Please vote. Get your ballot postmarked or dropped off by tomorrow, Washington. Vote for a cleaner environment. Vote for holding team baby cages accountable. Vote because all of the trolls here are voting, and you don’t want them to have more power than you. Vote because corporations can spend millions of dollars on initiatives and candidates, but ultimately you get to decide.
Tomorrow is Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s best opportunity for a hard-on in the last decade. Don’t let him down, Democrats.
“all of the trolls here”.
More trolls here than women. Other than YLB, it’s as male here as it was for Steve’s last birthday party. Headless Lucy’s been gone for years.
team baby cages? what’s that?
Don’t worry, Carl, “all of the trolls here” in any shape to vote (i.e. who haven’t been lynched, banned, or run away) add up to exactly 1 vote, and there’s enough of us to defeat him. Besides, he’s too busy fucking horses to mail his ballot, anyway.
@1 Feeling a little nervous about your ilk’s prospects? Can’t say I blame you. There’s not much of a view from the bunker. When you get to Hell, just ask Hitler. His last 24 hours in power were tough on him, too.
“Other than YLB, it’s as male here as it was for Steve’s last birthday party.”
Right-wing incels are so strange. Anyways, I’ve never been into having birthday parties, but I was recently telling a friend about my 37th, when two Palo Alto High School girls insisted on coming over to my place to party with me. There isn’t an incel in America who wouldn’t have given their left nut to have been me that night.
Please resist if necessary too. Drop off your ballot and then be prepared to tell the cheaters to go fuck themselves and that you are not siding with racist fascist cheating fuckfaces.
@2 and just think you as a self proclaimed heterosexual are hanging out with a bunch of males, your preference, and choice mind you….. you must like the sausage
@3 I was wondering the same thing.
@3, 9
It should be Team Baby Cages, and relies on the liberal reader to link it to Trump and to not acknowledge that the photograph that got everyone upset was captured when Obama, not Trump, was president.
It’s the same Heads-I-Win-Tails-You-Lose mindset that permits liberals to participate fully in #MeToo without acknowledging the truth about Bill and Hillary Clinton in the process.
Wednesday morning, y’all HA libbies, think on your sins. They are many.
For some reason my edit of @ 10 wasn’t accepted.
Here’s a link to the Obama-era photo:
Here’s Jon Favreau coming clean:
Jon Favreau
Verified account
1. I tweeted a story that multiple journalists were posting. My mistake for not checking the date first. A few minutes later, when I realized my error, I deleted the tweet and immediately tweeted the correct info and date of the picture.
Jon Favreau
Verified account
May 29
2. In 2014, when the Obama Administration dealt with an influx of unaccompanied minors who showed up at the border, fleeing violence from Central America, the agencies charged with sheltering the children were overwhelmed, and the conditions were often atrocious.
Yes, you read that correctly: The Obama administration sheltered children in atrocious conditions.
Thank you, Carl, for this opportunity.
Goldy Retweeted
David Roberts✔
One of America’s two major parties is producing campaign material so overtly racist that America’s news networks refuse to air it. Sit with that for a bit.
Remember when the NYT rejected John McCain’s op-ed essay during the 2008 campaign?
Obama’s July 14 essay had taken shots at McCain for not further encouraging the Iraqi government to take control of the country.
So naturally, McCain wanted to respond.
CNN) — The New York Times has rejected an essay that Sen. John McCain wrote defending his Iraq war policy.
The piece was in response to an op-ed from Sen. Barack Obama that was published in the paper last week.
Media have refused balanced coverage for years. At least going back to when Donald Trump was a Democrat and Barack Obama was anti-gay marriage.
Resist people! Think about it. Repukes are “winning” (because we all know that it is made to think that we all stayed home and didn’t vote last time).
Stick with me – so they win (because they were more enthusiastic – right? Something I don’t buy into, but if that’s what you want to believe then believe it. So again, they win, and yet they didn’t stop there. They starting banning together with militias and forming or joining their favorite Neo-Nazi group. Not to mention to still suppress the vote and gerrymander and brainwash on Faux News that Great Booming Economy (but not one TV news station can tell you what the factual data that supports this booming economy – of course they only have a 2 second clip to talk about it).
So, come tomorrow, you go to vote, and the results are that we still didn’t come out in numbers and lose. What then? You going to wait for the next election? Wait while they ban together in their “winning” moments?
No! Resist. Kick, Scream and more. Let them label you as a cry baby. Your fist in their face will show them what crying is all about! Your choice to join them or go down fighting.
@ 13
I dunno, gman. It’s gonna be hard to top the stupidity of pink pussy hats. But if anyone can do it, the likes of you and YLB can.
As long as you’re gonna go down fighting, you’re supposed to be wearing chest armor for that, not kneepads, sillies.
“Barack Obama was anti-gay marriage.”
You don’t know what was in the man’s heart or thoughts regardless of what he said that was against it. You know very well people say shit to be politically correct (at the moment), including and mostly like Repukes that harp about being PC but everything they say is PC for their crowd.
Keep thinking you know what was in the man’s mind and heart and playing the game.
@14 anytime you want to come see my fist just let me know.
@10 “the photograph that got everyone upset was captured when Obama … was president”
Try this on for size: “Though the photos are nearly identical to those from 2014, there is one key difference between them: the 2014 photos showed only children who arrived at the border unaccompanied. The 2018 photos also show families that have been separated from one another.”
No, their policies aren’t the same. No, those photos don’t prove equivalency or validate your argument. And because it takes only 5 minutes or less to fact-check your comments, omitting material information won’t get you there.
@ 16
Hey, gman, I’m perfectly willing to believe your contention that Obama wasn’t homophobic and was merely lying through his teeth because he figured that was what would get him elected.
Does that help you any?
@ 16
You lost this one. Own it, Freakshow.
@12 “Media have refused balanced coverage for years.”
Sorry, but I refuse to consider Fox “media.” I’m willing to go with “entertainment,” but they’re not media. Of course, you could change “media” to “Fox” if you like, but given that Fox is synonymous with rightwing propaganda, that would make your comment redundant.
Trump’s pre-election tweet:
“Law Enforcement has been strongly notified to watch closely for any ILLEGAL VOTING which may take place in Tuesday’s Election (or Early Voting). Anyone caught will be subject to the Maximum Criminal Penalties allowed by law. Thank you!”
Yes, Puddy, wherever you are, he hates you and would rather see you in a pine box than a voting booth. But you’d vote for him again anyway, amirite? Because you are (or were) a lunatic.
@ 21
Of course you’re right, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Monitoring of polling stations has traditionally been conducted by Black Panthers carrying batons, not LE.
I read the Clintons cancelled the Hudson River fireworks celebration they had planned for tomorrow evening.
Okay, here’s 538’s forecasts for some races of particular interest, keeping in mind these forecasts are based on small shadings of probability and are nowhere near firm.
WA-3: Beutler probably fends off Long.
WA-5: McMorris-Rodgers probably fends off Brown.
WA-8: Schrier slightly favored to beat Rossi.
CA-48: Rouda favored to end veteran GOP congressman Rohrabacher’s career by a modest margin
Senate: Net gain of 1 seat for GOP. Everyone expects Heitkamp to lose; 538 thinks McCaskill, Tester, Nelson, and Menendez will survive, and Cruz will turn back O’Rourke.
Governors: Democrats are expected to make big gains, and are poised to take down Walker in Wisconsin, defeat DeSantis in Florida, and possibly even beat Knoblach in Kansas, while the execrable Brian Kemp holds a slight lead in Georgia (but is beatable, although a December runoff is within easier reach than an outright win for Stacey Abrams).
@18 do me a favor capitalize the G in Gman. Yeah Obama was so homophobic he decided to fight for them later. Maybe he is a racist too by that deduction of yours. Heck maybe even Puddy is Obama.
“A fake Oprah Winfrey, Aunt Jemima, a “magical negro,” and “Jews who own the media” are featured in a new robocall that is hitting Georgia voters in the final days of the campaign for governor between Democrat Stacey Abrams and Republican Brian Kemp.”
Not an enlightening discussion of public policy issues, is it? But Republicans aren’t exactly an intellectual crowd.
@19. That’s what the horse thinks of you everytime he has its cock in your face
@22 “The New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case is a political controversy in the United States concerning an incident that occurred during the 2008 election. The New Black Panther Party and two of its members, Minister King Samir Shabazz and Jerry Jackson, were charged with voter intimidation for their conduct outside a polling station in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.”
Three guys, one polling station, one election. Nope, not the same thing as the GOP’s systematic efforts in every election to prevent millions of American citizens from voting in their own country, but you’re too dumbfuck to know the difference.
HA News – Obama is a homophobe and is a homo lover.
@29 How can someone be a homophobe and homo lover at the same time?
‘Snob’ would have been too easy.
Some band members assembled themselves to spell out the word ‘coon’ using instrument covers that are normally used to spell ‘broncos,’ the school mascot.
@31 Wonder if Puddy was the band leader …
@30 I was running out the door when I wrote that….it was suppose to say that “Obama is a Homophobe and Bob (AKA Doctor Dumbfuck) is a Homo Lover.
See we all had it wrong.
There will be no troops firing on migrants, whether they throw rocks or not.
Atlanta was considered a top contender for Amazon HQ2, but apparently it’s not to be. Nobody has mentioned this, but I can’t see Jeff Bezos, who earlier this week said the final decision would come down to his intuition,
choosing a state governed by Brian Kemp.
We’ll have to wait and see whether Kemp cost Atlanta HQ2 and its 50,000 jobs, and only Bezos could tell us that (and he perhaps never will), but I’m thinking whatever chance Atlanta still has depends on how Stacey Abrams does tomorrow. I’m sure Bezos is waiting to see whether the state that elected a Lester Maddox a half century ago would elect a Brian Kemp today.
Has boob been pole-dancing for HA HEROES again?
Oh excuse me. That’s pork sauce’s gig.
Boob sports a donkey show..
Newspaper reporter in Michigan fired after incorrectly hanging up the phone and then saying out loud what she thinks of the GOP US Senate candidate.
The audio of the voice mail message is priceless.
@37 Glad to see you getting on board for journalistic integrity and impartiality. When are you going to quit watching Fox “News”?