields of a salt-of-the-earth Iowa farmer.. Ohh.. How stirring those traditional American values..
It helps the “farmer” is also a multi-millionaire real-estate operator with a spaceship looking house with an underground garage for multiple cars and its own car wash bay…
Heh. And a concert promoter who’s put up acts like Slipknot at his show venue.. Heh. That part’s funny..
Yep, the drip, drip, drip, drip, drip over Slick Willard of the offshore bank accounts and multi-milti-multi-multi million dollar offshore IRA not releasing his tax returns is not going to go away.
Just what is so absolutely terrible in those returns?
Will Rmoney give his VP selection the same pass and not vet the GOP VP nominee’s tax returns?
Wow a “hammer blow” to Dr Butt’s beloved cause of right wing BULLSHIT!
David Barton gets his pseudo history book pulled by its Christian book oriented publisher over the shit Barton made up.
Oh I can hardly wait to see Glenn Beck cry again!
I just want my right wing bullshit back…
# 12: Yes, my brother-in-law found himself in a similar situation. His company decided to hire programers in India to do the job of his division, and as the work was parceled out to India those remaining in the U.S. office were expected to test the product, correct errors, and train their Indian counterparts. Everyone knew what was coming, although company management insisted – with a more or less straight face – that there were “no plans” to replace the remaining U.S. workers. It took longer than expected – the skills of the contracted workers weren’t quite as good as advertised – but just two months ago the company lowered the boom and issued layoff notices to all but a few of the most junior workers. Some of the most senior workers, fortunately, were able to slip into an “early retirment” package just before the layoffs were announced – my brother-in-law included.
Of course,my brother-in-law hadn’t been sitting on his hands this whole time. He could read the tea leaves as well as anyone, and he made sure his certifications were up to date, and peddled his resume for the past three years. But the only offers he got were for contract jobs requiring relocation at his own expense, significant salary reductions, and no benefits – but insurance is important when you and your wife are in your upper 50’s.
Fortunately, just after “retiring” he was offered a job by a former client, with equivilent salary and benefits. His only loss is that he goes back to only two weeks vacation per year. I’m not sure how he’s going to handle the retirement benefits, but it’s pretty much a win-win situation for him – his former employer has been circling the drain for quite some time due to a series of inept executives, some of whom were distracted by the prospect of future political careers.
16 – Very lucky man indeed in these times.
This is the kind of bold, innovative, strong, no-bullshit business-like decision making that makes “bob” the cereal clown servative and the emperor max mini-dick (aka kaiser bun the first) cream their jeans.
Like Joe Soptic…these workers are just fucking screwed by the likes of Bain Capital in this Bush/Republican Depression. At least, thanks to President Barack Obama…these fucked-over workers won’t have to lose their health care.
Imagine…having to TRAIN the guys who take your jobs overseas.
What kind of heartless motherfuckers do their fellow Americans like that?
Let’s hear the assholes like the suave and erudite “bob”, the cereal clownservative and the emperor max mini-dick (aka kaiser bun the first) and the puddysoftwhippedpussy defend this kind of crap.
Ought to be good, eh?
@ 11
You couldn’t have meant me.
A couple of days ago there were a coupla trusty HAers wanking furiously to some alleged connection between Romney and hit squads in El Salvador.
All you had to do is watch Miami Vice reruns and you would understand that no one goes to Miami in the 80s for money unless they understand it’s drug money, I believe someone said. And Darryl was silent.
I pointed out that none of the majors had picked it up. Not quite correct, as LAT wrote a bit about Romney’s start-up capital origins last month:
Anyway, it seems that the same people who Romney got money from have been meeting with Obama’s White House:
The notable passage from that piece:
As the Huffington Post points out, in 1990, Orlando and Francisco de Sola “allegedly” assassinated two left-wing activists in Guatemala. They don’t mention that the report states there was “no definitive evidence” linking them to assassinations. Moreover, the alleged assassination took place six years after they invested in Bain. It’s amazing that Romney’s supernatural ability to foresee future events hadn’t kicked in.
If we concede that the story has legs, it is also fair to ask: Why would the Obama Administration meet with leaders of right-wing hit squads?
After all, Francisco de Sola met with Obama’s Deputy Secretary of Commerce in January 2012. He also met with Eric Postel, the Coordinator Of The Partnership For Growth in February 2012 to discuss an a initiative that seeks to “focus international resources on reducing the primary obstacles to a country’s economic growth.”
So I guess my question to the HA Miami Vice conspiracy theorists is this:
Why is Obama meeting with murderers? Is it OK, now, because maybe they’re rehabilitated, just like it’s OK to pal around with former domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers, ’cause he’s rehabilitated, too?
Or maybe there just isn’t a story, and no one unless someone out of extreme desperation would try to make one up. Teddy Kennedy didn’t, in 1994.
Of course, Teddy Kennedy wasn’t in danger of losing to Romney.
The mitt’s hitting the fan. Willard is screwed ’cause his Mormon Brother is sick of it.
PS The story is that Huntsman, SR is Harry Reid’s source. Buh-bye, Mittens.
@ 20
I see you have the reading comprehension of a third-grader, Rujax.
The story is that Huntsman, Sr., is NOT Reid’s source. You dumbfuck:
Some speculated that he might be the source for Harry Reid’s unsubstantiated claim that Romney paid no taxes for 10 years, based on the Utah billionaire’s past close relationship with Romney and his son’s more recent antagonistic one. Huntsman, while echoing Reid’s call for Romney to release his returns, denied to the Post that he was the source, calling the allegation “absolutely false.”
re 19: The only problem with your damage control is that you will need someone on your side who can it read without moving their lips, and, having passed that hurdle, understand what they read — and, having passed that barrier, have the ability to communicate what they read without developing a beet-red face, steam escaping their ears, and a stuttering, pre-connipption fit manner of speaking.
@ 22
I think you got a little too cute and ended up having no point.
The damage control is that there’s no story – it’s not getting traction in the MSM. Bad week to bring it up, perhaps. In a week in which a pro-Obama PAC was caught essentially suggesting Romney was responsible for a guy’s wife’s death, they’re not going to run with a story that alleges Romney took money from drug-laundering Salvadoran murderers.
If it gets beyond Amy Goodbitch or Rachel-large-mole-on-her-neck-seems-to-be-moving-on-camera Maddow let me know. Until then, nice try.
Got ‘Smuggler’s Blues’ in my head lately.
Go F*ck yourself you dense dimwit.
Wow! Mitt Romney causes cancer and murdered Jon Benet Ramsey!!!!
Ha Ha!!!!
Looks like two can play this game of ‘twisting the truth just a leetle leetle bit’. Except, your side has been doing it for so long and there’s been enough debunking over time, that Republicans have zero credibility when it comes to the truth. And when you complain that the other side is lying about you, well, the reaction is just hilarity at your faux outrage.
Calling you and your ilk ‘chumps’ is putting it mildly. (I learned that from the guy who invented the internet.)
@ 24
Go F*ck yourself you dense dimwit.
Profanity in lieu of reasoned comment.
Gee. I’m so surprised.
In a move reminiscent Wednesday’s luring supporters of affordable and available health insurance with the promise that they can move to Massachusetts to live under RomneyCare once ObamaCare is repealed, today Slick Willard promises us his campaign would be improved if Obama would just shut up and quit picking on him.
Sounds like Slick Willard is saying “My _____ hurts.”
re 23: “I think you got a little too cute and ended up having no point.”
I think that you are too used to communicating with conservative nitwits. The whole point of Mitt’s losing is that he demagogued the knuckle draggers (the Republican base) and now the swing voters don’t trust him.
Remember, the swing vote is not the ‘wink wink, we’ll tell the idiots what they want to hear and they’ll vote for us’ crowd.
Baldly stated, Romney is surprised that the swing voters did not see through his lies to the Republican base and see the real Mitt, lurking just beneathe the BS.
You guys are just disappointed that Mitt’s a lousy liar.
@ 28
Ah. Thank you for that thoughtful analysis. My eyes are now open, having seen your partisan perspective.
@26 Serial Idiot,
Reason? Tell us, which alleged leaders of right-wing hit squads did Obama meet with?
Did Obama, like Slick Willard Romney, meet with Francisco de Sola and Herbert Arturo de Sola requesting money?
And, of course, Ms Reason, provide the citation.
@ 29
I’ll grant you that Obama does a far better job of lying. More experience doing it.
Mitt’s ‘Tricky Dick’ without the tricky or the — well I don’t want to offend Cereal’s delicate sensibilities. Saying certain words might make his naughty parts tingle.
@ 31
Tell ya what. Provide me the proof – a Miami Vice Season Three VHS package isn’t proof, BTW – that those guys were murderers, and THEN ask me for citations.
Beginning to understand, now, how there is no story?
re32: “I’ll grant you that Obama does a far better job of lying. More experience doing it.”
So, you admit that Mitt Romney is a liar.
You know what? I’ll grant you that I’m in full agreement with you that Romney is a liar.
@34 Serially Confused,
Yes, you are the voice of reason. Well done!
re 34: “Tell ya what. Provide me the proof….”
You must mean the kind of ironclad proof that you wingnuts provided after accusing Hillary Clinton of murdering Vince Foster.
I’ll tell you what: I’m committed to that level of truth-telling when it comes to slamming not only Mitt Romney, but ALL Republican candidates.
@ 36
Go do your victory dance. Lemme know when it hits the MSM as a true story, not just some dKos wet dream. Meanwhile, Stephanie Cutter cancelled her Sunday TV show appearance.
People won’t be talking about El Salvador on Sunday morning.
“So I guess my question to the HA Miami Vice conspiracy theorists is this”
It’s your conspiracy, Bob. Your link leads nothing but this and some Regenry Press hyperbole.
And how is that in any way equivalent to your Republican presidential candidate accepting millions from very specific individuals? Those are his long-time friends and benefactors, without whom Mitt would just be George Romney’s loser little boy, someone we would confuse with “Biff”.
What are you more full of, Bob, bullshit or false equivalancies?
“And Darryl was silent.”
What the FUCK?!?!
I have no idea what or who you are babbling about.
Oh…and I don’t care. One could make a full time job just debunking the bullshit you dump in these threads, let alone anyone else!
Did you hear that Mitt Romney not only causes cancer, but consorts with South American thugs and murderers!!!
Ha Ha — Mitt Romney’s a liar and a crook.
Then I look forward to the breaking story about Romney’s consortium with Salvadoran murderers, and a frantic last-minute scramble before or even during the RNC convention to replace him with Jeb Bush.
Maybe Karl Rove will finally be frog-marched out of the White House, too.
@42 Nelson!
Quit picking on Slick Willard! Didn’t you hear when he told you his record is a distraction?
I’m not going to take any position on the source of Mitt’s financing. I don’t know who these individuals were, or their records, or whether or not they met with Mitt or the President or whomever.
I do think it’s hilarous that the right wing would think this is a talking point in their favor. I remember pretty clearly the Republicans castigating President Carter for cutting ties to Somoza and refusing to send troops in to put down the Iranian Revolution in support of the Shah. Carter had the good sense to see that propping up right-wing dictators was a losing strategy in the long run, and the ties were going to have to broken – better sooner than later. But to hear Republicans tell it, we had ensured the demise of the U.S. by refusing to support our “friends”, the tin-pot dictators.
@43 Serially Dim,
Can you begin to fathom that the story about Romney’s ties with tainted money is not getting traction because Slick Willard’s refusal to release his tax returns is sucking all the air out of the campaign?
Yes, that’s rhetorical. Nobody thinks you can reason.
It’s looking like Obama’s list of HRC replacements at State
just got a wee bit shorter:
What, he didn’t think people read The New Yorker?
@ 46
I think the story is getting no traction because there is no story, and that you guys are looking like idiots by trying to make it look otherwise.
Now this is funny. I mean really.
Name one issue that Mr. Etch-a-Sketch hasn’t flip-floped on.
Serially Dim,
Just to wrap this up, Here is what Romney said
Then neither you or Etch-a-Sketch has anything to worry about.
@ 51
Then neither you or Etch-a-Sketch has anything to worry about.
Yeah, pretty much. Well put.
Bill Murray has a fully restored 1963 Rambler Ambassador station wagon. That is one hell of a reverse hipster car to arrive at the academy awards in. How does this all tie in? It’s an AMC product……………..
I see there was no comment about the Allen West ad yet. I know that there would be absolute outrage about this ad being racist if West was a Democrat. It shows West beating up white Women and then stealing money from a family. The family is black, but that just takes advantage of the stereotype of black on black crime and of course the stereotype of blacks stealing. Where is the outrage from the NAACP, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and where is the post on this website decrying this “racist” ad?
@54 chris,
As most of us don’t live in Florida it is extremely likely we have not seen the ad you are alluding to.
And even if we did see it, Allen West does not present a figure with whom many people can sympathize. Chickens roosting and all.
eyelessgame over at BJ posted a priceless piece of delicious snark comment over Slick Willard’s whining over Team Obama’s repeated hitting him over the head with his life story.
re 56: ’nuff said.
Your guy is just fucking screwed…
I don’t give a fuck WHO the source is.
Romney’s taking body blows and can’t fight back.
Now he wants Obama on him.
Let’s start a new hashtag #whatapussy
Fri Aug 10, 2012 at 12:41 PM PDT
Romney begs for mercy: Please stop the Bain and tax attacks! It hurts!
by Jed Lewison
This is the Republican Candidate?
@58, Wonder if Team Obama is going to reply with “No Apologies“?
Here’s the pussy Raw-Money in action.
This is the clownservative’s boy, all right.
Somewhere, a ditch and a shovel are missing their rujaxoff
Another pussy heard from.
Oh dear!
Priorities USA which released that devastating YouTube video which caused Slick Willard’s team to point to the success of RomneyCare which caused the WINGNUTS to call for blood did not take Slick Willard’s plea for peace on MSNBC to heart.
Priorities USA just went ahead and posted another video talking about Slick Willard’s business and taxes and things of that nature which would call Slick Willard’s judgment into question.
What could Priorities USA be thinking?
@1 not all humans have a gun problem, just a certain ones. You know.
maybe I will catch one of your “shows”..then we will see how much smack you talk..
your govt check arrive today?
@54 – here is your response by the NAACP.
I think HA/Goldy should hire these two guys to provide the meaning for the HA Bible Study posts. Keep your pussy clean.
@55 I don’t live in Florida either, I live in Snohomish County, in fact. I just want to know what you think about that ad. There are occassional discussions about non northwest things on here.
@67….telling someone to keep you pussy clean, meanwhile he probably just got done fucking some bitch. Maybe if he’d stop fucking the pussy then maybe it would stay clean. Pussy doesn’t get fucked by itself.
@68 chris, have not seen the ad of which you want me to opine.
“Then I look forward to the breaking story about Romney’s consortium with Salvadoran murderers”
Oh, I kind of doubt that you’d like it very much, Bob. And don’t think we’re gonna let up on the tax thing.
“and a frantic last-minute scramble before or even during the RNC convention to replace him with Jeb Bush.”
Maybe. I’d rather see Obama carry Romney a few rounds and then finish him off shortly after the GOP convention. But if it came down to it, I’d bet the teabaggers take over. Just think of it, Bob, all those crazy people in a hot, sweaty Tampa convention center. At that point, I’d go with Palin-Bachmann. What do you think? A crazy Arizona sheriff? Too funny!
“Maybe Karl Rove will finally be frog-marched out of the White House, too.”
Too late for that, Bob, in case you didn’t know. It’ll have to suffice to know that Rove will never see the inside of the White House again and that he’s wasting a hundred million on what is obviously a failed Romney campaign.
“I know that there would be absolute outrage about this ad being racist if West was a Democrat.”
You obviously don’t know jack shit. But perhaps no one has ever told you that before, so I’ll cut you some slack this time.
“It shows West beating up white Women and then stealing money from a family.
More accurately, he beat up a white woman, a little old white lady and then he stole money from a black family. What an asshole!
“The family is black, but that just takes advantage of the stereotype of black on black crime and of course the stereotype of blacks stealing.”
Hmm, as you probably know what you’re talking about, I’ll defer to your opinion on the stereotyping of blacks.
“Where is the outrage from the NAACP, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and where is the post on this website decrying this “racist” ad?”
They’re probably laughing at it like I am. It’s damned funny! Throw your whine in there and it’s damned hilarious!!
There was a troll here a couple of days ago talking about the something, something the WA state budget under Governor Gregoire.
Given that the massively obese loud mouth obnoxious governor of New Jersey was here giving us the benefit of his advice (and not just for the free dinner!), how’s it going in his neck of the woods?
Well, governments should not pick winners and losers and the government should not be bailing out all the companies, so …. Wait. What???
Well, sheeeeet. The fattest state governor in over a century put down 10% plus the marketing campaign in a losing casino. Betcha he’s enjoying those free food comps!! Maybe he’ll double down?
Someone should have told the gigantically rotund one that when you bet in casinos the odds are stacked against you.
All I’m going to say is this is about guns.
re 65: YLBigot does say: US flag-draped coffins before 2008 arent really that important and deserve to be back page news spews:
Who do you think you’re kidding, jackass?