Happy Park(ing) Day. Did Santa get you anything? Did you sing Park(ing) Day carols? I just hope that the War on Park(ing) Day assholes will calm down. But the most important thing is to keep Park(ing) Day in your heart all year long.
by Carl Ballard — ,
She wants Kavanaugh to testify first? Seriously?
It looks to me like Doctor Dumbfuck should be prescribing stronger meds for himself and his friends.
“The Illuminati will seek to undermine the Great Hero Trump by creating hurricanes to interfere with elections in November.”
“Opponents of the Great Hero Trump, Taylor says, are “not even human.” Their DNA, he reports, has been altered so that they are now “pure out evil” demonic creatures. These demonic non-humans, Taylor explains, “eat kids.””
“The demonic non-humans running the Illuminati cabal, Taylor says — in a possible preview of a future guest-lecture series at Liberty University — consists of all of those who gathered for the funeral of former Arizona Sen. John McCain. McCain, Taylor rationally explains, did not die of brain cancer. That was a cover-up. McCain was actually executed by a secret military tribunal run by the GHT because McCain, like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, was a non-human demon who kills and eats babies.”
“Taylor warns that President Trump will soon declare martial law and begin publicly executing his political enemies. Actually, Taylor did not say this as a warning, but as a celebration. “I view martial law as a great thing, under this administration,” Taylor said. He explains that it’s only fair for the GHT to round up black people, immigrants, women, Democrats, and other non-human, baby-eating demonic creatures, because that is what “the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton — what they meant to do to us.””
“round up black people”
I never took you as one to be into idolatry, Doctor, but I can see how this cult would appeal to you.
Just waiting for the correction myself. They don’t call it a correction because what’s happening right now is such a great success. It’s called a correction because it’s correcting something that is not realy real. #FakeWallStreet
The Florida Activist an DeSantis organizer supporter, DeSantis rejected the idea of returning the $20k, who Tweeted
Told the AP today he has a “Plethora if black friends”
Aaaaaand Scene!
@ 4
When you’re done correction-waiting, you’ll begin short-covering.
1. Why can’t Kavanaugh testify first?
2. Parking spaces could be used to park more homeless tents.
That way the clean up of needles and refuse could be more readily swept up and away by the city’s street cleaners.
Today the NRCC began canceling media buy reservations going into the all important October blitz period for about half of the vulnerable House incumbents and most of the open swings.
I thought that I couldn’t ever live in TexAss. But I’ve been in Dallas the whole week and it’s doable.
#9 Seattle has become so extreme in their never ending quest for more ways to milk the taxpayers. “Upgrade to Safeco field.
800 million total package comes from public sources (parking and ticket taxes, the public’s share of stadium revenues and the Mariners’ request for a share of the hotel-and-motel tax). The county insists that any tax money would be earmarked only for important stuff like plumbing and HVAC work, But that’s an accounting maneuver, designed to make the deal more politically palatable.”https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/in-safeco-field-deal-it-feels-like-the-taxpayers-are-the-ones-about-to-get-toasted/
So, why isn’t the parking /parking ticket monies earmarked for fixing the lousy potholes on the streets? Oh, that’s right we are all supposed to be riding our bicycles around the potholes or taking mass transit.
I can understand how other cities are looking more livable as city continues to find creative ways to spend and price out middle income wage earners. The traffic sucks, the Seattle City Council gets more extreme in their creative ways to spend more money to attract the homeless from all around the country. Honestly, I would rather spend tax payer dollars on teachers, books and quality education than on a damn sports stadium. Those who want the stadium should privately fund and pay for it.
Yawwwwwnnn.. Live somewhere else troll…
Other than King County.. Ooops.. Yes, troll, read the article again. King County, is the government entity that’s being discussed. Not any “city”.
I’ve been participating in these comment threads for over 13 years and the drone is the same..
for all of those 13 years..
@ 11
I believe YLB just made her first exclamation point-free post in 13 years.
Only one more commenter to ban, YLB. Then you can do your Bradley Manning imitation to your heart’s content.
Oh? And what of A1 bbq pork sauce, the troll that thinks the world of white nationalist hate and lie websites? And what about the schizo glibertarian? You know the troll who reflexively hates HRC, exhorts us to “look on the bright side”, calls Obama “the milk chocolate messiah” and thinks cutting off aid to Israel will only help eliminate the income tax..
The babbling butthole has taken long absences before but maybe since I caught it putting HA ahead of its nutty kult so many times one would hope that it is indeed possible to shame the troll away.
Geez boob, does the HA world only revolve around you?
It would appear that’s what you believe.
Please stick around. Keep entertaining us.
@10. Not that I disagree with all that you say, but plenty of homeless and down and out people in Dallas. Maybe more or just as many (on a scaled ratio) than NYC.
We can partly blame Pharmaceutical companies.
@10 I agree with you on the funding of sports stadiums. But I’ve had many conservative friends argue with me the validity of doing so.
What to do?
Busted. The dumbfuck should have paid for a Linkedin premium membership so his search would have been concealed.
“Kavanaugh ally did online searches for Christine Blasey Ford before she was revealed as accuser: report”
Of course, we didn’t need this to know that Republicans aren’t exactly the brightest bulbs around. You fucktards definitely need to “ram this through…hard and fast”.
“Only one more commenter to ban”
The loon wasn’t banned. He was lynched. You, of all people, should know that.
That aside, besides A1, you’ve also got Look on the Bright Side.
And speaking of looking on the bright side, at least it wasn’t a goat. It was just his nine year-old daughter. Nothing odd about that. For a Republican. anyway.
“Republican lawmaker abruptly drops his re-election bid after daughter accuses him of sex abuse”
Maybe this means nothing. But you know the pay scale can’t be that high here in TexAss, when a bum has to ask you for a cigarette when the cost is less than $7.00 per pack.
I kind of understand a bum having to do that in NYC, where a pack goes for $14.00.
Everything is relative.
Have TexAssan taxpayers paid for any of the sports stadiums?
It was only an attempted rape. What’s the big deal?
“GOP congressman: Kavanaugh accusations are ‘absurd’ because he didn’t succeed in assaulting ‘drunk’ Dr. Ford”
“Ram this through…hard and fast”.
Maybe Mr. Klynical will come back to keep Doctor Dumbfuck company.
“Ram this through…hard and fast”.
I’m having a decent meal (and healthy) ina very fine Italian restaurant- I’m having a salad with grilled chicken. With garlic bread on the house. All for $14.00. How can anyone be homeless here.
In fact it’s probably better to be homeless here than in Seattle. Maybe that should be Seattle sales pitch to rid themselves of their homeless.
Ohh, and don’t be fooled. Those people that say they’d rather teach a person how to fish, they really don’t teach anyone to do shit.
Like I said, the contagion will spread.
Whalen, Judge. CRC Coomunications, Judicial Crisis Network, and who knows, maybe even Leonard Leo could have subpoenas in their future.
Republicans were thrilled when Putin put a pussy-grabbing, daughter-fucking traitor in the WH. These same Republicans then eagerly supported a child molesting monster for the senate. Can anyone be surprised that Republicans now have no problems at all supporting a slimball creep who sexually assaults 15 year-old girls?
“Ram this through…hard and fast!”
It’s Flight 93 syndrome.
No matter how fucked up, no matter how high the risk or low the payoff, all politics have become “rush the cockpit or die trying” for the Date Rape Party.
They tore sobbing Guatemalan infants from their mother’s arms and locked them in darkened tile lined rooms without blankets or water. That’s an actual real thing that Republicans did. Gladly too, it would seem. FOR FREEEEEDUMB!!!!!!
They can’t even condemn Nazis.